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Hallo from Wiesbaden to our international guests - you are visiting the "High Fidelity Museum" (it's in German language)

The main-servers view
2 servers with 8 discs
Hifi-brochures -600 kilos
German magazines from 1945
Hifi-magazines and more
books and magazines about 1.8 tons
US-hifi - magazines up from 1949
and more
and more

Our Museum is a "virtual" museum in the internet only and a small nonprofit organisation. Our own web-servers reside in an affordable data-center in Germany. We do have no showrooms and no resident physical exhibition.

But we have a large editors office and a laboratory and a modern workshop and a large 140 square meters "studio" - and of coarse a huge stock of sample hardware and tons of papers, magazines and books and brochures in our editors office and our stockrooms.

And in our comfortable editors office, we have tea and cake to survive all the days and nights working on our scanners at the computers.

For example, we own about 20 very old upper class 3-motor tape- recorders for exibitions and more then 16 huge professional tv-studio cameras on very heavy 6 wheels Vinten tripods for historical movies and some large 2" and 1" video-taperecorders and more.

And we keep an address database with allmost all television- and magnetic-tape- and audio- experts in Germany, to answer or forward most of all questions (requests) to these people.

The "focus" . . . .

The main focus points to the German hifi-brands and their vintage products. However, we are listing a lot of international products from the worlds hifi history.

All the shown products are commented with a story around or with its real specs - from my view and experience of the last 40 years.

I dont like picture- galleries without any comments or without text or names. From my view, for every product or model or type listed and shown, there must be more infomation than the name only.

Beside the hardware products, you will find a lot of generic history information - as above - written from my personal view as a "West Germany" citizen.

And last but not least, there are huge knowledge areas with lots of articles about technology, quality and usage.

Friends of mine living in the US (around California) are preferring the google translator or any other realtime translator, to view the pages in their native language.

The pages are expanded and type errors are corrected and pictures are added day by day, so it makes no sense, to store a translation on shadow pages.
The typo3 CMS-system could do this, but I have not the time to serve these pages.

The virtual Museum is divided in 4 separated virtual "Buildings"

So please dont be confused. There is a

  1. fernsehmuseum (tv-museum)
  2. magnetbandmuseum (magnetic-tape-museum)
  3. tonbandmuseum (tape-recorder-museum)
  4. hifimuseum (high-fidelity-museum)

All these museums are crosslinked a lot and links are switching from one museum to the other one, it is topic dependent.

Have a look to the older international pages from our tv-museum.

To have an idea about the size - there were 35.000 pages in sept. 2019

and there are about 18.000 pictures - about 70% of all pictures are taken from Gert, the editor in chief.

This was written in August 2017. Because I am retired, I have (I thought, I would have) a "little bit" more time to fill the topics and pages with content.

The auto-scanner is running for hours, all scans are OCR processed and all texts are commented carefully. I think, without a comment or an text-addon and a link the old broshures and stories are unreal.

And up to July 2019 there are about 35.000 pages .

Have a look to our next imprint for the German tv-museum.

And here is a funny (German) description, where our museum is located.


- Werbung Dezent -
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