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1961 - Hifi Geräte der US Firma "David Bogen" bei AIREX

Das ist das (vermutlich nur teilweise) Hifi-Programm des Herstellers "David Bogen" im AIREX Katalog von Mitte /Ende 1961. Man nannte das auch die "Modelle 1962".

und vor allem - hier stehen die US Dollar Retail (Laden-) Preise !!!


Die Produkte dieser Firma (unter dem Namen "Bogen") haben es meines Wissens nach nicht "über den großen Teich" zu uns nach Europa geschafft. Die Hifi-Produkte waren nur ein Teil des Programms von Telefon- Nebenstellenanlagen bis zu Sprech- und Personen- Rufanlagen aller Art. Später nannte sich die Firma Bogen Communications. Eine Darstellung der Historie findet man im Internet.


About Bogen

The new Bogen Stereo Series consists of a complete line of stereo hi-fi components. They are highly specialized units that can be individually selected and easily integrated into a matchless custom radio-phonograph system. Advanced designs have been incorporated to assure tomorrow's standard of excellence. The extreme flexibility of Bogen components allows you to start with one sound source and add any of the rest at a later date. The classic beauty of the brushed gold finish will blend pleasantly with all types of decor.
All Bogen stereo receivers and tuners, SoundSpan Series and Fun Couple Series, feature built-in multiplex circuits. No external or plug-in adapters are required.


The unique, exclusive Bogen SoundSpan series components let your family enjoy stereo program or two different monophonic programs in different parts of your home at the same time and through as many as four speaker lines. For example, with SoundSpan you can send an FM broadcast through one channel and phono program through the other channel simultaneously. Similarly, tape, phono, AM, FM and various auxiliary inputs can be separately channeled in any combination. Both programs are selected for independent distribution to various locations in the home by a flexible speaker switching arrangement.

(1) RP40A SOUNDSPAN Stereo Receiver

Complate integrated stereo receiver with the ultimate in flexibility of control and quality performance. Consists of a powerful 44-watt (.22 watts per channel) amplifier and an extraordinarily sensitive FM-AM tuner with built-in multiplex. Separate Sound-Span program selectors for each channel and separate SoundSpan speaker selectors to control the function of four loudspeakers. Additional features include: extra heavy-duty, special "permafil" treated power transformer; third channel output; two phono inputs for even the lowest output cartridges; tape recorder outputs of the cathode follower, low impedance type.

Power Output: 22 watts per channel, 44 watts total, IHFM. Frequency Response: =*= 1 db, 18-30,000 cps. Distortion: Less than 0.8% at full output. Hum and Noise Level: -75 db. FM Sensitivity: 1.0 mv for 20 db quieting; IHFM, 2.75 /xv. AM Terminal Sensitivity: 1.2 /zv for 0.5 v. output; 3 juv for 20 db signal-to-noise ratio. AM Loop Sensitivity: 75 juv per meter for 20 db signal-to-noise ratio. Antennas: FM, built-in AC line and external connection for balanced 300 ohm or 75 ohm coaxial external antenna; AM, built-in rotatable loopstick and external connection for high impedance outdoor antenna. Audio Sensitivity: Magnetic cartridge, 2.5 mv; tape head, 1.4 mv; crystal cartridge, 140 mv; auxiliary input, 140 mv. Output Impedances: 4, 8, and 16 ohms. Multiplex: Built-in. Controls: Separate programming selectors; Dual Volume; Dual Bass; Dual Treble; Blend; Speaker Selectors; Input; Loudness; Rumble Filter; Scratch Filter; FM Tuning; AFC; FM Tune Tabs; AM Tuning; Power; Dual Power Output Balance. Tube Complement: 23 tubes plus three crystal rectifiers (including one matched pair) and six silicon rectifiers. Size: 16" w. x 13^" d. x 6" h. Shipping Weight, 37 lbs.

Bogen Model RP40A SoundSpan Stereo Receiver - Net Each $ 399.95 - Zone 2: 403,65
Bogen Model EN4-T Metal Enclosure - Net Each $13,95 - Zone 2: 14,55
Bogen Model WE4 Walnut Cabinet - Net Each .$29,95 - Zone 2: 30,65

(2) PX60 Multiplex Apdaptor

Complete self-powered multiplex adapter with advanced circuitry for undistorted reception of multiplex stereo broadcasts. Just piag into any of the following Bogen wide band tuners and receivers for enjoyable listening: R660, R710, FM51, RC412, RP40, SRB20, SRB40, T661, STP52, TC322, ST442, ST662, RP100, TC200, TC200A, TC100, RB140, TP40, RB115. Connections from the adapter to the tuner are external and automatically made when plugged in. Will not disturb tuner alignment. No modifications or wiring; necessary. No excessive drain on the power supply of vour tuner. Connecting cables supplied. Controls: Power On/Off; Audio level. Size: 4»^6" w. x 8W d. x 3J4" h. Weight, 3 lbs.

Bogen Model PX60 Multiplex Adapter - Complete with attractive Seville textured metal cage to match all Bogen components.
Net Each $ 69,50 - Zone 2 $ 69,80

(3) TP60 SOUNDSPAN Stereo FM-AM Tuner

The perfect mate to Model AP60. Advanced circuitry design offers unmatched reception of FM and AM programs. Built-in multiplex circuit. Uses the newly developed RCA Nuvistor, resulting in increased sensitivity, stability, and fine overall performance. Other features include: Dynamic electronic tuning indicators^ continuously variable dynamic AFC; and illuminated tune tabs for "quick-as-a-wink" tuning. Frequency Response: Flat to 75,000 cps. Distortion: FM, 0.6%; AM, 0.8%. FM Sensitivity: 0.9 nv for 20 db quieting; IHFM, 2.5 mv. AM Terminal Sensitivity: 1.2 mv for 0.5 v. output; 3 ^v for 20 db signal-to-noise ratio. AM Loop Sensitivity: 75 /jlv per meter for 20 db signal-to-noise ratio. Antennas: FM - built-in AC line and external connection for balanced 300 ohms or 75 ohms coaxial external antenna. AM -  built-in rotatable loopstick and external connection for high impedance outdoor antenna. Multiplex: Built-in. Controls: FM Tuning; AM Tuning; Variable AFC; FM Tune Tabs; Function Selector; Power. Tube Complement: 10 plus one low noise Nuvistor, two tuning eye tubes and three crystal rectifiers. Size: 16" w. x 9" d. x 6" h. Shipping Weight, 20 lbs.

Bogen Model TP60 SoundSpan Stereo FM-AM Tuner -  Net Each $ 269,95 - Zone 2: 271,95
Bogen Model EN5-T Metal Enclosure - Net Each $ 13,95 - Zone 2: 14,55
Bogen Model WE5 Walnut Cabinet - Net Each $ 29,95 - Zone 2: 30,65

(4) AP60 SOUNDSPAN Stereo Amplifier-Control Center

A versatile combination of the finest stereo amplifier and a highly flexible control center. Designed to satisfy the most discriminating listener. Delivers 66 watts power output (33 watts per channel) with exceptionally low distortion. All SoundSpan features included. Controls also provide illuminated visual indicators for speaker selectors, telling at a glance which speakers are functioning. Frequency Response: ±1 db, 18-30,000 cps. Power Output: 33 watts per channel, 66 watts total, IHFM. Distortion: Less than 0.8% at full output. Hum Level: -75 db. Sensitivity: Magnetic cartridge, 2.5 mv; tape head, 1.4 mv; crystal cartridge, 140 mv; auxiliary input, 140 mv. Output Impedance: 4, 8, and 16 ohms. Controls: Separate programming selectors; Dual Volume; Dual Bass; Dual Treble; Blend; Speaker Selector; Input; Loudness; Rumble Filter; Scratch Filter; Power; Dual Power Output Balance; Tape Monitor Switch. Tube Complement: 12 tubes and six silicon rectifiers. Size: 16" w. x 13^" d. x 6" h. Shipping Weight, 34 lbs.

Bogen Model AP60 SoundSpan Stereo Amplifier-Control Center. - Net Each $ 249,95 - Zone 2: 252,95
Bogen Model EN4-T Metal Enclosure - Net Each $ 13.95 - Zone 2: 14,55
Bogen Model WE4 Walnut Cabinet - Net Each $ 29,95 - Zone 2: 30,65




Compact, superb stereo receiver with a total power output of 40 watts (20 watts per channel). Designed for the power requirements of low-efficiency loudspeakers. The sensitivity of the FM section insures the lowest possible distortion with noise-free reception -  even in weak signal areas. Other features are: Pure filtered DC on low level tube heaters insuring hum-free performance, and stereo Multiplex circuit built-in. Power Output: 40 watts (20 watts per channel), IHFM. Frequency Range: FM, 88-108 mc; AM, 520-1640 kc. Frequency Response: =*= 1 db, 20-20,000 cps. Distortion: FM, 1.5%; AM, 3%; phono (Mag), 0.6% at continuous power output. Noise and Hum: FM, -58 db; AM, -48 db. Sensitivity: FM, 1.25 mv 20 db; IHFM, 3 /zv. Audio Sensitivity: Mag, 4.5 mv; signal-to-noise, 60 db. Crystal/Aux., 0.5 v; signal-to-noise, 75 db. Antennas: Built-in FM and AM antennas; provision for external antennas. Output Impedances: 4, 8 and 16 ohms. Multiplex: Built-in. Controls: Function Selector; Dual Volume; Dual Bass; Dual Treble; FM tuning; AM tuning; Off-On; FM-AFC; AM-Multiplex (Mono/Stereo in back). Tube Complement: 16 plus three crystal diodes, including one matched pair and seven rectifiers. Size: 16W w. x 14" d. x 5^" h. Shipping Weight, 29 lbs.

Bogen Model RP200 Fun Couple Stereo Receiver - Net $ 299,95 - Zone 2: 302,85
Bogen Model EN-2 Metal Enclosure - Net Each $ 11,55 - Zone 2: 12,15


Outstanding stereo amplifier-control center to control precisely all your stereo sources - FM-AM Multiplex tuner, tape recorder, phono or auxiliary. Use it as a 44-watt stereo amplifier (22 watts per channel), as a 44 watt monophonic amplifier, or as a ste euphonic preamplifier with its 44 watts as one channel and another monophonic amplifier as the second channel for higher-powered stereo or independent remote monophonic application. Power Output: 22 watts per channel, 44 watts combined, IHFM. Frequency Response: ±1 db, 20-20,000 cps. Distortion: 0.6% at rated output. Hum and Noise Level:  - 60 db mag;  - 75 db aux and tuner. Sensitivity: Mag., 4.5 mv; tuner, .5 v; aux., .5 v. Output Impedances: 4, 8, 16 and 32 ohms. Controls: Separate Co-axial Volume; Treble and Bass; Mode; Input Selector; Rumble Filter; Scratch Filter; Loudness contour; Tape monitor; Power. Tube Complement: 10 tubes, two silicon and one selenium rectifier. Size: 15" w. x 11 %" d. x 4M" h. Shipping Weight, 20 lbs.

Bogen Model AP200 Fun Couple Stereo Amplifier-Control Center - Net Each $ 154,95 - Zone 2: 156,85
Bogen Model EN1 Metal Enclosure - Net Each $ 11,95 - Zone 2: 12,55
Bogen Model WE2 Walnut Cabinet - Net Each $ 24,75 - Zone 2: 25,45



Superior stereo FM-AM tuner with remarkable sensitivity. Hairline tuning with D'Arsonval movement meter pulls in weak stations regardless of crowded wavebands and local interference. With its superb FM sensitivity, noise-free reception becomes possible in the weakest signal areas. Features built-in multiplex circuit. Used with Bogen AP200 for perfect match and performance. Sensitivity: FM, 1.25 aiv 20 db quieting; IHFM, 3 fxv; AM loop sensitivity, 100 ^v/meter, 20 db S/N; terminal sensitivity, 3 juv/meter, 20 db S/N. Frequency Range: FM, 88-108 mc; AM, 520-1640 kc. Frequency Response: FM, ±0.5 db, 2C-18,000 cps; AM, ± 1.5 db, 20-4,500 cps. Antennas: FM, built-in line antenna; AM, built-in ferrite loopstick; provision for external antenna. Multiplex: Built-in. Controls: Selector (stereo, FM-AM, FM, AM, Multiplex), AFC out, FM tuning; AM tuning; Power. Tube Complement: Nine plus three diodes. Size: 15" w. x 123^" d. x 4H" h. Shipping Weight, 17 lbs.

Bogen Model TP200 Fun Couple Stereo FM-AM Tuner - Net Each $ 199,95 - Zone 2: 201,95
Bogen Model EN1 Metal Enclosure - Net Each $ 11,95 - Zone 2: 12,55
Bogen Model WE2 Walnut Cabinet - Net Each $ 24,75 - Zone 2: 25,45


Quality monophonic high fidelity system in a single compact chassis. A precision Bogen FM-AM tuner for perfect reception of all your favorite stations; a low distortion 15 watts power amplifier with peak power of 30 watts; and flexibility of control that will take any job of adjustment in stride. Can readily be adapted to stereo. Power Output: 15 watts, 30 watts, peak. Tone Burst Rating: 21 watts. Harmonic Distortion: 2% at rated output. Frequency Range: FM, 88-108 mc; AM, 520-1640 kc. Sensitivity: FM, 1.25 juv for 20 db quieting, IHFM, 3 mv; AM, 5 /xv for 20 db S/N. Selectivity: FM, 180 kc, -3 db; AM, 8 kc, -3 db. Frequency Response: FM and Phono, ±1 db, 20-20,000 cps; AM, -3 db, 20-4,500 cps. Antenna: Built-in FM and AM. Noise and Hum: -55 db. Output Impedance: 4, 8 and 16 ohms. Controls: Selector (with equalization positions); Volume; Bass; Treble; Lo Filter; Hi Filter; Loudness; Speaker selector; Tuning; Power (in volume control). Tubes: 13 plus three crystal diodes. Size: 15" w. x 12y2" d. x 4%" h. Shipping Weight, 21 lbs.

Bogen Model RP100 Monomaster Monophonic Receiver - Net Each $ 169,95 - Zone 2: 172,05
Bogen Model EN1 Metal Enclosure - Net Each $ 11,95 - Zone 2: 12,55
Bogen Model WE2 Walnut Cabinet - Net Each $ 24,75 - Zone 2: 25,45


ist ein Lenco L60

A series of precision-made turntables with tone arms that meet the most critical stereophonic or monophonic requirements. These mechanisms offer such impressive reduction in rumble and hum, such great improvement in overall quality, they are far superior to ordinary players.

Both models feature "click stops" at 33, 45, 78 and 16 rpm speeds, plus continuously variable speed control from 29 to 86 rpm. Motors are 4-pole, heavy-duty, constant velocity types, driving a 11" balanced, rubber-padded turntable. Professional-style arm has handy, plug-in head that accommodates most popular cartridges. Arm raised and lowered by a flip switch in unique cueing arrangement to minimize record and stylus damage; features micrometer-type, easy-to-read weight adjustment gauge.

System wired, ready to operate with stereo or monophonic cartridges and systems. Turntable complete with vibration isolators and phenolic four-pin, plug-in cartridge head. Net Weight, 13 lbs.

Bogen Model B60 Phono Mechanism - With precision steel turntable. Wow and flutter less than 0.25% at 33H rpm; better at faster speeds. Less cartridge. Net Each $ 49,95 - Zone 2: 51,90

Bogen Model B61 Phono Mechanism - With extra massive, non-ferrous 7 lb. turntable. Wow, hum and flutter practically unmeasurable. Less cartridge. Net $ 59,95 - Zone 2: 62,55

Bogen Model PB6 Wood Base - For Model B60 or B61. Walnut finish. Net $ 5,25 - Zone 2: 5,50

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