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Der Amerikaner Ken Kessler hat auch eine Zeitschiene gebaut

Ken Kessler nennt sich ein Hifi-Journalist und schreibt über Hifi.

Als ein in 1952 gebürtiger Amerikaner lebt er jetzt in England und hat die Hifi Zeit auch nahezu von der Pike auf miterlebt und kann so sehr schön aus dem Nähkästchen plaudern und vor allem, er sieht das natürlich aus einem anderen (angloamerikanischen bzw. englischen) Blickwinkel als wir Deutschen. Und darum ist seine Sicht der Zeitschiene im Vergleich zu unserer Sicht schon erhellend.




  • 1946
    "Scale Model Equipment" Ltd founded; will later be known as SME, manufacturer of the world’s most successful tonearm
  • 1947
     Der erste Transistor wird bereits 1947 in den BELL Laboratories erfunden
  • 1948-49
    Columbia Records announces the microgroove 12" (mono) LP with 33 1/3 rpm playing speed
  • 1949
    - RCA introduces the microgroove 45rpm, large-hole, 7-in record (mono) and a dedicated record changer/adaptor
    - Ampex introduces its Model 300 professional studio recorder
    - Magnecord produces the first U.S.-made stereo tape recorder
    - McIntosh Laboratory is incorporated; its first product is the Unity Coupled 50W1 Power Amplifier
  • 1951 (das ist leider falsch - war bereits 1947)
    Bell Laboratories develops the Germanium transistor
  • 1952
    Marantz founded
    Emory Cook releases experimental two-channel ‘binaural’ discs
  • =============== Ken Kessler born ====================
  • 1953
    - Ampex provides a 4-track, 35mm magnetic film system for the feature film "The Robe", shown in "CinemaScope" with surround sound
    - Harman-Kardon introduces its first product, an FM tuner
  • 1954
    - G. A. Briggs stages the first in a series of "live - versa - recorded" demos in London’s Royal Festival Hall
    - The first commercial 2-track stereo tapes are released
    - AR - Acoustic Research founded by Edgar Villchur
  • 1955
    Dyna Company (Dynaco) founded by David Hafler and Ed Laurent
  • 1956
    Les Paul makes the first 8-track recordings using the ‘Sel-Sync’ method
  • 1957
    Westrex demonstrates the first commercial ‘45/45’ "stereo" cutter head
    Quad releases its first full-range electrostatic speaker
  • 1958
    The first commercial microgroove 12" Stereo LP with 33 1/3 rpm playing speed appear
  • 1959
    EMI fails to renew the Blumlein stereo patent, possibly the single stupidest move in the history of music or audio next to Decca failing to sign the Beatles contract
    SME produces its first tonearm, the 3009
  • 1960
    Japanese microphone specialist Stax introduces its first ‘Earspeaker’, an electrostatic headphone
  • 1961
    The FCC settles on (verfügt per Gesetz) an FM stereo broadcast format for the US
  • 1962
    McIntosh issues the MC275 75W/ch Stereo power amplifier – the company’s most beloved and enduring design – and the C22 preamplifier
  • 1963
    Philips introduces the Compact Cassette tape format and offers free  !!! licenses worldwide
  • 1964
    The Beatles conquer the USA; Ken Kessler buys his first LP
  • 1965
    The Dolby Type A noise reduction system is introduced
  • 1968
    SAE founded by Morris Kessler and Ted Winchester
  • Ken Kessler purchases first hi-fi system: Dual 1019 turntable, Scott 344C receiver, Scott speakers. Life changes forever. Audio world unaware of the pending threat
  • 1969
    Dr. Thomas Stockham begins to experiment with digital tape recording
  • 1970
    William Z. Johnson starts Audio Research
  • 1971
    Denon demonstrates 18-bit PCM stereo recording using a helical-scan video recorder
  • 1972
    Electro-Voice and CBS are licensed by Peter Scheiber to produce quadraphonic decoders using his patented matrixes
    Linn founded with launch of LP-12 turntable
    Introduction of Mark Levinson’s JC-1 preamplifier
  • 1974
    DuPont introduces chromium dioxide (CrO2) cassette tape
  • 1975
    Digital tape recording begins to take hold in professional audio studios
  • 1976
    Dr. Thomas Stockham of Soundstream makes the first 16-bit digital recording in the United States at the Santa Fe Opera
    Tim de Paravicini returns to England from Japan, to set up his own company, E.A.R. (now EAR-Yoshino)
  • 1977
    Meridian founded by Allen Boothroyd and Bob Stuart
    David A. Wilson and his wife, Sheryl Lee, launch Wilson Audio; it begins life as a record label
  • 1978
    3M introduces metal-particle cassette tape
  • 1979
    Oracle turntable introduced
    Ricardo Franassovici launches Absolute Sounds, to make real high-end equipment available to the British music lover
    Noel Lee founds Monster Cable, the most successful cable manufacturer ever; brings cable insanity to the masses
  • 1980
    3M, Mitsubishi, Sony and Studer introduce multi-track digital recorders
    EMT introduces its Model 450 hard-disk digital recorder (yes, 27 years ago!)
    Sony’s pocket-sized Walkman stereo cassette player revolutionises listening habits forever
    Krell founded; first product is the KSA-100 stereo power amp
  • 1981
    Philips demonstrates the Compact Disc (CD)
    IBM introduces a 16-bit personal computer
    Apogee founded
    Wilson Audio introduces the WAMM loudspeaker
  • 1982
    Sony introduces the PCM-F1 Betamax digital audio recorder, intended for the consumer market; it is the first 14- and 16-bit digital adaptor for VCRs. Professionals love it
    Sony releases the first CD player, the Model CDP-101
    Apogee launches the Full-Range Ribbon loudspeaker
    Krell releases KSA-50 amp
    Martin-Logan exhibits for first time at CES in Chicago, with a full-range electrostatic speaker
  • 1983
    Goldmund Reference turntable launched
    Jadis launched by André Calmettes
    Ken Kessler joins Hi-Fi News
  • 1984
    The Apple Corporation markets the Macintosh computer
    Meridian launches what many regard as the world’s first audiophile CD player
  • 1985
    Dolby introduces the “SR” Spectral Recording system
    Apogee introduces the Scintilla
  • 1986
    Wilson Audio introduces the WATT speaker; the Puppy subwoofer will follow two years later – will go on to be one of the best-selling high-end speakers of all time
  • 1989
    Chord Electronics Ltd established
  • 1990
    Dolby proposes a 5-channel surround-sound scheme for home theatre systems
    The write-once CD-R becomes a commercial reality
  • 1992
    Philips DCC and Sony’s MiniDisc, which uses digital audio data reduction, are offered to consumers as record/play hardware and software
  • 1993
    Sonus faber releases the Guarneri
  • 1996
    Record labels begin to add multimedia files to new releases, calling them ‘enhanced CDs’
    Experimental digital recordings are made at 24bits and 96kHz
  • 1997
    DVD videodiscs and players are launched
  • 1998
    MP3 players for audio downloaded from the internet first appear. And not from Apple
  • 1999
    Audio DVD Standard 10 agreed upon by manufacturers
  • 2002
    Leak shows signs of a possible revival with a prototype valve amp; it never materialises
  • 2003
    Sonus faber Stradivari launched, completing the Homage series
  • 2004
    Nagra launches its Pyramid amplifiers
    Sony demonstrates Blu-ray at the London hi-fi show
  • 2006
    SME’s Alastair Robertson-Aikman passes away
  • 2007
    Goldmund announces a limited run of the Reference turntable II: 25 only for the same money as a Ferrari
    KEF releases the Ross Lovegrove-designed £80,000 Muon loudspeaker


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