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70 watt stereo power amplifier - MODEL 35D


  • Anmerkung : Laut dem "Test" von 1965 war dies der erste Verstärker der Firma C/M Laboratorys von den beiden Ingenieuren Wayne Chou and Nick Morris. Die Vorverstärker kamen etwas später.

All solid-state 70 watt stereo power amplifier ... providing a purity of sound reproduction never before achieved by any other power amplifier design ... and at competitive tube equipment prices.

Ultra-low distortion at all power levels. Actual production units have consistently measured below 0.2% for total harmonic and intermodulation distortion. This figure includes test equipment distortion.

35 watts per channel RMS, 20 to 20,000 CPS. This is not a music power rating. Actual production units measure better than 50 watts RMS per channel into 8 ohm loads.

350 watts total available peak power. There is actually more reserve power than most amplifiers rated at 70 watts per channel.

Damping factor in excess of 500 over the entire range of 20 to 20,000 CPS, not just over a limited bandwidth. (Damping factor is a figure of merit of the coupling between loudspeaker and amplifier. It determines the accuracy of the mechanical movement of the cone as represented by the electrical signal at the input terminals of the amplifier. The higher the damping factor, the better the correlation. It is especially important in reducing spurious resonances of speakers and their enclosures, thereby improving clarity and instrument or vocal separation.)

Short-circuit and open-circuit proof. Completely automatic. No light bulbs, no fuses to replace, ever. No sacrifice or power capability.
Light weight and low heating. Only 25 pounds. Quiescent-state operation produces less heat than that generated by a 7-watt light bulb.

Quality workmanship. Time-proven parts and methods. Backed by more than 10 years of solid-state experience in the industrial and defense/space fields. All metal parts deburred, primed and painted or cadmium plated and iridited. Glass-epoxy printed circuit boards used throughout.

Full two year warranty on all labor and parts (Including Output Transistors). Guaranteed to meet or exceed all published specifications. Each unit individually checked, calibrated and endorsed . . . your guarantee of satisfaction and lasting performance.


OUTPUT POWER 35 rms watts per channel, 20 to 20,000 cps into 4,
  8 or 16 ohm loads. Total available peak power,
  350 watts.
FREQUENCY RESPONSE 20 to 20,000 cps, ± .5 db; 1 cps to 100,000 cps,
  ± 3 db @ 1 watt.
INPUT SENSITIVITY Approximately 1.3 to .65 volts rms for full output
  for loads between 16 and 4 ohms, respectively.
  Input impedance: 100k ohms, 20 to 20,000 cps.
TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION Less than .5% between 20 cps and 20,000 cps at
  rated power into 8 ohm load.
INTERMODULATION DISTORTION Less than .5% at power levels betwen .35 and 35
  watts equivalent single frequency power into 8
  ohm load (60 cps mixed with 6 kcs, 4:1).
OVERLOAD RESPONSE Recovery from clipping, 10 microseconds
  maximum. Automatic protection provided against
  short circuits, open circuits, or grossly
  mismatched loads.
DAMPING FACTOR Better than 500 for 16 ohms, 20 to 20,000 cps.
HUM AND NOISE 70 db below rated output.
SOLID STATE COMPLEMENT 22 transistors, 5 rectifier diodes, and 2 zener
  reference diodes.
POWER REQUIREMENTS 117 volts rms, 60 to 400 cps. 5 watts idling, 200
  watts at full output.
OVERALL DIMESIONS 61/8"Hx101/8"Wx12y4"D.
WEIGHT Approximately 25 pounds.
FINISH Blue and gray baked enamel.

Der US Preis:

PRICE: $285.00* Fair traded.
*Slightly higher West and Overseas.

- Werbung Dezent -
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