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1982 - Ein Blick auf das n/STAR™ Betriebssystem

Dem Betriebssystem kam und kommt die zentrale Bedeutung zu. Die Idee, auf ein gängiges im LowCost Markt verbreitetes Standadrd Betriebssystem aufzusetzen und die sogenannten "Multiuser file sharing capabilities" zu implementieren oder einzubinden, das war genial. Wir hatten ja erfahren, wie lange es bei Microsoft gedauert hatte, bis WIN 98/2 endlich problemlos im Netzwerk funktionierte.

Für 1982 war das eine geniale Idee, die sogar mit vielen Usern funktionierte. Und das war eigentlich der "Kasus Knacktus" dieses Computer Systems. Die beste Hardware macht keinen Sinn, wenn die Andendungsprogramm laufend abstürzen oder gar nicht funktionieren.

Wie beschreibt der Hersteller sein Produkt "n/STAR™ NETWORK OPERATING SYSTEM" ?



  • Multiprocessor networking architecture
  • CP/M-80f CP/M-86f MP/M-80f and MP/M-86® compatibility
  • Multiuser file sharing capabilities
  • Interprocessor communications protocol
  • Dedicated, system, and shared (spooling) printers supported
  • Comprehensive system security features
  • High performance file server
  • Remote terminal support



The n/STAR Network Operating System is a multiuser, multiprocessor operating system designed to complement Molecular Computer's Supermicro family of microcomputer systems.

n/STAR provides multiple users running on multiple processors with the power and convenience of a personal computer. In addition, n/STAR includes file sharing and interprocessor communications features that provide multiuser functionality most often associated with minicomputers and mainframes.

n/STAR provides an industry standard environment for software applications operating on Molecular Supermicro Systems.

n/STAR has been designed to allow many different processors operating independently to share files and peripherals and to communicate with each other in a highly efficient manner. This communication is handled over a high-speed bus: the m/BUS™ Interprocessor Link.

n/STAR consists of a file server module, which handles disk and other shared peripheral requests; modules in the individual single or multiple board computers (Application Processors), which provide a standard environment for software applications; and the utilities required to secure and efficiently operate a multiuser system.


Within a Molecular Computer Supermicro system are several independently operating single or multi-board computers called Application Processors.

Each Application Processor is connected to all other Application Processors, and to file servers residing in a separate single board computer called a File Processor. This connection is accomplished over a high-speed bus: the m/BUS.

An Application Processor is typically dedicated to a single user; however, Application Processors may also be shared for system-wide functions such as print queue control, communications cluster controllers, and data base servers. The File Processor controls access to the Winchester-technology hard disks and to other system peripherals.

The n/STAR Operating System provides compatibility and support for CP/M-80 and MP/M-80 software applications on the 8-bit Super-micro Application Processors, and for CP/M-86 and MP/M-86 software applications on the 16-bit Supermicro Application Processors.

Within the File Processor, n/STAR provides the software to process data requests from the Application Processors and to efficiently handle the system peripherals. File sharing and other multiuser functions are handled by the File Processor.

Anmerkung :

Das sogenannte MP/M-80 Betriebssystem hatte (im Gegensatz zum CP/M 80) nie irgend eine nennenswerte Bedeutung erlangt. Was daran nicht funktionierte, kann ich nicht mehr sagen.


Hier ein übrig gebliebener Text ?????

Irgend etwas fehlt ???

optional password, a user cannot gain access to the system. The User Profile specifies which Volumes are available to the user. It also specifies where print data is to be directed, and an auto-boot program to be executed immediately after the user logs onto the system.

Figure 1 shows an example of the User Profile utility, ASSIGN.


n/STAR contains provisions for the operation of remote terminals. A remote terminal can consist of a terminal and a modem, or another computer with a terminal and modem. A user at a remote terminal must enter a valid user ID and password before gaining access to the system and can only access those programs and files indicated by the User Profile. n/STAR monitors modem conditions and automatically logs off the user if the line is broken for any reason.


The n/STAR Network Operating System provides several modes of printer operation. The User Profile specifies which mode is in use. A local dedicated (single-user) printer, shared system printer, and print spooling to disk are supported. In "spooling" mode, printer output is automatically passed to a print queue manager which resides in a dedicated Application Processor. A queue maintenance utility is used to view or change the order of printing or to cancel print jobs within the queues.


n/STAR supports the use of non-dedicated 8-bit and 16-bit Application Processors as assignable devices. From a dedicated Application Processor, a user can attach one or more "system resource" processors, and use them to perform background tasks or to switch from an 8-bit to a 16-bit processing environment.


The n/STAR Network Operating System contains a large number of utilities designed to support the operation of a multiuser microsystem. Table 1 lists some of the key n/STAR Utilities and their uses.


Molecular Computer is a leading supplier of multiuser microsystems. Molecular Computer's products exemplify its commitment to high quality and reliability. The company's products are supported by a worldwide sales and distribution network, and by a nationwide service and maintenance organization.

Molecular Computer - The Supermicro Company

251 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, California 95134 (408) 262-2122
©1983 Molecular Computer

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