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Etwa 140 Receiver von 1974 (fast weltweit)

Bei den Receivern war das Qualitätsspektrum schon etwas weiter gestreut. Tuner und Verstärker getrennt in der gleichen Qualitiät kosteten doch etwa 20 bis 40% mehr als der gleich gute kombinierte Receiver. Und oben rum im Qualitätsbereich wurde es bei den Receivern doch leicht dünn. Die Japaner überschwemmten den Markt mit einer Unzahl von Typen und die anderen Hersteller weltweit hechteten hinterher.

Bestes Beispiel war für uns die Firma Marantz
, die zu der Zeit um 1974 bereits in Japan bauen ließ oder bauen lassen mußte. Und dann tauchten auch schon die ersten Monster-Receiver auf, so groß und schwer, daß man sie bereits nicht mehr klauen konnte. Dazu hatten die jede Menge Knöpfe und Schalter, die viele der mir bekannten US Amerikaner das ganz Jahr nicht angefaßt hatten.

Erstaunlich ist, daß wir in Deutschland von Pioneer und Onkyo und Panasonic und Yamaha und Kennwood und anderen deutlich mehr Modelle angeboten bekamen. Irgendwie fehlt hier etwas. Dagegen bekamen wir von NIKKO nur 2 Modelle zu sehen, die beide nichts taugten.

Was haben 2 x 5 Watt mit Hifi zu tun ?

Wenn Sie die einzelnen Geräte (hier insbesondere die Receiver) nur mal flüchtig durchblättern, fällt auf, daß die Amerikaner gezielt veräppelt werden sollten oder wollten. Unsere deutsche (umstrittene) Hifi DIN Norm 45.500 war ja schon ein übler Schmarren mit diesen 2 x 7 Watt Sinus an 4 Ohm. Doch was die Amrikaner sich hier leisten, ist unter aller Kanone.

Schaun Sie mal auf die Leistungsangaben, die von "dynamic power", "continuous power" bis "rms/ch" und mal nur ein Kanal, mal auch "with both channels driven" angegeben werden - und alles quer Beet durch alle Varianten von 20-20000 Hz bis nur 1 KHz. Es ist wirklich alles dabei, und nichts ist wirklich vergleichbar, natürlich überhaupt nicht absichtlich - ein Schelm, der sich Böses dabei denkt.


AKAI - AA-930 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

42 W/ch continuous power (122 W total IHF music power). Power bandwidth 20-60,000 Hz; frequency response 7-80,000 Hz. HD 0.07% at rated output; IM 0.05% at rated output. FM sensitivity 2.0uV; capture ratio 2dB; selectivity 70dB; i.f. rejection 100dB. Has separate signal and tuning indicators, sound monitoring, high & low filters, and FM muting. Rosewood cabinet. 19" W x 6.6" H x 15.7" D
.......................... $399.95

AKAI - AA-910 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

12 W/ch into 8 ohms with both channels driven (18 1/2 W/ch music power); HD 0.2% at 8 ohms (1000 Hz, 5W); power bandwidth (IHF) 20-45,000 Hz at 1% dist; response 20-70,000 Hz, -3dB. Input sensitivity: phono 3 mV, 50,000 ohms; mike 6.5 mV, 50,000 ohms; tape monitor (DIN/PIN) 150 mV, 100,000 ohms. FM tuner sensitivity (IHF) 2uV; HD 0.8% stereo. (S + N) /N 70dB; selectivity 65dB; capture ratio (IHF) 2.5dB. 18" W x 6.6" H x 14.5" D
.......................... $249.95
AA-910DB. Same as AA-910 except includes built-in Dolby circuit
.......................... $349.95

ALTEC - 725A AM-FM Receiver

Stereo design. 60 W/ch continuous sine wave into 8 ohms with both channels driven. Power bandwidth 15-25,000 Hz; response 30-20,000 Hz ±1/2dB at rated output. Input sensitivity: mag. phono (2) 2 or 5 mV. HD 0.3% at rated output. FM sensitivity 1.8 /*V for 30 dB quieting; capture ratio 1.3 dB. Has Butterworth and crystal filters in i.f. stages. 17 3/4" x 5"x 16 1/2" D
.......................... $599.00
Oiled walnut cabinet
.......................... $29.95

BANG & OLUFSEN - Beomaster 4000 FM Stereo Receiver

40 W/ch continuous power at 8 ohms (60 W/ch at 4 ohms). Power bandwidth 10-35,000 Hz. THD less than 0.1%. Darlington-coupled output stage. Features ambiophonic stereo circuitry. Second stereo pair can be used for ambio or stereo. Has slide-rule dials; illuminated tuning indicator; signal-strength indicator. Compact design with black aluminum front, wooden top and sides. Cabinet available in rosewood, teak, or oak. Will fit standard bookshelf
.......................... $520.00

BANG & OLUFSEN - 3002 FM Stereo Receiver

30 W/ch continuous power at 8 ohms (40 W/ch at 4 ohms) and at 0.6% THD. Power bandwidth 10-30,000 Hz; response 20-40,000 Hz ±2 dB. FM sensitivity 2 /uV for 30 dB quieting. Has main/remote speaker switch; signal-strength and center-of-channel tuning meters. Anodized aluminum front, wood top and sides. Cabinet available in rosewood, teak, oak, or white lacquer. Will fit standard bookshelf
.......................... $430.00

CHANNEL MASTER - 6618 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

20 W rms/ch into 8 ohms at 100 Hz; sensitivity 3uV for 30dB quieting; S/N 55dB; HD 1% stereo; imp. 8 ohms; features hi- and low filters; FM muting sw.; rotary function selector; tape monitor switch; vernier flywheel tuning; full complement of inputs, outputs, switches, and controls. 5" H x 18" W x 11" D
.......................... $239.95

C/M LABS - RR-805 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

40 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels driven and at 0.3% THD; power bandwidth 5-50,000 Hz; frequency response 4-75,000 Hz -3 dB; FM sensitivity 1.7uV (IHF); inputs: phono 2.2 & 4 mV; tape & aux. 115 mV; main 1V. Ready to drive feedback speakers. 5V4" H x 19" (relay rack) W x 13" D
.......................... $550.00
Optional wood cabinet
.......................... $39.00

CONCORD - CR-50 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

10 W/ch continuous power at 8 ohms with one channel driven; THD at rated output 2%; response 28-25,000 Hz at 1 W output; IHF power bandwidth 30-25,000 Hz. IHF usable sensitivity 4.5 /u,V; 30 dB image rejection; i.f. rejection 72 dB; capture ratio 6 dB; S/N 55 dB; stereo separation 25 dB; selectivity 40 dB. Features edge-lighted dial, AM-FM tuning meter; full complement of controls and inputs. Walnut-finished vinyl cabinet. 16Vs" W x 4V4" H x IIV2" D
.......................... $119.95

CONCORD - CR-100 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

16 W/ch continuous power at 8 ohms with one channel driven. THD at rated output 1%. Frequency response at 1 W output 28-25,000 Hz; power bandwidth (IHF) 27-30,000 Hz. Input sensitivity at rated output: mag. phono 2.8 mV; aux. 120 mV. (S + N)/N (phono) 60 dB. FM usable sensitivity (IHF) 3.5 uV; image rejection 49 dB; capture ratio 80 dB; stereo separation 30 dB. Features edge-lighted dial, AM-FM tuning meter; bass, treble, balance, and volume controls; FM stereo light; speaker jack accommodating four speaker systems; magnetic phono input; tape in and tape out; auxiliary input; unswitched a.c. outlet; headphone jack. 16V8" Wx4V4"HxllV2"D
.......................... $129.95

CONCORD - CR-110 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

14 W/ch continuous power at 8 ohms with one channel driven; THD at rated output 1%; response 28-25,000 Hz at 1 W output; IHF power bandwidth 27-30,000 Hz; IHF usable sensitivity 3.0 uV; image rejection 49 dB; i.f. rejection 80 dB; capture ratio 3.0 dB; S/N 55 dB; HD 0.8%; stereo separation 35 dB; selectivity 50 dB. Features black-out dial; AM-FM tuning meter; duo-glo indicator to indicate stereo or mono broadcasts; full complement of controls and inputs. Walnut wood-grained vinyl cabinet with champagne-colored brushed aluminum panel. 15V2" Wx 5" H x 11V2" D.
.......................... $149.95

CONCORD - CR-200 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

15 W/ch dynamic power into 8 ohms at 1% THD (12 W/ch rms continuous power). Response 23-38,000 Hz at 1 W; power bandwidth 26-33,000 Hz. FM usable sensitivity 2.9 /u,V; capture ratio 1.8 dB. Input sensitivity: mag. phono 2.8 mV; aux. 150 mV. Features FM fine-tuning control, center-channel tuning meter, ceramic filter in i.f. stages, tape monitor, main/remote speaker switching, and tape in & out. Walnut cabinet
.......................... $179.95

CONCORD - CR-210 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

24 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms with one channel driven; THD at rated output 1%; response 20-30,000 Hz at 1 W output; IHF power bandwidth 20-30,000 Hz; IHF usable sensitivity 2.9uV; image rejection 51 dB; i.f. rejection 83 dB; capture ratio 2.0 dB; S/N 65 dB; HD 0.6%; stereo separation 35 dB;- selectivity 43 dB. Features separate fine-tuning control for FM, duo-glo indicator; AM-FM tuning meter; flywheel tuning; full complement of controls and inputs; black-out dial. Walnut wood-grain vinyl cabinet. 16V8" W x 53/V H x 123/4" D
.......................... $199.95

CONCORD - CR-250 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

31 W/ch dynamic power into 8 ohms at 1% THD (25 W/ch rms continuous power). Response 22-40,000 Hz at 1 W; power bandwidth 22-35,000 Hz. FM usable sensitivity 2.3 /*V for 30 dB quieting; capture ratio 1.5 dB. Input sensitivity: mag. phono 2.5 mV; aux. #1 & #2 150 mV. Features fine-tuning control for FM; dual tuning meters (signal-strength and center-of-channel); ceramic filters in i.f. stages; main/remote speaker facilities. Has tape in & out jacks, tape monitor, and FM inter-station muting. With walnut cabinet
.......................... $229.95

CONCORD - CR-260 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

50 W/ch continuous rms power at 8 ohms with one channel driven; THD at rated output 1%; response 22-40,000 Hz at 1 W output; IHF power bandwidth 20-35,000 Hz; IHF usable sensitivity 2.3 /aV; image rejection 53 dB; i.f. rejection 85 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB; S/N 65 dB; HD 0.5%; stereo separation 37 dB; selectivity 46 dB. Features fine-tuning control for FM; duo-glo indicator; separate AM and FM tuning meters; electronic circuit breaker; full complement of controls and inputs. Walnut wood-grain vinyl cabinet
.......................... $249.95

CONCORD - CR-550 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

90 W/ch continuous power at 8 ohms with both channels driven at 1% THD. Frequency response 10-40,000 Hz ±1 dB; power bandwidth 10-30,000 Hz -1 dB, 1% THD. FM sensitivity (IHF) 1.7 )uV, image rejection (98 MHz) 74 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB; stereo separation 35 dB (1000 Hz). Features "Glowpoint" tuning system; 15 push-button switches controlling all input functions; preamp outputs and main amp. inputs allow connection of electronic crossovers, 4-channel adapters, equalizers, or otheraux. equipment. 175/s" W x 15V2" D x 6" H
.......................... $379.95

FISHER - Studio Standard Line

Both units feature signal-strength meters; loudness contour button for bass & treble boost; "Stereobeacon" FM stereo indicator; response 20-20,000 Hz ±2 dB; stereo separation 35 dB; THD & IM dist. 1% at rated power.

FISHER - Studio Standard Line 222

17 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels driven; FM sensitivity 2 fjM; center-of-channel meter; magnetic phono inputs; two tape inputs; front-panel tape output; ganged bass & treble controls; illuminated function indicator; separate preamp cut-off switch; power bandwidth 45-20,000 Hz; capture ratio 2dB; THD 1% FM stereo
.......................... $249.95

FISHER - Studio Standard Line 122

13 1/2W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels driven; FM sensitivity 3.4 uV; capture ratio 6 dB; THD 1.5% FM stereo, 100% mod., 1000 Hz; power bandwidth 60-20,000 Hz; S/N 63 dB; separate phono inputs for mag. & ceramic cartridges; tape & aux. inputs
.......................... $199.95

GENERAL ELECTRIC - RA200 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

14 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels driven at 5% THD; features six-position function switch; input jacks for ceramic or mag. phono cartridge; tuning meter; bass, treble, balance, volume controls; tape monitor; 5-position speaker switch; jack pack for connecting stereo accessories including 4-ch decoder
.......................... $219.95

HARMAN/KARDON - 330B AM-FM Stereo Receiver

20 W/ch continuous power with both channels driven into 8 ohms at 1 kHz at 0.5% THD measured at 120 V a.c; power bandwidth 25-20,000 Hz into 8 ohms at 1.0% THD; THD 0.5%; IM dist. 0.5% from 1 W to full power; hum & noise 75 dB below rated output (unweighted); damping factor 30:1. Response 20-20,000 Hz ±1.0 dB at normal power levels. FM sensitivity 2.5 ixV (IHF); S/N 60 dB; capture ratio 3 dB; image rejection 40 dB; spurious response rejection 60 dB. Has full complement of controls and inputs. 153/8" W x 13" D x 4V2" H
.......................... $199.95
Walnut enclosure optional extra.

HARMAN/KARDON - 630 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

30 W/ch continuous sine wave into 8 ohms with both channels driven. HD 0.5% from 20-20,000 Hz (45 W/ch at 1000 Hz). FM sensitivity 1.9 fiV for 30 dB quieting. Has provision for Dolby B processor on FM playback. Dual power supplies
.......................... $359.95
Optional cabinet
.......................... $34.95

HARMAN/KARDON - 930 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

45 W/ch continuous sine wave into 8 ohms with both channels driven. THD 0.2% 20-20,000 Hz (65 W/ch at 1000 Hz). Response 5-70,000 Hz ±0.5dB at 1 W. FM sensitivity 1.8uV for 30dB quieting. Has dual power supplies
.......................... $479.95
Optional cabinet
.......................... $34.95

HEATH - AR-1500A AM-FM Receiver

Stereo design. 90 W/ch dynamic power into 8 ohms (120 W/ch into 4 ohms, 50 W/ch into 16 ohms); 60 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms (100 W/ch into 4 ohms, 40 W/ch into 16 ohms). Power bandwidth 8-30,000 Hz at 0.25% THD. Response 5-120,000 Hz +0,-3 dB at 1 W. Input sensitivity: mag. phono 1.8 mV, tape, aux, tape monitor 140 mV. FM sensitivity 1.8 /u,V for 30 dB quieting. Capture ratio 1.5 dB. 18V2"x5V8"x 137/8" D
Kit .......................... $399.95
ARA-1500-1 Walnut cabinet
.......................... $24.95

HEATH - AR-1302 AM-FM Receiver

Stereo design. 20 W/ch continuous sine-wave into 8 ohms at 0.25% THD with both channels driven (20 W/ch into 4 ohms, 15 W/ch into 16 ohms). 30 W/ch dynamic power into 8 ohms (20 W/ch into 4 ohms, 17 W/ch into 16 ohms). Power bandwidth 5-30,000 Hz. Response 6-35,000 Hz ±1 dB. Input sensitivity: mag. phono 2.4 mV, aux. 180 mV. FM sensitivity 1.6 fxV for 30dB quieting. Capture ratio 2.5 dB (IHF). Features signal-strength and center-of-channel meters; main/remote speaker selection or center-channel output. FM i. f. board pre-assem-bled and aligned. 117/230 V, 50-60 Hz operation. 163/4"x5V8"xl4V2"D.
Pecan veneer cabinet..............$19.95

HEATH - AR-29 AM-FM Receiver

Stereo design. 35 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms with both channels driven (35 W/ch into 4 ohms, 25 W/ch into 16 ohms) at 0.25% THD. 50 W/ch dynamic power into 8 ohms (65 W/ch into 4 ohms, 30 W/ch into 16 ohms). Power bandwidth 5-30,000 Hz. Response 7-60,000 Hz ±1 dB at 1 W output. Input sensitivity: mag. phono 2.2 mV, aux. 180 mV. FM sensitivity 1.5 ^V for 30 dB quieting. Capture ratio 1.5 dB. Has field-strength and center-of-channel tuning meters, main/remote speaker capability or center-channel output. FET tuning unit assembled and pre-aligned. 117/230 V, 50-60 Hz operation. 16 3/4" x 5 1/8" x 14 1/2" D.
Pecan veneer cabinet..............$19.95

HEATH - AR-14 FM Receiver

Stereo design. 15 W/ch dynamic power. Response 12-60,000 Hz ±1 dB. FM sensitivity 5 /aV for 30 dB quieting. Capture ratio 3 dB (IHF). Pre-assembled front end. 15V4"x 37/s"x 12" D.
Walnut veneer cabinet ............. $12.95
Beige steel cabinet ................. $3.95

HEATH - AR-17 FM Stereo Receiver

Response 25-35,000 Hz ±1 dB at full power; 1% dist.; 14 W music power output; selector for magnetic phono, tuner, aux., stereo, or phono; comes with FM front end assembled. 3"Hxl2"Wxl03/8"D
Kit (less cabinet)..................$72.95
AE-35. Beige metal cabinet...........$3.95
AE-25. Walnut veneer cabinet.........$9.95

HEATH - AR-1214 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

Response 20-15,000 Hz ±1dB; channel separation 40dB typical, 35dB minimum; HD 1% at 1000 Hz with 100% modulation; 19 and 38 kHz suppression 55dB; SCA suppression 55dB; 2uV sensitivity; dB capture ratio. 15 W/ch continuous power output into 8 ohm load, 20 W/ch into 4 ohm load, 10 W/ch into 16 ohm load; power bandwidth for constant 0.5% THD 5-30,000 Hz; response 7-100,000 Hz ±1dB at 1 W, 5-150,000 Hz ±3dB. Features pre-assembled FM tuning section; Black Magic panel lighting; flywheel tuning; stereo indicator light; headphone jack; speaker "on-off" button; complete tape monitor facilities. Has full complement of inputs and outputs. 3" H x 17"W x l3" D.

HERVIC - HR150 FM Digital Receiver

Solid-state stereo receiver with large, bright FM digital readout; select any of 100 channels available across FM band; exact station frequency assignment displayed by four Nixie tubes; fast dialing across band possible because readout count is corrected 60 times/sec.; precision-ground, twin-ball-bearing tuning knob; 100 dB selectivity with 9-pole Butter-worth-type toroid phase-linear i.f. filter; slide-switches for bass, mid-range, treble, volume, and balance control. Has front-panel tape in/ out jacks; A & B mono/stereo control; lo/high filters; main/remote speaker switch; tape monitoring facilities; aux. 1 & 2, FM, phono switches; headphone jack
.......................... $849.95
Walnut enclosure
.......................... $44.95

HITACHI - SR-700 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

40 W/ch dynamic power into 8 ohms at 0.5% THD; 35 W/ch continuous rms power. Features signal-strength meter, FM inter-station muting.
.......................... $359.95

HITACHI - SR-800 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

45 W/ch dynamic power into 8 ohms at 0.5% THD; 40 W/ch rms power. Features signal-strength meter, center-of-channel tuning meter, FM inter-station muting
.......................... $399.95

HITACHI - SR-1100 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

70 W/ch dynamic power into 8 ohms at 0.5% THD; 55 W/ch rms power. Features crystal filters in i.f., dual tuning meters (signal-strength and center-of-channel), FM inter-station muting, and mike input
.......................... $449.95


All JVC receivers have what is called SEA (Sound Effect Amplifier) 5-section-type tone control system. Controls operate in 2dB steps up and down within ±12dB. Center frequencies are 40(60)/250/1000/5000/l5,000 Hz.

JVC - VR-5660 FM Stereo Receiver

Features digital frequency readout; does not have dial scale. 120 W/ch dynamic power at 8 ohms (150 W/ch at 4 ohms); 80 W/ch continuous power at 8 ohms (100 W/ch at 4 ohms) with both channels driven & at 0.4% THD. Power bandwidth 10-40,000 Hz. FM sensitivity 1.7uV for 30dB quieting; capture ratio 0.7dB. 6 3/4" x 20 3/4" x l5 1/4"D
.......................... $749.95

JVC - VR-5535 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

28 W/ch continuous rms power 20-20,000 Hz into 8 ohms and at 0.5% THD. IHF power bandwidth 10-25,000 Hz. Pure complementary OCL power amplifier. SEA control. FM usable sensitivity 2.0 jitV; capture ratio 2.0 dB; image rejection 55 dB; stereo separation 35 dB. Has high filter & low filter, FM muting, two tuning meters, source indicator lights, mike mixing facilities. Four-channel ready for future 4-ch FM broadcasts and will handle matrixed and CD-4 sources with appropriate adapters
.......................... $429.95

JVC - VR-5525 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

Same as the VR-5535 except 18 W/ch continuous rms power into 8 ohms and at 0.5% THD. Does not have low filter. FM usable sensitivity is 2.2 juV; capture ratio 2.5 dB; stereo separation 33 dB
.......................... $369.95

JVC - VR-5515

Same as VR-5525 except 15 W/ch; IHF power bandwidth 15-25,000 Hz; no filters. Has FM line antenna
.......................... $299.95

JVC - VR-5505 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

8 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels driven (25-20,000 Hz); THD & IM dist. 1% at rated power; power bandwidth 30-20,000 Hz; frequency response 20-30,000 Hz ±1 dB; FM sensitivity 2.2 /iV (IHF); selectivity 55 dB; linear dial scale; signal-strength/tuning meter; does
not include SEA. 53// H x 18V/ W x 13"
.......................... $199.95

KENWOOD - KR-1400 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

10W rms/ch continuous power output into 8 ohms with both channels driven; THD & IM dist. 1.0% at rated output; response (Aux) 25-35,000 Hz ±1.5 dB; power bandwidth (IHF) 25-30,000 Hz; damping factor 20 at 8 ohms; FM sensitivity (IHF) 2.6uV; S/N 60 dB; capture ratio 3 dB; alternate channel selectivity 45 dB; response 20-15,000 Hz +0.5, -2 dB; stereo separation 33 dB at 1000 Hz; image rejection 50 dB; spurious rejection 75 dB; HD 0.5% (stereo) at 400 Hz, 100% modulation. Has separate RC-type bass and treble controls; full complement of inputs & outputs. 110-120 V, 50-60 Hz. 2115/16"x 63/i6" H x 15" D
.......................... $179.95

KENWOOD - KR-2400 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

16W rms/ch continuous power output into 8 ohms at 1000 Hz with both channels driven; THD & IM dist. 1.0% at rated output; response (Aux.) 10-40,000 Hz ±1.5 dB; power bandwidth (IHF) 10-30,000 Hz; FM sensitivity 2.5 uV; quieting slope 40dB at 5 /W; S/N 62 dB; capture ratio 62 dB; alternate channel selectivity 45 dB; response 20-15,000 Hz + 0.5, -2.0 dB; stereo separation 0.6% (stereo) at 400 Hz, 100% mod.; image rejection 50 dB; spurious rejection 75 dB; IC bass & treble control circuit; tape monitor circuit; dual-speaker selector; linear FM dial scale; full complement of inputs, outputs, and controls. 110-120 V, 50-60 Hz. 1815/i6" W x 53/8" H x 139/16" D
. . . . $219.95


Similar to KR-2400 except 22 W rms/ch continuous power output into 8 ohms at 1000 Hz
.......................... $259.95

KENWOOD - KR-4400 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

25 W rms/ch continuous power output with both channels driven into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz); dynamic output power (IHF) 90 W at 8 ohms; THD & IM dist. 0.5% at rated power; response (Aux.) 10-40,000 Hz ±1.5 dB; power bandwidth (IHF) 10-30,000 Hz. FM sensitivity 2.1 uV; quieting slope 45 dB at 5 uV; S/N 65 dB; capture ratio 2.0 dB; alternate channel selectivity 55 dB; response 20-15,000 Hz +0.5, -2 dB; stereo separation 35 dB at 1000 Hz; HD (stereo) 0.6% (400 Hz, 100% modulation); image rejection 60 dB; spurious rejection 80 dB. Has full complement of inputs & outputs, including special input and output terminals for any 4-channel decoder or adapter, also special FM "Det Out" for future discrete broadcasts. 110-120V, 50-60 Hz. 1815/i6" W x 53/8" H xl39/i6"D
.......................... $299.95

KENWOOD - KR-5400 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

35 W rms/ch continuous power output with both channels driven into 8 ohms (20-20,000Hz); dynamic power output (IHF) 115 W at 8 ohms; THD & IM dist. 0.5% at rated output; response (Aux.) 10-40,000 Hz ±1 dB; power bandwidth (IHF) 10-30,000 Hz; FM sensitivity (IHF) 1.9 uV; quieting slope 48 dB at 5 /iV; S/N 68 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB; selectivity (alternate channel) 65 dB; response 20-15,000 Hz +0.5, —1.5 dB; stereo separation 35 dB at 1000 Hz; HD 0.5% stereo (400 Hz, 100% modulation); image rejection 70 dB; spurious rejection 90 dB; full complement of inputs & outputs; 4-channel ready. 110-120 V, 50-60 Hz. Walnut cabinet. 1815/i6"Wx515/i6" H x 139/i6"D
.......................... $379.95


Same as KR5400 except 45 W rms/ch
.......................... $449.95

KENWOOD - KR-7400 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

63 W rms/ch continuous power into 8 ohms with both channels driven (20-20,000 Hz); dynamic power output (IHF) 200 watts into 8 ohm loads; THD & IM dist. 0.3% at rated output; response (Aux.) 10-40,000 Hz ±1 dB; power bandwidth (IHF) 10-35,000 Hz; FM sensitivity 1.7 u-V; quieting slope 55 dB at 5 t*V; S/N 70 dB; capture ratio 1.3 dB; alternate channel selectivity 80 dB; response 20-15,000 Hz +0.5, —1.5 dB; stereo separation 40 dB at 1000 Hz, 30 dB at 10,000 Hz; HD 0.5% stereo (400 Hz, 100% mod.); image rejection 90 dB; spurious rejection 100 dB. Has mid-range control as well as bass & treble tone controls. 110-120 V, 50-60 Hz. Walnut cabinet. 1815/i6"W x 515/i6" H x 139/i6" D
.......................... $519.95

KIRKSAETER - RTX 120.85 FM Stereo Receiver

85 W/ch continuous power at 8 ohms with both channels driven. THD at 1 kHz 0.09% at full power. Sensitivity: phono 2.4 mV; tape head 2.1 mV; Aux. input 260 mV, tape input & output 650 mV; mike input 1.5 mV. Scratch filter (20 kHz) -27 dB; rumble filter (20 Hz) -20 dB. (S + N)/N 90 dB at 20 Hz. FM (IHF) sensitivity 1.5 mV; (S + N)/N 65 dB; capture ratio 2.5 dB; stereo THD 0.8%; stereo separation 36 dB at 1 kHz. Inputs: mike; phono #1 (DIN & RCA); Ext-Aux. (DIN); phono #2 (DIN); tape head right & left (RCA); tape playback (DIN & RCA). Outputs: headphones A & B; 4-channel sound (DIN); tape record; audio output left & right supplementary power modules; three unswitched a.c. outlets; power connection. 19V8" Wx5V4" H x 14V4"
.......................... $750.00

KIRKSAETER - RTX 85.55 FM Stereo Receiver

Similar to RTX 120.85 except 55 W/ch continuous power at 8 ohms with both channels driven. Tape input & output 570 mV
.......................... $650.00

Both units are equipped to provide synthesized 4-channel sound from all stereo sources. Both are housed in selected grain natural walnut cabinets. Decorator matte white or matte black finishes available for additional cost of. $20.00

KLH - 52 AM-FM Receiver

33 W/ch rms continuous power into 8 ohms with both channels driven (42 W/ch into 4 ohms) at 0.8% HD. Power bandwidth 20-20,000 Hz at 8 ohms; response 20-20,000 Hz at 1 W. FM usable sensitivity 1.8 ju,V for 30 dB. quieting. Sensitivity: mag. phono 3.5 mV; aux. & tape monitor 500 mV. FM capture ratio 2.0 dB. Has signal-strength & center-of-channel tuning meters and ceramic filters in i.f. stages. 173/4" x 5V4" x 13" D.
Walnut grained cabinet
.......................... $319.95

KLH - 55 AM-FM Receiver

13 W/ch rms continuous power into 4 or 8 ohms with both channels driven & at 0.5% HD. Power bandwidth 20-20,000 Hz into 8 ohms; response 20-20,000 Hz at 1 W. FM usable sensitivity 2.5 /uV for 30 dB quieting; capture ratio 4dB. Input sensitivity: mag. phono 2.5 mV; aux. & tape monitor 250 mV. Has four-stage i.f. with two ceramic filters. 16 3/8" x 5 1/4" x 13" D. Walnut grained cabinet...................$219.95

LAFAYETTE - LR-3500 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

Features two sets of tape-recorder outputs for recording simultaneously or tape duplicating; 47 W rms/ch into 8 ohms at 0.5% THD (20-20,000 Hz) with both channels driven; power bandwidth 12-50,000 Hz; input sensitivity: mag. phono #2 150 mV (low), 40 mV (high), aux. 250 mV, tape A & B 500 mV, mike 6 mV; hum & noise: mag. -68 dB, aux.-75 dB; FM sensitivity 1.65 ^V; capture ratio 1.5 dB; stereo separation 40 dB; has FM and audio muting, main/ remote speaker outputs. 19V8" W x 5V2" H x 14V/ D
.......................... $399.95

LAFAYETTE - LR-1100 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

22 W rms/ch into 8 ohms at 0.5% THD (20-20,000 Hz) with both channels driven; power bandwidth 15-30,000 Hz; input sensitivity: mag. phono #2 6 mV (low), 2.5 mV (high), aux. 250 mV, tape 500 mV; hum & noise: aux. —75 dB, mag. phono-65 dB; FM sensitivity 1.75 /u-V; capture ratio 1.5 dB; main/remote speaker switching; tape monitor; FM muting; front-panel stereo tape & headphone output. 175/6" W x 5" H x 14" D
.......................... $299.95

LAFAYETTE - LR-310 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

12 1/2 W rms/ch into 8 ohms at 0.8% THD (20-20,000 Hz) with both channels driven; power bandwidth 17-36,000 Hz all channels driven; input sensitivity: mag. phono 4 mV, ceramic phono 135 mV, tape play 500 mV, aux. 250 mV; hum & noise: mag. -60dB, aux. -75dB; FM sensitivity 2.5 uV; capture ratio dB; selectivity 60dB; features blackout dial; AM-FM signal-strength meter; FM stereo indicator; front-panel tape and headphone jacks. Vinyl-clad walnut-finish case
.......................... $199.95

LEAK - Delta 75 AM-FM Receiver

35W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms (40W/ch into 4 ohms; 25 W/ch into 15 ohms). 100 W (IHF) music power into 8 ohms. Distortion 0.07% into 8 ohms. Response 12.5-50,000 Hz -3 dB. Phono input imp. 47,000 ohms magnetic; 33,000 ohms ceramic. Sensitivity for 35 W rms output into 8 ohms 2.5 mV (magnetic) and 20 mV (ceramic) both at 1000 Hz. Tape input imp. 50,000 ohms (phono socket), 150,000 ohms (DIN). FM sensitivity (IHF) 2.2 uV into 75-ohm input. HD 0.5%. Tuner response 40-15,-000 Hz ±1 dB. Inputs: 75 ohms unbalanced, 300 ohms balanced .......................... $595.00

LEAK - 2000 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

30W/ch sine wave power at 1 kHz, 0.5% THD with both channels driven into 8 ohms; THD at all powers up to 30 W, 1 kHz 0.1%; 1 W at 1 kHz 0.01%; 30 W at 10 kHz 0.1%; IM dist. 0.1% (70 Hz & 5000 Hz 4:1); power bandwidth 10-40,000 Hz 2 dB down re 35 W (0.5% THD both channels driven). FM tuner sensitivity 1.6 //,V for 30 dB quieting; stereo dist. at 1 kHz 0.5%; channel separation: 1 kHz 35 dB minimum; 10,000 Hz 30 dB; Image rejection 45 dB; i.f. rejection 60 dB; alternate channel rejection 50 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB. Has full complement of controls & inputs; two AM tuner ranges (150-350 kHz & 510-1650 kHz)
.......................... $595.00

MARANTZ - 2220 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

20 W/ch continuous power at 8 ohms with both channels driven; THD & IM 0.5%. Response 20-20,000 Hz ±0.5 dB (high-level input). FM sensitivity 2.1 ju,V for 30 dB quieting; THD 0.5% stereo; capture ratio 3 dB; stereo separation 40 dB at 1 kHz; Has provisions for record changer, tape decks, phones. Simulated walnut metal cabinet
.......................... $299.95

MARANTZ - 2270 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

70 W/ch continuous sine-wave into 8 ohms with both channels driven at 0.3% THD. Power bandwidth 10-40,000 Hz,- response 10-50,000 Hz ±1 dB at 1 W output. Input sensitivity 1.8 mV. FM sensitivity 2.3 ^V for 30 dB quieting; capture ratio 1.6 dB (IHF). Has 3-zone tone controls, tape monitoring facilities, isolated preamp/amp inputs & outputs. 167/V'x 5"x 14"D
.......................... $599.95

MARANTZ - 2230 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

30 W/ch continuous sine-wave into 8 ohms with both channels driven at 0.5% THD. Power bandwidth 15-40,000 Hz; response 15-40,000 Hz±2dB at 1 Woutput. HD 1.8% FM sensitivity 2.5 ^V for 30 dB quieting; capture ratio 1.8 dB (IHF). Has 3-zone stepped tone controls, isolated preamp/amp inputs & outputs. 167/8"x5"x 14" D
.......................... $399.95

MARANTZ - 2245 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

45 W/ch continuous sine-wave into 8 ohms with both channels driven at 0.3% THD. Power bandwidth 10-40,000 Hz; response 15-40,000 Hz ±1 dB at 1 W output. FM sensitivity 2.5 /uV for 30 dB quieting; capture ratio 1.8 dB (IHF). Has 3-zone stepped tone controls, isolated preamp/amp inputs & outputs. 167/s"x5"x 14"D
.......................... $499.95
Walnut cabinet optional extra.

MARANTZ - 2015 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

15 W/ch rms continuous power into 8 ohms at 1% THD and from 40-20,000 Hz with both channels driven. Response 20-20,000 Hz ±1.5 dB; power bandwidth 20-22,000 Hz. FM sensitivity 2.8 ijN for 30 dB quieting; capture ratio 2.5 dB. Input sensitivity: mag. phono 2.2 mV, aux. 150 mV. Has signal-strength meter & main/remote speaker switch. 14 1/4" x 4 3/4 x 12" D
.......................... $249.95
Walnut cabinet optional extra.

MARANTZ - 2220B AM-FM Stereo Receiver

20 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms with both channels driven (20-20,000 Hz); IM & THD 0.5%; response 20-20,000 Hz ±1.0 dB (high-level input); power bandwidth (IHF) 15-60,000 Hz; FM tuner sensitivity 2.0uV; THD 0.5% stereo; selectivity 50 dB; capture ratio 2.5 dB; stereo separation 40 dB at 1000 Hz; spurious rejection 65 dB; features full complement of input and output jacks; tone controls; filters; FM muting; signal-strength/FM center-channel tuning meter
.......................... $349.95

MARANTZ - 2240

Same as Model 2220B except 40 W/ch; IM & THD 0.3%; response 20-20,000 Hz ±0.5dB; power bandwidth 10-70,000 Hz; FM tuner sensitivity 1.9uV; THD 0.4% stereo; selectivity 60dB; capture ratio 1.5dB; spurious rejection 95dB; front-panel tape dubbing jacks; Dolby FM de-emphasis switch
.......................... $499.95

MARANTZ - 2275 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

75 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms with both channels driven (20-20,000 Hz); IM & THD 0.25%; frequency response 20-20,000 Hz ±0.25 dB; power bandwidth 7-70,000 Hz (IHF) with both channels driven; FM sensitivity 1.9 uV; THD 0.35% stereo; selectivity 80 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB; stereo separation 42 dB at 1000 Hz; spurious rejection 100 dB; features variable-frequency tone control turnover points and mid-range tone control; Dolby FM de-emphasis switch; facilities for two tape recorders; mode switch (left, right, stereo, stereo reverse, mono); full complement of inputs and outputs
.......................... $649.95

MARANTZ - 2325 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

125 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms with both channels driven (20-20,000 Hz); IM & THD 0.15%; frequency response 20-20,000 Hz ±0.25dB; power bandwidth 5-70,000 Hz (IHF) with both channels driven; FM sensitivity 1.8uV; THD 0.3% stereo; selectivity 80dB; capture ratio 1.25dB; stereo separation 42dB at 1000 Hz; spurious, image, and i.f. rejection 100dB; features built-in Dolby noise rejection system; variable-frequency tone control turnover points and mid-range tone control; complete facilities for two tape recorders; mode switch
.......................... $799.95

MX - 1570 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

40 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels driven at 1000 Hz; 35 W/ch 20-20,000 Hz; power bandwidth 10-35,000 Hz; IM&HD0.5%; frequency response 20-25,000 Hz; FM sensitivity (IHF) 1.8 jliV; selectivity 75 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB; stereo separation 50 dB at 1000 Hz, 40 dB at 10,000 Hz; HD 0.2%; image rejection 97 dB; spurious rejection 94 dB; features 6-pole linear phase filters; switchable signal-strength/center-tuning meter; low-pass audio filters; OCL direct-coupled differential amplifier; full complement of inputs, outputs, switches, and controls. 6" H x 19" Wxl5" D. Veneer cabinet
.......................... $399.95

MX - 1580 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

65 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels driven at 1000 Hz; 60 W/ch 20-20,000 Hz; power bandwidth 10-35,000 Hz; HD 0.5%; IM dist. 0.8%; frequency response 20-25,000 Hz; FM sensitivity 1.8 uV; selectivity 75 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB; stereo separation 50 dB at 1000 Hz, 40 dB at 10,000 Hz; HD 0.2%; image rejection 97 dB; spurious rejection 94 dB; features 6-pole linear phase filters; high-gain IC quadrature FM detector; switchable signal-strength/center-channel meter; full complement of controls, inputs, outputs, and switches; auto/off power switch for use with automatic turntable. 6" H x 19" W x 15" D. Veneer with grained walnut finish
.......................... $479.95

NIKKO - STA-8080 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

45 W/ch at 8 ohms with both channels driven (60 W/ch at 4 ohms). Response 10-50,000 Hz (main input) and 20-50,000 Hz (Aux. input); power bandwidth 10-40,000 Hz ±1 dB at 0.5% THD. Dist. 0.5% at rated output. (S + N)/N 65 dB (phono input), 80 dB (other). FM sensitivity (IHF) 2 piV; 80 dB image rejection. (S + N)/N 60 dB. 300 ohm balanced, 75 ohm unbalanced antenna imp. Has tape output terminals for two sets of tape decks; FM muting switch; linear dial scale and twin tuning meters; double-rotary tone-control switch. Universal power supply. 18" W x 145/s" D x 53/8" H. Has blackout dial and gold-trimmed panel and knobs
.......................... $399.95

NIKKO - STA-7070 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

34 W/ch at 8 ohms with both channels driven (43 W/ch at 4 ohms). Response 10-50,000 Hz (main input) and 20-50,000 Hz (Aux. input); power bandwidth 10-40,000 Hz ±1 dB at 0.5% THD. IM & HD 0.5% at rated output. FM sensitivity (IHF) 2 /iV; 80 dB image rejection; (S + IM)/ N 60 dB; capture ratio 2.5 dB. Has tape output terminals for two sets of tape decks; FM muting switch; linear dial scale and signal-strength meter. Universal power supply. 18" Wx 145/e" D x 53/s" H. Blackout dial and gold-trimmed panel and knobs
.......................... $349.95

NIKKO - STA-5010 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

22 W/ch at 8 ohms with both channels driven (24 W/ch at 4 ohms). Response 10-50,000 Hz ±1 dB; power bandwidth 20-20,000 Hz-1 dB at 1% THD. HD & IM .0.8% at rated output. (S + N)/ N 60 dB (phono) and 70 dB (Aux.-Tape Mon). FM sensitivity (IHF) 2.5 uV; 60 dB image rejection. (S + N)/N 60 dB. Capture ratio 3 dB. Stereo separation 38 dB at 1000 Hz. Features 4-channel tuner output on rear panel for discrete system broadcast adapter; tape output jacks for two tape decks; FM muting switch; loudness control switch; headphone jack, DIN connector; tape selector & monitor switch. 173/4" W x 15" D x 53/8" H
.......................... $249.95

NIKKO - STA-4020 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

12 W/ch at 8 ohms with both channels driven (13 W/ch at 4 ohms). Response 10-50,000 Hz ±1 dB (main input), 20-30,000 Hz (Aux. input); power bandwidth 30-20,000 Hz -1 dB at 1% THD. IM dist. 0.5% at 1 W output. FM sensitivity (IHF) 3.5 uV; image rejection 50 dB; (S + N)/ N 60 dB; capture ratio 4.5 dB. Stereo separation 30 dB at 1000 Hz. Has provisions for mike, mixing, and level control; features loudness control; front-panel headphone jack; tape monitor jack, dual tone controls. Oiled finish walnut case. 17 3/4" W x 15" D x 5 3/8" H
.......................... $199.95

NIKKO - STA-2020

Similar to STA-4020 except 8 W/ch at 8 ohms (7 W/ch at 4 ohms) with both channels driven
.......................... $189.95

NIKKO - STA-4030 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

18 W rms/ch at 8 ohms with both channels driven (19 W/ch into 4 ohms); frequency response 20-30,000 Hz±l dB (4-Ch. input); power bandwidth 20-20,000 Hz; HD 1% at rated output; IM dist. 0.5% at 1 W output; FM sensitivity (IHF) 2.1uV; selectivity 40dB ±400 kHz; image rejection 60dB; i.f. rejection 80dB; S/N 60dB; stereo separation 38 dB at 1000 Hz; has full complement of inputs, outputs, and controls; 4-channel adaptable. 17 3/4" W x 15" D x 5 3/8" H
.......................... $219.95

NIKKO - STA-5050 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

24 W rms/ch at 8 ohms with both channels driven (26 W/ch into 4 ohms); frequency response 20-30,000 Hz±l dB (4-Ch. input); power bandwidth 20-20,000 Hz; HD 0.8% at rated output; IM dist. 0.2% at 1 W output; FM sensitivity (IHF) 2.1 txV; selectivity 40 dB±400 kHz; image rejection 60 dB; i.f. rejection 80 dB; S/N 60 dB; capture ratio 3 dB; stereo separation 38 dB at 1000 Hz; has full complement of inputs, outputs, and controls; 4-channel adaptable; front-panel two-deck tape recording, monitoring, and dubbing jacks. 173/4" W x 15" D x 53/8" H
.......................... $249.95

NIKKO - STA-6060

Same as 5050 except 34 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels driven; frequency response 15-30,000 Hz; HD 0.5% at rated output; IM 0.2% at 1 W output. 18" W x 145/8" D x 53/8" H
.......................... $319.95

NIKKO - STA-9090 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

65 W rms/ch at 8 ohms with both channels driven; power bandwidth 10-40,000 Hz; frequency response 10-50,000 Hz±l dB; THD & IM dist. 0.5% at rated output; FM sensitivity 1.8 uV; selectivity 70 dB; image rejection 80 dB; i.f. rejection 90 dB; S/N 70 dB; capture ratio 1.8 dB; stereo separation 40 dB at 1000 Hz; features 5-position mode switch; bright function indicators; FM stereo indicator; three stereo-pair speaker selector; FM muting switch; high & low filters; loudness control; stereo headphone jack; three a.c. outlets (one switched); 4-channel composite signal output; pre/power amplifier separable for 4-channel and other uses; has full complement of controls, inputs, and outputs. 18" W x 15" D x 6" H
.......................... $499.95

ONKYO - TX-666 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

70 W/ch dynamic power at 8 ohms (100 W/ch at 4 ohms); 50 W/ch continuous power at 8 ohms (60 W/ch at 4 ohms) and at 0.2% THD. Power bandwidth 10-40,000 Hz. FM sensitivity 1.8uV for 30 dB (S + N)/N; capture ratio 1.5 dB. Input sensitivity: mag. phono 2.5 mV; aux. #1 & #2 100 mV. Features main/remote speaker switch, tape inputs, mike input with mixing, a six-element ceramic i.f. stage filter, dual tuning meters (center-of-channel & signal-strength), FM inter-station muting. Walnut cabinet with antique gold trim. 183/8"x 15Vs"x 5V" H
.......................... $469.95

ONKYO - TX-440 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

28 W/ch continuous rms power into 8 ohms with both channels driven at 1 kHz. Power bandwidth 20-20,000 Hz; response 20-30,000 Hz. FM sensitivity 2.0 £iV; capture ratio 2 dB; selectivity 65 dB; (S + N)/N 70 dB. HD 0.8% stereo. Response 20-15,000 Hz ±1.5 dB. Features linear dial scale, two tuning meters (signal-strength and center tuning), FM muting, mike mixing circuitry, tape-to-tape record & monitoring, two a.c. outlets. I8V2" W x 143/4" D x 5V2" H
.......................... $349.95

ONKYO - TX-560 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

43 W/ch into 8 ohms with both channels driven (20-20,000 Hz); 48 W/ch at 1000 Hz; THD 0.2% at rated power; power bandwidth 20-40,000 Hz; frequency response 15-30,000 Hz ±1 dB; FM sensitivity 1.8 /iV (IHF); capture ratio 1.5 dB; image rejection 70 dB; S/N 70 dB; HD 0.7% stereo; features signal-strength and center-tuning meters; separable left & right tone controls; outputs for three speaker systems; mike connector, tape-to-tape dubbing facilities; full complement of input and output terminals, jacks, switches, and terminals. Walnut-finished wooden cabinet. I8V2" W x 143// D x 5V2" H   
.......................... $449.95

ONKYO - TX-330 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

17 W/ch rms into 8 ohms with both channels driven (20-20,000 Hz); 21 W/ch at 1000 Hz; THD 0.5% at rated power; power bandwidth 20-20,000 Hz; frequency response 20-30,000 Hz ±1 dB; FM sensitivity 2.5 u\f (IHF); capture ratio 2 dB; selectivity 60 dB; image rejection 50 dB; S/N 65 dB; stereo separation 35 dB at 400 Hz; frequency response 20-15,000 Hz ±2 dB; features center-channel and signal-strength tuning meters; built-in 4-ch matrix circuit for synthesizing 4-channel sound; full complement of inputs and outputs, jacks, switches, and terminals. Walnut-finished wooden cabinet. I8V2" W x 143// D x 5V2" H   
.......................... $299.95

ONKYO - TX-220 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

6.5 W/ch rms into 8 ohms with both channels driven (20-20,000 Hz); 13 W/ch at 1000 Hz; THD 1.0% at rated power; S/N 60 dB (phono), 70 dB (aux.); power bandwidth 20-20,000 Hz; frequency response 25-30,000 Hz ±1 dB; FM sensitivity 3uV (IHF); capture ratio 2 dB; image rejection 50 dB; stereo separation 35 dB at 400 Hz; frequency response 20-15,000 Hz ±2 dB; features dual-purpose meter; built-in 4-channel synthesizer; full complement of inputs & outputs. Walnut-finished wooden cabinet. 16 5/8" W x 13" D x 5 5/8" H
.......................... $219.95

PILOT - 252 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

25 W/ch continuous power at 8 ohms with both channels driven & at 0.5% THD; power bandwidth 20-25,000 Hz; response 20-20,000 Hz ±1.5 dB. FM sensitivity 2.2 /iV for 30 dB (S + N)/N. Selectivity -50 dB. (S + N)/N - 60 dB; capture ratio 2 dB. Supplied with walnut veneer wood cabinet. 18" x 5 V8" x 13 V2" D
.......................... $309.90

PILOT - 253 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

35 W/ch continuous power at 8 ohms with both channels driven & at 0.5% HD. Power bandwidth 15-30,000 Hz; response 20-20,000 Hz±l dB. Input sensitivity: mag. phono #1 & #2 2.5 to 4.5 mV; mike 1 mV; aux. 300 mV; tape output 250 mV. The AM-FM tuner circuitry is the same as in the Model 211 stereo tuner. With walnut wood cabinet. 18" x 5Vs" x 13V2" D
.......................... $389.90

PILOT - 254 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

Same as the Model 253 AM-FM receiver except has greater power output: 65 W/ch continuous power at 8 ohms with both channels driven. Power bandwidth 10-40,000 Hz. Features mike mixing and two tuning meters. With cabinet. 18" W x 6" H x 17" D
.......................... $499.90

PILOT - 525 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

25W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels driven & at 0.5% THD from 20-20,000 Hz; response 20-20,000 Hz ±ldB; power bandwidth 10-30,000 Hz (IHF); complementary symmetry, fused outputs, separate dual-concentric bass & treble controls; linear FM dial & AM-FM tuning meter; automatic stereo light; phase lock loop multiplex; FM sensitivity 2.2 ^V; selectivity 65 dB (IHF); 2 dB capture ratio; has FET front end, ceramic filters, FM muting; 75/300 ohm antenna inputs; push-buttons for tape monitor, high filter, loudness, main/remote speakers; features front-panel headphone jack, phono input, a.c. receptacle, separate power switch. Walnut-veneer wood cabinet
.......................... $349.90

PILOT - 540 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

40 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels driven &at 0.3% THD (20-20,000 Hz); response 20-20,000 Hz ±1dB; power bandwidth 10-40,000 Hz (IHF); electronic output circuit protection; main amps/preamps accessible by removing rear jumpers; has linear FM dial scale, "Pilotune" center-channel tuning indicator, automatic stereo indicator, AM-FM tuning meter, function lights; FM sensitivity 1.8 ^V (IHF); selectivity 65 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB; 75/300 ohm antenna input; features FM muting, tape monitor, high filter, loudness, main/remote speaker switches; front-panel jacks for headphones, mike, tape; two phono inputs, two a.c. receptacles, separate power switch. Walnut-veneer wood enclosure
.......................... $419.90

PIONEER - SX-434 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

15 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms (40-20,000 Hz); 16 W/ch into 8 ohms at 1000 Hz; HD & IM dist. 0.8% continuous power outputs; power bandwidth 10-70,000 Hz; FM sensitivity (IHF) 1.9uV; capture ratio 1dB; selectivity 60dB; S/N 70dB; image rejection 60dB, i.f. rejection 90dB; spurious rejection 75dB; HD 0.4% stereo; response 20-15,000 Hz +0.2 dB, -2.0dB; 50-10,000 Hz +0.2dB, -0.5dB; stereo separation 40 dB (1000 Hz), 30dB (50-10,000 Hz); features full complement of inputs, outputs, switches, and controls. 16" W x 5" H x 13" D
.......................... $239.95


Same as SX-434 but 20 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (40-20,000 Hz); 22 W/ch into 8 ohms at 1000 Hz; 187/e" W x 53/4" H x 157/s" D
.......................... $299.95

PIONEER - SX-636 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

25 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz); 27 W/ch into 8 ohms at 1000 Hz; HD & IM dist. 0.5%; power bandwidth 5-60,000 Hz; FM sensitivity (IHF) 1.9 /aV; capture ratio 1 dB; selectivity 60 dB; S/N 70 dB; image rejection 60 dB; i.f. rejection 90 dB; spurious rejection 75 dB; HD 0.4% stereo; response 20-15,000 Hz +0.2 dB, -2.0 dB; 50-10,000 Hz +0.2 dB, -0.5 dB; stereo separation 40 dB (1000 Hz), 30 dB (50-10,000 Hz); 187/8" W x 53/4" H x 157/s" D
.......................... $349.95


Same as SX-636 except 35 W/ch (20-20,000 Hz), 40 W/ch (1000 Hz); FM image rejection 80 dB; i.f. & spurious rejection 100 dB; 195/s" W x 6VV' H x 17V4" D
.......................... $399.95

PIONEER - SX-838 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

50 W/ch continuous power output into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz); 55 W/ch at 1000 Hz; HD & IM dist. 0.3%; power bandwidth 5-40,000 Hz; frequency response 10-70,000 Hz; FM sensitivity (IHF) 1.8 /i,V; capture ratio 1 dB; selectivity 80 dB; S/N 70 dB; image rejection 85 dB; i.f. & spurious rejection 100 dB; HD 0.4% stereo,-frequency response 20-15,000 Hz +0.2 dB, -2.0 dB; 50-10,000 Hz +0.2 dB, -0.5 dB; stereo separation 40 dB (1000 Hz), 30 dB (50-10,000 Hz); has full complement of inputs, outputs, switches; signal-strength & tuning meters; 20 3/8" W x 6 7/8" H x 16 1/2" D
.......................... $499.95


Same as SX-838 except 70 W/ch; amplifier frequency response 7-100,000 Hz
.......................... $599.95

PIONEER - SX-1010 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

100 W/ch continuous power output into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz); 110 W/ch at 1000 Hz; HD & IM dist. 0.1%; power bandwidth 5-40,000 Hz; frequency response 7-100,000 Hz; FM tuner sensitivity 1.7uV; capture ratio 1dB; selectivity 90dB; S/N 72dB; image, i.f., and spurious rejection 110dB; HD 0.3% stereo; response 20-15,000 Hz +0.2dB, -2.0dB; 50-10,000 Hz +0.2dB, -0.5dB; stereo separation 40dB (1000 Hz); 30dB (50-10,000 Hz); features twin tone control system that provides approx. 3000 different combinations on tonal characterstics; signal-strength & tuning meters; full complement of inputs, outputs, switches & controls. 207/8" W x 67/8" H x 17W D
.......................... $699.95

PIONEER - Sound Project 300 Stereo Receiver

7 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms with both channels driven at 1000 Hz; HD & IM dist. 1%; power bandwidth 25-60,000 Hz; FM sensitivity (IHF) 2.3 mV; capture ratio 3.5 dB; S/N 65dB; HD 0.8% stereo; stereo separation 40 dB (1000 Hz). 173/8" W x 53/16" H x 123/4" D
.......................... $189.95

PROJECT/one - Mark I AM-FM Stereo Receiver

15 W rms/ch into 8 ohms; IM & HD 0.5%; response 25-25,000 Hz; power bandwidth 10-45,000 Hz; FM sensitivity 2uV; S/N 65 dB; capture ratio 3 dB; alternate channel selectivity 50 dB; separation 40 dB at 400 Hz; response 20-15,000 Hz; has full complement of controls; FM tuning meter; headphone jack. 16 7/8" W x 5 3// H x 11 5/8" D
.......................... $199.95

PROJECT/one - Mark II AM-FM Stereo Receiver

20 W rms/ch into 8 ohms; IM & HD 0.5%; response 25-28,000 Hz; power bandwidth 10-50,000 Hz; FM sensitivity 2uV; S/N 65 dB; capture ratio 3 dB; alternate channel selectivity 50 dB; separation 40 dB at 400 Hz; response 20-15,000 Hz; has full complement of controls; FM tuning meter; headphone jack, two tape & two speaker jacks; 4-channel ready. 16" W x 5" H x 11" D
.......................... $269.95

PROJECT/one - Mark III AM-FM Stereo Receiver

32 W rms/ch into 8 ohms; IM & HD 0.2%; response 20-30,000 Hz; power bandwidth 10-60,000 Hz; FM sensitivity 1.9uV; S/N 65 dB; capture ratio 2 dB; alternate channel selectivity 60 dB; separation 40 dB at 400 Hz, 25 dB at 10,000 Hz; response 20-15,000 Hz; has two tape, two turntable, two speaker, one mike, and one headphone jacks; has signal-strength & tuning meters; full complement of controls. 4-channel ready. 18" W x 5" H x 12" D
.......................... $359.95

PROJECT/one - Mark IV AM-FM Stereo Receiver

55 W rms/ch into 8 ohms; IM & HD 0.2%; response 20-30,000 Hz; power bandwidth 10-65,000 Hz; FM sensitivity 1.8uV; S/N 65 dB; capture ratio 2 dB; alternate channel selectivity 60 dB; separation 40 dB at 400 Hz, 25 dB at 10,000 Hz; response 20-15,000 Hz; has two tape, two turntable, one mike, three speaker, and one headphones jacks; has signal-strength & tuning meters; full complement of controls; 4-channel ready; 19 V4" W x 5 3/4" H x 13" D
.......................... $449.95

RADIO SHACK - STA-200 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

33 W/ch continuous rms power at 8 ohms; 50 W/ch (IHF) at 8 ohms. Response 20-30,000 Hz; power bandwidth 20-20,000 Hz. S/N phono 50 dB; aux. 60 dB. THD 1% at rated output. Input sensitivity: phono 2.5/5 mV; aux. 200 mV. FM sensitivity 2uV (IHF); separation 30 dB; image rejection 100 dB; capture ratio 3 dB. Outputs: FM detector jack for 4-ch adaptability. Has 25 front- and rear-panel controls. OTL amplifier and regulated power supply. 6 3/4" x 18" x 13"
.......................... $459.95

RADIO SHACK - STA-76 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

12 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels driven at 1% THD (20-20,000 Hz); 18 W rms/ch at 1000 Hz; response 15-35,000 Hz ±2 dB; S/N 60 dB (phono & aux.); FM sensitivity 2.5 uV; capture ratio 3 dB; image rejection 50 dB; alternate channel rejection 50 dB; THD 1% 1 mV mono; S/N 65 dB 1 mV; stereo separation 34 dB at 1000 Hz; features FM muting; regulated power supply; "Quatravox" for synthesizing 4-channel by adding second set of speakers; has tape monitor; headphone jack; main/ remote speaker switch; 75 & 300 ohm FM antenna inputs; blackout dial. Wood cabinet. 5" x 18" x 13"
.......................... $249.95

RADIO SHACK - STA-82 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

22 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels driven at 1% THD (20-20,000 Hz); response 30-20,000 Hz ±1dB; S/N 60dB (phono), 80dB (aux.); FM sensitivity 2.5uV (IHF); capture ratio 2dB; stereo separation 35dB at 1000 Hz; features "Auto-Magic" tuning system which fine-tunes station electronically; "Perfect Loudness" slide controls for volume and balance settings; "Quatravox" 4-ch synthesizer; FM muting; tape monitor; high filter; main/ remote speaker switching; headphone jack. Walnut veneer cabinet. 5" x 17" x 12"
.......................... $299.95

RADIO SHACK - STA-250 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

44 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels driven at 0.5% THD (20-20,000 Hz); 50 W rms/ch at 1000 Hz; response 17-35,000 Hz ±1.5 dB; THD 0.1% half-power at 1000 Hz; S/N 50 dB (phono), 75 dB (tape), 70 dB (aux.); FM sensitivity 1.9uV (IHF); capture ratio 1.5 dB; image rejection 60 dB; stereo separation 40 dB at 1000 Hz; features signal-strength meter; high & low filters; tape monitor; main/ remote speaker switches; inputs for two phonos; "Quatravox" 4-ch. synthesizer. Walnut veneer cabinet, 5" x 16" x 15"
.......................... $319.95


Company has five AM-FM receivers in its line; all of them quite similar in design & appearance. All feature main/remote speaker switches, signal-strength meters, illuminated dial pointers, and are supplied with walnut cabinets.

ROTEL - RX-150A. 15 W/ch dynamic power

.......................... $149.95

ROTEL - RX-152

10 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels driven; 2-stage direct-coupled negative-feedback amp; loudness control; 4-channel simulation; speaker system switching 1 & 2, 1 + 2
.......................... $189.95

ROTEL - RX-202

15 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels driven; FM sensitivity 2.5 uV; 2-stage direct-coupled negative-feedback circuit; tape monitor; tape dubbing; hi-filter; loudness controls; 4-channel simulation; speaker system switching 1 & 2, 1 + 2
.......................... $229.95

ROTEL - RX-402

20 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels driven; phase lock loop circuitry; split power supply; direct-coupled output circuit; preamp out, main amp in; tape monitor; tape dubbing; concentric stepped bass & treble control; FM sensitivity 2.0uV; FM muting, hi-filter, loudness controls
.......................... $289.95

ROTEL - RX-602

35 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels driven; phase lock loop circuit; direct-
coupled output; split power supply; signal-strength & center-tuning meters; two phono & 2 aux. inputs; tape monitor; tape dubbing; FM & audio muting; tone-control defeat; hi-filter, loudness, and dual concentric bass & treble controls
.......................... $399.95

SANSUI - 210 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

10 W/ch continuous sine wave into 8 ohms with both channels driven & at 1% THD. (11 W/ch into 4 ohms); 11 W/ch dynamic power into 8 ohms (17 W/ch into 4 ohms). Power bandwidth 30-25,000 Hz; response 25-30,000 Hz ±2 dB. Input sensitivity: mag. phono 3 mV; aux. 180 mV. FM sensitivity 5.5uV for 30 dB quieting. Has tape monitor and universal power supply. 17" x 5" x 11" D. Housed in a walnut cabinet
.......................... $179.95

SANSUI - 771 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

40 W/continuous power into 8 ohms at 0.5% THD and 0.5% IM. 120 W (IHF) power. Amplifier is direct-coupled. Response 20-40,000 Hz±2 dB. FM sensitivity 2.0 )u,V. Has two tape monitors; provision for 4-ch adapter; three sets of speakers; outboard noise-reduction system; and mike input. 18" W x 5" H x ll" D
.......................... $379.95

SANSUI - 661 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

30 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms at 0.5% THD and 0.5% IM. 100 W(IHF) power. Amplifier is direct-coupled. Response 20*40,000 Hz±2 dB. FM sensitivity 2.2uV. Has two tape monitors; outputs for two sets of speakers; 4-ch ready. 17" W x 5" H x 11" D
.......................... $329.95

SANSUI - 881 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

60 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels driven (20-20,000 Hz); THD & IM dist. 0.03%; power bandwidth 10-40,000 Hz; hum & noise 80 dB; FM sensitivity 1.8 /iV (IHF); THD 0.5% stereo; S/N 70 dB; selectivity 70 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB; stereo separation 40 dB at 1000 Hz; features circuit board module construction; full complement of inputs, outputs, switches, and controls; signal-strength and center-channel meters
.......................... $449.95

SANSUI - 551 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

16 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels driven (20-20,000 Hz); THD & IM dist. 0.8%; power bandwidth 25-30,000 Hz; FM sensitivity 2.5 uV (IHF); capture ratio 2.5 dB; S/N 65 dB; THD 0.7% stereo; ha.s signal-strength meter; full complement of controls, inputs, and outputs
.......................... $259.95

SANSUI - 441 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

11 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels driven (20-20,000 Hz); THD 1.0%, IM dist. 0.8%; power bandwidth 30-25,000 Hz; FM sensitivity 2.5uV (IHF); capture ratio 2.5 dB; THD 0.7% stereo; S/N 65 dB
.......................... $219.95

SCOTT, H. H. - R77S AM-FM Stereo Receiver

70 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms with both channels driven (20-20,000 Hz); THD 0.3% at rated output; frequency response 8-40,000 Hz±l dB; power bandwidth 15-30,000 Hz; 4-16 ohms imp.; FM sensitivity 1.8 (xV (IHF); selectivity 75 dB; capture ratio 1.2 dB; S/N 70 dB; THD 0.4% stereo; stereo separation 40 dB at 1000 Hz; has two meters; six-pole lumped filters; six-way speaker switching; optical function indicator. Black and natural anodized aluminum enclosure. 18" x 15" x 5 3/4"
.......................... $599.95

SCOTT, H. H. - R75S

Same as R77S except 50 W/ch
.......................... $499.95

SCOTT, H. H. - R74S

Same as R77S except 40 W/ch
.......................... $399.95

SCOTT, H. H. - R36S AM-FM Stereo Receiver

30 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms with both channels driven (20-20,000 Hz); THD 0.5%; HD 0.5% at rated output; 4-8-16 ohms imp.; FM sensitivity 1.uV; frequency response 25-15,000 Hz; capture ratio 2.5 dB; selectivity 46dB; stereo separation 35dB at 1000 Hz; has full complement of inputs, outputs, jacks, and switches; separate signal-strength and center-tuning meters. 18" x 13" x 53/4"
.......................... $329.95

SCOTT, H. H. - R33S

Same as R36S except 18 W/ch; capture ratio 2 dB; single signal-strength meter. 18" x 13"x5V2"
.......................... $279.95

SHERWOOD - S-7900A AM-FM Stereo Receiver

60 W/ch (rms) at 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with both channels driven at 0.3% THD (120 W rms total). Direct-coupled output circuitry with electronic relay protection. Has switch for external connection of 4-channel decoder (doubles as a second tape monitor). Built-in Dynaquad 4-channel matrixing circuit for synthesizing regular 2-channel stereo program material. Has center-tune meter; ceramic filter. FM sensitivity 1.7uV for 30dB quieting; capture ratio 1.9 dB (IHF). Metal cabinet
.......................... $479.95
Optional walnut cabinet
.......................... $24.95


Same as S-7900A except FM only
.......................... $449.95

SHERWOOD - S-7110 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

17 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels driven (40-20,000 Hz); 20 W/ch at 1000 Hz; HM & IM dist. 0.9% at 8 ohm rated output, 0.2% at 10 W; frequency response 20-20,000 Hz±l dB (Aux.); power bandwidth 9-50,000 Hz 0.9% dist; FM sensitivity 2.0 /*V (IHF); S/N 65 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB; stereo distortion 0.6% at 100% modulation; spurious response rejection 87 dB; image rejection 60 dB; stereo separation 40 dB at 1000 Hz; frequency response 20-15,000 Hz ±1.5 dB stereo; features tuning meter; stereo indicator; tape monitor; mode switch; headphone jacks; bass, treble, balance, and loudness controls. Walnut-grain case. 17" W x 5" H x 13" D
.......................... $229.95

SHERWOOD - S-7210 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

22 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels driven (20-20,000 Hz); HD & IM dist. 0.8% at 8 ohm rated output, 0.2% at 10 W; power bandwidth 8-50,000 Hz 0.8% dist.; frequency response 20-20,000 Hz ±0.5 dB (Aux.); FM sensitivity 1.9 fjuV (IHF); S/N 69 dB; capture ratio 1.4 dB; stereo distortion 0.6% at 100% modulation; spurious response rejection 90 dB; image rejection 70 dB; stereo separation 40 dB at 1000 Hz; frequency response 20-15,000 Hz±l dB stereo; has full complement of inputs, outputs & controls; has 4-ch output for connecting decoder (doubles as second tape monitor); Walnut-grain case. 17V2" W x 5V/ H x 13" D
.......................... $299.95

SHERWOOD - S-7310 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

38 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels driven (20-20,000 Hz); HD & IM dist. 0.5% at 8 ohms rated output, 0.15% at 10 W; power bandwidth 7-50,000 Hz, 0.5% dist.; frequency response 20-20,000 Hz ±0.5 dB (Aux.); FM sensitivity 1.8 ju-V (IHF); S/N 70 dB; capture ratio 1.2 dB; stereo dist. 0.5% at 100% modulation; image rejection 70 dB; stereo separation 40 dB at 1000 Hz; frequency response 20-15,000 Hz ±1.5 dB stereo; has full complement of inputs, outputs, switches, controls, and filters; zero-center tuning meter; output for connecting 4-channel decoder. Walnut-grain case. 17V2" x 5V/ H x 13V/ D
.......................... $369.95

SONY - HST-230A AM-FM Stereo Receiver

20 W/ch dynamic power at 8 ohms. Input sensitivity: mag. phono 3.5 mV; ceramic phono 300 mV; tape 400 mV. Has tape monitor & main/remote speaker switch. 16 1/4" x 4 1/2" x 12 1/2"D
.......................... $149.95

SONY - STR-6036A AM-FM Stereo Receiver

15 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz); 18 W/ch into 8 ohms (1 kHz); HD & IM 0.8% at rated output. FM tuner sensitivity 2.2 /u,V (IHF); selectivity 60 dB; image rejection 55 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB. (S + N)/N 68 dB; response 30-15,000 Hz +0, -2 dB; stereo separation 35 dB at 400 Hz. Has full complement of controls. Dual input and output jacks for tape recorder monitoring as well as connection of SQ or other matrix decoders. Oiled walnut cabinet. 51 Vi6" H x 17Vs" W x 133"
.......................... $199.50

SONY - STR-6046A

Similar to STR-6036A except 20 W/ch continuous power output
.......................... $249.50

SONY - STR-7055 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

35 W/ch continuous power output into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz); 45 W/ch into 8 ohms (1 kHz); HD & IM 0.2% at rated output. FM sensitivity 2.0uV (IHF); selectivity 70 dB; capture ratio 1.0 dB; image rejection 70 dB. (S + N)/N 70dB. Has full complement of controls. Two pairs of inputs and outputs for monitoring two recorders; accepts any 4-ch decoder. Oiled walnut cabinet.
.......................... $399.50

SONY - STR-7065

Similar to STR-7055 except 60 W/ch and includes mike input and mixing facilities.
Oiled walnut cabinet. 57/8" x 17V/ x 9" D
.......................... $499.50

SUPERSCOPE - R-310 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

6 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms; response 30-30,000 Hz; features "Quadraphase;" illuminated signal-strength/tuning meter; stereo multiplex indicator; tape monitor jack; line balance control; remote/Quadraphase speaker switch; magnetic/ceramic phono input switch. Walnut-grained cabinet. 1615/i6" W x 413/i6" H x 115/16" D
.......................... $169.95

SUPERSCOPE - R-330 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

9 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms with both channels operating; THD 1.0% at 1 kHz. Response 15-45,000 Hz ±3 dB; power bandwidth 30-30,000 Hz. FM usable sensitivity 5 /uV; (S + N)/N 55 dB; stereo separation 32 dB at 1 kHz; capture ratio 4 dB. Has volume controls, mode selector switch, loudness and tape monitor switches, balance control, main/remote speaker switch, stereo headphone jack, signal-strength tuning meter, FM stereo indicator light, output for 4-ch FM decoder when 4-ch multiplex FM broadcasting is approved. 167s" W x 5V/ Hx 125/8" D
.......................... 219.95

SUPERSCOPE - R-340 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

12 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms with both channels driven; THD 1.0% at 1 kHz. Response 30-20,000 Hz ±1 dB; power bandwidth 30-30,000 Hz. FM usable sensitivity 2.8 /uV (IHF); stereo separation 32 dB at 1 kHz; capture ratio 2.5 dB; spurious rejection 45 dB. Includes Quadraphase circuit to simulate 4-ch from standard stereo sources with addition of
two speakers. 16 7s" W x 5" H x 5 7a" D
.......................... $259.95

SUPERSCOPE - R-350 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

Similar to R-340 except 25 W/ch; response 20-20,000 Hz±l dB; power bandwidth 15-40,000 Hz. FM usable sensitivity (IHF) 2.8uV; stereo separation 35dB at 1kHz; capture ratio 3.0 dB; spurious rejection 84 dB (FM). Includes Quadraphase
.......................... $299.95

SYLVANIA - CR2742A AM-FM Receiver

Has SQ4 circuitry to simulate 4-channel reproduction, outputs for four speakers, 22 W/ch rms continuous power into 8 ohms (30 S/ch into 4 ohms). THD 0.5% at rated output (0.1% at 1W). Response 17-35,000 Hz +0, -3 dB. Power bandwidth 17-30,000 Hz. FM sensitivity 1.9uV for 30 dB quieting. Capture ratio 1.5 dB
.......................... $229.95

SYLVANIA - RS4744 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

60 W rms/ch into 8 with both channels driven (20-20,000 Hz) at 0.25% THD; power bandwidth 5-30,000 Hz; frequency response 7-70,000 Hz (tape input ±1 dB); FM sensitivity 1.8 /LtV; S/N 67 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB; THD stereo 0.4%; stereo separation 40 dB (1000 Hz), 30 dB (10,000 Hz); has full complement of inputs, outputs, controls and switches. Walnut-grained vinyl cabinet.
.......................... $399.95

TANDBERG - TR-1020A AM-FM Stereo Receiver

52 W/ch dynamic power into 8 ohms (75 W/ch into 4 ohms); 40 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms (52 W/ch into 4 ohms) with both channels driven & at 0.2% THD (38 W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz). Response 12-70,000 Hz±0.75dB. FM sensitivity 2 /aV; capture ratio 1.8 dB. Input sensitivity; mag. phono 4 mV; tape #1 & #2 260 mV. Has tape monitor; main/remote speaker switch; and a signal-strength meter that can also be used to read power output.
.......................... $529.90

TANDBERG - TR-1055 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

55 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels driven (20-20,000 Hz), 0.2% dist.; power bandwidth 4-40,000 Hz into 8 ohms, 0.2% dist.; frequency range (linear inputs) 7-70,000 Hz -1.5 dB; FM sensitivity-2 ju,V (IHF); S/N 66 dB stereo; dist. 0.3% stereo; frequency range 20-15,000 Hz -3 dB; i.f. rejection 95 dB; image rejection 70 dB; capture ratio 0.9 dB (1 mV antenna signal); channel separation 40 dB 100-12,000 Hz; signal strength/power output indicator; center-channel tuning meter; features full complement of inputs, outputs, switches, and controls.
.......................... $629.90

TANDBERG - TR-2075 AM-FM Stereo Receiver

75 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels driven; response 20-20,000 Hz; dist. 0.2%; finger-tip switching facilities; available for Fall delivery
.......................... $899.00


13 W/ch continuous power at 8 ohms (15 W/ch at 4 ohms) and at 0.8% THD. Power bandwidth 5-30,000 Hz. FM sensitivity 1.9 /u,V for 30 dB quieting; capture ratio 2 dB. Input sensitivity: mag. phono 3 mV; mike 2.5 mV; tape play #1 & #2 200 mV. Features mike inputs; dual tape monitor with tape-to-tape dubbing; main/remote speaker switch. Has built-in "speaker matrix" for 4-channel enhancement. 16Vs" x 57s" x 14"D
.......................... $219.95

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