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Aus den Archiven des Hamburger Exporteurs ESTEMAC

Nach demEnde des 2. Weltkriegs war die Firma Georg Neuman Berlin eine der weltweit bekanntesten Studio-Mikrofonhersteller der deutschen Firmen aus der Zeit vor 1939, obwohl die Mikrofone fast alle unter dem Logo von Telefunken verkauft wurden. Es gab natürlich "Ecken" in dieser Welt, in der es einfach keine Kaufkraft gab und das war unter anderem Südamerika und auch Mittelamerika - völlig konträr zu den USA und Kanada.
Unser Zeitzeuge Heinz Schleusner, den ich mit seinen 90 Jahren im Juli 2024 nocheinmal in Hamburg besuchen durfte, hatte mir die ganzen Storys über das  "deutsche Exportverhalten" oder die weniger lustige "Art und Weise", wie man mit motivierten Exporteuren und deren Importeuren umging, noch einmal lebhaft und glaubhaft erläutert.

Die Estemac Hamburg, Peru und Guatemala bekam jahrelang den Abschluß eines Vertiebsvertrages zugesichert, der jedoch nie in die Tat umgesetzt wurde. Das betraf sowohl Georg Neumann Berlin wie auch Revox und UHER und weitere deutsche Firmen.

Im Gegenzug bekam Estemac ganz vernünftige Einkaufspreise (Rabatte) und mußte keine Vorcast Planung abgeben und mußte die gelieferte Ware erst nach Lieferung bezahlen. Das war dann der (vermutliche) Ausgleich für die anderen Schludereien.

Die Neumann Mikrofon-Produkte zu dieser Zeit (Mai 1976 ?)

Auf diesen Reparatur-Preislisten steht kein Datum drauf. So kann nur aus den Produkt- bezeichnugen und deren erstem Erscheinen auf das Datum der Preisliste geschlossen werden.


Pricelist for Repairs and Spares for NEUMANN Microphones Edition 576 GT


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1.0 1 Repair basic charge   151.-
2.2 1 Housing tube, normal 110241-300-A99.00 49.50
2.2.1 Housing tube, dark    
2.3 Microphone socket 10241-260-A99.01 97.50
2.4 Cap nut, cpl. 10241-400-A99.01 23.-
3.2 1 Output transformer 09415-000-099.01 51.-
3.3 Tube    
3.3.1 Transistor 2 N 3819, 2 N 4302 5.-
3.4 Amplifier circuit, without Rep.No 3.3, 2.3, 3.2, 2.2 10241-200-A99.04 291.-
3.5 Coil, oscillating transformer    
4.0 Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   71.50
4.2 Exchange capsule 10241-H0-A99.00 178.-
4.3 Protection cover 10203-100-A01.00 133.-
4.4 Protection cover, bend out 10203-100-A01.00  
4.5 Capsule 10241-H0-A99.00 280.-
4.6 Capsule suspension 10203-190-AOl.OO 17.60
4.7 Assembly of capsule cpl. 10241-100-A99.01 133.50
4.8 Cleaning of capsule 10241-H0-A99.00  
4.9 Adapter for capsule    


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1.0 Repair basic charge   151.-
2.2 Housing tube, normal 1 10241-300-B99.01 56.70
2.2.1 Housing tube, dark    
2.3 Microphone socket 10241-260-A99.01 97.50
2.4 2.5 Cap nut, cpl. 10241-400-B99.01 25.60
3.2 Output transformer 09415-000-099.01 51.-
3.3 Tube    
3.3.1 Transistor 2N3819, 2N4302 5.-
3.4 Amplifier circuit, without Rep.No 3.3, 2.3, 3.2, 2.2 10241-200-A99.04 291.-
3.5 3.6 Coil, oscillating transformer    
4.0 Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   71.50
4.2 Exchange capsule 10241-HO-A99.00 178.-
4.3 Protection cover 10203-100-BOl.OO 142.-
4.4 Protection cover, bend out 10203-100-BOl.OO  
4.5 Capsule 10241-H0-A99.00 280.-
4.6 Capsule suspension 10203-190-A01.00 17.60
4-7 Assembly of capsule cpl. 10241-100-B99.01 133.50
4.8 Cleaning of capsule 10241-HO-A99.00  


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1.0 Repair basic charge   151.-
2.2 Housing tube, normal 10241-300-A99.00 49.50
2.2.1 Housing tube, dark    
2.3 Microphone socket 10241-260-C99.01 97.50
2.4 2.5 Cap nut, cpl. 10241-400-A99.01 23.-
3.2 Output transformer 09415-000-099.01 5lT^
3.3 Tube    
3.3.1 Transistor 2N3819, 2N4302 5.-
3.4 Amplifier circuit, without Rep.No 3.3, 2.3, 3.2, 2.2 10241-200-C99.03 291.-
3.5 3.6 Coil, oscillating transformer    
4.0 Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   71.50
4.2 Exchange capsule 10241-110-A99.00 178.-
4.3 Protection cover 10203-100-AOl.OO 133.-
4.4 Protection cover, bend out 10203-100-AOl.OO  
4.5 Capsule 10241-H0-A99.00 280.-
4.6 Capsule suspension 10203-190-AOl.OO 17.60
4.7 Assembly of capsule cpl. 10241-100-A99.01 133.50
4.8 Cleaning of capsule 10241-H0-A99.00  


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1.0 Repair basic charge   151.-
2.2 Housing tube, normal 10241-300-B99.01 56.70
2.2.1 1 Housing tube, dark    
2.3 Microphone socket 10241-260-C99.01 97.50
2.4 2.5 Cap nut, cpl. 10241-400-B99.01 25.60
3.2 Output transformer 09415-000.099.01 51^
3.3 Tube    
3.3.1 Transistor 2N3819, 2N4302 5.-
3.4 Amplifier circuit, without Rep.No 3.3, 2.3, 3.2, 2.2 10241-200-C99.03 291.-
3.5 3.6 Coil, oscillating transformer    
4.0 Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   71.50
4.2 Exchange capsule 10241-H0-A99.00 178.-
4.3 Protection cover 10203-100-B01.00 142.-
4.4 Protection cover, bend out 10203-100-B01.00  
4.5 Capsule 10241-H0-A99.00 280.-
4.6 Capsule suspension 10203-190-A01.00 17.60
4.7 Assembly of capsule cpl. 10241-100-B99.01 133.50
4.8 Cleaning of capsule 10241-HO-A99.00  
4.9 Adapter for capsule    


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1.0 Repair basic charge   151.-
2.2 Housing tube, normal 1 10243-120-A99.01 156.-
2.2.1 Housing tube, dark    
2.3 Microphone socket 10238-214-A99.01 58.80
2.4 Cap nut, cpl.    
3.2 1 Output transformer 09107 50.40
3.3 Tube    
3.3.1 Transistor 2N3819, 2N4302 5.-
3.4 Amplifier circuit, without Rep.No 3.3, 2.3, 3.2, 2.2 10243-200-A99.02 269.-
3.5 3.6 Coil, oscillating transformer    
4.0 Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   71.40
4.2 Exchange capsule 08032-300-E99 287.-
4.3 Protection cover 10232-100-AOl.OO 191.-
4.4 Protection cover, bend out 10232-100-A01.00  
4.5 Capsule 08032-300-E99 525.-
4.6 Capsule suspension 10232-112-A99.00 16.-
4.7 Assembly of capsule cpl. 10243-110-A99.02 160.-
4.8 Cleaning of capsule 08032-300-E99  


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1 1.0 Repair basic charge   151.-
2.2 Housing tube, normal 10243-120-B99.01 160.-
2.2.1 Housing tube, dark    
2.3 Microphone socket 10238-214-A99.01 58.80
2.4 Gap nut, cpl.    
3.2 Output transformer 09107 50.40
3.3 Tube    
3.3.1 Transistor 2N3819, 2N4302 5.-
3.4 Amplifier circuit, without Rep.No 3.3, 2.3, 3.2, 2.2 10243-200-A99.02 269.-
3.5 3.6 Coil, oscillating transformer    
4.0 Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   71.40
4.2 Exchange capsule 08032-300-E99 287.-
4.3 Protection cover 10232-100-B01.00 194.-
4.4 Protection cover, bend out 10232-100-B01.00  
4.5 Capsule 08032-300-E99 525.-
4.6 Capsule suspension 10232-112-A99.00 16.-
4.7 Assembly of capsule cpl. 10243-H0-A99.02 160.-
4.8 Cleaning of capsule 08032-300-E99  


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1.0 Repair basic charge   151.-
2.2 Housing tube, normal 1 10243-120-C99.01 156.-
2.2.1 Housing tube, dark    
2.3 Microphone socket 10238-214-C99.01 44.50
2.4 Cap nut, cpl.    
3.2 Output transformer 09107 50.40
3.3 Tube    
3.3.1 Transistor 2N3819, 2N4302 5.-
3.4 Amplifier circuit, without Rep.No 3.3, 2.3, 3.2, 2.2 10243-200-C99.03 269.-
3.5 3-6 Coil, oscillating transformer    
4.0 Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   71.40
4.2 Exchange capsule 08032-300-E99 287.-
4.3 Protection cover 10232-100-A01.00 191.-
4.4 Protection cover, bend out 10232-100-A01.00  
4.5 Capsule 08032-300-E99 525.-
4.6 Capsule suspension 10232-112-A99.00 16.-
4.7 Assembly of capsule cpl. 10243-H0-A99.02 160.-
4.8 Cleaning of capsule 08032-300-E99  
4.9 Adapter for capsule    


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1.0 Repair basic charge   1 151.-
2.2 Housing tube, normal 102433-120-B99.01 160.-
2.2.1 Housing tube, dark    
2.3 Microphone socket 10238-214-C99.01 44.50
2.4 Cap nut, cpl.    
3.2 Output transformer 09107 50.40
3.3 Tube    
3.3.1 Transistor 2N3819, 2N4302 5.-
3.4 Amplifier circuit, without Rep.No 3.3, 2.3, 3.2, 2.2 10243-200-G99.03 269.-
3.5 3.6 Coil, oscillating transformer    
4.0 Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   71.40
4.2 Exchange capsule 08032-300-E99 287.-
4.3 Protection cover 10232-1O0-BO1.O0 194.-
4.4 Protection cover, bend out 10232-100-B01.00  
4.5 Capsule 08032-300-E99 525.-
4.6 Capsule suspension 10232-112-A99.00 16.-
4.7 Assembly of capsule cpl. 10243-110-A99.02 160.-
4.8 Cleaning of capsule 08032-300-E99  
4.9 Adapter for capsule    


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1.0   Repair basic charge 151.-
2.2 Housing tube, normal 0203-300-A99.00 44.50
2.2.1 Housing tube, dark    
2.3 Microphone socket 10203-200-A01.00 26.90
2.4 2.5 Cap nut, cpl. 10203-400-A99.01 22.30
3.2 Output transformer 09012-000-099.00 35.70
3.3 Tube EF 86 15.-
3.3.1 Transistor    
3.4 Amplifier circuit, without [Rep.No 3.3, 2.3, 3.2, 2.2 10203-200-A99.01 213.-
3.5 Coil, oscillating transformer    
4.0 Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   71.40
4.2 Exchange capsule 10203-H0-A99.00 175.-
4.3 Protection cover 10203-100-A01.00 133.-
4.4 Protection cover, bend out 10203-100-A01.00  
4.5 Capsule 10203-H0-A99.00 300.-
4.6 Capsule suspension 10203-190-A01.00 17.60
4.7 Assembly of capsule cpl. 10203-100-A99.01 105.-
4.8 Cleaning of capsule 10203-H0-A99.00  
4.9 Adapter for capsule    


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1.0 Repair basic charge   151.-
2.2 Housing tube, normal 1 10203-300-B99.00 49.60
2.2.1 Housing tube, dark    
2.3 Microphone socket 10203-200-A01.00 26.90
2.4 Cap nut, cpl. 10203-400-B99.01 24.80
3.2 Output transformer 09012-000-099.00 35.70
3.3 Tube EF 86 15.-
3.3.1 Transistor    
3.4 Amplifier circuit, without Rep.No 3.3, 2.3, 3.2, 2.2 10203-200-A99.01 213.-
3.5 Coil, oscillating transformer    
4.0 Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   71.40
4.2 Exchange capsule 10203-110-A99.00 175.-
4.3 Protection cover 10203-100-B01.00 142.-
4.4 Protection cover, bend out 10203-100-BOl.OO  
4.5 Capsule 10203-H0-A99.00 300.-
4.6 Capsule suspension 10203-190-AOl.OO 17.60
4.7 Assembly of capsule cpl. 10203-100-B99.00 107.-
4.8 Cleaning of capsule 10203-H0-A99.00  
4.9 Adapter for capsule    


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1.0 Repair basic charge   151.-
2.2 Housing tube, normal 11245-250-A99.02 75.-
2.2.1 Housing tube, dark    
2.3 Microphone socket 11245-260-A99.04 39.-
2.4 Cap nut, cpl.    
2.5 Inside tube 11245-270-A99.02 43.70
3.2 Output transformer 09330 42.-
3.3 Tube    
3.3.1 Transistor    
3.4 Amplifier circuit, without Rep.No 3.3, 2.3, 3.2, 2.2 11245-200-A99.02 218.-
3.5 Coil, oscillating transformer    
4.0 Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   71.40
4.2 Exchange capsule 11245-000-A02.00 144.-
4.3 Protection cover 11245-300-A99.01 204.-
4.4 Protection cover, bend out 11245-300-A99.01  
4.5 Capsule 11245-000-A02.00  
4.6 Capsule suspension    
4.7 Assembly of capsule cpl.    
4.8 Cleaning of capsule 11245-000-A02.00  
4.9 Adapter for capsule    


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1.0 Repair basic charge   151.-
2.2 Housing tube, normal 11245-250-B99.02 79.80
2.2.1 Housing tube, dark    
2.3 Microphone socket 11245-260-B99.04 42.80
2.4 Cap nut, cpl.    
2.5 Inside tube 11245-270-A99.02 43.70
3.2 Output transformer 09330 42T^
3.3 Tube    
3.3.1 Transistor    
3.4 Amplifier circuit, without Rep.No 3.3, 2.3, 3.2, 2.2 11245-200-B99.02 218.-
3.5 Coil, oscillating transformer    
4.0 Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   71.40
4.2 Exchange capsule 11245-000-A02.00 144.-
4.3 Protection cover 11245-300-B99.01 209.-
4.4 Protection cover, bend out 11245-300-B99.01  
4.5 Capsule 11245-000-A02.00  
4.6 Capsule suspension    
4.7 Assembly of capsule cpl.    
4.8 Cleaning of capsule 11245-000-A02.00  
4.9 Adapter for capsule    


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1.0 Repair basic charge   151.-
2.2 Housing tube, normal 11245-250-A99.02 75.-
2.2.1 Housing tube, dark    
2.3 Microphone socket 11245-260-C99.04 37.40
2.4 Cap nut, cpl.    
2.5 Inside tube 11245-270-A99.02 43.70
3.2 Output transformer 09330 42
3.3 Tube    
3.3.1 Transistor    
3.4 Amplifier circuit, without Rep.No 3.3, 2.3, 3.2, 2.2 11245-200-C99.02 216.-
3.5 Coil, oscillating transformer    
4.0 Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   71.40
4.2 Exchange capsule 11245-000-A02.00 144.-
4.3 Protection cover 11245-300-A99.O1 204.-
4.4 Protection cover, bend out 11245-300-A99.01  
4.5 Capsule 11245-000-A02.00  
4.6 Capsule suspension    
4.7 Assembly of capsule cpl.    
4.8 Cleaning of capsule    
4.9 Adapter for capsule    


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1.0 Repair basic charge   151.-
2.2 Housing tube, normal 11245-250-B99.02 79.80
2.2.1 Housing tube, dark    
2.3 Microphone socket 11245-260-D99.04 40.70
2.4 Cap nut, cpl.    
2.5 Inside tube 11245-270-A99.02 43.70
3.2 Output transformer 09330 42.-
3.3 Tube    
3.3.1 Transistor    
3.4 Amplifier circuit, without Rep.No 3.3, 2.3, 3.2, 2.2 11245-200-D99.02 216.-
3.5 Coil, oscillating transformer    
4.0 Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   71.40
4.2 Exchange capsule 11245-000-A02.00 144.-
4.3 Protection cover 11245-300-B99.01 209.-
4.4 Protection cover, bend out 11245-300-B99.01  
4.5 Capsule 11245-000-A02.00  
4.6 Capsule suspension    
4.7 Assembly of capsule cpl.    
4.8 Cleaning of capsule 11245-000-A02.00  
4.9 Adapter for capsule    


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1.0 Repair basic charge   151.-
2.2 Housing tube, normal 11244-251-A99.01 168.-
2.2.1 Housing tube, dark    
2.3 Microphone socket 11244-240-A99.03 17.70
2.4 Cap nut, cpl.    
3.2 Output transformer 09331-000-099.01 56.70
3.3 Tube    
3.3.1 Transistor S 2436 16.80
    BC 212 B 3.10
3.4 Amplifier circuit, without Rep.No 3.3, 2.3, 3.2, 2.2 11244-210-A99.04 244.-
3.5 Coil, oscillating transformer    
4.0 Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   71.50
4.2 Exchange capsule 11244-120-A01.02 160.-
4.3 Protection cover 11244-100-A02.01 147.-
4.4 Protection cover, bend out 11244-100-A02.01  
4.5 Capsule 11244-120-A01.02 250.-
4.6 Capsule suspension 11244-120-A08.00 21.-
4.7 Assembly of capsule cpl. 11244-120-A99.02 94.-
4.8 Cleaning of capsule 11244-120-A01.02  
4.9 Adapter for capsule    


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1.0 Repair basic charge   151.-
2.2 Housing tube, normal 11244-251-B99.01 176.40
2.2.1 Housing tube, dark    
2.3 Microphone socket 11244-240-A99.03 17.70
2.4 Cap nut, cpl.    
3-2 Output transformer 09331-000-099.01 56.70
3.3 Tube    
3.3.1 Transistor S 2436 16.80
    BC 212 B 3.10
3.4 Amplifier circuit, without Rep.No 3.3, 2.3, 3.2, 2.2 11244-210-A99.04 244.-
3.5 Coil, oscillating transformer    
4.0 Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   71.50
4.2 Exchange capsule 11244-120-A01.02 160.-
4.3 Protection cover 11244-100-B02.01 154.-
4.4 Protection cover, bend out 11244-100-B02.01  
4.5 Capsule 11244-120-A01.02 250.-
4.6 Capsule suspension 11244-120-A08.00 21.-
4.7 Assembly of capsule cpl. 11244-120-A99.02 94.-
4.8 Cleaning of capsule    
4.9 Adapter for capsule    


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1.0 Repair basic charge   151.-
2.2 Housing tube, normal 11244-251-C99.01 168.-
2.2.1 Housing tube, dark    
2.3 Microphone socket 11244-240-C99.03 55.-
3-2 Output transformer 09331-000-099.01 56.70
2.4 Cap nut, cpl.    
3.3 Tube    
3.3.1 Transistor S 2436 16.80
    BC 212 B 3.10
3.4 Amplifier circuit, without Rep.No 3.3, 2.3, 3.2, 2.2 11244-210-A99.04 244.-
3.5 Coil, oscillating transformer    
4.0 Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   71.50
4.2 Exchange capsule 11244-120-A01.02 160.-
4.3 Protection cover 11244-100-A02.01 147.-
4.4 Protection cover, bend out 11244-100-A02.01  
4.5 Capsule 11244-120-A01.02 250.-
4.6 Capsule suspension 11244-120-A08.00 21.-
4.7 Assembly of capsule cpl. 11244-120-A99.02 94.-
4.8 Cleaning of capsule 11244-120-A01.02  
4.9 Adapter for capsule    


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1.0   Repair basic charge 151.-
2.2 Housing tube, normal 11244-251-D99.01 176.-
2.2.1 Housing tube, dark    
2.3 Microphone socket 11244-240-C99.03 55.-
2.4 Cap nut, cpl.    
3-2 Output transformer 09331-000-099.01 56.70
2.4 Cap nut, cpl.    
3.3 Tube    
3.3.1 Transistor S 2436 16.80
    BC 212 B 3.10
3.4 Amplifier circuit, without Rep.No 3.3, 2.3, 3.2, 2.2 11244-210-A99.04 244.-
3.5 Coil, oscillating transformer    
4.0 Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   71.50
4.2 Exchange capsule 11244-120-A01.02 160.-
4.3 Protection cover 11244-100-B02.01 154.-
4.4 Protection cover, bend out 11244-100-B02.01  
4.5 Capsule 11244-120-A01.02 250.-
4.6 Capsule suspension 11244-120-A08.00 21.-
4.7 Assembly of capsule cpl. 11244-120-A99.02 94.-
4.8 Cleaning of capsule 11244-120-A01.02  
4.9 Adapter for capsule    


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1.0 Repair basic charge   151.-
2.2 Housing tube, normal Ill244-251-E99.01 168.-
2.2.1 Housing tube, dark    
2.3 Microphone socket 11244-240-A99.03 17.70
2.4 Cap nut, cpl.    
3.2 Output transformer 09331-000-099.01 56.70
3.3 Tube    
3.3.1 Transistor S 2436 16.80
    BC 212 B 3.10
3.4 Amplifier circuit, without Rep.No 3.3, 2.3, 3.2, 2.2 11244-210-A99.04 244.-
3.5 Coil, oscillating transformer    
4.0 Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   71.50
4.2 Exchange capsule 11244-120-A01.02 160.-
4.3 Protection cover 11244-100-A02.01 147.-
4.4 Protection cover, bend out 11244-100-A02.01  
4.5 Capsule 11244-120-A01.02 250.-
4.6 Capsule suspension 11244-120-A08.00 21.-
4.7 Assembly of capsule cpl. 11244-120-A99.02 94.-
4.8 Cleaning of capsule 11244-120-A01.02  
4.9 Adapter for capsule    


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1.0 Repair basic charge   1 151.-
2.2 Housing tube, normal 1 11244-251-P99.01 176.40
2.2.1 Housing tube, dark    
2.3 Microphone socket 11244-240-A99.03 17.70
2.4 Cap nut, cpl.    
3.2 Output transformer 09331-000-099.01 56.70
3.3 Tube    
3.3.1 Transistor S 2436 16.80
    BC 212 B 3.10
3.4 Amplifier circuit, without Rep.No 3.3, 2.3, 3.2, 2.2 11244-210-A99.04 244.-
3.5 Coil, oscillating transformer    
4.0 Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   71.50
4.2 Exchange capsule 11244-120-A01.02 160.-
4.3 Protection cover 11244-100-B02.01 154.-
4.4 Protection cover, bend out 11244-100-B02.01  
4.5 Capsule 11244-120-A01.02 250.-
4.6 Capsule suspension 11244-120-A08.00 21.-
4.7 Assembly of capsule cpl. 11244-120-A99.02 94.-
4.8 Cleaning of capsule 11244-120-A01.02  
4.9 Adapter for capsule    


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1.0 Repair basic charge   151.-
2.2 Housing tube, normal 11244-251-G99.01 168.-
2.2.1 Housing tube, dark    
2.3 Microphone socket 11244-240-C99.03 55.-
2.4 Cap nut, cpl.    
3.2 Output transformer 09331-000-099.01 56.70
3.3 Tube    
3.3.1 Transistor S 2436 16.80
    BC 212 B 3.10
3.4 Amplifier circuit, without Rep.No 3.3, 2.3, 3.2, 2.2 11244-210-A99.04 244.-
3.5 Coil, oscillating transformer    
4.0 Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   71.50
4.2 Exchange capsule 11244-120-A01.02 160.-
4.3 Protection cover 11244-100-A02.01 147.-
4.4 Protection cover, bend out 11244-100-A02.01  
4.5 Capsule 11244-120-A01.02 250.-
4.6 Capsule suspension 11244-120-A08.00 21.-
4.7 Assembly of capsule cpl. 11244-120-A99.02 94.-
4.8 Cleaning of capsule 11244-120-A01.02  
4.9 Adapter for capsule    


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1.0   Repair basic charge 151.-
2.2 Housing tube, normal 11244-251-H99.01 176.40
2.2.1 Housing tube, dark    
2.3 Microphone socket 11244-240-C99.03 55.-
2.4 Cap nut, cpl.    
3.2 Output transformer 0931-000-099.01 56770
4.0 Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   71.50
4.2 Exchange capsule 11244-120-A01.02 160.-
4.3 Protection cover 11244-100-B02.01 154.-
4.4 Protection cover, bend out 11244-100-B02.01  
4.5 Capsule 11244-120-A01.02 250.-
4.6 Capsule suspension 11244-120-A08.00 21.-
4.7 Assembly of capsule cpl. 11244-120-A99.02 94.-
4.8 Cleaning of capsule 11244-120-A01.02  
4.9 Adapter for capsule    


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1.0 Repair basic charge   151.-
2.2 Housing tube, normal 11235-400-A99.00 51.30
2.2.1 Housing tube, dark    
2.3 Microphone socket 11235-300-A99.02 18.50
2.4 Cap nut, cpl.    
2.5 Connecting cable 1 11235-100-A99.02 1 61,30
3.2 [Output transformer    
3.3 Tube    
3.3.1 Transistor    
3.4 Amplifier circuit, without Rep.No 3.3, 2.3, 3.2, 2.2    
3.5 Coil, oscillating transformer    
4.0 Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   71.50
4.2 Exchange capsule 11235-200-A99.02 213.-


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1.0 Repair basic charge   151.-
2.2 Housing tube, normal 11235-400-A99.00 51.30
2.2.1 Housing tube, dark    
2.3 Microphone socket 11235-300-A99.02 18.50
2.4 Cap nut, cpl.    
2.5 Connecting cable 1 11235-100-B99.02 1 61.30
3.2 Output transformer    
3.3 Tube    
3.3.1 Transistor    
3.4 Amplifier circuit, without Rep.No 3.3, 2.3, 3.2, 2.2    
3.5 Coil, oscillating transformer    
4.0 Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   71.50
4.2 Exchange capsule 11235-200-A99.02 213.-


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1.0 Repair basic charge   151. -
2.2 Housing tube, normal 10238-220-A99.01 42.90
2.2.1 Housing tube, dark    
2.3 Microphone socket 10238-214-A99.01 58.80
2.4 Cap nut, cpl.  
3.2 Output transformer 09107 50.40
3.3 Tube    
3.3.1 Transistor 2 N 3819 5.-
3.4 Amplifier circuit, without Rep.No 3.3, 2.3, 3.2, 2.2 10238-210-A99.02 142.-
3.5 Coil, oscillating transformer    
4.0 Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   71.40
4.2 Exchange capsule 08032-400-A99.00 138.-


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1.0 1 Repair basic charge   151.-
2.2 Housing tube, normal 10238-220-B99.01 46.20
2.2.1 Housing tube, dark    
2.3 Microphone socket 10238-214-A99.01 58.80
2.4 Cap nut, cpl.    
3.2 Output transformer 09107 50.40
3.3 Tube    
3.3.1 Transistor 2 N 3819 5.-
3.4 Amplifier circuit, without Rep.No 3.3, 2.3, 3.2, 2.2 10238-210-A99.02 142.-
3.5 Coil, oscillating transformer    
4.0 Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   71.40
4.2 Exchange capsule 08032-400-B99.00 138.-
4.3 Protection cover    
4.4 Protection cover, bend out    
4.5 Capsule 08032-400-B99.00  
4.6 Capsule suspension    
4.7 Assembly of capsule cpl.    
4.8 Cleaning of capsule 08032-400-B99.00  
4.9 Adapter for capsule    


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1.0 Repair basic charge   151.-
2.2 Housing tube, normal 10238-220-C99.01 42.50
2.2.1 Housing tube, dark    
2.3 Microphone socket 10238-214-C99.01 44.50
2.4 Cap nut, cpl.    
3.2 Output transformer 09107 50.40
3.3 Tube    
3.3.1 Transistor 2 N 3819 5.-
3.4 Amplifier circuit, without Rep.No 3.3, 2.3, 3.2, 2.2 10238-210-C99.02 142.-
3.5 Coil, oscillating transformer    
4.0 Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   71.40
4.2 Exchange capsule 08032-400-A99.00 138.-
4.3 Protection cover    


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1.0 Repair basic charge   151.-
2.2 Housing tube, normal 10238-220-A99.01 42.90
2.2.1 Housing tube, dark    
2.3 Microphone socket 10238-214-A99.01 58.80
2.4 Cap nut, cpl.    
3.2 1 Output transformer 09107 r 50.40
3.3 Tube    
3.3.1 Transistor 2 N 3819 5.-
3.4 Amplifier circuit, without Rep.No 3.3, 2.3, 3.2, 2.2 10238-210-A99.02 142.-
3.5 Coil, oscillating transformer    
4.0 Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   71.40
4.2 Exchange capsule 08032-300-A99 144.-


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1.0 Repair "basic charge   151.-
2.2 Housing tube, normal 10238-220-B99.01 46.20
2.2.1 Housing tube, dark    
2.3 Microphone socket 10238-214-A99.01 58.80
2.4 Cap nut, cpl.    
3.2 Output transformer 09107 50740
3.3 Tube    
3.3.1 Transistor 2 N 3819 5.-
3.4 Amplifier circuit, without Rep.No 3.3, 2.3, 3.2, 2.2 10238-210-A99.02 142.-
3.5 Coil, oscillating transformer    
To Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   7l740
4.2 Exchange capsule 08032-300-B99 144.-


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1.0 Repair basic charge   151.-
2.2 Housing tube, normal 10238-220-C99.01 42.50
2.2.1 Housing tube, dark    
2.3 Microphone socket 10238-214-C99.01 44.50
2.4 Cap nut, cpl.    
3.2 Output transformer 09107 50.40
3.3 Tube    
3.3.1 Transistor 2 N 3819 5.-
3.4 Amplifier circuit, without IRep.No 3.3, 2.3, 3.2, 2.2 10238-210-C99.02 142.-
3.5 Coil, oscillating transformer    
4.0 Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   71.40
4.2 Exchange capsule 08032-300-A99 144.-


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1.0 Repair basic charge   151.-
2.2 Housing tube, normal 10238-220-D99.01 46.20
2.2.1 Housing tube, dark    
2.3 Microphone socket 10238-214-099.01 44.50
2.4 Cap nut, cpl.    
3.2 Output transformer 09107 50.40
3.3 Tube    
3.3.1 Transistor 2 N 3819 5.-
3.4 Amplifier circuit, without Rep.No 3.3, 2.3, 3.2, 2.2 10238-210-C99.02 142.-
3.5 Coil, oscillating transformer    
4.0 Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   71.40
4.2 Exchange capsule 08032-300-B99 144.-


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1.0 Repair basic charge   151.-
2.2 Housing tube, normal 10238-220-A99.01 42.90
2.2.1 Housing tube, dark    
2.3 Microphone socket 10238-214-A99.01 58.80
2.4 Cap nut, cpl.    
3.2 Output transformer 09107 50.40
3.3 Tube    
3.3-1 Transistor 2 N 3819 5.-
3.4 Amplifier circuit, without Rep.No 3.3, 2.3, 3.2, 2.2 10238-210-A99.02 142.-
3.5 Coil, oscillating transformer    
4.0 Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   71.40
4.2 Exchange capsule 08032-300-G99.00 144.-


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1.0 Repair basic charge   151.-
2.2 Housing tube, normal 10238-220-B99.01 46.20
2.2.1 Housing tube, dark    
2.3 Microphone socket 10238-214-A99.01 58.80
2.4 Cap nut, cpl.    
3.2 Output transformer 09107 50.40
3.3 Tube    
3.3.1 Transistor 2 N 3819 5.-
3.4 Amplifier circuit, without Rep.No 3.3, 2.3, 3.2, 2.2 10238-210-A99.02 142.-
3.5 Coil, oscillating transformer    
4.0 Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   71.40
4.2 Exchange capsule 08032-300-H99.00 144.-


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1.0 J Repair basic charge   151.-
2.2 1 Housing tube, normal 10238-220-099.01 42.50
2.2.1 Housing tube, dark    
2.3 1 Microphone socket 10238-214-C99.01 44.50
2.4 1 Cap nut, cpl.    
3.2 1 Output transformer 09107 50.40
3.3 Tube    
3.3.1 Transistor 2 N 3819 5.-
3.4 Amplifier circuit, without lRep.No 3.3, 2.3, 3.2, 2.2 10238-210-C99.02 142.-
3.5 Coil, oscillating transformer    
4.0 Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   71.40
4.2 Exchange capsule 08032-300-G99.00 144.-


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1.0 Repair "basic charge   151.-
2.2 Housing tube, normal 10238-220-D99.01 46.20
2.2.1 Housing tube, dark   ,
2.3 Microphone socket 10238-214-C99.01 44.50
2.4 Cap nut, cpl.    
3.2 Output transformer 09107 50.40
3.3 Tube    
3.3.1 Transistor 2 N 3819 5.-
3.4 Amplifier circuit, without Rep.No 3.3, 2.3, 3.2, 2.2 10238-210-C99.02 142.-
3.5 Coil, oscillating transformer    
4.0 Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   71.40
4.2 Exchange capsule 08032-300-H99.00 144.-


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1.0 Repair basic charge   151.-
2.2 Housing tube, normal 11207-250-A99.03 45.40
2.2.1 Housing tube, dark    
2.3 Microphone socket 11207-260-A99.02 51.30
2.4 Cap nut, cpl.    
3.2 Output transformer 09107 50.40
3.3 Tube    
3.3.1 Transistor S 2436 16.80
3.4 Amplifier circuit, without Rep.No 3.3, 2.3, 3.2, 2.2 11207-200-A99.04 353.-
3.5 Coil, oscillating transformer    
4.0 Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   71.40
4.2 Exchange capsule KM 56-01-04-OOSt 293.-
4.3 Protection cover 11207-H0-A99.02 115.-
4.4 Protection cover, bend out 11207-H0-A99.02  
4.5 Capsule KM 56-01-04-OOSt  
4.6 Capsule suspension 11207-100-A02.02 10.90
4.7 Assembly of capsule cpl. 112Q7-100-A99.02 44.50
4.8 Cleaning of capsule    
4.9 Adapter for capsule    


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1.0 Repair basic charge   151.-
2.2 Housing tube, normal 11207-250-B99.03 50.40
2.2.1 Housing tube, dark    
2.3 Microphone socket 11207-260-A99.02 51.30
2.4 Cap nut, cpl.    
3.2 Output transformer 09107 50.40
3.3 Tube    
3.3.1 Transistor S 2436 16.80
3.4 Amplifier circuit, without Rep.No 3.3, 2.3, 3.2, 2.2 11207-200-B99.04 353.-
3.5 3.6 Coil, oscillating transformer    
4.0 Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   71.40
4.2 Exchange capsule KM 56-01-04-00St 293.-
4.3 Protection cover 11207-HO-B99.02 121.-
4.4 Protection cover, bend out 11207-HO-B99.02  
4.5 Capsule KM 56-01-04-00St  
4.6 Capsule suspension 11207-100-A02.02 10.90
4.7 Assembly of capsule cpl. 11207-100-B99.01 44.50
4.8 Cleaning of capsule KM 56-01-04-OOSt  
4.9 Adapter for capsule    


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1.0 Repair basic charge   151.-
2.2 Housing tube, normal 11207-250-C99.03 45.40
2.2.1 Housing tube, dark    
2.3 Microphone socket 11207-260-C99.01 51.30
2.4 Cap nut, cpl.    
3.2 Output transformer 09107 50.40
3.3 Tube    
3.3.1 Transistor S 2436 16.80
3.4 Amplifier circuit, without Rep.No 3.3, 2.3, 3.2, 2.2 11207-200-C99.04 353.-
3.5 Coil, oscillating transformer    
4.0 Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   71.40
4.2 Exchange capsule KM 56-01-04-00St 293.-
4.3 Protection cover 11207-H0-A99.02 115.-
4.4 Protection cover, bend out 11207-H0-A99.02  
4.5 Capsule KM 56-01-04-OOSt  
4.6 Capsule suspension 11207-100-A02.02 10.90
4.7 Assembly of capsule cpl. 11207-100-A99.02 44.50
4.8 Cleaning of capsule KM 56-01-04-OOSt  
4.9 Adapter for capsule    


Rep.No. Description Order Number Price DM
1.0 Repair basic charge   151.-
2.2 Housing tube, normal 11207-250-D99.03 50.40
2.2.1 Housing tube, dark    
2.3 Microphone socket 11207-260-C99.01 51.30
2.4 Cap nut, cpl.    
3.2 Output transformer 09107 50.40
3.3 Tube    
3.3.1 Transistor S 2436 16.80
3.4 Amplifier circuit, without Rep.No 3.3, 2.3, 3.2, 2.2 11207-200-D99.04 353.-
3.5 Coil, oscillating transformer    
4.0 Basic charge for rep. no. 4.4, 4.8   71.40
4.2 Exchange capsule KM 56-01-04-00St 293.-
4.3 Protection cover 11207-HO-B99.02 121.-
4.4 Protection cover, bend out 11207-HO-B99.02  
4.5 Capsule KM 56-01-04-OOSt  
4.6 Capsule suspension 11207-100-A02.02 10.90
4.7 Assembly of capsule cpl. 11207-100-B99.01 44.50
4.8 Cleaning of capsule    
4.9 Adapter for capsule    
- Werbung Dezent -
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