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1961 - Hifi Geräte der US Firma "SHERWOOD" bei AIREX

Das ist das (vermutlich nur teilweise) Hifi-Programm des Herstellers "SHERWOOD" im AIREX Katalog von Mitte /Ende 1961. Man nannte das auch die "Modelle 1962".

und vor allem - hier stehen die US Dollar Preise !!!

Sherwood High Fidelity Stereo Equipment

Diese Firma hat es meines Wissen nach 2 mal versucht, "über den großen Teich" zu uns nach Europa zu kommen. Die Produkte waren von der Qualität breit gestreut. Es gab also durchaus Spitzenproduke und dazu viel Mittelmaß, das auf dem Image der oberen Spitzen-Linie mitschwamm.

An diesem Produktprogramm konnte man gut erkennen, wie der Umschwung von Mono zu Stereo vollzogen wurde. Es gab Stereodecoder zum Nachrüsten, wie bei den anderen auch, und es gab Stereovorverstärker mit nur einer Endstufe auch zum Nachrüsten.



Offers every control feature essential to both stereophonic and monophonic sound reproduction by the use of only one set of coordinated controls. Features operation of a stereophonic phono cartridge playing a monophonic recording with the vertical rumble and noise components balanced out. Bass controls and treble controls are ganged to facilitate adjustment either separately or together. Other features include 12 db/octave scratch and rumble filters operating on all channels; presence rise switch; associated indicator lights operating in conjunction with the selector switch for source-speaker identification; phono channel noise and hum 60db below rated output; phono sensitivity, 1.8mv.

Power Output: 36 watts each channel (80 watts music power). Controls: Selector (Tape, Phono, FM-AM, FM-MX, Aux); Level; Bass (Dual/Single); Treble (Dual/Single); Loudness (Ganged)/Balance; Function (Normal, Stereo Reverse, Channel 1, Channel 2, Channel 1 and Channel 2); Tape Monitor Switch; Scratch Filter; Rumble Filter; Phase (Normal and Reverse); Loudness (In-Out); Presence (Normal, In). Tubes: 4-7591, 6-12AX7, 2 silicon rectifiers. Power Required: 110-120 v. AC, 130 watts, 50-60 cps. Size: 14" x 14" x 4" h.

Model S-5000IIS - Chassis, less case.
Net Each $ 199,50 - West Coast: $202,50



Features all the important controls and facilities of Model S-5000II, plus the full power requirements for most home music systems at a reasonable price. Controls include friction locked-bass and treble controls; scratch and rumble filters; stereo normal / reverse switch; phase reverse switch; tape monitor switch. Eight high level and four low level inputs are provided for maximum flexibility in installation.

Power Output: 32 watts each channel (64 watts music power). Tubes: 4-7591, 5-12AX7, 2 silicon rectifiers. Size: 14" x 14" x 4".
Model S-5500IIS - Chassis, less case.
Net Each $ 164,50 - West Coast: $167,50
Model S-5500IIA (Brown), or S-5500IIB (Black) - In Flextone case.
Net Each $ 169,50 - West Coast: $172,50
Models S-3000III and S-2000II are available mounted on a gray hammertone steel panel for installation in standard relay racks. Panel size, 5" x 19". Shipping Weight, 3lbs. additional to tuner chassis weight. Add $6.50 to price of Models.


Combines wideband facilities for receiving FM and FM multiplex (in accordance with FCC) with two 32-watt amplifiers and dual preamplifier on a single chassis. Needs only speakers to make a complete hi-fi system. Tuner section features controlled frequency and phase response of IF amplifiers, limiters and discriminator for minimum distortion and maximum separation of multiplexed signal; held flat to 75kc. "Acro-beam" tuning eye and 7" expanded FM dial scale for accurate, on-station selection.

Power Output: 32 watts continuous music power, each channel. Frequency Response: ±1db, 20-20,000cps at 30 watts. IM Distortion: 1 1/2% at rated output. Hum and Noise: 60db below 30 watts, phono input. FM Sensitivity: 0.95mv for 20db quieting; 1.8mv IHFM for -30db noise and distortion below 100% FM. Controls: Interchannel Hush; FM Tuning; Stereo Bass; Stereo Treble; Ganged Loudness; Phono Level; Stereo Balance; Function Selector; Input Selector; Scratch Filter; Rumble Filter; FM-AFC; Phase Reverse; Tape Monitor Switch. Inputs: Tape play, tape monitor, phono, tuner and two auxiliary, each channel. Outputs: 4, 8 and 16 ohms; tape recording. Tubes: 21 plus 4 silicon rectifiers. Power Consumed: 225 watts, 110-120 v. AC, 50-60 cos. Size: 16" x 14" x 4". Shpg. Wt. 33lbs including case.

Model S-8000S - Less case. Net Each $ 299,50 - WestCoast: $303,50
Model S-8000D - With walnut-tone leatherette case. Net Each 307,50 - West Coast: $311,00



Same as Model S-8000 tuner section - without amplifiers and dual preamplifier. Built-in facility for reception of all stereo FM multiulex broadcasts. Specifications same as Model S-8000 without amplification and preamplification facilities. Controls: Tuning: AFC and Hush On-Off; Power On-Off; Stereo Separation; Mono / Stereo Selector; Tubes: 19 plus silicon rectifier.

Model S-3000IVS - Less case. Net Each $ 160,00 - West Coast: $163,00


Combines in one unit a 50-watt stereophonic amplifier, FM-AM tuner and two complete preamp/stereo control centers. Features: Two "acro-beam" tuning eyes for FM-AM hairline tuning; two balanced flywheel tuning knobs; friction-locked stereophonic bass and treble controls; outputs for recording and multiplex adapter.

Power Output: 24 watts each channel (50 watts music power). Frequency Response: ±1db, 20-20,000 cps at 24 watts. IM Distortion: 1.5% at rated output. Hum and Noise: Phono input, -60db below rated output. Sensitivity: FM: 0.95uv for 20db quieting; AM: 2uv at 60% modulation for 0.5v. output, 6db signal-to-noise ratio. Selectivity: FM: 195kc at -3db; AM (wide), 15kc; AM (narrow), 5kc at -6db. FM Discriminator: 750kc, peak-to-peak. Tuning Range: FM, 87.5-108.5 mc; AM, 530-1650 kc. Tuning Indicator: Dual, EMM801 tuning eyes. Controls: AM Tuning; FM Tuning; Selector Switch (Tape, Phono, FM-AM, FM Multiplex, Aux); Function (Power Off, Normal, Stereo Reverse, Monophonic Channel 1, Channel 2, Channel 1 and 2); Level/Balance (ganged); Bass (1 each channel, ganged); Treble (1 each channel, ganged); Loudness; Norm/Tape monitor Switch; Phase reverse; AM Wide/AM Narrow, Hi-Filter; Loudness Switch; Low Filter (Normal-In); FM AFC (in-out). Inputs: Tape playback; tape monitor; phono; FM multiplex; Aux (two), each channel. Outputs: Recorder, FM multiplex. Tubes: 22 tubes, 4 rectifiers, 2 diodes. Power Consumption: 150 watts, 110-120 v. AC, 50-60 cps. Size: l6" x 14" x 4" h. Shipping Weight, 33lbs., with case.

Model S-7000S - Less case. Net Each $ 299,50 - West Coast: $303,50
Model S-7000D - As above, with walnut-tone leatherette case. Net Each.
$ 307,00 - West Coast: $ 311,00



FM tuner featuring in addition to its sensitive circuitry, internal plug-in space for FM multiplex reception of stereophonic multiplexed broadcasts. Reduction of distortion caused by FM station over-modulation and better long-distance reception is achieved through incorporation of "corrective" inverse feedback. Noisy "hash" is eliminated between channels through the use of FM Interchannel Hush. AFC corrects by 90% any mistuning of a station and no drift is experienced. Disabling (AFC) switch on front panel and local-distant switch allows easy reception of distant signals. Circuitry includes low noise balanced antenna input transformer, triode mixer, IF amplifier and three cascaded limiters, Foster-Seeley balanced discriminator, delayed AGC applied to RF stage, interchannel noise muting with front panel level control, 3 db inverse feedback from discriminator to AFC tube.

Features: Interchannel Hush control; Stereo-balance control; Level control; "Aero-Beam" tuning eye; Corrective feedback increasing discriminator bandwidth to over 1 mc and IF bandwidth to 290 kc without sacrificing tuner selectivity.

Sensitivity: .95uV for 20db quieting; 1.8uv for 30db quieting and distortion below 100% FM (IHFM stds.) Selectivity: 292kc equiv. FM Discriminator: 1100kc equiv. Tuning Range: 87.5-108.5 mc. Freq. Response: ±0.5 db. 20-20,000 cps. Distortion: Less than 0,25% with FB. Hum and Noise Level: 60db below 100% modulation. FM Drift: ±2 kc with AFC; ±25kc wtihout AFC. Antenna: 300-ohms, balanced. Output: Cathode follower audio, FM multiplex. Output: 2.0v. at 100% FM. Tuning Indicator: 6FG6. Tubes: 1-6BS8, 1-6AB4, 3-6AU6, 1-6BN8, I-12AZ7A, 1-6GN8, 1-6FG6, 1-6V4 rectifier. Power Required: 110-120 v. AC, 60 watts, 50-60 cps. Size: 14" w. x 10" d. x 4" h. Shipping Weight, 15 lbs.

Model S-3000 III S - Chassis, less case.
Net Each $ 110,50 - West Coast: $ 113.50



Self-powered adapter works with most FM tuners, including those with high (Foster-Seeley) output or low (wideband ratio) output. Wideband circuitry with phase-locked synchronous oscillator to reinsert subcarrier. Extra sharp filter circuits remove 19kc pilot carrier and 38kc subchannel from the audio output, stops interference when used for tape recording. Comes with interconnecting cable, instructions and modification parts to improve performance with older tuners, frequency Response: ±0.5 db, 20-15,000 cps with maximum stereo separation. Subcarrier Sensitivity: 100/uV to 2 volts. Hum and Noise: -60db at rated output. Controls: Power On-Off (automatically returns tuner to monophonic); 67kc Filter Switch (removes background music programs); Hiss Filter Switch. Audio Output: 2 volts at 0.5% distortion. Power Required: 20 watts, 110-120 v. AC, 50-60 cps. Size: 5M" x 10^" x 4" h. Shipping Weight, 8 lbs.

Model S3MX-S - Less Case. Net Each $  $ 69,50 - West Coast: $70,50
Model S3MX-A (Brown) or S3MX-B (Black) - In Flex-$7^50 tone case. Net



Fulfills today's stereo broadcasting requirements. Separate AM and FM sections; FM multiplexing provides for future stereo needs. New "Interchannel Hush" noise-muting system automatically eliminates noisy "hash" between FM channels. Automatic frequency control (AFC) makes FM tuning simple, easy. Front panel controls. Space provided for Plug-In FM multiplex adapter (for specifications and prices see listing on following page); no external equipment required when multiplex is added. Balanced FM input transformer; mixer cathode-injection of FM oscillator. Constant bandwidth system permits uniform 15 kc bandwidth even at low end of band. Ceramic piston-trimmers instead of compression-type; all IF tuning capacitors hermetically sealed mica insulated; all coil tuning cores are sealed. Push button monophonic or stereo selection of FM-AM multiplex indicated by two (FM and AM) light-bar tuning eyes with matching lights to indicate FM Multiplex and stereo operation.

Sensitivity: FM 0.95uv for 20db quieting; AM 2uv at 60% modulation for 0.5v. output, 6db S/N. Selectivity: FM, 195kc at -3db; wide AM 15kc at -6db, narrow AM 5kc at -6db. FM Discriminator: 750kc peak-to-peak. Tuning Range: FM, 87.5 to 108.5 mc; AM, 530 to 1650 kc. Frequency Response: FM, 20-20,000 cps ± 0,5db; AM, (wide) 20-7.500cps at -6db. FM Distortion: Less than 0,33% IM at 100% modulation. Less than 0,25% harmonic at 100% modulation, 400 cps. Hum and Noise Level: FM, 60db below 100% mod.; AM, 55 db below 100% mod. FM Drift: ±2kc w/AFC, ±25kc without AFC. Antenna: FM, 300-ohm balanced; AM, directable ferrite rod with external antenna post. Outputs: Cathode follower audio, FM multiplex. Audio Output: 2.0v at 100% FM. Tuning Indicator: 6FG6 light-bar tuning eyes. Tubes: 1-6BS8, 1-6AB4, 2-6BA6, 3-6AU6, 1-6BE6, 1-6CN7, 1-6EB8, 1-6BN8, 1-12AZ7A, 2-6FG6/EM84, 1-6CA4/ EZ81. Power Required: 75 watts, 110-120 v., 50-60 cps. Size: 14" w. x 12" d. x 4" h. Shipping Weight, 19 lbs.

Model S-2200S - Chassis, less case. Net Each  $ 179,50 - West Coast: $182.50


Styled to match Model S-1000 II Amplifier. New "Interchannel Hush" noise-muting svstem automatically eliminates noisy "hash" between FM channels. Edge-lighted dial. 24-carat gold finished escutcheon, flywheel tuning. Features: Balanced FM input transformer, mixer cathode-injection of FM oscillator, constant bandwidth system permits uniform 15 kc bandwidth even at low end of band; ceramic piston-trimmers instead of compression-type; all IF tuning capacitors are hermetically sealed mica insulated, all coil tuning cores are sealed.

Sensitivity: FM 0.95uv for 20db quieting; AM 2uv at 60% modulation for 0.5v output, 6db S/N. Selectivity: FM, 195 kc at -6db; wide AM, 15kc at -6db; narrow AM, 5kc at -6 db. FM Discriminator: 750kc peak-to-peak. Tuning Range: FM, 87.5 to 108.5 mc; AM, 530 to 1650 kc. Frequency Response: FM 20-20,000 cps ±0,5db; AM (wide) 20-7500 cps at -6db. FM Distortion: Less than 0,3% IM at 100% modulation (60/7 kc: 4/1 w/standard preemphasis). Less than 0,25% harmonic at 100% modulation, 400 cps. Hum and Noise Level: FM, 60db below 100% mod.; AM, 55db below 100% mod. FM Drift: ±2kc w/AFC, ±25kc without AFC. Antenna: FM, 300-ohm balanced; AM, directable ferrite rod with external antenna post. Outputs: Cathode follower audio, FM multiplex. Audio Output: 2.0 volts at 100% FM. Tubes: (12) 6BS8, 6AB4, 2-6BA6, 2-6AU6, 6AL5, 6CN7, 6BE6, 12AZ7A, 6EB8, 6V4. Size: 14" x 10" x 4" high. Shipping Weight, 18 lbs.

Model S-2000IIS - Chassis; less case; with white front panel. Net Each
$ 150,50 - West Coast: $153,50
Model S-2000IIA (Brown) or S-2000IIB (Black) in Flextone case. Net Each $ 155,50 - West Coast: $158,50



Similar to Model S-5000II in features and performance - except it has only one basic power amplifier. Ideal for add-on stereo, providing complete control for the whole system and an additional channel of amplification. Use with Model S-360 as 36 + 36 watt stereo amplifier

Specifications similar to Model S-5000II except power output is 36 watts (72 watts peak) at 1% IM distortion. Outputs: 4. 8 and 16 ohms, recording out. 2nd channel amplifier out. Tubes: 4-7189, 1-7199, 3-12AX7/ECC83, 1-12DW7, 1-12AU7, 1-5AR4/GZ34 and selenium rectifier. Power Required: 105 watts. Shipping Weight, 21 lbs.

Model S-4400S - Chassis, less case. Net Each $ 159,50 - West Coast: $ 162,50


Same as Model S-4400 above, except without controls and preamplifier. This single 36-watt basic power amplifier, when connected with a dual preamplifier such as Model S-4400, completes a stereophonic dual amplifier-preamplifier featuring one unified control panel with 36 + 36 watt output. Requires less mtg. depth behind panel than Model S-5000II. Power Output: 36 watts. Tubes: 4-7189. 1-7199, 1-5AR4/GZ34, 1 selenium rectifier. Size: 13" w. x 4" d. x 6" h. Shipping Weight, 17 lbs.

Model S-360S - Chassis less cage. Net Each $ 59,50 - West Coast: $62,50
Model S-360C - Chassis with cage. Net Each $ 65,50 - West Coast: $68,50



Williamson-type, direct-coupled split-load phase inverter circuit. Power Output: 36 watts (72 watts peak) at 0,5% harmonic distortion or 1,5% IM Distortion (60:7 kc/4:l). Outputs: 16, 8 and 4 ohm speaker; c-f recording. Frequency Response: 20 to 20.000 ±0,5db at 36 watts. Tone Control Range: 20db boost or cut at 15kc; 16db boost, 19db cut at 40cps. Rumble Filter: 27cps, 18db rejection; 100cps less than 1db down.

Preamp-Equalizer Curves: LP, AES/RIAA, LONdon, EURopean, NAB tape and flat Microphone.

Selector Switch provides choice of five inputs (two with high gain, low-noise preamp, three for high level sources such as tuner, TV or recorder). "Pivoting" Bass and Treble Controls for smooth action and freedom from distortion. Modified Baxandall inverse-feedback circuitry plus special tapers. "Center-Set" Loudness Control (with Power On-Off switch) automatically boosts bass and treble as loudness is turned down, provides conventional uncompensated action above "12 o'clock" position. Loudness In-Out switch; Tape Monitor switch. Presence Switch boosts response at 2500cps approx. 6db. Scratch Filter attenuates response at 12 db/octave above 5kc. Phono Level control in preamp channel. Hum and Noise: Radio input 80db and phono input 60db below rated output. Tubes: 2-7591, 3-12AX7/ECC83, 1-5AR4/GZ34, pilot light. Size: 14" x 10" x 4" high. Shipping Weight, 20 lbs.

Model S-1000IIS - Chassis; less case, with white panel. Net Each $ 109,50 - West Coast: $ 112,50

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