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Einblick in den Imhofs Hifi Katalog von 1962

Es ist etwas Besonderes, einen so gut erhaltenen Hifi-Katalog aus dem England von 1962 zu bekommen. Wir haben die Seiten so geschickt wie möglich aufgeteilt, sonst würde eine einzelne Seite zu lang werden. Blättern Sie oben in der weißen Leiste von Seite zu Seite.

Die Engländer hatten es 1962 schon verstanden:
Der Kundendienst für Hifi war extrem wichtig.

In diesem Prospekt gibt es eine ganz ausführliche Seite über den Imhof Kundendienst.


Imhofs same-day maintenance service

P. J. HOGAN Administrative Manager Has looked after the financial side of the Service Department for a number of years and in his spare time does valuable committee work for his professional association

The headquarters of Imhofs Service Department is at Islington. In the Service Centre there are the repair workshops, the cabinet-makers, the radio control room, the stores and, of course, the telephones and typists required to minister to the needs of thousands of individual customers, each with his own particular problems.

Based on the Service Centre are our famous radio-controlled service vans, which patrol the entire area within 35 miles of Imhof House. Every engineer in them is fully qualified and equipped to inspect, overhaul and repair high-fidelity systems and also radios, TV and domestic refrigerators. Indeed, so wide is the experience of the Department that it is called on to carry out communal TV aerial installations for New Towns, to fit out complete record shops and to equip hotels with facilities for broadcasting continuous music.

G. G. H. CRANHAM Hi-Fi Engineer Seen here working on a special stereo installation. In his sixteen years with us he has installed Hi-Fi equipment in library shelves, and cabinets of all kinds— and tuned our orchestrions

In many cases, they can carry out repairs on the spot, so that you need be without the pleasure of your instrument for only the shortest possible time. If you live within twenty miles of Imhof House, your set will be serviced on the same day that a fault develops. If you telephone Museum 7878 or Canonbury 1281 before noon, the Radio Controller can immediately contact the engineer nearest you and direct him to your home. Alternatively you can call in at the Service Shop on the second floor at New Oxford Street. Calls received during the afternoon are dealt with that same afternoon or passed on for prompt action the following morning.

In the outer ring of our service area, between twenty and thirty-five miles from Imhof House, the greater distances to be travelled make it impossible for us to guarantee a same-day service but you will still find our men very quick off the mark. Even outside this area, we can make special arrangements for servicing.

five-year maintenance scheme

A modest weekly premium will relieve you of the worry of repairs and replacements for five years. You will have the full resources of the Service Centre at your disposal, for no further charge. If your equipment cannot be repaired in your home, we will lend you a replacement while it is in our workshops, again at no extra charge. Mr. Morris and his staff at Islington and the Service Shop at New Oxford Street will be happy to give you exact details of the scheme as it applies to you and your equipment.

(right picture) T. S. HENDERSON Technical Manager Seen here discussing a television circuit with Mr. Morris. He has always been a radio service engineer (even in the R.A.F. he worked on radar equipment) and now has a very wide practical experience which is at the disposal of Imhofs customers.

Some of our Senior Engineers

H. J. Holmes Flying Squad - Engineer With Imhofs for twelve years

J. V. Green Flying Squad - Engineer With Imhofs for eleven years

L. King Flying Squad - Engineer With ,mhofs for fourteen years

S. Christie Installation - Engineer With Imhofs for fifteen years

H. B. Bocquillon - Engineer With Imhofs for fifteen years

Le Roy Romero - Engineer With Imhofs for fourteen years


Imhofs fleet of service vans is radio controlled

Die Service Flotte von Imhof ist 1962 bereits funkgesteuert, betont der Prospektgestalter. In England war das sicher leichter möglich als bei uns mit den katastrophalen Restriktionen der von der alten Vorkriegs-Reichspost übernommenen Kompetenzen der Bundespost der 60er Jahre. Heute ist das alles Schnee von Gestern.


V. GOOD Radio Control Manager

is in constant contact with our Flying Squad of service engineers receiving their reports and passing to them fresh instructions for visits to be added to their round. Requests for service received before noon can therefore be satisfied that same day.
Each engineer carries a comprehensive supply of spares and repair equipment so that there is little fear of their being caught napping by any normal request for servicinq hi-fi equipment, radios, TV or refrigerators.

S. ROSS Transport Manager

A typical Scottish engineer, Jock came to us eleven years ago with a wide experience of all kinds of vehicles and a fund of stories which he tells with a pleasing accent. His humour indeed is perhaps as important as his mechanical skill in his task of keeping our Flying Squad and delivery vehicles on the road, for this can be a trying as well as a complicated business.

The radio-controlled van here and the 7-tonner, capable of carrying enough sound equipment to equip a 100-bedroom hotel, show the extremes of our fleet; he handles the one as familiarly as the other. Cars are his main interest in life but he can throw a dart as well as most and is not averse to his national beverage when it does not interfere with driving.

Das war ein Teil der Mannschaft von Imhofs, übrigens sehr gut präsentiert für das Jahr 1962.




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