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Einblick in den Imhofs Hifi Katalog von 1962

Es ist etwas Besonderes, einen so gut erhaltenen Hifi-Katalog aus dem England von 1962 zu bekommen. Wir haben die Seiten so geschickt wie möglich aufgeteilt, sonst würde eine einzelne Seite zu lang werden. Blättern Sie oben in der weißen Leiste von Seite zu Seite.

Imhofs war ein gewachsenes Unternehmen mit Erfahrung

Und darum gab es auch eine Abteilung für Verträge, wie zum Beispiel Service Verträge, auch für die nicht immer ganz einfache Hifi-Betreuung.


Imhofs contracts division (wir befinden uns im Jahr 1962 !!!!)

High Flats, imhofs special experience in this field makes them acknowledged experts in television aerial installations for high buildings. Imhofs are consulted before the building starts.
New Town installation to stringent architectural and planning specifications - by Imhofs.

Our contracts division specialises in installing television and v.h.f. aerial systems for large building projects and in installing individually-designed hi-fi systems in the home. Their work in high flats is so highly regarded that Ministry officials turn to them for guidance, particularly on the important points of safety, economy and standardisation.

Imhofs Contracts Division has installed aerial systems in New Towns, in blocks of flats, in hotels, in housing estates and, of course, in private houses. They work in conjunction with architects and interior designers, who find that their problems are fully appreciated by this firm with its knowledge of design and its tradition of service in domestic music reproduction.

From the technical viewpoint, our specifications for aerial installations are stringent. Careful checks ensure compliance with G.P.O. and D.S.I.R. requirements for field strength, picture and radiation. Roof-mounted aerials of Ministry approved pattern give a clean sky-line.

The Contracts Division's experience in the field and their meticulous attention to detail at all stages enables them to quote economically for work of this kind, a fact which is particularly attractive to local authorities.

gradual payments taken

This was the discreet claim we made in 1897, when the first clockwork gramophone was sold in this country. An important section of our accounts department today deals with payments out of income. There are two schemes for this, the credit and the hire purchase systems. On credit terms the full purchase price is paid in nine equal monthly instalments, the first payment acting as deposit. On the hire purchase system, a small deposit is paid at the time of purchase and the remainder paid off in regular instalments over a period of up to 2 years. A special service offered to our regular record customers is the Monthly Credit Account. We are always pleased to advise on any problems of this kind.

Sales and management

A. V. CREEDY (left) Sales Supervisor for many years has been visiting our customers in the London area to give advice, demonstrations and valuations.
F. W. BARKSHIRE (centre) Company Secretary came to us after many years as an auditor watching over the financial well-being of many companies. Now his advice and experience are devoted solely to the benefit of ourselves and our customers.
R. A. WESTON (right) Assistant Company Secretary joined us fifteen years ago after 22 years with the R.A.F. (= Royal Air Force).

part exchange

To help towards the cost of new hi-fi equipment, we are always happy to take your old instruments in part exchange. This service is not limited to hi-fi; we will cheerfully make you an offer for a mechanical song-bird or for a combined television-radiogram, indeed, for any instrument similar to those we have been selling in the past 115 years. If you live in the London area, our representative will call to give you an estimate. Our experience in this field is unparalleled and we can place a fair valuation on any instrument.

second-hand bargains

We always have some tested second-hand instruments available in addition to those in our twice yearly sales. Do ask if you are interested. Remember that if we guarantee such an instrument, that guarantee is backed by over 100 years of trading and we intend staying here another century to see our guarantee through.

eight floors at your service

  • 6th floor : counting house
  • 5th floor : Imhofs exclusive cabinets for housing hi-fi equipment
  • 4th floor : hi-fi, stereo and radiogram showrooms
  • 3rd floor : private offices
  • 2nd floor : service shop for IM styli; accessories of all kinds; television showroom
  • 1ST floor : radios, record players and tape recorders; export record reception and audition room;  export radio and radiogram showroom
  • ground floor : entrance hall; classical record dept. and audition rooms; record tokens and pre-recorded tapes; IM styli
  • lower ground floor : melody bar - popular and jazz records; self-service and audition room service; record storage cabinets and record tokens; imported foreign records: IM styli


Inside the floors

Ein englisches Wohn- Hifi und Musikzimmer aus dem Jahr 1962

Translated into reality here is one hi-fi enthusiast's dream of what stereo should look like in the modern home. The speakers are Tannoy Chatsworth, one of them mounted on the wall. The stereo amplifier is the Pye HFS.20 and the tuner the Pye HFT.108. The tape-machine is a Ferrograph 424 stereo recorder. A stereo head has been fitted to the pick-up of the Garrard 301 transcription motor. All the components other than the speakers are housed in the Imhofs HFU10 cabinet.

Imhofs believe in good design


Imhofs belief in the need for good design influences the entire organisation. The creative workers, from the managing director (himself an industrial designer) down, follow a common policy aimed at producing cleanly simple, effective designs with a characteristically light touch. The results can be seen in the showrooms, the offices, the advertising, the publications and the company's products. On large projects the designers and craftsmen on the permanent staff work in complete harmony with specially chosen freelance designers ensuring continuity without stagnation.

E. LEWER (on the left) has shown in his years with us a special genius for designing cunningly simple methods of construction. He approaches each problem as an engineering draughtsman but also with the aesthetic appreciation of a Sunday painter and the contemplative detachment of an angler.
G. C. BATTLEDAY joined us in 1955 and is responsible for display throughout the store and also for our outside exhibitions. He has a talent for creating the animated displays that enliven our windows, all these being made in our own workshops.
J. F. WHITESIDE Cabinetmaker (left) a master craftsman with a proper pride in his skill in working wood, he joined Imhofs fifteen years ago and has completed many special cabinets and fittings in that time.
L. V. GREEN Chief Electrician (on the right) has supervised all our larger installations involving thousands of feet of conduit and flexible, in his thirteen years with us. Both of these craftsmen have made their own hi-fi installations at home.

Imhofs service shop

GLADYS WELLS service shop manageress

Here on the second floor of Imhof House is a reception desk which is also a shop counter. Subscribers to our maintenance scheme call here or telephone (Museum 7878) when they want a service engineer to call, as an alternative to telephoning the Service Centre direct (Canonbury 1281). The receptionists have a direct line to the Radio Control Manager, Mr. Good, who maintains continuous contact with the service engineers while they are out on duty in their vans.

GLADYS WELLS service shop manageress, came to New Oxford Street after two years at our Service Centre at Islington. Ask her about styli, tapes, pick-ups, servicing or accessories and you will find that her friendly manner is backed by a wide knowledge and experience of her subject.

the Service Shop on the second floor. for accessories, spares, maintenance & repairs

You can also obtain from here all the small spares and accessories you may need. The incomparable IM styli, tape splicers, stylometers, cleaning equipment, batteries, cartridges, tape - all this and much more is on the shelves. Valves can be tested on the spot and minor repairs are carried out there at the first-aid bench. Frequently, the staff can advise immediately on damaged or outworn components and provide the remedy.

Imhofs service shop staff are efficient, capable and friendly.
Come and chat to them about your problems.

Und hier kommt das Impressum (von 1962)

Hier stand das Imhofs Haus im Jahr 1962.

Our showrooms practically adjoin Tottenham Court Road underground station

The following buses will take you to or near Imhofs:
1, 14, 19,23,24, 25, 29, 32, 38, 39, 73, 78, 127, 134, 176.

Alfred Imhof Limited 112-116 New Oxford Street London WC1

this year of hi-fi
written by the staff of Alfred Imhof Limited designed by Anthony Mann MSI A printed by The Hazell Press Wembley England

Alfred Imhof Limited
112-116 New Oxford Street
London WC2

telephone Museum 7878
telegrams Imcase-Westcent-London

Besuche in 2011 nicht mehr möglich - das Haus ist weg !!!

An der U-Bahn Station Tottenham Court Road sieht es heute ganz anders aus. Die alten Häuser sind alle verschwunden. Google Maps machts möglich.


Das war ein umfangreicher Hifi-Rückblick in das England des Jahres 1962 - zu Imhofs in London.

Ich hoffe, es hat Ihnen gefallen. Weitere historische Rückblicke gibt es bereits bei der Firma BRAUN AG aus Frankfurt/Kronbgerg und von Max Grundig aus Fürth.

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