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Einblick in den Imhofs Hifi Katalog von 1962

Es ist etwas Besonderes, einen so gut erhaltenen Hifi-Katalog aus dem England von 1962 zu bekommen. Wir haben die Seiten so geschickt wie möglich aufgeteilt, sonst würde eine einzelne Seite zu lang werden. Blättern Sie oben in der weißen Leiste von Seite zu Seite.

Selbst ein Abtastsystem samt Arm aussuchen ?? in 1962 ?

Wenn schon nicht mal die Hifi-Verkäufer wirkliche Ahnung hatten, wie sollte der potentielle Interessent sich einen Abtaster und einen Tonarm aussuchen ? Die wenigen Hifi- Magazine fingen etwa ab 1961 gerade erst an, die Zusammenhänge von Theorie und Praxis verständlich zu erläutern. Die anderen Fachartikel waren allesamt zu kompliziert. Bei uns gab es ab 1959 das fonoforum und ab 1962 die Hifi-Stereophonie.


choosing a pick-up

It is certainly best to buy the very best pick-up which can be afforded. This ensures better reproduction and will give lower record wear. Quite often the additional cost of a better pick-up is largely due to the diamond stylus, but diamond is actually cheaper in the long run than a succession of sapphire styli and ensures that an unworn stylus is used many times more.

Im styli are available for most pick-ups and further details are shown on page 32. Generally speaking, magnetic pick-ups have a wider frequency response than crystal but they are also more costly and require a higher-gain amplifier than is necessary with crystal pick-ups.

The best crystal pick-ups are capable of remarkable performance considering the relatively low price. Points to consider are the frequency response, smoothness of this response and the compliance. A higher compliance means minimum record wear.

Where possible, the pick-up manufacturer's own arm should be used. There are now, however, one or two good pick-up arms available for use with other cartridges. The arm should have low-fluctuation bearings and be adjustable in weight and height.

As the art of pick-up design is constantly improving, Imhofs will advise you on the latest and best pick-up for a given price.

list of arms and pick-ups (und unser Kommentar)

Die Menge und Auswahl ist für 1962 bemerkenswert, ähnlich wie bei den Tunern und später bei den Verstärkern. Hier gibt es bereits eine Vielzahl von Stereo-Systemen.

Acos Hi-light Pick-up

Frequency response: ±3db 20-20,000 c/s. Playing weight: 2 grammes (Stereo), 1 gramme (Mono). Stylus: sapphire. L.P. and 78 Sapphire heads available.

B & O Stereophonic Pick-up

Frequency response: ±3 db from 30 to 15000 c/s. Normal tracking pressure: 2-4 gm. Stylus: diamond, in the Stereodyne II cartridge. Stereodyne II cartridge available separately. Specification as above.

Collaro Studio TX88 Cartridge

Stylus pressure: 7.5 gm. Stylus: sapphire.

Decca Deram Stereo Cartridge

Frequency response: ±3 db 40-12,000 c/s. Normal tracking weight: 3-5 gm. Stylus: diamond.

Decca ffss Stereo Pick-up

Frequency response: substantially flat up to 24,000 c/s (monaural) and 15,000 c/s (stereo). Cross talk: better than 20db at 1,000 c/s. Playing weight: 3.5 gm. Stylus: diamond in any of the three heads, ffss L.P. and 78 heads available separately.

E.M.I. EPU 100 Stereo Pick-up

Frequency response: 30-20,000 c/s (monaural) 40-15,000 c/s (stereo). Cross talk: better than 20db at 1,000 c/s. Playing weight: 2.5 gm. Stylus: diamond. Built-in lowering device, separate L.P. diamond head available.

Garrard Transcription Arm TPA12

Stylus pressure is readily set to accommodate all types of pickup. Adjustable in height. Separate plug-in shells.

Goldring 580 Cartridge

Frequency response: substantially linear from 20 c/s to above 18,000 c/s. Normal tracking pressure: 7 gm. Stylus: sapphire.

Goldring 600 Cartridge

Frequency response: linear from 20 to 21,000 c/s. ± 2db. Normal tracking pressure: 7 gm. Styli: diamond for microgroove, sapphire for 78 rpm.

Goldring 700 Stereo Cartridge

Frequency response: 40 c/s to 12,000 c/s. Playing weight: 3-4 gm. Stylus: diamond.

Goldring G60 Arm

Takes stereo or single-channel heads. Height and playing weight adjustable. Tracking length: 9".

Leak Dynamic Pick-up

Frequency response: Total ± 1db 20,000-40 c/s with the L.P. head. Playing weights: between 3 and 4 gm. for L.P., between 5 and 6 gm. for 78. Stylus: diamond. Plug-in interchangeable heads. Overall length: 1"; a longer arm is available.

Lenco L70 Transcription Arm

Suitable for use with most stereo and monaural cartridges. Overall length: 11£". Lenco L80 similar but tone arm 3" longer.

Ortofon SMG212 Transcription Arm

Suitable for use with most high quality cartridges. Unique design allows turntable to be up to 30 deg. out of level before tracking difficulties arise. Stylus pressure: 0-10 gm.

Ortofon Stereo Cartridge SPU

Frequency response: 20-20,000 c/s. Tracking pressure: 2 gm. Stylus: diamond. A monaural version, type C, available.

Pickering 380 Stereo Cartridge

Frequency response: 20-20,000 c/s ± 2db. Tracking pressure: 4-7 gm. Stylus: diamond. Suitable for use in autochange units.

Pickering 380A Stereo Cartridge (not illustrated)

Frequency response: 20-20,000 c/s ± 2db. Tracking pressure: 2-5 gm. Stylus: diamond. Suitable for use in transcription pickup arms.

Pickering 198 Stereo Pick-up

Frequency response: 20-15,000 c/s ±2db. Normal tracking weight: 2-5 gm. Overall length: 1". Stylus: diamond.

Ronette Turnover Stereo Cartridge

Playing weight: 5 gm. Suitable for single-channel L.P. and 78 rpm records as well as stereo.

Shure M5D Cartridge

Frequency response: 20-20,000 c/s. Tracking pressure: 3-6 gm. Stylus: diamond. 78 version available.

Shure M3/N21D Stereo Cartridge

Frequency response: 20-20,000 c/s ± 2±db. Tracking weight: H-2? gm. Stylus: diamond. M3/N25D available for stereo recordings only.

Shure M7D Stereo Cartridge

Frequency response: 20-15,000 c/s. Tracking pressure: 4 to 7 gm. Stylus: diamond.

Shure M7/N21D Stereo Cartridge (not illustrated)

Frequency response: 20-20,000 c/s. Tracking pressure: 1±-2± gm. Stylus: diamond.

Shure M232 Transcription Arm

Stylus pressure: 0-7 gm. Overall length: 12". A longer version (M236) available.

Shure M212

Frequency response: 20-20,000 c/s ± 2±db. Normal tracking pressure: 1±-2± gm. Overall length: 11". Stylus: diamond.

SME3009 Stereo Pick-up (Modell 1962)

Stylus pressure: 0-5 gm. Overall length: 12". SME shell suitable for any standard mono or stereo cartridge. Length adjustable by 1". Height adjustable by 3/4". SME 3012 arm similar but tone arm 3" longer. Adapter for Decca heads available.

Tannoy Vari-Twin Stereo Cartridge Mk.ll

Frequency response: 30 c/s-15,000 c/s ± 1.5db. Tracking pressure: 4gm. Stylus: diamond.

Tannoy Variluctance Phono-Cartridge Mark II.

Frequency response extends to well above 16,000 c/s with complete absence of resonant peaks. Turnover cartridge: tracking weight 5-7 gm., depending on arm used.

Es ist wirklich der 1962er Original-Text ohne Änderungen.

Wir haben bewußt darauf verzichtet, den Text nach unseren Lehrbüchern zu korrigieren oder gar Kommata einzufügen. Es ist so aus dem Imhofs Prospekt übernommen.



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