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Einblick in den Imhofs Hifi Katalog von 1962

Es ist etwas Besonderes, einen so gut erhaltenen Hifi-Katalog aus dem England von 1962 zu bekommen. Wir haben die Seiten so geschickt wie möglich aufgeteilt, sonst würde eine einzelne Seite zu lang werden. Blättern Sie oben in der weißen Leiste von Seite zu Seite.

Erstaunlich dünn ist das Spektrum an Bandgeräten . . .

Bemerkenswert ist hier, daß es nur sehr wenige Typen sind, die angeboten werden und daß eines der ganz frühen SONY Bandgeräte bereits dabei ist. Die japanische Invasion kam erst viel später. Auch das Telefunken M85 ist etwas Besonderes, es ist ein Deutsches Produkt und deutsche Produkte wurden bislang auf "der Insel" und im gesamten Commonwealth immer noch gemieden.
Man muß dazu wissen, daß, wenn ein alter Engländer nach Frankreich oder Belgien übersetzen musste, er auf die Inseln fährt. "I am going onto the islands." Denn nur das englische Mutterland war das "Festland" (das Hardland), das Europa da drüben auf der anderen Seite des Kanals waren (für ihn) die Inseln.


choosing a tape recorder (Anmerkung: es war 1962)

Tape recorders are complex machines, presenting the manufacturers with many problems which each may solve in a different way. For instance, several of the best machines incorporate three motors to drive the tape reels and the capstan but others manage very well with one, so that the number of motors is not necessarily a guide to a machine's worth. It is therefore difficult to lay down general rules forjudging quality.

However, there are some points to bear in mind when discussing any particular machine. One is whether you want to carry your machine around with you a great deal and the extent to which you are prepared to sacrifice quality to ease of carrying. Then theie is the question of the type of material you want to record and play back. Finally do you want to play stereo tapes now, or will you later?

As for cost, a good machine will be a little more than eighty pounds and all the best single channel are within about thirty pounds of that figure. All the machines listed here are reliable, high-fidelity instruments. To help you choose from among them the model best suited to your requirements, the knowledge and experience of our staff are yours to command.

Ferrograph Series 420

Frequency response: 3 1/2" per sec. 60-10,000 c/s ± 3db; 7 1/2" per sec. 50-15,000 c/s ± 3db.
Wow and flutter: less than 0.2% at 7± per sec.
Tape speeds: 3 1/2" and 7 1/2" per sec.
Power consumption: 115 watts. Weight 48 lb
Dimensions: 18" x 17" x 9".
Weight : 48 lb.

Models 422U and 422E

Monoraul and Stereo record and replay, with continuous monitoring. Plays back on one channel whilst recording on the other. Re-records from one track to the other. Voltage ranges: 422U 200/250V, AC 50 c/s; and 422E 110V, AC 50 c/s.

Models 424A, 424U and 424E

Facilities as Model 422 with the addition of 4-track replay.
Voltage ranges: 424A 117V, AC 60 c/s; 424U 200/250V, AC 50 c/s; 424E 110V AC 50 c/s.

Ferrograph Series 4A

Frequency response :
4A/N 3 1/2" per sec, 50-6,000 c/s ± 3db; 7 1/2" per sec, 50-10,000 c/s ± 2db.
4A/H 7 1/2" per sec, 40-12,000 c/s ± 3db; 15" per sec, 40-15,000 c/s ± 2db.
Wow and flutter: less than 0.2% at 7 1/2" per sec
Tape speeds: 3|, 7i, 15 i.p.s. (according to model) ± 2%.
Working voltages: 200-250 AC, 50 c/s, or 110-130 AC, 60 c/s. Power consumption: 110 watts. Dimensions: 18" x 17" x 9". Weight: 50 lb.

SONY 521

Two and four-track stereo recorder with built-in loudspeakers.
Frequency response: 1/2-track 30-18,000 c/s at 7 1/2" per sec.; 1/4-track 3 2/4" per sec, 30-12,000 c/s ± 2db; 1/4-track 7 1/2" per sec 50-15,000 c/s ± 2db.
Wow and flutter: less than 0.15% at 7 1/2" per sec.
Power consumption: 140 watts. Mains supply: 220-250V AC 50 or 60 c/s, or 110-117/AC 50 or 60 c/s. Dimensions: 19" x 15" x 9". Weight: 49 lb.

Reflectograph Model A

A two-track recorder.
Frequency response: 3 3/4" per sec. ±2db 45-7,500 c/s;  7 1/2" per sec. ±2db 50-10,000 c/s. Wow and flutter: less than 0.2% at 7 1/2" per sec - Dimensions: 20" x 16" x 10". Weight: 50 lb.

Tandberg 6

Four track stereo recorder for use with high fidelity amplifiers.
Frequency response: 1 7/8" per sec, 30-7,000 c/s ± 2db; 3 3/4" per sec, 30-15,000 c/s ± 2db; 7 1/2" per sec, 30-20,000 c/s ± 2db. Wow and flutter: less than 0.1 % at 7 1/2" per sec - Dimensions: 16" x 12" x 6". Weight: 25 lb. Carrying case available.

Telefunken 85

Available in console and portable versions. Frequency response: 3 3/4" per sec, 30-15,000 c/s; 7 1/2" per sec, 30-20,000 c/s ± 3db. Power consumption: 40 watts (console model); 50 watts (portable model). Mains supply: 110, 127, 150, 220, 240V, 50 c/s (can be converted for 60 c/s). Dimensions: console model: 15"w x 11"d x 7"h. Portable model: 18"w x 16"d x 8"h. Weight: console model: 26 lb., portable model: 33 lb.

Vortexion Type WVA

Stereo outlets - Frequency response: ± 1.5db, 50-10,000 c/s, and ± 3db 40-12,000 c/s at 7 1/2 i.p.s. - Amplifier consumption: approx. 50 watts. Dimensions: amplifier, speaker and case 8" x 22" x 15". Weight : 49lb. Type WVB: specialised model with additional head and amplifier for recording echoes, monitoring, etc.

Dies Angebot an Bandmaschinen scheint etwas dünn zu sein.




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