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THE GAS FAMILY (von 1978)





The "Great American Sound" Company was formed by a small group of engineers dedicated to achieving perfection in sound reproduction. For this group, whose earlier contributions helped to advance the state-of-the-art in the audio industry, the new venture released their creativity and imagination, the result of which is reflected in the design and performance excellence of GAS Company products. In slightly more than three years (also seit etwa 1975), GAS Company's electronic components have achieved worldwide recognition as being among the finest.


Since the introduction of Ampzilla, Great American Sound Company's first product, an entire family of power amplifiers has evolved to fill a variety of power and price requirements. All GAS Co. amplifiers reflect the same basic design philosophy: to make the finest high-fidelity power amplifiers in the world.

Specifications alone cannot tell the whole story. GAS Co. encourages prospective customers to listen carefully to its amplifiers with any and all types of speaker systems. Only in this way can the true sonic behavior of the amplifier best be evaluated.

Contributing to the leadership attained by GAS Company's power amplifier line are these features:


GAS Company has incorporated the inherent superiority of Complementary- Symmetry design in all audio circuitry of every GAS Company power amplifier. This design takes advantage of the inverse NPN/PNP semiconductor relationship and results in self-cancellation of even-order distortion products. It also provides balanced operation of the positive and negative segments of the audio waveform, equal slew rates for both ascending and descending waveforms, and the simplification of direct-coupling of circuit stages to eliminate low-frequency phase distortion.


The elimination of DC offset voltage at the output of DC-coupled amplifiers is difficult to achieve because of such obstacles as thermal drift, parameter variations, and aging. To overcome them, GAS Company developed its servo amplifier which corrects for DC error voltages. This design was first developed for the GAS Company moving-coil phono preamp in Thaedra, wherein the high gain involved demanded the most accurate possible control of its DC parameters. Because of the effectiveness of the Servo Control Amplifier, GAS Company now incorporates its benefits in both Grandson and Ampzilla IIa power amplifiers.


Although it is customary to cite 8-Ohm speaker operation for power amplifiers, GAS Company has long recognized that many popular speakers having 8-Ohm impedance ratings also frequently dip to lower values. GAS Company amplifiers are specifically rated at 4-Ohms and, in the case of Son of Ampzilla and Grandson, the output ratings are extended to include 2-Ohm operation. This extended impedance rating permits paralleling of speaker loads as well as amplifier bridging for significantly increased power output.


Rear-lighted power output meters calibrated in Watts and dB are included on all GAS Company amplifiers, since professionals continue to choose them over light-emitting diodes (LED's) for their more readily discernible indication of power output.


In order to achieve highest standards of reliability and performance, all GAS Company power amplifiers contain: glass-epoxy printed circuit boards throughout; precisely matched NPN/PNP semiconductors; easily-serviceable construction modules; output binding posts supplied with banana plugs; provisions for rack mounting; and mil. spec, black-anodized aluminum construction. Ampzilla IIa and Son of Ampzilla also feature corrosion-free, gold input jacks which ensure minimum contact resistance.


When Ampzilla, GAS Company's first and best-known product arrived on the audio scene, it introduced many new ideas and concepts which have since become standard among the products of other contemporary manufacturers. Ampzilla was one of the premier high-powered amplifiers to use fully complementary circuitry throughout. It was soon recognized as a classic design.

The original Ampzilla has undergone a carefully controlled evolution culminating in the development of Ampzilla IIa. Ampzilla IIa is an amplifier with the sonic accuracy and high power output that will likely make it a classic in its own right.

Appropriately, Ampzilla IIa is used as a reference standard by many whose living depends on state-of-the-art amplifier performance.


1. Fully-complementary symmetry throughout
2. Servo-control led DC-coupling after input capacitors
3. More than 360 Watts per channel into 4-Ohms
4. Slew rate of 50 V/jhsec, extending high-frequency response to beyond 160kHz
5. Integral-fan forced-air cooling system for continuous operation into 4- or 8-Ohms
6. Low-level Class A operation
7. Stability into any load angle from 0° to 90°
8. Negligible Transient Intermodulation (TIM) Distortion
9. Massive 1.5 K Watt power transformer (weighing almost 30 lbs.)
10 33,600 jnF of computer-grade electrolytic filter capacitors 11. Rear-illuminated meters calibrated in Watts and dB's with
selectable sensitivity 12 Front-panel replaceable speaker fuses
13. Two front-panel stereo headphone outputs for electrostatic and dynamic phones
14. Rack mountable
15. Close-tolerance components; glass-epoxy printed circuit boards throughout; binding posts with banana plugs; Mil.-spec. anodizing; gold-plated input jacks

Specs :

Power Output in Watts. RMS per channel 20Hz-20kHz    @ 8 Ohms: 200 @ less than .05% H. Dist. @ 4 Ohms: 360 @ less than .15% H. Dist.
Total Harnnonic, IM, and TIM Distortions from 0.25 Watts to rated output at 8 Ohms    Harmonic: 0.05% IM: 0.05% TIM: 0.01%
Hum & Noise below rated power    100dB
Rise Time    2 /aseconds
Slew Rate    50V m second
Frequency Response    -0.1dB from 0.12Hz to 20kHz
Input Sensitivity for Rated Output    1.6V RMS
Input Impedance    75K Ohms
Damping Factor    150 from 20Hz to 1kHz
Dimensions: Rack WxHxD; Std. Weight:    19" x 8" x 12" 48cm x 20cm x 30cm 17/2" x 8" x 12" 45cm x 20cm x 30cm. 59 lbs. 25.5kg


The Son of Ampzilla was created to fill the demand for a medium-powered amplifier with true "state-of-the-art" characteristics. In both design and performance, it is an unmistakeable offspring of Ampzilla, containing the same fully complementary-symmetry concept and low-level class A operation as its famous "father".

In addition to its 4- and 8-Ohm operating ability, the Son of Ampzilla is designed to handle 2-Ohm loads. This feature is particularly useful for driving multiple speaker pairs, and for expanding the Son's power capability to 300 Watts (at 8 Ohms) when used as a bridged pair.

Exceptional stability and excellent sonic features have made Son of Ampzilla GAS Co.'s most popular product.


1. Fully-complementary symmetry
2. Two-Ohm operating capability at 250 Watts per channel
3. Stability into any load angle from 0° to 90° regardless of load type
4.16-Ampere peak-current capability
5. Negligible Transient Intermodulation (TIM) Distortion
6. Rear-illuminated power-output meters calibrated in Watts and dB's
7. Rack mountable
8. More than 1000 square inches of convection-cooled heat sinks
9. Optional handles available
10, Close-tolerance components; glass-epoxy printed-circuit boards throughout; binding posts with banana plugs; gold-plated input jacks; Mil.-spec, black anodized aluminum modular construction

Specs :

Power Output in Watts, RMS per channel 20Hz-20kHz    @ 8 Ohms: 80 @ less than .08% H. Dist. @ 4 Ohms: 150 @ less than 0.2% H. Dist.
Total Harmonic, IM. and TIM Distortions from 0.25 Watts to rated output at 8 Ohms    Harmonic: 0.08% IM: 0.08% TIM: 0.01%
Hum & Noise below rated power    lOOdB
Rise Time    2 id seconds
Slew Rate    40V /isecond
Frequency Response    -0.1dB from 0.5Hz to 20kHz
Input Sensitivity for Rated Output    1.0V RMS
Input Impedance    75K Ohms
Damping Factor    500 from 20Hz to 1kHz
Dimensions: WxHxD; Weight:    19" x 5M" x 12" 48cm x 14cm x 30cm 35 lbs. 16kg


Grandson, the baby in GAS Company's family of amplifiers, proves that lower power output does not preclude excellent sound. It is capable of sounding as mighty as its "parents" and it features, like the Son of Ampzilla, the ability to flawlessly manage 2-Ohm loads.

Grandson is an ideal amplifier for bridging; start with one Grandson and later, when more power is required, add another. A pair of bridged Grandsons will yield 160 Watts per channel into 8-Ohms.

Grandson is also ideal for apartment-sized stereo systems or high-efficiency speakers, multiple speaker pairs, headphones, and for those with state-of-the-art aspirations, but more-moderate budgets.

Eigenschaften :

1. Fully-complementary symmetry
2. Servo-controlled DC-coupling after input insolation capacitors
3. Stability into any load angle from 0° to 90° regardless of the load type
4. Negligible Transient Intermodulation (TIM) Distortion
5. Rear-illuminated power output meters calibrated in Watts and dB's (metered version only)
6. Two-Ohm operating capability at 120 Watts per channel
7. Rack mountable
8. Optional rack handle kit
9. Close-tolerance components; glass-epoxy printed-circuit boards; five-way binding posts with banana plugs; Mil.-spec. black-anodized aluminum modular construction

Specs :

Power Output in Watts, RMS per channel 20Hz-20kHz    @ 8 Ohms: 40 @ less than .08% H. Dist. @ 4 Ohms: 80 @ less than 0.3% H. Dist.
Total Harmonic. IM. and TIM Distortions trom 0.25 Watts to rated output    Harmonic: 0.08% IM: 0.08% TIM: 0.01%
Hum & Noise below rated power    100dB
Rise Time    2.4 ^seconds
Slew Rate    20V/ji second
Frequency Response    -0.1dB from 0.5Hz to 20kHz
Input Sensitivity for Rated Output    0.7V RMS
Input Impedance    75K Oryns
Damping Factor    250 from 20Hz to 1kHz
Dimensions: WxHxD; Weight:    19" x 4J4" x 12" 48cm x 12cm x 30cm; 23 lbs. 10.5kg


The Bridge offers a simple way to electrically couple two power amplifiers into one in order to increase power output.

It contains a pair of 180° passive phase inverters which will combine two stereo power amplifiers into one amplifier with approximately quadrupled power output and a slew rate double that of the original individual amplifier. For example, two 40-Watt* Grandsons bridged result in an amplifier with 160 Watts per channel at 8 Ohms, and a slew rate of 40 Volts per microsecond. Two 80-Watf Son of Ampzillas bridged become one amplifier with more than 300 Watts per channel at 8 Ohms, and a slew rate better than 80 Volts per microsecond.

Bridging two 200-Watt* Ampzilla IIa's results in a staggering 720 Watts per channel at 8 Ohms, with a slew rate of 100 Volts per microsecond.

Clearly, for the audiophile on a budget, the Bridge is a necessity. As your system grows, your power requirements will too. Add another Grandson or Son of Ampzilla and expand their capabilities with the Bridge for super-amp power and super-amp sound.
Per channel at 8 Ohms. 20Hz to 20kHz
Transformer:    Quadrafilar Wound
Bandwidth:    Source: 600 Ohms 5Hz-25kHz 50Ohms0.1Hz-300kHz
Distortion: Source    50 Ohms at 20V output 100Hz-20kHz: Less than 0.1% 20Hz: Less than .04%
Insertion Loss:    Less than 0.1dB
Sze:WxHxD: ^J-jj    10" x 3.5" x 5.25", 25.0cm x 8.75cm x 13.1cm 19" x 4" x 7" 47.5cm x 10cm x 17.5cm
6 lbs./13.2kg 7 lbs,' 15.4kg


The GAS Company's philosophy of preamplifier design is the "pure approach". The user of GAS Company equipment will not find emphasis on corrective-type systems such as tone equalizers, noise suppressors, noise filters, dynamic expanders, or other circuits intended to correct for deficiencies in associated equipment or the audio signal itself.

Instead, GAS Company preamplifiers are designed around their basic functions, which are to amplify and direct the audio signal without frills or non-essentials.

Measurements alone do not always identify the degree of fidelity in reproduction achieved with GAS Company preamps. Only hours of careful listening under a variety of conditions will prove with resounding finality, the value of GAS Company's "pure approach".

Through the use of the latest technology, coupled with GAS Company creativity (such as found in fully-complementary-symmetry and servo-controlled circuitry), GAS Company preamplifiers achieve a sonic purity which is exemplary-Some of the many features that distinguish the GAS Company's preamplifiers are:


Recognizing the advantages of the Complementary-Symmetry design concept (up to now used primarily in power-amplifiers), GAS Company has from its inception incorporated the inherent superiority of this more costly configuration into all audio circuitry of every GAS Company preamplifier.


Most preamplifiers utilize a two-stage design, wherein the signal is passed through a line amplifier plus a tone amplifier. The single-stage GAS Company design used in all GAS Company preamplifiers eliminates the tone amp entirely by incorporating the tone controls in the feedback loop of the high-level amplifier. The need for a tone-control defeat switch, as well as the extraneous distortion and noise which might be contributed by an added tone-amp stage, is thus eliminated.


An industry innovation with Thaedra (and now Goliath II) is the GAS Company Moving-Coil (MC) phono preamplifier. It is an RIAA-equalized phono preamplifier which has the combined gain of a pre-preamp and a conventional phono pre-amp. Because this single-stage design with multistage performance is optimized to operate with a moving-coil phono cartridge, it achieves lower noise and distortion than conventional pre-preamps (which are not equalized and must be run through the magnetic phono preamp). GAS Company's MC phono preamplifier will extract all the detail and information possible from moving-coil cartridges.


The elimination of DC offset voltage at the output of DC coupled amplifiers is difficult to achieve because of such obstacles as thermal drift, parameter variations, and aging. To overcome them, GAS Company developed its servo amplifier which corrects for DC error voltages. This design was first developed for the GAS Company moving-coil phono preamp in Thaedra, wherein the high gain involved demanded the most accurate possible control of its DC parameters. Because of the effectiveness of the Servo-Control Amplifier, GAS Company now incorporates its benefits in all GAS Company preamplifiers.


The output circuitry in Thaedra II and Thoebe provides high-current output capability considerably greater than that available with conventional preamplifiers. This higher cost circuitry was incorporated to eliminate output loading due to long cable runs, and to allow the use of low- or high-impedance headphones. In addition, this power output of 1 1/2 Watts provides the added advantage of being able to drive a bi-amped or tri-amped system incorporating passive crossovers, thereby eliminating the need for an electronic crossover. Do-it-yourself instructions for constructing passive crossovers are provided with both Thaedra II and Thoebe.


Each GAS Company preamplifier features the following: 32- or 22-position thick-film-resistor switch-type level controls for repeatable, precise settings and extremely accurate inter-channel balance; switch-type film-resistor bass and treble controls; a 15-Ampere power switch for controlling the most powerful stereo amplifiers; precisely matched NPN/PNP semiconductors for optimization of the complementary-symmetry circuitry; and use of selected tolerance components to maintain the highest standards of sonic purity. Thaedra II also features gold input/output jacks, preventing corrosion and assuring minimum contact resistance.


Thaedra was GAS Company's first preamplifier. Many original design concepts, including a unique servo-controlled moving-coil phono preamp, established Thaedra as one of the world's most highly-regarded preamplifiers. Many of the standard features now on all GAS Company preamps were originated in Thaedra. Further improvements have resulted in Thaedra II which is now GAS Company's premier preamplifier.

Thaedra II has provisions for accommodating up to three tape recorders, and has facilities for transferring recordings from one deck to another while recording a different source onto a third machine. The monitor selector provides for monitoring the output of any of the three tape decks, as well as the signal feeding the third recorder. Other innovative Thaedra II features include:

Eigenschaften :

1. RIAA-equalized moving-coil phono preamplifier with selectable gain settings of 70dB, 64dB and 58dB at 1kHz,
2. Fully complementary symmetry circuitry throughout
3. Servo loop phono circuitry and line-amplifier circuitry
4. Complete DC-coupling after input capacitors
5. High power output of more than 11/2 Watts to drive low-impedance headphones and passive crossovers directly
6. Tone controls located in feedback loop of line amplifier thus eliminating need for a tone-defeat switch
7. 32-position, switch-type environmentally-sealed discrete-film resistor level controls. 21-positioa switch-type environmentally-sealed discrete-film resistor tone controls
8. Accommodations for three stereo tape recorders with full dubbing and monitoring facilities
9. Negligible Transient Intermodulation (TIM) Distortion
10. Switchable low-frequency filter-10Hz, 20Hz, 30Hz, 50Hz,
or off 11.15-Ampere capacity power switch
12. Gold-plated audio input and output jacks throughout
13. All nickel-plated steel, modular construction
14. Gold-plated audio cables supplied

Specs :

Total Harmonic and IM Distortion at 2.0V 600 Ohms    0.01%
Signal-to-Noise - Moving-coil phono ret. 1mVin Sensitivily    83dB 0.6mV
Signal-to-Noise-Phono, ref. 10mVin-20Hz-20kHz Sensitivity    86dB 3.2mV
Signal-to-Noise-High level, ref. 2.0V out-20Hz-20kHz Sensitivity    100dB 0.2V
Frequency Response RIAA Phono. 20Hz to 20kHz High level    ±0.2dB ±0.1dB
Dimensions: WxHxD; Weight:    17" x 12%" x 67 43cm x 32cm x 15cm 33 lbs. 15kg


The Thoebe preamplifier is an example of the GAS Company's desire to manufacture stereo components to fit every need. Thoebe is, without question, a state-of-the-art performer, but at an affordable price.

Thoebe shares the same circuit topology as Thaedra, incorporating many of Thaedra's specifications and functions. Thoebe also has provisions for powering Goliath, GAS Company's moving-coil cartridge phono preamplifier, should moving coil cartridges be used.

Thoebe has many other features, including:

Eigenschaften :

1. Fully-complementary symmetry circuitry throughout
2. DC-coupled circuitry after input isolation capacitors
3. Servo-loop phono preamplifier
4. Single-stage servo-loop line amplifier
5. High power output of more than V/2 Watts to drive low-impedance headphones and passive crossovers directly
6. Accommodations for two tape recorders with full dubbing and monitoring facilities
7. Four-position low frequency filter - 10Hz, 20Hz, 30Hz, or off
8. Provision for powering Goliath
9. Tone controls located in feedback loop of line amplifier thus eliminating need for a tone-defeat switch
10. Negligible Transient Intermodulation (TIM) distortion
11. 21-position, discrete-film resistor, switch-type tone controls; 22-position, discrete-film resistor, switch-type level control
12. Muting control reduces output 15dB 13.15-Ampere capacity power switch
14. Close-tolerance components; glass-epoxy printed circuit boards; nickel-plated steel, modular construction
15. Gold-plated audio cables supplied

Specs :

Total Harmonic and IM Distortion at 2.0V 600 Ohms    0.01%
Signal-to-Noise-Phono, ref. 10mV in-20Hz to 20kHz Sensitivity    84dB 3.2mV
Signal-to-Noise-High level, ref. 2.0V out-20Hz-20kHz Sensitivity    100dB 0.2mV
Frequency Response RIAA Phono, 20Hz to 20kHz High level    ±0.3dB ±0.1 dB
Dimensions: WxHxD; Weight:    17"x5%"x8" 43cm x 13cm x 20cm 28 lbs. 13kg


Thalia, GAS Company's newest preamplifier, sets new standards of excellence for preamplifiers in its class. Incorporating DC Servo-controlled, fully-complementary audio circuitry similar to that in Thaedra II and Thoebe, Thalia offers the superior sonic ability and advanced design concepts typical of GAS Company products.

Designed to be paired with the Grandson stereo power amplifier, Thalia will meet the requirements of the most demanding audiophile desiring a high-quality, versatile control center. Thalia offers features which belie its modest price, including;

Eigenschaften :

1 Fully-complementary symmetry circuitry throughout
2. Servo-loop phono preamplifier
3. DC-Coupled circuitry after the input coupling capacitors
4. Tone controls located in feedback loop of the line amplifier thus eliminating need for tone defeat switch
5. Accommodations for a stereo tape recorder
6. 21-position, discrete-film resistor, switch-type tone controls; 22-position, discrete-film resistor, switch-type level control
7. Output for high-impedance headphones 8.10Hz low-frequency filter
9. Muting control reduces output 15dB 10. Stereo mode switching 11.15-Ampere power switch capacity 12. Close-tolerance components: glass-epoxy printed circuit boards, nickel-plated steel construction

Specs :

Total Harmonic and IM Distortion at 2.0V, 600 Ohms    0.015%
Signal-to-Noise-Phono ret. 10mV in -20Hz-20kHz    82dB
Signal-to-Noise-High level, ref. 2.0V out-20Hz-20kHz    lOOdB
Frequency Response RIAA Phono, 20Hz to 20kHz High level    ±0.5dB ±0.1dB
Dimensions: WxHxD; Weight:    19" x 3J4" x 107 48cm x 9cm x 25cm 11 lbs./5kg


Announcing two more innovations in high-fidelity sound reproduction from the GAS Company: Goliath II and Powered Goliath II. Both are servo-controlled, fully- complementary phono preamplifiers specifically designed for use with moving-coil phono cartridges.

It is the same revolutionary moving-coil phono preamplifier found in Thaedra II that provides the extra gain required for moving coils with none of the added noise and distortion of step-up transformers or pre-preamps.

Goliath II plugs into a high-level input - not the phono input. This not only reduces noise and distortion, it frees the phono inputs to accept standard magnetic cartridges.

Goliath's circuitry is fully-complementary and DC servo-controlled. The gain is user-adjustable on the front panel in 3dB increments, from 58dB to 70dB, accommodating from the lowest to highest sensitivity phono cartridges. A power jack on Thoebe's rear panel supplies Goliath's power requirements. Panel height is matched to Thoebe.


For audiophiles desiring a self-powered version of Goliath, GAS Company offers the self-powered Goliath II, which can be added to any stereo preamplifier.

The circuitry is identical to Goliath II. It offers the same RIAA-equalized, fully-complementary, DC servo-control led performance, with front-panel gain adjustment from 58dB to 70dB in 3dB steps. It also plugs into a high-level input, thus offering an additional phono preamplifier function.

Specs :

Total Harmonic and IM Distortion at 2.0V, 600 Ohms    0.01%
Signal-to-Noise-Phono, ref. 1mV in-20Hz-20kHz    83dB
Frequency Response RIAA Phono, 20Hz to 20kHz    ±0.2dB
Sensitivity    0.6mV
Dimensions: WxHxD; Weight:    2K"x5XMx8,7 6cm x 13cm x 20cm 5 lbs./2.3kg
Self Powered Model    19" x 3/2" x 8"/ 48cm x 9cm x 20cm 11 lbs. /5kg


GAS Company has long recognized the superiority of the moving-coil cartridge for optimum reproduction of sound from a phono disc. For many years, it has been the choice of professionals and serious audiophiles.
GAS Company now offers the Sleeping Beauty series of moving-coil cartridges. The four Sleeping Beauty models differ only in stylus geometry and cantilever details. All feature a high intensity field, low-weight Alnico V magnet structure to improve tracking of warped records. The beryllium cantilever stylus geometry has been tailored for optimum and extended, non-resonant response with minimal distortion throughout the critical high-frequency region. These features give Sleeping Beauty the capacity to provide a remarkable musical clarity and sonic definition

Each cartridge is supplied with mounting hardware, installation parts, and individually-charted frequency responses showing the output performance of both channels.

Specifications subject to change without notice.
THE GREATAMERICAN SOUND CO., INC. 20940 Lassen St. • Chatsworth, Calif. 91311 U.S.A. • (213) 998-8100 - 1978, GREATAMERICAN SOUND CO. 880031-778
Printed in U.S.A.

Hier fällt dem akribischen Leser auf, daß es da einen Unterschied gibt zwischen


Das kann jetzt ein Rechtschreibfehler sein oder die Firma ist bereits in neuen Händen und der Chef James Bongiorno ist schon nicht mehr der Chef.
Mal sehen, wann er seine nächste Firma SUMO gegründet hatte.


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