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In 1975 gab es einen Schnitt bei SAE

Der europäische Vertrieb (das war Audio Intl. in Bonames) wude gewechselt, warum auch immer. Es waren persönliche Mißverständnisse und auch eine gute Portion Arroganz bei den (neuen) Amerikanern, die inzwischen dort das Ruder übernommen hatten. Sie hatten einfach noch größere Dollarzeichen in den Augen.
Und das ging natürlich voll in die Hose.

SAE schreibt 1976 über sich selbst :

At SAE our only purpose is producing state of the art components. We built a plant literally from the ground up for this purpose. This may seem extreme, but precision assembly places strict requirements on the facility. This enables us to control and manufacture our products to the highest standards.

Über die SAE Leiterplatten, die "printed circuit board"

Even something as simple and basic as a printed circuit board receives our special attention. Since the circuit boards contain the majority of wiring and ninety percent of the parts in a unit, we feel this special attention is warranted and necessary.

Wie es anfängt :

A printed circuit board or PC board starts with a circuit. This circuit is the successful culmination of one, or a group, of our engineers' search for a new and better way of handling audio signals. The circuit is then broken down into drawings or schematic diagrams by our engineering and graphic arts departments working together.

Die Idee umsetzen

Still working with engineering, the graphics department must now translate the schematics into circuits which can be fitted onto a blank board. Not only must they design the board to optimizethe physicallayout of the parts, but the board itself must be made to plug into other boards with a minimum of discrete wiring if re-peatable quality is to be maintained.

When the circuits have been translated onto the board plane, we then etch them. We use only military grade glass-epoxy boards in our units and if you ever had a piece of electronics that developed a hairline fracture in a PC board you know why.
(1976 war damit nicht unser PC gemeint, sondern das "Printed Circuit-board").

Die Platine mit Bauteilen bestücken

Once sheared, drilled, silkscreened and etched, the board is "stuffed" with component parts. These parts we either build ourselves like the power transformers or they are manufactured elsewhere to our strict specifications and then run through our own quality control tests. We have parts manufactured all over the world to assure that we have the finest available. For instance, we use 2% carbon film resistors in critical circuits.

Jetzt ab ins Lötbad bzw. die Lötmaschine

After "stuffing", the board is automatically soldered in a conveyorized wave soldering machine. We minimize hand soldering as much as possible to ensure good solder joints. Having been soldered, the board is checked to verify circut integrity.

SAE biegt massive Aluminium Gehäuse

Now the PC board is joined with other PC boards in a modularly constructed chassis. In fact, we have made the chassis, too. We fabricate it from heavy-guage aluminum stock and black anodize it.

  • Anmerkung : Das mit den massiven schwarzen Alu-Blechen für die Gehäuse stimmt, doch wer hatte die Kühlbleche / Kühlkörper waagrecht angeordnet ? Das hatten doch schon Generationen vor ihnen ausprobiert, daß da die warme Luft nicht zirkulieren kann und man lärmende Lüfter braucht. Das war eine ganz große Schwäche fast aller SAE Endstufen. Das konnten sogar die extrem preiswerten (= billig aufgebauten) Phase Linear Endstufen besser.


Die "goldene" Frontplatte

The last production step is adding an eighth-inch-thick brushed and anodized champagne gold aluminum face panel. Solid aluminum turned knobs finished in the same gold are then locked into place with set screws.

Immer noch nicht fertig - die "QC" fehlt noch

Our circuit board has now grown into a complete unit, but we aren't ready to send it away. First, it must go through final "QC" (quality control). Here it will be tested for performance and function, "burned in" for forty-eight hours, tested again, and then listened to. After it passes these rigorous tests and only then do we pack and ship the unit.

Why all this care?

Two reasons:

  • ONE, we offer a unique Free Five-Year Service Contract for parts, labor, and specifications with the exception of tubes - one year.
  • TWO, it's the only way we want to build components.


Die SAE Produkte von 1976 :

SAE hatte eine Menge Produkte für eine so kleine Firma. Ob die Lautsprecher wirklich selbst gebaut wurden, ist unklar.


1 The SAE Mark IB and Mark IM

The SAE Mark IB and Mark IM are our finest stereo preamplifiers. Quiet and versatile sums up their performance. Both units feature a unique three-way tape monitor/copy mode and a precise stepped volume control coupled with a five-position range switch. The Mark IB has a built-in seven band tone equalizer. The Mark IM, designed for use with an external equalizer, has no tone circuitry, instead meters read exact voltage output.

4 The Mark IIICM and Mark IIIC

Mark IM are the SAE Mark IIICM and Mark IIIC Stereo Power Amplifier which deliver 200 Watts minimum RMS per channel into 8 Ohms with no more than 0.1% total harmonic distortion from 10Hz to 30KHz. Twelve Epitaxial-base output devices in a unique Darlington series configuration combine with SAE's triple complementary circuitry to achieve superb stability and low distortion at all levels from 250 mW to rated output. The IIICM comes complete with dual-scale Watts/dB output meters. The IIIC is the same amplifier, just the meters are eliminated.

5 The SAE Mark VIB FM MX tuner

The SAE Mark VIB FM MX tuner sets the industry standard. The FM signal is received by a fourteen pole Butterworth type filter with an eight stage limiter. Exact station frequency is displayed by a Nixie digital read-out system. A built-in three-inch oscilloscope monitors stereo separation or external functions. Touch the massive tuning knob and the "scope" automatically shifts its display to trace signal-strength and channel-center for accurate tuning.

6 The SAE Mark XXVII (27) stereo octave equalizer

The SAE Mark XXVII (27) stereo octave equalizer offers, unprecedented program control. Each channel may be individually altered over a ±8dB or ±16dB range at any or all of eleven different frequency bands. In addition, the XXVII can be used for making preequalized tapes, or smoothing out a listening room and speakers. Toroid inductors are used to assure quiet, distortion-free tonal alterations.

8 The SAE Mark IXB (9B) stereo preamplifier

The SAE Mark IXB (9B) stereo preamplifier includes a seven-band frequency equalizer. Here is the answer for a full control, high performance preamp at a moderate price. Equalizer, volume and balance controls use professional slide "pots" while operation modes and functions are controlled by precision interlocking pushbuttons.

9 + 10 The SAE IVDM (9DM) and IVD (9D) stereo amplifiers

The SAE IVDM (9DM) and IVD (9D) stereo amplifiers are our workhorses. The IVD series amps deliver 100 Watts per channel min. RMS into an 8 Ohm load from 10Hz to 30KHz with no more than 0.1% total harmonic distortion. The IVDM has output meters coupled with a range switch to monitor power. The IVD is the same amplifier but without meters. Both have full loudspeaker protection circuits.

11 The SAE Mark VIII (8) FM MX tuner

The SAE Mark VIII (8) FM MX tuner is a price optimized brother of the Mark VIB. The LED readout accurately displays station frequency as you tune. A dual meter system assures both maximum signal strength and center-of-channel tuning. The monolithic, linear-phase filter design plus phase-lock-loop multiplex give clean reception with excellent stereo separation.

12 The SAE Mark VII (12) Stereo Octave Equalizer

The SAE Mark VII (12) Stereo Octave Equalizer for precise sound contouring is a ganged channel version of the Mark XXVII (27) incorporating the same circuitry.

14 The SAE Mark XXX (30) stereo preamplifier

The SAE Mark XXX (30) stereo preamplifier is a no-nonsense high performance unit in spite of its low price. The XXX features the same innovative circuit design, careful construction and quality parts as other SAE preamplifiers. All the basic modes are retained, however some of the more exotic features of the IB, IM and IXB have been simplified.

15 The SAE Mark XXXIB (31) Stereo Power Amplifier

The SAE Mark XXXIB (31) Stereo Power Amplifier produces 50 Watts min. RMS per channel into 8 Ohms from 10Hz to 30KHz with no more than 0.1% total harmonic distortion.

The XXXIB performs to the same parameters as the IIIC and IVD series of amplifiers, only the power output is less.

16 The SAE Mark X Dynamic Transducer

The SAE Mark X Dynamic Transducer is a four-driver three-way system. Rear radiation in a two-to-one ratio is present above 1440Hz. Mid and high level controls are provided for room balance. As with all our products, the Mark X must be seen and heard to be fully appreciated.

13 The SAE Mark XI dynamic transducer

The SAE Mark XI dynamic transducer uses seven drivers in an unusual three-way design. Rear radiation is utilized above 1.440 Hz in a four-to-one ratio to aid stereo imaging. Adjustable low crossover frequency with mid and high level controls enable the XI to reproduce faithfully in the most demanding acoustic environments.

7 The SAE Mark XIV (14) transducers

The SAE Mark XIV (14) transducers combine the best of electrostatic and dynamic principles. Bi-polar radiating electrostatic elements impart high-end accuracy and delicacy. Anchored by a solid fundamental bass generated from a long-excursion woofer built on a seventeen-pound magnet structure, the resultant sound is perfection. Complete with adjustable cross over frequencies and protection circuit for no-limit power input, the XIV is a sonic masterpiece.

Die damalige Adresse :

Scientific Audio Electronics, Inc.
Post Office Box 60271,
Los Angeles, California 90060

Post Office Box 2361,
Santa Ana, Calif. 92707
Cable Address: INTERDOM

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