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Diesen "The Fisher 1963" (Frühjahr 63) Prospekt hatte Herr Hasselbach im Feb. 1963 in USA erhalten oder mitgebracht

mit gestempeltem Datum 02-02.1963
Every Fisher in jungen Jahren

Ende 1962 / Anfang 1963 fing in den USA und auch bei uns die ("schleichende") Transistorisierung der Audio-Elektronik an. Marantz, Harman Kardon entwickelte und Grundig entwickelte und im Juni 1963 waren die ersten Ergebnisse zu bestaunen.

Nicht alle Hersteller wollten den "Legenden" um diese neuen Transitoren Glauben schenken, Avery Fisher anscheinend auch "noch" nicht. Der Edel-Hersteller McIntosh ließ sich noch viele Jahre Zeit, bis er die ersten Halbleitergeräte vorstellte.

A Message From Avery Fisher

No one purchase that is made for the home can be expected to give so much pleasure, and to keep on giving it for so long a period of years, as a stereophonic high fidelity installation. That is why my associates and I have always recognized the importance to the owner of selecting the equipment that is best suited to his present needs, and his probable future needs.

Fisher equipment is designed from the outset for you, the user, in mind. Its every aspect - performance, appearance, flexibility, simplicity of control reflects a depth of engineering know-how based on 25 years of leadership. If there are any questions on which you need assistance, we welcome your inquiry, which will receive a prompt and informed reply. Please address Mr. Richard Hamilton, Customer Relations Department.

Feb. 1963 - (Spring 1963)

When a FISHER stereo tuner is combined on the same chassis with a FISHER stereo control amplifier, the result is an integrated FISHER Stereo Receiver. Simply connect two speakers and a turntable - a matter of seconds - and you have a complete and magnificent stereo installation.


Stereophonic FM is now a thrilling reality, and the perfect instrument for its full enjoyment is the new FISHER 500-B. Here, on one beautifully integrated chassis, you will find a high-sensitivity, wide-band FM tuner, with built-in Multiplex at its best; a stereophonic master control center; and a powerful 65-watt stereophonic amplifier.

• Exclusive STEREO BEAM • CONTROLS: MPX Filter, Tuning, Dual Bass and Treble, Six-Position Selector (Tape Head, Phono, MPX Stereo, FM, Aux, Tape), Balance, Volume • SWITCHES: High Filter, Low Filter, Tape Monitor, Mono-Stereo, Channel Reverse, Loudness Contour • FM TUNER Wide-band design. Sensitivity: 2.2 microvolts (IHFM Standard). • Four IF Stages • FM-Stereo separation, 35 db
• AMPLIFIER Power Output, 65 Watts • Harmonic Distortion, 0.5%. Hum and Noise, -85 db • Cabinets in Walnut, Model 30-UW; Mahogany, Model 30-UM. dimensions: YlVz wide, 5%" high, ISV2" deep, weight: 31 pounds.


The best of everything - AM and FM-Multiplex tuners for every existing type of broadcast (mono or stereo), a stereo master-control center of grand-organ flexibility and simplicity, a stereo amplifier capable of producing 65 watts of undistorted music power - all these have been joined on one magnificent chassis whose capabilities belie its easy-to-install size.

• Exclusive STEREO BEAM • CONTROLS: AM Tuning, FM Tuning, Dual Bass and Treble, Nine-Position Selector (Tape Head, Phono, MPX Filter, MPX Stereo, FM, FM-AM-Stereo, AM, Aux, Tape), Balance, Volume • SWITCHES: High Filter, Low Filter, Channel Reverse, Tape Monitor, Mono-Stereo, Phase Reverse, AM Bandwidth • Loudness Contour • FM TUNER Wide-band design • Three FM IF Stages • Sensitivity: 2.5 microvolts (IHFM Standard)
• FM-Stereo separation, 35 db • AM TUNER Sensitivity: 5 microvolts for 2 watts output • AMPLIFIER Power Output, 65 watts • Harmonic Distortion: 0.5% • Hum and Noise -85 db • Cabinets in Walnut, Model 30-UW, Mahogany, Model 30-UM. dimensions: YlW wide, 5%" high, 13%" deep. weight: 33 pounds.

Announcing the World's Foremost AM-FM-Multiplex Tuner


The new FISHER R-200 AM-FM-Multiplex Tuner has set an entirely new standard of excellence in performance and reliability. Everything about this magnificent instrument is new, unusual and far superior to existing brands in its circuitry and sensitivity.

The FM frontend incorporates the new FISHER GOLDEN SYNCHRODE design, to provide a greater overload margin and rejection of spurious and image signals than heretofore possible. The AM section includes a tuned RF amplifier, followed by a converter and two IF amplifiers to assure far greater sensitivity than the ordinary AM tuner.
The multiplex converter, also, is different from and far superior to other makes, for it utilizes the time-division system, proven far more efficient than other types.


• STEREO BEACON • Illuminated d'Arsonval Tuning Meter for both FM and AM • SIX CONTROLS: Stereo Filter (Off, On), Selector (AM, FM, FM Automatic, FM Stereo), FM Muting (variable with Off position), AM Bandwidth (Sharp, Normal, Wide), FM Antenna (AC Off, Normal, Local), Tuning "Three jewel-light indicators (FM, STEREO BEACON, AM), Interstation muting effective on stereo or mono FM transmissions • FM TUNER Wide-band design • Sensitivity: 1.6 microvolts (IHFM Standard)
• Five FM IF Stages • FM-Stereo separation, 35 db • Signal to Noise Ratio: better than 70 db (100% Mod.) • Capture Ratio: 1.8 db (IHFM) • FM Harmonic Distortion: less than 0.4% (400 cps, 100% Mod.) • AM TUNER Frequency Response: SHARP to 3 Kc, NORMAL to 5 Kc, WIDE to 7 Kc • Cabinets in Walnut, Model 10-UW; Mahogany, Model 10-UM; metal cabinet in simulated leather, Model MC-2 • chassis dimensions: 15" wide, 4" high, 13" deep.* • weight: 19 lbs.
*Plus 21/&" depth for AM loopstick antenna.

Feb. 1963 - FISHER Wide-Band FM-Stereo-Multiplex Tuners

Universally acclaimed by audio connoisseurs as the world's finest !

Anmerkung: Womit wir (jungen) Deutschen damals ein Problem hatten, das waren die räumlichen Dimensionen, in denen dort drüben in den USA gedacht wurde. Wenn bei uns bei UKW alle Nase lang ein starker Sender kommt, kommt dort mehrere hundert Kilometer nichts, rein gar nichts. Und wenn dann einer kommt, ist es ein "kleiner" 50Watt FM Sender aus einem kleinen Kaff an der elend langen Landstraße oder dem nimmer endenden Higway. So mußten die (alle) neuen "modernen" UKW Empfänger aus den weiten Distanzen das Allerbeste raus holen. Das war dort das "KO" Kriterium. Bei uns wurden die amerikanischen UKW Eingangsstufen vom Ortssender allermeist total übersteuert.



• the new FM-50-B was designed to provide, at moderate cost, all the elements essential for optimum reception of FM monophonic or Multiplex stereo broadcasts. In spite of its reasonable cost, nothing has been sacrificed to maintain the laboratory standards that distinguish all FISHER components.
• STEREO BEAM (FM-Stereo-Multiplex and tuning indicator). "Three-Position Selector (mono, stereo, and stereo filter) . • Sensitivity Control: AC Off, Normal, and Distant. • Station Selector.


• the new FISHER KM-61 provides a degree of sensitivity never before possible in FM tuners in its moderate price range. The superb, high-gain, Golden Cascode front-end, four IF stages and three limiters assure distortion-free mono and stereo reception - even from weak or distant stations.
• STEREO BEAM (FM-Stereo-Multiplex). • d'Arsonval Tuning Meter. • Two-Position Selector (mono or stereo).
• Stereo Filter Switch (OFF, ON). • Power Switch: Off, On. • Station Selector. • Four output jacks on rear panel for amplifier and tape recorder.


• the new FM-100-B combines the finest wide-band design with advanced Multiplex circuitry - features that are a 'must' for low-noise FM-Stereo reception of outstanding quality.
• STEREO BEACON Indicator and Automatic Switching System. • Tuning Meter. • Three-Position Mode Selector (mono, stereo-mono automatic, and stereo filter).
• Exclusive IF muting circuit for stereo and mono. • Sensitivity Control (AC Off, Distant, Local). • Station Selector with Flywheel. • Dual Channel Level Controls and four output jacks on rear panel.


• the FM-200-B is unquestionably the world's finest FM tuner intended specifically for home use. It comes within a. hairbreadth of the professional-standard FM-1000 an achieves a degree of sensitivity once considered unattainable.
• STEREO BEACON and Automatic Switching System.
• Tuning Meter. • Exclusive IF muting circuit. • CONTROLS: Four-Position Mode Selector (Mono, Stereo-Mono Automatic, Stereo Filter, Stereo), Variable Muting, Sensitivity Control (AC Off, Distant, Local), Station Selector with Automatic MicroTune AFC.


• the new FM-1000 represents the sum total of FM engineering knowledge and experience. It is a masterpiece in design and circuitry, created for the audio connoisseur seeking the absolute ultimate in FM-Stereo tuners, regardless of cost.
• STEREO BEACON. • Separate Audio Level VU Meter.
• RF Signal-Strength Meter. • Exclusive IF muting circuit.
• CONTROLS: Station Selector with Automatic MicroTune AFC, Audio Level, Power On-Off, Mode Selector (Mono, Automatic, Stereo, Stereo Filter) , Calibrated Audio Level Meter Range Control, Variable Muting, Front-End Circuit Selector (crystal and tuneable.)
• the FMR-1 is identical to the FM-1000 except for details such as the standard 19-inch rack panel. It can be supplied, on special order, with a plug-in crystal-controlled front end, to maintain its fixed frequency within 0.0015%, for unattended operation.


Broadcast Network FM-Stereo-Multiplex Tuner for Monitor and Relay Applications.

Anmerkung: Der Fisher FMR1 ist in etwa das Gegenstück zu dem bei uns sehr bekannten Klein + Hummel FM 2000 A in der Rundfunkversion. Bei uns sind diese Geräte auch als UKW- Ball-Empfänger bekannt.



  FM-50-B KM-61 FM-100-B FM-200-B FM-IOOO(FMR-I)
Frequency Response 20-15,000 cps 20-15,000 cps 20-15,000 cps 20-15,000 cps 20-15,000 cps
Sensitivity (20db quieting with 72 ohm antenna) 0.7uV 0.6uV 0.6uV 0.5uV 0.45uV
Sensitivity (IHFM) 2.2uV 1.8uV 1.8uV 1.6uV 1.5uV
Signal-to-Noise Ratio (100% Modulation) 70db 70db 70db 75db 75db
Selectivity (Alternate Channel) 55db 60db 65db 65 b 66db
Capture Ratio (IHFM) 2.5db 2.5db 2.2db 1.5db 1.5db
FM I.F. Stages 4 4 5 5 6
FM Wide-Band Limiters 3 3 4 5 5
Wide-Band Ratio Detector Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Stereo-Mono Automatic Switching No No Yes Yes Yes
Harmonic Distortion (100% Modulation) 0.5% 0.5% 0.4% 0.3% 0.3%
FM-Stereo Separation (At 1 Kc.) 35 db 35 db 35 db 35 db 35 db
Inter-Station Muting No No Yes Yes Yes
Number of Tubes 10 11 12 15 18 (Less Crystal Front-End)
Number of Diodes 12 12 13 17 15
Permanent, Bridge-Type Rectifiers Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Rated Audio Output 2.0 Volts 2.0 Volts 2.0 Volts 2.0 Volts 2.0 Volts
Chassis Dimensions 15-1/8" wide, 4-13/16" high, 11-7/8" deep 15-1/8" wide, 4-13/16" high, 13" deep 15-1/8" wide, 4-13/16" high, 13" deep 15-1/8" wide, 4-13/16" high, 13" deep 16-15/16"*wide, 4-13/16" high, 12-1/2" deep
Weight 14 pounds 18 pounds 18 pounds 19 pounds 20 pounds



    This new FISHER front-end design comprises a high-gain, frame-grid triode plus three tuned variable circuits and an additional fixed input circuit of revolutionary design. It affords extremely high selectivity and rejection of spurious image and IF response, with far greater overload protection than any previous design. This feature is particularly important in those urban areas having a number of nearby, powerful radio stations.
    This widely-acclaimed FISHER front-end design provides unprecedented sensitivity as well as outstanding image and spurious response rejection. In the FISHER FM-200-B and and the FISHER FM-1000, the famous GOLDEN CASCODE circuit uses a four-gang variable condenser (four separate,tuned circuits) to provide a degree of selectivity heretofore considered unattainable.
    These FISHER inventions make multiplex a pleasure, not a problem! For the complete enjoyment of stereo programs, FISHER engineers created exclusive STEREO BEAM and STEREO BEACON. STEREO BEAM automatically signals the presence of FM-Stereo Multiplex programs. STEREO BEACON not only automatically indicates (with a jewel-beacon) the presence of FM-Stereo programs, but automatically switches the equipment to stereo operation. On monaural programs, STEREO BEACON automatically switches the equipment to mono operation. Every FISHER tuner and receiver features STEREO BEAM or STEREO BEACON as one of many advanced engineering features.



Audio Power and Flexible Control Center On A Beautifully Integrated Single  Chassis


The new FISHER X-101-C master control amplifier was designed to be the first genuine all-family amplifier in high fidelity history. For the audiophile members of the family, the FISHER X-101-C incorporates comprehensive controls of utmost versatility. But for immediate enjoyment of stereo by even the least technically inclined members of the family, only the 'must' controls are in full view, for instant use. These frequently-used controls consist of the Pushbutton Program Selector (tape head, phono, tuner, aux, tape play), Mode Selector (stereo, mono, reverse), and Volume Control. The occasionally-used controls are hidden behind the Control Cover, yet are immediately accessible when needed. They consist of four controls (output selector, bass, treble, balance), and four switches, (equalization, high filter, TAPE MONITOR, LOUDNESS CONTOUR.)


X-100-B provides maximum circuit flexibility with a full complement of precision controls of instantly appreciated simplicity. It is the unquestioned leader in its moderate price range and incorporates the latest FISHER engineering developments.
• CONTROLS: Balance, Volume (with AC Power Switch), dual-concentric Bass and Treble controls. • SWITCHES: Speaker, Equalization, High Filter, Tape Monitor, Loudness Contour. • Input Selector Positions: tape head, phono, tuner, aux, tape play. • Mode Positions: mono, stereo, REVERSE.


X-101-C incorporates an ingenious Hinged Control-Cover - a feature that is years ahead of its time in basic design. It provides a convenience so obvious and long-needed that it is destined to become standard design practice. Constantly-use controls are in full view, instantly accessible. Occasional^ used controls are concealed behind the Hinged Control-Cover, yet are immediately accessible. (See details on next page.)
• Power-derived output permits direct connection of center-channel or extension speaker. Exclusive FISHER Direct-Tape-Monitor. Full complement of controls.


is the combination of a remarkably flexible Master Audio Control and a high-powered, dual-channel amplifier. The exclusive FISHER Direct-Tape-Monitor is an important feature of this outstanding instrument. At the flick of a switch, it permits monitoring, with the use of all controls and switches during tape playback, without changing cable connections.
• CONTROLS: Stereo Dimension, Balance, Dual Bass and Treble, Center Speaker Switch, Five-Position Mode Selector, Nine-Position Program Selector (mic, 3%, 7%, col, riaa-1, riaa-2, tuner, aux, tape play) , Loudness Contour.

110-Watt Stereo Master and Control Amplifier

110 WATTS OF MUSIC POWER The FISHER Studio Standard, Model X-1000, is by far the most powerful and every way the most advanced single-chassis Control Amplifiei in the world. Equipment of this caliber has heretofore been available only as two separate units, requiring considerably more space, as well as being significantly higher in cost.
• CONTROLS: Low Level Inputs, Center Power Level, Earphones/Speakers Selector, Dual Bass and Treble, Two Earphone Jacks, Nine-Position Program Equalizer Control, Five-Position Mode Selector Switch, Stereo Balance Control, Volume and Loudness Contour, Stereo Dimension.


Audio Controls and Stereo Power Amplifier On Separate Chassis


Professional Stereo Master Audio Control
The new FISHER 400-CX has 28 controls and 18 inputs, all logically arranged even for an unskilled user.
Controls: Stereo Dimanesion, Master Volume, eight position low level equalizer, and many others.
Frequency response : 10-25.000 cps within 1db • Rated Output: 2.5 volts RMS. • Harmonic distortion: 0.04%. • Hum and noise: 80 db below rated output. • Channel separation: 67 db at 1 Kc. • Sensitivity (Low Level Inputs): Mag 1 & 2, 1.5 Millivolts; Tape Head, 3.0 Millivolts; Microphone, 1.8 Millivolts. • Sensitivity (High Level Inputs) : Tuner 0.2 Volts for 2.5 Volts output; Tape 1.0 Volts for 2.5 Volts output. • chassis dimensions: 15" wide, 4" high, 12" deep: 18 pounds.

50-Watt Stereo Power Amplifier

This truly remarkable instrument is equipped with features normally encountered only in the costliest of dual-channel amplifiers. Equipped with a center channel output, the SA-100 permits you to add a third amplifier and speaker system at any time, for augmented stereo coverage and realism.

  X-100-B X-101-C X-202-B X-1000 400-CX SA-100
Rated Music Power Output (IHFM) Both Channels 50 Watts 60 Watts 80 Watts 110 Watts (2.5 V RMS) 50 Watts
Harmonic Distortion At Rated Output 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.04% 0.8%
Power Output (RMS) Per Channel 24 Watts 27 Watts 35 Watts 50 Watts (Max. 25 V RMS) 24 Watts
Hum and Noise, indb below rated output: Amplifier Section 88db 88db 90db 95db NA* 90db (Overall)
High Level Inputs 80db 80db 80db 80db 80db NA*
Frequency Response, indb Overall 20-20,000 cps ±1db 20-20,000 cps ±1db 20-20,000 cps ±1db 20-20,000 cps ±tedb 10-25,000 cps ±1db 20-20,000 cps +0db, -y2db
Frequency Response, indb Amplifier Section 10-75,000 cps +0,-1.5db 10-80,000 cps +0,-1.5db 8-100,000 cps +0, -1db 5-100,000 cps +0, -1db NA* 20-20,000 cps +0db,-y2db
Sensitivity (for rated output) High Level Inputs 300mv 300mv 280mv 230mv 200mv 1 Volt
Phono Inputs 3.5mv 3.5mv 3.5mv 3.3mv 2.8mv NA*
Tape Head Inputs 2mv 2mv 2mv 1.5mv 1.5mv NA*
Direct-Tape-Monitor Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NA*
Earphone Jack On Front Panel Yes Yes Yes Yes (Two) No NA*
Derived Power, Center Channel Output Yes Yes Yes Yes NA* Nof
High Filter Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NA*
Rumble Filter No No Yes Yes Yes NA*
Subsonic Cutoff (12db/octave) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Switchable Dual Magnetic Stereo Inputs Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NA*
Number of tubes 10 10 12 14 10 7
Number of Diodes 2 2 4 7 2 1
Weight 22 pounds 26 pounds 30 pounds 44 pounds 18 pounds 24 pounds


The perfection ot sound reproduction: high compliance and high effiency in new compact enclosures of unequalled excellence


The new FISHER XP-4A incorporates several significant advancements in loudspeaker design and construction. As a totally new concept, it utilizes a voice coil wound on pure electrolytic copper. This affords a superior resistance to humidity and temperature variations, and offers a pronounced electrical damping effect on all moving parts of the speaker mechanism. The result is an unprecedented transparency of sound, and perfect reproduction of transients. Famous FISHER unit construction is another important feature of the XP-4A.


The new FISHER XP-1A has the most advanced engineering features, including a balance control to permit the user to adjust the ratio of the low high-frequency response to suit precisely the uc-mands of the room acoustics and personal taste. Its advanced design now makes it possible to obtain magnificent sound reproduction with any amplifier of 10 watts power or more.


Extreme clarity, precise transients, full and rich texture -these are of a calibre truly unprecedented in a system of this compact size. The new FISHER KS-1A lends itself to virtually any type of installation. It can be mounted on a wall or placed on the floor or in a bookshelf, without degradation in bass response.


In the FISHER XP-2A Speaker System, the many advantages of FISHER high-efficiency, high-compliance design have been incorporated in a unit of moderate price. Through its carefully evolved design, the FISHER XP-2A offers a remarkable transient response and an unusually high overload capacity. Frequency response is smooth and transparent throughout its range.


Your present stereo system is not obsolete! Add a FISHER Adaptor to any good quality tuner and you can enjoy FM-Stereo-Multiplex, regardless of the tuner's make, age or model.


FISHER makes Multiplex a pleasure, not a problem with STEREO BEACON. This FISHER invention automatically indicates presence of stereo and automatically switches to stereo operation. On monaural programs, STEREO BEACON automatically switches to mono programs.
• Selector (ac power, tuner, stereo-mono automatic, stereo manual) . • Two-Position Noise Filter. • Auxiliary AC receptacle on rear apron. • Dual Output Level Controls.
• Variable Separation Control. • Two Output and Four Input Jacks. Cabinets available in Walnut, Model 40-UW and Mahogany, Model 40-UM.


The FISHER MPX-200 has basic electronic features of the MPX-100 but has been designed for those who wish to add a Multiplex Adaptor in a concealed location, eliminating the need for changing the front appearance of their present equipment.
• Self-Powered. • Can be placed up to three feet from tuner or receiver. • Two Level Controls match the volume of the Stereo programs to phono, tape, etc. • Selector Switch to record stereo programs monophonically! • Precision separation control matches the MPX-200 to any tuner or receiver.
• Unusually effective filtering, for flawless tape recording.

Technical specification for both units

• Frequency Response: 20-15,000 cps ± 1 db.
• Sensitivity: MPX-100, 15 millivolts. MPX-200, 20 millivolts (for 19 kc signal).
• Gain: 16 db.
• Input (Low Level) : 2.0 volts.
• Input (High Level) : 8.0 volts.
• Harmonic Distortion: 0.5% (at 1 kc).
• Hum and Noise: Better than -70 db.
• Power Requirements: Self-Powered, 105-120 volts, 50/60 cycles.
• Power Consumption: MPX-100, 25 watts. MPX-200, 14 watts.
• Tubes: MPX-100, five, plus selenium rectifier. MPX-200, four, plus selenium rectifier.
• Diodes: MPX-100, total of ten. MPX-200, total of eight.
• Chassis Dimensions: MPX-100,4%" wide, 4 W high, 12" deep.
MPX-200, 12" wide, 4" high, 3V2" deep.
• Weight: MPX-100, 9 pounds. MPX-200, 3V2 pounds.


Here's Why FISHER Multiplex Adaptors Are The Best You Can Buy


Multiplex adaptors commonly sold use filters to separate the Left and Right information. Since these filters have inherent phase shift, they do not permit sufficient separation of both channels. In addition, they cannot possibly provide a circuitry as stable as the system that eliminates the use of filters. For while this circuitry - called "matrix circuitry" - performs the basic 'separation' multiplex function, it does not eliminate unwanted noise and weak signals, nor does it provide sufficient separation.

For these reasons FISHER scientists designed a time-division multiplex system for recovery of the left and right channel information. This system involves using the 38 Kc subcarrier (derived from the 19 Kc pilot carrier) to switch rapidly between the left and right output terminals. This switching is synchronized with the 38 Kc signal of the transmitter so that the left and right portions are accurately fed into their respective terminals for proper phasing and maximum separation at all times.
All FISHER Multiplex Adaptors have been designed for use with either discriminator or ratio detector type tuners or receivers. They have every possible control needed to work properly with any good tuner or receiver.
Although the FISHER MPX-100 and the FISHER MPX-200 have been designed for open, and concealed, installation respectively, both are of the same quality - featuring freedom from distortion, unusually high channel separation, and an extremely favorable signal-to-noise ratio.


These specially designed accessories have been created by FISHIER engineers for the discriminating listener who seeks the ultimate in convenience and flexibility.

The K-10 Reverberation Unit

World's Finest Reverberation Unit for Home and Professional Use

With this remarkable device, the owner of a home music system can now add a new dimension to listening - the dimension that comes from the addition of natural reverberation to the program. One control regulates the desired degree of reverberation.

The basic principle involved is quite simple. Natural reverberation is created by the reflection of sound from the walls and ceiling. These reflections reach the listener's ears a fraction of a second later than the direct sound from the orchestra or soloist. It is this slight 'delay' that makes it possible for one to sense the size of the room or auditorium.
The FISHER K-10 Dynamic Spacexpander® recreates electronically the reverberation of the concert hall and, in this manner, makes for auditorium listening pleasure even in the smallest of rooms. The K-10 works equally well on records, tape and broadcasts. Installation is simple.

Anmerkung: Das war natürlichganz großer Marketing Bluff oder Quatsch. Mit dieser primitiven Hallspirale (ähnlich wie beim Grundig Studio 50 und vielen anderen Grundig Konzertschränken mit HF2 und NF2 oder NF20) konnte man einen ganz bescheidenen (Mono-) Nachhall erzeugen, der bei jedem anspruchvollen Musikstück zur Qual wurde. Während Grundig nur 2 hochwertige Röhren einsetzte, brauchten sie hier 4 Röhren und hatten damit einen 50 Watt Strom-Verbrauch angegeben.


THE FISHER PR-6 (mono)

Basic Preamplifier
• Two high gain triode stages (6SC7.) • Gain: Phono, 1 v output for 10 mv input; microphone, 1 v output for 1 mv input; tape, 1 v output for 5 mv input.
• Frequency Response: 30 to 20,000 cps within ± 2 db.
• Hum: Better than 60 db below 1 v for phono; better
than 70 db below 1 v for microphone. • Equalizat' RIAA for phono, NAB for tape. • Self-Powered (110-120 V.A.C.) • dimensions: 3%" wide, 3%" high, 3%" deep. • weight: 1% pounds.


Wide-Surround® Speaker System
These extremely compact units augment the sound from the primary speaker systems to create a breadth of music reproduction that makes every seat in the room a 'front-row-center' location. The FISHER Wide-Surround® system effectively overcomes the 'point source' of sound, and gives the listener the illusion that he is sitting in one of the most desirable seats in the concert hall.
• 10" x 2" oval, Alnico V permanent magnet speaker. • Frequency Response: 250 to 15,000 cps, cutoff at 250 cycles. • Available in Walnut, Mahogany, Teak, Italian Provincial or Cherry. • dimensions: 11" wide, 3" high, 4" deep. weight: 4 pounds.


Stereo Remote Control Unit
For use with the FISHER 400-CX, X-1000 and X-202-B - Now a listener can balance the level in a stereophonic system simply by turning the dials of the remote control unit.
The FISHER RK-1 consists of a control assembly, 30 feet of cable and an adaptor plug. When in operation, the left dial controls volume from speakers at the left, and the right dial regulates volume from speakers at the right.

Model 300

A complete test generator, with built-in FM signal generator, designed and constructed to rigid laboratory specifications
This new FISHER Multiplex Signal Test Generator features high accuracy and extreme stability, more than necessary to meet the strict requirements of the Multiplex system approved by the Federal Communications Commission.
Other than an oscilloscope, no additional equipment is needed for the complete test and alignment of Multiplex equipment, regardless of the type of circuit in question.
• Front panel output meter is a true peak-to-peak indicator, providing the only correct method of measuring the complex waveform of the composite Multiplex signal.
• The phase relationship of the 19 Kc pilot carrier and the composite signal can be monitored (with an oscilloscope) from the special 19 Kc output on the front panel.
• The amplitude of the 19 Kc signal can also be monitored simply by depressing a front-panel push-button. Amplitude and phase adjustments of the 19 Kc signal are also available on the front panel.
• A built-in switchable pre-emphasis network permits both rapid checks of de-emphasis circuits and introduction of standard FM transmission equalization. Audible tests can be conducted under perfectly simulated transmission conditions.
• An SCA input is available for the addition of SCA information to the Multiplex signal.
• The main selector switch on the front panel permits the choice of test frequencies in the most logical sequence, for rapid testing and adjustment.
• The built-in FM signal generator, although aligned at the factory at 100 Mc, is adjustable within a range from 97 to 103 Mc. This makes it possible to avoid interference with local stations.

Anmerkung: Für die Fachhändler (auch in USA) brauchte man ganz schnell ein Stereo-Prüfgerät, also einen Stereo Sender, damit die auch mal testen konnten, ob das mit diesem neuen Stereo auch wirklich funktionierte. Bei uns kamen damals auch ganz schnell sowohl von Grundig, Nordmende, Metz und anderen recht handliche Stereo-Prüfsender auf den Markt.



FISHER Sets Highest Quality Control Standards
Every single part in a FISHER instrument is subject to rigid scrutiny and tests -from the moment it arrives in our Receiving Department to the moment the complete instrument is placed in a dust-free, moisture-free plastic bag and sealed in its container for shipment. A careful check is maintained on all incoming material and outgoing instruments. Every electronic test and alignment procedure to which a FISHER instrument is subjected is handled by fully automated instruments designed and built in our own laboratories by FISHER engineers. In this vital work, all possible errors due to oversight or fatigue have been eliminated.
A Personal Guarantee From Avery Fisher

An elaborate network of service and maintenance stations is maintained in key cities to bring prompt and highly competent assistance to owners of FISHER equipment that may, on occasion, require adjustment. No matter where you live, you are never far from FISHER parts and service. Replacement parts, should they ever be necessary, are always available for immediate shipment from factory stock whenever the service depot may not have them on hand. We still have parts for units made more than twenty years ago. Most Treasured Asset: Owner Satisfaction

ein Architekten-Muster von 1963

Feb. 1963 - FISHER PARK
The Largest, Most Modern, New Plant In The High Fidelity Industry
FISHER Plant No. 2, a magnificent new 62,000 square-foot structure in the rolling hills of Central Pennsylvania, reflects the latest techniques in industrial buildings. Designed by Gerhard E. Karplus, A.I.A., the new plant is located in 20-acre FISHER PARK in Milroy, Pennsylvania, and has the finest facilities for the most careful production of high quality stereophonic equipment. There is no other like it in all the world.

FISHER Offers Personal Guidance
Need help in planning the installation of your stereo system? If so, the services of our Mr. Richard Hamilton are available to you without cost. Simply send us a rough sketch of your room layout, the dimensions of the space available for installation of the electronic equipment and your choice or preference of the FISHER instruments in the system planned.

It's Easy To Understand Technical Specifications!


  • AF (AUDIO FREQUENCY) Frequency within the range of human hearing - approximately 20 to 20,000 cps. Applies both to sound waves and to the electrical signals which represent them.
  • AM (AMPLITUDE MODULATION) Modulation accomplished by varying the instantaneous amplitude (intensity) of the carrier. Since an AM receiver must therefore be able to detect amplitude variations, it responds equally well to naturally-produced amplitude peaks: lightning, ignition interference, etc.
  • AUDIO Used interchangeably with AF. Also, the science of sound recording and reproduction, including acoustics.
  • CAPACITOR (CONDENSER) Circuit device capable of storing electric charge. It also has the property of passing alternating current while blocking direct current, and of presenting a greater resistance to the flow of alternating current as its frequency decreases. All these properties are used in electronic circuits.
  • CAPTURE RATIO Ability of a tuner to reject unwanted FM stations on the same frequency as a desired one; measured in db. The lower the figure, the better the tuner.
  • CARRIER A steady RF alternating current radiated into space by a transmitter-and-antenna system.
  • CASCODE Circuit designed around two iow-noise triode tubes which provides approximately the same amplification as a pentode, but with less noise. This makes it ideal for amplification of weak FM signals.
  • CROSSOVER NETWORK Circuit for dividing the audio range into two or more parts before feeding the signals to separate specialized' speakers: woofer, mid-range, and tweeter.
  • DB (DECIBEL). Unit of measure to indicate relative levels of voltage, current, power, or sound.
  • DERIVED CENTER CHANNEL Monophonic composite signal derived from the sum or difference of the left and right stereo channels, often fed to an extra speaker to fill in an aural 'hole' between the left and right speakers. A sum (left-plus-right) signal can also be used for feeding a remote speaker elsewhere in the home.
  • EQUALIZATION Correction for non- uniform recording of low and high frequencies. For valid technical reasons, disc records are cut with low frequencies attenuated and high frequencies boosted. Equalization compensates electrically for this imbalance and produces a uniform frequency response.
  • FEEDBACK Taking a portion of the output signal from an amplifier and feeding it back to the input. Negative feedback tends to make an amplifier self-compensating: irregularities in the output (distortion) not present at the input are cancelled. This applies also to hum, noise, or a non-uniform frequency response.
  • FM (FREQUENCY MODULATION) Modulation of a carrier by changing its instantaneous frequency, rather than its amplitude, in accordance with speech or music signals. By designing the FM receiver to respond only to FM, and to reject AM caused by lightning or auto ignition pulses, noise-free reception becomes practical.
  • FREQUENCY Number of "back-and-forth" vibrations of a sound wave or alternating current in a second; expressed as cycles per second (cps).
  • FREQUENCY RESPONSE Range of audio frequencies handled by a system or com-
  • GAIN Amount of amplification (in amplifiers or amplifying stages).
  • HARMONIC DISTORTION Production of undesired harmonics (overtones) which were not present in the original program material (expressed as a percentage.)
  • HUM The low-pitched, steady tone produced in an amplifier by the AC power frequency (60 cps) and its harmonics.
  • IF (INTERMEDIATE FREQUENCY) Constant difference frequency produced by mixing an incoming signal with a signal generated in the set at a different frequency. This superheterodyne principle offers important advantages over other methods of reception.
  • IM (INTERMODULATION) DISTORTION Production of undesired tones resulting from mixing, in an amplifier, of two or more pure tones (expressed as a percentage).
  • IMPEDANCE Resistance to flow of alternating current (expressed in ohms). Generally speaking, it changes with the frequency of the applied alternating current.
  • LIMITERS FM tuner stages that reject spurious amplitude interference (from atmospheric noise or ignition pulses) and leave a pure, constant-amplitude FM signal. The FM signal fed to such stages must have a certain minimum strength for limiting to occur. As with IF stages, the more stages the better, other factors remaining equal.
  • LOUDNESS CONTOUR Compensation for the ear's natural insensitivity to low and high frequencies at low volume levels.
  • MODULATION Process of superimposing voice, music or other intelligence on a carrier wave. (See AM, FM, Carrier.)
  • MULTIPLEX Transmission of two or more channels on a single carrier so that they can be recovered independently at the receiver; in FM stereo, transmission of left-plus-right (sum) signal and left-minus-right (difference) signal on main carrier and subcarrier, respectively. The multiplex decoder in the receiver recovers independent left and right stereo channels from the multiplexed signal.
  • MUSIC POWER Power output of an amplifier rated according to Institute of High Fidelity Manufacturers (IHFM) standards.
  • NOISE Unwanted random sound created in small amounts by all electronic equipment.
  • OSCILLATOR Electronic generator of alternating current.
  • PEAK Maximum instantaneous voltage or power. Also, a sudden, momentary burst of sound.
  • POWER OUTPUT Maximum amount of power an amplifier can deliver.
  • RESISTOR Circuit device that offers resistance to flow of alternating or direct current. When current flows through a resistor, a voltage proportional both to the current and the resistance exists across it. This property and the fact that a resistor absorbs electric power, dissipating it as heat, are used in electronics. Resistors are made of wire, metallic film, carbon, and other materials.
  • REVERBERATION Repetitive reflection of sound (from walls, etc.). Also, the spatial effect created thereby, which adds brilliance and warmth to sound, and helps to convey the size of the studio or concert hall.
  • RF (RADIO FREQUENCY) Alternating current of frequency greater than 15 or 20 kc. Specifically, alternating currents transmitted and received for communications or entertainment.
  • SELECTIVITY Normally, the ability to reject stations on the same frequency and on channels adjacent or alternate to the one being received. High selectivity is desirable.
  • SENSITIVITY In a tuner, the ability to provide usable reception of weak signals. Expressed, for FM tuners, as microvolts (millionths of a volt) needed for a given number of db quieting (noise suppression ). The lower the number in microvolts, the more sensitive the tuner.
  • SEPARATION In stereo, degree to which channels are kept apart. Stereo effect depends on preventing leakage of program material from one channel to the other.
  • SIGNAL-TO-NOISE RATIO Figure in db, expressing the ratio of desired signal voltage to random noise voltage. Look for a high db figure: the better the signal-to-noise ratio, the less background noise there will be in the reproduced program material.
  • TRANSFORMER Electrical device which steps up or steps down voltage. A power transformer is used to 'transform' 117-volt AC power ('house current') into various voltages needed to operate a tuner or amplifier.


From the Distinguished Roster of FISHER Owners

• "I have just purchased my third Fisher, and it is giving me the same fabulously true reproduction of my phonograph records, and in the reception of high fidelity broadcasts, as do the first two. It is a constant source of enjoyment and relaxation to me."
- Isaac Stern, Concert Violinist

• "I was thrilled and fascinated by the life-like reproduction, not only of my own recordings but those of other artists with whom I have sung at the opera. Many subtle shadings and nuances that I had not realized were in the recordings were fully and beautifully expressed."
- Victoria de los Angeles Soprano, The Metropolitan Opera Company

• "I am delighted with the superb tone of your instrument. It is true and encompassing. In admiration of your art."
- Andre Kostelanetz, Conductor

• "The FISHER is superb! May I congratulate you on Creating an instrument that meets my highest professional and personal requirements for the faithful reproduction of recordings and of broadcast music."
- Nathan Milstein, Concert Violinist

• "I have fallen under the spell of FISHER. What used to be only an instrument of necessity has become a source of unlimited pleasure."
- Gian-Carlo Menotti, Composer

• "Until I actually heard the Fisher, I had no idea that recorded music could be recreated with such startling completeness and reality. I would be remiss, indeed, if I failed to express my appreciation to your entire staff for creating this wonderful instrument."
- Sol Hurok, Impresario

• "The FISHER Radio-Phonograph arrived in perfect order. I have been using it constantly ever since. It is as wonderful as I knew it would be and I am delighted with it. Ordinarily, I do not indulge in descriptive extremes but the FISHER is, without question, one of the finest instruments I have ever heard anywhere. Its tone is as close to live performance as I believe it is possible to get, and the high fidelity quality is perfect."
- Eugene Ormandy, Music Director, The Philadelphia Orchestra Association

Dieser Prospekt war vom Februar 1963

Wie man im Vergleich sieht, mussten einige Produkte bereits abgekündigt werden und zugunsten komfortablerer Geräte weichen. Die Zeit der separaten Stereo-Decoder war auch schon fast rum, jedenfalls in USA. Hier in Deutschland hatte Grundig seine Stereo-Zusatz-Decoder bis etwa 1966 im Katalog.

Auch die große 2 x 30 (50) Watt Röhrenendstufe (SA 300) ist nicht mehr dabei. Vermutlich waren die Entwickler bei Fisher schon auf dem Transistor Zug oder sie war einfach zu teuer.


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