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Frank McIntosh war genauso verrückt wie Saul Marantz und Hermon Hosmer Scott und Every Fisher und auch Sidney Harman und Bernard Kardon

Auch er war mit dem Vorhandenen nicht zufrieden, wobei man wissen muß, es gab in den USA lange vor und nach 1945 jede Menge an Schrott im Bereich der Radios und Musikanlagen, wenn man die überhaupt so nennen durfte.

Frank McIntosh wußte um die unvermeidliche Streuung der Röhrenqualitäten - insbesondere der beiden gegenüberliegenden Endröhren und er hatte sich da etwas ausgedacht. Das war sein patentierter Ausgangsübertrager, der diese immer vorhandenen Ungleichheiten weitgehend ausregelte bzw. ausglich.

Und so setzten seine Endverstärker absolute Maßstäbe - in der ganzen Welt, also auch bei uns in Old Germany.

Fast alle diese begeisterten euphorischen Enwickler und Hifi-Bastler starteten so um 1953/54 herum.


NET $99.00 ($9.90 Down)

New audio control unit that offers unusual flexibility of equalization and tone compensation. For use with hi-fi systems that employ a separate preamplifier. The C-8S offers bass and treble control for the 2nd channel; provides master gain, balance and stereo mode controls. Controls: 5-pos. Rumble Filter; Record Compensator with 10 slide switches; 5-pos. Aural Compensator; Selector (Tape, Tuner, Tape Head, Phono 1, Phono 2); Bass; Treble; Stereo Mode Selector (Stereo, Stereo Reverse. Left Channel, Right Channel, Monaural - through both amplifiers and speakers); Stereo Balance : Off-On/ Master Gain. Size 3 1/2" x l0 x 7 1/2". Less cabinet (listed below). Takes operating power from MC-30 or MC-60 basic amplifiers. Shipping. wt. 9 lbs.
91 SU 694. NET. 99.00

  • Anmerkung : Diese 2 x 5 (=10) "Schiebeschalter" findet man bei so manchem "Amerikaner"und auch bei Walter Hummels Mono-Röhrenverstärker von 1960. Damit konnte man die wichtigsten Phono-Entzerrer- Kurven für die "neuen" Langspielplatten selbst anpassen (wenn man wußte, wie es ging).



Not illustrated. Same as the C-8S, but less stereo features. Takes operating voltages from MC-30, MC-60 basic amplifiers. Less cabinet, below. Shpg. wt., 7 1/2 lbs.
93 SU 889. NET ... 88.50

Size, 4 3/4" x 11 9/16" x 7 374". Shpg. wt. 1 1/4 lbs.
93 SX 898. Mahogany. NET
93 SX 709. Blonde. EACH ... 10.00

NET $249.00 ($24.90 Down)

For the audio connoisseur. Two years in the making, the MR-55 sets new standards in distortion-free FM-AM reception.
AM Section: Sensitivity: 1 1/2 uV. - Distortion: less than 1% at 100% modulation. Exceptionally strong automatic volume control; less than 4db audio output change with input changes from 10 to 100.000 microvolts. 3 positions of AM sensitivity; 3 positions of bandwidth. Front end has 21kc constant bandwidth, band pass input. Whistle filter.
FM Section: Sensitivity: 3uV at 100% modulation for a total of less than 3% total noise and distortion. Capture ratio: 1 to 0.8. 4 IF amplifiers. IF bandwidth: 200 kc; flat on top. 2 limiters; 2-mc limiter and detector bandwidth. Ultrasonic muting. Distortion-free automatic frequency control with separate detector; completely variable. Hum: 70db below full signal. Controls: Off/FM AFC; AM Sensitivity; Off-On/Volume; FM Listen-Tune; AM Broad-Medium-Sharp; Phono. 4 3/4" x 14 3/4" x 12".
Less cabinet, below. For 110-120 V., 50-60 cycle AC. 27 1/2 lbs.
91 SU 619. NET. 249.00

WOOD CABINETS FOR MR-55. Shpg. wt., 5 lbs. in choice of mahogony, blonde or walnut - specify finish when ordering.
91 SX 695C. net EACH.25.00

Anmerkung :

Bereits bei den ersten McIntosh Endstufen fallen die riesigen Ausgangsübertrager auf, die oft größer sind als die eigentlichen Netztrafos. Hier der 30 Watt Verstärker hat einen 100 Watt Netztrafo und einen ebensolchen Übertrager.



Offers flawless audio reproduction. Special circuit employs "unity coupling" for greater power output without distortion. For use with C-8S or C-8 preamps or any other quality preamp or tuner with full set of controls. Only 0.5 Volt input is required for full 30 watt output. Response: +0.1 db, 20 to 30,000 cps. Distortion: Harmonic, less than 1/3% at 30 watts; IM, less than 0.5%. Hum & Noise: -90db.
Output Impedances: 4, 8, 16, 600 ohms and 70.7 v.
2 tubes 1614's in output. Black and chrome styling.
For 110-120 v., 50-60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 36 lbs.
93 SU 895 NET ... 143.50 ($14.35 Down)


Offers exceptional reserve power capacity - provides extremely faithful reproduction of the entire audio range. Perfect for use with C-8S or C-8 preamps or other preamplifiers with full set of controls.
Output: 60 watts continuous. Response: *0.1 db, 20 to 30,000 cps at 60 watt output.
Distortion: harmonic, less than 0.3% at 60-watt output; IM, less than 0.5%. Hum or Noise: 90db or more below rated output. Output Impedances: 4, 8, 16. 600 ohms and 70.7 v. Input Impedance: 1/2 meg for 1/2-volt input and 0.13 meg for 2 1/2-voIt input. Tubes: 2 x 12AX7, 12AU7, 12BH7, 2 x 6550 output tubes; 2 x 5U4GA rectifiers. Chrome and black styling. Size 8" x 14" x 10". For 110-120 v., 50-60 cycle AC. 44 lbs.
93 SU 899. NET ... 198.50 ($19.85 Down)

- Werbung Dezent -
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