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Es sind ganz rare seltene Prospekte, die noch vorhanden sind.

Bei Herrmann Hoffmann in Frankfurt schlummern ganze Schätze voller uralter Dokumente und Unterlagen, so auch dieser rare Prospekt von BOSE Produkten - lange vor dem weltweiten Durchbruch der Firma BOSE mit den legendären BOSE 901 Lautsprecher-Boxen.

BOSE stellte ganz moderne "Netzteile" her

Vor 1970 waren Halbleiter gesteuerte Schaltnetzteile noch etwas absolut Ungewöhnliches und auch geheimnisvolles. Da war ja gar kein Trafo (wie wir ihn kennen) mehr drinnen. sonder kleine "Übertrager". Und dazu waren die auch viel leichter als die uns bekannten schweren Teile mit den dicken Trafos. Konnte "sowas" funktionieren ?

BOSE "Custom Power Supplies"

Dieser Begriff wurde in den USA regelrecht hochstilisiert, daß es sich um "das Beste" auf der ganzen Welt handele. Die späteren (amerikanischen) Hifi-Firmen hatten das für fast alle ihrer Produkte jeweils für sich reklamiert.

Bild 1
    for digital, peripheral and instrumentation equipment
    for special purpose equipment
    to meet your most demanding individual requirements
    for industrial, aerospace, and military applications


The "Neglected" Power Supply

Bild 2: Digitally Programmable Power Supply - Battery Charger Provides either constant voltage or constant current up to 30VDCand 15A or45VDC and 10A. Programming for 3 modes of battery charging.
Bild 3: A low voltage dc/dc converter / regulator was constructed to provide either a voltage regulated or a current regulated output. The unit maintains a 28V(dc) output voltage for currents below 5 A. The output current is limited to 5 A for loads having a voltage drop less than 28 V(dc).

In the race for the improvement and miniaturization of computer and electronic instrumentation, the power supply has been a "neglected component" (ein vernachlässigtes Teil).

Sophisticated new product designs have not been matched by state of the art power processors.

As a result, the power supply at times occupies as much as 50% of the volume of the unit that it powers. Conventional supplies typically have efficiencies of 50% and dissipate as much heat as do the entire systems that they power.

This large heat dissipation is a principal cause of power supply failure,, and of failure of associated electronics located near the supplies.

The Bose Corporation was organized in 1964

The Bose Corporation was organized in 1964 for the purpose of advancing the "state of the art" in power processing. Our design goals are inherent high performance, high efficiency, light weight, small size and high reliability.

In a series of research and development projects we have evolved an "advanced technology" that inherently achieves these goals with an economy of circuitry using conventional components.

With this "new technology", Bose Corporation is in a unique position to engineer to tight specification custom power supplies that sell at competitive OEM prices for specific industrial applications.

What is the "State of the Art" in Power Supplies?

Bild 4 Plug-in, Current-Controlled Power Supply; Input 12 to 80VDC, Output ± 15VDC isolated and regulated.

ANSWER: Current-Controlled Two-State Modulation Systems

To increase the efficiency of regulated power supplies, reducing their heat dissipation, the internal processing of the power must be done with control devices acting as switches rather than as linear elements. This principle is well known and switching type power supplies began to appear as early as 1960. However, these supplies exhibited inferior terminal characteristics and poor reliability compared to their linear predecessors.

In solving these problems, The Bose Corporation developed a proprietary multiple-feedback switching system called CURRENT-CONTROLLED TWO-STATE MODULATION, having excellent terminal characteristics and high system reliability. Inherent in this simple modulation system are number of features which lead to important v user benefits.

  • Anmerkung : Auf den BOSE-Schaltplänen und den Fotos sind erste Operationsverstärker zu sehen, die in 1964 bis 1968 völlig neu waren und bei deren Anwendung sich so manche Firma aus Know-How-Gründen "sehr" zurück hielt.
    Das war das Neuland der Wissenschaftler in den amerikanischen Labors. Selbst die Japaner hatten da noch einen gewaltigen Nachholbedarf an Wissen, und es dauerte noch fast 20 Jahre, bis die Welt von dort aus (aus Japan) mit Schaltnetzteilen geflutet wurde.


  Features Benefits
1 Instantaneous control of currents in the power switches (transistors or thyristors) Reliable operation under all conditions of line and load transients, especially beneficial in your digital and instrumentation application.
2 Current limiting inherent in the modulation system. In case of malfunction of the equipment being powered:
a. Prevents damage to your equipment from excessive currents.
    b. Prevents damage to the power supply.
c. Prevents overloading the prime power source. Other equipment powered from the same prime source can continue operation.
d. Immediate and automatic recovery of power supply output voltage upon removal of the load fault or short.
3 Two wide-bandwidth feedback loops are inherent in the Current-Controlled Two-State Modulation System. a. One loop provides instantaneous rejection of transients on the input power line.
b. The other loop provides excellent static load regulation and enables rapid recovery from load transients.
4 One feedback loop of the Current-Controlled Two-State Modulation System produces a well controlled current amplifier. a. Power supplies can be paralleled with proportional current sharing.
b. Fail-safe overvoltage protection.
c. Single component failure immunity can be provided.
5 With both feedback loops in operation, the internal phase shift for each loop is less than 90°. Unconditional stability of the power supply even under rapidly pulsating loads which your digital equipment may present.
6 Simplicity of the basic Current-Controlled Two-State Modulation System. Bose power supplies provide the above features with reduced size, weight and cost.


Behind BOSE Power Supplies ... BOSE People

There are more than 450 companies manufacturing power supplies. Only a few are distinguished by a research program in state of the art supplies. Among that few, we are convinced that we have assembled the most competent technical staff in our industry. This staff, with a background of research and development for N.A.S.A. and the armed services, is able to bring you power supplies as sophisticated as the electronics they serve.
Some of the technical people behind our power supplies are listed below. In addition to power supply hardware, they have contributed to publications and patent applications advancing the state of the art of power processing.

Und alle diese Spezialisten waren noch oder kamen vom MIT :

  • Amar G. Bose
    S.B., S.M. and Sc.D.
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Sherwin Greenblatt
    S.B., S.M.
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Thomas A. Froeschle
    S.B. Purdue, S.M.
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Louis R. Poulo
    S.B., S.M.
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • John J. Wawzonek
    S.B., S.M., E.E.
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Eric Rosenfeld
    S.B., S.M.
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Herman W. Hill
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology


We invite your inquiry about applying the capabilities of our people to the design of custom power processors for your products.


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