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Der CROWN M600 - ein gewaltiges Kraftwerk

Prospekt ID : 154 * 6-74

Laut Beschreibung ist diese Verstärker-Konzeption um 1974 aus dem DC300A entstanden. Mit einer Ausgangsleistung von 600 Watt an 8 Ohm und 1.000 Watt an 4 Ohm schlägt er alles Dagewesene. Und wenn man zwei dieser Boliden zum M2000 koppelt, dann wird alles richtig gut und kraftvoll.

Hier kommt das originale amerikanische Datenblatt :


Der M600
Das Einschub-Modul
Die Rückseite

The Crown M600 power amplifier provides high power levels and an adaptable format intended for the varied needs and operating environments of industrial and commercial audio users.

While maintaining the exacting laboratory performance standards of the DC300A, the M600 produces 600 watts (monaural) into an 8 ohm load, and 1000 watts into a 4 ohm load. Built for durability and trouble-free operation, the M600 includes built-in cooling which permits continuous full power operation.

Also included is a plug-in input board which provides space and foil layout for standard integrated circuits which can be used as the basic elements for a preamplifier, bandpass filter, or other signal shaping circuit which become a built-in part of the amplifier.

Vom DC300A abgeleitet

The output stages of the M600 employ features similar to other Crown amplifiers, such as the protection circuitry of the DC300A, which allows the amplifier to drive highly reactive and low impedance loads without adverse effects. In addition the M600 employs a newly-patented output bridge circuit, which permits extremely high power levels to be safely sustained. The standard output of the M600 is 70 volts unbalanced.

Coupling two M600's together through a socket provided at the back of each amplifier produces a 140 volt balanced output. This configuration is called an M2000, and produces 2 kilowatts into an 8 ohm load. A peak-catching meter, and threshold lights provide convenient front panel output monitoring.


R.M.S. Power Response: +1,-0dB DC-20KHz at 600 W into 8Ohm
  +1,-0dB DC-15KHzat 1000 W into 4Ohm
R.M.S. Power at Clip Point: Typically 750 W into 8Ohms , 1.350 W into 4 Ohms
R.M.S. Burst Power (IHF): Typically 840 W into 8Ohms, 1.600 W into 4Ohms
DC Output: Typ. 20A max. (Supply fuse limited) at 100V or 2KVA.
Frequency Response: +.1dB DC-20KHz at 1 w into 8Ohm
  +1dB DC-100 KHz at 1 W into 8Ohms
  ±1dB 10Hz-100 KHz at 1 W in AC coupled input mode of std. input plug in.
Phase Response: +0, -15 degrees DC-20KHz at 1W into 8Ohms
Slew Rate: 16V/uSec
I.M. Distortion: (60Hz-7KHz 4:1) < .05% from .01 W to 600 W (peak equivalent to a single sinusoid, RMS) into 8Ohms
  < .01% at 600 W into 8Ohms or 1.200 W into 4Ohms.
Harmonic Distortion: <.05% from DC-20KHz at 600 W into 8Ohms. (True RMS measure)
Damping Factor: (8Ohms) Greater than 400 from DC to 1 KHz at 1 W rms, typ. 1500 DC to 100Hz.
Input Gain: 20 ±1% (26dB) at std. input with gain control fully CW; -1 ±1% at interlock connector input.
Std. Input Sensitivity: 3.46 V rms± 1% for 600 W rms into 8Ohms
Input Impedance: 25K ±30% with std. input. 44.76K ±.5% at interlock connector input.
Hum and Noise: (20Hz-20KHz) 120dB below 600 W into 8Ohms. Typ. 128dB unweighted.
DC Drift at Output: Typ. < 100uV/°C with all inputs grounded.
Turn-On: May be switch selected for instantaneous or 4-5 seconds of delay after applying power. No dangerous transients.
General Protection: High line voltage on over temperature results in shutdown of the high power supplies, each of which is fused. Controlled-slewing-rate voltage amplifiers protect the amplifier against RF burnouts. Input overload protection is furnished by a resistor at the input of the amplifier to limit current.
Power Requirements: 50-60Hz AC with adjustable taps for 120, 220, and 240V ± 10% operation, draws 80 W or less on idle, 1 KW at 600 W output into 8Ohms .
Controls: On the meter display are two knobs for adjusting the indicator lamp thresholds. Push-push power switch. On the standard input plug-in are an AC-DC input coupling switch and a gain control pot. Low frequency load protection and turn on delay switches are located on the rear panel.
Input Plugins: The standard plug-in contains an AC-DC input coupling capacitor and switch, a gain control potentiometer, and a universal PC layout which may be adapted for input peripherals such as: differential imputs, filters, oscillators, servo amplifiers, remote DC gain controls, compressors, digital controlers, etc. Regulated ±15 VDC supplies are provided with the maximum total available current of the supplies limited to 25ma. The delay mode of amplifier operation may be programmed from the plug-in.
Dimensions: 19" std. rack mount (W.E. hole spacing), 8 3/4" height, 16 1/2" behind mounting surface, handles extend 2" in front of mounting surface. Center of gravity is nearly centered at 5" behind the mounting surface. Weight: 92 pounds (41.7Kg) net weight.


R.M.S. Power +1, -0dB DC-15KHz at 2KW, into 8Ohms.
Response: +1, -0dB DC-20KHz at 1.2KW into 16Ohms .
R.M.S. Power at Clip Point: Typ. 2.7KW into 8Ohms, 1.5KW into 16Ohms.
(.01% THD at 1 KHz)  
R.M.S. Burst Power (IHF): Typ. 3.2KW into 8Ohms, 1.680W into 16Ohms.
DC output: Typ. 20A max. (supply fuse limited) at 200V or 4KVA.
Frequency Response: +.2dB DC-20KHz at 1W into 8Ohms.
  + 1dB DC-50KHz at 1W into 8Ohms.
Phase Response: +0, -20 degree DC-20KHz at 1W into 8Ohms.
Slew Rate: 32V/uSec
I.M. Distortion: (60-7 KHz 4:1) < .1% from 10mW to 2KW (peak equivalent to a single sinusoid, RMS) into 8Ohms.
  .01% at 2KW into 8ft or 1.2KW into 16Ohms.
Harmonic Distortion: <.05% from DC-10KHzat 2KW into 8Ohms.
(True RMS measure)  
Damping Factor: 8Ohms Greater than 140 from DC to 1 KHz at (8Ohms) 1 A rms; typ. (400, DC to 100 Hz.)
Input Gain: 40 + 1% (32 dB) at std. input with gain control fully CW.
Std. Input Sensitivity: 3.16 rms ±1% for 2KW rms into 8 Ohms.
Input Impedance: 25K ±30% with std. input.
Hum and noise: 11 5 dB below 2KW into 8Ohm. Typ. 125 dB unweighted.
DC Drift at Output: Typ. 200uV/°C with inputs grounded.
Power Requirements: 50-60Hz AC with adjustable taps for 120, 220, and 240V + 10% operation. Draws 160W or less on idle, 3.8KW at 2KW output into 8Ohms.
- Werbung Dezent -
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