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Der 2000 war ein Stereovorverstärker

Dieser 2000 ist uns nie über den Weg gelaufen. Doch nachdem ich einen Einblick in den 4000 hatte, dort war schon "NICHTS" drinnen, kann in dem 2000 noch weniger drinnen gewesen sein. Also das ganze Material dieses Gerätes bestand aus der zugegeben recht dicken Frontplatte und den massiven Alu-Knöpfen draußen drauf.

Ein Blick in den sehr ähnlichen und beinahe zeitgleichen BOSE 4401 Quadro-Vorverstärker zeigt auf, wie wenig sich hinter einer so großen Frontplatte verbergen kann.

Die Sprüche auf dem Prospekt :






Phase Linear is dedicated to building state-of-the-art stereo equipment providing the best performance possible with present technology. The Phase Linear 2000 Control Console epitomizes this philosophy.

The Phase Linear 2000 has virtually no distortion and an excellent signal to noise ratio. A quality preamplifier's primary function is to amplify a signal source accurately without altering the original material. The Phase Linear 2000 accomplishes this task better than many preamplifiers selling for twice its price. When it comes to quality, performance, and price, the Phase Linear 2000 preamplifier is definitely in a class by itself.

Ambience Circuit

With the Phase Linear 2000 you will be able to add an additional dimension to your music-Ambience. The Phase Linear 2000 enables you to recover ambience and thereby add much of the natural acoustics of the concert hall to home listening. We think you will be amazed at how much music you were missing with a conventional preamplifier or a receiver in the normal stereo mode. The Ambience Circuit may be used with either two or four speakers or it may be defeated with a switch on the front panel.

Why Separate Components?

It is generally agreed that true high fidelity can be obtained only through high quality separate components. Components add a great deal of flexibility to your stereo system for both now and in the future.

  • Anmerkung : Das war bereits 1974 nicht mehr als ein Verteidigungs-Spruch, wenn man die neue IC- und Chip- Technologie noch nicht so richtig im Griff hatte. Bei uns in Deutschland wurde damals vergleichsweise ähnlich die Röhrentechnologie (marketingmäßig) hochgehalten, weil man noch am Entwickeln war.



AMBIENCE: This feature makes music listening more enjoyable. It can be used to enhance listening realism by adding an approximation of the natural reverberent acoustics of the concert hall. It adds music material which can't be heard in conventional preamplifiers.

LOWEST DISTORTION: The distortion is typically below .03% making the Phase Linear 2000 one of the best performing preamplifiers available at any price.

TONE CONTROLS: Separate bass and treble tone controls for each channel enable easy adjustment.

TONE DEFEAT SWITCH: Removes tone controls from circuit assuring flat frequency response.

ACTIVE EQUALIZER: An active equalizer provides boost to low frequencies if desired. Most speakers need this assistance in the low end.

TONE TURNOVER CONTROLS: The turnover points (where tone controls take effect] can be independently adjusted. This helps compensate for room acoustics.

TWO TAPE MONITOR CIRCUITS: Two tape recording playback circuits provide maximum recording flexibility. You can copy from Tape 1 to Tape 2 or vice versa.

FIVE POSITION INPUT SELECTOR SWITCH: Phono, Auxiliary, Tuner, Tape 1, Tape 2.
THREE ACCESSORY AC OUTLETS: Two switched one un-switched.


TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION: Basically so low it is immeasurable. Guaranteed less than .1% at rated output with IHF measurement.

FREQUENCY REPONSE: Phono ±5dB of RIAA Standard

INPUT SENSITIVITY: High level input: 40K Low level input: 47K, 290pf

HUM AND NOISE: 20Hz to 20,000Hz inputs shorted;

High level: 88dB below 2V Low level: 74dB below a 10mV input

VOLUME CONTROL TRACKING: Less than 1dB tracking error.

GAIN: Low level (Phono) to preamplifier output: 56dB at 1kHz Phono to tape output: 41dB at 1kHz High level to preamplifier output: 15dB at 1kHz

MAXIMUM OUTPUT LEVELS: Rated at 2V; maximum 10 volts will source a 5k ohm load.

BASS: Turnover frequency 50Hz: ± 11dB at 20Hz
Turnover frequency 150Hz: ± 13dB at 20Hz

TREBLE: Turnover frequency 5kHz: ± 10dB at 20.000Hz
Turnover frequency 2kHz: ± 14dB at 20,000Hz

DIMENSIONS: 5 1/2" H x 19" x 6" D SHIPPING WEIGHT: 15lb

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