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Das GAS Firmenblättchen als A2 Druck nennt sich "GASETTE"

20940 LASSEN ST. • CHATSWORTH, CALIF. 91311 U.S.A. • (213) 998-8100

Hier werden neue "GAS" Produkte vorgestellt und auch Artikel aus Zeitschriften abgedruckt, mal besser, mal weniger gut. Das billige Niveau des Drucks und der Bilder ist dem Niveau der GAS Geräte überhaupt nicht adäquat. So hat man nur einen eingeschränkten Erfolg. McIntosh und Marantz lassen mit großen bunten Fotos grüßen.



Great American Sound Company has long recognized the superiority of the moving-coil cartridge for optimum reproduction of sound from a phono disc. For many years, it has been the choice of professionals and serious audiophiles.

There are several inherent advantages in the moving-coil technology. The advantages include:

  • 1. The low moving-coil mass extends the vinyl resonance to beyond the audio range.
  • 2. The extremely low-DC coil resistance dampens the resonance rise in the response and its associated undershoot (near 10 KHz).
  • 3. The low coil impedance makes the cartridge insensitive to electrical loading (long phono cables, etc.).
  • 4. Because of the moving-coil cartridge's static magnetic field, FM tracing distortion cannot generate intermodulation distortion (which is heard as smearing).


The moving-coil cartridge's sole disadvantage is its low-output signal.

Typically, a moving-coil cartridge requires either a step-up transformer or a pre-preamp to match it to the conventional phono preamplifier. The subsequent performance is then limited by the multiple problems of limited bandwidth, hum, noise, and distortion. To overcome these difficulties, Great American Sound designed the Thaedra Preamplifier with an integral "Head Amp" matched for optimum moving-coil performance. The results speak for themselves.

G.A.S. Co. now offers the Sleeping Beauty series of moving-coil cartridges. The three Sleeping Beauty models differ only in stylus geometry and cantilever details. All feature a high-intensity-field, low-weight Alnico-5 magnet structure to improve tracking of warped records. The intense field produces an output voltage level capable of maintaining a greater-than 80dB signal-to-noise level.

The cantilever/stylus geometry has been tailored for optimum and extended, non-resonant response with minimum distortion throughout the critical high-frequency region. These features give Sleeping Beauty the capacity to provide a remarkable musical clarity and sonic definition that closely approaches a live performance.

Each cartridge is supplied with mounting hardware, installation parts, and individually-calibrated frequency charts showing the output performance of both channels.


ALL UNITS: Load Impedance: 20-1000 Ohms.
Recommended Tracking Force: 1.8 grams
Structure Mass: 5.5 grams.
Impedance: 6 Ohms.
Channel Balance at 1 KHz: 1dB.

Frequency Response (Hz) 10-30,000 5-40,000 5-40,000
Output Voltage (mV) (5 cm/sec) 0.30 0.27 0.27
Separation at 1 KHz (dB) 25 34 34
Compliance at 100 Hz (cm/dyne) 1 3 x 10"6 1 5 x 10'6 15x10-"
Stylus Tip Dim. (mil.) 0.6 0.3 x 0.6 Biradial



First AMPZILLA, then SON of AMP-ZILLA, and now the GRANDSON. GRANDSON is the most powerful 40 Watt (at 8 Ohms) amplifier in the industry. With 120-Watt capability at 2 Ohms and 80 Watts at 4 Ohms, GRANDSON offers adequate power reserve for varied speaker requirements including parallel speaker operation.

With the state-of-the-art sound characteristics normally found in much larger amplifiers, GRANDSON is perfect for apartment audio system installations, tweeter-driving in biamp applications, and use with high-efficiency theater-type speakers.

Following in the footsteps of its illustrious parentage, GRANDSON features fully-complementary circuitry operating in Class A up to 1 Watt and a DC-servo control to maintain less than 10 mV DC offset at the output.

Other circuitry similar to that featured in all GAS Co. amplifiers includes:

  • 1. A bias-regulator integrated circuit which eliminates any crossover notch regardless of power or thermal level.
  • 2. Phase-frequency characteristics tailored to ensure 100% stability with all-type loads including electro-static speakers (capacitive) and multi-speaker crossovers (inductive) or combinations of these.
  • 3. DC-coupled circuitry throughout except for a single input DC-blocking capacitor which extends the power bandwidth to below 0.1 Hz.

Grandson is available either with stereo power-reading meters as shown above, or in a utility version (not shown) without meters. Available as an optional accessory (at extra cost) is a rack-handle kit for use with either model.

Engineering excellence, quality of contruction, and the use of premium conponents places GRANDSON in a league of its own.


2 OHMS Minimum 120 Watts per channel, both channels driven, 20 Hz to 20 KHz
4 OHMS Minimum 80 Watts per channel, both channels driven, 20 Hz to 20 KHz
8 OHMS Minimum 40 Watts per channel, both channels driven, 20 Hz to 20 KHz
4 OHMS Less than 0.3% at any frequency
or combination of frequencies, and at any power level to clipping.
8 OHMS Less than .08% at any frequency
or combination of frequencies at any power level to clipping.
INPUT SENSITIVITY: 0.7 Volts R.M.S. for 40 Watts into 8 Ohms.
RISE TIME AT Better than 2 /^seconds AT FULL
8 OHMS: POWER AT 20 KHz. Slew rate
equal to 17 Volts per ^second. TRANSIENT INTERMODULATION
(TIM) DISTORTION: At 4 or 8 Ohms: Less than .01 %. FREQUENCY RESPONSE: (Power Bandwidth) at rated power or any level less than rated power:
4 OHMS Better than ±0.2dB, 1 Hz to 30 KHz


GREAT AMERICAN SOUND COMPANY announces the newest addition to our family of preamplifiers, THALIA.

Featuring fully-complementary circuity and DC-servo control, THALIA incorporates many of the circuit design concepts present in THAEDRA and THOEBE. These advanced design concepts deliver the sonic performance that has earned the respect and acclaim of audiophiles and critics worldwide.

Thalia offers audiophiles a modestly-priced, low-profile, basic design of striking
simplicity, yet exceptional performance.

Intended as a companion to GRANDSON, THALIA will also meet the needs of those who require a high-quality, basic control center with magnetic-phono and two high-level inputs. Provisions for the use of a tape deck and high-impedance head phones have also been included. Tone controls are 21-position switch type of discrete-film resistor construction. This provides for repeatability not possible with conventional slider-type potentiometers.

The level control is also discrete-film resistor construction with ± 1 dB balance between channels. A 10-Hz low-filter, mute-control, and stereo-mode pushbutton switches offer complete flexibility often ignored by competitively priced products.

Conceived and constructed in the GREAT AMERICAN SOUND COMPANY tradition, THALIA will prove to be the leader in it's class.

Audition THALIA at your GAS dealer soon.


GAIN: 36dB to tape output
56dB to main output.
NOISE: 1 MV - 20 Hz to 20 KHz referred to input.
DISTORTION: Less than .01% at 2 Volts R.M.S. output at tape output at any freq. 20 Hz to 20 KHz.
RIAA: ±0.4 dB, 20 Hz to 20 KHz.
HIGH LEVEL-GAIN: 20 dB to main output.
NOISE: 2uV, 20 Hz to 20 KHz referred to input.
DISTORTION (TONE CONTROLS FLAT): Less than .015% at 2 Volts R.M.S. output at any freq. 20 Hz to 20 KHz into 600 Ohms.
FREQ. RESPONSE: 5 to 250 KHz ±1 dB (Tone controls flat).
TRANSIENT INTER-MODULATION (TIM) DISTORTION: Less than .01 % at 2 Volts output.
MAXIMUM INPUT BEFORE CLIPPING: Phono: 225 mV at 1 KHz. High Level: 1 Volt R.M.S. (level control at max.)
TONE CONTROL RANGE: Treble: +10dB, -12dB at 20 KHz Bass: +13dB, -14dB at 20 KHz.
POWER CONSUMPTION: 115-125 Volts, 50-60 Hz, 25 Watts.
SIZE: 19"(W)x31/2,,(H)x10"(D)
47cm (W) x 9.3cm (H) x 25cm (D)
SHIPPING WEIGHT: 12 lbs. - 26.4 Kg.


'Charlie the Digital Tuner"

Keyboard entry or local/distant station scan tuning with digital LED readout.
5 tuned-circuit varactor RF section with Crystal-referenced phase-locked-loop synthesized operation - features 500 Hz accuracy.
Three zero group delay IF filters.
New phase-locked-loop negative-feedback stereo multiplex circuit with 19 KHz pilot cancellation.
Mono/blend/stereo switch automatically selects optimum mode depending on station signal strengths. All-complementary audio output circuitry.

  • Anmerkung : Mit der Entwicklung des Tuners brauchte GAS alias James Bongiorno nicht nur Kapital, sondern auch Spezialisten. Und die "fraßen" buchstäblich seine finanziellen Reserven auf. Es ist schon erstaunlich, daß dieser Vorgang sehr ähnlich zu Saul Marantz war, der auch an seinem Tuner finanziell gescheitert war und 1964 seine kleine Hightech Firma quasi verkaufen mußte. Saul Marantz hatte übrigens auch ganz früh erkannt, daß die Ausweitung in die Plattenspieler Bereiche Selbstmord sein könnte. Der Käufer von Marantz - Superscope - hatte es dann ausprobiert und mußte später an Philips verkaufen.


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