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EMPIRE - Eine amerikanische Firmenbroschüre aus 1971

Diese Broschüre muß kommentiert werden, weil so viele "Sprüche" viel zu weit hergeholt sind und einfach falsch sind. Anscheinend war es Anfang der 1970er Jahre in den USA noch Usus, die Kunden zu veräppeln. Es gab damals wie heute kein Abtastsystem ohne Rillenverschleiß. Das war einfach nur Unsinn. Zur Einführung geht es hier entlang.


Other Empire long-playing stereo cartridges



Hier werden die zur Zeit (wir haben 1970) hergestellten EMPIRE Abtaster beschrieben - zu beachten ist hier der damalige US-Dollar Preis von 1970, der in der EMPIRE-Historien- Betrachtung eines Forum Autors in Dollarpreise von 2010 hochgerechnet wurde. Weiterhin ist wichtig zu wissen, es gab keine Schallplaten mit 20 Hz Tönen drauf. Alle 33er LPs wurden bei 40 Hz steilflankig gefiltert. Also Angabe eies Frequenzbereiches von 12 Hz bis hoch hinauf ist völliger Unsinn, wenn solche Frequenzen auf den Platten gar nicht vorhaden waren. :


The newest light tracking arms and high-performance turntables and changers - 888VE Surpassed in overall performance only by the 999VE, this cartridge combines an exceptionally high compliance of 30 x 106 cm/dyne with an unusually low tip mass for excellent tracking between V* and VA grams. Frequency response is 6 to 32k Hz, with a dynamic capability to 40k Hz. Stylus: hand-polished diamond, .2 x .7 mil elliptical. Tracking angle: 15°. Output voltage: 5.0 millivolts per channel. Stereo separation: 35 DB. Standard 7/16" or 1/2" mounting.


High quality turntables and record changers - 888TE With a vertical and horizontal compliance of 30 x 10~6 cm/dyne, this outstanding cartridge delivers a frequency response of 8 to 32,000 Hz in top-quality changers and tone arms tracking at VA grams or less. The .2 x .7 mil bi-radial elliptical hand-polished diamond stylus tracks at 15° with more than 32 DB of channel separation. Output voltage, 8 millivolts per channel. Cartridge weight, 7 grams. Mounts on standard 7/16" or 1/2" centers.


Most of today's better record changers - 888E Designed to track from % to 3 grams this cartridge provides users of automatic changers with the superior performance of a .4 x .9 mil elliptical hand-polished diamond tracking at an angle of 15°. The 888E will faithfully reproduce frequencies from 10 to 30,000 Hz, while maintaining more than 30 DB of channel separation. Cartridge weight, 7 grams. Output voltage, 8 millivolts per channel. Compliance, 28 x 106 cm/dyne. Standard 7/16" or 1/2" mounting.


General record changers - 888 Changers requiring a tracking force of up to 4 grams will deliver superior performance when equipped with this fine cartridge. A .7 mil hand-polished diamond stylus tracking at 15° delivers a frequency response of 12 to 25,000 Hz, with 30 dB channel separation. Vertical and horizontal compliance, 20 x 10~6 cm/dyne. Cartridge weight, 7 grams. Standard 7/16" or 1/2" mounting.




Empire cartridges for automatic record players - 808E Perfectly adapted to automatic playback systems able to track at less than 3 grams, this superior cartridge combines a compliance of 20 x 106 cm/dyne with a frequency response of 10 to 25,000 Hz and utilizes a .4 x .9 mil elliptical diamond set at the preferred 15° angle. Stereo separation exceeds 30 DB. Weight, 7 grams. Mounting, 7/16" or 1/2" centers. Output terminals, 4.


808 - Capable of delivering 15 to 20,000 Hz with 30 DB of stereo separation, the 808 is an outstanding cartridge value for those with automatic changers requiring tracking forces up to 4 grams. Compliance is 10 x 10~6 cm/dyne, and the 7-gram cartridge employs a .7 mil conical diamond stylus tracking at 15°. 4 output terminals and standard 7/16" or 1/2" mounting.

Es geht weiter mit dem EMPIRE Plattenspieler 598


The only "record playback system" engineered for stereo cartridges that can track as low as 0.1 gram.


NEW TROUBADOR MODEL 598 (neu in 1970)

A "turntable system" designed exclusively for the new low-tracking-force cartridges that won't wear out your records. This unbelievable record playback device exceeds every broadcast specification for professional playback equipment.

Anmerkung : Hier wird wieder suggeriert, mit diesem Laufwerk und den Empire Abtastern gibt es keinen Plattenverschleiß mehr - no wear - so ein Unsinn.

  • • The extraordinary Troubador system features the Empire 990 - world's most perfect playback arm. Built to last, with rugged precision foolproof adjustments. Arm friction measures a minute 1 milligram.
  • • Arm fully stereo balanced - front as well as rear of pivots.
  • • Sealed instrument ball-bearing races for horizontal as well as vertical motion.
  • • Stylus force dialed with calibrated clock mainspring - more accurate than any commercially available pressure gage.
  • • Lowest fundamental resonance of any arm, an inaudible 6 Hz. makes it impossible to induce acoustic feedback in the system even when you turn up the gain and bass.
  • • Empire's exclusive Dyna Lift automatically lifts the arm off the record at the end of the music.
  • • Micrometer calibrated anti-skating adjustment can be set exactly to match any operating force for conical or elliptical stylii. Eliminates uneven record or stylus wear.
  • • Instant cartridge demount and interchange.
  • • In-line stylus-to-pivot axis. No warp, wow or cosine-error distortion.
  • • 5-wire circuit eliminates ground loops.
  • • World's finest turntable motor, hysteresis synchronous type, self-cooling, high torque with inside-out rotor; reaches full speed in less than V* of a revolution and locks in on AC line frequency; maintains speed accuracy with zero error. Built-in strobe disc and pitch control.
  • • Flexible belt drive precision ground to ±.0001 in. tolerance.
  • • 12-inch turntable platter and 3-inch thick balanced drive fly-wheel - most massive ever used in a home system.
  • • Microhoned oilite bearings and lapped chrome steel shafts machined as individually matched pairs - no production-line tolerances.
  • • Lowest rumble of any turntable tested - 90 DB (RRLL). Wow and flutter an almost unmeasurable .01%.
  • • Customized record mat holds records by outer rim. The playing grooves never touch the mat on any size record.
  • • Empire's exclusive pneumatic suspension combines pistons and stretched springs. You can dance, jump or rock without bouncing the stylus off the record. Tracks the world's finest cartridges as low as .1 gram.
  • • Dead center cueing control - tone arm floats down or lifts up from a record surface bathed in light. Pick out the exact selection you want - even in a darkened room.

Der "World's finest turntable motor" kommt aus dem Scharzwald aus St.Georgen von der Firma Pabst - direkt gegenüber bzw. neben DUAL gelegen. Ob es wirklich der Welt bester Motor war, sei mal dahingestellt. Auch die Amerikaner konnten gute Motoren bauen. Nur die ganzen Superlative machen diese Sprüche unglaubwürdig.


3 speeds - 33%, 45, 78 rpm - Push-button power control
Built-in 45 rpm spindle - Overall dimensions (with base and dust cover): 17" x 15" x 8". -Swiss ground gold finish

Troubador 598 playback system - less base and cover $199.95
Satin walnut base and plexiglas cover combination $34.95
990 playback arm also available separately $74.95


- Werbung Dezent -
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