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EMPIRE - Eine amerikanische Firmenbroschüre aus 1971

Diese Broschüre muß kommentiert werden, weil so viele "Sprüche" viel zu weit hergeholt sind und einfach falsch sind. Anscheinend war es Anfang der 1970er Jahre in den USA noch Usus, die Kunden zu veräppeln. Es gab damals wie heute kein Abtastsystem ohne Rillenverschleiß. Das war einfach nur Unsinn. Zur Einführung geht es hier entlang.


Empire's 999VE - The long-playing cartridge that doesn't wear out your records

  • Wir sind im Jahr 1970 - "Der 999VE Langspiel-Abtaster, der ihre Platten nicht abnutzt !!" - Das ist natürlich ein Werbespruch und technisch völliger Unsinn.

We call this spectacular stereo pickup "THE LONG-PLAYING CARTRIDGE" because it delivers unbeatable stereo sound at a tracking force of 1 gram or less. This virtually weightless playback protects your records against the wear and distortion induced by ordinary cartridges.

Your Insurance Policy' against record wear ... our 1,000-play laboratory tests

How well does the 999VE protect your records against audible wear distortion and frequency loss? Nobody ever dared to challenge a stereo cartridge the way we did. Our 1000-play tests give you the answer at a glance.


  1. Purpose: To determine audible characteristics of wear
  2. Program: Standard full-frequency vocal/instrumental stereo recording
  3. Total plays: 1,000
  4. Result: No audible distinction between 1000th play of test record and first play of new duplicate recording



  1. Purpose: Electronic measurement of distortion, frequency loss, dynamic loss
  2. Program: Low-frequency test recording
  3. Total Plays: 1,000
  4. Result: No measurable changes in low-frequency response



  1. Purpose: Electronic measurement of distortion, frequency loss, dynamic loss
  2. Program: High-frequency test recording
  3. Total Plays: 1,000
  4. Result: Dynamic frequency loss - At 2 kHz None At 20kHz -3dB


  • Distortion / Groove velocity / Distortion
  • At 3.54 cm/sec .02%
  • At 5.5 cm/sec .05%
  • At 1000 Hz und 9.0 and 14.0 cm/sec 0.1%



  • Anmerkung : Test 1 und 3 sind bereits zu der Zeit um 1970 nicht mehr glaubwürdig, weil die Experten an der TH Karlsruhe ganz andere Verschleißmessungen durchgeführt hatten und dort erheblichen Verschleiß messen konnten. Der LAB TEST II ist überflüssig, weil unterhalb von 1000 Hz auch die billigsten Abtaster keinen meßbaren Verschleiß erzeug(t)en.


The difference you can hear

Listening-panel tests of conventional cartridges have proved that as few as eight or nine playbacks can cause enough distortion, frequency loss and dynamic loss to make a 'used' record instantly identifiable by audible sound alone when it is played in A-B tests against a previously unplayed record.

But 1,000 plays with a 999VE produce a maximum distortion of one-tenth of one percent in even the most highly modulated recordings, a maximum dynamic drop of 3 dB at 20,000 Hz. Changes so slight they have to be measured by instruments. What your ear hears - through a full 1,000 plays - is nothing but brand-new sound.

  • Anmerkung : Dieser Test ist auch in 2010 nicht nachvollziehbar, schon gar nicht mit den Tonarmen aus 1970.


Superb stereo sound without record wear


  • "Superb stereo sound" ohne Plattenabnutzung - ein Slogan, dessen Gegenteil mehrfach nachgewiesen wurde. Die Physiker der UNI Karlsruhe hatten herausgefunden, daß es keine Schallplattenabspielungen ohne Verschleiß gibt. Es ist nur die Frage, wieviel. Diese Erkenntnis wurde als Promotion von Dr. Karl Günter Schwartz schon 1969 erarbeitet.


Der nächste Absatz - die Lobeshymnen der US-Magazine


  • For perfect light-weight tracking, smooth, level frequency response, outstanding stereo separation and peak-free, 'ring'-free performance, the 999VE leads the cartridge field.
  • The "experts" agree - for example "Stereo Review Magazine" who tested 13 different cartridges and rated the 999VE tops in light weight tracking ability.
  • "HiFi Sound Magazine" called the 999VE "A real hi-fi masterpiece ... A remarkable cartridge unlikely to wear out discs any more rapidly than a feather held lightly against the spinning groove."
  • "HiFidelity Magazine" found "that the high frequency peak invariably found in former magnetic pickups has been designed completely out of the audible range (for a frequency response) that remains flat within ±2.2dB from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz.
  • "Records and Recording Magazine" stated emphatically that the 999VE stereo cartridge is "A design that encourages a hifi purist to clap his hands with joy."
  • "Audio Magazine" observing a remarkable 35 dB stereo spread between left and right channels said "Outstanding square waves. Tops in separation."
  • Popular Science Magazine" picked the 999VE hands-down as the cartridge for
  • "The Stereo System I wish I owned" designed by Electronics Editor Ronald M. Benrey.


The 999VE - premier stereo cartridge in the high-performance field for home systems - $74.95


  • Frequency Response: 6 to 35,000 Hz
  • Output voltage: 5 millivolts per channel
  • Stereo separation: more than 35 dB
  • Load Impedance: 47,000 ohms
  • Weight: 7 grams Compliance: 35 x 10-* cm/dyne
  • Recommended Tracking Force: .5 to 1.5 grams
  • Stylus: .2 x .7 mil hand-polished elliptical diamond
  • Tracking angle: 15° Terminals: 4
  • Mounting: Standard 7/16" or 1/2" centers


The cartridge designed for checking test records - $99.95

The Empire 1000 ZE Stereo Measurement Standard

Each 1000ZE cartridge is individually calibrated to have a flat frequency response within ±1dB from 20 to 20,000 Hz.

There are no electrical or mechanical resonant peaks and total 1M distortion (was sind 1 M Verzerrungen ??) at the standard 3.54 cm/sec groove velocity does not exceed .05% at any frequency within the full spectrum.

Stereo separation is better than 35 dB at 1 KC and remains at least 25 dB or better all the way out to 20,000 Hz. Overall frequency response
4 to 40,000 Hz. Output voltage 5 mv per channel.

The measurement standard 1000ZE stereo cartridge was designed to provide professional users such as recording studios, radio stations, scientific and engineering laboratories as well as serious audiophiles with the ideal standard for record playback evaluation.

With the ability to track effectively at stylus forces as low as .1 gram, the 1000ZE never subjects the disc whether it is a vinyl pressing or a master lacquer to any visible wear or groove deformation.

The Empire 1000ZE Stereo Measurement standard at $99.95 recommended for professional users or serious audiophiles only.

The Empire cartridge - How it works

No other cartridge can reproduce the entire musical range as precisely and with such clarity. An important fact to understand is that any musical note, for example; Middle C on the music spectrum, producing 261.6 vibrations per second, can be struck on a piano, blown on a horn or bowed on the violin. The ability to identify the instrument is determined by the fundamental vs. harmonic balance. Failure to produce the lowest fundamental loses the subtle nuances of the musical note and makes the individual instruments difficult to identify.

The Empire long playing cartridge keeps every note in "true character" from the lowest B of the contra bassoon to the highest C of the piccolo.

The Empire long playing cartridge has instinct. It can pick up a sound as low as 8 Hz - where the sense of feeling occurs before the sense of hearing, or as high as 40,000 cps, well beyond the normal range of hearing. Empire long playing cartridges make your records come alive.

Empire cartridges gives you razor sharp stereo separation over a frequency spectrum of 10 octaves. You receive full separation even at 20,000 Hz. Instruments don't waver.

Every Empire long playing cartridge (U.S. patents 2875282, 3441688, 3469040) is fully shielded. Four poles, 4 coils and three magnets produce better magnetic balance and better hum rejection.

There are no foreign noises with the Empire cartridges. Perfectly magnetically balanced, with a signal to noise ratio of 80 DB, it instantly provides clarity and coherent musical sound.

  • Anmerkung : Hier oben drüber lesen Sie viel Unsinn, und - das muß unbedingt auch gesagt werden -, Unsinn, den wir Hifi-Fans in 1970 sogar geglaubt hatten. Wir hatten es ja schwarz auf weiß und die gedruckten Buchstaben lügen nun mal nicht.


Exclusive Induced Magnetic Cone Stylus

The moving magnetic cone features a tapered hollow tube, .001 inch thick, and a hand polished diamond stylus. The entire Empire cartridge weighs only 7 grams - the ideal cartridge weight for modern compliance requirements. The lightest, most rugged moving mechanism ever developed. Sock it ... smack it ... rock it ... and then play it. You can't harm Empire long playing cartridges or your records.

Lowest Distortion of Any Cartridge

"Lowest Distortion of Any Cartridge" - In USA war diese vergleichende und den Wettbewerber abwertende Werbung erlaubt - oder besser - geduldet und nicht unter Strafe gestellt wie bei uns.
A sharp attack square wave with virtually straight rising time, very slight overshoot and near perfect damping (less than 1 cycle of ringing) testify to the low distortion of the Empire long playing cartridge even while tracking as low as .1 gram.

Anmerkung aus dem Jahr 2023 : Auch das obige ist Unsinn. Ich habe in den letzten 50 Jahren keinen Abtaster kennengelernt, der mit 0,1 Pond (die Amis wiegen nach wie vor in Gramm) eine 33er Patte vernünftig und verzerrungsfrei abtasten konnte oder kann. Diverse Tests wurden damals auch bei EMT gemacht und die waren nun wirklich die Experten für perfekte Plattenabspielungen.


- Werbung Dezent -
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