Sie sind hier : Startseite →  Hifi Hersteller (4) International→  Empire Tonabnehmer (USA)→  Ein Empire Flyer aus 1969

Ein Flugblatt voller Eigenlob - von Empire - das mußte sein .....

Für uns Deutsche und auch Europäer war es viele Jahre unbekannt oder nicht präsent, wie groß der nordamerikansche Kontinent wirklich ist. Die John Wayne Cowboy Filme suggerierten uns ja nur, daß der Sherrif oder Marshal auf der Leinwand im Kino in 1,5 Stunden von West (New York) nach Ost (San Francisco) geritten war.

Die Realität hatte ich auch erst bei unseren USA Flügen mitbekommen. Der Flieger von Miami braucht über 4 Stunden nach San Francisco und das sind fast 3.000 Meilen, etwa 4.100 Kilometer.

Jedenfalls hatte eine kleine Audio- oder Hifi-Klitsche aus New York es sehr schwer, alle nur möglichen Interessenten in allen US-Bundesstaaten zu erreichen. Gefragt waren daher Anzeigen und auch Beilagen (das sind diese Flyer) in den USA-weiten Hifi- und Audio- Magazinen.

Und in den USA gehörte das "Übertreiben" zum Geschäft. Alles von "mir" oder von "uns" ist outstanding, die Perfomance, der Preis und natürlich die Lieferfähigkeit.
Wie wir Jahre danach herausbekommen hatten, war das sehr oft der Wunschtraum einer kleinen Klitsche. Der Chef von Grado zum Beispiel hat die ersten Serien am Küchentisch zusammengeschraubt und im Wohnzimmer getestet.

Also loben "wir" uns mal : (auf Englisch natürlich)




In der "Stereo Review" (formery Hifi/Stereo Review)  - EQUIPMENT TEST REPORTS By Hirsch-Houck Laboratories - steht geschrieben :

EQUIPMENT: Empire 7000M, a full-range speaker system in cylindrical enclosure.
Dimensions: 26 inches high, 19 inches in diameter. US $ Price: $209.95

COMMENT: Since Empire introduced their first Grenadier Speaker System several years ago, the cylindrical enclosure has become identified with their products.

Their model 7000 hits the proper balance between the lows and highs. The measured frequency response of the speaker was quite uniform from 50 -15,000 cps. The tweeter level switch in its boost and cut positions produced about a 3dB increase of a 5 - 7dB decrease in output (from the normal position) above 6000 Hz. The high frequency response was exceptionally flat and smooth within ±1.5dB from 5, 000 to 15, 000 Hz.

The model 7000 has what Empire terms a "Dynamic Reflex Stop System" that enables the user to adjust the bass response below about 1000 Hz - each "Stop" or plug removed from the cabinet boosts the bass 1 dB. Tone burst response was generally excelence.

Listening tests are, for us, the ultimate verification of a speaker's performance. The highs (as our curves suggested) were delightfully smooth and well dispersed. In fact we would rate the middle and high frequency sound and dispersion of the Empire 7000 among the best of the current crop of speakers.

Because of its smooth peak-free performance in the region between 100 and 200 Hz (where so many speakers add coloration to men's voices) the bass was completely free of boom but definitely "all there." The useful output of the 7000 extends down to below 35 Hz, with low distortion.

We listened to the Empire 7000, comparing it in A-B fashion with a number of other speaker systems, and we liked what we heard. It had a "live" quality and less coloration than most speakers at or above its price...............
We like it.

Jetzt kommt eine Seite Eigenwerbung :

The care that creates Empire auality

When you purchase any Empire product, you make an investment in precision engineering, painstaking craftsmanship and enduring quality. We guard our unsurpassed reputation for quality by total control of the manufacturing process, from beginning to end.

Every speaker enclosure that carries the Empire label is cut, built and hand finished in our own woodworking plant. Our own machine shop creates the Empire-designed machine tools and precision parts which other Empire craftsmen use to make the individual components for our speaker systems.

As each Empire product is actually created, inspection and testing are virtually continuous. Loudspeakers are optically inspected and electronically tested for precise frequency responses. Complete speaker systems are 'auditioned' for sound dispersion and full fidelity in an acoustically 'dead' test chamber.

In addition to this constant quality control the engineers in our research and development division are perpetually engaged in 'torture testing' all Empire components as they search for new ways to bring your home music system another step closer to ultimate perfection.

Ein Artikel aus "HIGH FIDELITY" AUGUST 1969


EQUIPMENT: Empire 7000M, a full range speaker system in cylindrical enclosure. Dimensions 26 inches high, 19 inches in diameter.

The Empire 7000M full range speaker system is rated to handle up to 90 watts of power per channel - can be driven by any amplifier providing 10 clean watts per channel. The bass response of the 7000M is ample and clean down to just below 30 Hz.

A pair of 7000 systems can be positioned to provide a very satisfying stereo spread; the design itself obviates the conventional notion of putting the speakers smack against a wall. Their sound overall is full-bodied and clean with fine transient response. .... The 7000's certainly can fill a larger than average room with sound and we suspect too that many decor minded users will appreciate their double duty fillip; with those marble tops they can also serve as occasional tables.

Wooden plugs may be removed from rear panels 1 augment bass response of Empire speaker system.

A letter from TELETRONICS ASSOCIATED - May 1969

Box 1266 South Lake Tahoe, Calif. 95705 (916) 544-6906 - May 8, 1969

to : Empire Scientific 1055 Stewart Ave. Garden City, NY 11530

Recently I purchased two of the 9000M speakers and the 398A with the 999VE. I feel I must comment on the equipment. The speakers are the finest I have ever heard. For auditorium work, of course, there are better as far as quantity of sound, but for the normal room acoustics, the 9000M are unequalled.

For years I've listened to them all, and I would not have believed that the finest looking system was also the finest sounding in terms of balance, range, spectrum continuity and any other way one wishes to evaluate a system.

The 398A and 999V E I have known for some time are excellent. Just a little feedback to let you know how you're doing.
Sincerely, Teletronics
M.T. Ford Manager

Noch mehr Lob : "What a speaker !" - NOV. 1969

HIGH FIDELITY - Equipment reports - NOV. 1969

Empire 9000M Royal Grenadier Speaker System

THE EQUIPMENT: Empire model 9000, a ful range 3 way speaker system in a cylindrical enclosure. Dimensions 29 inches high, 22 inches in diameter. Price $299.95 manufacturer; Empire Scientific Corp., 1055 Stewart Avenue, Garden City, N.Y.


"Response was wide, smooth and well balanced. Fundamental bass is evident to below 30 cps. Response extends to beyond audibility. The dispersion pattern was among the widest encountered. Mid frequency test tones were completely audible from all around the system. This effect diminished slightly and gradually as frequency was increased and a 12 KC tone was clearly audible very much off axis of the system. On program material, the Grenadier acquitted itself admirably. Voices are natural with no coloration. Orchestral music was balanced and full; transients came through cleanly; the organ sounded authentic. . .the sonic presentation was excellent. Indeed for a system of its size and price class designed for home use, the Grenadier strikes us as the best. "

- Werbung Dezent -
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