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Die Zeitschrift "audio-record" - Was ist (war) das Besondere ?

Diese Firmen-Zeitschrift war Jahrzehnte verschollen. Doch da stand eine Menge über den nationalen amerikanischen unabänderlichen Weg zum ungeliebten (und teilweise diffamierten) deutschen Magnetophon-Tonband drinnen. Mit diesen Informationen kann jetzt eine Menge an Schallplatten-Historie und ganz früher Magnetband-Historie "gerade gerückt" werden.


Der Aufmacher: July 1945 - "A NEW DIGEST ON RECORDING"


audio record - 1945 - July (Vol.1 - No.1) = Erstausgabe

Das war also die Erstausgabe. In der finden wir noch eine Menge Kriegsberichte, vor allem Aufnahmen auf die 78er Schellack-Platten.

Leider ist die Scan-Qualität für meine Ansprüche bescheiden gering, dafür sind die Texte in einer separaten Text-Datei auch auf dieser Web-Seite zu finden.

Hier ist die Texterkennung natürlich auch nur mittelmäßig (mit viel Nacharbeit verbunden) - aber besser als gar nichts aus dieser Zeit.

Titel des allerersten Artikels Juni 1945:

NBC's Recording Division Is Carrying Big Load For Many Government Services And Civilians

The Engineering Department of NBC's Radio Recording Division teems with activity. A super-trained staff, including recording engineers, studio engineers and clerks work with some of the finest, most delicate high fidelity recording equipment in the world today. An apprentice (Auszubildender) in the engineering room (Aufnahme-Studio) is not even allowed to touch a recording machine until he has been trained to handle it.

Research Is Continuous

Improved record quality is the constant aim at NBC. Research and development is continuous and the results are evident in the latest recordings. The tull benefit of this experimental work will be felt after the war when more improved equipment becomes available.

Big expansion of studio, technical, and manufacturing facilities is planned, for post-war, according to Recording Supervisor, George E. Stewert. Right now, the recording division is one of the most fascinating places in New York City, and the stream of visitors who gaze through the huge plate glass windows into the engineering room never ends. Among the many programs originating from NBC is the oflicial program of the U. S. Army Recruiting Publicity Bureau, "The Voice of the Army," now being broadcast on more than 800 stations and in its sixth year.


Under the auspices of the Special Services Division of the U. S. Army  250,000 records of the latest songs and arrangements by top bands, orchestras and singers go overseas every month.

  • Anmerkung : V-Discs waren sogenannte "Victory Platten", die ohne irgendwelche Lizenzzahlungen oder Tantiemen (an die Autoren, Musiker oder Studios) trotz des "Petrillo-Banns" aufgenommen werden durften und die in großen Stückzahlen gepresst wurden und - ganz wichtig, streng kontrolliert - wirklich nur in militärischen Sendestationen abgespielt werden durften.

NBC Radio-Recording Division and RCA Victor Division are proud of their contribution to this tremendous moralebuilding program. Lt. Col. Howard C. Bronson and Capt. Robert Vincent are in charge of the V-disc production for the Army. The U. S. Navy also uses V-discs on board ships and at Naval stations.

Many Government Departments Served

In addition to V-Discs, NBC notes increasing recording activity for the U. S. Navy, Naval Air Stations, the Radio Section of the Bureau of Public Relations, U. S. Marine Corps, Office of War Information, Coordinator o f Inter- American Affairs, U. S. Treasury Dept., War Loan Drives, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, U. S. Dept. of Interior and U. S. Public Health Service.

Recordings For Independents

National independent organizations using NBC recorded programs include the American Red Cross, National Tuberculosis Association, National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, "The March of Dimes," and the YMCA (Christlicher Verein junger Männer), and the NBC Thesaurus service.

Audio Headquarters Now Your N. Y. Listening Post

The art of making fine quality disc recordings is one of constant change and improvement, one where the correct technique must be combined with a best quality recording blank if true fidelity is to be achieved. With the idea of increasing your enjoyment or profit. Audio Devices is going to send you this digest on recording - approximately monthly.

National Chains Interviewed

To get the most out of your recording blanks, you should know what the experts are doing. For that reason your Audio Record reporter is busily interviewing radio stations, networks, and recording companies. We will show pictures of various plants, pass along advice and "tips of the trade" that you will find interesting and helpful.

Many News Sources

Many surprising sources have stories that will point out new uses for recordings and new and better methods of using them. For instance, the Office of War Information his a wealth of stories pertaining to entertainment, education, and morale building in our armed forces that we will pass along to you. There are schools and colleges with articles of how recordings are aiding education and with post-war, we will have lots to tell you about family heirloom recordings, family parties and home sound movies.

All Users Considered

We plan to print articles by engineers giving you information on the use and handling of records. Colleges and school educators will give you reports of uses they have made of recording blanks. The dealer angle is also important and will be more so, once priorities are lifted for civilian and private home use. Perhaps you've had an experience others will find helpful - if so, send it along with pictures that will help explain it.

Diese Artikel zeigen einen Einblick in die Stimmungslage und in die "Denke" in Amerika und dem US-Militär im Juli 1945


"Office of War Information" Now Using Recordings
To Counteract Totalitarian Propaganda Effects

The task of de-Nazi-ing the many years of German propaganda imposed on French people is beginning to reach its stride in the OWI's Voice of America radio broadcasts. The half-hour radio dramatizations in French of American movies and the 15-minute news stories of American institutions and day-by-day American life arc already two outstanding successes. The latter programs are broadcast by short-wave, recorded in Paris and re-broadcast nightly at 11:00 PM Paris time over the French national network (Radiodiffusion Francaise). They are also broadcast directly from OWI's transmitters in New York and London and beamed at France. Both sources are used because the French network was left so crippled by the Germans that it alone is unable to reach many parts of France.

French Cooperation

In exchange for the French network broadcasting OWI's informational programs, the OWI is broadcasting over its own transmitters in New York, London and Europe, a 15-minute French program to these same inaccessible areas. This is the "Ce Soir en France" (This Evening in Paris) show which reports on French political and editorial trends. Both countries are pleased with the results of such an arrangement.

Portugal - Italy

Another program of a similar nature began March 25th (1945) to Portugal, called "Answering the Portuguese People," and is sent weekly. This was started because of the interest and curiosity about the United States prevailing in Portugal. Leading educators and writers participate, and recordings are made of the discussions. The subjects discussed range from such queries as to whether American women have the same opportunities as men, to how much information is available on prefabricated houses.

The success of this Portuguese program augurs well because of the "Fanmail" received from Italy and Spain, two other countries receiving such programs, is mounting steadily. The OWI Italian show has been so popular that is was recently requested for re-broadcast over the Italian national networks.

Handling Recording Discs (Wie behandle ich Schallplatten ?)

By E. Franck, Research Engineer

The problem of handling and storing recording disks is easily answered. Don't touch the surface and leave fingermarks, cither before or after recording. See picture at right. Recording discs must be handled with respect. But don't be like some people who seem afraid to touch one. Easy does it! Pick up the disc carefully with both hands and hold firmly. You can turn and twist it to any angle that way, and I've yet to see one dropped when held right. That's the method our own inspectors follow and they handle thousands daily. While the storage of recording discs is simple some recordists take fancy precautions which are not necessary and sometimes even harmful.

Store new blanks convenient to the recording room. For a moderate stock, a single tier of strong shelves along an inside wall is satisfactory. For larger stocks, double tiers with access from both sides is best. Select a spot with even temperature. Avoid sunny windows or windows where rain could blow in. It is a good plan when taking a box of blanks from stock to the recording room to open the box in the storage room. This keeps box dust or dirt out of the recording room.

Recorded discs are best stored on edge in individual paper envelopes. A filing number should appear on both disc and envelope. A metal cabinet is the best container but not essential. And don't crowd the shelves. There should be room enough to take discs out without bending or scratching. Avoid putting more than one record in an envelope - the grooves of one may impress marks on the other, if under pressure.

In fact, there are only three rules to follow. Keep away from dust, don't  crowd, and store in a place of average temperature and humidity. We definitely do not recommend any type of coating or special cellophane envelopes. The method of storage we have suggested is based on our own experience for a number of years and that of some of our customers, who find that Audio-discs produced and recorded in our first year of manufacture still give perfect reproductions.

Ein Blick auf die adiodiscs Anzeige in Ausgabe 4/1945

In dieser Anzeige sind die wesentlichen Merkmale der AUDIO DEVICE Produkte enthalten, nämlich die Eigenmarken des angeblich größten oder zweitgrößten US-Herstellers für solche Produkte :

  • Audiodíscs (Schallplatten-Schneidfolien) und
  • Audiopoints (und hier Recording-Points and Playback-Points) - (die Schneid-Stichel bzw. die Nadeln)

Darum hier der Text der Anzeige:
There Is An Audiodisc And An Audiopoint For Every Recording Need
AUDIODISCS have all of the features essential to high fidelity recording. A superior lacquer is applied by a unique process that gives a flawless surface. In cutting, the thread throws well and there is no static. In playback, whether at once or in the future, there is low surface noise. Their playback life is unequalled. There are six types of AUDIODISCS:

  • (1) RED lABEL tops all accepted quality standarts for professonal use Doublesided in, 6 1/2", 8", 10", 12" and 16" diameters
  • (2) SINGLE FACE RED LABEL brings new economy to applications requiring but one side 12" ond 16" diameter.
  • (3) YELLOW LABEL, Double-sided blanks at uniform quality and "wide latitude", Extra fine adjustments unnecessary, Sizes as Red Label
  • (4) REFERENCE permits extreme economy in test-cuts, filing ond reference recordings. Double sided in 10", 12" ond 16" diameter!.
  • (5) MASTERS for choice copies (pressings) after electroplating, Double or Single face in 12", 13 1/4" and 17 1/4" diameter.
  • (6) BLUE LABEL best discs at low cost, Thin aluminum base, same recording lacquer as professional AUDIODISCS  6 1/2", 8" and  10".

All AUDIODISCS are manufactured on aluminum base - and glass base too, except for the 6 1/2" and Blue Label type.

Audiopoints, made by skilled craftsmen, are available in three types of recording styli and three types of play-back points. Cutting ond playback points are matched to give finest performonce.

RECORDING POINTS (Aufnahme-Stichel)

  1. SAPPIRE NO.14
  3. Diamand Lapped Steel NO.50

PLAYBACK POINTS (Abtastnadeln)

  1. SAPPHIRE NO.113
  2. BENT SHANK NO.154




To be sure you allways receive a free copy of Audio Record, fill out the enclosed card - no cost - no obligation and mail it to AUDIO RECORD, 444 Madiscn Ave., New York 22. N. Y.

This Is Your Publication

You Are invited To Use It And Shape It To Your Needs

We want this paper to bring you news and information. We also want it to be a friendly little sheet where you will see articles and pictures of yourself - your friends - your customers - and men, who are in the same type of business as yourself.

You Are Invited To Help

The sources and interest of any publication depend largely upon the information sent in from its readers. You can help give it the "Personal Touch" we want. Have you had an interesting experience in recording? Have you discovered a new use for recording blanks? A new technique? Have you had an interesting sales experience, or do you know the story of a friend or customer who has? If so, send it in - pictures too.

audio record - 1945 - (Vol.1 - No.2 - August)

Es sind wieder 4 volle Seiten und dazu etwas Eigenwerbung, weil noch Platz war.

Erwähnt wird hier, daß die amerikanische Congress Bibliothek (Library of Congress) bereits 10.000 Platten für die Bevölkerung verfügbar hat.

Ein weiterer Artikel : Kriegsveteranen lernen, RADIO "zu machen"

Library of Congress Brings Folkdore Music To American Public

10,000 Recordings Available

For the first time the folk music of America, a true expression of American life from romantic cowboy to negro spiritual, is now available to all. For many years the Music Division of the Library of Congress has been collecting American folk music. Mr. John Lomax, Honorary Curator of the Library, through a grant from the Carnegie Corporation, has travelled all over the country with portable machinery and has accumulated a collection of more than 10,000 songs on discs. This collection, one of the largest of its kind in the world, was for a time available only to students who were free to come to the library, or to people who could afford expensive copies. Now, with a complete sound laboratory for duplicating phonographic recordings and for making master recordings which can be pressed and distributed, the National Library is able to bring directly to schools, colleges and the pubHc its wealth of cultural materials.

Field Recordings Excellent

These recordings, made in the field amongst such varied groups as mountain ballad singers, negro prisoners, cowboys, work gangs as they lay the railroad tracks, and sailors as they chant their ballads of the seas and canals, are as acoustically good as the commercial recordings of classical music and drama now available to the public.

Portable Recorders Provided

Six portable field recorders provided in the Carnegie grant will be loaned to qualified students of folklore who wish to record and study the music of their own regions.

New York University Pioneers in Recording

Audiodiscs Aid Speech Class

Audiodiscs are used extensively in the speech department of New York University's Washington Square College. Prof. Arleigh Williamson, head of the speech department, has been using recordings as an integral part of his program for over thirteen years and is enthusiastic and keenly interested in its further development in teaching techniques.

Permits Careful Analysis

His department was, Prof. Williamson believes, the first to make use of recording and also the first to use its facilities in ways differing from the more stereotyped. For example, instead of the usual private session in which a student makes a recording to chart improvement in speech, the student actually talks to the class while recording. This gives both instructor and student a chance to analyze the psychological eifect of an audience on the speaker's breath control, enunciation, voice timbre, tone, etc.

In the speech correction classes, recordings are frequently made of student and teacher speaking together, or two or more students in natural conversation. This encourages self-confidence and allows for a study in comparison.

Aids Radio Training

In the radio course at Washington Square College, which leads to the degree of Bachelor of Arts, recordings are also of great value to both student and instructor. Professor H. M. Partridge makes full use of recording methods in his course in technical problems in broadcasting. Voice recordings for selfcriticism are used in the production

Shortens Apprenticeships

Students at New York University have the advantage of the greatest city in the world as their "campus." At Radio City Music Hall, the "Met," and in the legitimate theaters they find unending productions to spur them on to further studies in the fields they hope to enter. Happily the faculty who channel the ability of these young people are awake to the vast potentialities of recordings as a means of acquiring confidence, poise and balanced personalities, qualities which pay big dividends in the highly competitive world of today.

Controlling the Thread (das ist der Span beim Schneiden)

By E. Franck, Research Engineer

When a person first sees a recording blank cut, he is usually fascinated by the thread removed by the stylus. In fact, his interest is often entirely centered on the purple thread spinning from the disc. But for the recordist, whether amateur or professional, ths thread action is much more than a matter of curiosity. A recording machine in steady use for one hour will produce more than a mile of thread and the way this thread behaves is of real importance.

Thread Action Indicates Quality

In a good recording blank, the thread has a tendency to "kick" strongly toward the center, thus minimizing the chance of it tangling against the stylus. Equally, in a good blank, the thread, is relatively free of static electricity and thus can be easily controlled.

When cutting from the inside out, insufficient thread throw is not so noticeable. If there is static charge in the thread, however, there is danger that a loop will jump to the recording head and cause a disastrous snarl.

When the record is started from the outside, good thread behavior is much more important. If the thread throws in from the stylus evenly, then the cutter, as it reaches the piled up circle of thread, will urge it gently inward and only occasional attention is required to brush the accumulated pile toward the center of the disc. If the throw is uneven, the stylus may hit the corner of the pile closest to the grooves and cause a snarl.

Thread Controls Not Foolproof

There are a number of thread control devices which help free the recordist of thread removal worries. But all of these, including the vacuum system used in most professional installations, need good thread action for best results. For example, in the vacuum system, static charge in the thread can cause sticking either at the nozzle or inside the suction hose.

If more air is applied to overcome this difficulty, an annoyrng noise results which prevents good monitoring close to the recording table. The flow of too much air past the stylus into the suction nozzle will also modulate the grooves and result in a high background noise level.

In the early days of lacquer discs, proper thread action was difficult to obtain. Now, the art of recording lacquer formulation has greatly improved and the right thread behavior can be built into the recording blank.

American Broadcasting Co. Finds Recordings Essential Aid To Foreign News Service

The American Broadcasting Company relies heavily on the use of records in transmitting its overseas pick-ups to the network. An important reason for this is the fact that atmospheric conditions change sharply without warning - even during a fifteen minute program. An important news story, coming from overseas, can be completely lost to American listeners due to a change in atmospherics at the time of reception.

Saves Circuit Time

Another vital factor is the time element which can by no means be ignored in these days when other networks, the Army, Navy and Allied Military governments need the overseas circuit. By using recordings, transcribed here in New York at Musak, the American Network can pick up its overseas correspondents on the circuit at a time when the demand is not too heavy. Thus, during the early morning hours, or late at night, American correspondents can broadcast direct to the New York newsroom with a minimum of delay and difficulty. The recordings of these pick-ups are quickly made and can be played over the air while the news is still fresh.

Full Public Acceptance

The management of the American Broadcasting Company's newsroom does not feel that a "transcription" in any way lessens the effect or the importance to the listening public. The average listener does not snap the radio dial button or twist it to another station if he is told that the broadcasting coming up from abroad is a transcription. Further, American officials hold that by judicious use of recordings they can comb out the unnewsworthy reports and keep the broadcasts more interesting.

Whole Nation Heard Hicks

Even those networks who have firm rulings against the use of recordings have been known in many cases to employ news transcriptions. For example, the memorable D-Day broadcast from the Normandy beachhead by American correspondent, George Hicks, was used as a "pool" broadcast by all networks and though the broadcast was not "live," the news certainly was.

Special Broadcasts Repeated

Equally important in the operation of the American newsroom are the recordings made of the "special feature" type of broadcast, as distinguished from regular news broadcasts. A classic example of special feature or special event broadcasting came during the few days following the death of the late President Roosevelt. Recordings were made of all tributes and special programs in honor of our departed leader. Some of these tributes were worthy of repeating, and, in the case of H. R. Baukhage's famed broadcast of Roosevelt's funeral, the record was repeated four times that Sunday.

The American Broadcasting Company has placed an increasing reliance on the use of recordings of its overseas news shows. New York and San Francisco newsroom edition and the correspondents in the field all feel that by careful use of recordings, news dissemination by the American Network can be kept at its high level.

audio record - 1945 - Monat 09 (Vol.1 - No.3) (fehlt)


audio record - 1945 - Monat 11 (Vol.1 - No.4 November)

Junge Mädchen bedienen eine Platten-Schneidmaschine, also so einfach ist das, ........ wurde damals suggeriert, war es aber gar nicht.

Erwähnt werden auch die Bemühungen von NBC, die Mannschaft der "Recording Division" zu verdoppeln.

Hunter College Students Prepare for Radio Careers

Popular Courses Given In Modern Radio Technique

Radio Broadcasting is receiving major attention these days at Hunter College of the City of New York. This famous woman's college, located in the swankiest section of New York's swank Park Avenue, is looking ahead, and according to the head of the Speech and Dramatics Department, Professor Marguerite E. Jones, students are eagerly exploring every department of radio, from enineering to acting.

Audiodiscs play an important role in this educational program; original scripts are recorded; classes in radio dramatics record their plays; and the records are then played back for class criticism. Students in the technical courses handle the production of all transcriptions and thus a dual purpose is served.

A complete broadcasting studio is located in the college building, and the control room is a model of efficiency with RCA equipment throughout. Classes in radio dramatics are held under the instructorship of Mrs. Harvey, Mrs. Callahan, and Mrs. Landeck, all of whom have had practical experience in radio in addition to a thorough grounding in educational theory.

Kids Get Big Chance

One of the most ambitious courses which will be included in the Spring
curriculum is Radio for Children, a course designed for students interested in children's radio programs; it includes the adaptation of scripts for children; the casting, directing and producing of programs with child actors. Students in this course will also be given instruction in control room technique and the synchronizing of sound effects. Children from Hunter College Elementary School will comprise the repertory group of child actors.

Grads Make Good

Graduates of the existing courses have been singularly successful since leaving school. Advertising agencies, radio stations, recording studios and other schools and colleges have been quick to recognize their talents.

Professor Jones is especially pleased with the use of transcriptions in many other ways in the College - in speech correction classes; in public speaking and oral interpretation courses; in voice and phonetics exercises; in the music department.

Speech Handicaps Aided

Stammerers, and others with speech impediments are given corrective exercises with the use of both the "voice mirror" and recordings and a more rapid advancement has been noted when students are able to follow their own progress. The same is true of the other courses in the Speech department. In the music department of the College, under the direction of Dr. Walter Heifer, extensive use is made of the recording machines. The radio studio is also used by the Music Department for a course in broadcasting for singers.

Professor Jones predicts that an even broader use will be made of transcribing facilities at Hunter College in the very near future not only by the Speech and the Music Department, but by the many other departments that have already discovered its value.

NBC Doubles Staff of Recording Division

Plans Promotional Program on Lateral Recording Superiority

Throughout the war the Radio-Recording Division of the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) worked unceasingly with the War, Navy and Treasury Departments, the Red Cross, the OWI, OIAA and other Government agencies in the production of thousands of records for re-broadcast both on the home front and all over the world. It was expected that when the war was over, the staff replacements for those called into military service would surrender (zurückgeben) their jobs when the boys came back - however, activity on the seventh floor of NBC in New York has been stepped up to such an extent that in addition to more than doubling its wartime engineering facilities, the recording division next month will have increased its sales staff (Verkaufs-Personal) by more than 100%.

While operations are being increased in all branch offices the greatest activity is taking place in New York where all productions emanate. The most important technical improvement the division will have achieved will be having its own processing department, hitherto taken care of by RCA's Camden, N. J., production department.

The syndicated programs now total 21 and the NBC Thesaurus recording library numbers 5.000 selections; the department is presently programming
several new syndicated shows.

Anmerkung : Dieser Absatz ist besonders interessant :

Many Radio Recording Division engineers are currently calling on station engineers throughout the country, proving by actual tests the superiority of lateral recording over the vertical; they are demonstrating that the lateral system is less prone (anfällig) to produce distortion, claiming a range up to 15,000 cycles. The Columbia Broadcasting System, Standard Radio and other producers of transcriptions are joining NBC in this extensive educational program, and it is felt that the change to lateral recording will greatly improve the quality of transmission, particularly over Frequency Modulation transmitters. (Anmerkung : hier ist der erste Ansatz für UKW 'FM' Radio in den USA)

Measuring Wear (Abnutzung) in Recording Blanks

By E. Franck, Research Engineer

  • Anmerkung : Die blanke Roh-Platte oder auch Lack-Folie heißt in USA "lacquer".

Wear (Abnutzung) in recording blanks, like inebriation, is largely a matter of definition and both subjects are controversial.

Wear means different things to different people. A professional recordist
will consider a recording worn beyond use as soon as he can notice an increase in noise level, a loss of high frequency response, or any form of distortion audible to his trained car. A non-critical home recordist, with his less exacting equipment, would not be conscious of wear that would make a recording worthless professionally.

Test Equipment Available

High frequency loss with repeated playing is perhaps the easiest way to attack the wear problem. A high frequency of substantial level is cut, preferably at the smallest groove diameter to be used. This groove is played back repeatedly and the level watched on a meter, the number of playings required for a given decrease being an index of wear. This method is good for comparative measurements but cannot be used over a long period unless the cutting and the playback stylii are standardized. One advantage of this method is that the equipment required is usually available anywhere that blanks are cut.

Measure Noise Level

Increase of noise level on repeated playings is another method of measurement. This requires a set-up capable of measuring noise level as described in our column last month. Unmodulated grooves are cut, the noise level is measured, and the grooves played repeatedly until the noise level increases an arbitrary amount. 6db is a convenient increase. The number of playings required is reduced by weighting the pickup and we find that with 2 1/4 oz. weight at the playback point from 100 to 200 playings are required to "wear" a good lacquer.

When many measurements must be made, it is a time saver to position the pickup so there is no side pull, at the testing diameter so that when the end of a groove is reached, the pickup will slip back into the adjacent groove and repeat over and over in the last groove. A slight tilt to the turntable may be needed. Of course, when the pickup climbs over the wall there will be a terrific noise produced and the output meter needs to be protected at this instant. A telegraph key short circuiting the meter is a convenient way of doing this and with a little practice the noise can be measured over almost a complete revolution day after day with only an occasional accident to the meter.

Another Method

One logical objection to the above method is the use of unmodulated
grooves, although any rise in noise level is first detected where there is no modulation. A different method of measuring wear employs modulated grooves. A full level tone of from 70 to 90 cycles is cut, and played back through a high pass filter. The filter, if it is a very good one, will take out the fundamental and all the various harmonies, leaving the noise which can be measured. Wear is again taken as the number of playings which produces a 6db increase. Tests made this way usually give readings from 60% to 80% of the unmodulated readings.

Temperature is a big factor in wear measurements, wear going down or up
with temperature, except in the high frequency loss method where the loss may be faster at higher temperature.

Most lacquers have a good progressive wear characteristic but some will be found where the grooves become suddenly useless, as though they were breaking down completely instead of wearing gradually.

Our general experience has been that whatever method is used, the results are about the same. Five different lacquers measured by any of the three methods would keep their same relative positions.

ATC Vet Returns To Audio Devices

The manufacturers of AUDIODISCS, Audio Devices, Inc., 444 Madison Avenue, New York, proudly announce the return of Captain C. C. Pell, Jr., to their organization as national sales manager.

Captain Pell, during four years of service as an Army Transport Command pilot, completed fifty-five Atlantic and four Pacific crossings. Other flights carried him to South America, Africa, India, and the Middle East.

An outstanding athlete. Pell gained national fame by teaming with Bobby Grant to win the U. S. Amateur Racquets Doubles Championship in 1936. The pair retained the title through 1941. No tournaments have been held during the war years.

Mr. Pell's duties with Audio Devices will also include flying. Using his own plane, he will contact representatives and distributors in over 200 cities throughout the United States and Canada. Customers, such as radio stations, motion picture studios, professional recording studios, phonograph record manufacturers, schools and colleges, also, will be included in these cross-country jaunts.

Reporters Wanted

The current issue of AUDIO RECORD is Volume I, Number 4 - we hope it has brought you a measure of entertainment, that some of the information we have been able to bring you has been interesting and useful to you. We want this paper to be of even greater use, and this can be made possible through your own cooperation.

An exchange of information can be of mutual assistance in these times of rapidly changing techniques in all lines of endeavour, and this is particularly true of the recording field. AUDIO RECORD can be a medium of such exchange and we will be only too happy to keep our columns open to our readers. The daily life of a recording engineer is filled with many incidents, some of them amusing - such incidents often make interesting reading. Perhaps you have a success story to tell which may be an inspiration to others.

In other words, AUDIO RECORD needs reporters;
it can continue to be interesting only if you wish it to be. Send your letters to: THE EDITOR. AUDIO RECORD, 444 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK 22, N. Y. If you have interesting photographs, send them along, too! We'll print 'em!

audio record - 1945 - Monat 12 (Vol.1 - No.5 December)

An den Artikeln sieht man, "das Leben" spielte sich (auch in den USA) in den Großstädten ab. In den "WOR Recording Studios" ist die Reihe der 6 großen 40cm Schneidemaschinen natürlich "der" Blickfang für Fotografen und Presse und Besucher.

WOR Recording Studios- Second to None (das gibt es nicht zweimal - also ist es einmalig !)

New York's Mutual Outlet Handling Tremendous Recording Load

Taking their place as one of the major organizations in the business, the WOR Recording Studios are now doing a large percent of all commercial recording in the New York area. Located on the 8th floor of 1440 Broadway, the WOR Recording Studios facilities are used by Business concerns from as far west as Chicago. Over 50 percent of the studios' work is handling commercial transcriptons for most all of the major advertising agencies in New York City.

Program Popularity Checked

The WOR Recording Studios also maintain a reference recording room for the purpose of making air checks for Advertising agencies. One third of the Work of the reference recording room consists of making discs for rebroadcast - for WOR as well as for other Stations in New York City.

"The Sealed Book," syndicated radio Program series
produced by WOR's commercial Program Sales division, is recorded at the 1440 Broadway studios for transcription use all over the United States as well as in Canada and Hawai.

Package shows, information and industrial series, propaganda messages and programs for governments in exile during the war, commercial transcriptions, special sound effects records - all have been recorded in the WOR studios.

Best Equipment Available

The WOR Recording Studios, which were opened in June 1942, represent
the latest word in recording facilities. The studios are modern in design and offer the latest in acoustical properties, lighting installations and recording equipment. The entire division is airconditioned providing favorable working conditions regardless of outside temperature, and assuring uniformity of recording equipment operation.

The studios were designed under the supervision of sound control experts.
The walls are built with obtuse angles which control reverberation and help eliminate sound reflections without the loss of desirable brilliance so necessary to the production of high fidchty recordings.

The control rooms have specially designed Holophane lighting installations providing the ultimate in visual aid; the vision panels are set at angles which reduce glare, and each control room is equipped with a three-way talk-back microphone.

The recording machines themselves are the finest available - Scully Recording Lathes. Two of these are located in each of the two recording rooms; immediately adjacent to the control rooms of the studios. They are so arranged that a vision panel enables the recording engineer to look directly into the studio.

Eighteen Channels

The studios have eighteen channels available at all times; twelve of these are located in the reference recording room. These channels are chiefly used for recording programs "off the line" or "off the air." All eighteen channels are quickly interchangeable.

Re-Recording Equipment Set Apart

The re-recording equipment is installed in a specially designed and acoustically treated room which is isolated from the rest of the studios. The equipment consists of four dual speed, constant velocity, turntables and reproduction is achieved through the use of four high fidelity lateral-vertical reproducers.

For master re-recording a special studio has been built containing two Scully recording lathes. The studio includes an audio control console with vertical and lateral reproducing channels with associated equalizing systems.

One of the most important factors in present day recording practice is the blank disc itself. In WOR'S studios these discs are kept in specially constructed cabinets until required for use. The temperature is kept constant, thus insuring a uniform cutting medium at all times.

Reported by Henry B. Lockwood - he manages the WOR Recording Studios.

  • Anmerkung : In diesen wenigen Ausgaben liest man zum ersten Mal, mit welchem Aufwand - auch in USA - Sprache und/oder Musik auf 78er Platten geschnitten wurde.
  • Die 78er Platte mit 30cm lief ja nur ca. 5 1/2 Minuten. Die 40cm Platte lief mit ca. 15 Minuten schon etwas länger, mußte aber dennoch überlappend aufgenommen werden.
  • Die "Scully lathers", also die Schneidemaschinen von der Firma Scully und dann später von RCA und weiteren Herstellern waren das bis dahin beste Studio- Aufnahme-Gerät, das es drüben in USA gab.
  • Als so um 1955 die ersten deutschen Neumann Schneide-Maschinen nach USA rüber kamen, mußten diese Firmen (die bisherigen Platzhirsche) im Studiobereich sich werbemäßig heftig wehren und dennoch "warm anziehen".



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