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"HIGH-FIDELITY" - Angekündigt im April 1951 in der AUDIO -
in Juli 1989 an "Stereo Review" verkauft bzw. "eingegliedert"

Durch Zufall sehe ich in der "AUDIO Engineering" (der späteren US-AUDIO) vom April 1951 eine sonderbare ausgeblichene Anzeige für eine weitere neue Audio-Zeitschrift "HIGH-FIDELITY". Der Chefredakteur von der US-AUDIO hatte sich zu diesem Zeitpunkt sicher noch keine Gedanken darüber gemacht, daß dieses neue Magazin mal sein ärgster Rivale werden würde.

Die Anzeige beginnt mit folgendem Titel :

"If you're an AUDIO-PHILE*" . . . .

You will want this new kind of magazine ...

for jour listening pleasure:
Whatever your interest is in radio and recorded music, whether you are a critical listener or a technically minded hobbyist, you'll say of HIGH-FIDELITY Magazine : "This is just the kind of publication I want. It is edited exactly to suit me!"

better reproduction:
Helping readers to find the kind of music they want, and to reproduce it the way they want to hear it is one of the basic purposes of HIGH-FIDELITY. You will find information on both modest and expensive installations, each planned according to best audio practice.

custom installations:
HIGH-FIDELITY will give you a wealth of ideas on space-saving units for small apartments, built-in designs for private homes, demonstration installations for advertising agencies, speaker systems for residence organs, and plans for home and studio recording.

you can build your own:
Looking for instructions on building equipment in your home workshop? Then look to HIGH-FIDELITY for detailed instructions that follow the very latest engineering developments and techniques, modified to suit the facilities you have at your command.

about records, new and old:
You'll he amazed and delighted to see the results of research and consultations with music authorities and collectors represented in this department, carefully compiled and classified, covering all types of recordings to meet all tastes and purposes.

if you're a beginner:
Maybe, as an Audio-phile. you are now on the outside, looking in. If so, HIGH-FIDELITY has a special department for you with a door-mat that says Welcome to all those who want to join the fraternity, and learn the mysteries and delights of fine audio reproduction.

all this, and more:
These, are only some of the features in HIGH-FIDELITY. You will find a fascinating wealth of information, whether your interest is in the music rather than in the equipment which produces it, or if you are a critical listener to whom the technical perfection of your equipment is paramount.

a limited edition:
The first issue is necessarily a limited edition. Copies are not available on newsstands, therefore, to be sure of getting the first issue you must send in your subscription order without delay.

Die Versprechungen stehen in der Spalte rechts neben dran:

In the last two years, there has developed an amazing interest in fine radio and recorded music for home entertainment. Previously the possibilities of high fidelity reproduction were known only to engineers and a few technically-minded hobbyists.

But suddenly people began to reject the synthetic tone quality of ordinary radio sets and phonographs. For they discovered the totally different kind of music available from the new types of records, improved tape recorders, and static-free FM broadcasting.

And to their surprise, they found that equipment capable of magnificent tone quality is moderate in cost, admirably suited to inconspicuous custom built instalations.

The more people learned about this new kind of musical entertainment, the more they wanted a source of information devoted to their particular interests. HIGH-FIDELITY Magazine has been brought out meet their specific needs.

It is published by Milton B. Sleeper, also the publisher of RADIO COMMUNICATION, author of many technical books, and a prominent figure in the radio industry for more than thirty years.

HIGH-FIDELITY is a big magazine, 8" by 11", handsomely illustrated, beautifully printed on fine paper. You'll find the contents interesting, readable, authoritative, filled with a wealth of information available from no other source. A year's Subscription (4 big quarterly issues) will give you a full 12-months' supply of new ideas, supplemented by Readers' service always ready to help you. Subscribe now so you will have the first isseue of HIGH-FIDELITY.

Published by Milton B. Sleeper

Die erste Ausgabe 1951

Dieses US-HIGH-FIDELITY "magazine" gab es dann ab Sommer 1951

Die gescannten Magazine mit fast allen Seiten und fast allen Ausgaben dieses Magazins bis 1970 hatte ich hier gefunden : 
Und dazu gab es diesen Text:
High Fidelity was published from April 1951 until July 1989 covering audio and high fidelity audio equipment, FM radio, FM stereo, video equipment, audio recordings, and related fields. It was founded by Milton B Sleeper.

Übrigens :
Hier im Juni 1968 stand zum ersten Male etwas über die BOSE 901 Box für schlappe US$ 476.- und einen neuen GRUNDIG Tuner RT40U für US$ 239,50 !!

Die Magazine ab 1971 suchen wir noch.

Und hier gibt es noch viel mehr zu lesen:

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