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Erläuterungen zu diesen 1948er US-AUDIO Seiten

Die hier stehenden amerikanischen Artikel aus 1948 (aus der US-AUDIO) sind teilweise sehr gewöhnungsbedürftig, weil sie erstens aus einer längst vergangenen Zeit stammen und zweitens, weil dort in den USA ganz "anders" gedacht wurde als bei uns in Old Germany oder in Europa.
Vergleichbar mit unseren deutschen Hifi-Magazinen etwa ab 1962 ist jedoch, daß auch diese Zeitschrift ihre Anzeigen- Kunden und -Leser (be- oder ab- ?) werben mußte.

Die Ausgaben der US-AUDIO von 1947 bis 1958 liegen in teilweise ganz miserablen PDF-Dateien vor, in denen die Reihenfolge der Seiten teils völlig wirr ist. Der Aufwande, einen einzigen Artikel komlett zusammenzubauen, ist daher erheblich. Die Fotos sind so gräuselig schlecht, daß sie nur in Ausnahmefällen eingebaut werden.



• ALL of us in the audio field have one interest in common - better sound reproduction. For this reason, we call special attention to the article in this issue by our Managing Editor, C.G. McProud, describing an exceptionally fine audio amplifier which he designed around the new 6AS7G dual triode.

Several months ago a reader suggested that we investigate the possibilities of this new tube for output service in a high-grade amplifier. Its characteristics are better than the 6B4G, and it did look rather exciting. Many of us had felt, though, that a beam power tube, properly handled, could do as good a job as anyone could want, and preliminary reports from others who had experimented with the 6AS7G were not too encouraging.

But we weren't going to risk missing a good bet, so Mac drew up a schematic, gathered together the necessary components and started construction of the amplifier.

Two days later he phoned me from his home. The wiring would be completed in an hour, and would I bring down a 6AS7G tube from the office. When I arrived, the final connections were being made. As soon as these were completed and a cursory check of connections made, the tubes were rather gingerly inserted and the power switch snapped on. After balancing the cathode voltages of the two sections of the 6AS7G, the amplifier was hooked up to his two-way speaker system and phono equipment. It worked beautifully right off the bat.

When a high quality sound system is performing as it should, it is never necessary for listeners to go into a huddle to decide whether or not there is anything wrong with it. Its performance was extraordinary and both of us were instantly delighted.

Enough. Try it for yourself, and with our blessing!


• THE interest created by letters from Frank E. Sherry, in Texas, and C.J. LeBel, in New York City (Vize Chef von Audio Devices), which were published in recent issues of this magazine, has resulted in the organization of a new engineering society called the Audio Engineering Society.

The decision to form a separate organization, rather than to affiliate at this time with some larger group, was reached at the first meeting in New York City, February 17th, at which time the name was adopted.

Committees have been formed to prepare by laws, file formal organization papers, etc. A full story of the aims of the new organization appears elsewhere.

There are many who believe that the best interests of these in the audio field could have been attained by affiliation with one of the older, well established engineering societies, such as the "Institute of Radio Engineers" (IRE) or the "Acoustical Society of America". Letters from Howard Chinn and Vincent Salmon supporting this contention are published in this issue.

But even though the majority of those attending the first meeting belonged to one or both of these societies, and motions for affiliation with the older societies were presented, these motions were badly defeated.

Announcement that Dr. Harry F. Olson will present the first technical paper before the members of the new society indicate that the organization is receiving strong support in high engineering circles. For this, we understand, RCA's extraordinarily brilliant E. W. Engstrom, Vice President in charge of RCA Research Labs, is responsible.

Word from California indicates that a chapter in that section will shortly be formed. The temporary officers tell us that other cities and states are also being heard from. Our personal conversations with those active in the new organization reveal a great deal of enthusiasm and an absence of self-seeking effort which portend a successful future for the enterprise. We extend our congratulations and best wishes.


• A NEW series on telephone recording by E.W. Savage starts next month. C.G. McProud is coming out with a new tuner employing a unique band-pass filter and detector, for use with high grade audio equipment. And there are several others, from here and abroad, which we can't announce at the moment.
J. H. P.

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