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Das (US) AUDIO "magazine" von 1947 bis zum Jahr 2000

Das amerikanische "AUDIO magazine" verwirrt uns Deutsche durch die Namensgleichheit mit dem deutschen Hifi-Magazin "AUDIO". Doch das amerikanische "AUDIO magazine" gab es schon Jahrzehnte früher. "AUDIO" zusammen mit "High-Fidelity" und "Stereo Review" gibt uns einen wunderbaren Einblick in den größten Hifi-Markt der Welt.
Ab 1959 sind die gedruckten Ausgaben der US-AUDIO eingescannt. Wir blicken auf etwa 240 Milionen Einwohner - auf 3 Zeitzonen verteilt - und das spiegelt einen Markt wieder, auf dem die eigentliche Hifi-Geschichte geschrieben wurde. Ein Blick in die edlen Wohn- zimmer der oberen 100.000 (= Hunderttausend !! - also nicht unserer "oberen Zehntausend") kommt immer wieder vor. - Auch ein historischer (Ein-) Blick auf und in die alten US-Gebäude, die damaligen US-Studios und die lustigen amerikanischen Büros und Werkstätten der US-Sender und Hersteller ist für uns historisch erhellend und erfreulich informativ.


(US) AUDIO Magazine 1948-01


CONTENTS JANUARY, 1948 Vol. 32 No. 1


  1. Editor's Report 4 (steht auf einer eigenen Seite)
  2. Letters 5
  3. Experimental Noise Suppressor - Charles D. Cole 9
  4. A Flexible Decade Amplifier - Donald I. Clark 13
  5. Hollywood Sapphire Group - Robert J. Callen 17
  6. Design of A New Lacquer Recording Stylus - Isabel I. Capps 18
  7. Audio Frequency-Response Measurements in Broadcasting - A. E. Richmond. 21
  8. Record Revue:
  9. Classical Recordings - Edward Talnall Canby. 25
  10. Popular Recordings - Bertram Stanleigh. 25
  11. Review of the Present Status of Magnetic Recording Theory, Part III - W. Wetzel 26
  12. Economic Considerations in Industrial Ultrasonics - S. Young White 31
  13. Technicana: 807 Amplifiers, Parmly Anechoic Chamber, New Unit of Resistance 34
  14. Professional Directory 34
  15. New Products. 36
  16. Advertising Index. 48



The control room at Columbia Broadcasting System Station WJSV, Wheaton, Md. Douglas. The plywood was bent on a long arc to make the railing and linoleum was applied over the plywood.

(US) AUDIO Magazine 1948-02


CONTENTS FEBRUARY, 1948 Vol. 32 No. 2


  1. Editor's Report. 4 (steht auf einer eigenen Seite)
  2. Letters. 6
  3. Broadcasting Studio Pickup Technique - H. M. Gurin. 9
  4. Sound Reinforcement in the Hollywood Bowl - M. Rettinger and Sterling M. Stevens. 15
  5. Analyzing Intermodulation. 17
  6. Feedback Preamplifier for Magnetic Pickups - Richard S. Burwen. 18
  7. Two-Way Speaker System, Part III - C. G. McProud. 21
  8. Facts About Loudspeakers, Part I - 0. L. Angevine, Jr. and R. S. Anderson. 24
  9. Cavity Pressure Determination of Hearing Aid Gain. 27
  10. Elements of Ultrasonics - S. Toting White. 28
  11. I.R.E. 1948 National Convention, Tentative Technical Program. 30
  12. Record Revue:
  13. Classical Recordings - Edward Tatnall Canby. 32
  14. Popular Recordings - Bertram Stanleigh. 32
  15. New Products. 34
  16. Technicana: High-Quality Amplifier, Synchrodyne Receiver, Changes in Standard Frequency Broadcast. 36
  17. Professional Directory. 36
  18. Advertising Index. 48



Control room of Studio 1, KSI., Salt Lake City, Utah.

(US) AUDIO Magazine 1948-03


CONTENTS MARCH, 1948 Vol. 32 No.3


  1. Editor's Report. 4 (steht auf einer eigenen Seite)
  2. Letters. 6
  3. Hollywood Sapphire Group Meeting. 10
  4. Balanced Clipper Noise Suppressor - S. Leslie Price. 13
  5. The Audio Engineering Society is Formed - L. Goodfriend. 16
  6. Increasing Volume Level in Disc Recording - Emory Cook. 17
  7. Need for The Audio Engineering Society - By the Organization Committee. 20
  8. High Quality Amplifier with the 6AS7G - C.G. McProud. 21
  9. Facts About Loudspeakers, Part II - 0.L. Angevine, Jr. and R. S. Anderson. 25
  10. DBM vs. VU - Howard A. Chinn. 28
  11. Coupling Ultrasonic Energy to a Load - S. Young White. 29
  12. The Distributed Amplifier. 31
  13. Record Review:
  14. Classical Recordings - Edward Tatnall Canby. 32
  15. Popular Recordings - Bertram Stanleigh. 32
  16. New Products. 34
  17. Professional Directory. 34
  18. Chart: Microseconds-DB Conversion - Gorman C. Pickering. 36
  19. Advertising Index. 48



The new Western Electric program distribution system aboard the Burlington's Vista Dome Zephyrs. The program distribution system makes available a choice of two recorded and two radio programs at all times.

(US) AUDIO Magazine 1948-04


CONTENTS APRIL, 1948 Vol.32, No.4


  1. Letters. 4
  2. Editor's Report. 6 (steht auf einer eigenen Seite)
  3. Two-Channel Two-Way-Drive Magnetic Tape Recorder - R.E. Rentier and R.B. Vaile, Jr. 11
  4. Notes on Pre-equalization for Phonograph Records. 15
  5. CBS Transmission Measuring Set - Donald E. Maxwell. 16
  6. Commercial Disc Recording and Processing in England. 19
  7. Telephone Recording, Part I - E.W. Savage. 20
  8. Design of Electronic Organs, Part III - Winston Wells. 24
  9. Notes on Using High-Power Ultrasonics - S. Young While. 26
  10. Charts:
  11. Phase Shift of RC Coupling Circuit. 28
  12. Attenuation & Phase Shift of RC Coupling Circuit. 29
  13. Record Review:
  14. Classical Recordings - Edward Tatnall Canby. 30
  15. Popular Recordings - Bertram Stanleigh. 30
  16. Technicana: Single-Tube A-F Oscillator, Theatre Sound Re-enforcement System. 32
  17. Professional Directory. 32
  18. New Products. 34
  19. Advertising Index. 48



The communications control console on the desk of the director of news broadcast of the Columbia Broadcasting System in New York City. This unit controls two-way circuits to program origination points throughout the world. These transoceanic communications channels are used prior to actual news broadcasts to arrange the timing of the broadcast, the program content, and other program productive problems.

(US) AUDIO Magazine 1948-05


CONTENTS MAY, 1948 Vol. 32, No.5


  1. Letters. 4
  2. Editor's Report. 6 (steht auf einer eigenen Seite)
  3. A Loudness Control for Reproducing Systems - David C. Bamberger. 11
  4. An Artificial Reverberation System - George IV. Curran. 13
  5. Factors Affecting Frequency and Distortion in Magnetic Recording - J.S. Royers. 18
  6. A Practical Gain Set - C. G. Mc Proud. 20
  7. Record Review - Edward Tatnall Canby. 24
  8. Horn-Type Loudspeakers - V.J. White. 25
  9. Vented Loudspeaker Enclosures - F. E. Planer, and I. I. Roswell. 29
  10. Audio Design Notes:
  11. Attenuation vs. Frequency, Single Constant K Section Low or High-Pass Filter "Stylus"
  12. New Products. 32
  13. Professional Directory. 32
  14. Advertising Index. 48



New RCA 44BX broadcast microphones being inspected before shipment at the RCA factory in Camden.

(US) AUDIO Magazine 1948-06


CONTENTS JUNE, 1948 Vol. 32, No. 6


  1. Letters. 5
  2. Editor's Report. 6 (steht auf einer eigenen Seite)
  3. Misconceptions About Record Wear - Norman Pickering. H
  4. Sapphire Group Second Anniversary Meeting. 14
  5. Three-Way Speaker System - George Douglas. 15
  6. RC Circuits as Equalizers - Holger Marcus Dahl. 16
  7. The Problem of Sound Distribution, Part I - 0.L. Angevine and R.S. Anderson 18
  8. General Purpose 6AS7G Amplifier - C.G. McProud. 24
  9. Audio Engineering Society News. 29
  10. Applications of Ultrasonics to Biology - S. Young White. 30
  11. Record Revue - Edward Tatnall Canby. 32
  12. New Products. 34
  13. Professional Directory. 34
  14. Advertising Index . 48



The ingenious arrangement of control facilities and studios of the broadcasting station recently completed for KOMO by "The Austin Company" is shown in this view of the master control room. The engineer can see into two 2-way control booths which serve three small studios on the left. He can control broadcasts from the console and his constant visual contact with the operations control center through window on the right. Photo courtesy of The Austin Co.

(US) AUDIO Magazine 1948-07

Erstmalig auf einer AUDIO Coverseite von 1948 sieht man den Amerikaner Jack Mullin mit den neuen AMPEX 200A Bandmaschinen in einem Studio stehen. Ofensichtlich war es gar nicht opprtun, Mullin mit den beiden deutschen AEG K4 Magnetophons zu zeigen, die er in den USA wieder zusammengebaut und mit HF Tehnik nachgerüstet hatte. - Doch so manche von Ampex und Mullin gepflegte Legende löst sich so langsam auf. An der Westküste wurde bereits im November 1945 die gesamt deutsche Magnetophon Palette erstaunlich exakt beschrieben und 1946 den interessierten Fachleuten im US-Wirtschaftministerium vorgeführt.

CONTENTS JULY, 1948 Vol. 32, No. 7


  1. Letters .1
  2. Germanium Crystal Amplifier - Winston Wells . 6
  3. The Edispot - A Spotting Device for Magnetic Tape Editing - Richard S. O'Brien . 11
  4. Manufacture of Phonograph Record Matrices - Harold Harris . 14
  5. Design and Construction of a Wired Music System - Arthur R. O'Neil and Herbert G. Cole 19
  6. 30-Watt High-Fidelity Audio Amplifier - Curtiss R. Schajer. 21
  7. Getting the Most Out of a Reflex-Type Speaker - Benjamin B. Drisko . 24
  8. Telephone Recording - Part II - E. W. Savage and S. Young While . 26
  9. Binaural Phenomenon - 5. Young While. 30
  10. Applications of Magnetic Recording in Network Broadcasting - R. F. Bigwood. 31
  11. Record Revue:
  12. Classical Recordings - Edward Tatnall Canby. 34
  13. Popular Recordings - Bertram Stanleigh. 34
  14. New Products . 36
  15. Professional Directory 36
  16. Advertising Index .48



Jack Mullen, recording engineer, checking Ampex recording of Crosby show on ABC.
(Dazu gehört mein Kommentar weiter oben.).

Im Juli 1948 gibt es keinen "EDITOR'S REPORT "


(US) AUDIO Magazine 1948-08


CONTENTS AUGUST, 1948 Vol. 32, No. 8


  1. Letters 4
  2. Editor's Report . 6 (steht auf einer eigenen Seite)
  3. Technicana: Bridge and Ring Modulators. 10
  4. A Practical Impedance Bridge - John Winslow. 13
  5. Electron Tube Phonograph Pickup - H. F. Olson and J. Preston. 17
  6. Speech Recording in the Classroom - William J. Temple . 21
  7. Simplified Dynamic Noise Suppressor - C. G. McProud . 22
  8. Columbia LP Microgroove Records. 24
  9. Record Revue - Edward Tatnall Canby. 25
  10. Heater Supplies for Amplifier Hum Reduction - Frederick W. Smith. 26
  11. Experimental Germanium Crystal Amplifier - S. Young White. 28
  12. New Products . 30
  13. Professional Directory . 30
  14. Advertising Index . 40



Acoustic treatment of one of the studios at KSL, Salt Lake City, Utah.

(US) AUDIO Magazine 1948-09


CONTENTS SEPT., 1948 Vol. 32, No. 9


  1. Letters . 4
  2. Editor's Report. 6 (steht auf einer eigenen Seite)
  3. Polyethylene Phonograph Records - Otto J. M. Smith . 13
  4. Audio Engineering Society News . 15
  5. The Problem of Sound Distribution, Part II - 0.L. Angevine and R.S. Anderson. 16
  6. Technicana: Intermodulation . 19
  7. Elements of Residence Radio Systems, Part I - C.G. McProud . 22
  8. Design of Amplifying Crystal Units - S. Young White . 26
  9. Design of Electronic Organs. Part IV - Winston Wells. 28
  10. FM Tuning Indicator - L.R. Keim . 32
  11. Record Revue - Edward Tatnall Canby . . 33
  12. Audio Design Notes: Coaxial Cable Capacity - "Stylus" . 34
  13. New Products. 36
  14. Professional Directory. 36
  15. Advertising Index . 48



This extraordinary photograph of a recording stvlus cutting an acetate disc was made by Winston Wells especially for our cover. As shown, it has been enlarged about 12 diameters.

(US) AUDIO Magazine 1948-10


CONTENTS OCT., 1948 Vol. 32- No. 10


  1. Editor's Report .4 (steht auf einer eigenen Seite)
  2. Letters. 8
  3. Magnetic Tape Recorder of Broadcast Quality - Harold Lindsay and Myron Stolaroff. 13
  4. Inlermodulalion and Harmonic Distortion Measurements - J. Avins . 17
  5. Measuring Amplifier Internal Resistance - Walter Richter. 19
  6. Audio Engineering Society, San Francisco Section. 20
  7. Elements of Residence Radio Systems, Part II - C. G. McProud. 21
  8. High Quality Speaker Enclosure - Herbert G. Eidson. Jr. 24
  9. The Problem of Sound Distribution, Part III - O.L. Angevine and R. S. Anderson. 28
  10. Experimental Data on Germanium Crystal Amplifiers - S. Young White. 32
  11. Resistor Error in Attenuators - Herbert I. Keroes. 34
  12. DBM - Impedance Chart - Clarkslan Corp. 36
  13. New Products. 38
  14. Professional Directory. 38
  15. Record Revue - Edward Tatnall Canity. 45
  16. TECHNICANA : Notes on a 6AS7G Amplifier. 50
  17. Advertising Index . 56



Sound wave emitted by loudspeaker. Photographed by Winston Wells especially for Audio Engineering.

(US) AUDIO Magazine 1948-11


CONTENTS NOV., 1948 Vol.32 No. 11


  1. Editor's Report 6 (steht auf einer eigenen Seite)
  2. Letters. 8
  3. Audio System Design Fundamentals - Howard A. Chinn . 11
  4. Audio Engineering Society, San Francisco Section. 14
  5. Design of a Continuously Variable Audio Signal Generator - Bruiilon Bauer. 15
  6. Characteristics of Amplifying Crystals - S. Young White . 18
  7. Elements of Residence Radio Systems, Part III - C.G. McProud. 20
  8. Sound on Film - John A. Maurer. 24
  9. Record Revue - Edward Talnall Canby. 28
  10. Two-Way Speaker from Commercial Components - John W inslow. 29
  11. New Products. 32
  12. Professional Directory. 32
  13. Advertising Index. 48



Photomicrograph of the surface of a treated germanium crystal amplifier unit. Photographed by Winston Wells especially for Audio Engineering.

(US) AUDIO Magazine 1948-12 (December)


CONTENTS DEC., 1948 Vol. 32, No. 12


  1. What Constitutes High Fidelity Reproduction? 8
  2. Magnetic Field Distribution of a Ring Recording Head - S.J. Begun. 11
  3. Telephone Recording, Part III - E. W. Savage. 14
  4. Suggested Wiring Standards for Motion Picture Recording Equipment - Cino Rudolf. 16
  5. A Clarification of Germanium Triode Characteristics - S. Young White. 19
  6. Residence Radio Systems, Part IV - C.G. McProud. 22
  7. Record Revue- Edward Tatnall Canby. 26
  8. New Products .28
  9. Advertising Index . 45
  10. Audio Engineering Subject Index, 1947-1948.
  11. Audio Engineering Author Index, 1917-1948.



Cover montage illustrates studio acoustic treatment and master console furnished by RCA to station WMGM, New York City.

In der Dezemberausgabe gibt es nur ein Mini-Editorial

What Constitutes High Fidelity Reproduction? (steht auf einer eigenen Seite)
A review of papers presented at the "Acoustical Society" meeting in Cleveland Nov. 6, 1948.
Das kommt auf dieser eigenen Seite ......


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