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Wir haben jetzt 10 Jahre nach 1991 und es ist viel passiert .....

Laut Kosai Wada kämpft Pioneer immer noch ums Überleben. Ein solch großes Schiff ins rechte Fahrwaser zu "bugsieren", ist nicht einfach. Die Umstellung der Produkte nach dem kostspieligen Flop mit der Bildplatte, die enfach nicht ans Laufen kommen wollte, kam zu oft zu spät.

Die anderen japanischen Wettbewerber waren da flexibler und vor allem schneller, weil sie einfach deutlich kleinere Produktionen und Werke hatten. Wenn eine Produktlinie nicht läuft, kann man in einem kleineren Werk die Produktion schneller anhalten, abrechen und umstellen.

Zum Ende 2000 kamen ein paar super tolle neue Produkte ins Pioneer Programm - wie der erstaunliche VSX-859 RDS Receiver, Produkte, die entweder "zu preiswert !!!" waren (und damit unglaubwürdig "billig" - der Grundig SXV 6000 läßt grüßen) oder in der Herstellung zu teuer waren.

Es gab nur ein paar neue Produkte zum Anfang 2001 .....

Das PIONEER Logo in 2000
Der neue VSX 909 RDS

Hier waren sie zum ersten Mal zu sehen, die neuen VSX Multimedia A/V Receiver. Über eines dieser Modelle - den Receiver VSX 859 RDS - sind wir in 2023 gestolpert, als er mangels Reparatur entsorgt werden sollte.

Aber so richtig gewichten können wir diese Vorgänge der mehrfachen Produktions- Linien- Wechsel erst mit den sehr lesenswerten Erläuterungen in den Kolumnen des japanischen Chefredakteurs Kosai Wada, was in Japan im Hintergrund der Hifi-Branche abging ... und das war für japanische Firmenchefs gar nicht mehr lustig.

Pioneer hatte in seiner Glanzzeit weltweit angeblich etwa 350.000 Mitarbeiter. Und da mußte irgend etwas produziert und auch exportiert und verkauft werden. Solch eine Produktionsstraße mit mehreren tausend Mitarbeitern und vor allem jungen Mitarbeiterinnen stellt man nicht über Nacht auf ein neues Produkt um. Was uns der Herr Wada aber in seinen Kolumnen in allen vorliegenden 18 Jahren "verschwiegen" hatte, Japan hatte schon recht früh angefangen, die Produktion auch der hochwertigen Hifi-Geräte ins billigere Ausland zu verlagern.

Aufgefallen war das an den rückseitigen Aufdrucken auf dem VSX-908 (Made in Japan) und dem Nachfolger, dem VSX-859 (Made in Indonesia) und dem gigantischen Verkaufspreis-Unterschied von DM 3.500.- zu DM 2000.-.

Wenn Sie bis unten angekommen sind : zu viele alte Produkte

Diese alten CD-Wechsler waren einfach nicht mehr zu verkaufen

Mit etwas Hintergrundwissen erkennt man, Pioneer hatte gezwungenermaßen eine Aufholjagt bei den Produkten angestoßen, weil die alten Podukte bei den Kunden weltweit nicht mehr "ankamen".
Im Rückblick wissen wir, die Zeit der CD-Wechsler, lange Zeit eine Domäne von Pioneer, war zu Ende und da gab es nichts mehr zu gewinnen. Dieser Markt war vorher schon klein und ist jetzt ganz klein. Sicher gab es bei Pioneer schon 1987 Geräte mit einem digitalen Touch. Doch der Einzug der Mikroprozessoren war unaufhaltsam - auch bei Pioneer - und dieses Wissen mußte erstmal "getankt" werden.

Der Markt für die Pioneer CD-Wechsler, die bei uns immer öfter geklemmt hatten war auch klein, weil diese mechanische Technik einfach nicht handlich war. Hatte man von einer der 300 CDs nur einen einzigen Titel programmiert, alleine das war schón aufwendig, dann dauerte das Wechseln (inzwischen zum Vergleich zu DVD Spielern oder dem PC als Quelle) viel zu lange und die Blech-Kiste klapperte auch noch hörbar vor sich hin.

.... und zu viele strahlende Gesichter - aber ohne Ausstrahlung und zu poppig

Nach den ersten 5 Seiten fragt man sich, was verkaufen die hier eigentlich ? - Zahnpasta oder die neue Hautcreme "For ever joung" oder moderne Lifestile Wohnungseinrichtungen in riesigen Millionärs- Wohnzimmern, die hier keiner bezahlen könnte ?? Es sieht alles etwas abgehoben aus, nicht mehr für die Masse der Hifi-Fans gedacht - wie das früher der Fall war. So öffnet man die Tür für den Wettbewerb - oder war diese Tür schon zu lange offen ? Jedenfalls konnten die finanziell potenten Kinder der Babyboomer mit den ganzen Kinderfotos nichts rechtes anfangen - ich auch nicht - und damals war ich 55.

Your Life. Your Choice. Your Fun.
Pioneer Home Entertainment 2001


(1) Dynamical DVD Reality

Digital Home Cinema >>> Seite 4 > 21

(2) Piece by Piece

Hi-fi Components >>> Seite 22 > 35

(3) Hip and Happening

Hi-Fi Systems >>> Seite 42 > 47

Live your life to the fullest. Enjoy yourself and let your feelings show. Laugh out loud at comedy, Cry at great drama, feel the Adrenalin-Rush of sports and get Goosebumps when you hear the music you love. Pioneer has something for everyone: from individual hi-fi components to full-fledged, digital Home Cinema Systems. Razor-sharp technology, stunning designs and options enough to please everyone. If you are looking for inspiration, emotion, Passion and simply incomparable home entertainment, you have found it in Pioneer. - Life is too short to waste your free time.

Your personal Home Cinema Style

Pioneer's Digital Home Cinema Systems bring the total movie experience into your living room thanks to excellent DVD picture quality and full surround sound — the peak of entertainment possibilities. - Something for everybody from the liveliest live film action, through the most stirring musical sounds, to sports coverage so up close and personal that you'll feel like you've had a work-out. It is so real that it is like having an entire cinema, concert hall and stadium all-in-one in your living room.

Whether you are looking for the entire home cinema experience in one stylish package or want to develop your system step-by-step, Pioneer offers numerous options and components, including market leading DVD expertise. Pioneer’s wide range of leading DVD solutions fit anywhere, anytime and anyplace.

DVD Video

The latest in multimedia digital technology, DVD, guarantees second-to-none picture quality and sound. The digital picture is twice as sharp as standard VHS videotape. Home cinema ready, DVD enables surround sound as impressive as in the cinema, right in your home. The media itself is more durable than VHS tape and doesn’t need to be rewound. Plus DVD is packed with useful features - multiple language and soundtracks and subtitles, support for various audio encoding technologies such as DTS and Dolby Digital, multiple camera angle viewing selection, parental blocking, return-to-pause and view-per-chapter and support for both virtual or digital surround sound. With all of this, DVD is clearly the future.

DTS Digital Surround

A new arrival on the multi-channel, multimedia audio format scene, DTS 5.1 channel playback encoding surround technology is rapidly gaining popularity thanks to its dynamic sound impact that flies at the listener from left, right and centre surround sound speakers.

Open up the doors of digital home cinema and super surround sound with any Pioneer DVD player and A/V amplifier/receiver* because they can handle DTS encoded discs. *Except VSX-409RDS


The current surround sound quality encoding standard, Dolby Digital means movie theatre sound performance for your home cinema. Its 5.1 channel audio sound compression technology wraps you in sound. The front left and right, centre, rear left and right speakers span frequencies from 20Hz - 20kHz and there is a dedicated low frequency channel for extra sound clarity.

Extra features mean not only stunning soundtracks but also additional language tracks on one disc. And Dolby Digital has gone a step further with THX Surround EX, a co-development between Dolby Digital and THX, which adds another audio channel to the soundtrack behind the listener, meaning more depth and localisation for even more sound perfection.

NEW - NS-DV55 - Digital Home Cinema

NS-DV55 - the "Digital Home Cinema System" - Living cinema in your living room, the Pioneer NS-DV55 system is definitely the all-in-one stylish design solution you are looking for. Its various input terminals make it easy to connect your other favourite components. And with a choice of black* or warm wood-tone speakers, it will certainly slide right into any interior. Sleek, compact, and CD-R compatible, opt for a home cinema statement packed with exciting features like DTS surround sound and DolbY Digital. All that can be said is that the NS-DV55 means more digital home cinema surround sound - From your favourite sofa.
XV-DV55 (30 W x 5 + 50 W) - Display + Remote Control
S-DV55ST-Q + S-DV55SW-Q - Wood-tone Satellite Speakers + Wood-tone Subwoofer/Amplifier
S-DV55ST-K + S-DV55SW-K - Black Satellite Speakers + Black Subwoofer/Amplifier

Build towards the Ultimate in Digital Home Cinema

A home cinema system does not mean starting over. Simply begin with what you have : YOUR VCR, TV set and hi-fi speakers. The first step is to add a DVD player for drastically improved image quality and digital sound. Plus DVD players come in many different forms - super compact portable players TO TAKE anywhere, standard component units and even sleek design models. You won’t believe your eyes!

Next, YOU'LL Want to add a receiver or amplifier for virtual surround sound through your hi-fi speakers. Cinema rEALISTIC, it is better than the real thing. Finally, splurge on a 5.1 surround sound system - six speakers in totAL FOR COmplete Dolby Digital or DTS wrap-around sound - the ultimate in Home Entertainment. (So ist der Original-Text !)

Most European homes have separate stereo and TV/VCR installations.

Step 1
To start, add a DVD player or a portable DVD unit to your TV/VCR combination. You can create a surround sound effect with your TV stereo speakers if your DVD player is equipped with a Virtual Surround decoder. Besides outstanding image quality and superb sound, DVD lets you view films in various languages with a selection of soundtracks and enjoy other easy and convenient features, such as viewing per chapter and movie angle selection.

Step 2
The next step, adding a Pioneer A/V amplifier or receiver, is the central component in any home cinema experience. The A/V amplifier or receiver connects all the units, amplifying any sound source in the system — TV, DVD, CD, MiniDisc .... A Pioneer A/V amplifier or receiver not only provides powerful sound, but you also can connect a variety of image sources, such as a video camera (easy if your A/V amplifier or receiver has a front panel input).

Step 3
The final touch, the 5.1 channel surround sound speakers, completes the ultimate home cinema experience. The two front and two rear speakers, one centre speaker above the monitor or TV and one subwoofer for low frequencies will wrap home viewers in digital surround sound - just like in the movie theatre.

Step 4
NS-DV55 Design Home Cinema System
Or maybe you’re feeling like a new sophisticated system in one package? The NS-DV55 is definitely the right direction and a super stylish way of experiencing home cinema. The entire package includes a stylish DVD player with built-in RDS tuner, 5 corresponding black or wood-tone satellite speakers and a subwoofer - everything you need for the best in digital surround sound.

Pioneer Recommends

Don't miss out on the entertainment options you deserve. Pioneer knows audio … and video … and everything in-between. With Pioneer's recommended combination packages, you benefit from expert advice on how to mix and match different components to get the best possible sound, picture, styling and technology. Multi-component packages with a single purpose: to give you the total Digital Home Cinema experience.

1: Design Solution (Dolby Digital + DTS)

If you can’t wait for the ultimate digital home cinema experience, why not consider the NS-DV55, a very stylish way of experiencing home cinema ? The entire package includes a stylish DVD player with built-in RDS tuner, 5 corresponding black or wood-tone satellite speakers and a subwoofer - everything you need for the best in digital surround sound.

2: Dolby Digital + DTS Package - DV-535 + VSX-609RDS + S-V30 (= S-F30 + S-CR30 + subwoofer S-W80S)

A great home cinema system with Dolby Digital and DTS surround sound, this package starts with the quality easy-to-use DV-535 player and the highly functional VSX-609 RDS A/V receiver with 5.1 channel input. Add the wood-tone satellite S-F30, S-CR30 speakers and a S-W80S subwoofer to bring cinema to your home in one simple step.

3: Dolby Pro Logic Package
DV-535 + VSX-409RDS + S-F30 + S-CR30

Or maybe a Dolby Pro Logic system is more your style. Then this starter package is perfect. It starts with the quality DV-535 player and the VSX-409RDS A/V receiver with 5.1 channel input. The compact S-F30 and S-CR30 speakers add quality Dolby Pro Logic sound to the system.

Dynamically Digital DVD Reality

DVD-Audio is a brand new, high quality multi-channel audio format offering even better quality than CDs. This means superb surround sound, longer playing time and the same type of interactivity found on DVD-Video. - A dual layer DVD-Audio can play at least 2 hours of full surround sound audio and 4 hours of stereo audio.
Pioneer is planning to launch a top of the line DVD player that can play DVD-Audio early next year (das wäre dann in 2002). Pioneer guarantees the best sound in your future.

Pioneer DVD Players

Guaranteed first-class picture and sound quality from the leader in DVD technology. Enjoy a digital picture more than twice as sharp as standard VHS videotape along with impressive cinema-style sound. Pioneer DVD players even play back your own CDs and offer full CD-R Playback compatibility thanks to the twin-wave laser pick-up.

You've always expected high quality video and sound from Pioneer. Now you can have the outstanding video quality and supreme audio quality, plus benefits you could only dream of: multiple language and soundtracks and subtitles, support for various encoding technology such as DTS and Dolby Digital, multiple camera angle viewing selection, parental blocking, return-to-pause and view-per-chapter and support for both virtual or digital surround sound and much more.

Don’t forget that you can enjoy Pioneer DVD anywhere and anytime, thanks to Pioneer’s diverse range of DVD players including portable DVD players and an in-car DVD changer model.

NEW DV-737

Top of the line DVD, this clean-cut unit equally delivers high quality images and the purest sound. We know that sound is important to you, which is why this forward thinking DVD player has separately designed audio circuits that perfectly complements its video enhancing features. Combined, this means pure perfection in audio and visual design ... and it looks good, too.

DVL-919E (spielt auch die großen Laser-Discs ab)

The ultimate combination player for DVD/LD/CD and VCD. Enter into the fabulous DVD world and still play your Laser Discs. Support for all your existing media is what you need. Provided with DTS and Dolby Digital output, it even allows you to enjoy virtual surround sound.

NEW - DV-636D

Both Dolby Digital and DTS ! This DVD player is heaven for real movie buffs. With its built-in Dolby Digital and DTS decoder, this DVD player can handle all the latest audio-encoding technology, which means more cinema effects without the extra equipment.

NEW - DV-535

Entering the world of DVD? This player is the perfect starting point. Cool and convenient, this easy-to-use model comes with a simplified remote control. And there are optical and coaxial digital outputs to enjoy pure digital home cinema sound.

NEW - DV-530

Or maybe you want to follow the new trends or match existing units and go with silver components for your entertainment centre? Then this DVD player is the answer. Just click the user friendly remote control button and fly into the DVD world of high quality image and theatre-like sound.

Built-in security features (gemeint sind Restriktionen)

DVD players carry a regional code number corresponding to one of six global regions. For example as shown here, region 2 covers most of Europe, the Middle East, South Africa and Japan and region 5 covers most of Africa, the CIS and India.

Additionally, most DVD discs carry the respective codes for particular regions where viewing is allowed. If the player code and the disc do not match, the disc will not be able to be played. This accounts for differences in regional culture and parental guidance. Region code-free DVD discs are also available for playing in any region.

  • Anmerkung : Das war beinahe ein KO-Kriterium bzw. der Todesstoß für die Verbreitung der Video-DVDs. Die Überschrift ist dermaßen irreführend, denn es hat nur etwas mit "Verbieten" und "Verboten" und nicht mit Sicherheit zu tun. Ab 2010 lachte man nur noch über diese dummen Ideen, den Kunden zu reglementieren und so zu "beschützen". Jeder PC kann heute in 2024 jede DVD abspielen.


Portable DVD

For movie enthusiasts, what could be better? DVD at home or on the go. Feel like staying in? No worries. Just connect your DVD portable up to any TV, kick off your shoes and put your feet up. Feel like going out? With a portable DVD Player this slim and lightweight, you can also have movies "to go" — to a party, to a friend's house, on vacation ... Pioneer’s PDV range is ready to go along for the ride.

Turn it Up! - Digital Home Cinema Sound

Technology is taking off and the home cinema audience is most certainly listening. Thanks to Lucasfilm’s THX division, DVD home cinema audiences can enjoy similar high-tech sound effects found in movie theatres. The THX label guarantees that the system can handle 5.1 channels for quality wrap-around surround sound performance.

Going a step further, THX joined forces with Dolby Laboratories to develop the "THX Surround EX" system. This innovation adds an extra Surround Back channel to the soundtrack, meaning that one additional sound path is decoded and actually flies right over the listener. Sound surrounding you — plus sound flying right over your head. Now, that’s realistic.


Early this year (das war in 2000), DTS introduced a new cinema decoder: DTS-ES. Using low data compression and a high data transfer rate, DTS-ES adds an additional sound channel to digitised films, allowing filmmakers to be even more creative with sound.

This translates to better special effects that truly surround the audience like never before. The third channel flies over the head of the viewers, putting them right in the middle of the action. Used now only in cinemas, this exciting technology will most certainly be implemented in future DVD home cinema products.

A/V Amplifiers & Receivers



Amplifiers and receivers are key to any home cinema system. This is where it happens, where the cinema sound experience is decoded and transferred to the speakers in your living room. Pioneer has hi-tech amplifiers and Receivers featuring Dolby Digital and DTS decoders or even supporting THX Surround EX. With sound this goOd, you definitely begin to feel like you're inside the movie.

NEW - VSA-E08 (130 W x 5) (ein Vollverstärker) ohne Phono

What you have been dreaming of … exists. THX Ultra certified, this A/V surround sound processing amplifier is packed with every feature imaginable including DTS-ES and THX Surround EX decoders for the ultimate digital home cinema sound experience.
This new model has more connection possibilities, including component video in/out for the highest quality A/V installations, while audio and video circuits are shielded in separate chambers for pure multi-channel sound. Perfect for movies and music!

The feature-packed remote control unit offers an improved user interface, including a preset recall guide, item memo and key rename possibilities. Its lock switch prevents activation by mistake.

NEW - VSX-909 RDS-G (110 W x 5) ohne Phono

This top-of-the-line, feature-packed A/V receiver has everything, and we mean everything you’d expect: THX Ultra certification, THX Surround EX and DTS-ES, plus an RDS tuner. On top of this, thanks to top-of-the-line THX Ultra certification, this quality system produces 110 watts of quality cinema surround sound with 7.1 channels in/out — perfect even in larger rooms.

Also available as VSX-909RDS with black finish.

Und hier kommt ein ganz besonderer A/V-Receiver


Das Original-Foto aus dem Prospekt

This A/V receiver is ready for what the future brings.
Completely versatile, this unit can handle the latest and future digital sources - up to 7.1 channels in/out. Plus, there’s THX Surround EX and it’s DTS-ES compatible.
Its THX Select certification makes it the perfect choice for your digital home cinema centre, today and tomorrow.

Ein Blick auf die Vielfalt der Audio- und Video-Abspiel-Systeme (Stand Anfang 2001) :

Also available as VSX-859RDS-G with gold finish.

Anmerkung :

Im Dezember 2022 ist uns solch ein VSX-859 A/V- Receiver geschenkt worden, natürlich mit einem eklatanten Fehler, aber dennoch reparierbar.
Und dann kam das Erstaunen, was die Pioneer Ingenieure dort alles eingebaut hatten - ganz sicher auch notgedrungen. - Es ist einer der "ganz ganz" wenigen Spitzen-Receiver und Spitzen-Verstärker dieser Epoche, die heute noch einen Analog-Fan mit einem wirklich guten MM-Phono- Vorverstärker und einer starken und vor allem hochwertigen Endstufe begeistern können. Mehr dazu kommt hier ganz am Ende und auf den speziellen VSX 859 Seiten.


THX Select certified, this A/V receiver is a top quality "5.1" surround system. Universal DVD player ready, it has a 5.1 channel input for stereophonic surround sound. And it can decode Dolby Digital and DTS encoded discs for a great digital home cinema experience.

Der VSX-839 hatte weniger Video-Codecs vorzuweisen als der VSX-859


  • Anmerkung : Im "kleineren" 839 ist nur die 5+1 Technik aktiviert und er hat auch weniger Codecs, aber das gleiche Netzteil und die gleiche starke hervorragende 5-Kanal Endstufe. Und es gibt ihn nur in schwarz, also es gibt wirklich nur wenige Gründe, ihn zu kaufen, vielleicht als Ersatzteillager.


7.1 Channel Surround Add-On Amplifiers


M-10X (120 W x 2)

You’re probably thinking THX Surround EX, right ? This is why we’ve designed this golden amplifier specifically to enhance the additional 2 Surround Back channels, in the THX Surround EX system. And the gold finish perfectly matches the other components - VSA-E08 and VSX-909 RDS-G. Just the extra touch you’d expect.

Es geht weiter mit : A/V Amplifiers & Receivers


VSX-709 RDS - 80 W x 5

Here’s cutting-edge technology in an A/V receiver: Dolby Digital and a DTS decoder plus a front A/V input with S-video and a digital output - all combined with an RDS tuner.

VSX-609 RDS - 80 W x 5

This A/V receiver with RDS tuner incorporates Dolby Digital surround sound and DTS superior sound localisation. It also features a 5.1 channel input for multi-channel audio like future DVD-A players.

VSX-409 RDS - 80 W x 5

Looking for Dolby Pro Logic surround at an affordable price? Then this A/V receiver with its 5.1 channel input is designed for you. And it's a perfect partner for the DV-636D DVD player which has built-in Dolby Digital and DTS decoders.

  • Anmerkung : Diese 3 Receiver waren zu der Zeit bereits nicht mehr verkaufbar, weil die Technik ziemlich schnell darüber hinwegegangen war. Ob die oben gezeigten neuen A/V-Receiver bereits lieferbar waren, ist nicht sicher.


Hi-Fi Components


When you want to choose individual components, Pioneer comes through. High quality units with the latest features and technology plus performance compatibility all around. No set formulas, no limited menu of options — just endless possibilities. With quality you can depend on and components to meet your every hi-fi need, all you've got to do is choose. Pioneer has the quality and experience to offer a wide selection of speakers, headphones, cassette decks, MiniDisc, file-type CD changers, CD players and, best of all, CD recorders. Your System. Your way.

PDR-W819 - 3+1 CD Recorder

Endless Possibilities with CD Recording - Record from one to three CDs onto your own personalised CD. Just select the tracks you want to record and press the “Copy Start” button. It is easy! The new “Rec This” button automatically records the track you are listening to at the touch of a button and stops when finalised. The improved 2 x finalisation process and double speed dubbing enables fast recording. The front panel input connection for a keyboard makes creating and editing personalised CD Text a breeze. (Replacing the PDR-W739).

Pioneer’s PDR-W739

won the EISA European Audio Recorder of the Year 2000-2001 Award.

3-To-1 Technology

With a Pioneer CD recorder, you can build a music collection that reflects your own personal style in no time. Select the desired tracks from one to three CDs, press the “Copy Start” button and record your selections onto one CD. It's that easy to digitally record selections from three CDs to one. You'll never have to settle for a mass-produced compilation CD or struggle with complex programming ever again.



NEW - PDR-609

Quality CD recording and playback at its finest — thanks to a 24-bit A/D converter and Legato Link Conversion. This technology includes double speed finalisation, analogue sync recording for easy vinyl or cassette recording and automatic level adjustment. Of course, there is CD Text display and input possibilities.

Take It Anywhere

Takin' it to the street! … or any place you want to be. Once you've recorded your compilation discs, take them anywhere you want to go. You can play them at home, on your PC, in the car, in your portable CD or DVD player, or at a party.

Never Ending Party

Want to expand your possibilities? Then hook up your CD recorder to a File-Type CD player and select from up to 301 CDs. Build a unique library of compilation CDs. CD recording - you’re on your way.

CD Text

CD Text is a neat new feature found on the PDR-W839, PDR-609 and PDR-F10. Add CD titles, track titles and artist names to the audio CD. CD Text reads and records the information on the disc itself, making it easy to find the track or artist you want to play later.

RDD-80B - CD-Recordable Audio 80 min.

A high quality recordable audio format for applications requiring maximum capacity - greatest hits compilations, classical music special editions, concerts ... .

RDD-60B - CD-Recordable Audio 60 min.

For the most demanding hi-fi listeners: high recording and playback fidelity from this 60 min. Recordable Compact Disc. The lower information density improves the recording quality.

RDD-74B - CD-Recordable Audio 74 min.

Reach the highest performance with a Pioneer CD recorder.

RDW-74 - CD-Rewritable Audio 74 min.

Make your own musical mock-up with this 74 min. Rewritable Compact Disc. Compatible with audio recorders carrying the E symbol identification.

Welche CD-Rs überhaupt verwendet werden können

For Consumer or For Consumer Use: Recording is not possible on a CD-R/CD-RW disc without these logos, which means it is a disc for professional use.

Compatible with SCMS (Serial Copy Management System): SCMS makes possible digital direct CD-R recording of CD, MD or DAT audio sources. However, such CD-R recordings cannot be used as source material for digital re-recording (in order to restrict digital dubbing).

Hi-Fi Components - Recorders

Das sind jetzt ganze Anlagen mit Tuner ?? und Lautsprechern.



A complete system that is ready to record. You have a 3 CD changer, an easy-to-use CD recorder, an AM/FM tuner with RDS, and two 50 watt speakers. Just plug it in and create your own compilation CDs. And there is even a front optical connection for your MiniDisc player!
Perfectly matched, this CD IMCIil recorder adds an extra element of art, and recording capabilities, to your sleek NS-F10 CD system. The PDR-F10 records only in combination with the XC-F10.
Another perfect match, when considering the NS-8 or NS-9. This CD-R component lets you record in style.
NS-F10 with PDR-F10
NS-9 with PDR-L77

File-Type - CD Players


NEW - PD-F1009

With its unique loading roulette rack system and single loader, easily store 301 CDs in a surprisingly compact unit for immediate playing of your collection. A selection of listening modes, CD Text and CD-RW playback capability, low power consumption and Legato Link Conversion make this component an excellent choice for quality and convenient CD enjoyment.


More than 301 CDs? No problem. This CD player is connectable to another 301-CD changer for a grand total of 602 CDs. Almost a month of continuous listening pleasure. Organise your collection using the custom filing system and input your text via a keyboard or the remote control.


Store up to 101 CDs in this compact CD player. Its single loader means a track within moments. It is easy to keep your favourite CDs organised using custom filing for up to 3 CD groups and the component can handle CD Text.


A compact unit, this rolling rack system stores 25+1 discs. Almost a full day of audio enjoyment. Plus you can program 24 tracks from 24 different discs for the perfect mix.


Just a bit smaller for easy placement, load this CD player with 25 discs and enjoy your favourite music continuously. You’ll be surprised at its price tag as well as its features, which include CD Text.

Anmerkung zu den ganzen Wechslern

Die Pioneer CD Wechsler waren mit den Aufkommen der DVD Schnee von gestern, weil der Wechsel von CD zu CD viel zu langsam vonstatten ging und weil die Blech-Kisten deutlich hörbar ratterten, also fürs Wohnzimmer total ungeeignet waren.


Multi CD Players



This CD player offers six disc capacity with excellent sound performance thanks to Pioneer's 1-bit DLC (Direct Linear Conversion) featuring a high speed and high density pulseflow D/A converter. With automatic digital level control, the sound level is automatically adjusted. Plus the 6 disc key on the remote lets you access any one of the six CDs directly. * Only available in the U.K.


Put sets of your favourite CDs in separate loaders and off you go. This multiple Compact Disc player stores 6 discs per loader and features anti-resonance and anti-vibrating design and last disc memory. Just press the remote to start playing your selection. * This product is not available in the U.K.


With a six disc storage capacity, this multi Compact Disc player offers superb sound with anti-resonance, anti-vibration design and last disc memory. A system remote terminal is also available. * This product is not available in the U.K.

CD Players


CD players have been around for more than 15 years now. Haven't we done everything we can with them? There's no end to Pioneer's innovation.  With Hi-bit Conversion and Legato Link Conversion, recorded sound is restored to its original, studio quality. Flexibility and innovation are combined to create CD players that are lightyears ahead of what they used to be.


Unquestionable quality. This is the ideal CD player for the most demanding listener. Every golden detail is aimed at exceptional sound reproduction. This includes the Pioneer Z-concept design that features extremely low digital signal transmission distortion thanks to its accurate transmission system, stable platter mechanism and acoustic damper tray mechanism which significantly reduce jitter noise inside and out. This CD player also offers Hi-Bit Legato Link Conversion S for exceptionally natural sound. And to top it off, there is also coaxial and optical digital output and an analogue or digital output selector.
* This product is not available in the U.K.


Or would you prefer classic black? This top model features everything a demanding listener requires. Perfect digital audio sound is present thanks to Pioneer’s Z-concept and anti-resonance and anti-vibration features. And it is easy to use with a convenient jog dial. * This product is not available in the U.K.


This quality CD player has a wealth of features like Legato Link Conversion, and exceptional quality for this price range thanks to the Pioneer Z-concept. This highly accurate transmission system, stable platter mechanism and acoustic damper tray mechanism significantly reduce jitter noise inside and out for the ultimate music enjoyment. * This product is not available in the U.K.


Easy-to-use, this CD player operates at a touch of a button. Its extremely affordable price tag makes it even more attractive.

Integrated Amplifiers & Receivers


When it comes to amps and receivers, Pioneer's line-up offers sound options that make music sound better than ever. Pioneer amplifiers are what the dreams of Audio lovers are made from - innovative high performance components with extra features and additional connections to all types of speakers and home entertainment systems. Amplification without distortion and stable sound localisation lead to what you want: pure sound.

A-607R - 120 W x 2

Packed with power - 120 watts + 120 watts DIN, this integrated amplifier pumps out pure sound with a superb low frequency range and exceptionally low noise thanks to the toroidal transformer. The high quality Direct Energy MOSFET circuit drives low impedance loudspeakers and its wide range linear circuit delivers clean hi-fi sound throughout the frequency range. Its symmetrical design adds to the perfect stereo sound.

NEW - A-509R - 90 W x 2

The new look of this 90 watt integrated amplifier brings powerful performance to any system. Its wide-range linear circuit means a wider frequency response and its short signal path translates to a pure natural sound. It can be combined with the black VSX-909RDS or VSX-859RDS to drive the surround sound back speakers for a full 7.1 THX Surround EX* experience.

A-307R - 80 W x 2

The symmetrical construction of this 80 watt integrated amplifier brings perfect stereo sound to your ears. And the short signal path adds to the reality of the experience.

A-209R - 60 W x 2

The new design features of this 60 watt integrated amplifier include a stabiliser for the transformer and chassis. Add this to the other features, such as a wide-range linear circuit and short signal path, for excellent sound performance.

A-109 - 40 W x 2

The new design of this 40 watt integrated amplifier adds a stabiliser for the transformer and chassis. And its symmetrical design results in excellent stereo imagery.

SX-209RDS - 50 W x 2

Less is more. This RDS quartz-synthesiser receiver does double duty — a convenient tuner with RDS functions and a high quality 50 watt amplifier.




Pioneer’s advanced parameter processing, which controls ATRAC compressed data increasing the music signal information to provide audio recordings of the highest quality, the Pioneer Z-concept, and digital noise reduction mean a superior quality MiniDisc recorder. The convenient editing modes and features like “name clip” and “medley playback” let you get the most out of your music.




An RDS-EON tuner with all the works. Store up to 30 AM/FM stations in this sleek unit. RDS provides a wide variety of information services and automatic tuning functions, including automatic traffic and news reports, displaying the station name and text messages, and searching and displaying programme


This quality tuner lets you store 36 AM/FM stations. With its SR terminal, simply connect a cable to use the amplifier remote to operate this receiver. - * This product is not available in the U.K.




Applying the latest digital developments to the analogue format results in surprising quality sound. This double cassette deck has everything you need for high performance recording and playback, including a digital processing system for lower signal deterioration, a digital input terminal and easy ALCA (Automatic Level Control - Performed In Digital Domain) and TDNS (Tape Duplication Noise Suppression) digital dubbing.


A great idea. This double cassette deck uses digital technology such as digital noise reduction and digital TDNS (Tape Duplication Noise Suppression) to obtain the best possible results from your cassettes. - * This product is not available in the U.K.


A double cassette deck with Pioneer's advanced digital processing system and Legato Link pulls every last bit of sound from your cassettes.


The very best of analogue sound reproduction, this double cassette deck uses ALCA (Automatic Level Control - Performed In Digital Domain) for a constant recording level and TDNS (Tape Duplication Noise Suppression) for deleting bias noise. - * This product is not available in the U.K.


This quality double cassette deck is a perfect addition to any system.


Of course, you still want to play all those favourite cassettes. So why not add this affordable single cassette player to your system?

Quality Sound in all Shapes and Sizes



A great set of speakers makes all the difference in the world. This is why Pioneer offers a wide selection of fantastic high performance speakers designed for all types of systems from hi-fi to 7.1 channel surround sound. And Pioneer speakers are designed for all types of interiors - small size satellite speakers, wood tones and varying coloured grilles. Pioneer speakers let you enjoy the full spectrum of sound from the cool, smooth tones of vintage jazz to the high powered soundtrack of an action film …


The perfect accessory for any living space. Add these elegant 2-way, 100 watt speakers to your system for high performance sound. They are also magnetically shielded to prevent interference so they can double as A/V speakers.

Enjoy the new look of classic black floor speakers. These high performance, 2-way, 80 watt speakers can double as A/V speakers because they are magnetically shielded to prevent interference.

Are warm wood-tones more your style? Then opt for 80 watts of high performance 2-way speakers in the exclusive Calvados wood finish.

Perfectly packaged 2-way speakers for shelf placement. Not only do they fit into any interior - they also sound fantastic with 80 Watt power handling and magnetic shielding.

Crystal clear sound is what you’ll hear from these super powerful 3-way, 220 watt speakers. They are also magnetically shielded so you can forget about interference with other electronics and use them as A/V speakers.

Maximum music at 190 watts. These quality 3-way speakers are also magnetically shielded to prevent interference and can be used as A/V speakers.

Designed for sound, these 3-way 140 watt speakers are an excellent choice for any hi-fi system.

Something slightly smaller? Then you’ll want these subtle 120 watt, 3-way speakers for your system.

Add-on Equipment & Accessories



Sometimes you can’t beat a vinyl classic. This high-tech, fully automatic stereo turntable features a low-mass straight tone arm, precise DC servo motor and built-in phono equaliser. Simply connect to any auxilliary/line input on your amplifier or mini system.


Das war mal Pioneer's ureigenste Domäne, die aber in den Jahren auch verloren ging.

NS Series

Your style is selective, which is why you’ll go out of your way to find something special. This philosophy stretches to your approach to music. Your sound system needs to not only sound like art, but look the part, too. You’ll certainly want to meet Pioneer's NS Series, then. These stylishly designed systems blend perfectly in any living environment. And Pioneer's NS Series systems feature optional CD recorders that allow you to play and record high quality personalised CDs.

NS-F10 with CD Recorder - und viels andere mehr - aber kein Hifi


Ein Wort zu Pioneer - Eine Selbstdarstellung

With Pioneer, fun is serious business. Since 1938 we’ve proven true to our name, as our leadership has kept us at the forefront of breaking developments. Pioneer standouts range from car audio products, the professional DJI series, plasma screens and DVD-ROM drives that lead the European market, to the production of set top boxes enabling reception of digital broadcasting. Pioneer is also often recognised for their outstanding products with prestigious awards from EISA and ECAP. Be it for home entertainment, in-car or industrial applications, Pioneer’s imagination takes you to new levels of fun and excitement.

DJ Products (interessierte in Deutschland niemanden)

The Pioneer DJ series is the equipment of choice for many of the world’s top DJs. The range offers an array of innovative features with products that widen the creative scope of the DJ’s set.

Pioneer introduced some of the industry’s first DJ features such as Master Tempo, Fader Start and Back Cue, Digital Jog Break, Beat Sampling and Auto Mixing which have stretched the boundaries of DJ creativity.

Hochinteressant - die Rückseiten

Auf den Rückseiten sieht der Fachmann, was dieses oder jenses Gerät wirklich kann. Wenn ein 7+1 Gerät (laut der Werbung) aber nur 5 Lautsprecheranschlüsse hat, hat es auch nur 5 Endstufen und eben nicht 8 Endstufen.

Und nur beim VSX 859 RDS sieht man einmalig zwei Phono-Eingänge, die wirklich nur bei diesem einen Gerät eingebaut sind. Jahre vorher gabs das nicht mehr und Jahre danach gabs das auch nicht mehr - also ein glücklicher Sonderfall.
Mehr Infos dazu finden Sie auf den Seiten Hifi-Wissen und Technik

EISA Audio Recorder of the Year 2000-2001

“The Pioneer PDR-W739 includes a CD recorder and CD changer in one single unit. It allows you to choose your favourite songs from three CDs and make your own compilations on a CD-R or CD-RW. Program tracks from three CDs, and then, at the press of a button, the PDR-W739 records at double speed. It features a digital level control, a very informative display and remote control. Extremely easy to operate, the Pioneer PDR-W739 should ensure that those who have never used a CD-R player will make light work of it.”

Copyrights und Warenzeichen - alles ein Mix ...

“Dolby”, the double-D symbol, “Dolby Surround”, “Pro Logic”, “AC-3” and “Dolby Digital”, are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation. “DTS” and “DTS Digital Surround” are trademarks of Digital Theater Systems, Inc. ° Pioneer’s Virtual Dolby Surround incorporates TruSurround technology under license from SRS Labs, Inc. Lucasfilm and THX are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.

Infringement of copyright: Copying of prerecorded copyright material without appropriate authorisation or licence may be unlawful and you are advised to check the laws applicable in the jurisdiction to which you are subject.

Published by: PIONEER EUROPE N.V.

TEL. + 32(0) 3 570 05 11
Copyright 2000 by Pioneer Europe N.V.
All rights reserved.

Trade descriptions act:
Products offered for sale may differ from those described or illustrated in this brochure due to later production changes in specifications, components or place of manufacture. The contents of this general brochure are therefore not to be treated as representations as to the current availability of products as described. All products in this catalogue are not necessarily available in your country.

Die in 2000 bereits deutlich reduzierten Auslandsvertretungen:

Pioneer House, Hollybush Hill
Stoke Poges, Slough
Buckinghamshire SL2 4QP.
Tel. +44/1753 789 789

Lágmúli 8, P.O. Box 8760
128 Reykjavik.
Tel. +354/55 32 800

Dublin 12. Tel. +353/1 45 04 855
Standard Bldgs., C. De Brockdorf Street
Msida MSD-02

Tel. +356/33 38 61
240 Ledra Str.
P.O. Box 21607
1511 Nicosia.
Tel. +357/2 663 795

Military Sales Dept.
Hans-Martin-Schleyer-Str. 35
47877 Willich
Tel. +49/21 54 91 34 22

Kr Barona Iela 16/18
1050 Riga.
Tel. +371/761 01 11 (new office +371/728 62 96)

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