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Erläuterungen zu diesen 1958er US-AUDIO Seiten

Die hier stehenden amerikanischen Artikel aus 1958 (aus der US-AUDIO) sind teilweise sehr gewöhnungsbedürftig, weil sie erstens aus einer längst vergangenen Zeit stammen und zweitens, weil dort in den USA ganz "anders" gedacht wurde als bei uns in Old Germany oder in Europa.
Vergleichbar mit unseren deutschen Hifi-Magazinen etwa ab 1962 ist jedoch, daß auch diese Zeitschrift ihre Anzeigen- Kunden und -Leser (be- oder ab- ?) werben mußte.

Die Ausgaben der US-AUDIO von 1947 bis 1958 liegen in teilweise ganz miserablen PDF-Dateien vor, in denen die Reihenfolge der Seiten teils völlig wirr ist. Der Aufwande, einen einzigen Artikel komlett zusammenzubauen, ist daher erheblich. Die Fotos sind so gräuselig schlecht, daß sie nur in Ausnahmefällen eingebaut werden.


Die monatliche Kolumne - Editors' REVIEW - das Editorial

We are at last getting somewhere in the stereo disc picture, with the official acceptance of the Westrex 45/45 system being announced by the "Record Industry Association of America". (Also hatte die RIAA das entschieden, nicht die FCC.) During the Institute of Radio Engineers' Convention in March 1958, several papers were presented on the subject, one of which is reproduced in full in this issue.

CBS Laboratories has developed a compatible stereo record which can be played with monaural pickups with a minimum of damage and with satisfactory - and possibly even comparable - LP quality.

Konfusionen und Unklarheiten bei CBS

The development was by CBS Labs (dort ist Peter Goldmark der Leiter), and the presentation of the paper did not imply that Columbia Records was intending to release records cut with this method.

As a matter of fact, Columbia Records has since announced that they would release standard 45/45 records, even though the discs were incompatible. However, we consider the system of sufficient interest to reprint the paper in full, and in addition, to carry Mr. Canby's comments on the device.

As might be expected, the CBS Labs' announcement inaugurated a series of publicity blasts which implied that the stereo effect was being compromised to produce a compatible record, and that the originators of the blasts would never compromise stereo in order to make a compatible record, all of which sounds suspiciously like sour grapes.

1948 gab es das schonmal

We well remember 1948 when some of the companies stated that they would not produce LP's, but the memory of the public is short, and no one commented when these companies finally came forth with LP releases.

In any case, we agree with Mr. Canby that some modification of the recording process will be employed by all manufacturers before many months have passed. How much simpler life would be if publicity and press statements were as distinguished for their veracity (Glaubwürdigkeit) as they are for their loguacity (Geschwätzigkeit).

Ein Vorteil des CBS Systems

One of the advantages of the CBS Labs' system has not been stressed so far in the various presentations of the past month.

By its very nature, the lateral component of the recorded signal is of considerably greater amplitude than the vertical one, which makes it possible to use a conventional high-power amplifier for the lateral channel and one of somewhat less power for the vertical channel, with matrixing in the output circuit to restore the right and left signals of the 45/45 system.

Carrying this one step further, by simplexing the amplifier so that it functions in the usual push-pull manner on the lateral (or sum) signal and as a parallel single-ended amplifier on the vertical (or difference) signal, a complete stereo amplifier system can be had from a single set of tubes.

In the June (1958) issue we will present this plan in constructional form and we believe it will result in a fairly simple and relatively inexpensive unit.

From the standpoint of low priced "hi-fi" stereo systems which are likely to flood the market in coming months, this type of simplification is certain to be employed.

Einige Labels machten Ankündigungen für Stereo Discs

Pye Records, Ltd., in England, is the first to announce that they will be releasing stereo discs in the near future. In the U.S.A., Vox and Urania have so far announced their intensions to produce stereo records, and RCA Victor puts a date of "June or July" for their entry into the field.

One company - Paramount Enterprizes, Inc. - has already held a press showing of packaged "hi-fi" sets and a library of six classical and thirteen popular stereo discs.

So Sidney Frey's "Audio Fidelity" records, which undoubtedly "jumped the gun" with four commercial releases well in advance of the official acceptance of the 45/45 system, have established themselves with another first - in addition to providing sample recordings for pickup manufacturers to practice with.


With none in the immediate offing - the next one is the Houston (Texas) High Fidelity Show scheduled for June 6-8 at the Shamrock Hilton Hotel - it seems like a good time to take a look at the scheduling of the major shows by the larger show-producing organizations.

Obviously, the major shows - New York and Los Angeles - are of greatest importance to the industry as a whole, and the IHFM "Institute of High Fidelity Manufacturers" has good reasons for choosing the dates of these events. The time of the year is important, and availability of show space comes second in determining the exact dates. Rigo Enterprises is a large operation, too, and it and the IHFM cooperate in setting dates.

Any organization planning an independent show should first check with IHFM and Rigo to make sure there will be no conflict, for manufacturers can scarcely arrange for two sets of show staffs at the same time - one is often enough of a chore. And, as a reminder, the IHFM show in New York is scheduled for September 30 to October 4 (1958) in the New York Trade Show Building.


Midst a number of press "parties" this spring, the opening celebration for ORRadio Industries' new plant in Opelika, Alabama, on March 29 (1958) was probably the largest. Some 300 townspeople (das waren die Honoratioren der Stadt Opelika) and representatives of the press and radio were on hand for the ceremonies at which Alabama's Senator Sparkman made the principal address, while J. Herbert Orr and George Long - presidents of Orradio and Ampex Corporation respectively - outlined the history, progress, and aims of the company. After which everyone repaired to a park for a real Southern barbeque luncheon.

  • Anmerkung : Ampex wollte sich von der Umklammerung und Abhängigkeit von 3M lösen und hatte dann später ORRadio aufgekauft und zu AMPEX Tape umbenannt.

Congratulations to Orradio and a small wish for more opening celebrations, even if we do get sunburned again.

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