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PIONEER war 1972 schon ein Weltkonzern und gewaltig gewachsen und Quadro kam in der Off-Duty September 1972

Seit 1970 hatten sie bei der Entwicklung von Stereo-Receívern, Tunern und Verstärkern mächtig aufgeholt - gegenüber SONY vor allem. Doch bei Quadro hinkten sie leicht hinterher. Die Receiver verkauften sich eine Zeit lang wie warme Semmeln, auch in den deutschen Hifi-Studios.

Die erste PIONEER Quadro Anzeige mit dem QX-8000 erschien im September 1972 in der off-duty und hatte enorm viel Text auf der Seite.


Best buy in 4-channel stereo:
Pioneer QX-8000 receiver


If you're building a 4-channel system from scratch, all you need are the QX-8000 and 4 speakers. The QX-8000 is a self-contained quadraphonic music system. Within this receiver are a total of 4 amplifiers, as well as a superlative AM/FM multiplex stereo tuner. With the QX-8000 you have the capability of using discrete 4-channel program sources, such as 4-channel tapes or 4-channel 8-track cartridges, played thru a 4-channel tape deck. But the QX-8000 gives you also the capability of creating 4-channel sound from any existing 2-channel stereo source: your own stereo record collection, pre-recorded tapes, or FM radio.

This is made possible by a special circuit device inside the QX-8000 called the Quadralizer, which provides both matrix (room-enveloping sound field) and phase shift (wall of sound) modes of 4-channel stereo. You can change from matrix to phase shift or vice versa by simply pushing a button located on the front panel of the QX-8000. This permits you to choose the best 4-channel effect depending on your choice of music, rock, popular, country, opera, small combo, folk, soul, classical.

Some Specs :

15 to 80,000 Hz power bandwidth.
Frequency response 5 to 100,000 Hz ±3dB.
Continuous power output (4-channel driven):
25W x 4 (4ohms) and 20W x 4 (8ohms)
Harmonic distortion: Less than 0.2%
(20 watts + 20 watts / 20 watts + 20 watts, 8 ohms)
Intermodulation distortion: Less than 0.4%
(20 watts + 20 watts/20 watts + 20 watts, 8 ohms)

How much power is 20 watts x 4 at 8 ohms continuous power. 4-channel driven?

This is enough power to drive any 4 Pioneer speaker systems simultaneously. And that covers a lot of ground, because Pioneer happens to be the world's largest manufacturer of loudspeakers.

  • Anmerkung : Hier wird wieder mal vom Leder gezogen und es stimmte alles gar nicht. Denn 4 x 20 Watt Sinus reichen gerade mal für ein 16qm Wohnzimmer, wenn etwas Dynamik auf den Platten drauf ist. Aber viel wichtiger war, daß kein Wort über die Programmquellen verloren wurde.

  • Hatte der Interessent erst mal Blut geleckt und diesen Receiver erworben, fing die große frustrierende Sucherei nach den Quadro-Platten für den eigenen Geschmack an, die er überhaupt abspielen konnte. Also wurden alte Stereoplatten mit dem eingebauten Quadro-Kunstsystem - zum Beispiel dem künstlichen Nachhall auf den rückwärtigen Boxen - abgespielt. Nach ganz kurzer Zeit merkte auch der gläubigste Quadro-Fanatiker, das war also alles ? Wozu den ganzen Quatsch ?


Die Pioneer Boxen und die anderer Hersteller

To name only some of the most popular Pioneer speakers in your Audio Club or Canadian Exchange, the CS-E400, the CS-33A, the CS-A500, the CS-66, the CS-22A, the CS-77A, the CS-99A, the CS-A700, and the CS-05 will team up in any combination you desire (depending on your pocketbook) with the QX-8000 to put you in the living presence of beautiful 4-channel sound.

But that's not all. Suppose you already own 4 speakers of another brand-that's no problem with the mighty QX-8000. This 4-channel receiver has enough clean continuous power at 8 ohms to drive practically any 4 speakers (simultaneously) from any manufacturer, with the exception only of the ultra ultra low-efficiency types.

By way of illustration, the QX-8000 will drive any 4 JBL speakers, including such big ones as the Olympus S8R ($ 957- each, USA retail) and L200 Studio Master ($ 597.- each, USA retail). Any four (4) of them at the same time- and brilliantly.

Or suppose you already own 4 low-efficiency type speakers such as KLH 5 or Dyna A-25 or AR-5. No sweat. Hook up any 4 of them to the QX-8000. The QX-8000 will handle them all with ease.

In case you have only 2 speakers and your stereo budget prohibits the move to quad now, you can use the QX-8000 as a standard 2-channel stereo receiver. Then add 2 more speakers at a later date to achieve the magnificence of quadraphonic sound.

When you learn that most Audio Clubs and Canadian Exchanges sell the QX-8000 for around or under $300.-, you'll realize why this impressive instrument is the best buy in 4-channel stereo.

QX-8000. Best buy in 4-channel stereo. By far.

Es ist eine der ganz wenigen Anzeigen, in denen fremde Hersteller namentlich genannt werden.

Meines Wissens nach kam das nie wieder vor, daß irgend eine Referenz auf Fremdprodukte integriert war. Doch diese Anzeige kam nicht von PIONEER direkt, sondern vom europäischen Militär-Vertrieb aus Basel.


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