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"off duty" 1970 - 1997 - eine Freizeit-Zeitung für's US-Militär

Die in diesem amerikanischen (Freizeit-) Shopping-Magazin angepriesenen Hifi- und Video-Produkte waren auschließlich amerikanischen und kanadischen Militärangehörigen zugänglich - also zu kaufen - und vor allem zu ganz ungewöhnlich (verblüffend) niedrigen US $ Military-Preisen. Zu der einführenden "off duty" Seite geht es hier lang. -  Um 1970 begann der weltweite Hifi-Boom bis zum 1. Crash 1978 und dann wieder zum 2.Crash um 1990. Über die 20 Jahre nach 2001 lesen Sie mehr in den Kolumnen auf diesen japanischen Seiten.



THE PRICES shown in Off Duty Shoppers for audio and photographic equipment have always been subject to change due to market conditions, but rarely as much as in today's lively marketplace.

  • Anmerkung : Die Preise haben sich bislang selten so schnell verändert wie in 1976.

Not only are prices changing rapidly (happily, many prices are coming down), but there are many instances of products switching suddenly from club to exchange, or vice-versa.

  • Anmerkung : Was wir nicht wußten, war, daß Japan seit 1975 massive wirtschaftliche Export-Probleme hatte und dort mit Preisdumping angefangen wurde, um überhaupt noch etwas in die gesättigten Märkte zu verkaufen. Das alles und die Hintergründe lesen Sie in den Kolumnen von Kosai Wada, einem japanischen Chefredkteur mehrerer japanischer Hifi-Magazine.

Cause of the relative turmoil in audio/photo circles is the burgeoning competition between AAFES, Europe and the clubs. It pits the Exchange Service's enormous buying power and publicity clout against afast-moving, highly flexible local club operation that has dominated the audio/photo scene in Europe for several years.

By direct purchase in Japan, AAFES has lowered prices on many popular items. If the club's price for the item is higher, the management may withdraw it from sale. Or, the local importer who supplies the club may reduce his price in order to protect his livelihood. Sometimes the same item, with slightly altered faceplate and model designation, will appear in both exchanges and clubs at comparable prices. In a few instances, notably in the case of U.S.-made components and accessories, the identical product is available in both exchanges and clubs. If there is a difference in price it is usually temporary because both outlets are anxious to have your business and don't want to be undersold.

So, if our Shopper price list information changes faster than usual these days, it's all to the good. Thanks to competition, the customer is getting a better deal than ever.

Die (Military)- Price List - February - 1976
headphones / Kopfhörer - aufsteigend

Pioneer SE-205 AAFES, Europe $11.25
SonyDR-7 Clubs, about $11.25
Superex 930   S11.50
Kenwood KH-32 Clubs, about S12.00
Toshiba HR-80 AAFES, Europe $12.25
Sony DR-5A.   $14.65
Teac HP-100 Clubs, about $14.95
Koss K-6 Clubs, about $17.00
Panasonic EAH-22 Clubs, about $17.00
Toshiba HR-50 AAFES, Europe $17.50
Sony DR-11 Clubs, about $19.15
Sony DR-9 Clubs; EUCOM, about $19.40
Kenwood KH-52 Clubs, about $20.00
Koss K-6LC. AAFES, Europe $20.00
Panasonic EAH-35 Clubs, about $20.00
Pioneer SE-305 .NEX: PACEX; Clubs, about $20.00
Marantz SD-5 AAFES, Europe; Clubs, about $21.00
TeacHP-101 Clubs, about $22.45
Panasonic EAH-23 Clubs, about $23.00
Pioneer SE-Q404. .NEX; PACEX $23.00
Sansui SS-10 Clubs, about $25.00
KossHV-2 Clubs, about $25.50
KossKO-727B Clubs, about $26.00
Sansui SS-35 .NEX; PACEX $27.00
Hear-Muffs HM-4000. Clubs, about $28.00
JVCSTH-10E Clubs, about $28.00
Superex TL3 Clubs, about $29.00
JVC 5944 NEX; PACEX $30.00
Pioneer SE-505 AAFES, Europe; PACEX $30.00
JVCHP-20 Clubs, about $31.00
Sansui SH-15 Clubs, about $31.00
KossK-6LCQ AAFES. Europe; NEX $32.00
Koss KO-747   $32.50
Sansui SS-20   $33.00
Wharfedale DDl   $33.00
Wharfedale Isodynamic Clubs, about $33.00
Sansui QH-44 AAFES, Europe; NEX; PACEX $33.50
Sony DR-41 .EUCOM, about $33.70
Koss HV-1 .NEX $35.00
Koss HV-lA Clubs, about $35.00
Koss HV-lLC AAFES, Europe $35.50
Technics EAH-80 Clubs, about $35.00
Sansui SS-50 PACEX $36.00
Sennheiser HD-424 AAFES. Europe $38.00
JVC 5844 Clubs, about $39.00
Superex Classic CL-1 Clubs, about $39.00
Technics EAH-420 Clubs, about $39.00
Koss Pro-4AA AAFES. Europe; NEX $42.50
Superex Pro-VII Clubs, about $46.00
Superex QT-4B Clubs, about $46.00
Koss KO-747Q Clubs, about $47.00
StaxSR-3 Clubs, about $48.90
(enersizer SRD-6. Clubs, about $32.50)
Koss Pro-5LC Clubs, about $49.00
Koss Phase/2 AAFES, Europe; NEX $51.00
Koss Pro-5Q Clubs, about $52.00
Superex EP-5 Clubs, about $58.00
Koss Technica/VFR Clubs, about $59.00
Koss K-2 + 2 Clubs, about $61.00
Superex PEP-79E   $65.00
Stax SR-X   $77.30
(energizer SRD-7. Clubs, about $43.85)
ESS AMT Clubs, about $79.92
Sony ECR-500 EUCOM, about $87.80
Superex PEP-77E   $89.00
Koss Phase/2 + 2 Clubs, about $96.00
Koss ESP-6A Clubs, about $99.00
Koss ESP-9 Clubs, about $129.00

NEX = Navy Exchange Mail Order Catalog 1975-1976.
PACEX = AAFES. Pacific Mail Order Catalog 1976.
EUCOM = The audio-photo club at Patch Barracks, Stuttgart.

- Werbung Dezent -
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