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"off duty" 1970 - 1997 - eine Freizeit-Zeitung für's US-Militär

Die in diesem amerikanischen (Freizeit-) Shopping-Magazin angepriesenen Hifi- und Video-Produkte waren auschließlich amerikanischen und kanadischen Militärangehörigen zugänglich - also zu kaufen - und vor allem zu ganz ungewöhnlich (verblüffend) niedrigen US $ Military-Preisen. Zu der einführenden "off duty" Seite geht es hier lang. -  Um 1970 begann der weltweite Hifi-Boom bis zum 1. Crash 1978 und dann wieder zum 2.Crash um 1990. Über die 20 Jahre nach 2001 lesen Sie mehr in den Kolumnen auf diesen japanischen Seiten.


Die CC-Recorder Produkt-Vielfalt wuchert bereits gefährlich.

Am Ende der Kassettenrecorder-Zeit - also zum Beginn der beschreibbaren CD - sollen es über 10.000 verschiedene CC-Recorder gegeben haben, ganz abgesehen von gleichartigen OEM-Geräten nur mit anderen Logos oder Aufklebern. Das hier war also nur der Anfang.

Und dieser Anfang wurde später so gefährlich, daß das japanische Wirtschaftsministerium den großen japanischen Herstellern eine Mindestproduktionszeit auferlegte, um die Kunden nicht weltweit durch andauernde (oft im Quartalsrythmus) Modell-Wechsel zu verwirren und zu verärgern.


"The Alternative"

"Here are the recorders for people who like convenience" (Bequemlichkeit) - By THOM PRINGLE - Off Duty / Europe / September 73

Wer das mit dem Tonband als Quälerei ansieht ...

FOR THOSE PEOPLE WHO read our open-reel tape recorder SHOPPER last month and decided that a unitized tape unit (such as a cassette deck) was, in fact, what they are looking for, this is their month.

The consideration, as we explained in the last issue, is pretty well limited now to a struggle between the open-reel and cassette formats.

  • Anmerkung : Kassetten (aller Art) haben innen 2 Bandwickel auf 2 Spulen, sogenannte Cartridges haben innen nur eine Spule.

Cartridge units have not been improved as much as cassette recorders and, generally speaking, the performance of top-quality cassette decks overshadows the performance of the best cartridge outfits. The two-sided aspect of this battle has now been even further emphasized by the arrival of discrete 4-channel in the cassette market.

8-track Geräte "konnten" von Anfang an Quadro ....

Cartridge units have had discrete 4-channel almost from the start of 4-channel and this has given 8-track a chance to stay alive in the face of improved cassette units.

Recently, however, discrete 4-channel cassette units have been developed for production (see our CES report in this issue) and, while these new units have a lot of problems to overcome, they present a challenge to the supremacy of cartridges in the field of 4-channel.

Outside of 4-channel, the new trends evident in the new cassette recorders and decks have been limited mostly to improving already existing ideas. Both mechanical and electrical portions of the latest models show improvement - in some cases, to the point where the overall performance of the units is better than in many open-reel machines.

Es gibt jede Menge an neuen "formulars" (Mixturen)

Another interesting trend is the emphasis on improved regular oxide cassettes rather than on the "super" tape formulas such as chromium dioxide.

Many of the "special" regular oxides give better frequency response, signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio and efficiency but may, also, require special circuitry in the machine with which they are used.

Therefore, if you are considering buying a new cassette deck, your deliberations should include not just a review of the actual recorder but also the type of tape you want to use to make sure that the two will work well together.

What's coming in the future?

Look for some exotic designs, since weird ideas usually start to show up when normal technology is stretched near to its final limit. Things such as external-capstan arrangements for cassettes, expanders, compressors, phase circuits, closed-circuit speed control and special LED displays are all being studied or are in production. There will be some exciting machines coming in the future - to wait, however, is to miss out on today's fun.


Two types of unitized tape are most popular today and equipment for these formats is covered in this SHOPPER.

8-track cartridge.

This units contains 1/4" wide standard tape which is formed into a continuous, non-reversible loop operating at 3 3/4 ips. Standard procedure is to record 8 tracks on the tape, providing two separate 4-channel programs or four stereo programs.

  • Anmerkung : Auch hier wird geflissentlich verschwiegen, daß dieses Konzept eine rückseitige Gleitschicht auf dem Band braucht, damit es sich wieder in die Mitte des Wickel einrollen läßt.


Cassette. (gemeint ist immer die Philips Compact Cassette)

This unit contains tape 5/32-in. wide which is terminated on two spools and must be stopped or reversed at the end of the tape. Operating speed is 1 7/8 ips. Cassette equpment for discrete 4-channel equipment is not generally available yet, but is said to be on the way. Stereo units use a standard quarter-track head pattern while the new discrete 4-channel units use an 8-track pattern. Monaural units use halftrack patterns unless noted differently.

Types of equipment.

We have listed two general types of equipment, portable and home-type (automobile units are covered in another section). Those units designated home-type will generally have a heavy case and will operate only from line power. The portable types will operate from batteries and have built-in carrying cases. As a rule, portable units are complete with amplifiers and speakers.

Sound modes.

Three sound modes are represented, monaural, stereo and 4-channel. Most portable machines are monaural with only a few stereo portables and no 4-channel portables as yet. The home-type machines are mostly stereo units with a few 4-channel cartridge models represented.


Most machines can record and play back since people usually want to have both capabilities. Some models are playback-only models, but they are are few in number. Models with and without built-in amplifiers are represented and we have identified them by calling the units with amplifiers (and usually speakers) "recorders" while the units without power amplifiers are called "decks."

If you are looking for a portable machine, you will have little choice since almost all models have built-in power amplifiers and speakers. When selecting a home-type model, however, you will have to consider whether you wish to include the machine as an integral part of your hi-fi system or whether you want the unit to be able to perform by itself. Remember that even if a model has built-in power amplifiers it can still be connected into your hi-fi system thereby allowing you to use it in either manner.

Power output.

If you select a recorder rather than a deck you will find that the power amplifiers used are low-power units on the order of 10 watts RMS per channel intended to drive high efficiency speakers. Therefore, if you want to drive an elaborate or low-efficiency speaker system, plan on feeding the line output of your recorder into an external amplifier to get the power you need. If you select a deck, of course, you're obligated to have an external amplifier and speakers.

Frequency response.

This is one area where great progress has been made in the field of unitized tapes. For a long time, the best frequency response with cassettes was from 50 Hz. to about 1 2k Hz. Recently, however, with improved heads and tape, the frequency response of high quality cassette machines has been pushed up to 16k Hz - a very respectable figure in light of the obstacles which had to be overcome. This increased frequency response is one of the main factors for the sales which cassette recorders have stolen from open-reel recorders.

Signal-to-noise ratio.

Noise is that hissing sound you hear when you are playing a tape in your machine and the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N ratio) reflects how little of this noise exists. Now, the entire S/N ratio situation can be summed up in one word, fantastic! Some of the most respected and expensive open-reel machines claim a S/N ratio of 58 db (the higher the S/N ratio, the better).

Now, however, as you look through this section you will find some cassette units which, with noise reduction circuitry and chromium dioxide tape, claim a minimum S/N ratio of 56 dB which means that noise is no longer a real problem for the cassette. Unfortunately, similar progress has not been made with 8-track cartridges but chances are that improvements will be forthcoming.

Flutter and wow.

The flutter and wow figure is a good indication of the mechanical quality of a recorder. Flutter is the high frequency variance and wow is the low frequency variance introduced into the tape movement by a tape handling mechanism.

The two are combined together and expressed as an average percentage which should be as low as possible - usually less than 0.20 per cent. Again, manufacturers have really pushed to improve the flutter and wow characteristics of cassette machines and many machines now boast flutter and wow figures much less than 0.20 per cent.

Here also, cartridge equipment has not received as much attention as cassette equipment and, in general, the cassette units will have flutter and wow ratings which are better than the cartridge units.

  • Anmerkung : Hier steht es etwas vesteckt : Die 8-track Systeme jaulen fast alle.


Noise reduction circuitry.

Although there are still a couple of different noise reduction methods around, almost everyone agrees that the name of the game is Dolby. With only a few holdouts, every manufacturer has agreed to use the Dolby System and now prerecorded Dolbyized tapes are being produced, too. Basically, a noise reduction circuit electronically processes the signal going to or coming from the tape in such a manner that the apparent noise level is reduced. Even though a cassette unit with noise reduction circuitry will cost more, it is recommended, if you take your recording seriously. As yet, noise reduction circuitry has not been incorporated into cartridge equipment.


One of the most important factors in the improvement of cassette recorders has been the development of high performance tapes such as low noise-high output tapes and chromium dioxide tapes. Some of these tapes, however, require that recording bias and equalization in a machine be altered. Therefore, on many of the latest models of cassette machines you will find adjustments which allow them to be used with new special tapes.

Some machines offer adjustment of the equalization or bias only, but it is preferable to adjust both. In addition, some machines offer adjustments for two types of tape, while others may be adjusted for three types of tape (regular, low-noise and chromium dioxide). Special tapes are not yet used in cartridges.

Head configuration.

Because of the limited space available for head entry in unitized tapes, only two heads can be used. Thus far, manufacturers have produced few models with multiple-function heads so that you can monitor the tape during recording but, look for more of these models to be introduced.

Special features.

Different manufacturers offer different features, some of which are very useful.

Automatic shut-off is an especially helpful feature, allowing you to leave your cassette recorder unattended with the knowledge that it will release the drive mechanism at the end of the tape thereby reducing the possibility of damage to the tape or mechanism. Some mechanisms also have the capability of automatically reversing the tape direction at the end of the tape and playing the alternate tracks, while a few other machines are changers with the capability of handling several cassettes, changing them in sequence as each finishes playing.

The cartridge models all have automatic program channel sequencing which switches from one program channel to the next as the tape finishes one complete revolution. Some models also have an automatic shut-off feature which shuts off the machine after all tracks on the tape have been played.

Features somewhat standard include a selection of input and output connections, digital counters, program channel indicators and VU meters. Several cartridge models now have fast forward modes - very handy when you're hunting a particular selection on a cartridge.


Die eingescannten Spezifikatioenen wurden deutlich abgekürzt.



Advent 201 - Home-type stereo 4-track cassette deck with built-in Dolby


Aiwa TPR-210EE - Portable monaural cassette recorder/radio.
Aiwa TPR 101H - Portable monaural 2-track cassette recorder/radio.
Aiwa TPR-501 E - Monaural 2-track portable cassette recorder/radio.
Aiwa TPR-3001H - Home-type stereo four-track cassette recorder/tuner.


Akai CR-81 - Home-type stereo 8-track cartridge recorder.
Akai CR-81D - Same as Akai CR-81 except does not have .....
Akai CR-81T - Home-type stereo 8-track cartridge recorder/tuner.
Akai CS-35D - Home-type stereo cassette deck.
Akai GXC-36D - Home-type stereo cassette deck.
Akai GXC-40 - Home-type stereo cassette recorder.
Akai GXC-40D - Same as Akai GXC-40 except does not have....
Akai GXC-40T - Same as Akai GXC-40 except has ......
Akai GXC-41D - Home-type stereo cassette deck
Akai GXC-46 - Home-type stereo cassette recorder
Akai GXC-46D - Same as Akai GXC-46 except does not have........
Akai GXC-65 - Home-type stereo cassette recorder

Bell and Howell

Bell and Howell Boom Box - Convertible home/portable monaural 2-track cassette recorder.


Dokorder MC-60 - Home-type stereo 8-track cartridge deck.
Dokorder MC-70A - Home-type4-channel/stereo 8-track cartridge recorder


Fisher CP-100 - Home-type 4-channel/ stereo 8-track cartridge player deck.
Fisher SR-110 - Home-type stereo cassette deck
Fisher TX-420 - Home-type 4-channel/ stereo 8-track cartridge player deck

General Electric

General Electric M-8616 - Portable stereo 8-track cartridge playback unit.
General Electric M-8430 - Portable monaural cassette recorder.
General Electric M8450 - Portable monaural 2-track cassette recorder.


Grundig C-230 - Portable monaural cassette recorder.


Harman-Kardon HK 1000 - Home-type stereo four-track cassette deck


JVC-Nivico ED-261U/1261F - Home-type stereo 8-track cartridge deck.
JVC-Nivico CHR 250UB - Home type stereo 8-track cartridge deck.
JVC-Nivico 1202/UH - Home type 4 channel/stereo cartridge player deck.
JVC-Nivico 1260U - Home-type stereo 8-track cartridge deck.
JVC-Nivico 1610U - Portable monaural cassette recorder.
JVC-Nivico 1667U/F - Home-type stereo four-track cassette deck
JVC-Nivico 1668U/F - Home-type stereo four-track cassette deck
JVC-Nivico 9425LS - Portable monaural cassette recorder/radio.


Kenwood KX-700 - Home-type stereo 4-track cassette deck
Kenwood KX-7010A - Home-type stereo 4-track cassette deck

National Panasonic

National Panasonic RS-262US - Home-type stereo cassette deck
National Panasonic RS-270US -Home-type stereo four-track cassette deck
National Panasonic RS-272US -Home-type stereo four-track cassette deck
National Panasonic RS-275US -Home-type stereo four-track cassette deck
National Panasonic RS-276US - Home-type stereo four-track cassette deck
National Panasonic RS-277US -Home-type stereo four-track cassette deck
National Panasonic RS-279US -Home-type stereo cassette deck
National Panasonic RS-806US -Home-type stereo 8-track cartridge record/playback deck.


Philips EL-3302 - Portable monaural cassette recorder.
Philips N-2204 - Portable monaural 2-track cassette recorder.
Philips N-2205 - Portable monaural 2-track cassette recorder.
Philips N-2400 - Home-type stereo 4-track cassette recorder
Philips N-2401 - Home-type stereo 4-track cassette changer
Philips N-2510 - Home-type stereo cassette deck


Pioneer CT-3131 - Home-type stereo four-track cassette deck
Pioneer CT-4141 - Home-type stereo four-track cassette deck


Sansui SC-700 - Home-type stereo 4-track cassette deck.
Sansui SC-737 - Home-type stereo cassette deck with Dolby circuit


Sanyo M-741D - Portable monaural cassette recorder.
Sanyo M-787A - Portable monaural cassette recorder.
Sanyo M-2110F - Portable monaural cassette recorder/radio.
Sanyo M-2211 - Portable monaural cassette recorder.
Sanyo M-2400F - Portable monaural two-track cassette recorder/radio.
Sanyo M-2410F - Portable monaural cassette recorder/radio.
Sanyo M-2411F - Portable monaural cassette recorder/radio.
Sanyo M-2414 - Portable monaural cassette recorder/radio.
Sanyo M-2415H - Portable monaural cassette recorder/radio.
Sanyo M-2415L - Portable monaural cassette recorder/radio.
Sanyo M-2514 - Portable monaural cassette recorder.
Sanyo M-4400F - Portable stereo cassette recorder/radio
Sanyo M-4420 - Portable stereo cassette recorder/radio.
Sanyo MR-4112F - Portable monaural two-track cassette recorder/radio.
Sanyo 4141F - Portable monaural cassette recorder/radio.
Sanyo RD-4300 - Home-type stereo four-track cassette deck
Sanyo RP-8800 - Portable monaural 2-track cassette recorder/radio.
Sanyo STD-110 - Home-type stereo four-track cassette recorder/radio
Sanyo TRC-1100 - Miniature portable monaural cassette recorder.


Sony CF-300 - Portable monaural 2-track cassette recorder/radio.
Sony CF-400 - Portable monaural 2-track cassette recorder/radio.
Sony CF-550A - Portable stereo cassette recorder/radio.
Sony CF-610 - Home-type stereo cassette recorder/radio
Sony 620A - Home-type stereo cassette recorder/radio.
Sony TC-60A - Portable monaural two-track cassette recorder.
Sony TC-85 - Portable monaural 2-track cassette recorder.
Sony TC-90 - Portable monaural 2-track cassette recorder.
Sony TC-124CS - Portable stereo 4-track cassette recorder
Sony TC-133CS - Portable stereo four-track cassette recorder
Sony TC-134SD - Home-type stereo four-track cassette deck
Sony TC-160 - Home-type stereo 4-track cassette deck
Sony TC-161SD - Home-type stereo four-track cassette deck
Sony TC-165 - Home-type stereo cassette deck


Tandberg TCD 300 - Home-type stereo four track cassette deck


Teac A-110 - Home-type stereo cassette deck.
Teac A-210 - Home-type stereo 4-track cassette deck.
Teac A-250 - Home-type stereo four-track cassette deck
Teac A-280 - Home-type stereo cassette recorder.
Teac A-350 - Home-type stereo 4-track cassette deck
Teac A-450 - Home type stereo cassette deck with Dolby circuit


Telefunken Magnetophon Partysound - Portable monaural cassette recorder.
Telefunken Magnetophon Partysound Stereo - Same as
Telefunken Magnetophon Starsound - Portable monaural cassette recorder.
Telefunken Magnetophon Stereosound - Home-type stereo cassette recorder.
Telefunken Magnetophon Stereosound TD - Home-type stereo cassette deck.


Toshiba KT-213 - Portable monaural cassette recorder.
Toshiba KT-215 - Portable monaural cassette recorder.
Toshiba KT-270D - Portable monaural 2-track cassette recorder.
Toshiba KT-403D - Home-type stereo 4-track cassette deck.
Toshiba PT-415 - Home-type stereo cassette deck
Toshiba PT-470 - Home-type stereo 4-track cassette deck
Toshiba PT-490 - Home-type stereo 4-track cassette deck
Toshiba RT-294F - Portable monaural 2-track cassette recorder/radio.
Toshiba RT-330F - Portable monaural cassette recorder/radio.


Uher Report stereo 124 - Portable stereo 4-track cassette recorder with automatic reverse.


Wharfedale Dolby DC9 - Home-type stereo 4-track cassette deck


Yamaha TB-700 - Home-type stereo cassette deck with Dolby

Das sind jetzt nur die Modelle, die im military Sales angeboten werden, auf dem Weltmarkt gibt es bestimmt schon die fünffache Anzahl.


Price List - Cassette Units - Aug. 1973

Cassette Units    
General Electric M-8430 EES, $19.00
General Electric M-8450 EES, $32.00
Sony TC-85 Special Order, $32.00
Philips EL-3302 EES, $36.50
Sanyo M-787A Clubs, about $37.00
Toshiba KT-270D Clubs, about $37.00
Sony TC-60A Special Order, $43.00
Sanyo M-2211Z Clubs, about $44.00
Toshiba KT-213D Clubs, about $45.00
Philips N-2204 Clubs, about $48.00
Sanyo M-2514 Clubs, about $48.00
Telefunken Magnetophon Starsound .. EES Special Order $52.00
Toshiba KT-215D Clubs, about $53.00
Philips N-2205 Clubs, about $54.00
Bell & Howell Boom Box Clubs, about $55.00
Sanyo M-741D Clubs, about $56.00
Telefunken Magnetophon Partysound .. EES Special Order $58.00
Sanyo M-2410F Clubs, about $60.00
Sanyo M-2400F Clubs, about $66.00
Toshiba KT-216D Clubs, about $67.00
Toshiba RT-294F Clubs, about $67.00
Sanyo M-2411F Clubs, about $69.00
Sanyo M-2110FZ Clubs, about $70.00
JVC-Nivico 1610U EES, $74.00
Sanyo MR-4112F Clubs, about $75.00
Telefunken Magnetophon Stereosound TD EES Special Order $76.80
Aiwa TPR-101H EES, $80.00
Telefunken Magnetophon Partysound Stereo EES Special Order $81.60
Sanyo MR-4141F Clubs, about $82.00
Sanyo TRC-1100 Clubs, about $82.00
Sanyo M-4420 Clubs, about $84.00
Philips N-2400 Clubs, about $87.00
Sony CF-300 Special Order $90.00
Sony TC-90 Clubs, about $90.00
Toshiba KT-403D EES Mail Order $90.00
Telefunken Magnetophon Stereosound EES Special Order $98.00
Aiwa TPR-501E EES, $101.00
Sanyo M-2414 Clubs, about $103.00
National Panasonic RS-270US Clubs, about $104.00
Sony CF-400 Clubs, about $104.00
Toshiba RT-330F Clubs, about $105.00
Sanyo M-2415H Clubs, about $106.00
Sanyo M-2415L Clubs, about $106.00
Teac A-110 EES, about $110.00
National Panasonic RS-262US EES Mail Order $112.00
AiwaTPR-210EE EES, $118.00
Kenwood KX-7010A Clubs, about $118.00
Pioneer CT-3131 Clubs, about $120.00
Philips N-2401 Clubs, about $121.00
Teac A-210 EES, $121.00
National Panasonic RS-272US Clubs, about $127.00
Sanyo M-4400F Clubs, about $134.00
Akai CR-81D Clubs, about $135.00
Toshiba PT-415 EES Mail Order $137.00
Sony TC-160 Clubs, about $142.00
Akai GXC-40 Clubs, about $150.00
Akai CS-35D EES, $152.00
Wharfedale Dolby DC-9 Clubs, about $153.00
Sony CF-550 Clubs, about $158.00
Sony TC-124CS Clubs, about $158.00
Sanyo RP-8800 Clubs, about $163.00
National Panasonic RS-275US Clubs, about $166.00
Teac A-250 Clubs, about $168.00
National Panasonic RS-277US Clubs, about $171.00
Sony TC-133CS Clubs, about $171.00
Philips N-2510 Clubs, about $175.00
Sony TC-134SD EES Mail Order $176.00
Akai GXC-46D Clubs, about $180.00
Pioneer CT-4141 Clubs, about $180.00
Sansui SC-700 Clubs, about $187.00
Kenwood KX-700 Clubs, about $188.00
Fisher SR-110 Clubs, about $190.00
Sony CF-610 Clubs, about $191.00
Teac A-350 Clubs, about $199.00
Sanyo STD-110 Clubs, about $210.00
Sanyo RD-4300 Clubs, about $211.00
Yamaha TB-700 Clubs, about $212.00
Sony TC-161SD Clubs, about $215.00
Sony TC-165 Clubs, about $216.00
Toshiba PT-470 Clubs, about $225.00
JVC-Nivico 1668U EES, $228.00
Aiwa TPR-3001H EES, about $230.00
Advent 201 Clubs, about $236.00
Teac A-280 EES, about $237.00
National Panasonic RS-276US Clubs, about $238.00
Harman-Kardon HK-1000 Clubs, about $245.00
Sony CF-620A Clubs, about $245.00
Tandberg TCD-300 Clubs, about $245.00
Akai GXC-46 EES Mail Order $252.00
Akai GXC-65 EES Mail Order $271.00
Toshiba PT-490 EES Mail Order $271.00
Teac A-450 Clubs, about $274.00
Akai GXC-40T EES Mail Order $280.00
Uher Compact Report Stereo 124 .... EES Special Order $298.00
8-Track Cartridge Units    
General Electric M-8616 EES, $59.00
JVC-Nivico 1202/UH EES, $80.00
JVC-Nivico 1260U EES, $125.00
Dokorder MC-60 EES Mail Order $126.00
National Panasonic RS-806US EES, $126.00
Fisher CP-100 Clubs, about $127.00
Dokorder MC-70A EES, $168.00
Akai CR-81 Clubs, about $170.00
Fisher TX-420 Clubs, about $209.00
Akai CR-81T Clubs, about $220.00
- Werbung Dezent -
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