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"off duty" 1970 - 1997 - eine Freizeit-Zeitung für's US-Militär

Die in diesem amerikanischen (Freizeit-) Shopping-Magazin angepriesenen Hifi- und Video-Produkte waren auschließlich amerikanischen und kanadischen Militärangehörigen zugänglich - also zu kaufen - und vor allem zu ganz ungewöhnlich (verblüffend) niedrigen US $ Military-Preisen. Zu der einführenden "off duty" Seite geht es hier lang. -  Um 1970 begann der weltweite Hifi-Boom bis zum 1. Crash 1978 und dann wieder zum 2.Crash um 1990. Über die 20 Jahre nach 2001 lesen Sie mehr in den Kolumnen auf diesen japanischen Seiten.


Hi-Fi Apparel
The latest headphone styles for today's well-dressed audio buff

By THOM PRINGLE - Off Duty/Europe/February 73


ALL YOU REALLY NEED for a complete stereo (or 4-channel) system is a receiver and a set of headphones. Few people, however, have systems as limited as this - they usually start with complete systems including at least a turntable, receiver and loudspeakers, then add headphones as an extra.

It's a situation that exists because, no matter how good headphones become, people still consider them as novel accessories.

Headphones are novel not just because they are wearable pieces of hi-fi gear, but because they actually produce a very exciting effect and have unique properties which loudspeakers simply can't match.

And, of course, anyone who takes his audio seriously doesn't feel that his setup is complete unless he can monitor his equipment with headphones, as they do in professional sound studios.

The exciting audio effect

The exciting audio effect produced by headphones is the greatest benefit realized from the positioning of headphones during use. This positioning allows sound to be produced with a known relationship to the ears, thereby doing away with orientation problems.

With headphones you can move about or turn your head without losing your perspective. And, with the sound transducers being in the known, controlled environment of a headphone earpiece, there are no walls, people or furniture to affect the sound before it reaches your ears.

In addition, the transducers have to drive only a very small amount of air (the amount in the ear-cup) and can be very efficient with a corresponding improvement in frequency response and distortion. These are areas where loudspeakers have trouble but where headphones are at their best.

headphones offer privacy

Probably the biggest advantage of headphones, though, is that they offer privacy to you and those who are near-by. If you have a pair of headphones with isolation-type ear cushions, you can clamp them on and virtually forget about any activity around you.

A good set of fluid-filled ear cushions can offer as much as 40dB of sound isolation - enough to keep you oblivious of anything short of an earthquake. On the other hand, your headphones are sure to win hearty approval from neighbors and family members who don't have the same temperament or taste in music as you.

Nur wenig Neues iml etzten Jahr

During the past year, little has happened in the headphone business. A few new models have been introduced, including electrostatic, 4-channel and hear-through types, but the field remains generally unchanged. Considering the high quality of headphones which are now available, it doesn't look like there will be any great changes in the immediate future, either.

What to listen to with headphones.

With headphones, you have eliminated spatial problems in your listening room. Therefore, recordings which are engineered for maximum spatial response will sound different from other recordings.

For example, if the recording engineer sets up two microphones within one foot of each other and aimed about 180° apart the result will be a recording perfectly designed for natural effect with headphones.

That is, when you are listening to this type of recording with headphones, you should experience the effect of actually witnessing the performance. On the other hand, if the microphones were placed near the performers or wide apart, you will experience artificial placement effect which may not be unpleasant but which may seem unnatural or engineered.

A few headphone models have a special "cross-field" circuit which feeds a small amount of each channel's material into the opposite channel thereby alleviating the artificial placement effect. External control units with "cross-field" circuits are also available and can be added to headphones not equipped with the circuitry.

Earpiece design.

High-fidelity headphones have traditionally been designed with large earpieces and special "ear cushions" which encircle the ear to form a tight seal to the head for good audio coupling as well as high isolation.

The problems with this type of design are that the units are usually heavy and provide too much isolation. A lot of people found that they didn't like to wear these models for more than a few minutes because they felt shut off from everything around them.

Therefore, several new headphone models have special lightweight "open-back, hear-through" designs with some type of openings in the earpiece shell. The openings allow external sounds to reach the wearer and, with some models, even allow the wearer to carry on conversations.


Manufacturers have gone to a lot of trouble to design headphones to be comfortable since long wearing times are usually involved. The ear cushions may be filled with foam rubber, air or liquid, or may simply be soft pads which rest lightly against the ear.

In any case, it's best to try on any headphones you are considering before buying, especially if you wear glasses. The pad-type ear cushions are highly recommended for those who want to wear their glasses while using headphones.


The impedance figures given in the model descriptions are recommended source impedances. That is, they are the output impedances of the equipment to which you should connect the headphones for best performance. If your amplifier or receiver has a headphone jack, the instruction booklet will indicate what impedance headphone works best with your unit.

Most headphones have the same impedance ratings as loudspeakers - 4-16 ohms. Therefore, they can be connected directly to the output of an amplifier without requiring any special equipment.

If you need headphones with higher impedances, you will find that many manufacturers make mid- and high-impedance versions of their headphones - typical ratings are 250, 300, 600 and 10,000 (10k) ohms.


Generally, headphones today use dynamic (magnetic) transducers to reproduce the sound. They are, in fact, miniature speakers with exceptionally good specifications. This term "dynamic" is applied to many transducer designs - from metal plates in front of an electromagnet to the high quality units we mentioned above - and sometimes you will have no indication of exactly what kind of a unit you are buying.

But all the leading brands are proud of the progress they have made in transducer design and will often show very detailed cross-sectional diagrams or descriptions of their units so you know exactly what you are getting.

There are also several electrostatic headphones available which offer above-average frequency response and performance characteristics. Working the same way as electrostatic speakers, they produce sound by vibrating a plastic film through the application of electrostatic charges.

Usually, these units require an external power supply but there are a few "self-energizing" models which must be driven with larger amounts of power during operation. Electrostatic headphones are invariably more expensive than their counterparts.

A new technique has been introduced by the Wharfedale people which combines ideas from both dynamic and electrostatic principles. Called "isodynamic," the system consists of an electrically conductive film between two screen-like magnets.

When current flows across the film, force fields are created which move the film to generate sound waves. The system offers excellent frequency response and is an interesting compromise between dynamic and electrostatic designs.

Frequency response.

Only a few models have referenced frequency response ratings. This means that you are pretty much on your own as far as choosing a set of phones for best performance. If you're considering a model which gives frequency response but doesn't state variation limits, the best idea is to make
a personal listening test and compare the model against several others. Let your ears make the choice.

Power rating.

Since most headphones are really miniature loudspeakers it follows that their power handling ability is also reduced. Usually, you'll find that headphones will not accept over 2 watts of power and in many cases much less. So, if you're planning to make your own headphone connections, you'll have to be careful about how much power you feed into the headphones. Most amplifiers have a front-panel headphone jack and you won't have to worry about making any connections, just remember to turn down the volume before plugging in your headset.


Some headphones have individual controls mounted right on the earpiece so you don't have to get up from your chair to adjust the balance or tone. And it's rare if you find headphones without a cord and stereo plug already connected.

Most of the cords are coiled so they are more convenient; stretching or retracting by themselves to stay out of your way. There are many accessory units also available to use with your headset - control boxes, amplifiers, and conversion units - all of which can make listening a lot more convenient if you're an avid headphone user.


Several 4-channel models are now available. They have two transducers in each earpiece for a total of four, one connected to each of the four channels. Opinions still vary about the advantages of this arrangement - you'll have to judge for yourself. Most of the 4-channel units have a switch which parallels the transducers in each earpiece for stereo operation.

Die Produktliste aus 1973


  1. Akai
  2. Akai ASE-9S - Stereo dynamic headphone
  3. Audiotec
  4. Audiotec CES - Stereo electrostatic headphone
  5. Clark
  6. Clark 100A - Stereo dynamic headphone
  7. Clark 200 - Stereo dynamic headphone
  8. Clark 250 - Stereo dynamic headphone
  9. Clark 300 - Stereo dynamic headphone
  10. Coral
  11. Coral HP-120 - Stereo dynamic headphone
  12. Dokorder
  13. Dokorder HS-303D - Stereo dynamic headphone
  14. Fisher
  15. Fisher HP-70 - Stereo dynamic headphone
  16. Fisher HP-100 - Stereo dynamic headphone
  17. JVC-IMivico
  18. JVC-Nivico STH-2E - Stereo dynamic headphone
  19. JVC-IMivico STH-6E - Stereo dynamic headphone
  20. JVC-Nivico STH-10E - Stereo dynamic headphone
  21. JVC-Nivico 5844 - 4-channel/stereo dynamic headphone
  22. JVC-Nivico 5944 - 4-channel/stereo dynamic headphone
  23. Kenwood
  24. Kenwood HS-1 - Stereo dynamic headphone
  25. Kenwood KH-31 - Stereo dynamic headphone
  26. Kenwood KH-51 - Stereo dynamic headphone
  27. Kenwood KH-71 - Stereo dynamic headphone
  28. Koss
  29. Koss ESP-6 - Stereo self-energized electrostatic headphone
  30. Koss ESP-9 - Stereo electrostatic headphone
  31. Koss HV-1 - Stereo dynamic headphone
  32. Koss K-2+2 - 4-channel/stereo dynamic headphone
  33. Koss K-6 - Stereo dynamic headphone
  34. Koss K-6LC - Same as Koss K-6 except has individual volume control on each earpiece.
  35. Koss K-6LCQ - 4-channel/stereo dynamic headphone
  36. Koss KO-727B - Stereo dynamic headphone
  37. Koss KO-747 - Stereo dynamic headphone
  38. Koss KO-747Q - 4-channel/stereo dynamic headphone
  39. Koss KRD-711 (Red Devil) - Stereo dynamic headphone
  40. Koss Pro-4AA - Stereo dynamic headphone
  41. Koss Pro-5LC - Stereo dynamic headphone
  42. Koss Pro-5Q - 4-channel/stereo dynamic headphone
  43. Marantz
  44. Marantz SD-1 - Stereo dynamic headphone
  45. National Panasonic
  46. National Panasonic EAH-60 - Stereo dynamic headphone
  47. Perpetuum-Ebner
  48. Perpetuum Ebner PE KH-10 - Stereo dynamic headphone
  49. Pioneer
  50. Pioneer SE-20A - Stereo dynamic headphone
  51. Pioneer SE-30A - Stereo dynamic headphone
  52. Pioneer SE-50 - Stereo dynamic headphone,
  53. Pioneer SE-L20 - Stereo dynamic headphone
  54. Pioneer SE-L40 - Stereo dynamic headphone
  55. Sansui
  56. Sansui SS-2 - Stereo dynamic headphone
  57. Sansui SS-10 - Stereo dynamic headphone
  58. Sansui SS-20 - Stereo dynamic headphone
  59. Sharp
  60. Sharp HP-300 - Stereo dynamic headphone
  61. Sharpe HA-10/Mk II - Stereo dynamic headphone
  62. Sharpe HA-660/Pro - Stereo dynamic headphon
  63. Sony
  64. Sony DR-5A - Stereo dynamic headphone
  65. Sony DR-7 - Stereo dynamic headphone
  66. Stax SR-3 - Stereo electrostatic headphone
  67. Stax SR-X -Stereo electrostatic headphone
  68. Superex
  69. Superex PEP-77D - Stereo electrostatic headphone
  70. Superex PEP 79 - Stereo electrostatic headphone
  71. Superex QT-4 - 4-channel/stereo dynamic headphone
  72. Superex SST - Stereo dynamic/ceramic headphone
  73. Superex ST-F - Stereo dynamic headphone
  74. Superex Pro-B VI - Stereo dynamic headphone
  75. Superex ST-V - Stereo dynamic headphone
  76. Superex SW-2 - Stereo dynamic headphone
  77. Teac
  78. Teac HP-101 - Stereo dynamic headphone
  79. Teac HP-102 - Stereo dynamic head phone
  80. Telefunken
  81. Telefunken TH 30 - Stereo dynamic headphone
  82. Telefunken TH 40 - Stereo dynamic headphone
  83. Toshiba HR-40 - 4-channel/stereo dynamic headphone
  84. Toshiba HR-50 - Stereo dynamic headphone
  85. Toshiba HR 80 - Stereo dynamic headphone
  86. Wharfedale
  87. Wharfedale DD1 - Stereo dynamic headphone
  88. Wharfedale Isodynamic - Stereo isodynamic headphone


Und hier die 1973er US-Dollar Preise - aufsteigend sortiert

JVC-Nivico STH-6E Clubs, about $7.35
Coral HP-120 Clubs, about $8.00
Kenwood KH-31 Clubs, about $9.00
Pioneer SE-20A EES Mail Order $9.40
Akai ASE-9S Clubs, about $9.60
JVC-Nivico STH-2E Clubs, about $9.60
SonyDR-7 Clubs, about $11.00
Clark 300 Clubs, about $12.00
Sansui SS-2 Clubs, about $12.75
Toshiba HR 80 Clubs, about $12.50
SonyDR-5A Clubs, about $13.20
Telefunken TH-30 EES $14.75
Toshiba HR 50 EES Mail Order $14.75
Kenwood HS-1 Clubs, about $15.00
Koss K-6 Clubs, about $15.00
Pioneer SE-L 20 Clubs, about $15.00
Pioneer SE-30A Clubs, about $15.50
Clark 200 Clubs, about $16.00
Fisher HP 70 Clubs, about $16.00
JVC-Nivico STH-10E Clubs, about $16.40
SuperexST-F Clubs, about $16.50
SuperexSW-2 Clubs, about $16.50
Kenwood KH-51 Clubs, about $17.00
National Panasonic EAH-60 Clubs, about $17.60
TeacHP-101 Clubs, about $17.60
TeacHP-102 Clubs, about $17.60
Clark 250 Clubs, about $18.00
Dokorder HS-303 D EES $18.00
KossKRD-711 Clubs, about $18.00
MarantzSD-1 Clubs, about $19.00
Koss K-6LC Clubs, about $20.00
Sansui SS-10 Clubs, about $21.00
SuperexST-V Clubs, about $21.00
KossKO-727B Clubs, about $23.10
Pioneer SE-L 40 EES Mail Order $23.50
Telefunken TH-40 EES Sp. Ord. about $24.00
JVC~Nivico 5944 EES $24.50
Pioneer SE 50 Clubs, about $25.00
Fisher HP 100 Clubs, about $25.50
Clark 100A Clubs, about $26.00
Clark 103 Clubs, about $26.00
Koss K 6LCQ Clubs, about $26.50
Kenwood KH-71 Clubs, about $27.00
KossHV-1 Clubs, about $27.00
Wharfedale DD1 Clubs, about $27.00
Superex SST Clubs, about $27.50
Clark 106 Clubs, about $29.00
Sansui SS-20 Clubs, about $29.00
Koss KO-747 Clubs, about $30.00
Sharpe HA-10/Mk II Clubs, about $32.00
Stax SR-3 Clubs, about $33.50
Wharfedale Isodynamic Clubs, about $35.00
Superex QT-4 Clubs, about $35.50
Telefunken TH-60 EES Sp. Ord. about $36.00
KossKO-747Q Clubs, about $36.50
Toshiba HR 40 EES $38.50
Koss Pro-4AA Clubs, about $40.00
Superex ST-Pro B VI Clubs, about $41.00
Koss Pro-5LC Clubs, about $43.00
Sharpe HA-660/Pro Clubs, about $43.50
Koss Pro-5Q Clubs, about $46.20
Superex PEP 79 Clubs, about $56.00
KossK-2+2 Clubs, about $56.10
Audiotec Clubs, about $70.00
KossESP-6 Clubs, about $62.70
Stax SR -X Clubs, about $74.00
Superex PEP 77D Clubs, about $80.00
Koss ESP-9 Clubs, about $99.00



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