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"off duty" 1970 - 1997 - eine Freizeit-Zeitung für's US-Militär

Die in diesem amerikanischen (Freizeit-) Shopping-Magazin angepriesenen Hifi- und Video-Produkte waren auschließlich amerikanischen und kanadischen Militärangehörigen zugänglich - also zu kaufen - und vor allem zu ganz ungewöhnlich (verblüffend) niedrigen US $ Military-Preisen. Zu der einführenden "off duty" Seite geht es hier lang. -  Um 1970 begann der weltweite Hifi-Boom bis zum 1. Crash 1978 und dann wieder zum 2.Crash um 1990. Über die 20 Jahre nach 2001 lesen Sie mehr in den Kolumnen auf diesen japanischen Seiten.


Between You and the Amplifier

This Month's Shopper - Hundreds of loudspeakers are available to the audiophile - By THOM PRINGLE - Off Duty / Europe / October 1974

Willst Du mal eine emotionale Diskussion ankurbeln ....

IF YOU WANT TO START a heated discussion among audiophiles, just bring up the topic of loudspeakers. Everybody from beginners to the industry's most respected experts has an opinion about the subject and is usually more than happy to tell you about it.

Of course, there's plenty of room for discussion because the number of different design philosophies offers ampie material for continuous debate. What's important, however, is how much pleasure you get from the speakers you actually buy and install in your home. That, strangely enough, depends almost as much on you as it does on the loudspeakers.

Nach welchen Kriterien auswählen ?

The things you seek from your home sound system may be quite different from the benefits your neighbor expects. You may be interested only in background music as accompaniment for your reading.

With this in mind, you would have little use for a set of $1,000 loudspeakers. Then again, you may be the type who listens to every note on the recording, and won't settle for anything but the best.

Even if you recognize your type, you'll still find that the process of choosing a set of loudspeakers is bewildering once you're in a large loudspeaker demonstration room where there may be dozens or even hundreds of different loudspeakers.

There are lots of speaker systems in every price category and any plans you may have for buying strictly on the basis of price will be quickly foiled.

Hier gibts Hilfe zur Vorauswahl

By looking through our SHOPPER, you can pre-educate yourself on the subject and at least know what's available and what to look for when you get to the showroom. The whole thing can even be enjoyable.

The procedure. When you're finally ready to start hunting a new set of speakers, you'll need a program to follow so you can come as close as possible to finding the speakers you want. There are several ways to go about this, but in the next few paragraphs we've outlined a procedure which works well for most people.

Hiermit anfangen .......

First, figure out the size and general price range of speaker system you want. For the price range, consult your pocketbook; for the size, see our comments further on.

Next, consider the power requirements of the speakers. If you already have an amplifier or receiver, you'll need to match the power handling ability of your new speakers to your amp. If you're starting from scratch, remember that low-efficiency speaker systems require high-output amplifiers and that means more money!

After this, read our comments on specifications and start digging into the speakers' performances. Keep in mind that not all manufacturers give performance specifications and only a few give complete, referenced specs. You may not get far in this step but it will give you a good overall view of what's available.

The final step - selbst anhören

The final step is to audition the speakers themselves. Don't rush this! Go to several speaker showrooms, if you can, and take your own records. Take records that you've listened to over and over, so you know every little scrape and squawk on them and be sure it's the type of music you like to listen to. If you enjoy symphonic recordings, don't take rock records.

Go to your friends' homes and listen to their speaker systems (yes, take your records along). Ask around to find people who may have systems you're interested in. (You'll find that audiophiles love to demonstrate their systems - even to complete strangers.)

Keep a written record of the speakers you audition, their prices, model numbers and your impressions of them. After a month of looking and listening, you'll have a pretty good idea of what you want to buy.


In our listings we refer to all models as systems since all the units listed consist of an enclosure or other ancillary equipment. Individual transducer elements in the systems may be referred to as speakers.

We have abandoned the traditional bookshelf and floor-standing terms in favor of three categories, small, medium-size and large. Most people choose medium-size units since they may be used in either small or large rooms, whereas small systems are usually limited to small areas and large systems are best used in large rooms.

Number of speakers and ranges.

Most speaker systems have some means of splitting the audio spectrum into two or more parts each of which is then fed to speaker elements especially designed to reproduce a particular range of frequencies. The result is lower distortion and better frequency response even though there is some loss of energy in the frequency dividing network.
Trying to relate the number of frequency ranges and transducers to the overall performance of a loudspeaker, however, is difficult.

A unit which splits the spectrum into two parts might, in fact, give better performance than a unit that splits the spectrum into five parts. Likewise, the number of speaker elements in an enclosure is little guarantee of overall performance. The frequency ranges and number of speaker elements are given so that you will have some idea of what is in a particular unit and the design concept of the manufacturer.

Frequency response.

There are three types of speaker manufacturers when it comes to frequency response; those who give no frequency response, those who give unreferenced frequency responses and those who give complete frequency response figures.

All of this is a reflection of the many loudspeaker theories which exist today - every manufacturer seems to have his own.

Granted, with the many different designs, it is difficult to produce a standard method of measuring loudspeaker frequency response but a good system has to at least start by producing the full range of audio frequencies.

Especially in the case of regular, front-firing systems, there is a little reason why a standardized measuring method can't be found. Likewise, distortion measurements are often not provided or are so involved that they are not given in the following listings.

Frequency response statements which are unreferenced (do not give variance limits, such as ±4dB) tell you, at best, what frequency range the speaker is supposed to cover. Very often, these types of speakers will lose over 20dB of output by the time they reach their stated end frequencies.

Keep in mind, too, that the room where you place your speakers will have an effect on the apparent frequency response - this is where you can use the treble and bass controls on your amplifier and speakers to good advantage.

Power rating.

The maximum power rating of a loudspeaker tells you the highest amount of power you should allow to be put into the speaker system. In some cases you may burn out the speaker elements if you exceed this limit. In other cases the manufacturer has found that driving the system above a certain limit seriously distorts the output of the system and makes any further power increases useless. In stating power ratings, however, manufacturers may use any of several methods including rms, program and peak.

Continuous or rms.

Many manufacturers give their speakers an "rms" maximum power rating meaning that a loudspeaker system can stand a certain amount of power if it is driven by an amplifier delivering a steady tone.

While this rating is the most scientifically accurate, it is difficult for the average audiophile to use because very few people listen to steady tones with their systems.

Nevertheless, the rms rating is generally considered to be the most conservative method of rating speaker systems. If you connect your speaker system to an amplifier which has an rms power rating at least 20 per cent less than the rms power rating of the loudspeaker, you should rarely have trouble with overloading.

  • Anmerkung : Das stimmt nur bedingt. Mit einem schwachen 60 Watt Verstärker bekomme ich auch die BOSE 901 kaputt. Durch andauerndes Übersteuern der Endstufe und damit volles Clipping brennen die Schwingspulen durch.



When a loudspeaker is rated in "program" watts, it means that the system can withstand the stated amount of power when driven by an amplifier delivering musical program material. This is the easiest rating for the audiophile to understand because he will most likely be using his system to reproduce music.

When matching a speaker system rated in program watts to an amplifier rated in rms watts, you can make direct comparisons of the figures with no conversions necessary. Again, however, give yourself a 20 per cent margin in the speaker rating just to be safe.


This rating generally means that a speaker system can withstand only extremely short bursts of the stated power. It is one of the least conservative ratings and should be reduced considerably when choosing a matching amplifier.

As a general rule, one should discount peak ratings by 50 per cent to be safe. In cases where no power method is stated, consider the rating to be the program method.


The impedance of the speaker system should match the output of your amplifier for best performance. Actually, the impedance of most speaker units varies considerably according to the frequency they are reproducing. This variance in impedance is reflected back to the amplifier which may reduce its output power by a considerable amount.


There may be as many as three types of components inside your speaker cabinet although sometimes functions are combined in two units or even one to save space and money. If you have three types of components in your system, you will most likely have a woofer to cover the low frequencies, a midrange unit to reproduce midrange frequencies, and a tweeter to take care of the high frequencies.

Most all woofers today are cone-type speakers designed to work especially with frequencies from 20 up to 500 or 1,000 Hz. The majority are direct radiator types with some of the big systems using horns to load the woofers for better efficiency. One exception to the cone-type woofer, is the Quad Electrostatic which uses an electrostatic membrane for low frequencies.

Midrange units and tweeters use the same types of transducers; cones, domes, horns and electrostatics.

Generally speaking, they all do an equally good job, since the job of creating high frequencies is considerably easier than that of pushing out the lows. One notable exception is the electrostatic transducer which is noted for its exceptionally smooth response in the treble regions.


There are many different types of enclosures, each with different advantages and drawbacks. Three main types are noted in our listings.

Sealed enclosures.

These units are completely enclosed with only the fronts of the speaker elements exposed. The idea is to prevent radiation from the rear of the elements from reaching the front side of the unit where it could interfere with the overall sound quality. In some cases this is called an "infinite baffle" arrangement and adsorbing material in placed in the cabinet to soak up the rear radiations.

Many "air-suspension" systems are not acoustic-suspension systems, as you may be led to believe, but simple sealed enclosures. A few of the current sealed enclosures are special in that they have a "terminated line" - a tube-like structure - behind the woofer in order to smooth out the low-end frequency response. In any case, sealed enclosures can offer excellent sound and are usually medium-efficiency systems requiring medium-size amplifiers.

Acoustic-suspension enclosures.

These systems are a type of sealed enclosure but they must have specially designed speaker elements to work. In principle, they utilize the air trapped inside the speaker cabinet to modify the characteristics of the speaker elements. They offer extremely clean bass response but are notoriously power hungry and inefficient. Plan on a large amplifier.

Bass-reflex enclosures.

Put a hole in an enclosure so that the bass frequencies from the back of the woofer can come out the front and reinforce the front radiations and you have a bass-reflex enclosure.

Such a system has a fair amount of efficiency and can be driven with a smaller amplifier. A number of refinements or variations of the basic bass-reflex principle are now available, including enclosures with special ports, ducts, drone cones and transmission lines.

In each of these cases, the purpose is to give smoother frequency response by affecting the response of the bass speaker elements. Modified bass-reflex systems will usually have reduced efficiency.

Die Boxenmodelle Winter 1974 nach Hersteller gelistet

ADC Pritchard - Medium-size, 2-way, 6-speaker system.
ADC XT-6 - Small, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
ADC XT-9 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
ADC XT-10 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
ADC 303AX - Medium-size. 2-way. 2-speaker system.

AR LST - Medium-size. 3-way, 9-speaker system.
AR LST/2 - Medium-size. 3-way, 7-speaker system.
AR MST - Medium-size, 2-way, 5-speaker unit.
AR-2ax - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
AR-3a - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
AR-4X - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
AR 4xa - Medium-size 2-way, 2-speaker system.
AR-5 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speakersystem.
AR-6 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system
AR 7 - Small, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
AR 8 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.

Akai ST-101 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Akai ST-201 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Akai ST-301 - Large, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Akai SW-35 - Small, single-speaker system.
Akai SW-155 - Medium-size, 4-way, 4-speaker system.

Altec Concept EQ 5 - Stereo system consisting of two medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker, units and an electonic equalizer unit.
Altec 846B Valencia - Large, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Altec 874M Segovia - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Altec 879A Santana - Large, 2 way, 2-speaker system.
Altec 88 6 A -Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speak-er system.
Altec 887A Capri - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Altec 890C Bolero - Medium-size, 2 way, 2-speaker system.
Altec 891A - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Altec 893B Corona - Medium size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.

Avid 100 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Avid 102 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Avid 103 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.

Bose 501 Series II - Medium-size, 2-way, 3-speaker system.
Bose 800 - Medium-size, full-range 8-speaker system
Bose 901 Series II - Complete stereo system consisting of two medium-size 9-speaker units and an electronic equalizer.

Celestion Ditton 10 Mk II - Small, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Celestion Ditton 15 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Celestion Ditton 25 - Large, 2-way, 4-speaker system.
Coral Coral BX-201 - Small, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Coral BX-606 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Coral BX-805 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Coral BX-1002 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Coral BX-1005 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Coral BX-1201 - Medium-size, 5-way, 6-speaker system.
Coral BX 2000 - Large, 3-way, 5-speak-er system.

Dynaco A-10 - Small, 2-way, 2-speaker system. Available in pairs only.
Dynaco A-25 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Dynaco A-35 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Dynaco A-50 - Large, 2-way, 3-speaker system.

ESS AMT-1 - Large, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
ESS AMT-1 - Tower - Large, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
ESS AMT-3 - Rock Monitor - Large, 3-way, 4-speaker system.
ESS AMT-4 - Large, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
ESS AMT-5 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
ESS Satellite 4 - Six-piece 4-channel loudspeaker system

Empire Grenadier 6000MII - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Empire 6500 II - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Empire 7500MII - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Empire 9500M II - Large, 3-way, 6-speaker system.

Fisher Planex Sound Panels - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Fisher ST-425 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Fisher ST-445 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Fisher ST-465 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Fisher Studio Standard ST-500 - Large, 3-way, 4-speaker system.
Fisher Studio Standard ST-530 - Large, 3-way, 6-speaker system.
Fisher XP-7S - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Fisher XP-44B - Small, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Fisher XP-55S - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Fisher XP-56S - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Fisher XP-65S - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.

Heathkit AS-48 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system in kit form.
Heathkit AS-103A - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system in kit form.
Heathkit AS-104 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Heathkit AS-105 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system in kit form.
Heathkit AS-106 - Small single-element system.
Heathkit AS-1039 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Heathkit AS-1042 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.

Heco D-100 - Large, 3-way, 6-speaker system.

Hibiki B-1 - Small, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Hibiki B-2 - Small, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Hibiki B-3 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Hibiki D-5 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Hibiki D-6 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.

Infinity Wave Transmission Line Column - Large, 4-way, 5-speaker system.
Infinity Monitor - Large, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Infinity POS II - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Infinity Servo-Statik IA - Stereo system consisting of two electrostatic panels, a bass speaker and an electronic crossover/ amplifier.
Infinity 1001A - Medium-size, 2-way, 3-speaker system.
Infinity 2000A-XT - Large 3 way, 3-speaker system.

Interaudio (by BOSE)
Interaudio 1000 - Small, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Interaudio 2000A - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Interaudio 3000A - Medium size, 2 way, 3-speaker system.
Interaudio 4000A - Medium-size, 2-way, 3-speaker system.

JBL Aquarius 4 - Large, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
JBL L16 - Medium-size, 2 way, 2 speaker system.
JBL L26 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2 speaker system.
JBL L36 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
JBL L45 Flair - Large, 2-way, 2 speaker system.
JBL L55 Lancer- Medium-size, 2 way, 2-speaker system.
JBL L65 Jubal - Medium-size, 3 way, 3-speaker system.
JBL L100 Century - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
JBL L200 Studio Monitor - Large, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
JBL 4311WX Control Room Monitor -Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.

JVC-Nivico GB-1E/ED - Medium size, 2-way, 8-speaker system.
JVC-Nivico SX-3 - Medium size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
JVC-Nivico VS-5396 - Medium size, 2-way, 2-speaker system
JVC-Nivico 5321 - Medium size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.

KLH Model Five - Medium-size, 3-way, 4-speaker system.
KLH Model Six - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
KLH Model Seventeen - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
KLH Model Twenty-Three - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
KLH Model Twenty-Eight - Medium-size, 2-way, 6-speaker system.
KLH Model Thirty-One - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
KLH Model Thirty-Two - Medium-size, 2 way, 2-speaker system
KLH Model Thirty-Three - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
KLH Model Thirty-Eight - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.

Kenwood KL-44 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Kenwood KL-55 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Kenwood KL-77 - Large, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Kenwood KL-333 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Kenwood KL-555 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Kenwood KL-777 - Medium-size, 4-way, 6-speaker system.
Kenwood KL-4090 - Medium-size, 3-way, 4-speaker system.
Kenwood KL-5090 - Medium-size, 3-way, 4-speaker system.
Kenwood KL-6090 - Medium-size, 3-way, 5-speaker system.
Kenwood KL-7090 - Medium-size, 5-way, 6-speaker system.

Klipsch Cornwall II - Large, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Klipsch Heresy - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Klipsch Klipschorn B - Large, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Klipsch La Belle - Large, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Klipsch La Scala - Same as Klipsch La Belle except unfinished for custom installation.

Leak 2020 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Leak 2030 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Leak 2060 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.

Linear Design Labs
LDL-702 - Medium-size, 9-speaker system.
LDL-749A - Medium-size, 9-speaker system.

Marantz Imperial 4G - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Marantz V-G - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Marantz Vl-G - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Marantz Imperial Vll-G - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Marantz Imperial Vlll-G - Large, 3-way, 6-speaker system.
Marantz Imperial IX-G - Large, 3-way, 8-speaker system.

Maximus MV-28B - Medium size, 2 way, 2-speaker system.
Maximus MV-310A - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Maximus MV-312 - Medium size, 3 way, 3-speaker system.
Maximus MWC-412B
Maximus MW-28A - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Maximus MW-310 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Maximus MW-312A - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Maximus MWC-412B - Medium-size, 4-way, 4-speaker system.
Maximus MWC-515A - Large, 4-way, 5-speaker system.

Mcintosh ML-1C - Large, 5-way, 4-speaker system.
Mcintosh ML-2C - Large, 5-way, 6-speaker system.
Mcintosh ML-4C - Large, 5-way, 11-speaker system.
Mcintosh ML-10C - Medium-size, 4-way, 3-speaker system.

Micro/Acoustics Microstatic (MS-1) -Small 1-way, 4-speaker system
Micro/Acoustics Full-Range Micro-static (FRM-1) - Medium-size 2-way, 6-speaker system.
Micro/Acoustics FRM-2 - Medium-size, 2-way, 4-speaker system.

Onkyo 15C - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Onkyo 20C - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker systems.
Onkyo 25C - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.

Philips 22-RH-482 - Small, single element system.
Philips 22-RH 532 - Small, 3 way, 3-speaker system with built-in power amplifiers.

Pioneer CS-R100 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Pioneer CS-R300 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Pioneer CS-R500 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Pioneer CS-R600 - Large, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Pioneer CS-R700 - Large, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Pioneer CS-06 - Medium-size, 3-way, 7-speaker system.
Pioneer CS-53 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Pioneer CS-66A - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Pioneer CS-88A - Large, 4-way, 6-speaker system.
Pioneer CS-301 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Pioneer CS-701 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Pioneer CS-801 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Pioneer CS-901 - Large, 4-way, 5-speaker system.

Quad Electrostatic - Large, electrostatic speaker system.

SAE Mark XII - Large, 3-way, 5-speaker system.

Sansui AS-100 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Sansui AS-300 - Large, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Sansui SF-1 - Medium-size, 2-way, 3-speaker system.
Sansui SF-2 - Medium-size, 2-way, 3-speaker system.
Sansui SP-25 - Medium-size, full-range single-speaker system.

Scott S-42 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Scott S-52 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Scott S-61 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.

Sonics AS-66 - Medium-size, 3-way, 6-speaker system.
Sonics AS-110 - Small, 2-way, 2-speak-er system.
Sonics 203A - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Sonics AS-222 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Sonics AS-227A - Medium-size, 3-way, 4-speaker system.
Sonics AS-250A - Medium-size, 3-way, 4-speaker system.
Sonics AS-252 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Sonics AS-272 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Sonics AS-304A - Medium-size, 4-way, 4-speaker system.
Sonics AS-310 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Sonics AS-337A - Large, 4-way, 5-speaker system.
Sonics AS-447A - Large, 5-way, 6-speaker system.

Sony SS-5088 - Small, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Sony SS-5100 - Small, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Sony SS-5177 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Sony SS-5200 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Sony SS-5300 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Sony SS-5400 - Medium-size 2-way, 3-speaker system.
Sony SS-7200 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Sony SS-7300 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.

Soundcraftsmen SC-12 ES - Medium-size, 3-way, 4-speaker system.

Studiocraft (by BOSE)
Studiocraft 110 - Small, 2 way, 2-speaker system.
Studiocraft 220A - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Studiocraft 330A - Medium-size, 2-way, 3-speaker system.
Studiocraft 440A - Medium-size, 2-way, 3-speaker system.

Superscope S-18 - Medium-size, single-speaker system.
Superscope S-28 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Superscope S-212 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Superscope S-310 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.

Teac LS-380 - Large, 3-way, 3-speaker system.

Technics (by Panasonic)
Technics SB-301 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Technics SB-440 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Technics SB-501 - Large, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Technics SB-660 - Large, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Technics SB-1000 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.

Toshiba SS-1 7 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Toshiba SS-22 - Small, single-speaker system.
Toshiba SS-24 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Toshiba SS-27 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Toshiba SS-37 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Toshiba SS-47 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.

Wharfedale Denton 2 - Small, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Wharfedale Denton 3 - Small, 3-way, 3-speaker system. Sold in pairs.
Wharfedale Dovedale Ml - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Wharfedale Glendale 3 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.  Sold in pairs.
Wharfedale Kingsdale 3 - Large, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Wharfedale Linton 3 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Wharfedale Super 60 Mk II - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
Wharfedale Triton 3 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.

Yamaha NS-18 - Large, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Yamaha NS-230E - Medium size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Yamaha NS-250E - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
Yamaha IMS-410 - Small, 2-way, 2-speaker system.

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