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"off duty" 1970 - 1997 - eine Freizeit-Zeitung für's US-Militär

Die in diesem amerikanischen (Freizeit-) Shopping-Magazin angepriesenen Hifi- und Video-Produkte waren auschließlich amerikanischen und kanadischen Militärangehörigen zugänglich - also zu kaufen - und vor allem zu ganz ungewöhnlich (verblüffend) niedrigen US $ Military-Preisen. Zu der einführenden "off duty" Seite geht es hier lang. -  Um 1970 begann der weltweite Hifi-Boom bis zum 1. Crash 1978 und dann wieder zum 2.Crash um 1990. Über die 20 Jahre nach 2001 lesen Sie mehr in den Kolumnen auf diesen japanischen Seiten.


Die gesamten 1974er Editorials - also die "Back Pages" - stehen - soweit vorhanden - alle 12 hier auf dieser Seite ...

In 1972 hatte ich die Back-Page Inhalte aller 12 Ausgaben inzwischen auch hintereinander auf einer Seite untergebracht. Das mit den einzelnen Back-Page Seiten war nicht hilfreich. Viele der Informationen sind absolut unwichtig und füllen nur den Platz und versperren den Blick.


"The Back Page" is a monthly OFF DUTY editorial feature.


Advertiser'S Newsletter - Off Duty / Europe / January 1974
Separate Audits (by BPA*) In Frankfurt and Hong Kong


  • Anmerkung : off-duty ist ein kostenloses (Free) Werbemagazin für den eingeschränkten US-Military Kundenkreis und der Verlag muß natürlich den Inserenten nachweisen, wie groß die Verbreitung dieses "Werbemittels" in der Welt wirklich ist. Darum werden mit diesem Text die Inserenten umworben.

OFF DUTY Announces First SMA AUDIT REPORT Made Overseas
The SMA AUDIT REPORT of OFF DUTY'S worldwide circulation, covering the first six months of 1973, is the most thorough audit ever conducted of an overseas military-market publication.

To audit the circulation (Verbreitung) of OFF DUTY, BPA auditors were sent to Frankfurt and Hong Kong, where the European and Pacific editions are printed. So there were actually two audits of OFF DUTY for purposes of the report just released.

This is the first time an American audit agency has verified the circulation of a military-market publication by checking its records on the spot, where it is printed and distributed.

That's typical, we think, of what advertisers expect of OFF DUTY Magazine. In quality of editorial content as well as in distribution, OFF DUTY is more thorough than any other publication in the military market.

That's how OFF DUTY gets results for its advertisers. And that's why OFF DUTY is #1 in the military market.

Shouldn't your products be advertised in OFF DUTY, too? For a copy of the complete SMA AUDIT REPORT, call your nearest OFF DUTY representative.

In Feb. und März 1974 gab es keine Editorials


March 1974 - Das Editorial von Walter Rios

'The Back Page' is a monthly OFF DUTY editorial feature

  1. Our shoppers this month (Märzausgabe) covering car tape units (page 84) and snapshot cameras (page 93) are designed to intensify your springtime "wanderlust". Our report on fascinating Malta (page 28) will also help to keep your thoughts away from home.
  2. In the clubs:
  3. The big word these days is photo equipment. Many audio clubs have added photo departments and existing photo clubs have been expanded.
  4. Recent club news includes:
  5. The Ramstein Audio-Photo Center (formerly the Ramstein Audio Electronics Center) now has a photo department which will be gradually expanded to handle a complete line of cameras, film and darkroom equipment.
  6. The Herzo Audio-Photo Center was recently formed as a combination of the separate audio and photo clubs.
  7. The Frankfurt Audio-Photo Center has spun off its photo department as a separate division located in the Betts Housing Area behind the 97th General Hospital. The new facility has over 2,000 square meters of space and will be open Tuesday through Friday starting at noon.
  8. The Vicenza Audio-Photo Center, as well as undergoing complete refurbishing, is expanding its photo department. The club is also operating a small branch at Camp Darby.
  9. The Hahn Audio Center, now in full operation in Building 318 at Hahn Air Base, is open Tuesday through Saturday. Custodian is Alan S. Cooper.
  10. National Panasonic's model SE-405 CD-4 demodulator is available through your audio club. It can be added to any 4-channel system and sells in clubs for about $94. Also in the clubs is the elaborate model RS-296 automatic 20-cassette changer/player with programmable sequencing. Club price, about $314.
  11. Next month: Seeing Europe by bicycle (a study in the gentle art of thumbing your nose at the sheiks).


und direkt im Anschluß - Dear Reader,

Several months ago we enthusiastically told you about the 13 new perishable foods ordered for the 56 Army commissaries in Europe by the September commissary selection board. Later, we told you about the 30 additional new perishables which your friendly neighborhood commissary supposedly could order. The only trouble is, nobody can order these foods yet because there isn't enough cold storage space in Europe.

At present (März 1974), the commissary system in Europe is having to pay $35.000 a month to the rail and shipping lines'for demurrage charges. Trailers and containers full of perishable foods destined for the commissaries are being held on railroad sidings until there is space in the very limited cold storage areas in Bremerhaven and Kaiserslautern. Refrigerated merchandise is stored there before being sent to local commissaries.

Included on the September selection list, which under normal conditions would have been available for shoppers last December, were some new kinds of cakes and pies, party rolls and cranberry cocktail concentrates which would have been great for Christmas dinners. Now it looks like you might not even get them for Easter.

The storage problem arose because of expanded commissary sales and shipping difficulties, says Lt. Col. Morton Lindner of TASCOM. Commissary sales have increased considerably in the past year or so.

Commissary managers have been allowed to choose a percentage of their own stock, and their patrons have responded by buying more. The dollar devaluation, too, has driven many housewives who used to shop on the economy back into the commissary. Shipping difficulties between U.S. ports and Bremerhaven have caused a backup of goods. So many perishables arrive at one time that the already overloaded cold storage facilities can't handle the extras.

What's being done to solve all these problems?

As an interim measure, TASCOM has taken a six-month lease on 500 metric tons of storage space in Bremerhaven. Plans also are being made to reactivate U.S. Government cold storage now being used for other purposes. TASCOM, too, has put in a request to acquire 21,320 ft* of cold storage space in Germany at a cost of $914,000.

Right now you can still find most of your old standbys among perishable foods in the commissary. And you'll eventually get the new goodies for a Christmas dinner. The only question is when.
Off Duty / Europe / March 1974-B

April 1974- Das Editorial von Walter Rios

'The Back Page' is a monthly OFF DUTY editorial feature

  1. Response from readers indicates that you like the idea of biking, hiking and camping in Europe. So, in time for your summer vacation, we've planned articles telling you where, when and how. Starting on page 30 of this issue, see our coverage of bicycles and how to enjoy Europe while on one. Next month is devoted to shanksf mare -- the ultimate means of transport. Coverage of motorcycles and camping is coming up, too.
  2. Frankfurt Audio-Photo Center's photo section, located in the Betts Housing Area, is also open on Saturdays (1200 to 1800 hrs) - a fact not noted on last month's Back Page.
  3. Tandberg's new top-of-the-line open-reel tape deck, model 9200XD, is now available in clubs for about $590. It has built-in Dolby which gives a S/N ratio of 73 dB.
  4. EES continues to expand its network of stores handling audio equipment. The latest to open were at Frankfurt and Fulda. Another will open soon at the PX in Chievres, Belgium. Some of the stores maintain a larger assortment than others. The largest outlets are called Audio Centers, while the next largest are called Hi-Fi Centers. On a smaller scale yet will be the Electronics Counters.


May 1974 - Das Editorial von Walter Rios

'The Back Page' is a monthly OFF DUTY editorial feature

  1. There's a big difference between foot power and brute power. Last month we told you about pedaling your bicycle around Europe — this month we check out the mammoth 135-mph super motorcycles. See page 45.
  2. Koss' new HV-1LC headphones, similar to the Koss HV-1 high-velocity headphones but with built-in volume controls, are now available in audio clubs for about $37.00.
  3. JBL!s new L26 Decade loudspeaker is now selling in audio clubs for about $100. The speaker has turned out to be one of JBL's most popular and the company has been overwhelmed with the demand.
  4. Scotch Chromium-Dioxide tape, the latest addition to the extensive line of Scotch recording tapes, has arrived in audio clubs. The new tape has Scotch1s "Posi-Trak" backing material.
  5. New ESS loudspeaker models recently introduced into audio clubs include the compact AMT-4 (about $200), the AMT-3 "Rock Monitor" (about $365) and the AMT-1 Tower (about $315). ESS1 new model 200 power amp is also in the clubs.
  6. Kodak has a classy new line of movie projectors that look almost identical to Kodak slide projectors and are loaded with automatic features. We'll have a complete report on these new Kodak "Moviedecks" in an upcoming issue. No word as to when they will be available in Europe. Kodak has also introduced three new films to replace existing types — Kodachrome 25 replaces Kodachrome II, Kodachrome 64 replaces Kodachrome-X and Kodachrome 40 (movie) replaces Kodachrome II (movie). The new films have improved color and grain characteristics.
  7. Next month we review SLR cameras and interchangeable lenses in Off Duty.


und direkt im Anschluß - Advertiser'S Newsletter

ANNOUNCING OFF DUTY WEST - A new edition of OFF DUTY Magazine for distribution in Alaska and Hawaii. Starting Oct. 1974

In the "sister" markets of Alaska and Hawaii, newest States in the Union, OFF DUTY launches its newest magazine, starting in October: OFF DUTY/West. With 35,000 circulation, offering Controlled Saturation coverage of these two growing markets.

How big is the Hawaii/Alaska Market 1974?

In people -
more than 230,000 military, dependents and DoD civilians. Active-duty personnel in uniform number 80,000, about 1/4 the number of troops stationed in Europe. They have 115,000 dependents, nearly half as many dependents as the European military market.

In commissary sales -
Hawaii & Alaska account for $ 83,153,413 . Compared with European market commissary sales of $ 192,495,771, Hawaii/Alaska is 43% the size of Europe. Are your commissary sales at least 40% of your European sales? If not, you may be missing out. Now OFF DUTY/West can help you develop these markets to their full potential.

In exchanges sales -
Hawaii & Alaska sales are $ 154.2 million+. Compared with European Exchange sales of $ 192.5 million, Hawaii/Alaska is 35% as big as Europe. How do your sales compare?

In potential -
Hawaii & Alaska offer most of the advantages of overseas military markets. Even though they are US States (and the price of foreign merchandise in PXs includes import duty), Hawaii and Alaska are exempt from restrictions imposed on military exchange stores in the other 48 states. That means Hawaii and Alaska PXs sell TV, major appliances, hifi equipment and other merchandise not allowed in Conus (die restlichen 48 Staaten) exchanges. Also, there are no price ceilings to limit sales of cameras and luxury items.

Another big advantage of Hawaii/Alaska is the market's permanence. Troops are not the guests of a foreign government. They are at home. Some buy their own homes near the base. The audience includes a large community of retired military families, many of them employed on the base in civilian jobs. And all retired military enjoy full PX and commissary shopping privileges.

Starting in October, OFF DUTY/West covers the important Hawaii/Alaska military market as it's never been covered before. With 35,000, circulation — 23,000 in Hawaii, 12,000 in Alaska. Employing a special method of Controlled Saturation Distribution, OFF DUTY/West will be delivered to military families living in base housing, distributed free in military clubs, exchanges, commissaries and recreational facilities, and mailed to each U.S. Navy ship homeported at Pearl Harbor.

June 1974 - Das Editorial von Walter Rios

'The Back Page' is a monthly OFF DUTY editorial feature

  1. Today's most popular cameras, 35mm single-lens reflex cameras, are the subject of this month's shopper starting on page 71. A list of available interchangeable lenses for these cameras is also included.
  2. Pioneer's husky SX-1010 receiver is selling in the clubs for about $470. The unit puts out 100 watts rms per channel (20-20k Hz, both channels driven) and includes an AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.7-uV FM sensitivity.
  3. Tandberg's TCP-310, the successor to the Tandberg TCD-300 cassette deck, has arrived in audio clubs. Price is about $305.
  4. Sansui has incorporated a CD-4 4-channel demodulator into its latest receiver. The Sansui QRX-7500 also decodes Regular and SQ, matrix material. Power output is 35 watts rms per channel at 1kHz. About $520 in clubs.
  5. For summer driving, check out the 1974/75 editions of "Der Grosse Continental Atlas" and "Der Grosse Shell Atlas". Each has over 500 pages of detailed European maps and travel advice. About $12 at Stars and Stripes newsstands or on the economy.
  6. If you're taking an RV into the Alps, you'll be looking for the less strenuous routes -- grades under 13 per cent and decent curves. ADAC has prepared a map showing these routes. Write to Off Puty for your free copy.


July 1974 - Das Editorial von Walter Rios

'The Back Page' is a monthly OFF DUTY editorial feature

  1. A quad record catalog? Yes! And it lists every type of 4-channel record and tape. Write to Quad Wholesalers, 997 Monterey Street, Dept B, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401, for your free copy. They specialize in mail orders to APO/FPO addresses.
  2. For traveling Back Pagers, here's a tear-out-and-take-along list of important addresses where you can get help and information throughout Europe.


August 1974 - Das Editorial von Walter Rios

'The Back Page' is a monthly OFF DUTY editorial feature

  1. The latest hi-fi equipment was recently shown at the giant CES show in Chicago. See our report starting on page 53. There'll be more next month, too!
  2. Avid loudspeakers will soon be available at EES. Models 100, 102 and 103 will be on sale in August.
  3. Bose's special offer to military audiophiles is still in effect - buy any "Studiocraft" or "Interaudio" speaker and you'll be credited with 100 per cent of the purchase price when you trade that speaker (or speakers) in on a set of Bose 901s back in the U.S. (aber dort zum ganz normalen Endkundenpreis - ist also alles einkalkuliert)
  4. Kodak's new super 8 movie film, type G Ektachrome 160, needs no filters either indoors <or out. This new color film has so much latitude that it will work properly with any light source — no adjustments to the camera are necessary.
  5. Fuji keeps cranking out new goodies. The new Fujica ST-901 35mm SLR with automatic illuminated digital readout of shutter speed is on the way to the clubs. Also in the clubs is the EBC Fujinon 54-270mm zoom lens.
  6. Ski equipment will go up dramatically in price during the next few months, reports Phil Ybarra of the Wiesbaden Rod & Gun Sports Center.

  7. Anmerkung : So steht es immer wieder zwischen den Zeilen, daß die Preise für Dollarkunden "dramatisch" steigen.

  8. The Wiesbaden Center (in the same building as the Wiesbaden Audio-Photo Club) is selling its current stocks at the old prices, but ski fans who wait too long will end up paying more.
  9. The Volvos cost less than we thought. On page 56 of the June 74 issue of Off Duty, we gave the price of the Volvo 145 station wagon as $5,410 - it actually costs only $5,095, and with automatic transmission $5,415 instead of $5,475. These prices include the Canadian PX sales fee.


und direkt im Anschluß - Dear Reader:

If you've never dipped down into the Treasure Chest in Heidelberg, visited the Cabbage Patch in Hanau or stopped in to browse in Gelnhausen's Calico Cat, you're missing a lot.

All three of these delightful on-base shops are run by talented Army wives through "Army Community Service" and are choice locations for buying some homespun, home-woven, home-crocheted, home-kilned and other strictly homemade goodies. And, at reasonable prices.

This original community project gives housewives - and their
husbands - a welcome chance to earn extra cash, by selling their
handiwork. Just a little is taken off the top (10 per cent in Gelnhausen) to keep the shops going.

Among the offerings at the Calico Cat: hand-stitched baby clothes, hand-crocheted scarves in rainbow colors, hand-painted wooden boxes, miniature painted-owl good-luck pieces, hand-woven sweaters, ceramic cats and dogs and kitchen pin-ups molded of flour and baking soda. In its initial six weeks of business, this attractive boutique brought $400 to service wives for the handmade items sold.

Shoppers in Gelnhausen will find the Calico Cat on the floor above the PX in the shopping center. Its operating hours are from 12 noon until 3:30 p.m., Monday, Wednesday and Friday, plus the first Saturday in the month, from 12 noon to 2 p.m.

If youfre stationed in Heidelberg, drop in and investigate the goodies buried in the Treasure Chest. It's located in the Army Community Service building (formerly the Stars & Stripes newsstand) at the Heidelberg Shopping Center. It's open Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and does $50-$70 worth of business every day it's open. Last monthfs good buys included a wonderful array of candles, some fine hand-tooled leather bags, cuddly Raggedy Ann dolls - the biggest sellers of all, at $9 - and some amusing cartoons of Army life, suitable for framing, at $3.

September 1974 - Das Editorial von Walter Rios

'The Back Page' is a monthly OFF DUTY editorial feature

  1. The 1975 U.S. cars are being introduced this month and Bob Irvin's report, direct from Detroit, tells all about the new wagons. His report starts on page 52.
  2. Groan. If you buy one of those 1975 cars with a catalytic converter and use it in Europe with unleaded gas (see page 54) you'll have to have the converter replaced when the car is shipped Stateside.
  3. New loudspeakers, as is usual after the big CES show, are flooding into the market. Among them are:
  4. ESS's amt-5, a small 2-way speaker system with a Heil Air Motion Transformer. Now available in clubs for about $150. See page 8l for more details.
  5. Infinity's Column arrived a couple of weeks ago in the clubs. It's selling for about $200.
  6. AR's new speakers are also showing up in clubs. Look for the LST-2 and the MST. The new AR "pi"/one will take a while.
  7. New JBL models Ll6, L36 and L65 Jubal are all club items. Priced in the clubs at about $160, the L36 is JBL's first moderately priced 3-way speaker.
  8. Maximus speakers are in the clubs with a choice of 8 models priced from about $60 to about $172.
  9. Heco's big "Disco Box" D-100 is in the clubs. Rank Radio International is the representative.
  10. Hibiki has a line of five moderately priced speakers in the clubs.
  11. Other brands have made changes, too. In our October issue we'll have a complete loudspeaker shopper which will tell all.
  12. The new Bose 4401 4-channel preamplifier (see page 72) will be available in audio clubs sometime in December 74.
  13. Kodak has introduced a third Ektasound movie camera, the model i60. It features a power zoom and a coupled rangefinder. Availability in Europe not yet announced.
  14. The new 1974/75 EES Mail Order Catalog produced by AAPES/Europe is now available at exchange stores. A special audio/photo supplement will be available later.


October 1974 - Das Editorial von Walter Rios

'The Back Page' is a monthly OFF DUTY editorial feature

  1. Loudspeakers of all types and sizes are reviewed this month in our shopper which starts on page 99. Also, check out the latest slide projectors on page 63.
  2. More new equipment from the recent CES show is appearing in the audio clubs. Included are:
  3. Kenwood's KR-7400 stereo receiver. It will sell for about $350. See page 82 for more details.
  4. Sansui 4-channel receivers QRX-7001 and QRX-6001. Respective club prices about $523 and $498. These units are further described on page 90.
  5. Pioneer's new SX-737 (see page 88) and its bigger brother the SX-939 will be selling for about $272 and $380 respectively.
  6. The Marantz 4400 4-channel receiver with built in oscilloscope arrives in the clubs this month. More details on page 86.
  7. Nakamichi's latest unit, the model 500, as well as the model 700 and model 1000 are in most clubs by now.
  8. New Kensonic units, the E-202 amplifier and the T-101 tuner, will retail in clubs for about $489 and $292 respectively.
  9. Micro/Acoustics has a special deal. Buy two of their FRM-1 or new FRM-2 (described on page 86) speakers and you get a $20 discount on the Micro/Acoustics QDC-1e pickup cartridge. Offer ends December 31.
  10. Nortronics tape-care products are now available through clubs. The line includes demagnetizes, bulk tape erasers and maintenance tools.
  11. Avid loudspeakers, now being sold through AAFES Sound Centers, come with a mail-order form allowing you to order any of eight different color grill cloths from the company. The cloths are sent to you by mail for $4.95 a pair.
  12. Hunting in Iran with firearms is extremely involved and strictly controlled. Don't even think about making a hunting trip there without first contacting Iran Safaris Ltd., P.0. Box 492, Tehran, Iran. This is the only firm with special government connections to guide you through the maze of red tape and restrictions that prospective hunters encounter.


und direkt im Anschluß - Advertiser'S Newsletter


  • Anmerkung bzw. Vorbemerkung : Der Vietnam-Krieg ist noch nicht zu Ende !


Beginning with the January 1975 issue, OFF DUTY is increasing its circulation 22%, yet we're holding the line on costs. Despite inflation, some of our rates are actually going down. Where there is an increase, it is less than the current rate of inflation. Here are the details:

Distribution is up 22% over 1974, from 180,000 to 220,000 monthly. This reflects the increase in European distribution, plus our all-new Hawaii-Alaska edition - OFF DUTY/West.

Distribution is up 11.7%, from 85,000 to 95,000 copies monthly. The additional circulation is in commissaries, housing areas and remote installations, especially the growing Mediterranean market. The advertising page rate is higher, but cost-per-thousand is down 3%.

Reflecting the latest reduction in troop population, distribution is down 5% to 90,000 copies monthly. The big story in this area is the stabilizing of the Pacific military market. Now, you can make definite plans for future sales growth in this key market.

Some important facts about our distribution to women: OFF DUTY For Her is the only military publication delivered door-to-door in government housing areas throughout Europe and the Pacific. It is also distributed in commissaries to reach families living "on the economy".

In Europe, we have increased distribution by 15% without increasing rates. Cost-per-thousand is down 13%.

In the Pacific, we have streamlined distribution of For Her by completing our coverage of housing areas. Now, you get in-depth penetration in the Pacific market of military families, with 40,000 copies monthly. Cost-per-page is down 24.6%.

OFF DUTY/West is our newest edition and the only military publication exclusively for the off-shore "sister markets" of Hawaii and Alaska.
These are some of the reasons why OFF DUTY is Number 1 in advertising -
the largest single magazine in the military market. Most important, we get results for our advertisers. We'll get still better results for you in 1975.

Contact your nearest OFF DUTY office for our complete 1975 Rate Card and our latest SMA Audit Report of Circulation.

Off Duty / Europe / October 74-A

November 1974 - Das Editorial von Walter Rios


  1. Late News from Photokina 1974 :
  2. The Contax is back! One of Germany's most famous names in cameras, it's just been revived by Yashica of Japan, in cooperation with Zeiss, original owners of the trademark. The new Contax is an advanced SLR with compatible lens mount that's rocking the industry. Yashica makes the camera, Carl Zeiss supplies the lenses.
  3. Another new old name at Photokina: Voigtländer. Rollei of Germany has picked this one up from Zeiss and put it on a new line of SLRs produced at its Singapore factory.
  4. Kodak has a new Vericolor II film that will appeal to professionals and large-format users who indulge in portraiture. It's a tungsten (artificial light) color-negative film for color prints that will be available in professional large formats and also in 2 1/4 x 2 1/4. It's due in spring 1975.
  5. A complete Photokina report will appear next month.
    * * *
    A second EES Sound Center in England opened late last month at Bentwaters AB, just 60 days after the successful launching of the first one at Mildenhall. The Sound Center features a speaker listening room and separate vendors' room where manufacturers1 representatives demonstrate their equipment and answer customers' questions.
    * * *

    The London stage this month is strong on comedy:
  6. Billy, a musical version of Billy Liar, stars Michael Crawford. At the Drury Lane theater.
  7. Absurd Person Singular, at the Vaudeville, is by Alan Ayckbours, whose much-praised comic trilogy "The Norman Conquests" is at the Globe. The latter stars Tom Courtenay in three different views of the same events, on separate evenings.
  8. The pre-Christmas fare in the West End includes traditional pantomime with Cinderella opening Dec, 18. at the Casino (Soho). It marks the stage debut of Twiggy, featherweight modeling sensation of the 1960s.
  9. The London Palladium offers Hans Christian Andersen, a new musical starring Tommy Steele, opening Dec. 17. as holiday fare for the kids.
  10. A 14-week season of Gilbert & Sullivan operetta opens Dec. 16. at the Sadler's Wells Theatre, featuring performances of Iolanthe and Princess Ida.


und direkt im Anschluß - Who reads off-duty ?


  • To learn more about our market, its buying habits, reading habits and life-style, we recently asked MARPLAN, research division of McCann-Erickson Advertising, to conduct an independent survey of OFF DUTY readers.
  • Out of 2,000 questionnaires mailed to readers in Europe, 947 were returned directly to MARPLAN, a response of 47.3%. MARPLAN's tabulation of the results is a revealing profile of the loyal, responsive military customers who are the heart of OFF DUTY'S readership.
  • These OFF DUTY readers are married (88%) and live either in government housing (58.8%) or 'on the local economy' (34.8%)(sie wohnen in deutschen Wohnungen oder Häusern).
  • Most are between 27 and 38 years old (51.1 %), have spent more than five years in military or government service (74.8%) and plan to make the service a career (70.4%). They have completed four years or more of college (46.1 %) and have the rank of captain or major (22.6%) or sergeant E5/E6 (23.7%).
  • More than half these readers have been overseas before (57.5%), while 40.2% are on their first overseas tour of duty (also im Militärdienst).
  • When they filled out our questionnaire, 77% had been in Europe less than two years and 58.5% had more than one year remaining before rotation.
  • All but 6.1% of these OFF DUTY readers have a car (28.3% have two cars in the family). In the past year, 74.8% of them spent eleven days or more of off duty time in travel and sightseeing, traveling by car (87%), alone or with their families (82%) and staying in commercial (non-military) hotels or motels (63.5%).
  • During their present tour overseas, 29.8% have flown to the States at their own expense.
  • OFF DUTY readers shop in local stores as well as in exchanges, commissaries and clubs. For example, they turn to the local economy for furniture (65.5%), porcelain/silver/crystal (53.4%) and automobiles (46%).
  • While overseas, these readers have bought: household appliances (64.1%), jewelry/watches (62.5%), porcelain/silver/crystal (62.3%), record players (57.9%), automobiles (57.9%), receivers/amplifiers/tuners (57.4%), still cameras (56.1%), loudspeakers (55%), tape decks (52.1 %), furniture (49%) and TV (46.9%).
  • These OFF DUTY readers still plan to buy: porcelain/silver/crystal (24%), tape decks (19.3%), furniture (18.7%), loudspeakers (18.1%), jewelry/watches (16.3%), receivers/amplifiers/tuners (15.7%), hunting/fishing/camping gear (15%) and record players (14.3%).
  • Our readers receive OFF DUTY magazine delivered to the door or mailbox (51.7%) or pick it up at a club, commissary or PX (34.3%). In all but 2.4% of the households OFF DUTY is read by the wife as well as by the husband.
  • The wife's favorite features are: travel (94.3%), 'for her' (80.9%), food & recipes (80.9%), movie reviews (80.1%), home furnishings & household (75.9%), here & now (71.6%), ask off duty (56.7%), wine features (51.8%) and other shoppers and product surveys (42.6%).
  • The man's favorites are: travel (82.4%), movie reviews (60.9%), hi-fi shoppers (54.9%), new audio products (54%), automotive features (48.5%), wine (48.1%), here & now (47.1%), the back page (43.3%), other shoppers and product surveys (42.3%), home furnishings & household (42.1 %), photo shoppers (41.5%) and sporting goods shoppers(41 %).
  • These customers read OFF DUTY every month (69.8%) or almost every month (24.9%). We also asked what else they read. Highest score was 'Stars & Stripes' (85%). In all, we asked about 30 different newspapers and magazines, and the low scores of some of the 'military media' may surprise you.
  • For more details on the MARPLAN survey, call your nearest OFF DUTY representative. Off Duty / Europe / November 74-A


Off Duty / Europe / November 74 - Spezialseite
"Where the audio-photo clubs are"


  • Anmerkung : Diese Seite zeigt, wie viele mehr oder weniger große (military) Audio-Clubs es mal gab. Der Audio-Club in Wiesbaden / Mainz Kastel war Europas größter Hifi- und Photo "Laden".


  1. Aschaffenburg Audio Club
  2. Augsburg Audio-Photo Center
  3. Bad Aibling Audio and Photo Shoppe
  4. Bad Kreuznach Audio-Photo Center No. 13
  5. Bamberg Audio Club
  6. Baumholder Audio-Photo Center
  7. Bitburg Audio & Photo Clubs
  8. Eucom Audio-Photo Club - Stuttgart-Vaihingen
  9. Frankfurt Audio-Photo Center
  10. Garmisch Audio/Photo Center
  11. Hahn Audio Center
  12. Heidelberg Audio-Photo Club
  13. Herzo Base Audio-Photo Center Herzogen-aurach
  14. Illesheim AYA Audio Club
  15. Kitzingen Audio Center
  16. Ramstein Audio-Photo Center
  17. Rhein-Main Audio-Photo Center
  18. Schweinfurt Audio-Photo Center
  19. Tempelhof Audio-Photo Club
  20. Vilseck Audio Center
  21. Wiesbaden Audio-Photo Club - at Mainz-Kastel
  22. Camp New Amsterdam Audio and Photo Center
  23. Aviano Audio Hobby Shop - Italy
  24. Nato Afsouth Audio Club - Italy
  25. AFSOUTH Camera Club - Italy
  26. Livorno Annex - Camp Darby
  27. Izmir Audio Hobby Shop - Izmir, Turkey
  28. Incirlik Audio Club - Incirlik Air Base
  29. Karamursel Electronics Hobby Shop
  30. Iraklion Electronics Hobby Shop - Crete
  31. Athens Audio Club
  32. Torrejon Audio Camera Center - Spain
  33. RAF Lakenheath Audio Center - England
  34. RAF Mildenhall Sound-Photo Center
  35. Armish/ Maag Audio Club - Teheran
  36. Brindisi Electronics Hobby Shop - Italy
  37. SHAPE Professional Shop - Casteau/Mons, Belgium


December 1974 - Das Editorial von Walter Rios


  1. Qrtofon cartridges, listed in this month's Turntables, Compact Systems (das isnd die Billig-Anage, oft gar kein hifi !!) and Phono Pickup Cartridges Shopper, will soon be available in audio clubs. Military prices have not yet been announced.
  2. 3M's "Classic" line of magnetic recording tape is new at audio clubs. The tapes are available in 7 and 10 1/2 in. open reels, 90-minute cartridges and C-45, C-60 and C-90 cassettes. The cassettes feature a new dual-oxide formula that's 3/4 ferric oxide and 1/4 "chrome."
  3. Koss "Phase 2" dynamic headphones with built-in electronic circuitry are now available in audio clubs. At some clubs you can try out the headphones on something called a "demonstration tree." The "tree" has piped-in music and 14 Koss stereophones.
  4. Polk Audio Model Nine loudspeakers are now available through audio clubs for about $137.75.
  5. Rectilinear Loudspeakers will be available in Air Force audio clubs soon. Look for them in late December or early January 1975.
  6. Sanyo Loudspeaker Model SX-807 sells for about $24 (das wäre der absolut billigste Lautsprecher aller Zeiten) and Sanyo SX-750 for about $86 through audio clubs. The prices listed in our Loudspeaker Shopper (October 1974) were incorrect.
  7. The popular Eastman Kodak publication "Home Movies Made Easy" is out in a new edition, selling for $3.25. Kodak says the book has been "extensively revised." It has 148 pages and more than 300 color and black-and-white illustrations.
  8. Order directly from the company by title and publication number: Home Movies Made Easy, Kodak Publication No. AD-5. Write to: Eastman Kodak Company,. Department 454, Rochester, New York 14650. Enclose money with your order and be sure to include your return APO address.
  9. Heading for the slopes over Christmas? Stop by the Eucom Sports Center Ski Shop at Patch Barracks in Stuttgart. There you'll find a wide range of equipment plus rental and ski repair services.



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