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QUADRO Receiver vom Stand Ende 1974

Bei den Verstärkern waren die super gestylten optischen Front-Seiten Kästen noch sehr beeindrucktend.

Bei den Receivern relativierte sich der optische EIndruck bis auf wenige Ausnahmen. Es wurde viel Murks und Schund ageboten und vor allem auch sehr viel billiger fabrikneuer Müll. Mit 2 x 5 Watt war nun mal kein Hifi zu machen und mit 4 x 5 Watt war es auch nicht viel bessser.

Diesen 1975er Haupt-Katalog finden Sie hier.


AKAI - AS-980 Four-Channel Receiver

42 1/2 W/ch dynamic power (170 W total); 30 W/ch continuous power. Features built-in CD-4 demodulator with front-panel separation controls, SQ logic and regular matrix so that any type of 4-channel sound can be reproduced. Unit is equipped with bass & treble controls,
loudness control, low and high filter, AM-FM tuner, damper switches (to 10 dB or 20 dB), facilities for connecting three sets of speakers. Has two phono inputs: one set for CD-4 and one for normal 2-channel use; two tape inputs for dubbing from one tape recorder to another. Remote balance control and volume control optional

AKAI - AS-970 Four-Channel Receiver

25 W/ch continuous power. Features three separate 4-ch modes (discrete, SQ, RM) and individual CD-4 separation controls. Frequency response 20-50,000 Hz. Has slide-rule main balance control, three tape monitors, FM muting high & low filters, and tape dubbing facilities. Includes separate signal and tuning meters, an automatic preset volume control, separate left & right level meters, and front-panel remote control. FM sensitivity (IHF) 2.0 jliV; selectivity 70 dB;(S + N)/N 70 dB

AKAI - AS-960 Four-Channel Receiver

18 W/ch continuous power. Features three separate 4-ch modes (discrete, SQ, RM), individual channel balance controls, two tape monitors, FM muting, tape dubbing facilities, front-panel remote control, and illuminated mode indicator. Response 20-50,000 Hz. FM sensitivity (IHF) 2.3 mV; (S + N)/N 70 dB; selectivity 70 dB. 19.2"
................ $499.95

CONCORD - CR-400 4-Channel Receiver

9 1/4 W/ch continuous power at 8 ohms with all four channels driven (22 W/ch with two channels driven). Has SQ decoder, circuitry for simulated 4-channel reproduction of stereo records, and includes special inputs for use with an external CD-4 decoder. Response 25-40,000 Hz at 1 W output; power bandwidth 20-50,000 Hz. THDat rated output 1%. Input sensitivity: mag. phono 3 mV; aux. 130 mV. (S + N)/N (phono) 65 dB. Has separate bass and treble controls for front and rear speakers plus dual power switch which straps the channels together for stereo operation. FM sensitivity (IHF) 2.9 /xV; image rejection 51 dB; capture ratio 1.8 dB. (S + N)/N 65 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB. Features an illuminated balance display; headphone jacks; flywheel tuning; AM-FM tuning meter; mono/stereo indicator.
.............................. $299.95

FISHER - 4020 4-Channel AM-FM Receiver

10 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms with all four channels driven; 60 W total IHF music power at 8 ohms. Has built-in SQ decoder. HD (at 1 kHz) 1%. IM 0.8%. Sensitivity.- phono 2.5 mV; aux. & tape monitor 200 mV; recorder output (30% modulation) 350 mV. Response: phono (RIAA equalized ±2 dB) 30-15,000 Hz; aux. & tape monitor (±2 dB) 30-20,000 Hz. FM usable sensitivity (IHF) 2.5 juV; HD 0.8%; (S+N)/N 64 dB; stereo separation (1 kHz) 35 dB; capture ratio (IHF at 1 mV) 2.5 dB. Walnut-grained wood cabinet
......................... $299.95

FISHER - 4060 4-Channel AM-FM Receiver

15 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms with all four channels driven; 85 W total IHF music power at 8 ohms. Has built-in SQ decoder. HD (at 1 kHz) & rated rms power 0.3%; IM 0.8%. All other specifications same as Model 4020.

FISHER - Studio Standard 634 Receiver

35 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with all channels driven; THD at rated power 0.5%; power bandwidth 20-22,000 Hz; frequency response 20-50,000 Hz ±2dB at 1W; S/N 65dB (phono); FM sensitivity 1.8uV (IHF); capture ratio 1.2 dB; THD stereo 0.4% at 100% mod., 1000 Hz; stereo separation 38 dB (1000 Hz); alternate channel selectivity 60dB; features tuning meter; built-in CD-4 demodulator; built-in full-logic SQ; SQ phase logic for localization of performers; four VU meters; strapped power; mid-range tone control; joystick balance control
......... $799.95

FISHER - 534

Same as 634 except 23 W rms/ch; does not have mid-range tone control or the four VU meters
.......................... $699.95

FISHER - 514 4-Ch Receiver

32 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with all channels driven; (20-20,000 Hz); 110 W/ch stereo; response 30-15,000 Hz ±2dB phono (RIAA equalized); CD-4 disc demodulator 20-15,000 Hz; nominal output level 300 mV; S/N 60 dB (4-ch); FM sensitivity 1.8uV (IHF); HD 0.3% stereo; S/N 70dB; FM stereo separation 38dB at 1000 Hz; capture ratio 1.2dB; has full complement of inputs, outputs, controls; built-in CD-4 demodulator; SQ matrix decoder; strapped amplifiers.

FISHER - 414

Same as 514 except 22 W rms/ch.

FISHER - 324

Same as 514 except 15 W rms/ch

FISHER - Studio Standard 434 Receiver

16 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with all channels driven; THD at rated power 0.8%; power bandwidth 28-22,000 Hz; response 20-50,000 Hz ±2 dB at 1 W; S/N 65 dB (phono); FM sensitivity 1.8uV (IHF); capture ratio 1.2 dB; frequency response 20-20,000 Hz; THD 0.4% stereo, 100% mod., 1000 Hz; stereo separation 38 dB (1000 Hz); features tuning indicator; two meters; built-in CD-4 demodulator; full-logic SQ circuit
................ $599.95

FISHER - 334

Same as 434 except 10 W rms/ch; power bandwidth 30-22,000 Hz; FM sensitivity 2.0uV (IHF); THD stereo 0.6%; stereo separation 35 dB; alternate channel selectivity 55dB; has tuning indicator; two meters; built-in CD-4 demodulator; SQ blend circuit

FISHER - 234

Same as 334 except has one meter and does not have CD-4 demodulator circuit; SQ matrix circuit.

HARMAN/KARDON - 800+ 4-Channel AM-FM Receiver

Has same built-in 4-ch facilities as 700+. 22 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms with all four channels driven (50 W/ch in stereo mode both channels driven into 8 ohms); power bandwidth 10-40,000 Hz into 8 ohms with all channels driven at less than 0.5% THD. Hum & noise 85 dB below rated output (unweighted) in stereo or 4-ch mode. FM sensitivity (IHF) 2.0uV (S+N)/N 70dB; capture ratio 2.5 dB; image rejection —50 dB; spurious response rejection -75 dB. Has same tone control features.
............................ $499.95

HARMAN/KARDON - 900+ 4-Channel AM-FM Receiver

Has same built-in 4-ch facilities as 700+. 32 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms with all four channels driven (90 W/ch both channels driven into 8 ohms). Hum & noise 90 dB below rated output (unweighted) in stereo or 4-ch mode. Response 4-70,000 Hz ±0.5 dB at normal power levels. FM sensitivity (IHF) 1.8uV; (S+N)/N 70 dB; capture ratio 1.6 dB; image & spurious response rejection 90 dB; Has ±12 dB boost & cut (bass at 50 Hz; mid-range at 1 kHz; treble at 10 kHz).
............................. $749.95

Above receivers can accommodate additional speakers, turntables, two tape decks (either 2-or4-ch), two- or tour-channel headphones, plus miscellaneous accessories.

HEATH AR-2020 Four-Channel Receiver

15 W/ch continuous power at 8 ohms with all channels driven. Will handle all matrix encoded sources. Power bandwidth 5-30,000 Hz. Frequency response 7-50,000 Hz ±1dB. IM & HD 0.5% at rated power, 8-ohm load. (S+N)/ N -60dB at rated output. Has master volume, individual output level, front & back bass and treble controls; power, speaker, source (4 positions), and mode (4 positions) switches. Outputs: 4 speaker; headphones (1 pr. each front & back); one tape feed; 4-channel tape. Tuner section: 2uV (IHF) FM sensitivity, capture ratio 2 dB, HD 0.5%, channel separation at midband 35 dB min., antenna inputs 300 and 75 ohms. Features modular circuit-board construction, phase-locked loop multiplex demodulator. Has 2-ch. mag. phono & aux. inputs; 4-ch. tape & aux. inputs.

JVC - 4VR-5404 4-Channel AM-FM Receiver

5 W/ch into 8 ohms at 1000 Hz; power bandwidth 20-30,000 Hz. Capture ratio 2 dB; FM sensitivity 2.2uV. Can be used for discrete 4-channel reproduction and built-in matrix decoder for E-V, QS, RM, and SQ. 4 ch/2-ch tape monitoring, built-in joystick master balance control (PPC)
...................... $229.95

JVC - 4VR-5406

Basically same as 4VR-5404 in design and styling except has built-in CD-4 discrete 4-channel record demodulator. Features automatic 4-ch/2-ch switching
..................... $299.95

JVC - 4VR-5414 4-Channel AM-FM Receiver

28 W/ch dynamic power at 8 ohms (30 W/ch at 4 ohms); 15 W/ch continuous power at 8 ohms (20 W/ch at 4 ohms) with all four channels driven and at 0.5% THD. 65 W/ch dynamic power at 8 ohms with 2-channel power bridging (BTL). Power bandwidth 20-30,000 Hz. FM sensitivity 2uV for 30dB quieting; capture ratio 2 dB. Input sensitivity: mag. phono 3 mV; aux. 150 mV; tape monitor 150 mV. Can be used for discrete 4-channel reproduction and has built-in synthesizer for converting regular 2-channel program material into 4 channel. Also has 5-position tone control network for centering the two front speakers on 40/250/1000/5000/15,000 Hz. Has input for 4-channel optional remote control unit.

JVC - 4VR-5445 4-Channel AM-FM Receiver

Basically same as Model 4VR-5414 in design & styling except has higher power and 5-position tone control network for both front & rear speakers. 34 W/ch dynamic power at 8 ohms (50 W/ch at 4 ohms); 21 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms (23 W/ch into 4 ohms) with all four channels driven and at 0.5% THD. 68 W/ch dynamic power at 8 ohms with 2-channel power bridging (BTL). Power bandwidth 20-30,000 Hz
................ $529.95

JVC - 4VR-5436 4-Channel AM-FM Receiver

Equipped with built-in CD-4 demodulator and features an FM Det. Out jack on the rear panel for connection of a demodulator for 4-ch FM broadcasting (when authorized). Also has one matrix decoder for SQ records and another to handle other encoded material. 14 W/ch continuous rms power at 8 ohms with all four channels driven (20-20,000 Hz); 17 W/ch rms power at 1 kHz into 8 ohms. Frequency response 20-30,000 Hz ±1 dB; IHF power bandwidth 20-20,000 Hz. FM sensitivity 2.0uV; selectivity 65 dB; FM capture ratio 2 dB; FM image rejection 55 dB; FM stereo separation 35 dB. Has two VU meters; bass/treble control; speaker selector switch; 2 auxiliary inputs; high/low cut filters. Walnut case; blackout dial

JVC - 4VR-5446 4-Channel AM-FM Receiver

Has same circuit options as 4VR-5436 except 21 W/ch continuous rms into 8 ohms with all four channels driven (26 W/ch rms power at 1 kHz). IHF power bandwidth 20-30,000 Hz. Has source indicator lights and a 7-position speaker selector switch

JVC - 4VR-5456 4-Channel AM-FM Receiver

Has same circuit options as 4VR-5436 except 43 W/ch continuous rms into 8 ohms with all four channels driven (48 W/ch rms power at 1 kHz). IHF power bandwidth 5-45,000 Hz. FM sensitivity 1.8uV; FM capture ratio 1.5 dB; image rejection 90 dB; FM stereo separation 38 dB. Has 7-position speaker selector switch

KENWOOD - KR-9940 4-Channel Receiver

50 W rms/ch continuous power output into 8 ohms with all channels driven (20-20,000 Hz); has built-in circuitry for all 4-channel formats including SQ decoder with wave matching and variable blend logic, CD-4 demodulator, and RM decoder; "Tape-Through" circuit for dubbing through unit's dual 4-channel tape system while receiver is used to play any other program source; THD & IM dist. 0.5%; power bandwidth 10-50,000 Hz; impedance 4 to 16 ohms; FM sensitivity (IHF) 1.8uV; S/N 65dB (1 mV input); capture ratio 3dB; selectivity (IHF) 50dB; stereo separation 40 dB at 1000 Hz, 20dB at 10,000 Hz; HD stereo 0.8% (400 Hz, 100% modulation); image rejection 60dB; has full complement of inputs & outputs, filters, and tone controls
................................. $950.00

KENWOOD - KR-8840 4-Channel Receiver

40 W rms/ch continuous power output into 8 ohms with all channels driven (20-20,000 Hz); built-in circuitry for all 4-channel formats; "Tape-Through" circuit; THD & IM dist. 0.8%; power bandwidth (IHF) 10-45,000 Hz; impedance 4 to 16 ohms; FM tuner sensitivity (IHF) 1.9uV; S/N 63 dB (1 mV input); capture ratio 3 dB; selectivity (IHF) 50 dB; stereo separation 40 dB at 1000 Hz, 20 dB at 10,000 Hz); HD 0.8% stereo (400 Hz, 100% modulation); image rejection 60 dB; has full complement of inputs & outputs, filters and tone controls.
................... $800.00

LAFAYETTE - LR-5000 AM-FM 4-Channel Receiver

37 W rms/ch into 8 ohms at 0.5% THD (20-20,000 Hz) with all channels driven; features full-logic wave-matching plus vari-blend SQ decoder and other decoder circuitry to play back SQ, RM, and other 4-ch & stereo sources; CD-4 optional discrete 4-ch demodulator built in (or can be installed later); power bandwidth 10-40,000 Hz; input sensitivity: 0.6 mV (hi), 1.8 mV (med), 4 mV (lo), aux. #1 & #2 250 mV, tape play 500 mV; S/N high-level -75 dB, low-level -60 dB; FM (IHF) sensitivity 1.65uV; capture ratio 1.5 dB; stereo separation 40 dB; has self-resetting power overload circuit
LAFAYETTE - CD-4 Demodulator package..........$69.95

LAFAYETTE - LR-3000 AM-FM 4-Channel Receiver

Features full-logic wave-matching plus vari-blend SQ decoder and other 4-ch decoder circuitry to play SQ, RM, and all 4-ch sources; optional CD-4 demodulator built-in (or can be installed later); 15 W rms/ch into 8 ohms at 0.8% THD (20-20,000 Hz) with all channels driven; power bandwidth 10-35,000 Hz; input sensitivity: mag. phono 0.6 mV (hi), 1.8 mV (med.), 1.4 mV (lo), aux. #1 & #2 250 mV, tape play 500 mV; FM (IHF) sensitivity 2.2uV; capture ratio 2.5 dB; stereo separation 35 dB.
LAFAYETTE - CD-4 Demodulator package..........$69.95

LAFAYETTE - SQR-20 4-Channel Receiver System

Receiver features sensitive AM-FM stereo tuner, 4-channel "SQ" matrix decoder, "Composer" derived 4-channel from 2-channel sources, discrete 4- & 2-channel when connected to a 4-channel tape source, and four separate amplifiers. Comes with four wide-range walnut speaker systems

Der MARANTZ 4400 Bolide mit dem SCOPE

Wir haben solch einen und es ist unser einziger QUADRO Receiver oder Verstärker neben dem BOSE 4401 Vorverstärker. Auch haben wir noch einige QUADRO-Platten sowie Test-Platten, doch haben wir zur Zeit (2018) nur ein CD-4 System, dafür aber mehrere geeignete Plattenspieler. Inzwischen (2019) ist ein Audio-Technica AT20SLa eingelaufen, welches wir an einem DUAL 601 zum Laufen bringen wollen.


50 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms with all four channels driven (20-20,000 Hz); THD & IM 0.15%; frequency response 20-20,000 Hz ±0.25 dB; power bandwidth 7-70,000 Hz (IHF); FM sensitivity 1.8uV; THD 0.3% stereo; selectivity 75dB; capture ratio 1.5dB; stereo separation 42dB at 1000 Hz; spurious rejection 95dB; image rejection 90dB; features Dolby noise-reduction circuit; built-in oscilloscope; facilities for separating tuner/preamp section from main amplifiers for connection of amps, electronic crossovers, and/or equalizers; decoder pocket for connecting optional SQ decoder or 4-channel matrix decoder; Vari-Matrix for synthesizing 4-ch sound; has full complement of inputs, outputs, controls, and filters.
Optional walnut cabinet available.

MARANTZ - 4300 4-Ch AM-FM Receiver

40 W/ch continuous power at 8 ohms with all channels driven; 0.15% THD & IM 20-20,000 Hz. Features Dolby B circuit for simultaneous recording and playback with any tape machine and decoding of Dolby-encoded FM broadcasts. Has phase lock loop multiplex decoder and an FM Quadradial output jack. Separate tuner-preamp section permits use with additional external power amps. Has Vari-Matrix for stereo program enhancement. 4-ch ready for addition of SQ decoder and CD-4 demodulator. FM sensitivity 1.9uV (IHF); THD 0.3% stereo; capture ratio 1.5dB; spurious rejection 90dB. Amp response 20-20,000 ±0.25dB (high-level input); power bandwidth 7-70,000 Hz .. $899.95 4270. Similar to Model 4300 but 25 W/ch; 0.3% THD & IM. Response 20-20,000 Hz ±0.5 dB; power bandwidth 8-60,000 Hz

MARANTZ - 4240

Similar to Model 4300 but 17 W/ch; 0.5% THD & IM. Response 20-20,000 Hz ±1.0dB; power bandwidth 10-60,000 Hz

MARANTZ - 4230 4-Ch AM-FM Receiver

12 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms with all channels driven; THD & IM 0.5% FM sensitivity (IHF) 2.8uV. Response 20-20,000 Hz ±1 dB; power bandwidth 15-50,000 Hz. Features Dolby noise reduction circuit, 4-ch balance controls, remote-control outlet, provisions for two tape recorders, provision for connecting decoders and demodulators

MX - 1620 4/2 Ch. AM-FM Receiver
(Wer war MX ???)

18 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with all four channels driven at 1000 Hz; 14 W/ch 20-20,000 Hz; stereo bridged power (1000 Hz) 35 W rms/ch; power bandwidth 10-40,000 Hz; frequency response 20-25,000 Hz ±2 dB (Aux.); HDO.5%; IM 0.8%; FM sensitivity (IHF) 1.8 ^V; selectivity 75 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB; stereo separation 50 dB (1000 Hz), 40 dB (10,000 Hz); HD 0.2%; image rejection 97 dB; spurious rejection 94 dB; features SQ matrix decoder; regular matrix decoder; four VU meters with independent level controls for each channel; special speaker matrix for "surround-sound" effect; full complement of controls- auto/off switch for use with automatic turntable turns off system.
............................. $499.95

MX - 1630 4/2 Ch. AM-FM Receiver

35 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with all four channels driven at 1000 Hz; 28 W/ch 20-20,000 Hz; stereo bridged power (1000 Hz) 70 W rms/ch; power bandwidth 10-40,000 Hz; HD 0.5%; IM 0.8%; frequency response 20-25,000 Hz ±2dB (Aux.); FM sensitivity (IHF) 1.8uV; selectivity 75dB; capture ratio 1.5dB; stereo separation 50dB (1000 Hz), 40dB (10,000 Hz); HD 0.2%; image rejection 97 dB; spurious rejection 94 dB; features SQ & regular matrix decoders; four VU meters with independent level controls for each channel; clutched bass & treble controls for front & back; full complement of controls, inputs, outputs, and switches.

ONKYO - TS-500 Automatic 4-Ch Receiver

Built in logic and analog computer circuitry for automatic sensing of 4-channel signal being transmitted; automatic routing to CD-4 demodulator or matrix decoders; automatic mode selector permits any mix of 4-channel or stereo discs or tapes; 20 W/ch rms into 8 ohms with all four channels driven (20-20,000 Hz); 25 W/ch rms at 1000 Hz; dist. 0.5% at rated power; IM 0.4%; power bandwidth 20-20,000 Hz -3 dB, THD 0.5%; frequency response 20-30,000 Hz ±1 dB; FM sensitivity 1.8uV (IHF); selectivity 65 dB; capture ratio 2 dB; image rejection 70 dB; S/N 70 dB; stereo separation 40 dB at 400 Hz; frequency response 20-15,000 Hz ±1.5 dB; features dual-purpose tuning meter; tape monitoring & dubbing facilities; full complement of inputs & outputs; switches; filters; and controls.

PILOT - 365 4-Channel AM-FM Receiver

15 W/ch (60 W total) continuous power at 8 ohms with all four channels driven & at 0.5% THD. Power bandwidth 20-25,000 Hz; response 20-20,000 Hz ±1 dB. Input sensitivity: mag. phono 2.5 to 4.5 mV; aux. 300 mV; tape output 250 mV. FM sensitivity 2.5 ^V for 30 dB (S + N) /N; capture ratio 2.5 dB. Has same 5-position switch as the Model 366 4-channel receiver and center-channel tuning meter. Walnut veneer wood cabinet.

PILOT - 366 4-Channel AM-FM Receiver

30 W/ch (120 W total) continuous power at 8 ohms with all four channels driven & at 0.5% THD. Power bandwidth 10-40,000 Hz; response 20-25,000 Hz ±1 dB. Input sensitivity: mag. phono 2.5 to 4.5 mV; aux. 300 mV; mike 1 mV; tape output 250 mV. FM sensitivity 1.8uV for 30dB (S+N)/N; capture ratio 1.8dB. Features main/remote 4-channel speaker switch, mike mixing, tape monitor, "Pilotone" for balancing speakers. Has 5-position mode switch for discrete, CBS "SQ", Matrix-4 decoder, stereo (double power), and mono operation.

PILOT - 430 4-Channel AM-FM Receiver

30 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with four channels driven & at 0.5% THD (20-20,000 Hz); response 20-20,000 Hz ±1 dB; power bandwidth 10-40,000 Hz (IHF); electronic speaker circuit protection; switching for main/remote speaker systems (4-ch or stereo); built-in full-logic SQ decoder, CD-4 demodulator with ANRS, automatic SQ/CD-4 switching, RM matrix, front-panel CD-4 separation controls; has front-panel headphone jacks for stereo & 4-channel listening; separate mike/mix volume control for mixing stereo mikes or amplified instruments with all other inputs; two phono inputs, two auxiliary inputs, high and low 12 dB/octave filters, dual-concentric bass & treble controls; 5-pos. mode switch (discrete, SQ/CD-4, matrix-4 decode, stereo (double-power), and mono); four level controls with built-in "Pilotone" balancing signal generator; master volume control, loudness, tape monitor, and a.c. pushbuttons; main amps/preamps accessible by removing rear-panel jumpers; linear FM dial scale. Pilotune center-channel tuning indicator, two tuning meters, automatic stereo light indicator, full function & mode lights; FM sensitivity 1.8uV; selectivity 75 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB; 75/300 ohm antenna inputs; 4-gang front-end; FM muting; detector output & de-emphasis switch for future 4-channel FM adapter accessibility; switched & unswitched a.c. receptacles on rear panel. Walnut veneer wood enclosure
................... $799.90

PIONEER - QX-646 4-Ch. Stereo Receiver

Reproduces all regular matrix, SQ, and CD-4 program sources without additional components. FM usable (IHF) sensitivity 2.2uV; capture ratio 3dB; selectivity 40dB. (S+N)/N 65dB. Image rejection 50dB; i.f. rejection 85 dB; spurious rejection 80dB. Stereo separation 40 dB at 1000 Hz. Antenna input: 300 ohms balanced, 75 ohms unbalanced. Has "on-off" muting switch. Continuous power output 10 W + 10 W/10 W+ 10 W into 8 ohms with two channels driven. IHF music power output 80 W at 8 ohms (108 W at 4 ohms). HD & IM less than 1% continuous power output. Power bandwidth 15-20,000 Hz at 1% HD (IHF, 4-channels driven, 8 ohms). Output: speaker one pair (front) 4 to 16 ohms; two pairs (rear) 4 to 16 ohms; headphone (front) ch. 1, ch. 3. Input sensitivity/imp.: phono (2 ch.) 2.5 mV, 100,000 ohms; aux., tape monitor, DIN 180 mV, 90,000 ohms. Has bass & treble tone controls and loudness contour control.

PIONEER - QX-747 4-Ch. Stereo Receiver

Continuous power output 20 W x 4 into 8 ohms with all four channels driven and from 20-20,000 Hz. Includes CD-4, regular matrix, and SQ decoders. Power bandwidth (IHF, 4-ch. driven) 7-40,000 Hz at 0.5% HD. Response (aux.) 10-25,000 Hz ±1 dB. FM usable (IHF) sensitivity 1.9 /u,V; capture ratio 1 dB; selectivity 60 dB. HD 0.2% mono, 0.4% stereo
....................... $649.95

PIONEER - QX-949 4-Ch. Stereo Receiver

Includes built-in CD-4 demodulator and decoders for regular matrix and SQ sources. Continuous power output 40 W x 4 into 8 ohms with 4-ch. driven from 20-20,000 Hz. Power bandwidth (IHF, 4-ch. driven) 7-40,000 Hz at 0.3% HD. Response (aux.) 10-25,000 Hz ±1 dB. FM usable (IHF) sensitivity 1.8uV; capture ratio 1 dB; selectivity 80 dB. HD mono 0.2%; stereo 0.4%. Features include 4-channel level indicator; outputs for four pairs of speaker systems; output for three tape decks for tape-to-tape duplication. Will also handle two turntables and an additional aux source

ROTEL - RX-154A 4-Channel AM-FM Receiver

Can be used as a 2- or 4-channel receiver. 10 W/ ch continuous power at 4 ohms for 4 ch. operation (20 W/ch for two channels) and 0.5% THD. Power bandwidth 30-30,000 Hz. FM sensitivity 4 /xV for 30 dB quieting; capture ratio 8 dB. Will play 4-channel discrete sources, 4-channel SQ matrixed discs or tapes, and will synthesize regular 2-channel stereo sources. Has 4-channel headphone jack. Walnut cabinet
..................... $289.95

ROTEL - RX-454 4-Channel Receiver

20 W/ch continuous rms power with all channels driven into 8 ohms (45 W/ch in stereo mode). HD 0.1% at rated output at 1 kHz; IM at rated output 0.2%. Response 15-90,000 Hz; power bandwidth (IHF) 20-50,000 Hz. Hum & noise: phono 65 dB; aux. & tape input 75 dB. FM usable sensitivity (IHF) 2.5 //.V; (S + N)/N 65 dB; selectivity 45 dB; spurious rejection 80 dB; i.f. rejection 70 dB; image rejection 60 dB. Separation 40 dB (1 kHz, 100% modulation); capture ratio 3 dB. Has dual front & back bass and treble controls; 4 individual volume controls; push-button tuning for main & remote speaker systems
..................... $479.95

The company has a series of six different AM-FM 2- and 4-channel receivers, including decoder, synthesizer, amplifier, control centers. Each can decode all compatibly matrixed 4-channel recordings and broadcasts, synthesize 2 rear channels of ambient signals from conventional 2-channel recording to 4 channels. Will also play discrete 4-channel tapes.


SANSUI - QRX-6001 - der neue kleinere 4-Ch Receiver

25 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with all channels driven (20-20,000 Hz); THD & IM dist. 0.5%; power bandwidth (IHF) 10-35,000 Hz; FM sensitivity 2uV (IHF); capture ratio 1.5 dB; S/N 70 dB; stereo separation 40 dB at 1000 Hz; features IC "Vario-Matrix" for 20 dB separation in SQ and QS, modes and built-in CD-4 demodulator; has independent front/back tone control; L-R independent balance control; F-B balance control; loudness control for all channels; four-channel headphone jack; center-tuning and signal-strength meters; full complement of inputs & outputs

SANSUI - QRX-7001 - der neue bislang größte Quadro-Receiver

Similar to QRX-6001 except 35 W rms/ch; THD & IM dist. 0.4%; FM sensitivity 1.9uV

SANSUI - QRX-6500 4-Channel Receiver

37 W/ch continuous power output at 8 ohms with 0.5% THD. Response 20-30,000 Hz ±ldB (50 W/ch at 4 ohms); 70 W/ch dynamic (IHF) power at 4 ohms. FM sensitivity 1.8uV for 30 dB quieting. Has multi-system 4-channel speaker selectors and vario matrix
......................... $639.95

SANSUI - QR-1500 4-Channel Receiver

15 W/ch continuous power output at 8 ohms (20 W/ch at 4 ohms) with 0.8% THD. 25 W/ch dynamic (IHF) power at 4 ohms. Power bandwidth 20-30,000 Hz. FM sensitivity 3uV for 30 dB quieting

SANSUI - QRX-3500 4-Channel Receiver

22 W/ch continuous rms output with all channels driven into 8 ohms at 0.5% THD; Response 30-30,000 Hz ±1.5 dB. 180 W power (IHF). FM sensitivity 2.2uV (IHF). Has vario matrix synthesizer/decoder; two 4-channel and one 2-channel tape monitors.

SANSUI - QRX-3000 4-Channel Receiver

15 W/ch continuous rms output with all channels driven into 8 ohms at 0.5% THD and 0.5% vario matrix synthesizer/decoder; two 4-channel and one 2-channel tape monitors.

SANYO - DCX-30Q0K-A 4-Channel Receiver

Designed for both discrete and matrix 4-channel operation. Has SQ logic & Sanyo matrix decoders. Can be used as a 2- or 4-channel amplifier. AM-FM stereo receiver sensitivity 2.2uV for 30dB quieting. HD 0.8%. (S+N)/N 60dB. 10 W/ch (40 W total) continuous power into 8 ohms and at 1% HD. Response 25-40,000 Hz; power bandwidth 25-40,000 Hz. Input sensitivity: mag. phono 5.0 mV; aux. 200 mV; tape 300 mV. Has remote speaker facility. Walnut cabinet

SANYO - DCX-3300KA 4-Channel Receiver

Has all the features for 4-channel discrete and three matrix decoder circuits (SQ logic and variations). AM-FM stereo receiver with FM sensitivity 2.0uV. Selectivity 40 dB. 16 W/ch (64 W total) continuous power into 8 ohms & at 0.8% HD. Response 20-45,000 Hz; power bandwidth 20-40,000 Hz. Input sensitivity: mag. phono 3 mV; aux. 100 mV; tape 300 mV. Features four output-level meters; 2- or 4-channel operation; mike input. Walnut cabinet

SANYO - DCX-2700K 4-Channel Receiver

Designed for both discrete and matrixed 4-channel operation (SQand matrix). FM sensitivity 2.7uV HD 1%; (S + N)/N 45 dB stereo; selectivity 38 dB; stereo separation 30 dB. 7Vz W/ch continuous rms power at 1% THD; HD & IM 1% at rated output. Response 25-30,000 Hz; power bandwidth 30-30,000 Hz. Has individual channel level controls; master volume; bass & treble function selector; power switch; loudness switch; tape monitor; 2/4 channel selector. Outputs: 4 speaker; 2/4 ch recording, DIN connector. Inputs: mag. phono; 2/4 ch aux.; 2/4 ch tape; DIN connector.
Walnut cabinet
........................... $269.95

SANYO - DCX-3100K 4-Channel Receiver

Designed for both discrete and matrixed 4-channel operation (matrix, SQ logic, discrete). IM. 100 W power (IHF). Response 30-30,000 Hz ±1.5 dB. FM tuner sensitivity 2.5uV (IHF). Has FM sensitivity 2.2uV; HD 0.89%; (S + N)/IM 50 dB stereo; selectivity 40 dB; stereo separation 30 dB. 12V2W/ch continuous rms poweratO.8% THD. HD 0.5% and IM 1.0% both at rated output. Response 20-45,000 Hz; power bandwidth 25-40,000 Hz. Has same controls as DCX2700K with addition of mike level control. Outputs: 4 speaker; 2/4 ch recording; DIN connector. Inputs: mag. phono (2); 2/4 ch aux. (4); 2/4 ch tape (4); DIN connector (2); mike. Walnut cabinet.

SANYO - DCX-3500K 4-Channel Receiver

Designed for SQ, discrete, and matrixed 4-channel operation, 17V2 W/ch continuous rms power at 0.8% THD. HD 0.5%, IM 1.0% both at rated output. FM sensitivity 2 fjM; HD 0.8%; (S+N)/N 55 dB stereo; stereo separation 33 dB. Controls: tuning; individual channel level; master volume; bass & treble; function selector; power switch; loudness switch; tape monitor; mike level; 2/4 ch selector; speaker switch; CD-4 adjust (rear panel). Outputs: 4 speaker; 2/4 ch recording; DIN connector. Inputs: magnetic phono; 2/4 ch aux. (4); 2/4 ch tape (4); DIN connector; mike.

SHERWOOD - S-7244 4-Ch AM-FM Receiver

20 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with four channels driven (20-20,000 Hz); 23 W/ch at 1000 Hz; HD & IM dist. 0.5% at 8 ohm rated output, 0.20% at 10 W; power bandwidth 14-50,000 Hz 1% dist; frequency response 20-20,000 Hz ±0.5 dB (Aux.); FM tuner sensitivity 1.9uV (IHF); S/N 66 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB; stereo separation 40 dB at 1000 Hz; frequency response 20-15,000 Hz ±1 dB stereo; features full-logic SQ circuitry; SQ and Logic IC's; FM four-channel broadcast-ready (Aux. 2 input); optional remote "quadrance" control; has full complement of inputs, outputs, filters, controls, and switches; phone jacks for 2- or 4-ch phones. Walnut-grain case.

SYLVANIA - RQ3747 4-Channel Receiver

25 W/ch at continuous power (four channels) into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz at less than 0.5% THD. 60 W/ch continuous power in special stereo bridge mode. Includes an SQ matrix IC, two SQ positions for image placement control (standard SQ and SQ blend), plus provision for CD-4 discrete disc system with addition of special external discrete phono demodulator. Has master volume plus three separate balance controls for front left-right, rear left-right, and front-to-rear. Features dual FM tuning meters for center tune and S/N ratio. Frequency response at tape input 20-30,000 Hz ±1.5 dB. Input sensitivity: phono 2.6 mV; tape & aux. 150 mV. Input imp.: phono 47,000 ohms,- tape & aux. 50,000 ohms. Tape output level for rated aux. & phono input: 150 mV. (S + N)/N below rated output (20-20,000 Hz) at max. volume: phono 60 dB; tape & aux. 70 dB. FM sensitivity (IHF) 1.9uV; capture ratio 1.5 dB; image rejection 60 dB. Walnut veneer cabinet with extruded aluminum control panel.

SYLVANIA - RQ3748 4-Channel Receiver

50 W/ch at continuous power (four channels) into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz. 125 W/ch continuous power in special stereo bridge mode. Master volume control plus individual level controls for all four channels. Special image orientation control permits 90, 180, and 270 degree rotation of four channel sound image (changes the channel each speaker produces without rewiring). Other specifications same as RQ3747. Walnut veneer cabinet with extruded aluminum control panel.

SYLVANIA - RQ3745 4-Channel Receiver

Similar to RQ3747 except 7V2 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with four channels driven (30-20,000 Hz) at 1% THD; FM sensitivity 2.3 /zV; S/N 67 dB; single combined AM-FM tuning meter.


Similar to RQ3745 but 15 W/ch into 8 ohms with four channels driven (20-20,000 Hz) at 1% THD; separate AM and FM meters


Features built-in CD-4 demodulator for playback of discrete phono discs plus a variable AFD matrix decoder/synthesizer that can be matched to any matrix system. BTL (balanced transformerless) amplifier design enables 2- or 4-channel stereo operation. Has four VU meters, 6-element ceramic i.f. filters in FM. FM sensitivity 1.9uV for 30dB quieting. IHF dynamic power 40 W/ch (160 W total) into 4 ohms (160 W at 8 ohms in 2-channel (BTL) mode). With all channels driven continuous power is 18 W/ch (72 W total) at 4 ohms; 16 W/ch (64 W total) at 8 ohms. In 2-channel (BTL) operation, continuous power with both channels driven is 38 W/ch at 8 ohms. THD 0.5% at rated power. Power bandwidth 5-40,000 Hz. (S + N)/N 72 dB (phono), 94 dB (aux.)


Features variable AFD matrix decoder/ synthesizer that can decode any matrix system, plus inputs to accommodate any 4-channel discrete or 2-channel source. BTL (balanced transformerless) design enables 2- or 4-channel stereo operation. 6-element ceramic filters and monolithic IC's in FM i.f. strip. IHF dynamic power is 30 W/ch (120 W total) into 4 ohms. Continuous power with all channels driven is 16 W/ch (64 W total) at 4 ohms; 14 W/ch (56 W total) at.8 ohms. Continuous 2-channel (BTL) power is 48 W/ch at 8 ohms; 32 W/ch at 8 ohms with all channels driven (64 W total). THD 0.5_at rated power. Power bandwidth 7-35,000Hz. (S + N)/N 72 dB (phono); 94 dB (aux.). FMsensitivity (IHF) 1.9uV for 30 dB quieting


Designed for any 4- or 2-channel application with complete discrete and matrix capability. Two-position switch for decoding any matrix source or optimum sythesizing/enhancing. Two tape monitors. The i.f. stages have ceramic filtering and monolithic IC's. FM sensitivity 1.9 ju,V for 30 dB quieting. IHF dynamic power 17 W/ch (68 W total) at 4 ohms in 4-channel mode. Continuous 4-channel power with all channels driven 9 W/ch at 4 ohms (36 W total); 8 W/ch at 8 ohms (32 W total). Continuous 2-channel (TL) power 25 W/ch with both channels driven; 18 W/ch (36 W total) at 8 ohms. THD 0.8% at rated power. Power bandwidth 7-28,000 Hz. (S + N)/N 75 dB (aux.); 60 dB (phono)


Features built-in AFD 4-ch scope for audio display to check signal distribution, separation, crosstalk, balance. Scope also serves as precise center-channel tuning indicator and multipath signal indicator. Also features variable AFD matrix decoder/synthesizer that can be set for any matrix system plus inputs to accommodate any 4-ch discrete or 2-ch sources. 240 W total (IHF) music power at 4ohms; 45 W continuous rms power per channel at 4 ohms; 32 W at 8 ohms. With all four channels driven.- 30 W/ch at 4 ohms; 23 W/ch at 8 ohms. THD 0.5% at rated power. Power bandwidth 7-40,000 Hz. (S + N)/N 70 dB (phono), 90 dB (aux.). FM sensitivity (IHF) 1.8uV for 30 dB quieting. Ceramic filtering and monolithic IC's in FM

TECHNICS BY PANASONIC - SA-8500 X 4/2-Ch. AM-FM Receiver

Features built-in CD-4 demodulator for playback of discrete discs, plus 2-pos. matrix decoder; automatic separation and carrier-level adjust adapts cartridge characteristics automatically; BTL amplifier design for full output power in both 2-ch & 4-ch modes. Has four VU meters plus signal-strength meter; CD-4 hi-blend switch for noisy records; three 4-ch tape monitors. Accommodates two sets of 4-ch speakers or four sets in 2-ch mode; FM MPX output; all-stage direct-coupled OCL power amps; speaker protection circuit; low-noise phono preamp,- click-stop tone controls; hi & lo filters. 34 W rms/ch into 8 ohms in 4-ch mode, 85 W rms/ch into 8 ohms in 2-ch BTL mode; THD 0.5%; IM 0.7%; power bandwidth 5-40,000 Hz; S/N 90 dB (Aux.), 70 dB (phono). FM sensitivity 1.9 /u,V for 30 dB quieting; FM THD 0.4% stereo; separation 40 dB at 1000 Hz. Walnut cabinet included.


Similar to SA-8500X except 10 W rms/ch at 8 ohms in 4-ch. mode, 24 W rms/ch into 8 ohms in 2-ch BTL mode; power bandwidth 5-25,000 Hz.

TOSHIBA - SA-304 4-Channel AM-FM Receiver

15 W/ch continuous power (60 W total) into 8 ohms at 0.8% HD and each channel driven separately (20 W/ch for 2-channel operation). Response 20-40,000 Hz ±2 dB. Power bandwidth 20-30,000 Hz at 0.8% HD. Sensitivity: mag. phono 3 mV; aux. 150 mV. FM sensitivity 2.5uV for 30 dB quieting. Capture ratio 2.5 dB. Has built-in RM (Regular Matrix) and SQ4-channel matrix decoder. Has input provisions for CD-4 discrete decoder. Has universal line inputs

TOSHIBA - SA-504 4-Channel AM-FM Receiver

35 W/ch (140 W total) continuous power into 8 ohms & at 0.4% THD and with each channel driven separately (70 W/ch for 2-channel stereo). Response 20-40,000 Hz ±1 dB; power bandwidth 10-80,000 Hz. FM sensitivity 1.8uV for 30 dB (S + N)/N; capture ratio 1.5 dB. Input sensitivity: mag. phono 2.5 mV; condenser phono 30 mV; aux. & tape 160 mV. Has built-in RM & SQ 4-channel matrix decoder, FM muting, signal-strength & center-of-channel tuning meters, and tape monitor. Can be used for 4-channel discrete playback
................................ $569.95

TOSHIBA - SA-514 CD-4 AM-FM Receiver

20 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with all channels driven at 0,8% HD (20-20,000 Hz); 45 W/ch in stereo mode; FM sensitivity 2uV (IHF); S/N 65 dB; capture ratio 2 dB; selectivity +400 kHz 60 dB; -400 kHz 60 dB; HD 0.3%; input sensitivity: mag. phono 2.5 mV; condenser phono 30 mV; aux. & tape 160 mV; features built-in CD-4 demodulator; RM and SQ decoder; FM muting; signal-strength & center-of-channel tuning meters; tape monitoring

YAMAHA - CS-70R 2/4 Ch AM-FM Stereo Receiver

12 W/ch continuous rms power with all four channels driven; 22 W/ch into 8 ohms with two channels driven; power bandwidth 30-20,000 Hz. Has SQ decoder; balance, volume, and tone controls. FM sensitivity 2.0uV; capture ratio 3 dB; FM image rejection 20 dB at 90 MHz; stereo separation 40 dB; (S + N)/N 65 dB. Features digital clock radio with sleep switch, 4-channel phones
........................... $370.00

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