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QUADRO Amplifier vom Stand Ende 1974

Bei allem Lächeln für die immer noch nicht funktioniereden Techniken bei den Quadro-Schallplatten (aller Coleur) dürfen wir nicht ignorieren, daß wir Hifi- Enthusiasten damals, also 1974/75, von den super gestylten optischen Front-Seiten dieser zumeist "leeren" Kästen durchaus sehr beeindruckt waren.

Insbesondere SANSUI und PIONEER verstanden es meisterhaft
, gewaltige Boliden voll professionell zu fotografieren und regelrecht Hunger zu generieren.
Diesen 1975er Haupt-Katalog finden Sie hier.


BGW - 4X250 Four-Channel Amp

250 W/ch continuous rms power into 8 ohms with two channels driven; 250 W/ch into 4 ohms. Response 2-80,000 Hz +0, -3dB; 20-20,000 Hz +0, -0.2dB; noise & hum 110 dB below rated output into 8 ohms; input sensitivity 2 V for 40 V out (200 W, 8 ohms); damping factor 1000 at low frequencies into 8 ohms. Features crowbar circuit; IC op amp front end; current-limiting circuit. 19" rack panel x 7" H x 17" D

BGW - Quadraphonic Control Center

Four-channel preamp designed for true discrete systems of from 1 to 4 channels. Features built-in CD-4 demodulator; has provisions for SQ demodulator, 2- & 4-channel tape recorders; equalizer filter system; 4x4 matrix mode control allowing any input channel to be assigned to any output channel. Gain: low-level phono to preamp output 60 dB, phono to recording output 40 dB, high level to main output 20 dB. Input impedance: phono 47,000 ohms, high-level input 25,000 ohms. Sensitivity: low-level phono 1 mV input, 1 V at main output; high-level aux. 100 mV input, 1 V at main output. Frequency response (high level) 20-20,000 Hz ±0.1 dB at rated output, down -3 dB 1 Hz and 100 kHz at rated output; (phono) ±0.25 dB from RIAA curve at rated output. Has 12 linear slide switches for amplitude, 3 frequency-select rotary switch, and 1 equalization switch; input selector; mode switch; tape monitor switch; tape copy switch; power switching; balance control; two headphone jacks; headphone volume control

BOSE - 4401 Four-Channel Preamplifier

Provides complete 4-channel and matrix capability. Features four independent channels of preamplification; special phono preamp circuitry; modular PC board construction; tape recording flexibility; provision for external equalizers; compatibility with all types of program sources, modes, and equipment. 6" H
x 18" W x 13Vs" D

BOSE - SQ matrix decoder with full logic.....$74.95
BOSE - Remote balance/volume control .....$39.95
BOSE - Walnut cabinet....................$34.95

DYNACO - QSA-300 4-Channel Power Amp

75 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with all channels driven (20-20,000 Hz); 100 W rms into 4 ohms; 45 W rms/ch into 16 ohms; parallel strapping provides 150 W rms/ch in stereo at 8 ohms; external strapping provides 300 W rms mono operation at 4 ohms or 400 W at 2 ohms. 4-channel input 50,000 ohm load, 1 V for 75 W at 8 ohms; stereo input 25,000 ohm load, 1.5 V for 150 W at 8 ohms. Damping factor 100 to 1000 Hz into 8 ohms, 50 to 10,000 Hz into 8 ohms. Other specifications same as Dynaco's
Stereo 150 power amplifier......Kit $399.00
MC-3. Optional meter kit............$125.00

DYNACO - QSA-300M/A. Assembled version with four internally mounted illuminated meters and dual push-button meter-range switch

HEATH - AA-2010 Four-Channel Amplifier

Will operate in mono, stereo, discrete 4-channel, or matrixed 4-channel with its built-in "universal" decoder. 50 W/ch (4 channels) dynamic power into 8 ohms (65 W/ch into 4 ohms, 30 W/ch into 16 ohms). Can be used to power two separate speaker systems or two 4-channel systems. Back-lighted front panel contains four calibrated VU meters with a meter-range switch covering three ranges: 0 VU at 35 W, 3.5 W, or 350 mW. Meters are used to balance output.
Kit............................. $359.95
Pecan cabinet.....................$24.95

HEATH - AA-2005 Four-Channel Amplifier

15 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms, 20 W/
ch into 4 ohms, 10 W/ch into 16 ohms; power bandwidth for constant 0.5% THD 5-30,000 Hz; frequency response 7-50,000 Hz±l dB at 1 W, 5-70,000 Hz ±3 dB; HD 0.5% 20-20,000 Hz at 15 W output, 0.25% at 1000 Hz with 1 W output; IM 0.5% with 15 W output (60 & 6000 Hz mixed 4:1), 0.25% at 1 W output. Has built-in matrix decoder optimized for SQ system but capable of handling all matrixed 4-channel material. Front-panel controls include pushbuttons for speaker, program source (tuner, aux., phono, tape), and mode selection; four audio-level controls plus master gain, and two headphone jacks. 47s" H x 193/4" W x 10" D.

JVC - 4VN-770 4-Channel Integrated Amp

16 W/ch dynamic power at 8 ohms (25 W/ch at 4 ohms); 12V2 W/ch continuous power at 8 ohms with all four channels driven and at 0.5% THD. 100 W/ch dynamic power at 4 ohms with 2-channel power bridging (BTL). Power bandwidth 10-30,000 Hz. Input sensitivity: mag. phono 2.5 mV; aux. & tape monitor 75 mV. Features jacks for 4-channel headphones, built-in 4-channel decoder and synthesizer & optional remote control
................... $279.95

JVC - 4VN-990 4-Channel Integrated Amp

66 W/ch dynamic power at 8 ohms (70 W/ch at 4 ohms); 35 W/ch continuous power at 8 ohms (38 W/ch at 4 ohms) with all four channels driven & at 0.5% THD. 155 W/ch dynamic power at 8 ohms with 2-channel power bridging (BTL). Power bandwidth 10-30,000 Hz. Input sensitivity: mag. phono #1 & #2 2.5 mV; aux. & tape monitor 150 mV. Features 5-position tone control network for front and rear channel centering on 40/250/1000/5000/15,000 Hz. Can reproduce all four-channel discrete program material. Has built-in 4-channel decoder and synthesizer for reproducing 4 channels from regular 2-channel program material. Jack for optional remote control.

JVC - VN-5101 4-Channel Add-On Amp

Basically a 2-channel amplifier with 4-channe! inputs to be used with your present stereo system. 34 W/ch dynamic power into 8 ohms (50 W/ch at 4 ohms); 22 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms (24 W/ch into 4 ohms) with both channels driven and at 0.5% THD. Power bandwidth 30-30,000 Hz. Features 5-position tone-control network centering on 40/250/1000/ 5000/15,000 Hz. Has built-in synthesizer to produce 4-channels from regular 2-channel program material. Has jack for optional remote control.
........ $239.95

LAFAYETTE - LA-84 4-Channel Amplifier

Features full-logic wave-matching plus vari-blend SQ decoder and complete circuitry to play all other 4-channel matrix and stereo sources; provision for optional built-in CD-4 discrete demodulator (can be installed later, if desired); direct-coupled output circuitry; separate 2- and 4-channe! tape monitoring; power output 20 W rms/ch into 8 ohms at 0.5% THD (20-20,000 Hz) with all channels driven; power bandwidth 10-35,000 Hz; input sensitivity: mag. phono 0.6 mV (hi), 1.8 mV (med), 4 mV (lo), aux. #1 & #2 250 mV, 2- & 4-ch tape play 500 mV; hum & noise: aux. —75 dB, phono -60 dB, tape play -80 dB, tuner -75 dB; channel separation 65 dB.
CD-4 Demodulator package.......... $69.95

MARANTZ - 4000 Preamp/Adapter

Designed to permit two-channel stereo systems to be converted to 4-ch operation with addition of pair of speakers. Serves as control center for volume, balance, mode, and features rear-channel tone controls. All existing preamp controls remain completely operable. Features Vari-Matrix, balance controls, low and high filters, four illuminated meters, and remote-control output
...................... $249.95

MARANTZ - 4060 4-Channel Integrated Amplifier

Complete four-channel control amp. Has circuits to synthesize 4-channel sound from 2-channel stereo records, all necessary balancing controls, input jack for optional SQ decoder, and remote-control. 15 W/ch continuous power at 4 & 8 ohms and at 0.9% THD with all channels operating (7?/2 W/ch into 16 ohms). Response 20-20,000 Hz ±1 dB. Input sensitivity: 1.8 mV; aux. 180 mV. Features main/remote speaker switch; 4-channel headphone jacks. Gold anodized front panel.

MARANTZ - 4070

Similar to Model 4060 with addition of low-filter, preamp out, and main amp in jacks and ability to switch unit into BTL mode to obtain 35 W/ch continuous power in stereo mode

MARANTZ - 4100 4-Channel Integrated Amplifier

Has complete 2- or 4-channel capability. 25 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms and at 0.3% THD with all four channels driven (60 W/ch for 2-channel operation). Power bandwidth 15-50,000 Hz; response 15-80,000 Hz±2 dB. Input sensitivity: mag. phono 1.8 mV; aux. 180 mV. Has inputs for 4-channel discrete programs, and circuits for synthesizing 4-channel sound from 2-channel stereo records or tapes. Has input jacks for optional SQ decoder & remote-control; four lighted level meters; tape monitor for two tape decks. 15 3/8" x 5 3/4" x 14 1/2" D. Blackout meter panel & gold anodized front panel
........................... $499.95

MARANTZ - 4140

Similar to Model 4100 with addition of mid-range tone control, output jacks for 4-ch scope display, and slightly higher output power (70 W/ch continuous power) in BTL mode

PHASE LINEAR - 4000 Preamplifier

Features built-in SQ system with differential logic for enhanced 4-channel separation. Joystick-controlled 4-channel balance. Response 20-20,000 Hz ±1dB (phono & high-level). Gain: phono 65dB; high level 15dB. Total noise: high level 95dB below full output; phono 82dB below full output. 6dB octave boost below 50 Hz and above 7000 Hz, shelving +3dB at 20,000 and +6dB at 20 Hz. Downward expansion begins at —35dB with ultimate limit —41dB. Unlimiter window 35dB wide, upper and lower thresholds simultaneously variable by means of front-panel unlimit threshold control. Has two monitor switches permitting any input source to be recorded on either of two tape machines, play back selection of either machine, or copy of tape machine 1 to 2 while listening to third source. Switched outlets will handle up to 25 amps. 19" W x 7" H x 10" D

PIONEER - QM-800A 4-Channel Power Amp

Features 42 W/ch (170 W total) dynamic power at 8 ohms (60 W/ch into 4 ohms); 30 W/ ch continuous power into 8 ohms with all four channels driven & at 0.5% HD (36 W/ch into 4 ohms). Power bandwidth 5-50,000 Hz at 8 ohms & 0.5% HD. (S -f- N)/N 90 dB. Response 8-60,000 Hz±0.5 dB. Input sensitivity: 500 mV at 50 kohms, 1 V at 80 kohms, and 2 V at 105 kohms. Has four level meters, universal power supply, speaker switch. Amp could be used as four separate channels, or as a 2-channel, 2-way multiamp system with an electronic crossover network
.................... $349.95

PIONEER - QC-800A 4-Channel Preamp

Has built-in SQ decoder and regular matrix decoder for synthesizing 4-channel reproduction from 2-channel discs or tapes. Design gives choice of three different 4-channel effects in addition to 4-channel discrete. Input sensitivity: phono #1 & #2 2.5 mV; tuner, aux. #1 & #2, tape monitor #1 & #2 150 mV. Recording output #1 & #2 150 mV. Has low and high filters, (S + N)/N (phono) 80 dB. Output voltage 2.5 V (4 V max.). Features tape-to-tape duplication and universal power supply. 17" x 5" x 13 "D

PIONEER - QA-800A 4-Channel Integrated Amp

Features 36 W/ch (144 W total) dynamic power into 8 ohms (51 W/ch into 4 ohms); 20 W/ch continuous sine wave into 8 ohms with all four channels operating & at 0.5% HD (24 W/ch into 4 ohms). Power bandwidth 15-50,000 Hz at 8 ohms & 0.5% HD. Response 8-70,000 Hz ±1 dB. Input sensitivity: mag. phono #1 &#2 2.5 mV; tuner, aux. #1 & #2, tape monitor #1 & #2 200 mV. Tape output #1 & #2 200 mV. Has SQ and regular matrix decoder built-in and will provide for four-channel discrete tapes or discs. Universal power supply. 17" x 5V2"x 13V4" D

SANSUI - QA-7000 4-Channel Amplifier

20 W/ch continous power into 8 ohms (27 W/ch (IHF) into 4 ohms); strappable for twice power per channel when operating in stereo mode. THD 0.1%; IM 0.15%. Power bandwidth (IHF) 10-30,000 Hz. Has built-in QS vario matrix decoder/synthesizer and Phase Matrix. Will provide decoded 4-channel signal to tape for dubbing "discrete." 17 3/8" W x 5" H x 12" D

SUPERSCOPE - QA-450 4Ch Integrated Amplifier

Will reproduce SQ records, FM broadcasts, or tapes; simulate 4-ch reproduction from standard stereo sources. 10 W/ch continuous power with all channels driven; THD 1% at rated output. Response 20-20,000 Hz ±1 dB. Features master 4-ch volume control; loudness control selector; tape monitoring; h. f. filter; simplified bass & treble controls. 14" W x 5" H x 12" D

TOSHIBA - SB-404S 4-Ch. Integrated Amp

15 W/ch continuous power (60 W total) into 8 ohms and at 0.5% HD with each channel driven separately (26 W/ch for 2-channel stereo). 17 W/ch dynamic power (68 W total). HD 0.4% at rated output (0.1% at 2 W/ch). Response 10-55,000 Hz ±1.5 dB; power bandwidth 10-30,000 Hz at 0.8% HD. Sensitivity: mag. phono 1 & 2 3 mV; condenser phono 30 mV; tuner 150 mV; aux. 1 & 2 150 mV; tape 500 mV. Has RM (Regular Matrix) and SQ decoders. Has universal line inputs. Overall size 15" x 4 1/2" x 11"

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