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Das war also die Quadro-Konkurrenz zu dem etwas dickeren "Stereo Directory & Buying Guide" von "Stereo Review".

Es gab in USA 3 oder 4 USA-weit vertriebene Hifi-Magazine, die sich natürlich gnadenlose Konkurrenz (bei der Aquise von Anzeigen) machten. Dazu gab es auch noch regionale Hifi- Magazine und Hifi- Zeitschriften in diesem Bereich. Und die großen Verlage brachten ein oder zwei mal im Jahr ihre großen "Reviews" heraus, eigentlich eine Werbeplatform für ganzseitige Produkt-Anzeigen - genauso wie unser deutsches Hifi-Jahrbuch von Karl Breh, das auch alle anderen Verlage dann nachgeäfft hatten. Diese Reviews waren also von Anzeigen finanzierte Produkt-Kataloge. Deshalb wurden auch nur die oft vagen Angaben der Hersteller abgedruckt. Kommentare oder gar Tests waren unerwünscht. Hier ein Review von "HIGH FIDELITY".

Obwohl es in USA auch keine Preisbindung mehr gab, werden in den meisten dieser Kataloge die von den Herstellern "empfohlenen" Laden-Verkaufspreise genannt. In dem in Deutschland erschienenen amerikanischen OFF-DUTY Magazin für die Militär-Angehörigen hingegen waren die völlig irren military Preise abgedruckt. Die Differenz war eklatant.

Das hier ist der "Four-Channel Sound Consumer Guide" 1974

..... von "HIGH FIDELITY". Wer immer den Begriff "Quadr'i'phonics" (also nicht Quadr"o"phonics) erfunden hatte, es war einfach anders und verwirrte noch mehr als die sowieso schon 3 unterschiedlichen Quadro Systeme für Langspielplatten. Auf ca. 100 oder mehr Seiten werden die im amerikanischen "Homeland" Anfang 1974 angebotenen Quadro-Erzeugnisse aufgelistet. Wie bereits gesagt, das waren zu kaufende Einträge. Nichts war da gratis. Die Anzeigen-Seiten haben wir von unserem Spender nicht mitgekommen, weil es nur schwarz weiß Fotokopien waren. Doch die gleichen Anzeigen haben wir aus der OFF-DUTY gescannt.


1974 consumer's guide to FOUR-CHANNEL SOUND


Der Cover-Designer/Gestalter war vermutlich ein BRAUN Fan, obwohl fast kein BRAUN Gerät im Text enthalten ist.

Eine HIGH FIDELITY publication (US$ 1.50) - Quadriphonics - Complete Diretory of Four-Channel Hifi-Equipment

  • Anmerkung : Also das war mitnichten eine komplette Marktübersicht, die hätte ja neutral und unabhängig von zu kaufenden Einträgen sein müssen. Eigentlich war es eine Aufzählung von bezahlten Anzeigen

The information that follows is intended to acquaint the prospective buyer with the functions and important features of specific models, based on data supplied by their manufacturers.
No attempt has been made to evaluate specifications or to judge the equipment. (Also jeder Anzeigenkunde konnte schreiben, was er wollte.)

All models are listed alphabetically by brand name within product groups. Prices shown are manufacturers' or importers' "suggested" retail figures and may be subject to regional variation or discount from store to store.



The term "receiver" in hi-fi language denotes a tuner combined with an amplifier. A stereo tuner plus a stereo amplifier becomes, of course, a stereo receiver.

Things are not yet that definite in four-channel parlance; but as of now it looks as if a "four-channel receiver" is a stereo tuner plus a four-channel amplifier, and most often the latter section includes some form of matrix decoding and/or simulating function in addition to its four channels of amplification.

Quadriphonic broadcasts of matrixed four-channel material can be received in any normal stereo tuner or receiver; to recover the four channels, the tuner output may be fed to a suitable matrix decoder and the four channels of amplification.

Most "four-channel receivers" do include these features and options already built in. In addition, some receivers make provision for connecting the tuner output to an external adapter for discrete four-channel broadcasts, for which the FCC has yet to establish standards.

Note that in some receivers provision is made for combining the four amplifier sections to operate as a higher-powered stereo (two-channel) amplifier. Another option often found is that of using the four channels as two separate stereo amplifiers. These features are indicated where applicable.

Power output is given as continuous average sine-wave (so-called RMS) power into an 8-ohm load, unless otherwise stated. Power bandwith is stated for one channel at rated distortion into an 8-ohm load. Harmonic and IM distortion figures are for rated power output into an 8-ohm load.

  • Anmerkung : Das bedeutet sogar, diese Zusammenstellung wurde zum Ende 1973 vor der verbindlichen Entscheidung der FTC ("Federal Trade Commission" - die US-Wettbewerbs- behörde - im Herbst 1974) erstellt. Die FTC hatte quasi per Gesetz angeordnet, von jetzt an ausnahmslos sämtliche irgendwo in USA angebotenen Verstärker aller Art absolut mit den echten RMS Werten zu spezifizieren, immer und ohne Ausnahme.

In general, when shopping for a four-channel receiver (or a four-channel separate amplifier) determine whether the power output stated is the sum of all four channels or the power per channel. The latter figure is the key to how much driving power actually will be delivered to each loudspeaker.

  • Anmerkung 1 : Der Text ist sehr "komisch eng" gedruckt und das OCR Programm hat es genauso "komisch" erkannt und umgewandelt. Eine Korrektur bei so vielen Fehlern lohnt nicht. Dafür ist es zuviel Text.


  • Anmerkung 2 : Diese Aufstellung ist die US amerikanische Festland- Ausgabe und die enthält "fast" alle in USA abgebotenen Geräte und die US-Laden-Preise. In OFF-DUTY dagegen sind überwiegend die in den europäischen military Shops angebotenen Geräte aufgeführt, also (auch nur) eine (andere) Teilmenge dieser Fülle, dafür aber mit den völlig irren low-cost miltary Preisen.




  1. Model AS-960
    AM/FM; switch positions for SQ, QS/RM matrix systems, CD-4 (demodulator terminals on unit); "2-4" decoder. Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification can be combined as 2 higher-powered channels, but cannot serve as 2 independent stereo amps; 4-channel FM detector jack; 4 speaker outputs, 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs, can be driven simultaneously; 2 4-channel tape feeds; 35 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 18 watts RMS in 4-channel; 10 Hz to 60,000 Hz power bandwidth; 20 Hz to 50,000 Hz frequency response; 0.03% harmonic distortion. Tuner section: Signal-strength tuning meter; 2.3 /xV IHF sensitivity; 3.5 dB capture ratio; less than 1.0% harmonic distortion; 35 dB separation; 63/4Hx19Wx16D - $ 499.95.
  2. Model AS-970
    Similar features to Model AS-960. Amplifier section: 1 stereo, 2 4-channel tape feeds; 40 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 25 watts RMS in 4-channel. Tuner section: Signal-strength and center-tuning meters; 2.0 /aV IHF sensitivity; 2.0 dB capture ratio; 40 dB separation; 63/4Hx23Wx151/2D. $ 599.95.
  3. Model AS-980
    Similar features to Model AS-970 except has built-in CD-4 demodulator. Amplifier section: 2 phono, 4 mike, 1 auxiliary input; muting, hi-cut filter, low-cut filter switches; front and rear controls for loudness, bass, treble, balance; speaker selector switch (A, B, C, A + B, A + C); 3 tape monitor switches; -10 dB and -20 dB attenuators for 4 VU meters; front panel demodulator adjustments; provision for remote joystick balance control; 3 pairs speaker outputs, 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs, can be driven simultaneously; 50 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 30 watts RMS in 4-channel. Tuner section: Signal-strength and center-tuning meters; FM stereo indicator light; 63AH x 26Wx17D. $ 799.95.




  • Model CR-400
    AM/FM; switch positions for SQ, CD-4, simulator, 4-channel FM broadcast (externa!). Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification, can be combined as 2 higher-powered channels or switched to serve as 2 independent stereo amps; 1 stereo input (mag. phono); 2 4-channel inputs (tape, aux); 4-channel FM detector jack; concentric front/rear bass and treble controls; slide controls for front/rear balance and for front and rear left/right balance; loudness switch; mono/stereo switch; tape monitor; 4 speaker outputs, 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs, can be driven simultaneously; 1 stereo tape feed; 18.5 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 9.25 watts RMS in 4-channel; 20 Hz to 50,000 Hz power bandwidth; 25 Hz to 40,000 Hz ±3 dB frequency response; 1.0% harmonic and IM distortion (at 1,000 Hz); 65 dB S/N low-level inputs; 75 dB S/N high-level inputs. Tuner section: Dual purpose AM signal-strength and FM center-tuning meter; 2.9 /xV IHF sensitivity; 1.8 dB capture ratio; 0.6% harmonic distortion; 65 dB S/N; 35 dB separation; 300- and 75-ohm FM antenna terminals; 51/2H x 205/sW x 153/4D. $ 329.95.




  1. Model 304
    AM/FM; built-in SQ matrix decoder, will also handle CD-4. Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification can be combined as 2 higher-powered channels; 1 stereo magnetic phono input; 4 4-channel inputs (2 tape, 2 aux); loudness switch; FM muting; 4-channel FM detector jack; FM noise filter; 8 speaker outputs, 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs, can be driven simultaneously; 2 4-channel tape outputs; 38 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 15 watts RMS in 4-channel; 12 Hz to 30,000 Hz power bandwidth; 30 Hz to 15,000 Hz response; 0.5% harmonic distortion; 0.8% IM distortion; 56 dB S/N low-level inputs; 65 dB S/N high-level inputs. Tuner section: Signal-strength tuning meter; 1.8 uV IHF sensitivity; 1.2 dB capture ratio; 0.2% harmonic distortion (mono), 0.3% (stereo); 70 dB S/N; 38 dB separation; 300-ohm FM antenna terminal; 6%H x 211/2W x 16%D .$369.95.
  2. Model 304-B
    Identical to Model 304, except joystick balance control and master volume control replace separate front, rear volume controls.$399.95.
  3. Model 404
    Similar features and styling to Model 304-B. Amplifier section: Includes midrange tone control; high- and low-filter; 44 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 22 watts RMS in 4-channel; 10 Hz to 35,000 Hz power bandwidth; 30 Hz to 15,000 Hz response; 0.5% harmonic distortion; 0.8% IM distortion; 56 dB S/N low-level inputs; 65 dB high-level inputs. Tuner section: Signal-strength and center-of-channel tuning meters; 1.8 /aV IHF sensitivity; 1.2 dB capture ratio; 0.2% harmonic distortion in mono, 0.3% in stereo; 70 dB S/N; 38 dB separation; 300-ohm FM antenna terminals; 6%H x 211/2W x 16%D - $ 499.95.
  4. Model 504
    Similar styling and features to Model 404. Amplifier section: Includes front, rear bass and treble controls; reduced-volume switch; AM noise limiter; 90 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 32 watts RMS in 4-channel; 8 Hz to 40,000 Hz power bandwidth; 30 Hz to 15,000 Hzfrequency response. Tuner section: Same as Model 404; 6%H x 211/2W x 167/aD - $ 599.95.
  5. Model 4020
    AM/FM; switch positions for SQ, CD-4. Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification, can be combined as 2 higher-powered channels, but cannot serve as 2 independent stereo amps; 1 i stereo input (mag. phono); 2 4-channel inputs (tape, aux); 4-channel FM detector jack; loudness switch; tape monitor; FM muting; bass, treble Controls; front, rear volume controls; 4 speaker outputs, 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs, can be driven simultaneously; 1 4-channel tape feed; 22 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 10 watts RMS in 4-channel; 30 Hz to 20,000 Hz power bandwidth; 30 Hz to 20,000 Hz frequency response; 1.0% harmonic distortion; 0.8% IM distortion; 60 dB S/N low-level inputs;' 66 dB S/N high-level inputs. Tuner section: Signal-strength tuning meter; 2.5 /xV IHF sensitivity; 2.5 dB capture ratio; 0.5% harmonic distortion; 64 dB S/N; 35 dB separation; 300-ohm FM antennaterminal; 5 21 /32H x 181/sWx 15 $ 299.95.
  6. Model 4060
    Similar features to Model 4020 except amplifier section includes high filter; 8 speaker outputs; 36 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 15 watts RMS in 4-channel. Tuner section: Signal-strength and center-tuning meters; 5%H x 191/4Wx163/4D - $ 369.95.




  • Model Mark 200
    AM/FM; switch positions for SQ, QS/RM, CD-4; optional 4-channel decoder adapter with SQ full-wave matching logic and CD-4 demodulator circuitry ($80). Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification; 2 stereo inputs (mag. phono, tuner); 2 4-channel inputs (2 aux); concentric front and rear bass, treble, balance volume controls; 2- and 4-channel tape/source monitors; high filter; loudness switch; FM muting; 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs; 25 watts RMS per channel in 4-channel; 15 Hz to 60,000 Hz power bandwidth; 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz ±1 dB frequency response; 0.7% harmonic , and IMdistorton; 65 dB S/N low-level inputs, 80 dB S/N high-level inputs. Tuner section: Signal-strength and center-tuning meters; 1.6 /iV IHF sensitivity; 1.5 dB capture ratio; 0.2% harmonic distortion; 65 dB S/N; 40 dB separation; 300-ohm FM antenna terminal - $ 450.




  • Model RTV 900a
    AM/FM/SW/LW; synthesizes 4-channel material from stereo sources. Amplifier section: 2 channels of amplification; 3 stereo inputs (mag. phono, cer. phono, tape); switchable AFC; switchable hiss filter; mono/stereo switch; 4 speaker outputs, 1 headphone output, can be driven simultaneously; 25 watts RMS per channel; 0.5% harmonic and IM distortion/Tuner section: Signal-strength tuning meter; stereo FM indicator light; 7 preset FM stations; 5Hx 231/4Wx111/2D - $ 399.95.




  1. Model 50+
    AM/FM; designated for SQ matrix decoder, will accept CD-4 demodulator. Amplifier section: 4 amplification channels, can be combined into 2 higher-powered stereo channels or can serve as 2 independent stereo amps; 1 stereo magnetic phono, 1 4-channel tape, 1 4-channel auxiliary input; 1 4-channel headphone, 1 set4-channel speaker outputs, can be driven simultaneously; 1 4-channel tape output; 25 watts RMS stereo, 12.5 watts RMS 4-channel; 28 Hz to 30,000 Hz power bandwith; 18 Hz to 74,000 Hz ± 1 dB response; 0.3% harmonic distortion; 0.5% IM distortion; 63 dB S/N for high-level inputs. Tuner section: Signal-strength tuning meter; 2.8 /xV sensitivity IHF; 3.0 capture ratio; 0.9% harmonic distortion; 62 dB S/N ratio,' 30 dB separation; 300- and 75-ohm antenna inputs; 43/4Hx151/2W x13D - $ 289.95.
  2. Model 75+
    AM/FM; designed for SQ matrix decoder, will accept Quadradisc demodulator. Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification, can be combined as 2 higher-powered channels or can serve as 2 independent stereo amps; 1 stereo-magnetic phono input; 1 stereo, 1 4-channel tape input; 2 4-channel auxiliary inputs; high-and low-cut filters; contour and muting switches; external Dolby noise-redyction switch; stereo/SQ matrix/SQ matrix blend/ stereo to quad /quad discrete switch; joystick balance control; 1 4-channel headphone, 2 sets 4-channel speaker outputs, can be driven simultaneously; "I stereo, 1 -4-channel tape out-, put; 1 discrete FM oiitput; 45 watts RMS stereo, 18 watts RMS 4,:Chanriel; 10 Hz to 40,000 Hz power bandwidth; 1 to 100,000 Hz i 1 dB response; 0.2% harmonic, 0.15% IM distortion; 85 dB S/N high-level inputs; twin power supply. Tuner section: 1 center-of-chanpel tuning meter; 2.0 juV sensitivity JHF; 2.5 capture ratio; 0.75% harmonic distortion; 70 dB S/N ratio; 35 dB channel separation; 300- and 75-ohm antenna inputs; 5H x 161/2W x 15D - $ 499.95.
  3. Model 100+
    Similar features to Model 75 + , except amplifier section includes 2 stereo magnetic phono inputs and delivers 57.5 watts RMS stereo, 24 watts RMS 4-channel. Tuner section: Signal-strength and center-of-channel tuning meters; 1.9 /xV sensitivity IHF; 2.2 capture ratio; 0.6% harmonic distortion; 70 dB S/N; 35 dB channel separation; 300- and 75-ohm antenna inputs; 5Hx183/4Wx151/4D - $ 599.95.
  4. Model 150+
    Similar features to Model 100 + , except amplifier section includes midrange tone control and delivers 70 watts RMS stereo, 30 watts RMS 4-channel. Tuner section: Quieting meter; 1.8/xV sensitivity IHF; 1.6 capture ratio; 0.5% harmonic distortion; ,70 dB S/N ratio; 40 dB channel separation; 300- and 75-ohm antenna inputs; 5Hx183/4Wx151/4D - $ 699.95.
  5. Model 700+
    AM/FM; switch positions for SQ, CD-4, simulator; built-in CD-4 demodulator. Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification, cannot be combined as 2 higher-powered stereo amps, but can serve as 2 independent stereo amps; 2 stereo inputs (mag. phono, aux); 1 4-channel input (aux); concentric front and rear bass, treble controls; joystick balance control; pushbutton switches for loudness,;FM muting, main and remote speakers, tape monitor, high cut; 8 speaker outputs, 1, set 4-channel headphone outputs, can be driven simultaneously; 2 sets 4-channel tape outputs; 18 watts RMS per channel in 4-channel; 10 Hz to 40^000 Hz power bandwidth; 10 Hz to 501000 Hz ± 0.5 frequency response, 0.5% harmonic distortion; 0.15% IM distortion. Tuner section: Center-tuning meter; FM stereo light; 3.0>V IHF sensitivity; 2.Sd^ capture ratio; 0.6% harmonic distortion in mono, 0.7% in stereo; 35 dB separation; 300-ohm FM antenna terminal; 6V4H x 181/sW x 161/4D. - $ 499.
  6. Model 800+
    Similar features to Model 700+, except amplifier section includes low-cut filter; external Dolby noise-reduption switch; 2 tape monitor positions; 4 channels of amplification can serve as 2 higher-powered amps, or as 2 independent stereo amps; 50 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 22 watts RMS in 4-channel; 1 set sjereo tape outputs; 4 Hz to 70,000 Hz ± 0.5 dB frequency response. Tuner section: 2.0 /xV IHF sensitivity; -70 dB S/N; 6!4H x 201/8W x 17D. .; - $ 599.
  7. Model 900+
    Similar features to Model 800+ except amplifier section includes front, rear switches for main, remote speakers; 2 magnetic phono inputs; front, rear midrange tone control; 90 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 32 watts RMS in 4-channel. Tuner section: FM quieting meter with "in tune" light; 1.8 jlaV IHF sensitivity; 1.6 dB capture ratio; 0.4% harmonic distortion in mono, 0.5% in stereo; 37 dB separation; 300-and75-ohmFM antenna terminals - $ 749.




  • Model AR-2020 Kit
    AM/FM; matrix decoder handles all encoded sources. Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification cannot be combined as 2 higher-powered channels, but can serve as 2 independent stereo amps; 2 stereo inputs (mag. phono, tape); 2 4-channel inputs (tape, aux); 4 volume controls; master volume control; front, rear bass and treble controls; 4-position source and mode switches; speaker switch; 4 speaker outputs, 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs, can be driven simultaneously; 1 4-channel tape feed; 15 watts RMS per channel in 4-channel; 5 Hz to 30,000 Hz power band with; 7 Hz to 50,000 Hz ±1 d£ frequency response; 0.5% harmonic distortion; 0.5% IM distortion; 60 dB S/N low-and high-level inputs. Tuner section: FM stereo indicator light; 2.0 j^V IHF sensitivity; 2.0 dB capture ratio; 0.5% harmonic distortion; 60 dB S/N; 35 dB separation; 75- and 300-ohm antenna inputs; 43/4Hx193/4Wx 14D.(Price not available).




  1. Model 4VR-5404
    AM/PM; switch positions for Matrix I (SQ), Matrix II (QS/RM). Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification, cannot be combined as 2 higher-powered channels or serve as 2 independent stereo amps; 2 .stereo inputs (mag. phono, tape); 1 4-channel input (tape); joystick balance control; main/remote speaker switch/2-chan-nel, 4-channel tape monitor switches; loudness switch; bass, treble controls; 1 set 4-channel and 1 set 2-channel speaker outputs, 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs, cannot be driven simultaneously; 1 stereo tape feed; 7 watts RMS per channel in 4-channel; 40 Hz to 25,000 Hz power bandwidth; 40 Hz to 30,000 Hz frequency response; 1.0% harmonic distortion. Tuner section: FM stereo indicator light; 2.2 /xV IHF sensitivity; 2.5 dB capture ratio: 0.5% harmonic distortion; 60 dB S/N; 33 dB separation; AM and FM antenna terminals; 5%H x 19W x 13%D - $ 229.95.
  2. Model 4VR-5406
    Identical to Model 4VR-5404, except includes built-in CD-4 demodulator, with CD-4 indicator light.: - $ 299.95.
  3. Model 4VR 5414
    AM/FM; SQ, EV, RM matrix decoder. Amplifier section: 4 channels amplification, can be combined as 2; stereo magnetic phono, 2 4-channel tape, 2 4-channel auxiliary inputs; S.E.A. tone control; 1 headphone, 4 speaker outputs, can be driven simultaneously; 1 stereo, 1 4-channel, 1 FM detector output; 80 watts RMS stereo, 64 watts RMS 4-channel; 20 Hz to 30,000 Hz power bandwidth; 15 Hz to 50,000 Hz response; 0.5% harmonic distortion; 0.8% IM distortion; 65 dB S/N low-level inputs, 70 dB S/N high-level inputs. Tuner section: Bull's-eye tuning indicator; signal-strength'meter; 2.0 /A/ IHF FM sensitivity; 2.0 dB capture ratio; 1.0% stereo harmonic distortion; 65 dB S/N; 35 dB channel separation; AM & FM antenna inputs; FM muting; automatic protection circuit; optional remote control; 6Hx19Wx 141/2D - $ 399.95.
  4. Model 4VR-5436
    AM/FM; switch positions for Matrix I (SQ), Matrix II (QS/RM), CD-4; built-in CD-4 demodulator. Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification, can be combined as 2 higher-powered channels but cannot serve as 2 independent stereo amps; 1 stereo input (mag. phono); 2 4-channel inputs (2 aux, tape); 4-channel FM detector jack; 5-position S.E.A. tone controls for front channels, conventional rear tone controls; left/right balance control; concentric front, rear volume controls; high, low filters; loudness switch; tape monitor switch; 8 speaker outputs, 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs, can be driven simultaneously; 2 4-channel tape feeds; 34 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 17 watts RMS in 4-channel; 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz power bandwidth; 20 Hz to 30,000 Hz frequency response; 0.8% harmonic distortion; 1.0% IM distortion. Tuner section: Signal-strength and center-tuning meters; 2.0 /xV IHF sensitivity; 2.0 dB capture ratio; 0.5% harmonicdistortion; 65 dB S/N; 35 dB separation; 300-and 75-ohm FM and AM antenna terminals; 63/aHx20Wx153/8D - $ 499.95.
  5. Model 4VR-5445
    Similar to Model 4VR-5414, except includes 2 S.E.A. tone controls sections; 42 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 23 watts RMS in 4-channel; 57/8Hx27/8Wx14D.: - $ 529.95.
  6. Model 4VR-5446
    Similar to Model 4VR-5436, except includes 2 4-channel tape inputs; 2 tape monitor switches; on/off S.E.A. record switch; front panel BTL selector; 44 watts RMS in stereo, 22 watts RMS in 4-channel; 0.5% harmonic distortion; 0.8% IM distortion. Tuner section: Identical to Model 4VR-5436 - $ 599.95.
  7. Model 4VR-5456
    Similar to Model 4VR-5446 except includes logic circuit for automatic switching between matrix and discrete sources; S.E.A. tone controls for front and rear channels; individual volume controls; master volume control; jacks for 4-channel audio scope; optional remote control; 62 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 31 watts RMS in 4-channel. Tuner section: 1.8 /iV IHF sensitivity; 1.5 dB capture ratio; 0.4% harmonic distortion; 38 dB separation; 71/sH x 20W x157/sD., - $ 699.95.




  1. Model KR-5340
    AM/FM; switch positions for SQ, CD-4 (external), simulator; "2-4" decoder. Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification; can be combined as 2 higher-powered channels and will serve as 2 independent stereo amps; 1 stereo magnetic phono input; 2 4-channel inputs (tape, aux); 4-channel FM detector jack; bass, treble, balance, loudness controls; tape monitor; 1 set speaker outputs, 1 stereo headphone output, can be driven simultaneously; 1 4-channel tape feed, 1 record-out output; 35 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 15 watts RMS in 4-channel; 20 Hz to 40,000 Hz power bandwidth; 0.8% harmonic distortion; 60 dB S/N low-level inputs, 75 dB high-level inputs. Tuner section: Signal-strength tuning meter; 2.0uV IHF sensitivity; 2.0 dB capture ratio; 0.3% harmonic distortion; 70 dB S/N; 40 dB separation; 300- and 75-ohm antenna inputs; 6 15/16H x 22 27/32W X15 3/16D - $ 399.95.
  2. Model KR-6340
    Similar features to Model KR-5340 except provision for plug-in CD-4 demodulator. Amplifier section: Provision for 2 sets of speakers, 1 stereo headphone output, can be driven simultaneously; 50 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 20 watts RMS in 4-channel - $ 474.95.
  3. Model KR-8340
    Similar features to Model KR-6340. Amplifier section: Front, rear bass and treble controls; muting switch; 75 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 28 watts RMS in 4-channel; 20 Hz to 50,000 Hz power bandwidth. Tuner section: 1.9 jliV IHF sensitivity; 2.0 dB capture ratio; 0.4% harmonic distortion; 70 dB S/N; 40 dB channel separation; 300- and 75-ohm antenna inputs; 6 5/16Hx21 27/32WX14 3/16D - $ 619.95.
  4. Model KR-9340
    Similar features to Model KR-8340 except has built-in CD-4 demodulators Amplifier section: High-cut and low-cut filters; 50 watts RMS per channel in 4-channel. Tuner section: Signal-strength and center-tuning meters; 1.8 uV IHF sensitivity; 75 dB S/N: - $ 749.95.




  • Model Fifty-Four
    AM/FM; SQ matrix decoder; Quadradisc input.Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification, can be combined as 2 higher-powered stereo channels or switched to serve as 2 independent stereo amps; 1 stereo magnetic phono, 1 4-channel tape, 2 4-channel auxiliary inputs; front and rear level, bass, treble controls; joystick balance control; muting switch; remote/main speaker switch; contour switch; 1 4-channel headphone, 2 4-channel speaker outputs, can be driven simultaneously; 14-channel tape output; 60 watts per channel RMS stereo, 25 watts RMS 4-channel; 16 Hz to 30,000 Hz power bandwidth; 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz ± 2 dB response; less than 1.0% IM distortion; greater than 63 dB S/N for low-level inputs, greater than 73 dB for high-level inputs. Tuner section: Signal-strength, center-of-channel tuning meters; better than 2.0/zV sensitivity IHF; 2 dB capture ratio; less than 0.8% harmonic distortion, stereo; 65 dB S/N ratio; 35 dB channel separation; 300-ohm balanced antenna input; 5H x 17Wx14D - $ 560.-




  1. Model LR-111
    AM/FM; switch portions for SQ, GS/RM, simulator; will handle all discrete tape sources. Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification, cannot be combined as 2 higher-powered channels or serve as 2 independent stereo amps; 4 stereo inputs (2 mag. phono, tape, aux); 2 4-channel inputs (tape, aux); 4-channel FM detector jack; 2-channel/composer (for all matrixes other than SQ, and for derived 4-chan-nel)/SQ/discrete selector; front, rear balance, bass, treble controls; magnetic phono/ceramic phono switch; loudness switch; high filter; stereo/mono switch; 4 speaker terminals, 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs, can be driven simultaneously; stereo and 4-channel tape feeds; 7.5 watts RMS per channel in 4-channel; 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz frequency response; 1.0% ' harmonic distortion. Tuner section: Signal-strength tuning meter; FM stereo light; 5.0 \N IHF sensitivity; 3.0 dB capture ratio; 0.7% harmonic distortion; 45 dB S/N; 35 dB separation; 4y2Hx16Wx121/2D - $ 229.95.
  2. Model LR-220
    AM/FM; built-in SQ matrix decoder; also synthesizes 4-channel material from stereo sources. Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification; 4 stereo inputs (tape, magnetic/ceramic phono, 2 aux.); 1 4-channel tape input; stereo /synthesize/SQ/ discrete /reverse switch; front and rear level, bass, treble, balance controls; tape monitor; loudness switch; high filter; stereo/mono switch; 4 speaker outputs, 1 headphone output, can be driven simultaneously; 44 watts RMS total in 4-channel mode; 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz ±1.5 dB response; 1.0% harmonic distortion; 55 dB S/N low-level inputs; 70 dB S/N high-level inputs. Tuner section: Signal-strength tuning meter; stereo FM indicator; 2.5 \N IHF sensitivity; 3 dB capture ratio; 0.7% harmonic distortion; 60 dB S/N; 35 dB separation; 300-ohm FM antenna terminals; 4 7/16Hx157/8Wx1iy4D - $ 289.95.
  3. Model LR-221
    AM/FM; switch positions for SQ, QS/RM, CD-4, simulator; will also handle all discrete tape sources; full logic SQ decoder employs front/ rear logic with variblend and wave-matching logic. Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification, cannot be combined as 2 higher-powered channels or switched to serve as 2 independent stereo amps; 2 stereo inputs (mag. phono, tape, 2 aux); 6 4-channel inputs (2 tape, 4 aux); 2-channel/Composer A and Composer B/SQ full logic/discrete/reverse selector; front and rear bass, treble, and balance controls; master volume control; pushbutton switches for 2-channel/4-channel tape monitor, mono/stereo, loudness, high filter, FM muting; high/low magnetic phono sensitivity switch; 8 speaker terminals, 2 sets of 4-channel headphone outputs, can be driven simultaneously; stereo and 4-channel tape feeds; 18 watts RMS per channel in 4-channel; 30 Hz to 35,000 Hz power bandwidth; 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz frequency response; 1.0% harmonic distortion. Tuner section: Signal-strength tuning meter; 2.2 /xV IHF sensitivity; 2.5 dB capture ratio; 0.25% harmonic distortion; 35 dB separation; 41/2Hx173/4Wx1iy2D - $ 359.95.
  4. Model LR-441
    Similar features to Model LR-221 except 2 stereo magnetic phono inputs; 3 4-channel inputs (tape, 2 aux); 4-channel, FM detector jack; concentric bass, treble, volume balance controls; 28 watts RMS per channel in 4-channel; 15 Hz to 25,000 Hz power bandwidth. Tuner section: Signal-strength and center-tuning meters; 1.65 /xV IHF sensitivity; 1.5 dB capture ratio; 0.1% harmonic distortion; 70 dB S/N; 40 dB separation; 300-ohm FM antenna terminal; phase-lock circuitry; 5H x 191/zW x 122/3D. - $ 479.95.
  5. Model LR-810
    AM/FM; synthesizes 4 channels from stereo sources. Amplifier section: 2 channels of amplification; 3 stereo inputs (tape, aux, switchable magnetic/ceramic phono); FM muting; tape monitor; loudness switch; stereo/mono switch; high filter; 4 speaker terminals; 1 headphone output; 1 tape output; 26.5 watts RMS per channel in stereo mode; 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz ±1 dB response; 1.0% harmonic distortion; 56 dB S/N low-level inputs; 75 dB S/N auxiliary input; 85 dB S/N tape input. Tuner section: Signal-strength tuning meter; FM stereo indicator; 1.75 juV IHF sensitivity; 1.5 dB capture ratio; 40 dB separation; 70 dB S/N; 300-ohm FM antenna terminals; 4Hx14Wx 10D - $ 229.95.
  6. Model LR-4000
    AM/FM; built-in SQ logic matrix decoder, also synthesizes 4-channel material from stereo sources. Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification; 5 stereo inputs (2-channel mike input, magnetic phono, ceramic phono, tape, aux); 2 4-channel inputs (tape, aux); main/remote speaker switches; 2 tape monitor switches; stereo/mono switch; FM muting; loudness switch;.high filter; front and rear bass, treble, midrange, level controls; front, rear balance controls; 8 speaker terminals, 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs, can be driven simultaneously; output for FM detector; 1 4-channel tape output; 47.5 watts RMS per channel in 4-channel mode; 13 Hz to 35,000 Hz power bandwidth; 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz ± 1 dB response; 1.0% harmonic distortion; 57 dB S/N low-level inputs; 83 dB high-level inputs. Tuner section: Signal-strength and center-of-channel tuning meters; stereo FM indicator; 1.65 /iV IHF sensitivity; 1.5 dB capture ratio; 0.3% harmonic distortion; 70 dB S/N; 40 dB separation; 300-ohm FM antenna terminals; 5H x 21W x 13D. - $ 569.95.




  1. Model 4220
    AM/FM; matrix switch positions for SQ, simulator; optional plug-in CD-4 module. Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification, can be combined as 2 higher-powered channels or serve as 2 independent stereo amps; 1 stereo input (mag. phono); 3 4-channel inputs (2 tape, aux); 4-channel FM detector jack; FM muting; loudness control; front/rear, front right/left, rear right/left balance controls; bass, treble controls; tape monitor; mono/stereo/discrete/ ambience/SQ selector; 4 speaker outputs, 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs, can be driven simultaneously; stereo and 4-channel tape feeds; 10 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 8 watts RMS in 4-channel; 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz power bandwidth; 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz ±1 dB frequency response; 0.9% harmonic and IM distortion; 60 dB S/N low-level inputs; 70 dB S/N high-level inputs. Tuner section: Dual function FM center-tuning and AM signal-strength tuning meter; 2.8/iV IHF sensitivity; 2.5 dB capture ratio; 0.6% harmonic distortion in mono, 1.0% in stereo; 32 dB separation; 300-and 75-ohm FM and AM antenna terminals; 4Hx14Wx12D. - $ 299.95.
  2. Model 4230
    AM/FM; switch positions for SQ, Vari-Matrix (QS/RM with variable dimension control), CD-4; optional plug-in modules for SQ, CD-4, QS/ RM; incorporates 2-process Dolby circuit with Play-Cal and record controls, calibration meter, 400 Hz calibration tone, Dolby FM decoding; 25 ms. and 75 ms. de-emphasis. Amplifier section: Similar to Model 4220 except includes main, remote speaker switches; high filter; tape/source and tape 1, tape 2 selectors; provision for Marantz RC-4 remote unit, which controls volume, balance, loudness compensation; 8 speaker outputs, 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs, can be driven simultaneously; 2 stereo, 2 4-channel tape feeds; 30 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 9 watts RMS in 4-channel; 15 Hz to 50,000 Hz power bandwidth; 15 Hz to 50,000 Hz ±1 dB frequency response; 0.5% harmonic and \M distortion; 60 dB S/N low-level inputs; 76 dB S/N high-level inputs. Tuner section: Identical to Model 4220 except includes dual function Dolby/signal-strength meter and center-tuning meter; 5H x 16W x 14D., - $ 449.95.
  3. Model 4240
    Similar features to Model 4230 except 40 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 17 watts RMS in 4-channel; 10 Hz to 60,000 Hz power bandwidth; 10 Hz to 60,000 Hz ± 1 dB frequency response; 78 dB S/N high-level inputs. Tuner section: 1.9 /xV IHF sensitivity; 1.5 dB capture ratio; 0.3% harmonic distortion in mono, 0.4% in stereo; 40 dB separation. - $ 549.95.
  4. Model 4270
    Similar features to ModeJ 4240 except includes 4-channel main-in input; 4-channel preamp output; 70 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 25 watts RMS in 4-channel; 8 Hz to 60,000 Hz power bandwidth; 8 Hz to 60,000 Hz ±0.5 dB frequency response; 0.3% harmonic and IM distortion; 80 dB S/N high-level inputs. Tuner section: Identical to Model 4240 except includes phase lock loop FM multiples demodulator - $ 699.95.
  5. Model 4300
    Similar features to Model 4270 except 100 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 40 watts RMS in 4-channel; 7 Hz to 70,000 Hz power bandwidth; 7 Hz to 70,000 Hz ±0.25 dB frequency response; 0.15% IM and harmonic distortion; 82 dB high-level inputs. Tuner section: 0.2% harmonic distortion in mono, 0.3% in stereo; 70 dB S/N; includes full process Dolby circuit for encoding any source material and decoding any playback situation—signal front tape deck through the tape monitor circuits is de-Dolbyized for flat monitoring during Dolby recording; - $ 899.95.




  • Model QSR 4040
    AM/FM; switch positions for SQ, RM, simulator; "2-4" decoder. Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification, can serve as 2 higher-powered channels, or as 2 independent stereo amps; 1 stereo input (mag. phono); 2 4-channel inputs (mag. phono, aux); 2-channel/4-channel phono switch; DIN jacks (front and rear tape rec/playback, and pre out, main in); concentric front and rear bass, treble controls; tape monitor switch; loudness switch; 4 speaker terminals, 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs, can be driven simultaneously;/ 20 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 11 watts RMS in 4-channel; 30 Hz to 20,000 Hz power bandwidth; 10 Hz to 50,000 Hz ±1 dB frequency response; 0.5% IM distortion; 60 dB S/N low-level inputs; 70 dB high-level inputs. Tuner section: Signal-strength tuning meter; 3.5 /xV IHF sensitivity: 4.5 dB capture ratio; 0.8% harmonic distortion in mono; 60 dB S/N; 30 dB separation; 5Hx17Wx15D - $ 299.95.




  • Model TS-500
    AM/FM; switch positions for SQ, QS/RM CD-4, simulator, with automatic switching between 4-channel formats; built-in CD-4 demodulator. Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification, can be combined as 2 higher-powered channels or serve as 2 independent stereo amps; 4 stereo and 4 4-channel inputs (mag. phono, aux, 2 tape); A + B, B, A, Off, speaker selector; bass and treble controls; 2 tape monitors; muting; loudness control; high and low filters; joystick balance control; 4 speaker terminals, 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs, can be driven simultaneously; 2 stereo, 2 4-channel tape feeds; 2 tape rec? outputs; 60 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 25 watts RMS in 4-charinel; 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz power bandwidth; 20 Hz to 30,000 Hz frequency response; 0.5% harmonic distortion; 70 dB S/N low-level inputs. Tuner section: Signal-strength tuning meter; 2.0uV IHF sensitivity 2.0 dB capture ratio; 0.4% harmonic distortion; 70 dB S/N; 40 dB separation; AM &nd FM antenna terminals; 5H x 21W x 14D - $ 599.95.




  1. Model 365
    AM/FM; matrix decoder switch positions for SQ, QS/RM, simulator; 4 inputs for external CD-4 demodulator. Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification, can serve as 2 higher-powered channels or as 2 independent stereo amps; 4 stereo inputs (mag. phono, cer. phono, tape, aux.); 3 4-channel inputs (tape, aux., main power amplifier); FM detector jack; tape monitor; high-cut filter; loudness switch; front/rear / rear-reverse speaker switch; 4 speaker outputs, 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs ("front" jack also serves as stereo headphone output), can be driven simultaneously; stereo and 4-channel tape outputs; 4 preamp outputs; 30 watts RMS per channel in stereo mode, 15 watts RMS in 4-channel; 20 Hz to 25,000 Hz power bandwidth; 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz ± 1 dB response; 0.5% harmonic distortion; 0.5% IM distortion; 65 dB S/N low-level inputs; 75 dB S/N high-level inputs. Tuner section: "Pilotune" center-of-channel tuning meter; FM stereo indicator light; 2.2uV IHF sensitivity; 2.0 dB capture ratio; 0.5% harmonic distortion mono, 0.8% stereo; 60 dB S/N ratio; 38 dB separation; 300-ohm antenna terminal; 7H x 18W x 17D. - $ 379.90.
  2. Model 366
    AM/FM; matrix decoder switch position for SQ, QS/RM, simulator; 4 inputs for external CD-4 demodulator. Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification, can serve as 2 higher-powered channels, or as 2 independent stereo amps; 6 stereo inputs (2 mag. phono, cer. phono, tape, aux, main power amp); 1 set tape, 2 sets auxiliary, 1 set main power amp 4-channel inputs; 4-channel FM selector jack; 2 mike inputs; mike/line mixing (stereo); built-in 1 kHz signal generator ("Pilotone") for balance/phase adjustments; individual and master level controls; tape monitor; high and low filter; loudness switch; FM muting; main/remote stereo, main/ remote 4-channel, rear/reverse speaker switches; 8 speaker outputs, 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs ("front" serves as stereo output), can be driven simultaneously; stereo and 4-channel tape outputs; 4 preamp outputs; 60 watts RMS per channel in stereo mode, 30 watts RMS in 4-channel; 10 Hz to 40,000 Hz power bandwidth; 15 Hz to 26,000 Hz ±1 dB response; 0.5% harmonic distortion; 0.5% IM distortion; 70 dB S/N low-level inputs, 75 dB S/N high-level inputs. Tuner section: "Pilotune" center-of-channel FM tuning meter, signal-strength AM tuning meter; stereo FM indicator light; function lights; 1.8 ^V IHF sensitivity; 1.5 dB capture ratio; 0.4% harmonic distortion; mono, 0.8% stereo; 65 dB S/N; 38 dB separation; 300- and 75-ohm antenna terminals; 7H x 18!/2Wx171/2D - $ 499.90.




  1. Model QX-646
    AM/FM; switch positions for SQ, QS/RM, CD-4; "2-4" decoder; built-in CD-4 demodulator. Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification, can be combined as 2 higher-powered channels and can serve as 2 independent stereo arhps; 2 stereo inputs (mag. phono, tape aux); 1 4-channel input (tape); 4-channel FM detector jack; front panel CD-4 separation adjustments; concentric front, rear bass and treble controls; pushbutton switches for loudness, tape monitor, FM muting; front and rear left/right balance controls; front/rear balance control; 4 speaker outputs, 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs, can be driven simultaneously; 1x 4-channel tape feed; 10 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 5 watts RMS in 4-channel; 15 Hz to 20,000 Hz power bandwidth; 1.0% harmonic distortion. Tuner section: Signal-strength tuning meter; 2.2 juV IHF sensitivity; 3.0 dB capture ratio; less than 0.8% harmonic distortion; 65 dB S/N; 40 dB separation; 300- and 75-ohm FM antenna terminals - $ 499.95.
  2. Model QX-747
    Similar to Model QX-646 except amplifier section includes Dolby noise-reduction adapter; individual volume controls with balance display scope; -10 dB, -20 dB meter indicator level switches; speaker switches for "all off," A rear, B rear; pushbutton switches include 2-channel and 4-channel tape monitors, Dolby adapter; separate front and rear bass, treble controls; 1 stereo, 1 4-channel tape feed; 40 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 20 watts RMS in 4-channel; 7 Hz to 40,000 Hz power bandwidth; 10 Hz to 25,000 Hz ±1 dB frequency response; 0.5% harmonic distortion. Tuner section: Center-tuning meter with 2- or 4-channel read-out display; 1.9 jitV IHF sensitivity; 1.0 dB capture ratio; less than 0.5% harmonic distortion - $ 599.95.
  3. Model QX-949 (Finger weg von diesem Modell ohne das "A" hinten dran)
    Similar to Model QX-747 except amplifier section includes 2 stereo magnetic phono inputs and 2 4-channel tape inputs; pushbutton switches for high and low filters, front speakers (A, B), rear speakers (A, B), multiplex noise filter; 8 speaker outputs; 1 stereo, 2 4-channel tape feeds; 60 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 40 watts RMS in 4-channel; 7 Hz to 40,000 Hz power bandwidth; 10 Hz to 25,000 Hz ±1 dB frequency response; 0.3% harmonic distortion. Tuner section: Signal-strength and center-tuning meters; 2- or 4-channel read-out display; 1.8 /iV IHF sensitivity; less than 0.3% harmonic distortion - $ 699.95.




  1. Model QTA-751
    AM/FM; built-in SQ matrix decoder, Quatravox simulator. Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification, can serve as 2 independent stereo amps; 2 stereo inputs (mag. phono, tape); 1 4-channel auxiliary input; front, rear volume controls; front, rear balance controls; front, rear bass and treble ,controls;' front, rear speaker switches; loudness switch; tape monitor; mono/stereo switch; 4 speaker outputs, 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs, can be driven simultaneously; 1 stereo tape output; 15 watts RMS total in stereo, 11.5 watts RMS in 4-channel; 17 Hz to 70,000 Hz power bandwidth; 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz response; 1.0% harmonic distortion; 1.0% IM distortion;.60 dB S/N low-level inputs; 70 dB S/N high-level inputs. Tuner section: AM/FM signal-strength, FM center-of-channel tuning meters; FM stereo indicator light; 3.0 /xV; IHF sensitivity; 2.5 dB capture ratio; 0.7% harmonic distortion; 5.8 dB S/N; 36 dB separation; 300-ohm FM antenna terminals; 5Hx19Wx10 - $ 299.99.
  2. Model QTA-790
    AM/FM; built-in SQ matrix decoder. Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification, can serve as 2 independent stereo amps; 3 stereo inputs (mag. phono, cer. phono, aux); 1 4-channel auxiliary input; front/rear, left/right (front), left/right (rear) balance controls; 5 preset FM selectors; front and rear bass, midrange, treble controls; tape monitor; mono/stereo switch; high- and low-filter switches; AFG; loudness switch; FM muting; 8 speaker outputs, 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs, can be driven simultaneously; 2 stereo tape outputs; 30 watts RMS total in stereo; 25 watts RMS in 4-channel; 30 Hz tp 25,000 Hz power bandwidth; 30 Hz to 20,000 Hz response; 0.8% harmonic distortion; 1.0% IM distortion; 65 dB S/N low-level inputs; 70 dB S/N high-level inputs. Tuner section: Signal-strength tuning meter; FM stereo light; 2.0 fxV IHF sensitivity; 1.5 dB capture ratio; 0.3% harmonic distortion; 60 dB S/N; 36 dB separation; 300-ohm FM antenna^terminals; remote control of volume and 5 preset FM stations; 6Hx18Wx16D - $ 598.




  1. Model RX-154A
    AM/FM; matrix decoder switch positions for SQ, simulator; "2-4" decoder. Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification, can be combined as 2 higher-powered channels, but cannot be used as 2 independent stereo amps; 3 stereo inputs (mag. phono, tape, aux); 2 4-channel inputs (tape, aux); front and rear ganged balance and volume controls; tape monitor; 4 speaker outputs, 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs, can be driven simultaneously; 1 stereo, 1 4-channel tape feed; 1 stereo auxiliary output; 20 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 10 watts RMS in 4-channel; 30 Hz to 30,000 Hz power bandwidth; 20 Hz to 50,000 Hz frequency response; 0.5% harmonic distortion; 0.7% IM distortion; 70 dB S/N low-level inputs, 60 dB S/N high-level inputs. Tuner section: Signal-strength tuning meter; 4.0uV IHF sensitivity; 7 dB capture ratio; 1.0% harmonic distortion; 60 dB S/N; 35 dB separation; 2 AM, 2 FM antenna inputs; 5H x 16W x 13D. - $ 289.95.
  2. Model RX-454
    Similar decoder features to Model RX-154. Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification, can be combined as 2 higher-powered channels or used as 2 independent stereo amps; 2 stereo inputs (tape, aux); 2 4-channel inputs (tape aux); FM muting; loudness control; tape monitor; high-filter control; speaker system 1/ speaker system 2 switch; 4 volume controls; master volume control; balance, bass, and treble controls; 4 speaker outputs, 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs, can be driven simultaneously; 1 set stereo, 1 set 4-channel tape outputs; 1 set stereo auxiliary outputs; 45 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 18 watts RMS in 4-channel; 30 Hz to 30,000 Hz power bandwidth; 20 Hz to 50,000 Hz frequency response; 0.5% harmonic distortion; 0.7% IM distortion; 70 dB S/N low-level inputs, 65 dB S/N high-level inputs. Tuner section: Signal-strength tuning meter; function indicator lights; 4-channel indicator light; 2.2uV IHF sensitivity; 2 dB capture ratio; 0.2% harmonic distortion; 65 dB S/N ratio; 35 dB separation; 2 AM, 2 FM antenna inputs; 5Hx18Wx13D - $ 479.95.




  1. Model QR-500
    AM/FM; switch positions for QS/RM, simulator; will also handle discrete; "2-4" decoder. Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification, cannot be combined as 2 higher-powered channels, but can serve as 2 independent stereo amps; 2 stereo inputs (mag. phono, tape); 1 4-channel input (aux); front, rear volume controls, bass, treble controls; tape/ source monitor; 4 speaker terminals, 1 stereo headphone output, can be driven simultaneously; 1 stereo tape feed; 8 watts RMS per channel in stereo and 4-channel; 30 Hz to 30,000 Hz power bandwidth; 30 Hz to 30,000 Hz ± 2 dB frequency response; less than 1.0% harmonic and IM distortion. Tuner section: Signal-strength tuning meter; FM stereo light; 5.0 /xV IHF sensitivity; less than 1.0% harmonic distortion; better than 50 dB S/N; better than 30 dB separation; 300- and 75-ohm FM antenna terminals; 5Hx17Wx12D . $ 229.95.
  2. Model QR-1500
    AM/FM; switch positions for matrix decoder, simulator; will also handle discrete; "2-4" decoder. Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification, cannot be combined as 2 higher-powered channels, but can serve as 2 independent stereo amps; 4 stereo inputs (mag. phono, aux, 2 tape); 2 4-channel inputs (tape, aux); front, rear volume controls; bass, treble controls; loudness, switch; tape/source monitor; 4-channel normal/quarter-turn/half-turn selector; 4 speaker terminals, 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs, can be driven simultaneously; 1 stereo tape feed; 15 watts RMS per channel in stereo and 4-channel; 20 Hz to 30,000 Hz power bandwidth; 20 Hz to 30,000 Hz ± 2 dB frequency response; less than 0.8% harmonic and IM distortion. Tuner section: Signal-strength tuning meter; FM stereo indicator; 3.0 /xV IHF sensitivity; 3.0 dB capture ratio; less than 1.0% harmonic distortion; better than 55 dB S/N; better than 35 dB separation; 300-and 75-ohm FM antenna terminals; 5V4H x 18 15/16Wx121/4D. $ 339.95.
  3. Model QRX-3000
    AM/FM; switch positions for SQ, QS/RM, simulator; will also handle discrete; "2-4" decoder. Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification, cannot be combined as 2 higher-powered channels, but can serve as 2 independent stereo amps; 2 stereo inputs (mag. phono, tape); 2 4-channel inputs (tape, aux); concentric front and rear bass, treble, controls; front/ rear balance control; front and rear left/right balance controls; switches for high and low filters, loudness, FM muting, 2-channel and 4-channel tape monitors; 4 speaker terminals, 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs, can be driven simultaneously; 2 stereo, 1 4-channel tape feeds; 8 watts RMS per channel in stereo and 4-channel; 20 Hz to 30,000 Hz power bandwidth; 30 Hz to 30,000 Hz ±1.5 dB frequency response; less than 0.5% harmonic and IM distortion. Tuner section: Signal-strength tuning meter; 2.5 /xV IHF sensitivity; 2.5 dB capture ratio; 0.5% harmonic distortion in mono, 0.8% in stereo; better than 65 dB S/N; better than 35 dB separation; 300- and 75-ohm FM antenna terminals; 5 9/16H x 19 15/16W x 13D. .(Price not available).
  4. Model QRX-3500
    Similar features to Model QRX-3000, except amplifier section includes 4 4-channel inputs (2 tape, 2 aux); separate front and rear bass, treble and left/right balance controls; master volume control; 1 stereo, 2 4-channel tape feeds; 16 watts RMS per channel in stereo and 4-channel; 10 Hz to 33,000 Hz power bandwidth. Tuner section: 2.2 jliV IHF sensitivity; 2.0 dB capture ratio; 0.4% harmonic distortion in mono, 0.6% in stereo; better than 65 dB S/N; better than 35 dB separation; 71/sH x 203/4W x 13 13/16D. $ 439.95.
  5. Model QRX-5500
    Similar features to Model QRX-3500, except amplifier section has 4 stereo inputs (2 mag. phono, tape, mike); 4.VU meters with meter level adjust control; separate front, rear high and low filter switches; "surround" and "hall" positions for simulator and QS matrix; normal/ quarter-turn right/half turn/quarter-turn left phase selector; mike/line mixing; 1 stereo, 1 4-channel tape feed; 22 watts RMS per channel in stereo and 4-channel; 30 Hz to 30,000 Hz +1, -1.5 dB frequency response; less than 0.3% harmonic and IM distortion. Tuner section: Signal-strength and center-tuning meters; FM stereo indicator light; 1.9 juV IHF sensitivity; 0.3% harmonic distortion in mono, 0.5% in stereo;. better than 40 dB separation; 8H x 23%Wx14 9/16D - $ 699.95.
  6. Model QRX-6500
    Similar in features to Model QRX-5500, except amplifier section includes 5 stereo inputs (2 mag. phono, 2 tape, aux); 4 4-channel inputs (2 tape, 2 aux); front, rear loudness switches; front panel jacks for tape recorder and playback monitor; 10 speaker outputs; 3 stereo, 1 4-channel tape feed; 33 watts RMS per channel in stereo and 4-channel; 30 Hz to 30,000 Hz ±1.5 dB frequency response. Tuner section: 1.8 /xV IHF sensitivity; 1.5 dB capture ratio; 0.5% harmonic distortion in mono, 0.8% in stereo; betterthan 35 dB separation; 7 3/16H x 211/8W x 141/4D.: - $ 749.95.




  1. Model DCX 2700K
    AM/FM; switch positions for SQ, QS/RM. Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification, cannot be combined as 2 higher-powered channels, but can serve as 2 independent stereo amps; 5 stereo inputs (mag. phono, cer. phono, tape, aux, DIN); 2 4-channel inputs (tape, aux); individual volume controls; master volume control; bass, treble controls; loudness switch; source/play,tape monitor switch; 4 speaker outputs, 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs, can be driven simultaneously; 1 stereo, 1 4-channel tape feed; 1 DIN output; 15 watts RMS total in stereo, 30 watts RMS in 4-channel; 30 Hz to 30,000 Hz power bandwidth; 25' Hz to 30,000 Hz frequency response; less than 1.0% harmonic and IM distortion; 60 dB S/N low-level inputs; 70 dB S/N high-level inputs. Tuner section: Signal-strength tuning meter; FM stereo light; 2.7 jizV IHF sensitivity; 2.5 dB capture ratio; less than 1.0% harmonic distortion; 55 dB S/N; 30 dB separation; 300-ohm FM antenna terminals; 5H x18Wx141/4D - $ 269.95.
  2. Model DCX 3000K
    Similar features to Model DCX 2700K, except amplifier section includes 1 mike input; mike level control; 20 watts RMS total in stereo, 40 watts RMS in 4-channel; 25 Hz to 40,000 Hz power bandwidth; 25 Hz to 40,000 Hz frequency response; less than 0.5% harmonic distortion; less than 1.0% IM distortion. Tuner section: 2.2 /xV IHF sensitivity; 2.0 dB capture ratio; less than 0.8% harmonic distortion; 60 dB S/N; 4H X 18Wx11D - $ 299.95.
  3. Model DCX 3100K
    Similar features to Model DCX 3000K, except amplifier section is 30 watts RMS total in stereo,. 60 watts RMS in,4-channel; 25 Hz to 45,000 Hz power bandwidth; 20 Hz to 45,000 Hz frequency response; 5Hx 191/2Wx 13%D - $ 349.95.
  4. DCX3300KA
    Similar features to Model DCX 3100K, except includes SQ logic, and simulator circuit. Amplifier section: 4 VU meters; 40 watts RM^ total in stereo, 80 watts RMS in 4-channel; 20 Hz to 50,000 Hz power bandwidth; 18 Hz to 50,000 Hz frequency response. Tuner section: 2.0 /xV IHF sensitivity; 65 dB S/N; 6H x 19%W x 123/4D. .J - $ 449.95.
  5. Model DCX 3500K
    Similar features to Model DCX 3300K A, except includes built-in CD-4 demodulator. Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification, can be combined as 2 higher-powered channels and can serve as 2 independent stereo amps; 83 watts RMS total in stereo, 80 watts RMS in 4-channel. Tuner section: 1.5 dB capture ratio; 33 dB separation - $ 549.95.




  • Model S-7244
    AM/FM; switch positions for SQ matrix, SQ full logic; will also handle CD-4 (via aux inputs). Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification, can be combined as 2 higher-powered channels, but cannot serve as 2 independent stereo amps; 3 stereo inputs (cer. phono, tape, aux); 2 4-channel inputs (tape, aux); 4-channel FM detector jack; tape monitor-high filter; FM muting; loudness; bass, treble controls; front/rear, left/ right balance controls; on/off switch for front, rear speakers; remote control switch (for optional RC-1); front panel stereo tape dubbing output; 4 speaker terminals, 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs, can be driven simultaneously; 4 tape-feed outputs; 47 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 22 watts RMS in 4-channel; 10 Hz to 40,000 Hz power bandwidth; 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz frequency response; 0.6% harmonic and IM distortion; 80 dB S/N low-level inputs, 60 dB S/N high-level inputs. Tuner section: Center-tuning meter; 1.9uV IHF sensitivity; 1.8 dB capture ratio; 0.3% harmonic distortion; 70 dB S/N; 40 dB separation; 300- and 75-ohm FM antenna terminals; walnut case included - $ 449.95.




  1. Mo.del HRQ-600
    AM/FM; matrix switch positions for SQ, QS/ RM, simulator/Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification, can pe combined as 2 higher-powered channels, but cannot serve as 2 independent stereo amps; 2 stereo inputs (mag. phono, tape); 1 4-channel input (tape or aux); master volume control; left/right, front/rear balance controls; balance display scope; bass, treble controls; loudness switch; switchable AFC; tape monitor; 4 speaker terminals, 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs, cannot be driven simultaneously; 1 set stereo tape outputs; 6 watts RMS per channel in 4-channel; 40 Hz to 40,000 Hz frequency response; 60 dB S/N low-level inputs; 65 dB S/N high-level inputs. Tuner section: Flasher light indicates signal strength; 2.2 /xV IHF sensitivity; 0.5% harmonic distortion in mono; 60 dB S/Nr better than 30 dB separation; 300-ohm FM and AM antenna terminals; 41/2Hx203/8Wx15 3/16D - $ 229.50.
  2. Model SQR-6650
    Similar matrix decoder section and amplification to Model HQR-600. Amplifier section: Includes 1 stereo DIN tape input; front and rear volume and balance controls; bass, treble controls; loudness switch; high and low filters; tape monitor; 4 VU meters; 1 set 4-channel, 1 set stereo speaker terminals, 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs, cannot be driven simultaneously; 2 stereo outputs (tape, DIN tape); 14-channel output (line out); 25 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 8 watts RMS in 4-channel; 20 Hz to 50,000 Hz frequency response; 0.8% harmonic distortion; 60 dB S/N low-level inputs; 80 dB S/N high-level inputs. Tuner section: Signal-strength tuning meter; 2.2 /xV. IHF sensitivity; 1.5 dB capture ratio; 0.3% harmonic distortion in mono; 68 dB S/N; 35 dB separation; 300-ohm FM and AM antenna terminals; 5 11/16Hx171/8Wx13 9/16D - $ 329.50.




  1. Model R-340
    AM/FM; no matrix switch positions, but will simulate 4-channel from 2-channel sources via "Quadraphase" speaker matrix system; "2-4" decoder. Amplifier section: 2 channels of amplification; 2 stereo inputs (mag. phono, tape, aux); 4-channel FM detector jack; FM muting; loudness control; mono/s'tereo switch; tape monitor; bass, treble controls; balance control; main / remote / both7 headphones / Quadra-phase speaker selector; 4 speaker outputs, 1 stereo headphone output, driven simultaneously; 2 stereo tape outputs; 12.5 watts RMS per channel; 30 Hz to 30,000 Hz power bandwidth; 30 to 20,000 Hz ±1dB frequency response; less than 1.0% harmonic distortion; 70 dB S/N high-level inputs. Tuner section: Signal-strength tuning meter; FM stereo indicator light; 2:8 /xV IHF sensitivity (tor 30 dB quieting); 2.5 dB capture ratio; 0.6% harmonic distortion in mono, 1.0% in stereo; 55 dB S/N; 32 dB separation; AM and FM antenna terminals; 5Hx16%Wx125/8D - $ 219.95.
  2. Model R-350
    Similar features to Model R-340. Amplifier section: Includes high filter; 25 watts RMS per channel; 15 Hz to 40,000 Hz power bandwidth; 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz ± 1 dB frequency response. Tuner section: 3.0 dB capture ratio; 35 dB separation - $ 279.95.




  1. Model RQ 3747
    AM/FM; matrix switch positions for SQ, blend; "2-4" decoder. Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification, can be combined as 2 higher-powered channels but cannot serve as 2 independent stereo amps; 3 4-channel inputs (mag. phono, tape, aux), can also serve ask stereo inputs; 4-channel FM detector jack; front, rear bass and treble controls; left/right front and rear balance controls; front to rear balance control; main/remote speaker switch; high and low filters; master volume control; 8 speaker outputs, 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs, can be driven simultaneously; 2 stereo, 1 4-channel tape output; 60 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 25 watts RMS in 4-channel; 18 Hz to 35,000 Hz power bandwidth; 20 Hz to 30,000 Hz frequency response; less than 0.5% harmonic and IM distortion; 60 dB S/N low-level inputs; 60 dB S/N high-level inputs. Tuner section: Signal-strength and center-tuning meters; function lights; 1.9uV IHF sensitivity; 1.5 dB capture ratio; 0.5% harmonic distortion; 67 dB S/N; 35 dB separation; 300- and 75-ohm FM, AM antenna terminals; AC circuit break and speaker system breakers; 6%H x 21 ViW x 15D. - $ 449.95.
  2. Model RQ 3743
    Identical features and styling to Model RQ 3747 except includes ceramic phono input; individual volume controls; master volume control; 125 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 50 watts RMS in 4-channel. - $ 549.95.




  1. Model SA-5400X
    AM/FM; switch positions for SQ, QS/RM. Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification; can be combined as 2 higher-powered channels but cannot serve 2 independent stereo amps; 2 stereo inputs (phono, tape); 2 4-channel inputs (tape, aux); jack for remote balance control; built-in 4-channel FM detector jack; individual level controls; master volume control; loudness switch; 2-channel, 4-channel tape monitor switches; bass, treble controls; 4 speaker outputs; 1 set 4-channel tape output; 20 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 8 watts RMS in 4-channel; 7 Hz to 28,000 Hz -3 dB power bandwidth; 0.8% harmonic distortion; 70 dB S/N phono inputs; 90 dB S/N auxiliary inputs. Tuner section: Signal-strength tuning meter; 2-channel/4-channel indicator light; FM stereo indicator light; 2.0 /xV IHF sensitivity; 2.0 dB capture ratio; 0.4% harmonic distortion in mono, 0.7% in stereo; 65 dB S/N; 37 dB separation; 300- and 75-ohm FM and external AM antenna terminals; 11Hx16Wx13D. - $ 269.95.
  2. Model SA-5600X
    Similar features and styling to Model SA-5400X. Amplifier section: 1 stereo phono input; 3 4-channel inputs (2 tape, aux); muting switch; 31 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 11 watts RMS in 4-channel; 7 Hz to 30,000 Hz -3 dB power bandwidth; 0.5% harmonic distortion. Tuner section: 1.9 /xV IHF sensitivity: 0.3% harmonic distortion in mono, 0.4% in stereo; 40 dB separation; 534Hx 16 15/16WX 15 5/32D. - $ 319.95.
  3. Model SA-6000X
    Similar features and styling to Model SA-5600X; matrix switch positions for "Phase 90°" "Phase 0°"; AFD controls allow adjusting width and depth of matrix fields, standard RM, SQ settings are marked. Amplifier section: 4 4-channel inputs (2 tape, 2 aux); 30 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 14 watts RMS in 4-channel; 7 Hz to 35,000 Hz -3 dB power bandwidth. . $ 359.95.
  4. Model SA-6400X
    Similar features to Model SA-6000X. Amplifier section: 4 4-channel inputs (1 aux, 3 tape); main/remote speaker switch; separate front and rear bass, treble controls; mike input with separate level control; 3 tape monitor switches; high and low filter switches; 8 speaker outputs; 3 4-channel tape outputs; 19 watts RMS per channel in 4-channel; 0.7% IM distortion; 9 Hz to 40,000 Hz -3 dB power bandwidth; 85 dB S/N high-level inputs. Tuner section: 1.8uV IHF sensitivity; 1.5 dB capture ratio; 35 dB separation; 7 9/16Hx 19 5/32WX 16 1 /32D - $ 429.95.
  5. Model SA-6700X
    Similar in features and styling to Model SA-6400X. Amplifier section: Multifunction-scope position controls; 23 watts RMS per channel in 4-channel; 90 dB S/N high-level inputs. Tuner section: FM tuning/multipath scope and signal-strength tuning meter; 40 dB separation; 6 3/16Hx17 27/32Wx16 17/32D - $ 569.95.
  6. Model SA-6800X
    Similar in features and styling to Model SA-6700X. Amplifier section: Speaker rotation selector; mike positioning control; hi-blend switch; 3 FM multipath jacks; mike mixing; matrix outputs; 42 watts RMS per channel in 4-channel; 73 dB S/N low-level inputs; 85 dB S/N high-level inputs. Tuner section: Signal-strength and center-tuning meters; 35 dB separation; 6 3/16H x 17 27/32W x 161/32D. - $ 599.95.
  7. Model SA-8000X
    Similar in styling and features to Model SA-6000X, but has built-in CD-4 demodulator. Amplifier section: CD-4 carrier level controls; CD-4 channel separation controls; CD-4 carrier indicator; 2-channel, 4-channel, CD-4 indicator lights; 4 VU meters; VU sensitivity switch; 16 watts RMS per channel in 4-channel, 42 watts RMS in stereo; 5 Hz to 40,000 Hz -3 dB power bandwidth; 6 5/16H x 191/2W x 15%D - $ 499.95.




  1. Model RA 618
    AM/FM; switch position for "Phase Power" 4-channel simulator; "2-4" decoder. Amplifier section: 2 channels of amplification; 3 stereo inputs (mag. phono, tape, aux); bass, treble, balance controls; FM muting; switchable AFC; remote/main speaker switch; mono switch; 4 speaker terminals, 1 stereo headphone output, cannot be driven simultaneously; 1 stereo tape feed; 15 watts RMS per channel; 17 Hz to 20,000 Hz ± 1 dB frequency response; 0.8% harmonic distortion; i.0% IM distortion; 58 dB S/N low-level inputs; 72 dB S/N high-level inputs. Tuner section: Signal-strength tuning meter; 3.0 /iV IHF sensitivity; 2.0 dB capture ratio; 0.35% harmonic distortion (at 100 jtiV); 63 dB S/N; 32 dB separation; 43/4H x 181/4W x n'ViD. - $ 189.98.
  2. Model RA 655
    Similar features to Model RA 618 except has loudness button in place of FM muting; 5 watts RMS per channel. Tuner section: Center-tuning meter; 2.5 dB capture ratio - $ 149.98.
  3. Model RA 707
    Similar features to Model RA 655 except: amplifier section controls are bass, treble, volume, FM/FM stereo; 2.5 watts RMS per channel; 40 Hz to 18,000 Hz ± 1 dB frequency response; 1.5% harmonic distortion; 1.0% IM distortion; 55 dB S/N low-level inputs; 67 dB S/N high-level inputs. Tuner section: AM/FM tuning meter; 5.0 /iV IHF sensitivity; (harmonic distortion, capture ratio, S/N ratio not available); 25 dB separation; 31/4Hx131/4Wx10D. - $ 69.95.
  4. Model RA 777
    Similar features to Model RA 618 except includes high, low filters; tape monitor; loudness switch; 23 watts RMS per channel; 60 dB S/N low-level inputs. Tuner section: 2.5 /xV IHF sensitivity; 1.8 dB capture ratio; 66 dB S/N; 5%H x 171/2Wx151/8D - $ 249.98.
  5. Model RA 632
    AM/FM; switch positions for SQ, EV. Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification, cannot be combined as two higher-powered channels or switched to serve as 2 independent stereo amps; 3 4-channel inputs (mag. phono, tape, aux); bass, treble controls; mono switch; loudness switch; FM muting; joystick balance control; 8 speaker outputs, 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs, cannot be driven simultaneously; 1 stereo tape feed; 15 watts RMS per channel; 19 Hz to 35,000 Hz power bandwidth; 17 Hz to 20,000 Hz ± 1 dB frequency response; 0.8% harmonic distortion; 1.0% IM distortion; 60 dB S/N low-level inputs; 72 dB S/N high-level inputs. Tuner section: Dual-function AM/ FM signal-strength tuning meter; 3.0 /xV IHF sensitivity; 0.35% harmonic distortion (at 100 /xV); 63 dB S/N; 32 dB separation; 43/4H x 181/iW x111/4D. - $ 259.98.
  6. Model RA 660
    Similar features to Model RA 632 except 5 watts RMS per channel; 20 Hz to 36,000 Hz power bandwidth, Tuner section: Single function AM/ FM tuning meter.- -$ 214.98.




  1. Model SA 304
    AM/FM; designed for RM matrix system, will also handle SQ. Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification, can be combined into 2 higher-powered channels; magnetic phono, tape stereo inputs; 4-channel auxiliary input; FM muting switch; tape monitor switch; 4 speaker outputs, 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs, can be driven simultaneously; DIN stereo tape outputs; 4-channel tape output; 30 watts per channel RMS stereo operation, 10 watts RMS per channel in 4-channel; 20 Hz to 30,000 Hz power bandwidth; 20 Hz to 40,000 Hz response; 0.8% harmonic distortion; 60 dB S/N low-level inputs; 70 dB S/N high-level inputs. Tuner section: Signal-strength tuning meter; 2.5 /iV IHF sensitivity; 2.5 dB capture ratio; 62 dB S/N; 30 dB separation; 47/8H x 153/4W x 113/4D. .,.(Price not available).
  2. Model SA 504
    AM/FM; designed for RM matrix system, will also handle SQ. Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification, can be combined into 2 higher-powered channels; magnetic phono, tape stereo inputs; 2 auxiliary, 1 tape 4-channel input; loudness control; low- and high-cut filters; FM muting switch; AFC switch; magnetic/condenser phono cartridge selector; 8 speaker terminals, 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs, can be driven simultaneously; DIN stereo outputs; 1 set 4-chanhel tape outputs; 4-channel FM adapter output; 70 watts RMS per channel stereo operation, 30 watts RMS in 4-channel; 10 Hz to 40,000 Hz power bandwidth; 20 Hz to 40,000 Hz response; less than 0.4% harmonic distortion; 65 dB S/N low-level inputs; 80 dB S/N high-level inputs. Tuner section: Signal-strength tuning meter; 1.8 /xV IHF sensitivity; 1.5 dB capture ratio; 0.2% harmonic distortion in mono, 0.5% in stereo; 66 dB S/N; 35 dB separation; 4%Hx20Wx14D. - $ 499.95.




  • Model 1545
    AM/FM; matrix decoder; 4 channels of amplification; phono, tape inputs; 4 speaker outputs; headphone output; stereo/4-channel switch; front/ rear left, front/rear right, left/right balance controls; 48 watts total peak music power; center-of-channel tuning meter. $ 149.95.




  • Model CS-70R
    AM/FM with digital clock radio timer/sleep switch; matrix decoder switch positions for SQ, QS/RM, simulator. Amplifier section: 4 channels of amplification, can be combined as 2 higher-powered channels, but cannot serve as 2 independent stereo amps; 3 4-channel inputs (mag. phono, tape, aux); FM mike mix switch; loudness switch; front, rear balance controls; master volume control; bass, treble controls; 4 speaker outputs, 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs, cannot be driven simultaneously; 28 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 13 watts RMS in 4-channel; 50 Hz to 20,000 Hz power bandwidth; 60 dB S/N low-level inputs, 80 dB S/N high-level inputs. Tuner section: Signalstrength tuning meter; 2.0 juV IHF sensitivity; 3.0 dB capture ratio; 40 dB separation; 51/iH x 171/4Wx141/2D. $ 369.95.





Amplification to handle four channels can be set up, of course, by using two similar stereo amplifiers: However, having all four channels in one unit is an obvious convenience, not to mention the new-fangled controls for the rear channel that are found on four-channel models. Most include too a decoder for matrixed program material and I or a simulator for recovering "hidden" ambient information from any existing stereo recordings.

Notes on power and distortion for the amplifier sections of receivers apply to separate amplifiers.



  • Model 4X250
    Power amplifier; 250 watts RMS per channel in 4-channel; 2 Hz to 80,000 Hz +0, -0.2 dB frequency response; less than 0.1% harmonic distortion at full rated power; better than 100 dB S/N; 7H x 18W x 17D. - $ 1,450.




  1. Model AA-2010 Kit
    Designed for all matrix encoded sources, will also simulate 4-channel from stereo sources; 4 channels of amplifications cannot be combined as 2 higher-powered channels, but can serve as 2 independent stereo amps; 4 stereo and 4 4-channel inputs (mag. phono, tape, aux, tuners-front and rear controls for volume, bass, treble, balance, high-cut filter, loudness, tape monitor, main/remote speakers; 3-position meter attenuator (0, -10 dB, -20 dB) for 4 individual channel meters; 8 speaker outputs, 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs, can be driven simultaneously; 1 4-channel tape feed; 35 watts RMS per channel in 4-channel; 5 Hz to 45,000 Hz power bandwidth; 7 Hz to 50,000 Hz ± 1 dB frequency response; 0.25% harmonic distortion; 0.2% IM distortion; 65 dB S/N low-level inputs, 75 dB S/N high-level inputs; 61/2H x 181/2W x13D. - $359.95.




  1. Model 4VN-770
    Designed for RM matrix decoder, handles SQ, EV; 4 channels of amplification, can combine into 2; 2 stereo magnetic phono, 1 stereo tape, 1 4-channel tape, 2 auxiliary stereo, 2 auxiliary 4-channel inputs; muting switch; stereo/4-channel monitor; main/remote speaker switch; 4 level controls and master volume control; 1 4-channel headphone, 6 speaker outputs, can be driven simultaneously; 60 watts RMS stereo, 50 watts RMS 4-channel; 10 Hz to 30,000 Hz power bandwidth; 18 Hz to 40,000 Hz response; 0.5% harmonic distortion; 0.8% IM distortion; 65 dB S/N low-level inputs, 75 dB S/N high-level inputs; 4 VU meters; separate matrix mix and level control; remote control optional; 5V2H x 16V2W x 12D.,. $ 279.95.
  2. Model 4VN-990
    Similar features to 4VN-770 except includes dual 5-position S.E.A. tone controls, tone-defeat switch, 176 watts RMS stereo, 140 watts RMS 4-channel, 10 Hz to 50,000 Hz response, 51/2Hx161/2Wx151/2D. $ 499.95.




  1. Model LA-74
    Switch positions for SQ, QS/RM, simulator; will also handle all discrete tape sources; built-in full-logic SQ decoder with front/rear logic, vari-blend, and wave-matching logic; 4 channels of amplification, cannot be combined to serve as 2 higher-powered channels or be switched to serve as 2 independent stereo amps; 8 stereo inputs (2 mag. phono, 2 tape, 2 aux, tuner, mike); 4 4-channel inputs (2 auxiliary, tape, tuner); 2-channel/Composer A/Composer B/SQ full logic/discrete/reverse selector; dual concentric master volume controls; concentric bass, treble, balance controls; pushbutton switches for 2-channel tape monitor, 4-channel tape monitor, mono/stereo, loudness, high filter; high/low switch for magnetic phono input; 8 speakerJerminals, 2 sets of 4-channel headphone outputs, can be driven simultaneously; 8 tape-feed outputs; 28 watts RMS per channel in 4-channel; 18 Hz to 25,000 Hz power bandwidth; 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz ± 1.5 dB frequency response; 1.0% harmonic distortion - $ 279.95.
  2. Model LA-150
    Synthesizes 4-channel material from stereo sources; 2 channels of amplification; 6 stereo inputs (mike/musical instrument, tape, auxiliary, high-gain tuner, low-gain tuner, switch-able magnetic/ceramic phono); high filter; low filter; 2 loudness switches; 4 speaker outputs; 1 headphone output; 1 tape output; 125 watts RMS total at 4 ohms; 13 Hz to 35,000 Hz power bandwidth; 22 Hz to 20,000 Hz ± 1.5 dB response; 1.0% harmonic distortion; 56 dB S/N low-level inputs; 70 dB S/N high-level inputs; 37/8Hx13Wx9 7/32D - $ 169.95.
  3. Model LA-222
    Switch positions for SQ, simulator; will also handle all discrete tape sources; "2-4" decoder; 4 channels of amplification, cannot be combined into 2 higher-powered channels or switched to serve as 2 independent stereo amps; 5 stereo and 4-channel inputs (mag. phono, cer. phono, tape, aux, tuner); concentric volume controls for left/right front and rear channels; bass, treble controls; rocker switches for mono/stereo, loudness, high filter, front main/remote speakers, rear main/remote speakers; 8 speaker terminals; 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs; 8 tape-feed outputs; 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz ± 1.5 dB frequency response; 1.0%Jwmonic distortion; 4%H x 131/2W x 83/4D. - $ 129.95.
  4. Model LA-375
    Synthesizes 4-channel material from stereo sources; 2 channels of amplification; 3 stereo inputs (aux, tuner, mag. phono); mono/stereo switch; stereo/4-channel speaker mode; 2-level rear speaker switch; main/remote speaker; loudness switch; 4 speaker outputs; headphone outputs; tape output; 25 watts per channel music power at 4 ohms; 35 Hz to 30,000 Hz power bandwidth; 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz ± 1.5 dB response; 0.07% harmonic distortion at 1 watt; 55 dB S/N low-level inputs; 75 dB S/N high-level inputs; 31/2H x 10%W x 8%D - $ 89.95.
  5. Model LA-950
    Synthesizes 4-channel material from stereo sources; 2 channels of amplification; 4 stereo inputs (switchable magnetic/ceramic phono, tuner, aux tape); tape monitor; stereo/mono switch; loudness switch; high filter; 4 speaker outputs; 1 headphone output; 1 tape output; 26.5 watts RMS per channel at 4 ohms; 15 Hz to 30,000 Hz power bandwidth; 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz ± 1 dB response; 1.0% harmonic distortion; 63 dB S/N low-level input; 75 dB S/N high-level inputs; 33/4Hx12Wx 91/8D. - $ 129.95.
  6. Model LA-2525
    Similar features to Model LA-222 except oniy simulator switch position; front and rear concentric left-right volume, bass, treble controls. - $ 109.95.




  1. Model 4070
    Switch positions for SQ, Vari-Matrix, CD-4; optional SQ, QS/RM plug-in modules; 4 channels of amplification, can be combined as 2 higher-powered channels and will serve as 2 independent stereo amps; 2 stereo inputs (mag. phono, tuner); 3 4-channel inputs (2 tape, aux); front, rear bass and treble controls; front, rear left/ right balance controls; loudness switch; low and high filters; main, remote speaker-switches; tape/source monitor; mono/stereo/ discrete/ Vari-Matrix/SQ selector; 8 speaker - outputs, 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs, can be driven simultaneously; 1 4-channel tape feed; 4-channel preamp out; 35 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 15 watts RMS in 4-channel; 10 Hz to 60,000 Hz power bandwidth; 10 ^z to 60,000 Hz ± 0.5 dB frequency response; 0.5% IM and harmonic distortion; 60 dB S/N low-level inputs; 78 dB high-level inputs; jack for use with RC-4 remote unit, which controls volume, balance, and loudness; 4H x 14Wx12D. - $ 299.95.
  2. Model 4140
    Similar decoder and amplification sections to Model 4070 except includes 4 VU meters; 2 4-channel tape feeds; 4-channel scope output; 70 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 25 watts RMS in 4-channel; 7 Hz to 70,000 Hz power bandwidth^ 7 Hz to 70,000 Hz ±0.5 dB frequency response; 80 dB S/N high-level inputs; 5Hx15Wx14D. - $ 549.95.




  • Model 310
    Matrix decoder switch positions for SQ, QS/ RM, simulator; 4 inputs for external CD-4 demodulator; 4 channels of amplification, can serve as 2 higher-powered channels, or as 2 independent stereo amps; 8 stereo inputs (2 mag. phono, 2 tape, 2 aux, 1 power amp, 1 tuner); 5 4-channel inputs (2 tape, 2 aux, 1 main power amp); "Pilotone" built-in 1 kHz signal generator for balance/phase adjustments; individual and master level controls; individual bass and treble controls; loudness/front, loudness/rear switches; high- and low-cut filters; main, remote on/off 4-channel and stereo (double-power) speaker switches; 4 output level VU meters with 3-position level switch; 2 mike inputs; mike/line mixing; tape duplication (2 to 2, 2 to 4, 4 to 2 or 4 to 4 channels); 8 speaker terminals, 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs ("front" serves as stereo output), can be driven simultaneously; 1 stereo, 1 4-channel tape output; 60 watts RMS per channel in stereo mode, 30 watts RMS in 4-channel; 10 Hz to 40,000 Hz (4 channels driven) power bandwidth; 20 Hz to 25,000 Hz +1 dB response; 0.5% harmonic distortion; 0.5% IM distortion; 70 dB S/N low-level inputs; 75 dB S/N high-level inputs; 61/2H x 181/2Wx171/2D - $ 349.90.




  1. Model QA-800A
    Switch positions for SQ, QS/RM; "2-4" decoder; 4 channels of amplification cannot be combined as 2 higher-powered channels, or serve as 2 independent stereo amps; 2 tape, 2 auxiliary 4-channels inputs; 2 tape, 2 magnetic phono; 2 auxiliary stereo inputs; 2 tape monitor level controls; muting control; 1 headphone, 6 speaker outputs, can be driven simultaneously; 23 watts RMS in 4-channel; 15 Hz to 50,000 Hz power bandwidth; 8 Hz to 70,000 Hz ± 1 dB response; 0.5% harmonic distortion; 0.8% IM distortion; 5 7/16H x 16 15/16W x 1 3VaD - $ 399.95.
  2. Model QC-800A Preamplifier
    Similar features to Model QA-800A. Includes 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs; 10 Hz to 70,000 Hz ±1 dB response; 0.05% harmonic distortion - $ 279.95.
  3. Model QM-800A
    No matrix decoder provision; 4 channels of amplification, cannot be combined or used separately as stereo amps; 4 VU meters; 2 sets 4-channel inputs; 8 speaker outputs; 32 watts RMS per channel in 4-channel; 10 Hz to 50,000 Hz power bandwidth; 8 Hz to 60,000 Hz -1 dB response; 0.5% harmonic distortion; 0.5% IM distortion; 5 7/16H x 16 15/16W x 13WD. - $ 349.95.




  1. Model QA-621
    SQ switch position; 4 channels of amplification; 2 stereo inputs (cer./mag-phono, aux); 1 4-channel auxiliary input; speaker on/off switch; front/rear tone; front rear, left/right (front), left/right (rear) balance controls; master level control; 4 speaker outputs, 1 headphone output, can be driven simultaneously; 1 tape output; 2 watts RMS in stereo, 1.7 watts RMS in 4-channel mode; 30 Hz to 20,000 Hz power baind-width; 20 Hz to 25,000 Hz response; 1,0% harmonic distortion; 1.0% IM distortion; 50 dB S/N Jow-level inputs; 60 dB S/N high-lever inputs; 4Hx12Wx8D. - $ 79.95.
  2. Model QA-681
    SQ matrix switch position; 4 channels of amplification; 4 stereo inputs (mag. phono, tape, 2 aux); 1 4-channel auxiliary input; tape monitor; mono/stereo/matrix selector; front and rear bass, treble controls; loudness switch; front/ rear speaker switch; master volume control; front/rear, left/right (front), left/right (rear) balance controls; 4 speaker outputs, 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs,, can be driven simultaneously; 12.5 watts RMS in stereo, 10.5 watts RMS in 4-channel mode; 30 Hz to 20,000 Hz power bandwidth; 20 Hz to 25,000 Hz response; 1.0% harmonic distortion; 1.0% IM distortion; 60 dB S/N low-level inputs; 65 dB S/N high-level inputs; 4Hx 14Wx 11D - $ 199.95.




  • Model QA-7000
    Matrix switch positions for SQ, QS/RM, simulator; will also handle discrete; "2-4" decoder; "surround" and "hall" positions for simulator and QS/ RM; 4 channels of amplification, can be combined as 2 higher-powered channels and can serve as 2 independent stereo amps; 3 stereo inputs (2 mag. phono, aux); 4 4-channel inputs (2 tape, 2 aux); concentric front and.rear bass, treble controls; concentric front and rear left/right balance control; front/rear balance control; master volume control; 4 VU meters with meter level control; loudness switch; source/playback 2-channel tape monitor; source/playback deck 1/playback deck 2 4-channel tape monitor selector; 4 speaker outputs, 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs, can be driven simultaneously; 3 tapfe feeds; 40 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 15 watts RMS in 4-channel; 10 Hz to 30,000 Hz power bandwidth; 20 Hz to 40,000 Hz iVadBfrequehcy response; less than 0.1% harmonic distortion; less than 0.15% IM distortion; 5H x 17W x 12D. - $ 549.95.




  • Model QA-450
    Matrix switch positions for SQ, simulator; 4 channels of amplification, can serve as 2 higher-powered channels and as 2 independent stereo amps; 4 stereo inputs (mag. phono, tape, aux, tuner); 2 4-channel inputs (tape, aux); mono /stereo/discrete/SQ/ambience selector; front to rear balance control, front and rear left/right balance controls; high filter; tape monitor; loudness switch; 4 speaker outputs, 1 set 4-channel headphone outputs, can be driven simultaneously; tape feed; 25 watts RMS per channel in stereo, 10 watts RMS in 4-channel; 30 Hz to 30,000 Hz power bandwidth; 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz ± 1 dB frequency response; less than 1.0% harmonic distortion; 0.5% IM distortion; 70dBS/N high-level inputs; 5Hx14Wx12D. - $279.95.



Model AM 472
Switch position for "Phase Power" simulator; "2-4" decoder; 2 channels of amplification; 3 stereo inputs (mag. phono, tape, aux); bass, treble controls; loudness switch; mono switch;

auch hier fehlt etwas - aber was ? letzte Seite war 48 - erste neue Seite ist 76

Separate Decoders and Demodulators (Start auf Seite 78)


The term "decoder" describes a circuit or a device that accepts an encoded (matrixed) four-channel quadriphonic signal and separates it into four original channels. Of the forms of matrixing proposed, and in varying degrees tried, the CBS-SQ predominates among equipment manufacturers and record companies, but it has been challenged by the Sansui-QS system (also known as RM in Japan).

In addition, a few records have been made that conform to an earlier matrix offered by Electro-Voice (Stereo-4). The Dynaquad technique (introduced by Dynaco) does not decode matrixed material, but rather sense phase relationships in two-channel material and makes available a simulated signal for rear-channel presentation. Many decoders offer one of these options; a few models, known as universal decoders, offer all options.

The term "demodulator" describes the circuit
or device specifically designed to recover the four channels of a multiplexed quadriphonic disc (also known as the discrete disc, the CD-4 disc, or the RCA Quadradisc). Demodulators are available as separate units or are incorporated in systems designed for this type of disc.



  1. 106C Decoder
    Designed for SQ matrix system, will also handle EV, QS/RM; connects into system via tape monitor; RCA and DIN line and stereo tape inputs; RCA and DIN outputs (4-channel line, stereo tape); discrete switch (decoder bypass); rear channel muting switch; tape monitor; rear channel "blend" switch; ambience switch; master volume control; 25/&H x 77/sW x 61/sD. - $ 99.95.
  2. 106A Decoder
    Module version (no switches, no case, etc.) of Model 106C - $ 39.95.
  3. 106B Decoder
    Identical to Model 106C, but less case - $ 74.95.




  • I-CA Passive Decoder
  • Simulates 4-channels from 2; "Quadserch" allows listener to search out FM stations offering 4-channel material; front/rear ratio control.(Price not available).




  • Quasi-Quad Adapter
    Designed to simulate 4-channels from 2-channel sources; connects into system via speaker jacks; 1 set stereo inputs; matrix blend control (isolates soloist front/center); stereo/quad/ surround/dispersed quad mode selector; includes 2 speakers - $ 60.
  • SDW-Q Decoder
    Switch positions for SQ, EV, simulator; connects into system via tape monitor; 1 set stereo inputs; 1 set 4-channel outputs; master volume control; front/rear balance control; receiver/ tape source switch; tape monitor.; $79.95.




  • CSQ 2-4 Decoder
  • Designated for SQ matrix decoder system; connected between preamp and amp; 1 pair decoder, 1 pair tape-recorder monitor inputs; 1 pair tape-recorder-in, 2 pair 4-channel line outputs; 31/4Hx93/4Wx7D - $ 87.95.




  • EVX-44 Decoder
  • Dfesigned to handle EV, SQ, QS/RM; will also simulate 4-channel from 2-channel source; connects into system via tape monitor jacks; 2 stereo inputs (line, tape); 1 4-channel tape input; 1 stereo tape output; 1 4-channel output; master volume control; 23/iH x 8Wx 7D - $ 99.95.




  • DR-14 Demodulator
  • Designed for CD-4 Quadradiscs; 2 phono in* puts; 1 set 4-channel outputs; 2-channel/4-channel switch; CD-4 indicator light; 32x6Wx12D., - $ 129.95.




  • AD-2022 Decoder Kit
  • Handles all matrix encoded systems and simulates 4-channel from stereo sources; connects into system via tape monitor; 1 stereo, 1 tape input; outputs for tape, front channels, rear channels; master gain switch; 2Hx7W x 65D - $ 39.95.




  • 4DD-5 Disc Demodulator
  • Designed for CD-4; automatic switching to stereo; connects by 2 phono cables in 4 cables to auxiliary amplifier input; 2 magnetic phono inputs; 4 high-level outputs; auto/manual stereo/4-channel switch; 3%H x 67/8W x 12%D - $ 119.95.




  1. CD-4 Demodulator
    Designed for demodulating Quadradiscs; will also handle other 4-channel and stereo sources; 1 set 2-channel, 1 set 4-channel inputs; decoded 4-channel and direct phono outputs; CD-4/direct 4-channel/2-channel selector; high/low slide switch; CD-4 level adjust; CD-4 indicator light. $ 79.95.
  2. QD-4 Quadriphonic Adapter
    Synthesizes 4-channel material from stereo sources; connects between stereo receiver or amp and 4 speakers; 1 set stereo inputs; rear speakers level control; includes 3 pairs of cables (6-foot adapter pair to receiver, 15-foot pair for front speakers, 25-foot pair for rear speakers); 27/sHx53/4Wx - $ 24.95.
  3. SQ-M Decoder
    Builtin SQ matrix decoder, will also synthesize 4-channel material from stereo sources; 1 set inputs; magnetic phono input; 1 set 4-channeloutputs; master level control; all connecting cables included; 27/8Hx6Wx71/4D - $ 44.95.
  4. SQW Decoder
    Full-logic SQ decoder with front/rear logic and wave-matching logic; will also handle QS/RM and EV, and simulates 4-channel from 2-channel sources; 1 set 2-channel, 1 set 4-channel inputs; 2 sets of 4-channel outputs; 1 set 2-channel tape outputs; master volume control; tape source switch; tape and source sensitivity slide switches; tape/source indicator light - $ 99.95.




  • SE-405H Demodulator and Cartridge (for semiconductor cartridge)
    Designed for Quadradiscs; switch positions also for 2-channel and matrixed 4-channel discs; plugs into unit with record changer; 1 set stereo, 1 set 4-channel inputs; 1 set 4-channel outputs; cartridge select switch (semiconductor/moving magnet); CD-4 disc indicator light; EPC-460C cartridge included; 3H x 8 W X 13D.; - $ 135




  1. QD-210 Decoder
    Designed for SQ; also simulates 4-channel from 2-channel sources; connects into system via tape monitor; 2 inputs (tape monitor, tape); 1 set 4-channel outputs; 5 11/16H x 5%W x 13!4D.:.- - $ 99.95.
  2. QD-240 Demodulator
    Designed for CD-4 (Quadradiscs); will also accept 2-channel sources; connects into system via auxiliary input; 1 phono input; 1 set 4-channel outputs; controls for CD-4 left, right separa-tion and carrier level; 5V4H x 7%W'x 12 13/16D - $ 139.95.




  • SQ-II Decoder
    SQ-matrix system; connects into system via tape monitor; 2 source, 2 tape inputs; 2 tape monitor, 4 line outputs; SQ/stereo selector; receiver/tape switch; master level control; 2H x 7W X 5D- $ 59.95.




  • QS-1 Decoder
    Designed for QS/RM matrix system; will also handle discrete; connects into system between front and rear amps; 2 2-channel inputs (tape, front channels); 1 4-channel input (tape); 2 2-channel outputs (front and rear tape); 1 4-channel output (tape); 4 VU meters with meter level control; master volume control; front and rear left/right balance controls; front/rear balance control; 2- and 4-channel source/playback tape monitor switches; 2-channel/solo/con-cert hall 1/concert hall 2/normal surround/quarter turn/half-turn selector; 5H x 15 7/16W X10 5/16D., - $ 44.95.




  1. SQD-2020 Decoder
    Designed for SQ matrix system; will also handle QS/RM, discrete tape, and will simulate 4-channel from stereo sources; dual logic (front/ rear and wave-matching); 4 VU meters; connects into system via tape monitor jacks; 2 stereo inputs (tape, DIN tape, line in); 2 4-chan-nel inputs (aux, tape); 2 stereo outputs (front channels to tape in, record out, back channels high-level, back channels low-level); 1 4-chan-nel output (record out); individual level controls; master volume control; bass, treble controls for rear channels; 3-position tape monitor switch; 57/8Hx153/4Wx121/2D - $ 229.50.
  2. SQD-2050 Decoder
    Similar matrix section to Model SQD-2020 except has front/rear logic only; connects to system via tape jacks; 2 stereo inputs (tape, from record out); 1 4-channel input (aux); 3 stereo outputs (to tape in, record out, rear channels);master volume control; front/rear balance; tape/source monitors; 6V4H x 4%W x 12ViD - $ 99.50.




  • RA 115 Demodulator
  • Designed for CD-4; will also handle SQ, EV; connects into system via tape in; 1 set phono inputs; 1 stereo output; 1 set 4-channel outputs; 2-channel/4 channel selector switch; CD-4 indicator light; adjustable CD-4 rear channel control; 43/4Hx9Wx151/8D - $ 100.




  • SC410 Decoder
    Designed for RM matrix system; 1 stereo input (DIN); 3 4-channel inputs (tape, aux, decoder); 2 pairs rear speaker terminals; 1 pair front-channel decoder outputs; 15 watts RMS per channel; 20 Hz to 40,000 Hz power bandwidth; 20 Hz to 40,000 Hz response; concert hall/studio/surround/stage effect control; high-cut filter; less than 0.8% harmonic distortion; 75 dB S/N high-level inputs; 41/2H x.11%W'x 15D - $ 169.95.




  • QC-002 Decoder
    Designed to handle all matrix systems; 3 stereo inputs (phono, high-level aux, low-level aux); 1 set 4-channel outputs; 2-channel/"solo"/ "concert hall" /"surround" selector; simulates 4-channel from 2-channel sources; 5H x 6W x11D - $ 69.95.



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