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"off duty" 1970 - 1997 - eine Freizeit-Zeitung für's US-Militär

Die in diesem amerikanischen (Freizeit-) Shopping-Magazin angepriesenen Hifi- und Video-Produkte waren auschließlich amerikanischen und kanadischen Militärangehörigen zugänglich - also zu kaufen - und vor allem zu ganz ungewöhnlich (verblüffend) niedrigen US $ Military-Preisen. Zu der einführenden "off duty" Seite geht es hier lang. -  Um 1970 begann der weltweite Hifi-Boom bis zum 1. Crash 1978 und dann wieder zum 2.Crash um 1990. Über die 20 Jahre nach 2001 lesen Sie mehr in den Kolumnen auf diesen japanischen Seiten.


Ein riesiges Angebot an Plattenspielern - und nur für Militäry

In 1977 hat sich der US-Markt von dem tiefen Einbruch ab 1974 wieder etwas erholt. Dafür schwächelte der europäische Markt und vor allem der deutsche Hifi-Markt. Die Japaner hatten notgedrungen alles in ihrr Macht stehende in Bewegung gesetzt, um den Markteinbruch in USA zu überleben.

Uns hier war das gar nicht so sehr ins Bewußtsein gerückt, daß Japan mit dem Rücken zur Wand stand. Eine gigantische Expansion kann nämlich auch ganz plötzlich Nachteile haben, die man nicht beeinflussen kann - wie später das heftige Erdbeben von Kobe oder den Lehman Brothers Knall in 2008.


Merry Go Round

This Month's Shopper-1 - Off Duty/Europe/December 77.

That's what these turntables and systems give your records


YOU DON'T HAVE to include a turntable in your hi-fi system. You can listen to radio broadcasts or play tapes. But for most of us a hi-fi without a turntable just doesn't seem complete. In the following paragraphs we're going to look at the gear you need to play records, from turntables and phono pickup cartridges for component audio rigs, to compact systems that consist of a turntable and all the other equipment you need to listen to records.

If you buy a compact or "package" component system you don't have to worry about choosing a turntable.

  • Anmerkung : Diesen Teil überspringen wir, weil es sich fast nur um bilige LowCost Kombinationen handelt.

The manufacturer has usually done it for you, selecting a unit compatible with the rest of the system. However, you may find it helpful to know just what you're getting. Study the next several paragraphs before you make a decision.

Types of turntables.

In hi-fi's early days there were two types of turntables - record changers and manuals. The early changers played a stack of records automatically, but their heavy tone arms and cumbersome mechanisms didn't appeal to the audiophile. They turned instead to manual designs, with separate tone arm, that offered better performance and were also easier on records than the changers of the era.

As demand for more sophisticated audio products grew, changer makers began refining their equipment and soon the term "record changer" no longer seemed appropriate for a unit with performance equal to, or better than, that of earlier manuals. So, the name "automatic turntable" was adopted. Although there's still some semantic confusion, you'll find four basic types of turntables.

Automatic turntable/changers.

These play a stack of records in sequence without any intervention by you. They will also play one record automatically if you wish, lowering the tone arm onto the record, lifting it off at the end, returning the arm to the rest and shutting off the motor.

Automatic turntables.

These play only one record, not a stack. However, they, too, lower and lift the tone arm, returning it to the rest and turning off the motor.

Semi-automatic turntables.

Similar to automatic turntables except that you manually lift the tone arm and place it in the lead-in groove at the beginning of the record, usually with the aid of a cuing lever. When the record has finished playing, the tone arm automatically lifts and the unit shuts off.


You do everything manually, from turning it on through turning it off. Some, but not all, models switch on the motors as you lift the tone arm. Most turntables come with a built-in tone arm, but there are several that permit you to install the arm of your choice.


There are three common types of drive motors. Induction and synchronous types have been used with good results for years. However, the speed of induction motors may vary with changes in the power line voltage, while synchronous motors may vary their speed if power line frequency should change.

Electronically controlled motors are the latest type. Special circuits monitor and adjust motor speed continuously for pinpoint accuracy regardless of minor changes in line voltage or frequency. This superior performance naturally carries a superior price.

Drive systems.

There are also three basic drive systems. Direct drive, using a low-speed, electronically controlled motor, is the latest method. The turntable platter itself is directly attached to the motor and rotates with it. Wow, flutter and rumble are usually very low with such a system.

Belt drive and idler drive are older, but each has proven satisfactory. Belt drive systems do a fine job of isolating motor noise from the turntable. But, sooner or later belts must be replaced. Idler drive, which transmits power to the platter via rubber wheels, is still popular but direct drive is gaining.

Wow and flutter.

Refers to unwanted variations in the speed of turntable rotation. Flutter is a relatively short-term variation and results in a fluttering sound, wow involves somewhat longer-term changes. The less of both, the better. Figures below 0.15 per cent are acceptable, but most units have 0.10 per cent or less wow and flutter.


Low-frequency noise generated by the turntable is called rumble. As the name suggests, this may be perceived as a rumbling sound. Or, it may be of such a low frequency that it is inaudible. In the latter instance, however, it may create unusual movements of the speaker's cone and interfere with the proper reproduction of other sounds. Look for a 45 dB or higher rumble figure. (Rumble figures may be given as a positive or negative number. Either way, the greater the figure itself, the less the rumble.)

Platter weight and size.

Opinions vary as to the importance of weight, but the most widely voiced belief is the heavier, the better. Others feel the weight is of little concern with today's sophisticated speed regulation and drive systems. As to size, a 12-in. record is obviously more fully supported on a 12-in. (or larger) platter than on a smaller one.

Tone arms.

The tone arm is a vital part of the total system, especially with the increasing use of low mass cartridges operating at exceptionally low tracking forces. Most arms allow for critical adjustments of cartridge overhang and height, vertical and horizontal balance (including anti-skate properties to prevent uneven wear on the record grooves caused by the natural tendency of a pivoted arm to move toward the center of a rotating disc.)

A few manufacturers offer straight-line tracking or articulating arms which eliminate the need for anti-skating controls.


The cartridge/stylus assembly converts the undulations or "wiggles" in the record groove into electrical signals which are used by the rest of the system. If the output of your cartridge is distorted, the sound will suffer regardless of how well the other parts of your system perform.

The job of the cartridge isn't an easy one. The undulations in a record groove physically correspond to the frequency of the recorded sound. That is, if a 5,000 Hz tone is recorded for one second, the stylus and cartridge must follow 5,000 undulations in one second to reproduce the original sound.

A cartridge's ability to accurately reproduce the undulations is called trackability. It is expressed in terms of the highest velocity, for example, 20 centimeters per second (20 cm/sec), at which a cartridge/stylus can move at a particular frequency while maintaining accurate reproduction.

At present, not many manufacturers give trackability figures, largely because the public is better acquainted with compliance, which indicates the ease with which the cartridge/stylus moves. Compliance is expressed in terms of the amount of movement in centimeters (cm) per unit of force (dyne) applied.

A typical figure might appear as 25x106 cm/dyne. The higher the figure, the greater the compliance and the less force needed to move the stylus. As a rule, compliance should be at least 20-25 x 10 6 cm/dyne or higher.

Tracking force.

Refers to the downforce (in grams) that should be applied in order for the cartridge to do its job properly. Tracking force is usually expressed as a range, say from 1 to 1.5 grams.

In general, cartridges designed to track at higher downforces are better able to stand physical abuse, but produce somewhat more record wear. Lighter tracking cartridges cause less wear, but must be handled more carefully to prevent damage.

The better the turntable, the more satisfactorily it should handle a sensitive cartridge. Also keep in mind that multi-radial CD-4 styli, such as the Shibata, have a larger groove contact area and hence can be tracked more heavily without harming your records.

Frequency response.

Most cartridges will respond to groove modulations over a range of about 20-20k Hz. Few records have modulations this extreme. However, with CD-4 records the groove contains signals up to 45-50k Hz for the high frequency carrier that contains the rear channel signals.

Thus, a CD-4 cartridge must respond to those frequencies. Stereo or CD-4, it is generally held that the wider- and flatter or more linear- the response, the better.

When choosing a cartridge, make sure its recommended tracking force is compatible with that of your tone arm. Some arms may not properly handle cartridges designed to track at very light pressures. At best, such a combination won't produce the kind of quality sound you paid for and, at worst, it may damage your cartridge or records.


The stylus of a cartridge was once refered to as the needle. Virtually all top quality styli are diamond. There are three basic shapes: spherical, elliptical and tri-radial.

As a general rule an elliptical or "bi-radial" stylus will provide a better frequency response and less distortion than the spherical type. A cartridge with an elliptical stylus, however, must have a lighter tracking force to prevent record wear.

4-channel turntables.

CD-4 disc reproduction requires not only the use of special cartridges and styli, but also special low-capacitance wiring. This is because the high frequencies involved are poorly conducted by normal wiring. Thus, if conventional cables are used, the CD-4 carrier signals may be lost - and with them the 4-channel effect.

Special features.

Among non-essential but useful features are cuing controls for gentler, more accurate raising and lowering of the tone arm. Many of these devices eliminate potential damage resulting from dropped arms through the use of viscous damping. Another feature which may prove useful is variable speed control.

Compact Systems.

Diesen Bereich bilden wir hier nicht ab. Fast alle diese Compact- Systeme sind zu billig. Denoch hier die Erklärung :

As we mentioned earlier, a compact or component system usually consists of: a turntable of some sort, complete with tone arm and (in most cases) pickup cartridge; the necessary electronics, including preamplifier and power amplifier; and - in most cases - speakers. Compact systems are available in stereo and quadraphonic models, with many stereo units designed for conversion to 4-channel with the addition of two more speakers.

Like the "record player" that you may have toyed with as a youngster, the modern concept system asks little more than that you plug it in and switch in on. Despite this ease of operation the better compact systems offer excellent fidelity. You aren't limited to playing records, either. Most include an AM/FM-stereo tuner and some also have cassette or 8-track cartridge units.

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