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"off duty" 1970 - 1997 - eine Freizeit-Zeitung für's US-Militär

Die in diesem amerikanischen (Freizeit-) Shopping-Magazin angepriesenen Hifi- und Video-Produkte waren auschließlich amerikanischen und kanadischen Militärangehörigen zugänglich - also zu kaufen - und vor allem zu ganz ungewöhnlich (verblüffend) niedrigen US $ Military-Preisen. Zu der einführenden "off duty" Seite geht es hier lang. -  Um 1970 begann der weltweite Hifi-Boom bis zum 1. Crash 1978 und dann wieder zum 2.Crash um 1990. Über die 20 Jahre nach 2001 lesen Sie mehr in den Kolumnen auf diesen japanischen Seiten.


Erschrecken Sie nicht, wenn Sie diese lange Seite runter rollen

Diese völlig irre Typenvielfalt war über kurz oder lang nicht mehr zu handhaben, bei den Japanern nicht und bei uns auch nicht. In 2024 haben wir dann gesehen, es war von "den ehemals großen" fast keiner mehr da. So gut wie alle Labels oder Hersteller- Namen wurden nur noch als Marke an irgendwelche anonymen Investorengrupen verhökert, die alles in China bauen lassen. Und das sind ja nur die Plattenspieler - die Kassettengeräte und die Receiver und sonstigen Hifi-Geräte kommen da noch hinzu.




ADC Accutrac 4000

Two-speed direct drive automatic turntable with DC servo motor, separate tone arm motor, logic control, remote control. Wow and flutter 0.03 per cent, rumble -70dB. 12-in., 3 lb. 2 oz. platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, removable cartridge sheli.

With ADC LMA-1 magnetic cartridge with elliptical diamond stylus. Frequency response 10-24k Hz ±2 dB, channel separation 28 dB, tracking force 0.75-1 Vi grams. Cartridge contains infra-red generator and track detector which is connected to electronic programming circuits. Push-buttons program turntable to play any combination of 1 to 13 tracks, including repeats of tracks if desired. Wireless remote control unit with track selection, cue, repeat, reject, clear memory and play controls. With base and dust cover, remote control transmitter and receiver. Size 18 !4 x 17 M> x 6 in. Wt. 201/4 lbs.

AEC - AEC C-81

Two-speed turntable with direct-drive DC servo motor. Wow and flutter 0.03 per cent, rumble 65 dB. 13-in., 3 1/2- pound platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced uni-pivot tubular tone arm with provisions for operating in damped or undamped modes, adjustable stylus force, magnetic anti-skate, cue control, lightweight headshell. With base and dust cover.

Akai AP 001

Two-speed turntable with synchronous motor, belt drive. Wow and flutter 0.06 per cent, S/N ratio -50 dB. 12-in., 2Y2-lb. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell, stereo cartridge with diamond stylus. Electric auto-stop mechanism. With base, dust cover. Size 16x5% x 14 in. Wt. 14 lbs.

Akai AP-003

Two-speed belt drive semiautomatic turntable with hysteresis-synchronous motor. Wow and flutter 0.05 per cent, rumble -52 dB. 12-in., 2 1/2-lb. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell, low-capacitance wiring. With base, dust cover and Audio-Technica AT-11 cartridge. Size 17% x 5 x 14 in. Wt. 13 1/2 lbs.

Akai AP 005

Two-speed belt drive automatic turntable with hysteresis-synchronous motor. Wow and flutter 0.05 per cent, S/N ratio 52 dB. 12-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell, low-capacitance wiring. With base, dust cover and Audio-Technica AT-11 cartridge.

BIC 920

Two-speed automatic turntable/changer with synchronous motor, belt drive. 10y2-in. platter. Wow and flutter 0.12 per cent, S/N ratio 60 dB. Counterbalanced tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control. Manual / repeat / automatic mode selector. With base and dust cover and Shure M75ECS cartridge. Size61/2 x 17x15 72 in. Wt. 15 lbs.

BIC 980-B

Two-speed belt drive automatic turntable/changer with synchronous motor. Wow and flutter 0.05 per cent, rumble -65 dB. 12-in. platter. Electronic variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. With base, dust cover and Shure M91ED cartridge. Size 17x15x7 in. 105/130 volts, 50/60 Hz.

BIC 1000

Two-speed automatic turntable/changer with synchronous motor, belt drive, separate motor to operate tone arm. Wow and flutter 0.04 per cent, S/N ratio 70 dB. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Turntable stops when cued or in cycle. Light-touch controls with LED indicators. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, electronic cue control, plug-in cartridge shell, manual/repeat/automatic mode selector. With base, dust cover and Shure V-15 Type III cartridge. Size 7 x 18 y2 x 15 72 in. Wt. 22 lbs. Remote control unit optional.

Dual CS-502

Similar to Dual CS-510 but without speed control, strobe display. With Shure M75D cartridge.

Dual CS-510

Two-speed automatic turntable with synchronous motor, belt drive. Wow and flutter 0.05 per cent, rumble 66 dB. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. 12-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control. With base, dust cover and Shure M95G-LM cartridge. Size 16 1/2 x 14 1/2 x 3 174 in.

Dual CS-601

Two-speed automatic turntable with synchronous motor, belt drive. Wow and flutter 0.08 per cent, S/N ratio 63 dB. 12-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, repeat control. With base, dust cover and Shure D105 ED cartridge. Size 16Kx14&x6 in. Wt. 16% lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.

Dual CS-604

Two-speed automatic turntable with direct drive DC motor. Wow and flutter 0.06 per cent, rumble 65 dB. 12-in., 2.8-lb. platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control. With base, dust cover and Dual DMS240E cartridge. Size 16 1/2 x 6 x 14 1/2 in.

Dual CS-704

Two-speed automatic turntable with direct drive motor. Wow and flutter 0.03 per cent, rumble 70 dB. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, four-point gimbal suspension, two mechanical anti-resonance filters, cue control. With base and dust cover. Available with or without Shure V15 Type II! cartridge. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.

Dual CS-721

Two-speed automatic turntable with direct drive motor. Wow and flutter 0.03 per cent, rumble - 70 dB (weighted). Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. 12-in., 3 1/4 lb. platter, 3 1/2 lb. motor rotor. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate, four-point gimbal suspension, two mechanical anti-resonance filter, cue control, continuous repeat control and tone arm lowering speed adjustment. With base and dust cover. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.

Dual CS-721S

Similar to Dual CS-721 but black finish base.

Dual CS-1225-1

Two-speed automatic turntable/changer with synchronous motor, rim drive. Wow and flutter 0.08 per cent, rumble 59 dB. 1072-in. platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control. With base, dust cover and Shure M75D cartridge. Size 14 1/2 x 12 1/4 x 5 in. Wt. 13 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.

Dual CS-1236

Two-speed automatic turntable/changer with synchronous motor, belt drive. Wow and flutter 0.15 per cent, S/N ratio 56 dB. 10 1/2-in., 3-lb. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control. With base, dust cover and Dual DMS220 cartridge. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.

Dual CS-1245

Two-speed automatic turntable/changer with synchronous motor, belt drive. Wow and flutter 0.05 per cent, rumble 66 dB. 12-in, 2.8-lb. platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control. Single-play/continuous repeat control. With base, dust cover and Shure M105ED cartridge. Wt. 10 lbs.

Dual CS-1245S

Similar to Dual CS-1245 but black finish base and Shure V15 Type III cartridge.

Dual CS-1249

Two-speed belt drive automatic turntable/changer with synchronous motor. Wow and flutter 0.06 per cent, rumble 63 dB. 12-in., 4.5-Ib. platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, tone arm height adjustment. Continuous repeat control. With wood finish base, dust cover. Size 16 1/2 x 14 1/4 x 4 1/2 in.

Dual CS-1249-1

Similar to Dual CS-1249 but black base.

Empire 698

One-speed semi-automatic belt-drive turntable with hysteresis synchronous motor. Wow and flutter 0.04 per cent, rumble 68 dB. 12-in., 7 1/4-lb. platter. Counterbalanced jeweled-bearing tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, electronic cue control, removable cartridge shell. With base, dust cover and Empire 2000Z cartridge. Size 8 1/2 x 17 1/2 x 15 in. Wt. 30 lbs. 117/220 volts, 50/60 Hz.

Fisher MT-6010

Two-speed semi-automatic turntable with synchronous motor, belt drive. Wow and flutter 0.10 per cent, rumble 53 dB. 11.8-in., 1.8-lb. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with cue control. With base, dust cover and magnetic cartridge. Size 18 x5x 14 74 in. Wt. 13 Va lbs. 110/220 volts, 50/60 Hz.

Fisher MT-6120

Two-speed automatic turntable with synchronous motor, belt drive. Wow and flutter 0.08 per cent, rumble 55 dB. 11.8-in., 2.2-lb. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control. Single/continuous play control. With base, dust cover and magnetic cartridge. Size 18 x 6 x 14 Va in. Wt. 16 lbs. 110/220 volts, 50/60 Hz.

Fisher MT-6130

Two-speed automatic turntable with direct drive DC servo motor. Wow and flutter 0.03 per cent, rumble 60 dB. 12.1-in., 3.3-lb. platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. With base, dust cover and magnetic cartridge. Size 18 x 6 x 14 74 in. Wt. 20 72 lbs. 110/220 volts, 50/60 Hz.

Fisher MT-6210

Two-speed turntable with synchronous motor, belt drive. Wow and flutter 0.08 per cent, rumble 58 dB.113/4-in., 1.5-lb. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control. With base, dust cover, magnetic cartridge. Size 18x5x 14% in. Wt. 13V4 lbs. 110 220 volts, 50 60 Hz.

Fisher MT-6220

Two-speed turntable with DC servo motor, belt drive. Wow and flutter 0.05 per cent, rumble 60 dB. 12-in., 2-lb. platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control. With base, dust cover and magnetic cartridge. Size 18x6x14% in. Wt. 16 lbs. 110 220 volts, 50 60 Hz.

Fisher MT-6225

Two-speed direct drive turntable with linear drive motor. Wow and flutter 0.03 per cent, rumble 70 dB. 13-in., 2.2-lb. platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. With base and dust cover. Size 18 x 6 x 14 1/2 in. Wt. 18 lbs. 110 220 volts, 50 60 Hz.

Garrard Zero Z 2000 B-2

Two-speed belt drive automatic turntable changer. Wow and flutter 0.10 per cent, rumble - 64 dB. 11 1/2-in., 5-lb. platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced articulating tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell, low-capacitance wiring. Built-in counter automatically records number of discs played. Size 15 172 x 14 x 7 in. Wt. 18 lbs. 50/60 Hz.

Harman/Kardon Rabco ST-6

Similar to Harman/Kardon ST-7 except with AC synchronous motor, no speed controls. Wow and flutter 0.04 per cent, rumble (weighted) -57 dB. Wt. 20 lbs.

Harman/Kardon Rabco ST-7

Two-speed belt-drive turntable with dc motor, straight-tracking tone arm. Wow and flutter 0.04 per cent, rumble -68 dB. 12-in., 2.4 lb. platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced, parallel-tracking tone arm with adjustable stylus force, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. Function indicator lights. With base and dust cover. Size 7x16% x16% in. Wt.22% lbs.

Infinity Black Widow Air Table

Two-speed belt drive turntable with servo motor, platter suspended on air cushion bearing. Air supplied by small external pump unit. Wow and flutter 0.025 per cent, S/N ratio 70 dB. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. With Black Widow carbon fiber tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control. 110 220 volts, 5060 Hz.


Two-speed semi-automatic turntable with synchronous motor, belt drive. Wow and flutter 0.06 per cent, rumble (weighted) -53 dB. 12-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. With base and dust cover. Size 5x 18 x 14 % in. Wt. 13% lbs. 120 volt, 60 Hz.


Two-speed anti-automatic direct drive turntable with DC servo motor. 12-in. platter. Wow and flutter 0.03 per cent, S/N ratio 70 dB. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. With base and dust cover. Size 6x 18 x 14% in. Wt. 17 % lbs.


Two-speed automatic turntable with synchronous motor, belt drive. Wow and
flutter 0.07 per cent, rumble (weighted) -57 dB. 12-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. Automatic repeat, record size selectors. With base and dust cover. Size 18x5x14 in. Wt. 15% lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.


Two-speed automatic turntable with direct drive DC servo motor. Wow and flutter 0.03 per cent, rumble 60 dB. 12-in., 3%-lb. platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. Single/continuous play control. With base, dust cover and JVC Z-1 cartridge. Size 18x5x14% in. Wt. 24%. lbs.


Two-speed automatic turntable with direct drive DC servo motor; separate motor operates tone arm. Wow and flutter 0.03 per cent, S'N ratio 70 dB. 12-in. platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. Front-mounted controls accessible when cover closed. With base, dust cover and magnetic cartridge. Size 6x18x 15 in. Wt. 20 lbs.


Two-speed turntable with quartz-controlled direct drive DC servo motor. Wow and flutter 0.025 per cent, S/N ratio 73 dB. 12%-in. platter. Built-in quartz-driven strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. Touch controls on rim of turntable. Mechanical brake for quick stops. With base, dust cover. Size 6% x 19 x 16 in. Wt. 24 lbs. 100/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.


Two-speed turntable with quartz-controlled direct drive frequency generator DC servo motor. Wow and flutter 0.02 per cent, signal-to-noise ratio -75 dB. 12 1/2 in. platter. Speed variable ±6 Hz in 1 Hz increments while maintaining quartz control, LED digital speed readout. Startup time 0.6 sec, electronic braking, quick 33 Vz /45 rpm speed change. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. Electronic touch controls. With base, dust cover and JVC X-1 cartridge. Size 8 x 20 x 16 in. Wt. 43 lbs.

Kenwood KD-550

Two-speed turntable with direct drive DC servo motor. Wow and flutter 0.03 per cent, rumble -70 dB. 12-in., 3.3-lb. platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. With anti-resonance resin concrete base, dust cover and magnetic cartridge. Size 20x6% x 15 in. Wt. 34% lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.

Kenwood KD-1033

Two-speed turntable with synchronous motor, belt drive. Wow and flutter 0.06 per cent, rumble (DIN B) -64 dB. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell, cartridge. With base and dust cover. Size 18x6x 14 in. Wt. 13% lbs.

Kenwood KD-2044

Two-speed semiautomatic turntable with synchronous motor, belt drive. Wow and flutter 0.06 per cent, S/N ratio 49 dB. 12-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. With metal base, dust cover and cartridge. Size 19x14%x6% in. Wt. 1314 lbs.

Kenwood KD-2055

Two-speed semiautomatic turntable with synchronous motor, belt drive. Wow and flutter 0.06 per cent, rumble 65 dB. 12-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. With concrete resin base, dust cover and cartridge. Size 19 x 6 x 14 % in. Wt. 24 V2 lbs. 110' 240 volts, 50'60 Hz.

Kenwood KD-2077

Two-speed turntable with direct drive DC servo motor. Wow and flutter 0.04 per cent, S/N ratio 55 dB. 12-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. With base, dust cover and magnetic cartridge. Size 18 1/2 x 7 x 14 in.

Kenwood KD 3033

2-speed automatic turntable with synchronous motor and belt drive. Separate motor powers tone arm mechanism. Flutter and wow 0.06 percent, S/N ratio 49 dB. 12-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus pressure, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell and low-capacitance wiring. With base, dust cover and cartridge. Size 19 x 14x61/2 in. Wt. 15 % lbs.

Kenwood KD-4033

Two-speed automatic turntable with synchronous motor, belt drive. Separate motor activates tone arm. Wow and flutter 0.06 per cent, rumble -49 dB. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell, magnetic cartridge with diamond stylus. Record size selector. With base, dust cover. Size 19x14x6% in. Wt. 15% lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.

Kenwood KD-5033

Two-speed automatic turntable with direct drive DC servo motor. Wow and flutter 0.05 per cent, S N ratio 58 dB. 12-in. platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. With base, dust cover and magnetic cartridge. Size 19x14x6% in. Wt. 22 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50 60 Hz.

Kenwood KD 5066

Two-speed automatic turntable with direct drive DC servo motor. Wow and flutter 0.03 per cent, S7N ratio 70 dB. 12-in. platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. With base, dust cover and magnetic cartridge. Size 20 x 7 x 14 in.

Lenco L-60

2-speed manual turntable with belt drive, synchronous motor, 12-in., 3-lb platter. Wow and flutter 0.08 per cent, rumble -60 dB (weighted). Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. With base and dust cover. Size 10 1/4 x 12 1/2 x 6 in. Wt. 14 lbs.

Lenco L-65

2-speed automatic turntable with belt drive, synchronous motor. 12-in., 3-lb. platter. Wow and flutter 0.12 per cent, rumble -57 dB (weighted). Record size selector. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm, adjustable stylus force, anti-skatG, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. With base and dust cover. Size 10 !4 x 12% x 6 in. Wt. 15 lbs.

Lenco L-78

4-speed automatic turntable. 12%-in., 3.8-lb. platter. Variable speed control. Wow and flutter 0.12 per cent, rumble -60 dB (weighted). Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. With base and dust cover. Size18x141/4 x6% in. Wt. 26 lbs.

Lenco L-84

Two-speed automatic turntable with synchronous motor, belt drive. Wow and flutter 0.08 per cent, rumble (weighted) -60 dB. 12-in., 3.8-lb. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. Record size selector. With base and dust cover. Size 17x12x6 in. Wt. 17% lbs. 110/220 volts, 50 60 Hz.

Lenco L-90

2-speed semi-automatic turntable with synchronous motor, belt drive. Wow and flutter 0.07 per cent, rumble -63 dB (weighted). Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable tracking force, adjustable anti-skate, cuing control. With base, dust cover and Shure cartridge. 110/220 volts, 50/60 Hz.

Lenco L-833DD

Two-speed semi-automatic turntable with direct drive motor. Wow and flutter 0.06 per cent, rumble -70 dB. 12.8 in., 3%-lb. platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. With base and dust cover. Size 5 1/2 x 18 x 13 in.

Marantz 6100

Two-speed semi-automatic turntable with AC synchronous motor, belt drive. Wow and flutter 0.08 per cent, rumble (weighted) -60 dB. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. With base and dust cover.

Marantz 6150

Two-speed turntable with direct drive DC servo motor. Wow and flutter 0.045 per cent, rumble 60 dB. 12-in., 3-lb. platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. With base and dust cover. Size 18x5x 14 in. Wt. 16 lbs. 120 volt, 50 60 Hz.

Marantz 6200

Two-speed direct drive automatic turntable with AC servo motor. Wow and flutter 0.06 per cent, rumble -60 dB. 12-in. platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. With base and dust cover. Size 17% x6% x 13 in. Wt. 17 lbs.

Marantz 6300

Two-speed direct drive semiautomatic turntable with dc servo motor. Wow and flutter 0.04 per cent, rumble -55 dB. 12-in., 3-lb. platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell, low-capacitance wiring. Optically activated arm lift/shut-off mechanism. With base and dust cover. Size 17 x 7 x 15 in. 120 volt, 50/60 Hz.

Marantz 6320

Similar to Marantz 6300 but supplied without tone arm.

Marlux MX-860

Two-speed turntable with direct drive servo motor. Wow and flutter 0.04 per cent, S N ratio 58 dB. 12.2-in. platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. With base and dust cover. Size 17 x 14 x 6 in. Wt. 13 lbs. 220 volt, 50 60 Hz.

Philips GA 209

2-speed automatic turntable with DC servo motor. Two separate motors raise and lower, move tone arm laterally. Flutter and wow 0.08 per cent, rumble 65 dB (weighted). Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. 11 M? -in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate for spherical, elliptical styli. Plug-in cartridge shell, cue control. With base, dust cover. Size 17x6% x 13 in. Wt. 17 72 lbs. 110 240 volts.

Philips GA 222

2-speed automatic turntable with belt-drive DC servo motor. 1116-in., 2Vlb. platter. Wow and flutter 0.08 per cent, rumble -62 dB (weighted). Record size selector. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control. Electronic touch controls. With cartridge, aluminum base, dust cover. Size 15^6x13 in. Wt. 15V2 lbs. 100 240 volts, 50 60 Hz.

Philips GA 224

Two-speed turntable. Wow and flutter 0.2 per cent, rumble 56 dB. 10-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, cue control. With base, dust cover and ceramic cartridge. Size 14 x 41 x 11 1/2 in. Wt. 7 lbs. 110 240 volts, 50 60 Hz.

Philips GA 437

Two-speed semi-automatic turntable with synchronous motor, belt drive. Wow and flutter 0.07 per cent, rumble 60 dB, 12-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, stylus pressure indicator. With base, dust cover and Philips GP400II cartridge. Size 16v2 x5''2 x 14V4 in. 110 240 volts, 50 Hz.

Philips 22GA312

2-speed automatic turntable .with belt-drive, DC servo motor. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control. Electronic touch controls. With cartridge, base and dust cover. Size 15% x6x13 in. Wt. 15 v2 lbs. 110 240 volts, 50 60 Hz.

Philips 22GA406

2-speed automatic turntable with belt-drive, servo motor and separate motor to drive tone arm. 111'2-in. platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control. With cartridge, base and dust cover. Size 16 r2 <6x 13% in. Wt. 13 V2 lbs. 220 240 volts, 50/60 Hz.

Pioneer PL-112D

Two-speed turntable with synchronous motor, belt drive. Wow and flutter 0.07 per cent, rumble (DIN B) -63 dB. 12-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. With base and dust cover. Size 17 % x61/4 x 14% in. Wt. 13 lbs.

Pioneer PL-115D

Two-speed belt drive semiautomatic turntable with synchronous motor. Wow and flutter 0.07 per cent, S/N ratio 50 dB. 12-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell, low-capacitance wiring. With base and dust cover. Size 17% x6% x 14% in. Wt. 17% lbs.

Pioneer PL-117D

Two-speed belt drive automatic turntable with synchronous motor. Wow and flutter 0.07 per cent, S/N 50 dB. 12-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell, low capacitance wiring. With base and dust cover. Size 17% x6% x 14% in. Wt. 15V2 lbs.

Pioneer PL-510A

Two-speed turntable with direct drive DC servo motor. Wow and flutter 0.03 per cent, rumble (DIN B) -68 dB. 12-in. platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. With base, dust cover. Size 17% x6% x 14% in. Wt. 171/2 lbs.

Pioneer PL-530

Two-speed direct drive automatic turntable with dc servo motor. Wow and flutter 0.03 per cent, S/N ratio 60 dB. Variable pitch control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. Arm mechanism powered by separate motor. With base, dust cover and Pioneer PC-135 cartridge.

Pioneer PL-550

Two-speed direct drive turntable with quartz phase lock loop controlled motor. Wow and flutter 0.03 per cent, S/N ratio -70 dB (DIN B). Variable pitch control, built-in strobe display using quartz PLL referenced lighting. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. With base, dust cover, two plug-in head shells. With Pioneer PC-550E Mark II moving magnet cartridge.

Pioneer PL-550X

Similar to Pioneer PL-55C but black finish, without cartridge.

Pioneer PL-570

Two-speed automatic turntable with quartz PLL motor, separate motor operates tone arm. Wow and flutter 0.025 per cent, S/N ratio 70 dB. 12%-in. platter. Variable speed control when PLL defeated, built-in strobe display lamp driven by quartz circuitry. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. Repeat control. With base, dust cover and magnetic cartridge. Size 19%x8x15V2 in. Wt. 30 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50'60 Hz.

Pioneer PL-570X

Similar to Pioneer PL-570 but black finish, without cartridge.

Revox B 790

Two-speed automatic turntable with direct drive quartz PLL frequency generator servo motor, straight-tracking tone arm. Wow and flutter 0.05 per cent, S/N ratio 65 dB. 3 1/2 lb. platter. Variable speed control, LED digital speed readout.

Electronic braking, quick 33 1/3 / 45 rpm speed change. Counterbalanced parallel-tracking tone arm with LED/photo-transistor follow-up, 1.57-in. arm, magnetic lateral guidance, adjustable tracking force, (no anti-skate needed), cue control. Automatic return at end of record. Push-buttons control tone arm movements. Controls accessible with dust cover closed. With base, dust cover and factory installed cartridges. 110-220 volts, 50/60 Hz.

Sansui FR-1080

Two-speed automatic turntable with synchronous motor, belt drive. Wow and flutter 0.08 per cent, S/N ratio (weighted) 58 dB. 12-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. With base and dust cover. Size 17% ¦ 6 * 14% in. Wt. 17 % lbs. 120 volt, 60 Hz.

Sansui FR-5080

Two-speed direct drive automatic turntable with electronically controlled motor. Wow and flutter 0.03 per cent, rumble -70 dB (weighted). Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell, low capacitance wiring. With wood base, dust cover, dual magnet 4-channel cartridge with Shibata stylus. Size 18% x6x 15 in. Wt. 28% lbs. 110 220 volts, 50 60 Hz.

Sansui FR-5800

Two-speed automatic turntable with direct drive DC servo motor. Separate motor activates tone arm. Wow and flutter 0.03 per cent, rumble (DIN B) -70 dB. 12%-in., 3 1 10-lb. platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. Sansui SV-40X CD-4 stereo cartridge with Shibata stylus. With base, dust cover. Size 18v2x6x15 in. Wt. 28% lbs. 100 240 volts, 50 60 Hz.

Sansui SR-222

Two-speed turntable with synchronous motor, belt drive. Wow and flutter 0.07 per cent, rumble (DIN B) -60 dB. 12 in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. With base and dust cover. Size 18x5% x 14 % in. Wt. 13% lbs. 110 250 volts, 50/60 Hz.

Sansui SR-232

Two-speed semi-automatic turntable with synchronous motor, belt drive. Wow and flutter 0.07 per cent, S/N ratio 58 dB. 12-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. With base, dust cover and magnetic cartridge. Size 17 x 6 x 14 in. Wt. 11 lbs. 110/220 volts, 50/60 Hz.

Sansui SR-333

Two-speed direct drive turntable with DC servo motor. Wow and flutter 0.035 per cent, S/N ratio 70 dB. 12 V2-in... 3-lb. platter. Variable speed controls, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. With base and dust cover. Size 18x6x 15 in. W. 17% lbs.

Sansui SR-525

2-speed turntable with slow speed, electronically governed direct-drive motor. Flutter and wow 0.03 per cent, rumble -72 dB (weighted). 12-in., 3.1-lb. platter. Variable speed control and built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus pressure, adjustable anti-skate, cue control and plug-in cartridge shell. With base, dust cover and cartridge. Size 18% x 6x 15 in. Wt. 21 lbs.

Sansui SR-535

Two-speed direct drive turntable with DC servo motor. Wow and flutter 0.04 per cent, S/N ratio 65 dB. 12%-in. platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell, magnetic cartridge. With base and dust cover. 110, 240 volts, 50/60 Hz.

Sansui SR 626

2-speed turntable with DC servo motor, direct drive. Flutter and wow 0.03 per cent, rumble 64 dB (weighted). Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. 121/4-in., 3-lb. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate. Plug-in cartridge shell, cue control. With base, dust cover. Size 18% x6x 15 in. Wt. 20% lbs. 100'240 volts, 50/60 Hz.

Sansui SR-737

Two-speed direct drive automatic turntable with PLL servo motor. Wow and flutter 0.03 per cent, S/N ratio 67 dB. 12%-in. platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell, magnetic cartridge. Automatic repeat control. With base and dust cover. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.

Sansui SR-838

Two-speed direct drive turntable with quartz PLL motor. Wow and flutter 0.025 per cent, S N ratio 70 dB. 12%-in. platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control. With concrete resin basin, dust cover and magnetic cartridge. 110 240 volts, 50/60 Hz.

Sansui SR-929

Two-speed turntable with direct drive quartz phase-lock-loop controlled DC motor. Wow and flutter 0.028 per cent, rumble (DIN B) - 74 dB. 12-in., 3-lb. platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display driven by quartz oscillator. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. With resin concrete base, dust cover. Size 19%x7x15 in. Wt. 36% lbs. 100 240 volts, 50 60 Hz.

Sansui SR-5090

Two-speed automatic direct drive turntable with DC servo motor. Wow and flutter 0.038 percent, S/N ratio 67 dB. 12%-in., 3-Ib. platter. Variable speed controls, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. Memory repeat control for 1-5 or infinite replay. With base and dust cover. Size 18x6x15in. Wt. 20% lbs.

Sansui SR-7090

Two-speed automatic direct drive turntable with phase-locked-loop DC servo
motor. Wow and flutter 0.03 percent, S/N ratio 70 dB. 121/2-in., 3.7-lb. platter. Variable speed controls, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. Memory repeat control for 1-5 or infinite replay. With base and dust cover. Size 18 x 6 x 15 in. Wt. 21 lbs.

Sanyo TP-625

2-speed turntable with synchronous motor, belt drive. Flutter and wow 0.08 per cent, rumble -48 dB. 11 -in., 2.2 lb. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm, adjustable tracking force, adjustable anti-skate, cuing control. With base, dust cover, magnetic cartridge. Size 18 x 14 y2 x6Y2 in. Wt. 17 lbs. 120/ 240 volts, 50/60 Hz.

Sanyo TP-1100

Two-speed semi-automatic direct drive turntable. Wow and flutter 0.04 per cent, S/N ratio 60 dB. 12-in., 3.3-lb. platter. Variable speed controls, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell, magnetic cartridge. With base and dust cover. Size 19x6x15% in. Wt. 17V2 lbs. 115/230 volts, 50/60 Hz.

Sharp Optonica RP-2727H

Two-speed automatic direct drive turntable with frequency generator DC servo motor. Wow and flutter 0.05 per cent. Variable speed controls, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. With base and dust cover.

Sharp Optonica RP-3500H

Two-speed turntable with direct drive AC servo motor. Wow and flutter 0.04 per cent, rumble (weighted) -60 dB. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell, cartridge. Special granite/resin base, dust cover. Size 19% x7% x16V4 in. Wt. 35% lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.

Sony PS-11

Two-speed direct drive semiautomatic turntable with DC servo motor. Wow and flutter 0.03 per cent, S/N ratio 70 dB. With counterbalanced tone arm, cartridge. Size 18 x 5 x15 in.

Sony PS-1150

Two-speed belt drive automatic turntable with induction motor. Wow and flutter 0.08 per cent, S/N ratio 50 dB. 12-in. platter. With tone arm, moving magnet cartridge. With base and dust cover. Size 15 x 5 x 12 in. Wt. 13% lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.

Sony PS-1350

Two-speed semi-automatic turntable with synchronous motor, belt drive. Wow and flutter 0.06 percent, S/N ratio (DIN B) -63 dB. 12-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell, moving magnet cartridge with diamond stylus. With base and dust cover. Size 18 x 7 x 15 in. Wt. 19 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.

Sony PS 2700

Two-speed automatic turntable with synchronous motor, belt drive. Wow and flutter 0.06 per cent, rumble (weighted) -63 dB. 117/8-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell, moving magnet cartridge with diamond stylus. With base and dust cover. Size 17x6y2x15 in. Wt. 17 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.

Sony PS-3300

Two-speed direct drive semiautomatic turntable with DC servo motor. Wow and flutter 0.04 per cent, rumble 65 dB. 121 8-in. platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, moving magnet cartridge. With base and dust cover. Size 18x6x14 in. Wt. 17% lbs. 110 240 volts, 50/60 Hz.

Sony PS 3750

2-speed turntable with direct-drive DC servo motor. 123/8-in., 17/8-lb. platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. With base and dust cover. Size 6x 17 % x 141/4 in. Wt. 18 % lbs. 120 volt, 60 Hz.

Sony PS-4300

Two-speed direct-drive automatic turntable with DC servo motor. Wow and flutter 0.03 per cent, S/N ratio 70 dB (DIN B). 12-3/8-in. platter. Variable pitch control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate, cue control. Turntable has feathertouch controls. With base, dust cover and Sony VL-32G moving magnet cartridge. Size 17y2x6y2x14 in. Wt. 18% lbs. 100/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.

Sony PS 6750

2-speed turntable with magnetic-control servo motor, direct drive. Flutter and wow 0.03 per cent, rumble 70 dB (weighted). 12%-in. platter. Counterbalanced carbon fiber tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate. Plug-in cartridge shell, cue control. Oil-damped turntable mat. With base, dust cover. Size 171/2 x71/4 x 15% in. Wt.20% lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.

Sony PS-8750

2-speed semi-automatic turntable with magnetic/crystal-controlled servo motor, direct drive. Separate motor operates tone arm. Flutter and wow 0.025 per cent, rumble 70 dB (weighted). Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. 12%-in. platter. Counterbalanced carbon fiber tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, plug-in cartridge shell, cue control. Oil-damped turntable mat. With base, dust cover. Size 18 x 7 x 16 in. Wt. 31 % lbs.

Sony PS-X6

Two-speed automatic turntable with quartz PLL servo motor. Wow and flutter 0.03 per cent, S/N ratio 73 dB. With counterbalanced tone arm, magnetic cartridge. Size 18x6x15 in. Wt. 24% lbs.

Technics SL-23A

Two-speed semi-automatic turntable with frequency generator DC servo motor, belt drive. Wow and flutter 0.05 per cent, rumble 65 dB. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. 12-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control. With base and dust cover. Size 51/4 x 17 x 14 in.

Technics SL-1000 Mk II

Consists of Technics SP-10 Mk II three-speed turntable, control unit and tone arm. Turntable has quartz-controlled, phase-locked servo DC direct drive motor. Wow and flutter 0.025 per cent, rumble 70 dB. 11 %-in., 6.4-Ib. platter. Built-in quartz circuit driven strobe display. Turntable reaches full speed in % sec, stops from speed in % sec. Titanium tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, damping and height adjustments, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell, jeweled bearings. With heavy-duty base and dust cover. Size 22 x 18% x7 in. Wt. 58 lbs.

Technics SL-1300 Mk II

Two-speed direct drive automatic turntable with quartz PLL motor. Wow and flutter 0.025 per cent, rumble 73 dB. Speed variable ±9.9 per cent in 0.1 per cent increments while maintaining quartz control. LED digital speed and speed variations displays. Startup time 0.7 sec, electronic braking. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell, magnetic cartridge. Push-button controls accessible with dust cover closed. With base and dust cover.

Technics SL-1310 MK II

Similar to Technics SL-1300 Mk II but black finish.

Technics SL-1350

2-speed automatic turntable/changer with DC servo motor, direct drive. Flutter and wow 0.04 per cent, rumble -70 dB (weighted). Electronic variable speed control, built-in strobe display. 13-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate, cueing control, plug-in cartridge shell. With base, dust cover. Black finish. Size 18x14% x8 in. Wt. 21 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.

Technics SL-1400 Mk II

Two-speed direct drive semi-automatic turntable with quartz PLL motor. Wow and flutter 0.025 per cent, rumble 73 dB - Speed variable ±9.9 per cent in 0.1 per cent increments while maintaining quartz control. LED digital speed and speed variation displays. Start-up time 0.7 sec, electronic braking. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. Pushbutton controls accessible with dust cover closed. With base, dust cover and magnetic cartridge.

Technics SL-1410 Mk II

Similar to Technics SL-1400Mk II but black finish.

Technics SL-1510 Mk II

Two-speed direct drive turntable with quartz PLL motor. Wow and flutter 0.025 per cent, rumble 73 dB. Speed variable ±9.9 per cent in 0.1 per cent increments while maintaining quartz control. LED digital speed and speed variation displays. Start-up time 0.7 sec, electronic braking. Counterblanaced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. Push-button controls accessible with dust cover closed. Black finish.

Technics SL-1600

Two-speed direct drive automatic turntable with frequency generator DC servo motor. Wow and flutter 0.35 per cent, rumble 73 dB. 13-in. platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display, counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell, magnetic cartridge. With base and dust cover. Size 5 x 18 > 14 v2 in. Wt. 20 j lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.

Technics SL-1610

Similar to Technics SL-1600 but black finish.

Technics SL-1700

Two-speed direct drive semi-automatic turntable with frequency generator DC servo motor. Wow and flutter 0.025 per cent, rumble 73 dB. 13-in. platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell, magnetic cartridge. Size 5x18x141/2 in. Wt. 19'/2 lbs. 110 240 volts, 50 60 Hz.

Technics SL-1710

Similar to Technics SL-1700 but black finish.

Technics SL-1810

Two-speed direct drive turntable with DC motor. Wow and flutter 0.25 per cent, rumble 73 dB. 13-in. platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell, magnetic cartridge. With base and dust cover. Size 18x5x14% in. Wt. MV2 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.

Technics SL-1900

Two-speed direct drive automatic turntable with frequency generator DC servo motor. 12-in. platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell, magnetic cartridge. Repeat/continuous play control. With base and dust cover. Size 5/4 x 17 x 13 in.

Technics SL-1910

Similar to Technics SL-1900 but black finish.

Technics SL-1950

Two-speed direct drive automatic turntable/changer with frequency generator servo motor. 12-in. platter. Variable speed controls, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell, magnetic cartridge. Repeat continuous play control. With base and dust cover. Size 7 x 17 x 14 in. 110 240 volts, 50 60 Hz.

Technics SL-1960

Similar to Technics SL-1950 but black finish.

Technics SL-2000

2-speed turntable with direct-drive DC servo motor. Wow and flutter 0.045 per cent, rumble -70 dB (DIN B). 12-in. platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell, magnetic cartridge. Black finish. With base and dust cover. Size 17 x 5 x 13 in. Wt. 13 1/2 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.

Thorens TD 126 Mk II

Three-speed semiautomatic turntable with electronically controlled synchronous motor, belt drive. Wow and flutter 0.04 per cent, rumble (DIN B) -70 dB. 12-in., 7.4 lb. platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced ultra-light tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. Electronic velocity-sensing auto stop/arm lift system. Light-touch push-button speed and cue controls. With base, dust cover. Size 20 x 15 1/2 x 6 in. Wt. 34 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.

Thorens TD 145 Mk II

Two-speed semiautomatic turntable with belt drive, synchronous motor. Wow and flutter 0.06 per cent, rumble (DIN B) -65 dB. 12-in., 7.4-lb. platter. Counterbalanced ultra-light tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell, CD-4 stereo cartridge. Electronic velocity-sensing auto stop/arm lift system. With base and dust cover. Size 17x14x6 in. Wt. 20 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.

Thorens TD 166 Mk II

Two-speed turntable with belt drive, synchronous motor. Wow and flutter 0.06 per cent, rumble (DIN B) -65 dB. 12-in., 6-lb. platter. Counterbalanced ultra-light tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. With base and dust cover. Size 17x14x6 in. Wt. 19 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.

Toshiba SR-220

Two-speed semi-automatic belt drive turntable with synchronous motor. Wow and flutter 0.08 per cent, S/N ratio 48 dB. 12-in., 2.4-lb. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable tracking force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell, magnetic cartridge. With base and dust cover. Size 18 x 14 V2 x61/2 in. Wt. 17 lbs. 220/240 volts, 50 Hz.

Toshiba SR-230

Two-speed belt drive semiautomatic turntable with synchronous motor. Wow and flutter 0.09 per cent, S, N ratio 48 dB. 12-in., 2.2-lb. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell, magnetic cartridge. With base and dust cover. Size 17!/2 x14y2 x6 in. Wt. 14V2 lbs. 120 volt, 60 Hz.

Toshiba SR-355

Two-speed direct drive turntable with DC servo motor. Wow and flutter 0.04 per cent, S/N ratio 60 dB. 12 ^2-in., 31/2-lb. platter. Variable pitch control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell, low-capacitance wiring. With base, dust cover. Size 18 V2 x 14 y2 x7V2 in. Wt. 26 V2 lbs. 120 volts, 60 Hz.

Toshiba SR-370

Two-speed direct drive turntable with DC servo motor. Variable speed controls, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable tracking force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. 220/240 volts, 50 Hz. Wt. 33 lbs.

Toshiba SR-A230

Two-speed semi-automatic turntable with synchronous motor. Wow and flutter 0.06 per cent, S/N ratio 50 dB. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell, magnetic cartridge. With base and dust cover. Size 18 x 4 v2 x 14 in. Wt. 10 lbs. 220 240 volts, 50 Hz.

Toshiba SR-F330

Two-speed automatic turntable with servo motor. Wow and flutter 0.05 per cent, S N ratio 55 dB. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell, magnetic cartridge. With base and dust cover. Size 18x6x 14 in. Wt. 15 % lbs. 220 240 volts, 50 Hz.

Toshiba SR-F430

Two-speed automatic turntable with direct drive servo motor. Wow and flutter 0.03 per cent, S N ratio 60 dB. 2%-lb. platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. Single play repeat control. With base and dust cover. Size 18^6% x 14 in. Wt. 20 lbs. 220 240 volts, 50 Hz.

Toshiba SR-255

Two-speed turntable with direct drive DC servo motor. Wow and flutter 0.05 per cent, rumble - 60 dB. 13-in., 2 ' 2 -1 b. platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. With base, dust cover. Size 18x6V4 x 14 in. Wt. 17% lbs. 120 volts, 60 Hz.

Transcriptor Transcriptor Reference Hydraulic

Two speed turntable with synchronous motor, belt drive. Main platter bearing assembly uses silicon fluid, vane assembly to provide hydraulic-type pitch control. Wow and flutter 0.06 per cent. 12-in., 9-lb. platter. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with jeweled, fluid-bearing pivot, adjustable tracking force, adjustable anti-skate, cue control. Clear plastic housing. Size 17 % x 17 x 7 in.

Transcriptor Reference Electronic

Similar to Transcriptor Reference Hydraulic turntable except has electronically- controlled motor.

Transcriptor Prisma

Similar to Transcriptor Reference Hydraulic turntable except with glass base.

Yamaha YP400

Two-speed semi-automatic turntable with synchronous motor, belt drive. Wow and flutter 0.08 per cent, rumble -48 dB. 12-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell, vertical magnetic cartridge with diamond stylus. With base and dust cover. Size 17% x6x 15 in. Wt. 18% lbs.

Yamaha YP-701

2-speed semi-automatic turntable with synchronous motor and belt drive. Flutter and wow 0.08 per cent, S ' N ratio 48 dB. 12-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus pressure, adjustable anti-skate, cue control and plug in cartridge shell. With base and dust cover. Size 19x16% x6Vfc in. Wt. 20% lbs.

Yamaha YP-800

2-speed turntable with slow-speed, electronically governed direct-drive motor. Flutter and wow 0.03 per cent, S 7N ratio 60 dB. 12-in., 4.4 lbs. platter. Variable speed control and built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus pressure, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell and low-capacitance wiring. With base and dust cover. Size 19x7 x 14V2 in. Wt.27% lbs. 117 volts, 50 60 Hz.

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