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"off duty" 1970 - 1997 - eine Freizeit-Zeitung für's US-Militär

Die in diesem amerikanischen (Freizeit-) Shopping-Magazin angepriesenen Hifi- und Video-Produkte waren auschließlich amerikanischen und kanadischen Militärangehörigen zugänglich - also zu kaufen - und vor allem zu ganz ungewöhnlich (verblüffend) niedrigen US $ Military-Preisen. Zu der einführenden "off duty" Seite geht es hier lang. -  Um 1970 begann der weltweite Hifi-Boom bis zum 1. Crash 1978 und dann wieder zum 2.Crash um 1990. Über die 20 Jahre nach 2001 lesen Sie mehr in den Kolumnen auf diesen japanischen Seiten.


Hier ist die Liste der Hifi-Spezialgeräte aus dem Januar 1973

Diese Bezeichnung ist verwirrend, denn Vorverstärker und Endstufen waren in unseren Augen keine Spezialgeräte mehr. In den nachfolgenden Magazinen wurden die dann auch bei den Receivern zusammen mit den Tunern mit aufgelistet. Bemerkenswert ist, daß immer noch viele amerikanische Geräte hier in Europa und in Deutschland nur mit ihren 110 Volt angeboten wurden, und somit einen brummenden Vorschalttrafo von 220 auf 110 Volt erzwangen.

Anmerkung :

Die vielen Seiten mit Spezifikationen und Texten sind automatisch eingescannt und automatisch OCR bearbeitet. Das Korrigieren der verhunzten Bandgeschwindigkeiten und Abmessungen macht bei der Menge keinen Sinn, es ist einfach zuviel Arbeit.


Beschreibung der Geräte vom Jan. 1973

Hier werden die Gerätebeschreibungen ohne weitere Korrektur der fehlerhhaften OCR Wandlung aufgeführt. Allein die Hersteller und die Modellnamen sind korrigiert.



  • Advent Model 100A Noise Reduction Unit - Record/playback control center with Dolby B-type noise reduction system. Record section has line preamplifier and Dolby recording system with provision for plug-in microphone preamplifier. Playback section has Dolby playback system and line preamplifier. Controls for input level, record and playback levels. Built-in calibration oscillator and meters. Front-panel headphone jack. Dolby FM broadcast mode for use with FM tuners. Source-tape monitor switches. Defeatable multiplex filter. Harmonic distortion 0.5 per cent. Noise reduction 3 dB at 600 Hz, 10 dB above 4k Hz. Input impedance 50K ohms, output level 1.0 volt into 1K ohm. Size 13x5x8% in. Case optional.




  • Advocate Model 101 Noise Reduction Unit - Tape recording control center with Dolby B-type noise reduction system. Has one stereo section which may be switched from record to playback mode. Record level controls for each channel. Built-in calibration meter and oscillator. Multiplex filter. Harmonic distortion 0.4 per cent, noise reduction 3 dB at 600 Hz, 10 dB above 4k Hz. Input impedance 50K ohms, output impedance 100 ohms. Size 12%x7x21/2 in. Wt. 9 lbs. Wood end panels.




  • Altec 771 -BX - Electronic crossover and dual channel amplifier. Contains two monaural amplifiers and electronic crossover with crossover frequencies at 500 or 800 Hz. Power output 60 and 30 watts RMS into 8 ohms with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion at all frequencies 20-20k Hz. Frequency response 20-20k Hz ±0.5 dB. Hum and noise -80 dB. Unit is designed to be installed in speaker cabinet and has built-in sensing circuit which turns on amplifiers in the presence of an input signal. Size 6)4x10x9 in. 110-220 volts ac.
  • Altec 729A Acousta-Voicette - Active stereo equalizer. Twenty-four, one-third octave controls per channel covering frequencies from 63 to 12.5k Hz. Maximum equalization -14 dB. Built-in preamplifiers with adjustable gain, frequency response 20-20k Hz ±1 dB, harmonic distortion 0.5 per cent. Tape monitor switch. Size I8/2X 53/4x7 in. 110-220 volts ac.




  • Amcron IC 150 - Stereo preamplifier console. Frequency response 3-100k Hz ±0.6 dB. Hum and noise -80 dB (phono input). Harmonic distortion unmeasureable, IM distortion 0.01 per cent. Output voltage 2.5 volts into 600 ohms. Inputs 5 high level plus two equalized phono. High and low frequency filters. Defeatable loudness circuit. Continuously variable mono/stereo/stereo-reverse control. Size 5%x1 7x8 in. Wt. 10 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  • Amcron D-60 Power Amplifier -Stereo power amplifier. Power output 30 watts RMS per channel into 8 ohms (both channels operating). Frequency response 20-20k Hz ±0.1 dB at 30 watts. IM distortion 0.3 per cent. Hum and noise -100 dB. Load impedance 4-16 ohms. Front panel controls include individual channel volume controls and power switch. Front panel headphone jack. Size 19x13/4x73/4 in. Wt. 8/2 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  • Amcron D-150 Power Amplifier -Stereo power amplifier. Power output 90 watts RMS per channel into 8 ohms (both channels operating). Frequency response 20-20k Hz ±0.1 dB (at 1 watt). IM distortion 0.1 per cent. Hum and noise -100 dB. Load impedance 4-16 ohms. Input level controls on rear of unit. Size 1 7x51/4x9 in. Wt. 1 6 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  • Amcron DC-300 Power Amplifier. -Stereo power amplifier. Power output 170 watts RMS per channel (both channels operating) into 8 ohms. Frequency response (at one watt) 0-100k Hz ±0.6 dB. IM distortion 0.1 percent. Hum and noise -100 dB. Front panel controls include individual channel volume controls, power switch and DC balance controls behind front panel. Output impedance4-1 6 ohms. Overall amplifiergain (into 8 ohms) 26 dB. Size 19x7x9% in. Wt. 40 lbs. 110-220 volts.




  • Dynaco PAT-4 - Stereo preamplifier. Frequency response 10-100k Hz ±0.5 dB (High level input). Hum and noise -70 dB (phono input). Harmonic distortion 0.05 per cent, IM distortion 0.05 per cent. Gain 54 dB (phono input), 20 dB (aux input). High and low frequency filters. Defeatable loudness circuit. Front panel input and output jacks. Size 13/2x4/4x9 in. Wt. 10 lbs. 110-220 volts. Kit or assembled.
  • Dynaco Stereo 120 - Stereo power amplifier. Power output 60 watts RMS per channel into 8 ohms with 0.25 per cent harmonic distortion at any frequency 20-20k Hz. IHF power bandwidth 5-50k Hz. IM distortion 0.5 per cent. Hum and noise -95 dB (unweighted). Input impedance 100K ohms. Load impedance 4-16 ohms. Size 1 3x 101/2x4 in. Wt. 20 lbs. 110-220 volts. Kit or assembled.
  • Dynaco QD-1 Quadapter - Junction box for Dynaquad 4-channel system. Contains passive circuit to de-matrix 4-channel effect from stereo material. May be connected to any stereo amplifier or receiver which can have outputs connected to a common ground. Unit has electrical null balance circuit, front speakers only mode and rear speaker volume control. Kit or assembled.




  • Electro-Voice EVX-4 - Four channel decoder for Electro-Voice Stereo-4 encoded material. Unit connects ahead of power amplifier or in tape monitor circuit of control amplifier. Frequency response 10-100k Hz, Harmonic distortion 0.15 per cent, IM distortion 0.25 per cent. Input impedance 50k ohms, output impedance 3k ohms. Unity gain. Master gain/power switch plus function switch. Size 2/2x51/4x7 in.




  • Fisher K-10 Dynamic Spacexpander - Tube-type reverberation preamplifier. Unit connects between preamp and power amp or into tape monitor circuit. Uses Hammond electro-mechanical reverb unit. Variable reverberation strength. Three tubes including rectifier.




  • Harman-Kardon Citation Eleven - Stereo preamplifier-equalizier. Frequency response 5-1 25k Hz±0.5 dB. Harmonic distortion 0.05 per cent, IM distortion 0.05 per cent. Hum and noise -65 dB (phono input, unweighted). Four outputs, six inputs (2 phono), high and low frequency filters. Two front panel low impedance headphone jacks and speaker selection system in conjunction with power amp. Audio equalizer has five sliding controls which vary selected frequencies (60, 320, 1k, 5k and 12k Hz) ±12 dB. Two tape monitor circuits. Recommended output load 10k ohms. Size 16x4%x12 in. Wt. 20 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  • Harman-Kardon Citation Twelve -Stereo power amplifier. Power output 60 watts per channel into 8 ohms (both channels driven) with 0.2 per cent harmonic distortion at any frequency 20-20k Hz. Frequency response 1-70k Hz ±0.5 dB at 1 watt. IM distortion 0.15 percent. Hum and noise-100 dB. Input impedance 30k ohms. Dual power supplies. Size 51/2x1 21/2x1 2% in. Wt. 30 lbs. 110-220 volts.




  • Howland West De Luxe - Passive switching system. Controls output of stereo amplifier into two stereo speaker systems. Separate channel level controls for one set of speakers. Headphone jack. Teak-finish wood cabinet. Size 6x2x3 in. Wt. 17 oz.
  • Howland-West Headphone Control - passive switching system. Controls output of stereo amplifier into two sets of headphones and one set stereo speakers. Individual channel level controls for both headsets. On/off speaker switch. Teak-finish wood cabinet. Size 6x3x3 in. Wt. 18 oz.
  • Howland-West Tri-Channel Control - Passive switching system. Controls output of stereo amplifier into three sets of stereo speakers. On/off controlsfor all speakers plus individual channels level controls for each system. Teak-finish wood cabinet. Size 12x 3/4x3/4 in. Wt. 34 oz.
  • Howland-West Multi-Control Mk II - Passive switching system. Controls output of stereo amplifier into two sets of stereo speakers and two sets of stereo headphones. Separate volume controls for each channel of speaker or headphone set. Function control. Two front-panel headphone jacks. Teak-finish wood cabinet. Size 12x3/4x3/4 in. Wt. 2 lbs.




  • JVC-Nivico MCP105E - Stereo preamplifier-equalizer. Frequency response 18-50k Hz ±0.5 dB. Hum and noise -80 dB (Phono input, weighted). Input impedance 80k ohms. Rumble filter and pink noise generator for phase and level checks. Equalizer section has controls to vary response ±10 dB at peak frequencies (40/60, 150, 400, 1 k Hz, 2.4k, 6k and 1 5k Hz). Two tape monitor circuits and 20 dB volume attenuation switch. Size 5/2x17x11 /2 in. Wt. 1 9 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  • JVC-Nivico MCM105E - Stereo power amplifier. Power output 50 watts RMS per channel into 8 ohms. Harmonic distortion 0.07 per cent, IM distortion 0.15 per cent. Hum and noise -110 dB. Input impedance 120k ohms, load impedance 4-16 ohms. Remote speaker output, front panel headphone jack. Variable damping factor for 8 ohm loads. Dual VU meters with meter sensitivity control. Size 5/2x8/2x12/2 in. Wt. 17 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  • JVC-Nivico SEA-100E - Equalizer preamplifier. Harmonic distortion 0.1 per cent. Output voltage 1 volt. Five controls vary response ±10 dB at peak frequencies (60, 250, 1k, 5k and 15k Hz). Bypass switch. Size 5x4/2x11/2 in. Wt. 7 lbs.
  • JVC-Nivico 5100 - 4-channel add-on rear-channel amplifier. Power output 26 watts RMS per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 20-50k Hz, power bandwidth 30-30k Hz. Intermodulation distortion 0.8 per cent. Built-in matrix decoder to enhance stereo material. Five-frequency equalizer which varies response ±12 dB at peak frequencies (40, 250, 1k, 5k and 15k Hz). Front-panel jack for remote 4-channel balance/volume control. Walnut-finish wood cabinet. Size 5/2x10/2x14/4 in. Wt. 18 lbs. 110-220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  • JVC-Nivico 4DD-5 - CD-4 4-channel demodulator. Add-on unit to be placed between turntable and amplifier to decode CD-4 (Quadradisc) type 4-channel material. Frequency response 20-16k Hz. S/N ratio 60 dB. Metal cabinet. Size 3/2x7x123/4 in. Wt. 5 lbs.
  • JVC-Nivico ECA-102 - Reverberation preamplifier. Frequency response (without reverberation) 20-40k Hz ±2 dB. S/N ratio 70 dB. Harmonic distortion 0.2 per cent. Variable reverberation time (0-3 sec). Two tape monitor circuits. Microphone input and mic/line mixer. 4-channel circuitry. Illuminated reverberation time display. Walnut-finish wood cabinet. Size 6x93/4x133/4 in. Wt. 10 lbs.




  • Kenwood KM-8002 - Stereo power amplifier. Power output 55 watts RMS per channel into 8 ohms (both channels driven) with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion at any frequency 20-20k Hz. Frequency response 20-50k Hz. IM distortion 0.3 per cent. Input impedance 50k ohms, load impedance 4-16 ohms. Outputs for two sets of remote speakers. Front panel headphone jack. Speaker phase-reverse switches. Any/all/phones speaker switch. Low frequency filter. Size 1 5/2x5/4x101/2 in. Wt. 23 lbs. 1 1 0-220 volts.
  • Kenwood KA-3344 - 4-channel decoder/rear-channel amplifier. Matrix decoder plus stereo amplifier to drive rear channel speakers. Power output 10 watts RMS per channel into 8 ohms (one channel driven) with 0.9 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 25-30k Hz ±2 dB (aux input). Load impedance 4-16 ohms. Defeat-able loudness circuit. Master volume control. Unit has built-in electronic crossover circuit for use with multi-channel speaker system. Front panel headphone jack. Size 16%x4%x 12 in. Wt. 16/ lbs. 1 10-220 volts.
  • Kenwood KSQ-400 - 4-channel matrix decoder/rear-channel amplifier. Power output 10 watts RMS per channel into 8 ohms at all frequencies, both channels driven, with 0.6 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 20-20k Hz±1 dB.S/N ratio 100dB (high level). Built-in SQ and regular matrix decoder circuits. Connections for auxiliary decoders. Tape monitor circuit. Walnut-finish wood cabinet. Size 1 3/4x4/4x1 OK in. Wt. 11 lbs. 110-220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  • Kenwood KSQ-20 - 4-channel matrix decoder. Designed for use between preamp and power amp (or in tape monitor circuit). Built-in SQ and regular matrix decoder circuits. 4-channel tape monitor circuit. Frequency response 20-20k Hz ±1 dB. S/N ratio 100 dB. Walnut-finish wood cabinet. Size 13/4x4/4x10/4 in. Wt. 8 lbs. 110-220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  • Kenwood KF-8011 - Stereo synamic noise filter. Electronically changes degree of noise filtration depending upon strength of input signal. Frequency response without filters 10-80k Hz ±0.5 dB. Harmonic distortion 0.09 per cent. Hum and noise -75 dB. Input impedance 50k ohms, load impedance 1k ohms. Four selectable filtration frequencies 3.5k, 5.5k, 8k and 12k Hz. Noise reduction 0 dB with 0 dB input level, 15 dB with -50 dB input level. Dual VU meters. Tape monitor switch. Size 1 6/4x5x11 in. Wt. 14 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  • Kenwood KC-6060 - Solid state audio test unit with oscilloscope. Frequency response of oscilloscope amplifiers 3-200k Hz, input impedance 250k ohms. Sweep frequency 10-100k Hz with internal synchronization. Internal 1 k Hz oscillator fortestsignal. Connections for testing, stereo display and multipath display. Size 16/x5x11 in. Wt. 17 lbs.




  • Marantz 3300 - Stereo preamplifier. Frequency response 6-80k Hz ±0, -3 dB. Harmonic distortion 0.02 per cent. High and low-frequency filters with selectable frequencies. Defeatable loudness circuit. Two tape monitor circuits. Inputs: microphone, phono (2), tuner, auxiliary (2). Front-panel dubbing and headphone jacks. Center-channel output. Built-in speaker control circuit. Walnut-finish cabinet optional. Size 15/2x 53/4x83/4 in. Wt. 14 lbs. 1 10-220 volts.
  • Marantz 250 - Stereo power amplifier. Power output 125 watts RMS per channel into 8 ohms at any frequency, both channels driven, with 0.1 percent harmonicdistortion. Frequency response 2-100k Hz ±1.5 dB. Intermodulation distortion 0.1 percent. S/N ratio 106 dB. Two VU meters with variable sensitivity. Walnut-finish cabinet optional. Size 15/2x6x9/2 in. Wt. 28 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  • Marantz 500 - Stereo power amplifier. Power output 250 watts RMS per channel into 8 ohms at any frequency, both channels driven, with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 2-100k Hz ±1.5 dB. Intermodulation distortion 0.1 per cent. S/N ratio 110 dB. Two VU meters, front-panel input and output connections, power limiting and level controls. Size 17%x7x16 in. Wt. 78 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  • Marantz 2440 Quadradial 4 Adaptor - 4-channel matrix decoder/rear-channel amplifier. Power output 20 watts RMS per channel into 8 ohms at any frequency, both channels driven, with 0.1 5 percent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 15-80k Hz ±2 dB. Intermodulation distortion 0.3 per cent. Built-in regular matrix 4-channel decoder with socket for optional SQ decoder unit. Four VU meters, 4-channel tape monitor circuit, jack for optional 4-channel balance/ volume remote control, remote rear-channel speaker output. Front-panel rear-channel headphone jack. Walnut-finish cabinet optional. Size 17x5x14 in.




  • Pioneer SC-700 - Stereo preamplifier. Frequency response 10-60k Hz ±1 dB. Harmonic distortion 0.05 per cent, hum and noise -80 dB (phono input, IHF). Recommended load impedance 20K ohms. Front panel jack for low-impedance headphones. Speaker muting switch. Five inputs (2 phono) Maximum output voltage 4 volts. Size 11%x 4/2x10 in. Wt. 13 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  • Pioneer QC-800 - 4-channel preamplifier. Frequency response 10-70k Hz±1 dB. Output voltage 4 volts. Matrixand phase-type decoding networks. High and low frequency filters. Individual channel volume controls plus master gain control. Two tape monitor circuits. Speaker muting switch. Five inputs (2 phono). Front panel headphonejacks. Size 17x53/4x131/4 in. Wt. 17 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  • Pioneer SM-700 - Stereo power amplifier. Power output 27 watts per channel into 8 ohms (both channels driven) with 0.05 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 15-60k Hz ±0.5 dB. Hum and noise -100dB. Input impedance 65K ohms, output load 4-16 ohms. Center channel output. Remote speaker output. Speaker phase switches, input level selector and remote speaker switch. Size 1 13/4x45/8x 10 in. Wt. 15 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  • Pioneer QM-800 - 4-channel power amplifier. Power output 25 watts RMS per channel into 8 ohms (four channels driven). Harmonic distortion 0.5 per cent. Frequency response 10-50k Hz. Four VU meters with meter range switch. Input level control. Load impedance 4-1 6 ohms. Size 1 7x53/4x1 31/4 in. Wt. 26 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  • Pioneer QL-600 - Solid state 4-channel decoder/rear-channel amplifier. Handles discrete 4-channel, matrix decoder and phase decoder. Inputs for stereo and 4-channel tape recorders. Power output 10 watts RMS per channel into 8 ohms (both channels driven). Harmonic distortion 0.5 per cent. Power bandwidth 20-20k Hz (IHF). Individual volume controls for four channels plus master gain control. Size 1 7x5%x1 2/4 in. Wt. 1 7 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  • Pioneer SR-202W - Stereo reverberation preamplifier. Frequency response 20-35k Hz ±2 dB, harmonic distortion 0.2 percent, hum and noise -65 dB. Output voltage 330 mV into 10k ohms. Reverberation time 0 to 2.5 sec. Input impedance 300k ohms. Record playback connections for two tape recorders. Unit designed for connection in tape monitor circuit of amplifier. Size 13x5/2x10/2 in. Wt. 13 lbs.
  • Pioneer SF-700 - Solid state stereo electronic crossover. Designed to be connected in front of power amp and used to divide
  • audio spectrum for bi-amp or tri-amp speaker system. Input impedance 100k ohms, recommended load impedance 20k ohms. Harmonic distortion 0.3 per cent. Selectable cut-off slope rate of 6, 12 or 18 dB per octave. Selectable low frequency crossover (125, 250, 500, 700 and 1 k Hz) and high frequency crossover (1k, 2k, 4, 6k and 8k Hz). Center channel output. Size 1 1 %x4/2x1 0 in. Wt. 1 2 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  • Pioneer SD-1000 - Audio test unit with oscilloscope. Oscilloscope amplifier frequency response 5-200k Hz -3 dB. Input impedance 190k ohms. Internal synch with 10-1 00k Hz sweep range. Internal test oscillator with 20-20k Hz range and auto-sweep mode which automatically sweeps from 20 to 20k Hz every 25 seconds. Front panel microphone jack and mic preamplifier for acoustic measurements. Connections for FM multi path display. Size 17x53/4x133/4 in. Wt. 20 lbs. 110-220 volts.




  • SAE Mark Nine - Stereo preamplifier /equalizer. Frequency response 10-1 00k Hz ±0.25 dB (aux input). Harmonic distortion 0.02 per cent, IM distortion 0.02 per cent, S/N ratio 75 dB (phono input). Gain 62 dB (phono), 20 dB (aux input). Maximum output voltage 18 volts (hi-Z). Output impedance 600 ohms. Five controls vary response ±16 dB at peak frequencies (80, 320, 1280, 5k and 15k Hz). Four inputs (2 phono). Tape monitor circuit. Front panel headphone jack.
  • SAE Mark One - Stereo preamplifier/ equalizer. Frequency response 10-100k Hz ±0.25 dB (aux input). Harmonic distortion 0.02 per cent, IM distortion 0.02 per cent, S/N ratio 75 dB (phono input). Gain 62 dB (phono), 20 dB (aux input). Maximum output voltage 1 8 volts (into Hi-Z). Output impedance 600 ohms. Two microphone inputs. Front panel headphone jack. Gain selector. Tape recorder dubbing circuit. Equalizer section provides ±15 variance in one low frequency (60, 120, 220 or 320) and one high frequency (2.5k, 5, 10k or 15k). Size 1 7x10/2x53/4 in. Wt. 18 lbs.
  • SAE Mark Four-B - Stereo power amplifier. Power output 60 watts RMS per channel into 8 ohms (both channels driven) with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion at any frequency 20-20k Hz. Frequency response at 60 watts 20-20kHz±0.1 dB. Hum and noise-100dB. IM distortion 0.1 per cent. Input impedance 100k ohms. Front panel level controls. Size 17x133/4x53/4 in. Wt. 32 lbs.
  • SAE Mark Two-B - Stereo power amplifier. Same as SAE Mark Four B except 90 watts RMS per channel. Wt. 43 lbs.
  • SAE Mark Three-A - Stereo power amplifier. Same as SAE Mark Four-B except 1 20 watts RMS per channel. Wt. 43 lbs.
  • SAE Mark Three - Stereo power amplifier. Power output 1 20 watts RMS per channel into 8 ohms (both channels driven) with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion at any frequency 20-20k Hz. Frequency response 20-20k Hz ±0.1 dB at 120 watts. Hum and noise -100 dB, IM distortion 0.1 per cent. IHF power bandwidth 8-50k Hz. Input impedance 100k ohms. Dual VU meters with meter range controls. Front panel level controls. Dual power supplies. Size 1 7x1 5x5% in. Wt. 45 lbs.
  • SAE Mark Seven - Active audio (stereo) equalizer. Eleven controls vary response ±16 dB at peak frequencies (40, 80, 160, 320, 640, 1280, 2.5k, 5k, 10k, 15k and 20k Hz). Unequalized frequency response 20-20k Hz ±0.25 dB. Harmonic distortion 0.05 per cent, IM distortion 0.05 per cent, S/N ratio 90 dB. Insertion loss 1 dB. Input impedance 100k ohms, output impedance 600 ohms. Size 17x7x53/4 in. Wt. 16 lbs.




  • Sansui QS-1 - 4-channel decoder/synthesizer. May be used as discrete 4-channel control unit, matrix decoder and to produce 4-channel effect with stereo material. Frequency response 20-20k Hz ±1 dB. Inputs and outputs for stereo and 4-channel tape recorders. Connects to monitor circuit of amplifier-requires additional power amplifier for complete 4-channel. Four VU meters and function controls. Size 5x1 5%x11 in. Wt. 13 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  • Sansui QS-100 - 4-channel decoder/ rear-channel amplifier. Power output 15 watts RMS per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 20-50k Hz ±1 dB at 1 watt. IHF power bandwidth 25-40k Hz. Hum and noise -80 dB, IM distortion 1.0 per cent. 4-channel section handles discrete sources, has matrix decoder and 4-channel effect circuit. Remote output for extra set of rear speakers. Four VU meters. Tape monitor circuit. Size 10x5x1 1 in. Wt. 11 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  • Sansui QS-500 - 4-channel decoder/ rear-channel amplifier. Power output 33 watts RMS per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 20-50k Hz ±1 dB at 1 watt. Hum and noise -80 dB, IM distortion 0.5 per cent. 4-channel section has matrix decoder, circuit to create 4-channel effect with stereo material and handles discrete 4-channel material. Decoder output 775 mV. to front amp. Four VU meters. Inputs for stereo and 4-channel tape recorders. Tape monitor circuit. Size 15x6/2x13/4 in. Wt. 22 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  • Sansui RA-500 - Stereo reverberation preamplifier. To be connected in front of power amp or in tape monitor circuit. Frequency response 20-30k Hz±2 dB. Harmonic distortion 0.2 per cent. S/N ratio 65 dB. Input impedance 200k ohms, load impedance 100k ohms. Maximum input voltage 3V. Inputs and outputs for two tape recorders. Variable reverberation time. Size 6/2x12x 10/2 in. Wt. 12 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  • Sansui ECA-3 - Stereo electronic cross-overand four channel power amplifier. Incorporates electronic crossover system and two stereo power amplifiers for use with bi amp speaker system. Power output of amplifiers 20 and 28 watts RMS per channel into 8 ohms. Harmonic distortion 0.3 per cent. Frequency response 20-60k Hz ±1 dB at one watt. IM distortion 0.3 per cent, hum and noise -80 dB. Load impedance 4-16 ohms. 110-220 volts.
  • Sansui PA-100 - Monaural public address amplifier. Power output 40 watts RMS into 8 ohms with 3.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 100-10k Hz ±0, -3 dB. S/N ratio 60 dB. Built-in output matching transformer with taps for 4, 8, 1 6, 125 and 250 ohms. VU meter. High and low-frequency filters. Inputs: microphone (3), phono, auxiliary (2) with front-panel jacks. Built-in monitor speaker. Size 5x1 7/x 11/4 in. Wt. 24 lbs. 1 10-220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.




  • Shure M64-2E - Solid state stereo preamplifier. Compact phono/mic/tape head preamplifier. Frequency response 20-20k Hz ±2 dB. Switchable equalization for phono and tape. Harmonic distortion 1.0 per cent. High and low level outputs. Size 5/2x2/2x4/2 in. Wt. 2 lbs. 11 0-220 volts ac.
  • Shure M63-2E Audio Control Center -Compact monaural preamplifier/equalizer. Frequency response 20-20k Hz ±2 dB. Harmonic distortion 1.0 per cent. Five outputs including 600 ohm line and headphone. S/N ratio 68 dB. Two inputs with 50k ohms impedance. Equalizer section has high and low frequency filters and high and low roll-off filters with 6 dB per octave roll-off rate. Selectable roll-off frequencies. Size 11 /x 21/2x5/4 in. Wt. 4 lbs. 220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  • Shure M67-2E Microphone Mixer -Four-input microphone mixer. Frequency response 20-20k Hz ±2 dB. Harmonic distortion 1.0 per cent. Inputs: microphone (4), line (bridging and termination). Outputs: line, microphone and headphone. Metal case. Size 2/2x11/2x7/2 in. Wt. 5 lbs. 220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  • Shure M675 Broadcast Master - Four-input line/mic mixer. Frequency response 20-20k Hz ±2 dB. Inputs: phono/line (2), line (2). All input controls have "cue" position. Internal cue and program speaker. Size 2/2x11/2x7/2 in.
  • Shure M68-2E Microphone Mixer - Five-input microphone mixer. Frequency response 40-20k Hz ±3 dB. Hum and noise -70 dB. Master volume control. Inputs: microphone (4-switchable high or low impedance), line. Outputs: line (high or low impedance), line (high Z). Metal case. Size 2/2x11/2x5% in. Wt. 4 lbs. 110-220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  • Shure M688E Mixer - Solid state stereo microphone mixer. Frequency response 40-20k Hz ±3 dB. Harmonic distortion 1.0 per cent. Gain 59 dB. Accommodates four high or low impedance microphones. Pan control switches one microphone from one channel to another. Four outputs with different impedances. Size 2/2x11 J4x7 in. Wt. 5 lbs. 220 volts ac or 30 volts dc.
  • Shure VA-302E6 - Solid state professional sound system. Designed for use by performing groups in large areas. Power output 100 watts RMS with 5.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 50-10k Hz ±3 dB. Hum and noise -60 dB. Six input channels each with tone and reverb controls. Four anti-feedback filters. VU meter. Reverb control circuitry. Each speaker column has two 10-in woofers and four 8-in tweeters. Size: speaker column 62%x15%x 8% in, amplifier 8/>x25x14% in. Total system wt. 1 1 1 lbs. 220 volts.




  • Sony TA-2000F - Stereo-preamplifier. Frequency response 20-100k Hz -2 dB (Aux input). Harmonic distortion 0.3 per cent. IM distortion 0.05 per cent. S/N ratio 70 dB (phono input). High level input impedance 100k ohms. Nine inputs, five outputs. Front panel jacks for mic input, aux input, head-phoneand line output. High and lowfrequen-cy filters. Tape monitor circuit. Dual VU meters. Size 153/4x53/4x12% in. Wt. 20 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  • Sony TA-3200F - Stereo power amplifier. Power output 100 watts RMS per channel into 8 ohms (both channels driven) with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion at any frequency 20-20k Hz. Frequency response 5-200k Hz -2 dB. S/N ratio 1 10 dB, IM distortion 0.1 per cent. Remote speaker outputs. Two inputs. Individual level controls, input selector and power limiter switch. Size 1 5%x 6x123/4 in. Wt. 31 lbs. 1 10-220 volts.
  • Sony SQD-1000 - Solid state 4-chan-nel decoder/synthesizer. May be used as discrete 4-channel control unit, matrix (Sony) decoder and to produce 4-channel effect with stereo material. Frequency response 10-100k Hz. Connects to monitor circuit of amplifier. Requires additional stereo amplifier for complete 4-channel. Master volume control and tape monitor circuit. Size 9x31/4x10in. Wt. 4!4 lbs. 110 volts.
  • Sony SQA-200 - Same as Sony SQD-1000 except has built-in stereo amplifier for rear-channel amplification. Power output 8 watts RMS per channel. Frequency response 30-40k Hz ±1 dB. Size 13x3x1 1 in. Wt. 8 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  • Sony TA-4300F - Solid state stereo electronic crossover divider. Divides input material into three bands for use in tri-amp speaker system. Harmonic distortion 0.1 per cent. S/N ratio 80dB. Maximum inputvoltage 3.5V. Selectable crossover frequencies for low band (150, 250, 400 and 600 Hz) and for high band (3k, 4k, 5kand 6.5k Hz). Output impedance 5k ohms. Bass boost circuit. Individual volume controls for each band in each channel. Size 6x1 1 /2X6/2 in. Wt. 7 lbs. 1 10-220 volts.




  • Soundcraftsmen 10-12 - Single-channel equalizer. Frequency response 20-20, 480 Hz ±0.25 dB. Harmonic distortion 0.1 per cent. Intermodulation distortion 0.1 per cent. S/N ratio 90 dB. VU meter switchable to input or output. Input and output level controls. Ten controls to vary response ±1 2 dB at peak frequencies (30, 60, 120, 240, 480, 960, 1920, 3840, 7680 and 15,360 Hz). With walnut-finish case. Size 5/4x1 8x1 1 in.
  • Soundcraftsmen Model 20-12 - Solid state stereo equalizer. Frequency response (without equalization) 20-20k Hz ±0.5 dB. Harmonic distortion 0.1 per cent. IM distortion 0.1 per cent. S/N ratio 65 dB (unweighted). Input impedance 1 00k ohms. Ten controls for each channel to vary response ±12 dB at peak frequencies (30, 60, 120, 240, 480, 960, 1920, 3840, 7680 and 15,360 Hz). Output level of each channel individually adjustable. With walnut finish wood case. Size 5x1 7%x 11 in.




  • Teac AN-60 - Stereo noise reduction unit. Utilizes Dolby B-type system to reduce noise incurred in tape recording. Frequency response 20-1 5k Hz ±2 dB. Harmonic distortion 0.5 per cent. Calibration meter, record level controls, built-in oscillator. S/N ratio improvement 1 0 dB at 1 Ok Hz. Size 3%x7/2x 10/2 in. Wt. 5 lbs. 1 10-220 volts.
  • Teac AN-80 - Stereo noise reduction unit. Utilizes Dolby B-type system to reduce noise incurred in tape recording. Frequency response 20-1 5k Hz±2 dB. Harmonic distortion 0.5 per cent. Calibration meter, record level controls, built-in oscillator. S/N ratio improvement 10 dB at 10k Hz. Size 3/2x16x 10% in. Wt. 9 lbs. 1 10-220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  • Teac AN-180 - Stereo noise reduction unit. Utilizes Dolby B-type system to reduce noise incurred in tape recording. Has four Dolby circuits to allow simultaneous recording and playback. Frequency response 20-1 5k Hz ±0.5 dB. Harmonic distortion 0.3 per cent. S/N ratio 65 dB. Built-in multiplex filters and test tone oscillator. Built-in microphone preamplifier. Input impedance 600 ohms mic, 100k ohms line. Noise reduction 5 dB at 1 k Hz, 10 dB at 1 Ok Hz. Output level 1V. Dual VU meters. Size 5Kx1 6x1 23/4 in. Wt. 16 lbs.




  • Toya HGL-2701/2400 - 4 channel adapter/decoder. High-level post amplifier matrix decoder designed to be connected to output of stereo amplifier. Requires four speaker units. Balance and mode controls. Passive circuitry. Wood cabinet. Size 6x3/2X 4J4 in.


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