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"off duty" 1970 - 1997 - eine Freizeit-Zeitung für's US-Militär

Die in diesem amerikanischen (Freizeit-) Shopping-Magazin angepriesenen Hifi- und Video-Produkte waren auschließlich amerikanischen und kanadischen Militärangehörigen zugänglich - also zu kaufen - und vor allem zu ganz ungewöhnlich (verblüffend) niedrigen US $ Military-Preisen. Zu der einführenden "off duty" Seite geht es hier lang. -  Um 1970 begann der weltweite Hifi-Boom bis zum 1. Crash 1978 und dann wieder zum 2.Crash um 1990. Über die 20 Jahre nach 2001 lesen Sie mehr in den Kolumnen auf diesen japanischen Seiten.


Unsere 2. Lautsprecher-Marktübersicht nach November 1972

Mit dieser 1973er "market survey" wollen wir zeigen, wie weit diese Modell- oder Produkt-Vielfalt der Modelle und Firmen ausgeufert war und daß es sich selbst für einen Fachmann als schwierig herausstellte, noch irgend ein Produkt - im Vergleich zu anderen Produkten - bewerten zu können. Nach unseren Informationen sollen es zum Ende der 1970er Jahre über 800 Firmen in den USA gewesen sein, die Lautsprecherboxen angeboten hatten. Und nochmal zum Verständnis, wer nicht(s) bezahlt, war bei dieser Übersicht nicht dabei. Und wer seine Produkte sowieso nicht im Military Markt anbieten wollte, war auch nicht dabei. Die letzte Lautsprecher- Marktübersicht 1972 steht hier.

"annual survey" - (zu bezahlende) jährliche Marktübersicht


"Look and Listen - Till Your Ear's Content"

Here's one of the world's largest selections of loudspeakers
Off Duty / Europe / October 1973 -  By THOM PRINGLE


Welcome to the club.

PERHAPS YOU, like the majority of people who will read this SHOPPER, are doing so because you are thinking about buying a set of loudspeakers and are confused by all the theories and claims. Welcome to the club. Today, the amateur hi-fi enthusiast is almost as perplexed about loudspeakers as the experts, and manufacturers have made the whole thing even more confusing by splitting into two general camps.

Call the sides whatever you want - romantic and scientific, subjective and objective, poetic and practical - they're the same sides which always accompany an emerging science. Everyone agrees that loudspeakers can produce sound but how well they do that job is where the argument exists.

The romantics insist that no really meaningful parameters exist for loudspeakers and, therefore, subjective listening is the best way to choose a speaker system. The scientists, on the other hand, feel that human perception is unreliable and that measured parameters should be the major consideration. That strong arguments can be advanced for either side indicates there must be at least one undecided factor involved and, in the case of speaker systems, there are several.

Die "audiophiles " sind am Zug

Most audiophiles have discovered that their careful choice of a particular speaker system can be made instantly worthless by simply changing from one recording to another. In other words, the recordings themselves are one of the biggest variables in sound reproduction. Studio engineers are quick to point out that when they equalize, mix, edit and monitor recordings, they do so to obtain optimum results in the studio where the sound system (and placement) is usually a far cry from anything you might have in your home.

Der enttäuschende Kommentar zu den Spezifikationen

Another variable, which seems to be receiving only minor attention, is the measurement of speaker parameters. In the lucrative and fast-moving loudspeaker business, there has been little pressure to provide meaningful specifications and only a few firms have tried to do so. Therefore, there is virtually no standardization and making comparisons between different brands is next to impossible.

Recording techniques and measurement problems, however, are only two of the variables which allow two different opinions to both have some validity. Other factors include dispersion characteristics, room environment and personal hearing ability.

Sich auf die eigenen Ohren verlassen

Therefore, romantics point out, since there are so many variables and since so many speakers (the majority, in fact) do not present adequate technical information, you may as well rely totally on your ears and choose the speakers that sound best to you. You should, they argue, look upon the loudspeaker as something complete unto itself which is not necessarily an accurate scientific device. As in appreciating fine food, they contend, you don't have to know the ingredients to enjoy the meal.

The scientists, however, maintain that trying to choose a speaker system by audition is not only limiting but may be misleading. They say it is limiting because you are confined to the speakers available in one or two showrooms. It is misleading, they contend, because one's hearing is unreliable and the equipment and placement in speaker showrooms are not the same as in the home.

Auch auf diese "Tests" soll man sich nicht verlassen

Both sides are right but the two arguments must be combined in order to produce what we feel is the best philosophy when dealing with speaker systems. One can start by taking advantage of performance specifications whenever possible since they do provide at least some kind of reference. Then, the speakers can be auditioned and compared with competitive models. Beyond this, there's not a lot that can be done to make the selection process any more reliable - even test reports in hi-fi mags are difficult to use because you have to be a professional "between-the-lines" interpreter to figure out exactly what the testers think about a unit.

The procedure.

When you're finally ready to start hunting a new set of speakers, you'll need a program to follow so you can come as close as possible to finding the speakers you want. There are several ways to go about this, but in the next few paragraphs we've outlined a procedure which works well for most people.
First, figure out the size and general price range of speaker system you want. For the price range, consult your pocketbook; for the size, see our comments further on in this SHOPPER.

Next, consider the power requirements of the speakers. If you already have an amplifier or receiver, you'll need to match the power handling ability of your new speakers to your amp. If you're starting from scratch, remember that low-efficiency speaker systems require high-output amplifiers and that means more money!

Nur wenige Hersteller sagen etwas oder sind ehrlich

After this, read our comments on specifications and start digging into the speakers' performances.

Keep in mind that not all manufacturers give performance specifications and only a few give complete, referenced specs. You may not get far in this step but it will give you a good overall view of what's available.

The final step is to audition the speakers themselves. Don't rush this! Go to several speaker showrooms, if you can, and take your own records. Take records that you've listened to over and over, so you know every little scrape and squawk on them and be sure it's the type of music you like to listen to. If you enjoy symphonic recordings, don't take rock records.

Wenn Du lange genug recherchiert hast .....

Go to your friends' homes and listen to their speaker systems (yes, take your records along). Ask around to find people who may have systems you're interested in. (You'll find that audiophiles love to demonstrate their systems - even to complete strangers.) Keep a written record of the speakers you audition, their prices, model numbers and your impressions of them. After a month of looking and listening, you'll have a pretty good idea of what you want to buy.


In our listings we refer to all models as systems since all the units listed come with a matching enclosure or other ancillary equipment. Individual transducer elements in the systems may be referred to as speakers.

This year in our SHOPPER we have abandoned the traditional bookshelf and floor-standing terms in favor of three categories, small, medium-size and large. Most people choose medium-size units since they may be used in either small or large rooms, whereas small systems are usually limited to small areas and large systems are best used in large rooms.

Number of speakers and ranges.

Most speaker systems have some means of splitting the audio spectrum into two or more parts each of which is then fed to speaker elements especially designed to reproduce a particular range of frequencies. The result is lower distortion and better frequency response even though there is usually some loss of energy in the frequency dividing network.

Frequency response. (= völlig irrelevant)

There are three types of speaker manufacturers when it comes to frequency response; those who give no frequency response, those who give unreferenced frequency responses and those who give complete frequency response figures.

All of this is a reflection of the previously-discussed difference in philosophies. We, frankly, look forward to the day when a complete set of standardized, referenced specifications is available for all speaker systems. These would include a referenced frequency response at a given level in a standard acoustical environment with a stated amount of distortion. We have yet to understand what harm such specifications could do even if they are accepted by many as being worthless.

Frequency response statements which are unreferenced (do not give variance limits, such as ±4 dB) tell you, at best, what frequency range the speaker is supposed to cover. Very often, these types of speakers will lose over 20 dB of output by the time they reach their stated end frequencies.

Keep in mind, too, that the room where you place your speakers will have an effect on the apparent frequency response - this is where you may want to use the treble and bass controls on your amplifier and speakers.

Power rating.

There are two power ratings which should concern you. The first is the maximum power rating which tells the maximum amount of power you should allow to be put into the speaker system. In some cases, if you exceed this limit you may burn out the speaker units. In other cases, the manufacturer has found that driving the system above a certain limit seriously distorts the output of the system, therefore making any further increases useless. In any case, try to match the speaker rating to your amplifier so that you will have eliminated any risk.

The minimum power rating given by some speaker manufacturers means that you must be able to drive the speaker system with at least the given number of watts for satisfactory performance.


The impedance of the speaker system should match the output of your amplifier for best performance. Actually, the impedance of most speaker units varies considerably according to the frequency they are reproducing. This variance in impedance is reflected back to the amplifier which may reduce its output power by a considerable amount.


There may be as many as three types of components inside your speaker cabinet although sometimes functions are combined in two units or even one to save space and money. If you have three types of components in your system, you will most likely have a woofer to cover the low frequencies, a midrange unit to reproduce midrange frequencies, and a tweeter to take care of the high frequencies.

Der Bass

Most all woofers today are cone-type speakers designed to work especially with frequencies from 20 up to 500 or 1,000 Hz. The majority are direct radiator types with some of the big systems using horns to load the woofers for better efficiency. One exception to the cone-type woofer, is the Quad Electrostatic which uses an electrostatic membrane for low frequencies.

Mitteltöner und Hochtöner

Midrange units and tweeters use the same types of transducers; cones, domes, horns and electrostatics. Generally speaking, they all do an equally good job, since the job of creating high frequencies is considerably easier than that of pushing out the lows. One notable exception is the electrostatic transducer which is noted for its exceptionally smooth response in the treble regions.

In addition, you will run across many types of special units such as super-tweeters, upper-bass woofers, etc. This is carrying specialization to a high degree of development and here's a case where you may have to rely on your ears to determine whether it's worth the extra money. Some systems, too, will have separate outside terminals for each internal transducer thus allowing you to use bi-amp amplifier units.


There are many different types of enclosures each with different advantages and drawbacks. High efficiency enclosures, usually big units or the less-expensive small ones, use

reflex arrangements whereby sound from the back of the speaker cone is circulated to the front to add more volume (also called ducted port enclosures) and horn enclosures. The horn-type enclosures have large horns attached to the front of the speaker units which effectively matches the speaker to the air in the room and provides excellent efficiency.

Low efficiency enclosures (including acoustic suspension types and electrostatic units) are almost always more expensive and require more power to operate. They are typified, though, by their fine frequency response and compactness.

Dispersion designs. (die Optik - das Aussehen)

The name of the game today among speaker manufacturers is dispersion. Almost all brands now have models which offer wide-angle or omnidirectional sound dispersion in an attempt to overcome an effect known as beaming.

In the average home hi-fi installation, speakers are placed in relatively small rooms and cannot always be in positions which offer the best acoustic or psycho-acoustic interaction. Thus, speakers designed as a box with a hole in the front often sound as if the sound is being "beamed" from them like a stream of water.

Wenn es doch nicht klingt

It's an unnatural sound which seems artificial and may become unpleasant by emphasizing the stereo or 4-channel separation that exists in a recording. In addition, the sound seems tight and restricted with little ambiance. To overcome this, many models have extra speaker units or openings on the sides or back of the cabinet to give increased ambiance by introducing reflected sound into the room. Some models use large amounts of reflected sound (80 per cent or more) while others use very little, depending on the design philosophy of the manufacturer.


Omnidirectional designs usually incorporate an upward or downward-oriented baffle against which the speaker elements fire to deliver a 360° dispersion pattern or they use a round-shaped enclosure which also gives an omnidirectional dispersion pattern.

The many different designs used by individual manufacturers to increase dispersion are too varied to cover in detail here. In the following listings, however, units with special dispersion designs are noted and you should try to include them when you start auditioning speaker systems.

There are hundreds of models in our SHOPPER this year - it's one of the largest offerings of loudspeakers in the world. You can look and listen till your ear's content.

Jetzt folgt die von uns künstlich geschrumpte Auflistung

Da viele der Spezifikationen nur noch die Seiten füllen, haben wir die ganzen "Specs" weg- gelassen, da sie sowieso keine reale echte bzw. glaubwürdige Aussagekraft haben. Der Frequenzgang zum Beispiel ist völlig irrelevant, wenn zum Beispiel in einem 20m² Raum Frequenzen unter 40 Hz überhaupt nicht gehört werden können.

Die 1973er Liste jetzt verkleinert und durchnummeriert

.Es beginnt mit

  • ADC
  1. ADC 303AX - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  2. ADC 404A - Small, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  3. ADC 450A - Medium-size 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  4. AR LST - Medium-size, 3-way, 9-speaker system.
  5. AR-2ax - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  6. AR-2x - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  7. AR-3a - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  8. AR-4X - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system
  9. AR 4xa - Medium-size 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  10. AR-5 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speakersys-tem.
  11. AR-6 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  12. AR 7 - Small, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  13. Akai ST-101 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  14. Akai ST-201 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  15. Akai ST-301 - Large, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  16. Akai SW-35 - Small, single-speaker system.
  17. Akai SW-155 - Medium-size, 4-way, 4-speaker system.
  18. Altec Concept EQ 5 - Complete stereo system consisting of two medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker, units and an electonic equalizer unit.
  19. Altec 874M Segovia - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  20. Altec 879A Santana - Large, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  21. Altec 886A - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  22. Altec 887A Capri - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  23. Altec 890C Bolero - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  24. Altec 891A - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  25. Altec 846B Valencia - Large, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  26. Altec 893B Corona - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  27. Amcron C-4 - Medium-size, 3-way, 4-speaker system.
  28. Amcron C-8 - Large, 3-way, 8-speaker system.
  29. Amcron ES-14 - Large, 2-way, 5-speak-er system.
  30. Amcron ES-26 - Large, 2-way, 8-speaker system.
  31. Amcron ES-212 - Large, 2-way, 14-speaker system.
  32. Amcron ES-224 - Large, 2-way, 26-speaker system.
  33. B&O Beovox 901 - Small, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  34. B&O Beovox 1001 - Small, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  35. B&O Beovox 1702 - Small, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  36. B&O Beovox 1802 - Same as B & 0 Beovox 1 702 except has different exterior dimensions. Size 13x171/4x4 in. Wt. 13 lbs.
  37. B&O Beovox 2702 - Small, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  38. B&O Beovox 3702 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  39. B&O Beovox 4702 - Medium-size, 3-way, 4-speaker system. Frequency response
  40. B&O Beovox 5700 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  41. Bose 501 - Medium-size, 2-way, 3-speaker system.
  42. Bose 800 - Medium-size, full-range 8-speaker system designed especially for professional use with large audiences.
  43. Bose 901 - Complete stereo system
  44. Coral BX-201 - Small, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  45. Coral BX-601 - Small, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  46. Coral BX-801 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaKer system.
  47. Coral BX-1001 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  48. Coral BX-1200 - Large, 5-way, 6-speak-er system.
  49. Coral BX-1201 - Large, 5-way, 6-speaker system.
  50. Coral BX-1401 - Large, 5-way, 7-speaker system.
  51. Coral BX-2000 - Large, 3-way, 5-speak-er system.
  52. Crysler CE-1a-ll - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  53. Crysler CE-2a-ll - Same as Crysler CE-1 ac-lI except
  54. Crysler CE-4a - Small, full-range single speaker system.
  55. Crysler CE-5a-ll - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  56. Crysler CE-6a - Same as Crysler CE-5a-ll except
  57. Dual CL 122 - Small, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  58. Dual CL 143 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  59. Dual CL 172 - Medium-size 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  60. Dynaco A-10 - Small, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  61. Dynaco A-25 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  62. Dynaco A-35 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  63. Dynaco A-50 - Large, 2-way, 3-speaker system.
  64. ESS amt-1 - Large, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  65. ESS Tempest - Large, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  66. ESS Model Seven - Large, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  67. ESS Model Nine - Large, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  68. Empire Grenadier 6000M - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  69. Empire 6500 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  70. Empire 7500MII - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  71. Empire 9500M II - Large, 3-way, 6-speaker system.
  72. Fisher Planex Sound Panels - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  73. Fisher ST-425 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  74. Fisher ST-445 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  75. Fisher ST-465 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  76. Fisher Studio Standard ST-500 - Large, 3-way, 4-speaker system.
  77. Fisher Studio Standard ST-530 - Large, 3-way, 6-speaker system.
  78. Fisher Studio Standard ST-550 - Large, 3-way, 7-speaker system.
  79. Fisher XP-44B - Small, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  80. Fisher XP-55S - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  81. Fisher XP-56S - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  82. Fisher XP-65S - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  83. Fisher WS-80 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  84. Fisher 11 OS - Medium-size, 3-way, 5-speaker system.
  85. Fisher 111K - Medium-size, 4-way, 7-speaker system.
  86. Heathkit AS-16 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  87. Heathkit AS 101 - Large, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  88. Heathkit AS-103 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  89. Heathkit AS-104 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  90. Heathkit AS-105W - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  91. Infinity Monitor - Large, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  92. Infinity POS 1 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  93. Infinity Servo-Statik I - Stereo system
  94. Infinity 1001 - Medium-size, 2-way, 3-speaker system.
  95. Infinity 2000A - Large, 3-way, 6-speak-er system.
    Interaudio (eine BOSE Tocherfirma)
  96. Interaudio 1000 - Small, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  97. Interaudio 2000 - Medium-size 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  98. Interaudio 3000 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  99. Interaudio 4000 - Medium-size, 2-way, 3-speaker system.
  100. JBL Aquarius 4 - Large, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  101. JBL L25 Prima - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  102. JBL L26 Decade - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  103. JBL L45 Flair - Large, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  104. JBL L55 Lancer - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  105. JBL L100 Century - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  106. JBL LI 01 Lancer - Large, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  107. JBL L200 Studio 2 - Large, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  108. JBL 4310 Control Room Monitor - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  109. JVC Nivico GB-1E/ED - Medium-size, 2-way, 8-speaker system.
  110. JVC-IMivico GB-2E - Medium-size, 6-speaker system.
  111. JVC-IMivico VS-5391 - Medium size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  112. JVC-IMivico VS-5396 - Medium size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  113. JVC Nivico VS-5399 - Large, 2 way, 4-speaker system.
  114. JVC-Nivico 5321 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  115. JVC-Nivico 5331K - Medium-size, 4-way, 4-speaker system.
  116. JVC-Nivico 5345 - Medium-size, 4-way, 6-speaker system.
  117. KLH Model Five - Medium-size, 3-way, 4-speaker system.
  118. KLH Model Six - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  119. KLH Model Seventeen - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  120. KLH Model Twenty-Three - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  121. KLH Model Thirty-Two - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  122. KLH Model Thirty-Three - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  123. KLH Model Thirty-Eight - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  124. Kenwood KL-333 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  125. Kenwood KL-555 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  126. Kenwood KL-777 - Medium-size, 4-way, 6-speaker system.
  127. Kenwood KL 2090 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  128. Kenwood KL-3090 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  129. Kenwood KL-4080 - Medium-size, 3-way, 4-speaker system.
  130. Klipsch Cornwall II - Large, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  131. Klipsch Heresy - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  132. Klipsch Klipschorn B - Large, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  133. Klipsch La Belle - Large, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  134. Klipsch La Scala ~ Same as Klipsch La Belle except
  135. Leak Sandwich 200 - Small, 3-speaker system.
  136. Leak Sandwich 300 - Medium-size, 3-speaker system.
  137. Leak Sandwich 600 - Large, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  138. Marantz Imperial 4G - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  139. Marantz Imperial 5G - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  140. Marantz Imperial 6G - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  141. Marantz Imperial 7G - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  142. Micro/Acoustics Microstatic (MS-1) - Small 1-way, 4-speaker system
  143. Micro/Acoustics Full-Range Micro-static (FRM-1) - Medium-size 2-way, 6-speaker system.
  144. National Panasonic SB-30 - Small, full-range, single-speaker system.
  145. National Panasonic SB-1 50 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  146. Onkyo Scepter 100 - Large, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  147. Onkyo Sceptor 120 - Large, 4-way, 4-speaker system.
  148. Onkyo Model 15 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  149. Onkyo Model 20 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  150. Onkyo Model 25 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  151. Philips RH-411 - Small, single-speaker system.
  152. Pioneer CS-E400 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  153. Pioneer CS-R300 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  154. Pioneer CS-R500 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  155. Pioneer CS-R700 - Large, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  156. Pioneer CS-05 - Medium-size, 2-way, 4-speaker system.
  157. Pioneer CS-06 - Medium-size, 3-way, 7-speaker system.
  158. Pioneer CS-22A - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  159. Pioneer CS-53 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  160. Pioneer CS-66A - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  161. Pioneer CS-301 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  162. Pioneer CS-701 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  163. Pioneer CS-801 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  164. Pioneer CS-901 - Large, 4-way, 5-speaker system.
  165. Quad Electrostatic - Large, electrostatic speaker system.
  166. Rectilinear Mini-Ill - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  167. Rectilinear III - Large, 4-way, 4-speaker system.
  168. Rectilinear III Low Boy - Same as Rectilinear III except
  169. Rectilinear XI - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  170. Rectilinear XII - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  171. Revox 4612 - Small, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  172. Revox 4621 - Small, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  173. Revox 4631 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  174. SAE Mark XII - Large, 3-way, 5-speaker system.
  175. Sansui
  176. Sansui AS-100 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  177. Sansui AS-200 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  178. Sansui AS-300 - Large, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  179. Sansui SF-1 - Medium-size, 2-way, 3-speaker system.
  180. Sansui SF-2 - Medium-size, 2-way, 3-speaker system.
  181. Sansui SP-25 - Medium-size, full-range single-speaker system.
  182. Sansui SP-30 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  183. Sansui SP-35 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  184. Sansui SP-50 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  185. Sansui SP-70 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  186. Sansui SP-1 50 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  187. Sansui SP-1 200 - Medium-size, 3-way, 5-speaker system.
  188. Sansui SP-1 700 - Medium-size, 3-way, 5-speaker sytem.
  189. Sansui SP-2500 - Large, 3 way, 5-speaker system.
  190. Sansui SP 3500 - Large, 4-way, 6-speaker system.
  191. Sanyo SX-807 - Small, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  192. Sonics AS-66 - Medium-size, 3-way, 6-speaker system.
  193. Sonics 203A - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  194. Sonics AS-221 - Medium-size, 2-way, 3-speaker system.
  195. Sonics AS-227A - Medium-size, 3-way, 4-speaker system.
  196. Sonics AS-250A - Medium-size, 3-way, 4-speaker system.
  197. Sonics AS-304A - Medium-size, 4-way, 4-speaker system.
  198. Sonics AS-310 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  199. Sonics AS-331 - Large, 3-way, 5-speaker system.
  200. Sonics AS-337A - Large, 4-way, 5-speaker system.
  201. Sonics AS-447A - Large, 5-way, 6-speaker system.
  202. Sony SS-3200 - Medium-size, 2-way, 3-speaker system.
  203. Sony SS-5200 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  204. Sony SS-5300 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  205. Sony SS-5400 - Medium-size 2-way, 3-speaker system.
  206. Sony SS-7200 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  207. Sony SS-7300 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  208. Soundcraftsmen SC-12 ES - Medium-size, 3-way, 4-speaker system
  209. Teac LS-30 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  210. Teac LS-80 - Large, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  211. Teac LS-380 - Large, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  212. Teac LS 3000 - Medium-size, 2-way, 4-speaker system.
  213. Telefunken RS-5 - Small single-speaker system.
  214. Telefunken TL-500 - Small, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  215. Telefunken TL-700 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  216. Telefunken TL-800 - Medium-size, 4-way, 4-speaker system.
  217. Toshiba SS-1 7 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  218. Toshiba SS 22 - Small, single-speaker system.
  219. Toshiba SS-24 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  220. Toshiba SS-27 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  221. Toshiba SS-37 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  222. Toshiba SS-47 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  223. Utah HS1-C - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  224. Utah MK-17 - Medium-size, 8-way, 3-speaker system.
  225. Utah MP-1000 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  226. Utah MP-2000 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  227. Wharfedale Denton 2 - Small, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  228. Wharfedale Denton 3 - Small, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  229. Wharfedale Dovedale III - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  230. Wharfedale Glendale 3 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  231. Wharfedale Linton 3 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  232. Wharfedale Melton 2 - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  233. Wharfedale Rosedale - Large, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  234. Wharfedale Super 60 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  235. Wharfedale Super 60 Mk II - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  236. Wharfedale Triton 3 - Medium-size, 3-way, 3-speaker system.
  237. Yamaha NS-18 - Large, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  238. Yamaha NS-230E - Medium size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  239. Yamaha IMS-250E - Medium-size, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  240. Yamaha IMS 410 - Small, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  241. Yamaha NS-550 - Large, 2-way, 2-speaker system.
  242. Yamaha NS-570 - Large 2-way, 2-speaker system.


Das war also die 1973er Liste mit 242 Boxen Typen

Natürlich war da einiges an akustischem "Müll" dabei, doch schaun wir erst mal in die Preisliste, was überhaupt in den Audio-Clubs angeboten wurde.


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