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"off duty" 1970 - 1997 - eine Freizeit-Zeitung für's US-Militär

Die in diesem amerikanischen (Freizeit-) Shopping-Magazin angepriesenen Hifi- und Video-Produkte waren auschließlich amerikanischen und kanadischen Militärangehörigen zugänglich - also zu kaufen - und vor allem zu ganz ungewöhnlich (verblüffend) niedrigen US $ Military-Preisen. Zu der einführenden "off duty" Seite geht es hier lang. -  Um 1970 begann der weltweite Hifi-Boom bis zum 1. Crash 1978 und dann wieder zum 2.Crash um 1990. Über die 20 Jahre nach 2001 lesen Sie mehr in den Kolumnen auf diesen japanischen Seiten.


Die Auflistung des Angebots ist ziemlich lang geworden

Und wie in der Intro gesagt, das sind nur die Geräte, die im "military sales" angeboten werden. In den USA gibt es noch viel viel mehr, aber dann zu sogenannen "Stateside" Preisen.





  1. Akai AA-910 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 1 2 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0,5 percent harmonicdistortion, both channel driven. Frequency response 20-70k Hz (-3 dB), power bandwidth 20-45k Hz, hum and noise -75 dB (phono input). AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2 uV. FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Srlectivity 65 dB, capture ratio 2.5 dB. Tuning meter. Defeatable loudness circuit, outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, tape monitor circuit. Front-panel headphone and microphone jacks. Either/both/ none speaker selector. Size 1 8x63/4x141/2 in. Wt. 23 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  2. Akai AA-910 DB - Stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in Dolby B-type noise reduction circuit. Same as Akai AA-91 ODB except has Dolby circuitry which may be used with amplifier for recording or with FM tuner. Size 23x63/4x14/2 in. Wt. 28 lbs.
  3. Akai AA-920 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 1 6 watts rms per channel into 8ohmswith 0.5 percent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 10-75k Hz (-3 dB), power bandwidth 10-70k Hz, hum and noise -80 dB (phono input). AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.0 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.7 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 70 dB, capture ratio 2.5 dB. Tuning meter and defeatable inter-station muting. Two tape monitor circuits, defeatable loudness circuit, external preamp/ power-ampjunction, high and low-frequency filters, outputs for three sets of stereo speakers. Front-panel headphone and microphone jacks. Speaker-selector switch. Size 18x6x13 in. Wt. 33 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  4. Akai AA-930 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 25 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 7-80k Hz (-3 dB), power bandwidth 10-60k Hz, hum and noise -85 dB (phono input). AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.8 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.6 'per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 80 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Tuning and signal-strenth meters, defeatable interstation muting. Two tape monitor circuits, defeatable loudness circuit, speaker muting control, external pramp/ power-ampjunction, high and low-frequency filters, outputs for three sets of stereo speakers. Front-panel headphone and microphone jacks. Speaker-selector switch. Size 10x6%x 153/4 in. Wt. 33 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  5. Akai AA-940 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 37.5 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 5-80k Hz (-3 dB), power bandwidth 10-60k Hz, hum and noise -85 dB (phono input). AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.7 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.6 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivitiy 80 dB, capture ratio 1.0 dB. Tuning and signal-strength meters, defeatable interstation muting. Two tape monitor circuits, defeatable loudness circuit, speaker muting control, external pramp/ power-ampjunction, high and low-frequency filters, outputs for three sets of stereo speakers. Front-panel headphone and microphone jacks. Speaker-selector switch. Size 19x63/4X 1 53/4 in. Wt. 34 lbs. 110/220 voltsac, 50/60 Hz.
  6. Akai AS-980 - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in matrix decoder and CD-4 demodulator. Power output 30 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 10-60k Hz (-3 dB), power bandwidth 10-60k Hz, hum and noise -80 dB (phono input). Outputs may be strapped into stereo mode to provide power output of 60 watts rms per channel. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.8 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.6 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 80 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Tuning and signai-strength meters, defeatable interstation muting. Three tape monitor circuits (two 4-channel), defeatable loudness circuit, four VU meters, speaker muting control, meter sensitivity selector, FM-detector output jack, outputs for three sets of 4-channel speakers, front-panel jack for remote 4-channel balance control, high and low-frequency filters. Matrix circuitry for Regular Matrix plus front-rear logic for SQ. Front-panel jaks for microphones, 4-channel tape recorder and headphones. Speaker selector switch. Size 25/x63/4y1 6% in. Wt. 45 lbs. 1 10/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.



Bang & Olufsen


  1. B & O Beomaster 901 - AM FM stereo tuner amplifier. RMS power output 19 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 20-20k Hz ±1.5 dB, power bandwidth 10-35k Hz, hum and noise -50 dB (phono input), IM distortion 1.0 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 2.5 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Selectivity 55 dB. Stereo separation 30 dB at 1 kHz with 0.6 per cent harmonic distortion. AM section tunes standard AM broadcast band and LW band. Stereo indicator and illuminated tuning aid. Def eatable AFC. Slide-rule type tuning and level controls. Size 3x20x9 in. Wt. 12 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  2. B & O Beomaster 1001 - Stereo receiver-tuner with built-in high-level 4-channel decoder. Power output 1 5 watts rms per channel into 4 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 20-30k Hz (±1.5 dB), hum and noise -55 dB (phono input), intermodulation distortion 1.0 per cent. FM-stereo tuner with 3.5 uV sensitivity (30 dB quieting), S/N ratio 75 dB. Stereo separation 30 dB with 0.9 per cent harmonic distortion. Capture ratio 3 dB. Defeatable AFC. Thinline design with slide-rule tuning dial. DIN jacks. Special circuit creates 4-channel effect when four loudspeakers are connected to unit. Size 21 !4x 8x3in.Wt. 13lbs. 11 0/220 voltsac, 50/60 Hz.
  3. B & O Beomaster 1200 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power 15 watts per channel into 4 ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 20-40k Hz ±1.5 dB (aux input), IHF power bandwidth 25-35k Hz. Hum and noise -65 dB (phono input). FM section hasdiodetuner with manual or pushbutton tuning. FM sensitivity 2 uV (26 dB quieting). Stereo separation 30 dB at 1 k Hz with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. IHF selectivity 40 dB. AM section tunes standard broadcast band plus 147-350k Hz. Slide rule-type tuning dial. Defeatable AFC. Illuminated function indicators. Headphone jack. Size 21%x3x8 in. Wt. 13 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  4. B & O Beomaster 1600 M - AM FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power 15 watts per channel into 4 ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 30-25k Hz ±1.5 dB (aux input). Hum and noise -50 dB (Phono input). FM section has diode tuner with pushbutton or manual tuning. FM sensitivity 1.8 uV for 26 dB quieting. Stereo separation 30 dB at 1k Hz. AM section tunes LW, MW, and 1.6-20 MHz. Defeatable AFC. Remote speaker output. Main/remote speaker switch. Size 16x4/2x 93/4 in. Wt. 1 3 lbs. 1 1 0-220 volts.
  5. B & O Beomaster 3000-2 - FM stereo tuner-amplifier. 40 watts per channel RMS power, distortion 0.6 per cent at all frquen-cies between 40 and 12,500 Hz and power output levels up to 40 watts with both channels operating, Frequency response 40-20,000 Hz ±1.5 dB. Signal-to-noise ratio 60 dB. FM sensitivity 2 uV (IHF), signal-to-noise ratio 70 dB, stereo separation 40 dB, selectivity 55 dB, capture ratio 3 dB (IHF). Main/ remote/both speaker switches. Electronic tuning dials for presetting 6 FM stations. Slide-rule controls. Defeatable loudness compensation and AFC. DIN and U.S.-type sockets. Stereo headphone jack. Remote speaker input socket for TV sound or an additional stereo program. Wooden case. 110-220 volts.
  6. B & O Beomaster 4000 - FM stereo tuner and amplifier. RMS power output 40 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 20-30k Hz ± 1.5 dB, power bandwidth 10-35 kHz, hum and noise -62 dB (phono input). IM distortion 0.3 per cent. Diode tuner with six settable pushbuttons. Sensitivity 2.0 uV (IHF). Stereo separation 35 dB at 1 kHz with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 55 dB (IHF). Illuminated tuning aid and tuning meter. Defeatable AFC and loudness circuits. Tape monitor circuit. Remote speaker output. Front-panel headphone jack. High and low frequency filters. Special connection for two extra stereo speakers to increase ambiance. Phones/remote/main/both speaker switches. Size 3/2x22J4x10/2 in. Wt. 22 lbs. 110-220 volts.




  1. Braun Regie 510 - Stereotuner-amplifier with multi-band tuner. Power output 20 watts rms per channel into 4 ohms with 0.2 per cent harmonicdistortion. Frequency response 30-30k Hz, power bandwidth 20-40k Hz. Hum and noise -70 dB, IM distortion 0.3 per cent. Tuner receives standard AM, FM-stereo, and LW plus SW (5.8-13 MHz). FM sensitivity 1.0 uV. Stereo separation 35 dB with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 54 dB. Tuning and signal-strength meters, defeatable AFC. High and low-frequency filters, outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, front-panel headphone jack (DIN). Either/both/none speaker selector. DIN jacks. Size 25/2x63/4x11 in. Wt. 42 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50 Hz.


Crown (of Japan)


  1. Crown SHR-900 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 15 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 15-70k Hz (-3 dB). Hum and noise -65 dB (phono input). AM/FM-stereo tuner with 4.0 uV sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 60 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB with 1.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 60 dB, capture ratio 3 dB. Tuning meter, defeatable AFC and interstation muting. Tape monitor circuit, microphone mixer, defeatable loudness circuit, outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, front-panel jacks for headphones and microphone. None/either speaker selector. Size 1 71/4x5x1 VA in. Wt. 22 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Dual CR 50 - AM/FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power output 18 watts per channel into 4 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 15-40k Hz ±1.5 dB, power bandwidth 20-40k Hz, hum and noise -50 dB (phono input), Diode FM tuner with five settable pushbuttons, stereo indicator and meter tuning aid. Sensitivity 2.0 uV (IHF). Selectivity 60 dB. Defeatable interstation muting and AFC. AM section tunes standard broadcast band, LW and shortwave from 5.6 to 15.4 MHz. Front-panel headphone jack. DIN-type connectors. Size 16/2x4/4x13/4 in. Wt. 17 lbs. 110-220 volts.




  1. Fisher 170 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 14 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 percentharmonicdistortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-20k Hz (±2 dB), power bandwidth 40-20k Hz, hum and noise -60dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.8 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.5 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 64 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 40 dB, capture ratio 3 dB. Signal-strength meter. Defeatable loudness circuit, outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, tape monitor circuit, front-panel headphone jack. Either/ both/none speaker selector. Size 1 6/x5%x12 in. Wt. 19 lbs.
  2. Fisher 180 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 1 8 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 percent harmonicdistortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-20k Hz (±2 dB), power bandwidth 30-20k Hz, hum and noise -60 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.5 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 64 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 40 dB, capture ratio 3 dB. Signal-strength meter and defeatable interstation muting. Defeatable loudness circuit, outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, tape monitor circuit, front-panel headphone jack. Either/both/ none speaker selector. Size 16/2x53/4x1 2 in. Wt. 19 lbs.
  3. Fisher 203 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 20 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-20k Hz (±2 dB), power bandwidth 20-50k Hz, hum and noise -60 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.5 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 64 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 40 dB, capture ratio 3 dB. Signal-strength meter. Defeatable loudness circuit, tape monitor circuit, high-frequency filter, outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, front-panel headphone and recorder output jacks. Either/both/none selector. Size 17x5/4x14 in. Wt. 22 lbs.
  4. Fisher 205 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Same as Fisher 203 except has power output of 28 watts rms per channel, defeatable interstation muting, and tuning meter.
  5. Fisher 304 - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in SQ matrix decoder. Power output 15 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, four channels driven. Outputs may be strapped into stereo mode to provide power output of 38 watts rms per channel. Frequency response 20-20k Hz (± dB), power bandwidth 1 2-30k Hz, IM distortion 0.8 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.8 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 68 dB. Stereo separation 38 dB with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 76 dB, capture ratio 1.2 dB. Signal-strength meter, defeatable interstation muting. High-frequency filter, defeatable loudness circuit, front-panel 4-channel headphone and recorder jacks, outputs for two sets of 4-channel speakers, tape monitor circuit. Either/both/ none speaker selector. Size 21/2x7x17 in. Wt. 39 lbs.
  6. Fisher 404 - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in SQ matrix decoder. Power output 22 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, four channels driven. Outputs may be strapped into stereo mode to provide power output of 44 watts rms per channel. Frequency response 20-20k Hz (±2 dB), power bandwidth 10-35k Hz, IM distortion 0.8 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.8 uV FM sensitivity, S/N ratio 68 dB. Stereo separation 38 dB with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 56 dB, capture ratio 1.2 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, FM noise filter, defeatable interstation muting. Joystick 4-channel balance control, defeatable loudness circuit, midrange tone control, front-panel 4-channel headphone and recorder jacks, high and low-frequency filters, tape monitor circuit, outputs for two sets of 4-channel speakers. Either/both/none speaker selector. Size 211/2x 7x17 in. Wt. 42 lbs.
  7. Fisher 504 - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in SQ matrix decoder. Power output 32 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, four channels driven. Outputs may be strapped into stereo mode to provide power output of 90 watts rms per channel. Frequency response 20-20k Hz (±2 dB), power bandwidth 8-40k Hz, IM distortion 0.3 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.8 uV FM sensitivity, S/N ratio 68 dB. Stereo separation 38 dB with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 56 dB, capture ratio 1.2 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting, FM noise filter, defeatable dynamic AM noise reduction circuit. Joystick 4-channel balance control, defeatable loudness circuit, midrange tone control, speaker muting control, high and low-frequency filters, front-panel 4-channel headphone and recorder jacks, outputs for two sets of 4-channel speakers, tape monitor circuit, illuminated 4-channel volume display. Either/both/none speaker selector. Size 211/2x7x17 in. Wt. 43 lbs.




  1. Grundig RTV 501 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power output 4 watts per channel into 4 ohms. FM stereo tuner has tuning meter and stereo indicator. AM section tunes standard broadcast band, LW and SW (5.6-16.2 MHz). Din-type input and output jacks. Size 241/4x43/4x8 in. 110-220 volts.
  2. Grundig RTV 701 - Same as Grundig RTV 501 except has RMS power output 7 watts per channel into 4 ohms and five settable push buttons for FM tuning.
  3. Grundig RTV 801 HiFi - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 14.5 watts rms per channel into 4 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 40-1 6k Hz (± 1.5 dB), power bandwidth 30-30k Hz, hum and noise -60 dB (phono input).Tuner receives standard AM, FM-stereo, LW and SW (5.5-1 6 MHz) with 2.2 uVFM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 60 dB. Capture ratio 3dB. Signal-strength meter, diode tuner with eight settable pushbuttons. Outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, front-panel headphone jack (DIN), electronic circuit protector. DIN jacks. Size 23/4x11 !4x51/4 in.
  4. Grundig RTV 900a - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power output 25 watts per channel into 4 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 40-16k Hz ±1.5 dB, power bandwidth 20-30k Hz, hum and noise -60 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. FM sensitivity 2.0 uV (IHF). Stereo separation 35 dB at 1kHz with 0.7 per cent harmonic distortion. S/N ratio 56 dB, capture ratio 1.8 dB. Tuning meter and stereo indicator. Seven settable pushbuttons for FM tuning. Defeatable AFC. AM section tunes standard broadcast band, LW and SW (5.4-16.2 MHz). Output for two additional stereo speakers for four-speaker setup. DIN input and output jacks. Front-panel headphone jack. Size 23,/4x51/4x11 in. 110-220 volts.




  1. Harman-Kardon 50+ - AM-FM stereo/ 4-channel receiver with»four amplifier channels. RMS power output 1 2.5 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 18-74k Hz ±1 dB, power bandwidth 28-30k Hz, Hum and noise -60 dB. (phono input), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. FM sensitivity 2.8 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 62 dB, Stereo separation 30 dB at 1 kHz with 0.9 per cent harmonic distortion. Capture ratio 3.0 dB. Tuning meter and stereo indicator. Tape monitor circuit (4-channel), built-in SQ 4-channel matrix decoder circuit, speaker on/off switch, front-panel 4-channel headphone jcks. Size 153/4x123/4x43/4 in. Wt. 18 lbs.
  2. Harman/Kardon 75+-4-channel/stereo tuner amplifier with built-in SQ matrix decoder. Power output 1 8wattsrmsperchannel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, four channels driven. Outputs may be strapped into stereo mode to provide power output of 45 watts rms per channel. Frequency response 4-70k Hz (±0.5 dB), power bandwidth 10-40k Hz, hum and noise -85 dB, IM distortion 0.15 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB with 0.7 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 40 dB, capture ratio 2.5 dB. Tuning meter, defeatable interstation muting. Joystick 4-channel balance control, high and low frequency filters, defeatable loudness circuit, two 4-channel tape monitor circuits, outputs for two sets of 4-channel speakers front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Either/ both/none speaker selector. Size 1 7x1 6!/4x5'/i in. Wt. 39 lbs.
  3. Harman/Kardon 150+ - 4-channel/ stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in SQ matrix decoder. Power output 30 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, four channels driven. Outputs may be strapped into stereo mode to provide power output of 70 watts rms per channel. Frequency response 4-70k Hz (±0.5 dB), power bandwidth 10-40k Hz, hum and noise -90 dB, IM distortion 0.15 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.8 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 37 dB with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 60 dB, capture ratio 1.6 dB. FM-quieting meter, illuminated tuning aid, defeatable interstation muting. Midrange tone control, joystick 4-channel balance control, high and low frequency filters, defeatable loudness circuit, two 4-channel tape monitor circuits, outputs for two sets of 4-channel speakers, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks.Either/both/none speaker selector. Size 19x17x5% in. Wt. 45 lbs.
  4. Harman-Kardon 230A - FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power output 17 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 1 5-70k Hz±1.5dB, hum and noise -55 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 2.7 uV (IHF). Stereo separation 30 dB at 1 kHz with 0.6 per cent harmonic distortion. Tuning meter. Tape monitor circuit and defeatable loudness circuit. Remote speaker output. Front-panel headphone jack. Main/remote speaker switch. Size 143/4x7/2x4 in. Wt. 14 lbs.
  5. Harman-Kardon 330A - AM-FM stereo tuner amplifier. RMS power 22 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 5 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 7-50k Hz ±1 dB (aux input). IM distortion 0.7 per cent. FM sensitivity 1.9 uV (IHF). Stereo separation 32 dB at 1k Hz. Defeatable loudness circuit. Front panel headphone jack. Remote speaker output. Exterior preamp-power amp junction. Illuminated function indicators. Phones/main/ both/remote speaker switches. Size 15%x 41/2x13 in. Wt. 20 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  6. Harman-Kardon 630 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power 30 watts per channel into 8 ohms (both channels driven) with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion at any frequency 20-20k Hz. Overall frequency response 4-70k Hz ±0.5 dB (aux input), IHF power bandwidth 10-40k Hz. Hum and noise -85 dB (aux input). IM distortion 0.15 per cent. FM sensitivity 1.9 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 68 dB. Stereo separation 32 dB at 1k Hz with 0.7 per cent harmonic distortion. IHF capture ratio 2.5 dB. Independent power supplies for each channel. Defeatable inter-station muting and loudness circuit. High frequency filter. Illuminated function indicators. Connections for Dolby B (FM) processor. Exterior preamp-power amp junction. Remote speaker outputs. Front panel headphone jack. Phones/main/both/remote speaker switches. Size 12x4%x13% in. Wt. 28 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  7. Harman-Kardon 930 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power 45 watts per channel into 8 ohms (both channels driven) with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion at any frequency 20-20k Hz. Overall frequency response 4-70k Hz ±0.5 dB (aux input), IHF power bandwidth 10-40k Hz. Hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), -80 dB (aux input). IM distortion 0.15 per cent. FM section has FET front-end. FM sensitivity 1.8 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 38 dB at 1k Hz, 30 dB at 10k Hz, with 0.6 per cent harmonic distortion. Alternate channel selectivity 50 dB, IHF capture ratio 2 dB. Defeatable interstation muting and loudness circuit. Independent power supplies for each channel. Remote speaker outputs. Front panel headphone jack. Illuminated function indicators. High and low frequency filters. FM noise cancel switch. Phones/main/both/ remote speaker switches. Size 17x434x1334 in. Wt. 29 lbs. 1 1 0-220 volts.



  1. Heathkit AR-14 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 10 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 12-60k Hz (±1 dB), power bandwidth 7-90k Hz, hum and noise-60 dB (phono input), IM distortion 1.0 per cent. FM-stereo tuner with 5 uV sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio -50 dB. Stereo separation 30 dB with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 45 dB, capture ratio 3 dB. Front-panel headphone jack, speaker on-off switch. Size 15x3/2x11/2 in. Wt. 18 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  2. Heathkit AR-17 - Stereo tuner-amplifier, power output 5 watts rms per channel into 8ohmswith 1.0 per cent harmonicdistortion. Frequency response 25-35k Hz (±1 dB). FM-stereo tuner. Input selector. Size 3x12x10/2 in. Wt. 9 lbs.
  3. Heathkit AR-19 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power output 20 watts per channel into 8 oms with 0.25 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 6-35k Hz -1 dB, power bandwidth 5-30k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.25per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 2.0 uV (IHF). Stereo separation 35 dB at 1kHz with 1.5 per cent ha/monic distortion. Capture ratio 2.5 dB. Tuning meters and stereo indicator. Defeatable circuits for interstation muting, loudness and hi-blend. Tape monitor circuit. Remote speaker output. Front-panel headphone jack. Main/both/ remote/phones switches. Size 5'/8x163/4x14/2 in. Wt. 30 lbs. 110-220 volts. In kit form.
  4. Heathkit AR-29 - AM-FM stereo tuner amplifier. RMS power output 35 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.25 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 7-60k Hz -1 dB, power bandwidth 5-30k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.2 per cent. FM sensitivity 1.8 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 60 dB. Stereo separation 45 dB at 1kHz with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 70 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Tuning meters and stereo indicator. Defeatable circuits for interstation muting, loudness and hi-blend. Tape monitor circuit. Remote speaker output. Front-panel headphone jack. Main/both/remote/phones speaker switches. Size 5V8x163/4x141/2 in. 1 10-220 volts. In kit form.
  5. Heathkit AR-1214 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 15 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz. Frequency response (1 watt) 7-100k Hz (± 1 dB), power bandwidth 5-30k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 60 dB, capture ratio 2 dB. Tape monitor circuit, front-panel headphone jack, speaker on-off switch, separate phono preamp level controls. Size 4x17x13 in. Wt. 18 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  6. Heathkit AR-1302 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 20 watts rms per channel with 0.25 per cent harmonic distortion, 5-20k Hz. Power bandwidth 5-30k Hz, IM distortion 0.25 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.0 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), stereo separation 40 dB with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 60 dB, capture ratio 1.8 dB. Tuning and signal-strength meters,defeatable interstation muting, FM noise filter. Tone-control defeat switch, defeatable loudness circuit, outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, front-panel headphone jack. Either/both/none speaker selector. Size 5x 163/4x14!/2 in. Wt. 32 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 60/60 Hz.
  7. Heathkit AR-1500 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power output 60 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.25 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 7-80k Hz -1 dB, power bandwidth 8-30k Hz, hum and noise -63 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.1 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 1.8 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 60 dB. Stem separation 40 dB at 1 kHz with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 90 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Tuning meters and stereo indicator. Defeatable circuits for loudness, hi-blend, FM interstation muting and tone-control bypass. Tape monitor circuit. Remote speaker output. Front-panel headphone jack. Main/remote/ both/phones speaker switches. Size 18>2x5x 14 in. Wt. 53 lbs. 110-220 volts. In kit form.




  1. Hitachi SR-700 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 38 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 20-20k Hz, power bandwidth 25-20k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.8 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 43 dB, capture ratio 1.1 dB. Signal-strength meter, defeatable interstation muting. Tape monitor circuit, defeatable loudness circuit, high-frequency filter, outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, front-panel headphone jack. Either/both speaker selector. Size 173/4x51/2x13 in. Wt. 26 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  2. Hitachi SR-800 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 40 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 20-20k Hz, power bandwidth 25-20k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input). AM/FM tuner with 1.8 uv FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting. Tape monitor circuit, defeatable loudness circuit, front-panel headphone and microphone jacks, high-frequency filter, outputs for two sets of stereo speakers. Either/both speaker selector. Size ^7%xb]^x 13 in. Wt. 26 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  3. Hitachi SR-1100 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 55 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 20-50k Hz, power bandwidth 20-30k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input). AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.6 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 42 dB with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 65 dB, capture ratio 0.8 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting. Tape monitor circuit, defeatable loudness circuit, high and low-frequency filters, external preamp/power-amp junction, front-panel headphone and microphone jacks, outputs for two sets of stereo speakers. Either/both speaker selector. Size 17%x5/4x 13 in. Wt. 28 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.


JVC Nivico


  1. JVC-Nivico 4MM-1000 - AM-FM stereo 4-channel tuner-amplifier with four amplifier channels. RMS power output 10 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion, all channels driven. Frequency response 35-25k Hz, power bandwidth 10-30k Hz, hum and noise -72 dB (phono input), FM tuner sensitivity 2.2 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 60 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB at 1kHz with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion. Tuning meter and jack for 4-channel broadcast decoder. Joy-stick 4-channel balance control. 4-channel matrix decoder and 4-channel simulator circuit. Microphone jack and mixer. Front-panel 4-channel headphone jack. Size 6x18'/4x173/ in. Wt. 27 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  2. JVC-Nivico VR-5501L - AM FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power output 1 6 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-40k Hz ±1.5 dB, power bandwidth 30-20k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distortion 1.0 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 2.5 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 60 dB. Stereo separation 33 dB at 1 kHz, with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 45 dB, capture ratio 4 dB. Tuning meter and stereo indicator. Defeatable loudness circuit. AM section tunes standard broadcast band and LW. Tape monitor circuit. DIN socket. Remote speaker output with main/ remote/both/phones switch. Front-panel headphone jack. Size 5/2x1 7x12% in. in. Wt. 15 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  3. JVC-Nivico VR-5515 - Stereo tuner amplifier. Power output 15 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 15-50k Hz, power bandwidth 1 5-25k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.8 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.2 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 60 dB. Stereo separation 33 dB with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Capture ratio 2.5 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable inter-station muting. Tape monitor circuit, defeatable loudness circuit, microphone mixer, outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, external preamp/power-amp junction, front-panel headphone and microphone jacks. Either/both/none speaker selector. Size 6x 17%x12% in. Wt. 20 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  4. JVC-Nivico VR-5521 - AM FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power output 22 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Power bandwidth 20-30k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.8 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 2.0 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB at 1 kHz with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 65 dB, capture ratio 2.0 dB. Tuning meter and stereo indicator. Defeatable circuits for loudness and FM interstation muting. Tape monitor circuit. Built-in five-zone frequency equalizer with control frequencies at 40, 250, 1k, 5k and 15k Hz. Remote speaker output with main/remote/both/phones switch. Exterior preamp/power-amp junction. Front-panel headphone and recorder jacks. Size 6x1 8x14/2 in. Wt. 22 lbs. 1 10-220 volts.
  5. JVC-Nivico VR-5525 - Stereo tuner amplifier. Power output 18 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 10-50k Hz, power bandwidth 10-25k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.8 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.2 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 60 dB. Stereo separation 33 dB with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Capture ratio 2.5 dB. Tuning and signal-strength meters, defeatable interstation muting. Tape monitor circuit, external preamp/power-amp junction, outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, defeatable loudness circuit, high-frequency filter, microphone mixer, five-zone frequency equalizer with control frequencies at 40, 250, 1k, 5k and 15k Hz. Front-panel headphone and microphone jacks. Either/both/none speakerselector. Size 6x183/4x123/4 in. Wt. 25 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  6. JVC-Nivico VR-5535 - Stereo tuner amplifier. Similar to JVC-Nivico VR-5525 except has power output of 28 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven.
  7. JVC-Nivico VR-5541 - AM FM stereo tuner amplifier. RMS power output 34 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 10-60k Hz, power bandwidth 15-30k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.8 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 1.7 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB at 1kHz. Selectivity 70 dB. Tuning meter and stereo indicator. Defeatable circuits for loudness, FM interstation muting, high and low frequency filters. Exterior preamp/power-amp junction. Built-in five-zone frequenzy equalizer with control frequencies at 40, 250, 1k, 5k and 15k Hz. Remote Outputs for two remote speaker systems with either/all selector switch. Front-panel recorder and headphone jacks. Tape monitor circuit. Size 6x101/4x14 in. Wt. 16 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  8. JVC-Nivico VR-5551 - Same as JVC Nivico VR-5541 except has RMS power output of 50 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven.
  9. JVC-Nivico 4VR-5414 - AM FM stereo/ 4-channel tuner-amplifier with four amplifier channels. RMS power output 15 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, all channels driven. Frequency response 15-50k Hz, power bandwidth 20-30k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.8 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 2.0 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB at 1 kHz with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 65 dB, capture ratio 2.0 dB. Tuning meter and stereo indicator. 4-channel broadcast decoder jack. Optional remote 4-channel joy-stick balance control available. Built-in 4-channel simulator circuit. Built-in five-zone frequency equalizer for front channels with control frequencies at 40, 250, 1k, 5k and 15k Hz. Defeatable circuits for FM interstation muting and loudness. Tape monitor circuit. Front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Size 6x19/2x14/2 in. Wt. 28 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  10. JVC-Nivico 4VR-5436 - 4 channel/ stereo tuner amplifier with built-in matrix decoder and CD-4 demodulator. Power output 14 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion, four channels driven. Outputs may be strapped into stereo mode to provide power output of 34 watts rms per channel. Frequency response 20-20k Hz (±1 dB), power bandwidth 20-20k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distortion 1.0 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.0 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 65 dB, capture ratio 2 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting. High and low-frequency filters, defeatable loudness circuit, 4-channel tape monitor circuit, five-zone equalizer for front channels with control frequencies at 40, 250, 1k, 5k and 15k Hz, FM detector jack, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Size 16/2x1 5/2x20 in. Wt. 31 lbs. 1 10/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  11. JVC-Nivico 4VR-5445 - Same as JVC Nivico 4VR-5414 except has RMS power output of 21 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, all channels driven. Two built-in five-zone frequency equalizers for separate control of front and rear channels. Size 6x23x14 in. Wt. 33 lbs.
  12. JVC-Nivico 4VR-5446 - 4 channel/ stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in matrix decoder and CD-4 demodulator. Power output 22 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, four channels driven. Outputs may be strapped into stereo mode to provide power output of 44 watts rms per channel. Frequency response 10-30k Hz (±1 dB), power bandwidth 20-30k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.8 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.0 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 65 dB, capture ratio 2.0 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting. High and low-frequency filters, defeatable loudness circuit, two 4-channel tape monitor circuits, five-zone equalizer for front channels with control frequencies at 40, 250, 1k, 5k and 15k Hz, outputs for two sets of 4-channel speakers, FM detector jack, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks and remote 4-channel balance-control jack. Matrix circuit decodes SQ and Regular Matrix material and automatically switches to CD-4 mode in presence of CD-4 carrier. Speaker selector switch. Size 61/2x20x15/2 in. Wt. 35 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  13. JVC Nivico 4VR-5456 - 4-channel/ stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in matrix decoder and CD-4 demodulator. Power output 42 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, four channels driven. Frequency response 10-50k Hz (±1 dB), power bandwidth 20-30k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.8 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.8 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 38 dB with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 65 dB, capture ratio 1.2 dB. Tuning and signal-strength meters, defeatable interstation muting. Two 4-channel tape monitor circuits, defeatable loudness circuit high and low-frequency filters, speaker muting control, two (front and rear) five-zone equalizers with control frequencies at 40, 250, 1k, 5k and 15k Hz, outputs for two sets of 4-channel speakers, FM detector jack, front-panel 4-channel headphone, recorder and remote balance control jacks. Matrix circuit decodes SQand Regular Matrix material and automatically switches to CD-4 mode in presence of CD-4 carrier. Speaker selector switch. Size 7/4x313/4x1 6 in. Wt. 44 lbs. 1 10/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Kenwood KR-2300 - Stereo tuner amplifier. Power output 14 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 25-50k Hz (±2 dB), power bandwidth 30-50k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input) IM distortion 1.0 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.5 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 60 dB. Stereo separation 30 dB with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Tape monitor circuit, defeatable loudness circuit, front-panel headphone and microphone jacks, outputs for two sets of stereo speakers. Either/both/none speaker selector. Size 1 73/4x53/4x14 in. Wt. 21 lbs. 1 1 0/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  2. Kenwood KR-3200 - AM FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power output 1 3.5 watts per channel into 8 ohms at all frequencies with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 25-35k Hz ±2 dB, power bandwidth 25-35k Hz, hum and noise -63 dB (phono input), IM distortion 1.0 per cent. FM sensitivity 2.3 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 63 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB at 1 kHz with 0.9 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 50 dB, capture ratio 3.5 dB. Tuning meter and stereo indicator. Defeatable loudness circuit, remote speaker output, tape monitor circuit, noise filter and front-panel headphone jack. Either/both/none speaker switch. Size 1 7x53/4x1 33/4 in. Wt. 21 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  3. Kenwood KR-4050 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 19 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.7 per cent harmonic distortion, 50-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 22-35k Hz (±2 dB), power bandwidth 25-25k Hz, hum and noise -63 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.7 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.0 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 63 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 50 dB, capture ratio 3.0 dB. Tuning meter, defeatable interstation muting. Two tape monitor circuits, defeatable loudness circuit, high-frequency filter, outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, microphone mixer, front-panel headphone and microphone jacks. Either/ both/none speaker selector. Size 17x5%x 133/4 in. Wt. 22 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/ 60 Hz.
  4. Kenwood KR-4200 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power output 19 watts per channel into 8 ohms at all frequencies with 0.7 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 22-35k Hz ±2 dB, power bandwidth 25-25k Hz, hum and noise -63 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.7 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 2.0 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 63 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB at 1kHz with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 50 dB, capture ratio 3.0 dB. Tuning meter, stereo indicator and defeatable interstation muting. Two tape monitor circuits, defeatable loudness circuit and remote speaker output. Front-panel headphone jack. Main/both/remote/phones speaker switch. Size 17x53/4x133/4 in. Wt. 21 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  5. Kenwood KR-5200 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power output 30 watts per channel into 8 ohms at all frequencies with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-40k Hz, power bandwidth 1 7-30k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. FM sensitivity 1.8 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB at 1 kHz with 0.7 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 60 dB, capture ratio 2.0 dB. Tuning meter, stereo indicator and defeatable interstation muting. Two tape monitor circuits, defeatable loudness circuit two remote speaker outputs, high and low frequency filters. Front panel microphone, headphone and recorder jacks. Either/all/none speaker switch. Size 17x5x14 in. Wt. 28 lbs. 1 10-220 volts.
  6. Kenwood KR-5340 - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in matrix decoder. Power output 10 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, four channels driven. Outputs may be strapped into stereo mode to provide 25 watts rms per channel. Frequency response 10-20k Hz (± 1 dB), power bandwidth 10-60k Hz, hum and noise -60 dB (phone input), IM distortion 0.8 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.0 uV FM sensitivity, S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 70 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Signal-strength meter. Defeatable loudness circuit, 4-channel tape monitor circuit, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Matrix circuitry decodes SQ and Regular Matrix material, optional CD-4 demodulator available. Size 19%x53Ax'\4-V* in. Wt. 32 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  7. Kenwood KR-6140 A - AM-FM stereos-channel tuner-amplifier with four amplifier channels. RMS power output 30 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 1 5-40k Hz, power bandwidth 20-30k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono inputs), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 1.9 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 60 dB. Stereo separation 30 dB at 1 k Hz with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 45 dB, capture ratio 2.5 dB. Tuning meter, stereo indicator and defeatable interstation muting. High and low frequency filters. Defeatable loudness circuit, two 4-channel tape monitor circuits, microphone jack and mixer, built-in universal 4-channel matrix decoder and remote 4-channel speaker output. Remote balance/volume control available. Preamp output jacks. Front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Either/all/none speaker switches. Size 1 7%x6%x14/2 in. Wt. 35 lbs. 1 10/220 volts ac, 60/60 Hz.
  8. Kenwood KR-6200 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power output 45 watts per channel into 8 ohms at all frequencies with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-40k Hz ±2 dB, power bandwidth 1 3-30k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 1.7 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 66 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB at 1 kHz with 0.6 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 65 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Tuning meter, stereo indicator and defeatable inter-station muting. Two tape monitor circuits, defeatable loudness circuit, midrange tone control, high and low frequency filters, two remote speaker outputs. Front-panel microphone, headphone and recorder jacks. Either/ all/none speaker switch. Size 17x5%x14 in. Wt. 29 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  9. Kenwood KR-6340 - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in matrix decoder. Power output 15 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, four channels driven. Outputs may be strapped into stereo mode to provide 40 watts rms per channel. Frequency response 20-20k Hz (±1 dB), power bandwidth 20-40k Hz, hum and noise -60 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.8 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.0 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 63 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 50 dB, capture ratio 3.0 dB. Signal-strength meter, defeatable interstation muting. Outputs for two sets of 4-channel speakers, defeatable loudness circuit, electronic overload protection circuit, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks, FM detector jack. Matrix circuitry decodes SQ and Regular matrix material, plug-in pocket for optional CD-4 decoder module. Either/both/none speaker selector. Size 193/4x6x14/4 in. Wt. 33 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  10. Kenwood KR-7200 - Same as Kenwood KR-6200 except has RMS power output of 55 watts per channel into 8 ohms at any frequency with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Slide-type microphone mixer control.
  11. Kenwood KR-7340 - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in matrix decoder. Power output 20 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, four channels driven. Outputs may be strapped into stereo mode to provide power output of 55 watts rms per channel. Frequency response 20-20k Hz (±1 dB), power bandwidth 15-45k Hz, hum and noise -60 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.8 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.9 uV FM sensitivity, S/N ratio 63 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 50 dB, capture ratio 3.0 dB. Signal-strength meter, defeatable interstation muting. Four VU meters, high and low-frequency filters, VU meter sensitivity control, two 4-channel tape monitor circuits, defeatable loudness circuit, FM detector jack, outputs for two sets of 4-channel speakers, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Matrix circuitry decodes SQ and Regular Matrix material, plug-in pocket for optional CD-4 demodulator module. Either/both/none speaker selector. Size 21 x6/2x14!/4 in. Wt. 41 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  12. Kenwood KR-8140 - AM-FM stereos-channel tuner amplifier with four amplifier channels and wireless remote control. RMS power output 26 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 20-40k Hz ±2 dB, power bandwidth 18-30k Hz, hum and noise -63 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. FM sensitivity 1.7 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB at 1 kHz with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 55 dB, capture ratio 2.0 dB. Tuning meter, stereo indicator, defeatable AVC and interstation muting, diode tuner with five settable pushbuttons for station selection, wireless remote control of button selection. Tape monitor circuit, defeatable loudness circuit, low and high frequency filter, built-in SQ and regular 4-channel matrix decoders, remote 4-channel speaker output, independent tape dubbing circuit, 4-channel preamp outputs, midrange frequency control, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Size 19x5%x16 in. Wt. 33 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  13. Kenwood KR-8340 - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in matrix decoder. Power output 25 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion, 50-20k Hz, four channels driven. Outputs may be strapped into stereo mode to provide power output of 60 watts rms per channel. Frequency response 20-20k Hz (±1 dB), power bandwidth 10-45k Hz, hum and noise -60 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.8 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.9 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 63 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 50 dB, capture ratio 3.0 dB. Signal-strength meter, defeatable interstation muting. Four VU meters, separate tone controls for front and rear channels, outputs for two sets of 4-channel speakers, VU meter sensitivity control, two 4-channel tape monitor circuits, high and low-frequency filters, FM detector jack, electronic overload protection circuit, selectable FM de-emphasis (50 or 75 usee), front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Matrix circuitry decodes SQ and Regular Matrix material, plug-in pocket for optional CD-4 demodulator module. Either/both/ none speaker selector. Size 21x6/2x14'/4 in. Wt. 43 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  14. Kenwood KR-9340 - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in matrix decoder. Power output 40 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, four channels driven. Frequency response 20-20k Hz (±1 dB), power bandwidth 10-50k Hz, hum and noise -60 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.8 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 50 dB, capture ratio 3.0 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting. Four VU meters, separate tone controls for front and rear channels, outputs for two sets of 4-channel speakers, VU meter sensitivity control, two 4-channel tape monitor circuits, high and low-frequency filters, FM detector jack, electronic overload protection circuit, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Matrix circuitry decodes SQ and Regular Matrix material, plug-in pocket for optional CD-4 demodulator module. Either/both/ none speaker selector. Size 21x6/2x14/4 in. Wt. 47 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.


Lux (später Luxman)


  1. Lux FQ900 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power 50 watts per channel into 8 ohms (both channels driven) at all frequencies with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 10-40k Hz (aux input), Power bandwidth (-1 dB) 15-30k Hz. Hum and noise -60dB (phono input). IM distortion 0.2 per cent. FM sensitivity 2.2 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 60 dB. Stereo separation 36 dB at 400 Hz with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Alternate channel selectivity 50 dB, IHF capture ratio 1 dB. FM tuner has manual and pushbutton tuning. Switchable FM muting threshold. Defeatable loudness circuit. High and low frequency filters. Selectable frequencies for treble and bass tone controls. Front panel tape recorder and headphone jacks. Illuminated function indicators. Exterior preamp-power amp junction. Remote speaker output. Phones/main/both/remote speaker switches. Size 1 8/2x6x1 3% in.
  2. Lux FQ990 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power 75 watts per channel into 8 ohms (both channels driven) at all frequencies with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 1 0-40k Hz, power bandwidth (-1 dB) 15-30k Hz. Hum and noise -60 dB (phono input). IM distortion 0.2 per cent. FM sensitivity 2.0 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 60 dB. Stereo separation 36 dB at 1 k Hz with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Alternate channel selectivity 50 dB, IHF capture ratio 1 dB, IHF capture ratio 1 dB. FM tuner has-manual and pushbutton tuning. Interstation muting threshold switch. Defeat-able loudness circuit. Selectable frequencies for bass and treble tone controls. High and low frequency filters. Tape head inputs to amplifier. Front panel tape recorder and headphone jacks. Illuminated function indicators. Remote speaker output. Phones/ main/both/remote speaker switches. Size 1 8/2x6x1 3% in.
  3. Lux R-800 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 40 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 percentharmonicdistortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 15-35k Hz (-1 dB), power bandwidth 5-40k Hz, hum and noise -66 dB (phono input). AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.8 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 70 dB, capture ratio 1.3 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting. Outputs for three sets of stereo speakers, defeatable loudness circuit, two tape monitor circuits, two-frequency high and low-cut filters, bass boost filter, front-panel headphone and microphone jacks. Speaker selection switch. Size 18x14/4x1 3% in. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Marantz 19 - FM tuner-amplifier. RMS power per channel 50 watts into 4 or 8 ohms. Overall frequency response (at 50 watts) 20-20k Hz ±0.5 dB with 0.15 per cent harmonic distortion. IHF power bandwidth 7-40k Hz. Hum and noise -74 dB (phono input). IM distortion 0.2 per cent. FM section has oscilloscope tuning/antenna-orientation aid. FM sensitivity 1.5 uVwith 30 dB quieting S/N ratio 73 dB with 50 uV signal. IHF capture ratio 2.5 dB. Stereo separation 45 dB at 1 k Hz, 30 dB at 1 5k Hz with 0.1 5 per cent harmonic distortion. Defeatable interstation muting and noise cancel. High and low frequency filters. Front panel tape recorder and headphone jacks. Remote speaker output. Phones/main/both/remote speaker switch. Size 18/4x53/4x16 in. Wt. 46 lbs.
  2. Marantz 2010 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power output 10 watts per channel into 8 ohms (40-1 6k Hz) with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 20 to 20k Hz ±1.5 dB, power bandwidth 20 to 22k Hz, IM distortion 1.0 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 2.8 uV, S/N ratio 55 dB. Stereo separation 32 dB at 1kHz with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 48 dB, capture ratio 2.5 dB. Tuning meter, stereo indicator and defeatable interstation muting. Defeatable loudness circuit, tape monitoring circuit and remote speaker output. Front-panel headphone jack. Main/remote/both/phones speaker switches. Size 141/4x4%x1 2 in.
  3. Marantx 2220 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 10 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.9 percentharmonicdistortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Power bandwidth 20-22k Hz. Frequency response 20-20k Hz, power bandwidth 20-22k Hz, hum and noise -80 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.9 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.8 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 55 dB (50 uV input). Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 50 dB, capture ratio 3.0 dB. Signal-strength meter, defeatable interstation muting. High and low-frequency filters, outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, defeatable loudness circuit, tape monitor circuit, front-panel headphone jack. Either/ both/none speaker selector. Size 1 7x5x14 in. Wt. 26 lbs.
  4. Marantz 2230 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power 30 watts per channel into 8 ohms (both channels driven) with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion at any frequency 30 to 20k Hz. Overall frequency response at 1 watt, 15-40k Hz ±2 dB, IHF power bandwidth 15-40k Hz. IM distortion 0.5 per cent. FM section has jack for 4-channel decoder. FM tuner S/N ratio 51 dB with 5 uV signal, 63 dB at 50 uV. Stereo separation 40 dB at 1k Hz, 25 dB at 10k Hz with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion. IHF capture ratio 1.8 dB. Defeatable interstation muting and loudness circuit. High and low frequency filters. Step-type bass, mid, and treble tone controls. Front panel jacks for tape recorder and headphones. Exterior preamp-power amp junction. Illuminated function. Remote speaker output. Phones/ main/remote speaker switches. Size 17x5x 14 in. Wt. 32 lbs. 1 10-220 volts.
  5. Marantz 2245 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power 45 watts per channel into 8 ohms (both channels driven) with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion at any frequency 20-20k Hz. Overall frequency response at 1 watt, 15-40k Hz ±1 dB. IHF power bandwidth 10-40k Hz. IM distortion 0.3 per cent. FM tuner S/N ratio 52 dB with 5 uV signal, 65 dB at 50 uV. Stereo separation 40 dB at 1 k Hz, 25 dB at 10k Hz with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion. IHF capture ratio 1.8 dB. FM section has jack for 4-channel decoder. Illuminated function indicators. Step-type bass, mid, and treble tone controls. Defeatable interstation muting and loudness circuit. High and low frequency filters. Exterior preamp-power amp junction. Remote speaker output. Front panel jacks for tape recorder and headphones. Phones/ main/remote speaker switches. Size 17x5x 14 in. Wt. 32 lbs. 1 1 0-220 volts.
  6. Marantz 2270 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power 70 watts per channel into 8 ohms (both channels driven) with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion at any frequency 20-20k Hz. Overall frequency response at 1 watt, 10-50k Hz ±1 dB. IHF power bandwidth 10-40k Hz. IM distortion 0.3 per cent. FM tuner S/N ratio 53 dB with 5 uV signal, 57 dB at 50 uV. IHF capture ratio 1.9 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB at 1 k Hz, 26 dB at 10k Hz, with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion. FM section has jack for 4-channel decoder. Illuminated function indicators. Bass, mid, and treble tone controls. Antenna orientation aid. Defeatable interstation muting and loudness circuits. High and low frequency filters. FM stereo noise cancel circuit. Exterior preamp-power amp junction. Remote speaker output. Front panel jacks for tape recorder and headphones. Phones/main/remote speaker switches. Size 16%x5x14 in. Wt. 35 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  7. Marantz 4415 - AM-FM stereo 4-channel tuner-amplifier with four amplifier channels. RMS power output 1 5 watts per channel into 8 ohms (40-20k Hz) with 0.9 per cent harmonic distortion, all channels driven. Frequency response 20-80k Hz ±2 dB, power bandwidth 1 5-50k Hz, IM distortion 0.9 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 2.8 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 55 dB. Stereo separation 32 dB at 1 kHz with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 48 dB, capture ratio 2.5 dB. Tuning meter, stereo indicator and defeatable inter-station muting circuit. 4-channel broadcast decoder jack. 4-channel tape monitor circuit, defeatable loudness circuit, high frequency filter, jack for optional 4-channel remote control unit, built-in 4-channel matrix decoder circuit 4-channel remote speaker output. Main/both/remote/phones speaker switches. Front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Size 17x5x14/4 in.


National Panasonic


  1. National Panasonic SA-5200 - AM FM stereo tuner-amplifier with post-amplifier 4-channel decoder circuit. RMS power output 14 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 10-50k Hz +1, -3 dB, power bandwidth 7-30k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 1.0 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 1.9 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB at 1kHz with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 60 dB, capture ratio 2.0 dB. Tuning meter and stereo indicator. Two tape monitor circuits, defeatable loudness circuit and remote speaker output. Built-in high-level matrix decoder divides amplified stereo signal to produce 4-channel sound in conjunction with four speakers. Front-panel stereo microphone and headphone jacks. Main/both/remote/phones speaker switch. Size 16x5'/4x141/4 in. Wt. 18 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  2. National Panasonic SA 5800 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power 27 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 15-65k Hz -3 dB (aux input), IHF power bandwidth 5-40k Hz. Hum and noise -70 dB (phono input). IM distortion0.7 per cent. FM sensitivity 1.8 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 60 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB at 1 k Hz with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion. Alternate channel selectivity 80 dB, IHF capture ratio 1.5 dB. Defeatable interstation muting and loudness circuit. High frequency filter. Remote speaker output. Front panel headphone jack. Phones/main/both/remote speaker switch. Size 16x5/2x14 in. Wt. 24 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  3. National Panasonic SA-6400X - AM-FM stereo/4-channel tuner-amplifier with four amplifier channels. RMS power output 19 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 20-50k Hz -3 dB, power bandwidth 9-40k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.7 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 1.8 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB at 1kHz with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 70 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Tuning meter, stereo indicator and defeatable interstation muting. Jack for 4-channel broadcast decoder. Three 4-channel tape monitor circuits, defeatable loudness circuit, microphone jack and mixer, high and low frequency filters, built-in variable matrix decoder, adjustable phase-shift circuit to control degree of ambiance, 4-channel remote speaker output. Front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Main/both/remote/phones speaker switch. Size 17^x6/4x16 in. Wt. 33 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  4. National Panasonic SA-6500 - AM FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power 50 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 30-20k Hz ±1 dB (phono input), IHF power bandwidth 1 5-60k Hz. Hum and noise -70 dB (phono input). IM distortion 1.0 per cent. FM sensitivity 1.8 uV, S/N ratio 60 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB at 1k Hz with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Alternate channel selectivity 50 dB, IHF capture ratio 1.5 dB. Defeatable interstation muting, noise cancel, and loudness circuit. High and low frequency filters. Illuminated function indicators. Output for remote speaker. Front panel headphone jack. Phones/main/both/ remote speakers switches. Size 1 7x6x1 5Va in. Wt. 34 lbs.
  5. National Panasonic SA-6800X - AM-FM stereo/4-channel tuner-amplifier with four amplifier channels. RMS power output 42 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 20-50k Hz -3 dB, power bandwidth 7-40k Hz, hum and noise -73 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.7 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 1.8 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB at 1 kHz with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 70 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Tuning and signal strength meters, stereo indicator and defeatable interstation muting. Jack for 4-channel broadcast decoder. Three 4-channel tape monitor circuits, defeatable loudness circuit, microphone jack and mixer with 4-channel pan control, high and low frequency filters, built-in variable matrix decoder, adjustable phase-shift circuit to control degree of ambiance, 4-channel orientation control, 4-channel remote speaker output, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Main/remote/both/phones speaker switch. Size 17%x6/4x16 in. Wt. 35 lbs. 110-220 volts.




  1. Onkyo 225 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power 22 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.3 percent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response at 1 watt, 15-30k Hz ±1 dB (aux input), IHF power bandwidth 20-30k Hz. Hum and noise -70 dB (phono input). IM distortion 0.1 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 2.0 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 38 dB at 400 Hz, with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Adjacent channel selectivity 65 dB, IHF capture ratio 1.5dB. Defeatable interstation muting and loudness circuits. High and low frequency filters. Tuning meter. Front headphone jack. Main/remote speaker switch. Size 1 7x5^x13% in. Wt. 22 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  2. Onkyo 234 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power 1 1 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.3 per cent distortion. Overall frequency response at 1 watt, 20-25k Hz ±1 dB (aux input), IHF power bandwidth 25-25k Hz. Hum and noise -60 dB (phono input). IM distortion 0.1 per cent (at 10 watts). FM tunersensitivity 2.5 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 60 dB. Stereo separation 33 dB at 400 Hz with 0.8 percent harmonicdistortion. Adjacent channel selectivity 60 dB, IHF capture ratio 2.5 dB. Defeatable loudness circuit Front headphone jack. Tuning meter. Main/remote speaker switch. Size 17x5/x 13% in. Wt 17/a lbs. 110-220 volts.
  3. Onkyo TX-440 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 21 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-30k Hz (±1 dB), power bandwidth 20-20k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input). AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.0 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 65 dB, capture ratio 2 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting. Outputs for three sets of stereo speakers, high and low-frequency filters, two tape monitor circuits, defeatable loudness circuit, front-panel headphone and microphone jacks. Speaker-selector switch. Size 18/2x5/2x14% in. Wt. 25 lbs. 1 10/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  4. Onkyo TX-560 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 43 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.2 percent harmonicdistortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 15-30k Hz (±1 dB), power bandwidth 20-40k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.0 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB w'th 0.7 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 70 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting. Two tape monitor circuits, outputs for three sets of stereo speakers, defeatable loudness circuit, high and low-frequency filters, front-panel headphone and microphone jacks. Speaker-selector switch. Size 1 8/2x5/2x1 8/2 in. Wt. 27 lbs. 110/220 volts ac. 50/60 Hz.
  5. Onkyo TX-666 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 50 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.2 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response (1 watt) 10-40k Hz (±1 dB), power bandwidth 10-40k Hz, IM distortion 0.3 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.8 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 75 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting. Microphone mixer, defeatable loudness circuit, high and low-frequency filters, two tape monitor circuits, outputs for three sets of stereo speakers, front-panel headphone and microphone jacks. Speaker selector switch. Size 18/2x15x5/2 in. Wt. 30 lbs. 110/ 220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  6. Onkyo Y-3A - 4-channel/stereo AM-FM tuner-amplifier. With matrix circuit to produce 4-channel effect. RMS power 12 watts per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 30-30k Hz ±1 dB (aux input) at 1 watt. IHF power bandwidth 30-20k Hz. Humand noise -60dB (phono input). IM distortion 0.5 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 3 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 50 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB at 400 Hz with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Adjacent channel selectivity 35 dB, IHF capture ratio 4 dB. Defeatable loudness circuit. Meter-type tuning aid. Front headphone jack. Size 20x 5/2x1 3 in. Wt. 24 lbs. 1 1 0-220 volts.




  1. Pioneer LX-440A - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS poweroutput12 watts per channel into8ohmswith 1.0 percentharmonicdis-tortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-70k Hz ±3 dB, power bandwidth 30-20k Hz, hum and noise -75 dB (phono input). FM tuner sensitivity 2.5 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 50 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB at 1 kHz. Tuning meter and stereo indicator. AM section tunes standard broadcast band and LW. Tape monitor circuit, defeatable loudnesscircuitand remote speaker output. Either/phonesspeaker switches. Front-panel headphone jack. Size 1 6x53/4x1 5 in. Wt. 1 8 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  2. Pioneer QX-646 - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in matrix decoder and CD-4 demodulator. Power output 10 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, two channels driven. Frequency response 10-100k Hz (±3 dB), power bandwidth 15-20k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 1.0 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.2 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 40 dB, capture ratio 3 dB. Signal-strength meter, defeatable interstation muting. Outputs for two sets of rear-channel speakers, 4-channel tape monitor circuit, defeatable loudness circuit, front-panel headphone jack. Speaker selector switches. Matrix circuitry decodes SQ and Regular Matrix material. Size 25/4x10x1 7/a in. Wt. 27 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  3. Pioneer QX-747 - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in matrix decoder and CD-4 demodulator. Power output 20 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, four channels driven. Outputs may be strapped into stereo mode to provide power output of 40 watts rms per channel. Frequency response 10-25k Hz (+0.5, -1 dB), power bandwidth 7-40k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.9 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 60 dB, capture ratio 1 dB. Tuning meter, defeatable interstation muting. Illuminated 4-channel audio display, defeatable loudness circuit, connections and control for noise reduction adapter, stereo and 4-channel tape monitor circuits electronic overload protection circuit, FM detector jack, outputs for two sets of rear-channel speakers, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Speaker selector switches. Matrix circuitry decodes SQ and Regular Matrix material. Size 21%x6/4x16l/2 in. Wt. 42 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  4. Pioneer QX-949 - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in matrix decoder and CD-4 demodulator. Power output 40 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, four channels driven. Outputs may be strapped into stereo mode to provide power output of 60 watts rms per channel. Frequency response 7-25k Hz (+0.5, -1dB), power bandwidth 7-40k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.3 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.8 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 80 dB, capture ratio 1 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting, FM noise filter. Two 4-channel tape monitor circuits, one stereo tape monitor circuit, connections and control for noise reduction adapter, electronic overload protection circuit, FM detector jack, outputs for two sets of 4-channel speakers, illuminated 4-channel audio display with sensitivity selector, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Speaker selection switches. Matrix circuitry decodes SQ and Regular Matrix material. Size 213/4x61/4x171/4 in. Wt.50 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60-Hz.
  5. Pioneer QX-4000 - AM-FM stereo/4-channel tuner-amplifier with four amplifier channels. RMS power output 10 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion, all channels driven. Frequency response 10-100k Hz ±3 dB, power bandwidth 15-20k Hz (all channels driven), hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 1.0 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 2.2 uV, S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB at 1 kHz with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 40 dB, capture ratio 3 dB. Tuning meter, stereo indicator and defeatable interstation muting.4-channeltape monitor circuit, defeatable loudness circuit, two built-in 4-channel matrix decoder circuits (normal & SQ) and remote rear-channel speaker output. Size 173/4x53/4x133/4 in. Wt. 23 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  6. Pioneer QX-8000A - AM-FM stereos-channel tuner-amplifier with four amplifier channels. RMS power output 22 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion, all channels driven. Frequency response 10-40k Hz ±3 dB, hum and noise -75 dB (weighted phono input), IM distortion 1.0 per cent. FM sensitivity 2.2 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Selectivity 40 dB, capture ratio 3 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB at 1 kHz with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Tuning and signal-strength meters, stereo indicator and defeatable interstation muting. Two 4-channel tape monitor circuits, high and low frequency filters, defeatable loudness circuit, built-in 4-channel matrix decoders for regular and SQ material, front-panel microphone and 4-channel headphone jacks, 4-channel exterior preamp/power-amp junctions. Size 20x63/4x153/4 in. Wt. 35 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  7. Pioneer QX-9900 - AM-FM stereos-channel tuner-amplifier with four amplifier channels. RMS power output 30 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, all channels driven. Frequency response 10-20k Hz ±1 dB, hum and noise -75 dB (weighted phono input), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. FM sensitivity 1.8 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB at 1 kHz with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 70 dB, capture ratio 2 dB. Tuning and signal-strength meters, FM noise filter, stereo indicator and defeatable inter-station muting. High and low frequency filters, defeatable loudness circuit, remote 4-channel speaker output, two 4-channel tape monitor circuits, built-in 4-channel matrix decoders for regular and SQ material, four VU meters, meter sensitivity control, two-channel microphone mixer, built-in reverberation circuit, speaker muting switch, 4-channel exterior preamp/power-amp junction, either/both/ none speaker switches, front-panel microphone and 4-channel headphone jacks. Size 22x63/4x17 in. Wt. 47 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  8. Pioneer SX-424 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power output 12 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion both channels driven. Frequency response 20-70k Hz ±3 dB, power bandwidth 20-45k Hz, hum and noise -75 dB (phono input), IM distortion 1.0 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 2.3 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB at 1kHz with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Capture ratio 3.5 dB. Tuning meter and stereo indicator. Tape monitor circuit, defeatable loudness circuit, microphone input and remote speaker output. Front-panel headphone jack. Main/remote/ both/phones speaker switch. Size 17x5%x 13% in. Wt. 1 7 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  9. Pioneer SX-525 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power output 17 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 15-30k Hz±1 dB, power bandwidth 10-45k Hz, hum and noise -75 dB (phono input), IM distortion 1.0 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 2.2 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB at1 kHz with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 45 dB, capture ratio 3 dB. Tuning meter, ste.reo indicator and defeatable interstation muting. Two tape monitor circuits, defeatable loudness circuit, microphone jack and remote speaker output. Main/both/remote/phones speaker switch. Front-panel headphone jack. Size 17%x5%x 14% in. Wt. 18 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  10. Pioneer SX-626 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power output 20 watts per channel into 8 ohms at all frequencies with 1.0 per cent harmonic, both channels driven. Frequency response 1 5-20k Hz ±1 dB, power-amp power bandwidth 10-70k Hz, hum and noise -85 dB (phono input), IM distortion 1.0 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 2.0 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB at 1kHz with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 70 dB, capture ratio 2.5 dB. Tuning meter, stereo indicator and defeatable interstation muting. Two tape monitor circuits, high and low frequency filters, defeatable loudness circuit, microphone jack and two remote speaker outputs. Front-panel headphone jack. Either/all/none speaker switch. Size 17%x 53/4x141/4 in. Wt. 22 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  11. Pioneer SX-727 - Similar to Pioneer SX-626 except has RMS power output of 37 watts per channel into 8 ohms at all frequencies with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Speaker muting switch and signal-strength meter.
  12. Pioneer SX-828 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power output 54 watts per channel into 8 ohms at all frequencies with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 10-40k Hz±1 dB, power bandwidth 10-60k Hz, hum and noise -85 dB (phono input), distortion 0.5 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 1.7 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB,
  13. with 0.4 cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 75 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Tuning and signal-strength meters, stereo indicator and defeatable interstation muting. Two tape monitor circuits, high and low frequency filters, defeatable loudness circuit, speaker muting control and two remote speaker outputs. Front-panel stereo microphone and headphone jacks. Exterior preamp/power-amp junction. Either/all/phones speaker switch. Size 19*6x143/4 in. Wt. 33 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  14. Pioneer SX-2500 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power 72 watts per channel into 8 ohms (both channels driven) with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 20-70,000 Hz ±2 dB, power bandwidth 20-30,000 Hz, phono hum and noise -80 dB. IHF usable sensitivity 1.6 uV, selectivity 65 dB, signal-to-noise ratio 70 dB, capture ratio 1 dB, stereo separation 40 dB, harmonic distortion (stereo) 0.5 per cent. Automatic tuning with servo-mechanism and remote control. Adjustable inter-station muting level. Defeatable loudness contour. Step-type tone controls. Stereo-only switch. Main/remote/both speaker switch. Two tape monitor circuits, tape-to-tape dubbing. Two tuning meters. Center channel output. Separate preamp and power amplifier jacks. DIN tape jack. Headphone jack. Size 19x 53/4x15 in. 110-220 volts.
  15. Pioneer SX-3000 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 20 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 5-80k Hz (± 1 dB), power bandwidth 10-70k Hz, hum and noise -85 dB (phono input), IM distortion 1.0 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.0 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 70 dB, capture ratio 2.5 dB. Signal-strength meter, defeatable interstation muting. Two tape monitor circuits, defeatable loudness circuit, high and low-frequency filters, outputs for three sets of stereo speakers, exterior preamp/power-amp junction, front-panel headphone and microphone jacks. Speaker selector switch. Size 173/4x6x14/4 in. Wt. 25 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  16. Pioneer SX-6000 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power 40 wattsper channel into 8 ohms with both channels driven. Harmonic distortion 1.0 per cent. Overall frequency response 8-80k Hz ±3 dB (aux input), IHF power bandwidth. 10-80k Hz. Hum and noise -80 dB (phono input). IM distortion 0.4 per cent. FM sensitivity 1.8 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB at 1 k Hz with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Alternate channel selectivity 40 dB, IHF capture ratio 1.5 dB. Defeatable interstation muting and loudness circuits. Speaker muting switch. High and low frequency filters. Front panel microphone and headphone jacks. Connections for preamp and power amp. Outputs for two sets of remote speakers and center channel. Phones/main/both/remote speaker switch. Size 17/2x6/2x12% in. Wt. 29 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  17. Pioneer SX-9000 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power 50 watts per channel into 8 ohms (both channels driven) with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 10-35,000 Hz ±1 dB, power bandwidth 10-35,000 Hz, phono hum and noise -80 dB. IHF usable sensitivity 1.6 uV, selec-ticity 40 dB, capture ratio 1 dB, signal-to-noise ratio 65 dB, stereo separation 40 dB harmonic distortion (stereo) 0.8 per cent. Built-in reverb amplifier, microphone mixing, tape-to-tape dubbing. Drop-down front panel headphone jacks, two microphone inputs with level controls, tape jacks. Defeatable reverb control, interstation muting, loudness contour, tone color switch. Switches for 3 pairs of speakers. Two tuning meters. Switch for separate use of preamp and power amplifier. Size 20/2x7%x13>2 in. 110-220 volts.




  1. Rotel RX-154A - 4-channel/stereotuner-amplifier with built-in SQ matrix decoder. Power output 10 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 20-50k Hz, power bandwidth 30-30k Hz, hum and noise -60 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.7 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 4.0 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 60 dB. Stereo separation 32 dB with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 30 dB, capture ratio 7 dB. Signal-strength meter. Tape monitor circuit, speaker on-off switch, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Size 163/4x13/2x5/4 in. Wt. 17 lbs.
  2. Rotel RX-454 - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in SQ matrix decoder. Power output 20 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion, four channels driven. Outputs may be strapped into stereo mode to provide power output of 45 watts rms per channel. Frequency response 1 5-90k Hz (-3 dB), power bandwidth 20-50k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.2 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.5 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 45 dB, capture ratio 3 dB. Signal-strength meter, defeatable interstation muting. Outputs for two sets of 4-channel speakers, high-frequency filter, defeatable loudness circuit, tape monitor circuit, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Speaker selector switches. Size 18/2x1 33/4x5 in. Wt. 22 lbs. 11 0/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  3. Rotel RX-600A - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 30 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.2 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 9-100k Hz, power bandwidth 15-45k Hz, hum and noise -67 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.2 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.2 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 38 dB with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 50 dB, capture ratio 2 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting. Tone control defeat switch, tape monitor circuit, high-frequency filter, defeatable loudness circuit, exterior preamp/ power-amp junction, outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, front-panel headphone jack. Speaker selector switch. Size 18x5x12'j in. Wt. 20 lbs. 1 10/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  4. Rotel RX-800 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 40 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 4-75k Hz (-3 dB), power bandwidth 5-50k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.2 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.7 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 38 dB with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 70 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting. Loudspeaker muting control, outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, high and low-frequency filters, tone-control defeat switch, two tape monitor circuits, exterior preamp/power-amp junction, front-panel headphone jack. Either/ both/none speaker selector. Size 1 61/2x 1 2x5 Vi in. Wt. 26 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.




  1. SAE Mark V - FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power output 90 watts per channel at all frequencies into 8 ohms with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 10-100k Hz -2 dB, hum and noise -75 dB (phone input), IM distortion 0.1 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 1.6 uV, S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB at 1kHz with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion. Capture ratio 1.9 dB. Digital readout FM dial and built-in oscilloscope for performance measurements. Tape monitor circuit, six-frequency equalizer circuitry and remote speaker output. Front-panel headphone and recorder jacks. Size 17x5%x16/2 in.




  1. Sansui Six - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power output 28 watts per channel into 8 ohms at all frequencies with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-40k Hz +1, -1.5 dB, power bandwidth 10-50k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.3 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 2 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 63 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB at 1kHz with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 60 dB, capture ratio 2 dB. Tuning meter, stereo indicator and defeatable interstation muting. Two tape monitor circuits. Two remote speaker outputs, exterior preamp/ power-amp junction, 4-channel adapter and noise reduction unit jacks, and defeatable loudness circuit. Front-panel headphone and recorder jacks. High and low frequency filters. Either/all/none speaker switch. Size 16%x 51/2x1 2J4 in. Wt. 30 lbs. 1 1 0-220 volts.
  2. Sansui Seven - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power output 36 watts per channel into 8 ohms at all frequencies with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 1 5-40k Hz +1, -1.5 dB, power bandwidth 10-50k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.3 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 1.8 uV, S/N ratio 63 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB at 400 Hz with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 60 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Signalstrength and tuning meters, stereo indicator and defeatable interstation muting. High and low frequency filters, defeatable loudness circuit, two tape monitor circuits, exterior preamp/power-amp junction, two remote speaker outputs, jacks for noise reduction unit and 4-channel adapter, and midrange tone control. Front-panel headphone and recorder jacks. Either/all/none speaker switch. Size 17/2x5/2x13 in. Wt. 32 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  3. Sansui Eight - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power 60 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 10-40k Hz ±1.0 dB (aux input), IHF power bandwidth 10-40k Hz. Hum and noise -70 dB (phono input). IM distortion 0.4 per cent. FM sensitivity 1.7 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB at 400 Hz with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Alternate channel selectivity 60 dB, IHF capture ratio 1.5 dB. Defeatable interstation muting and loudness circuits. High and low frequency filters. Exterior preamp-power amp junction. Dubbing and headphone jacks. Output for two sets of remote speakers. Illuminated function indicators. Phones/main/both/remote speaker switch. Size 17/4x5/2x13 in. Wt. 110-220 volts.
  4. Sansui 350A - AM-FM,stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power 20 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 1.0 per cent distortion. Overall frequency response 30-30k Hz ±1 dB (aux input), IHF power bandwidth 30-30k Hz. Hum and noise -65 dB (phono input). IM distortion 1.0 per cent. FM sensitivity 3.0 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 60 dB. Stereo separation 30 dB at 400 Hz, with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Alternate channel selectivity 32 dB, IHF capture ratio 3 dB. Defeatable FM noise cancel and loudness circuit. Headphone jack. Main/both switch for remote speaker. Size 16/4x53/4x12 in. 21 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  5. Sansui 661 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 25 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-40k Hz (±2 dB), power bandwidth 15-40k Hz, hum and noise -80 dB, ll^l distortion 0.5 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.2 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 60 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB with 0.7 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 50 dB, capture ratio 2.5 dB. Signal-strength meter, defeatable interstation muting. Two tape monitor circuits, defeatable loudness circuit, selectable FM de-emphasis (50 or 75 usee), outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, high-frequency filter, front-panel headphone jack. Either/both speaker selector. Size 171/2x5/2x1 13/4 in. Wt. 22 lbs. 110/ 220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  6. Sansui 771 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 35 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-40k Hz (±2 dB), power band-with 15-40k Hz, hum and noise -80 dB, IM distortion 0.5 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.0 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 60 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB with 0.6 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 60 dB, capture ratio 2.0 dB. Signal-strength meter, defeatable interstation muting, selectable FM de-emphasis (50 or 75 usee). High and low-frequency filters, defeatable loudness circuit, two tape monitor circuits, outputs for three sets of stereo speakers, speaker muting control, electronic overload protection circuit, front-panel microphone and headphone jacks. Speaker selector switch. Size 19x5/2x113/4 in. Wt. 27 lbs. 11 0/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  7. Sansui 800 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power output 22 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Power bandwidth 20-40,000 Hz (IHF), frequency response 20-30,000 Hz ±1 dB. FM sensitivity 2 uV for 20 dB quieting, 2.8 uV IHF. Capture ratio 3 dB, signal-to-noise ratio 50 dB. FM stereo separation 35 dB at 1k Hz. Defeatable loudness contour, interstation muting. DIN tape jack. Headphone jack. Blackout dial, illuminated function indicators. 110-220 volts.
  8. Sansui 1000X - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power 28 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 20-30k Hz ±1 dB (aux input), IHF power bandwidth 20-30k Hz. Hum and noise -70 dB (phono input). IM distortion 0.8 per cent. FM sensitivity 2.0 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 60 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB at 400 Hz. Harmonic distortion 0.8 per cent. Alternate channel selectivity 40 dB, IHF capture ratio 2.5 dB. Defeatable interstation muting and loudness circuit. High frequency filter. Exterior preamp-power amp junction. Connections for two tape recorders. Headphone jack. Illuminated function indicators. Phones/ main/remote/both speaker switch. Size 1 6/2x 5/4x12 in. Wt. 23 lbs. 1 10-220 volts.
  9. Sansui 2000X - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power 39 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 20-40k Hz (aux input), IHF power bandwidth 20-40k Hz. Hum and noise -70 dB (phono input). IM distortion 0.8 per cent. FM sensitivity 1.8 uV, (IHF). S/N ratio 60 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB at 10k Hz, harmonic distortion 0.8 per cent. Alternate channel selectivity 40 dB, IHF capture ratio 1 dB. Defeatable interstation muting, multiplex noise cancel, and loudness circuit. Illuminated function indicators. Headphone jack. Phones/main/both/remote speaker switch. Exterior preamp-power amp junction. High and low frequency filters. Size 18/4x6x13% in. Wt. 29 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  10. Sansui 3300 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power output 28 watts per channel into 8 ohms at any frequency with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-40k Hz +1, -2 dB, power bandwidth 15-35k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (phone input), IM distortion 0.4 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 1.9 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 63 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB at 1kHz with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 60 dB, capture ratio 2 dB. Tuning meter, stereo indicator and defeatable interstation muting. Two tape monitor circuits, two phono inputs, defeatable loudness circuit, high and low frequency filters, microphone jack and mixer, jacks for 4-channel adapter and noise reduction unit, exterior preamp/ power-amp junction and two remote speaker outputs. Front-panel headphone and recorder jacks. Any/all/none speaker switches. Size 19/4x53/4x14 in. Wt. 37 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  11. Sansui 4000 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power 45 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 20-40k Hz ±1 dB (aux input). IHF power bandwidth 20-30k Hz. Hum and noise -70 dB (phono input). IM distortion 0.8 per cent. FM sensitivity 1.8 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 60 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB at 400 Hz, with 0.6 per cent harmonic distortion. Alternate channel selectivity 40 dB, IHF capture ratio 1.0 dB. Variable interstation muting. Defea-table FM noise cancel and loudness circuit. High and low frequency filters. Headphone jack. Illuminated function indicators. Output for two sets of remote speakers. Phones/ main/both/remote speaker switch. Size 1 7%x 5/4x13/4 in. Wt. 31 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  12. Sansui 5500 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power output 45 watts per channel into 8 ohms at any frequency with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-40k Hz ±1 dB, power bandwidth 15-35k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.4 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 1.8 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB at 1kHz with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 60 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Tuning and signal-strength meters, stereo indicator and defeatable interstation muting. Threetape monitor circuits, two phono inputs, defeatable loudness circuit, high and low frequency filters, microphone jack with two channel mixer, jacks for 4-channel adapter and noise reduction unit, exterior preamp/power-amp junction and three remote speaker outputs. Front-panel headphone and recorder jacks. Any/all/none speaker switches. Size 20/x 53/4x14 in. Wt. 42 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  13. Sansui QR-500 - AM-FM stereos-channel tuner amplifier with four amplifier channels. RMS power output 8 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 30-30k Hz ±2 dB, power bandwidth 30-30k Hz, hum and noise -60 dB (phono input), IM distortion 1.0 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 5 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 50 dB. Stereo separation 30 dB at 400 Hz with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 35 dB, capture ratio 3 dB. Tuning meter and stereo indicator. Tape monitor circuit, built-in 4-channel matrix decoder and circuit to provide simulated 4-channel. Front-panel headphone jack. Size 1 7/2x5x1 2 in. Wt. 17 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  14. Sansui QR-1500 - AM-FM stereos-channel tuner-amplifier with four amplifier channels. RMS power output 15 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 30-30 kHz ±2 dB, power bandwidth 20-30k Hz, hum and noise -60 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.8 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 3 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 55 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB at 400 Hz with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 45 dB, capture ratio 3 dB. Tuning meter and stereo indicator. Defeatable loudness circuit, 2-channel tape monitor circuit, 4-channel orientation control, built-in 4-channel matrix decoder and 4-channel synthesizer. Front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Size 1 9x5/x1 2% in. Wt. 20 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  15. Sansui QRX-3000 - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in matrix decoder. Power output 8 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, four channels driven. Frequency response 30-30k Hz (±1.5 dB), power bandwidth 20-30k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.5 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 60 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 50 dB, capture ratio 2.5 dB. Signal-strength meter, defeatable interstation muting, selectable FM de-emphasis (50 or 75 usee). Two 4-channel tapemonitor circuits, defeatable loudness circuit, high and low-frequency filters, stereo tape monitor circuit, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Matrix circuitry contains front-rear logic, decodes Regular Matrix and SQ material. Size 20x13x5/2 in. Wt. 26 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  16. Sansui QRX-3500 - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in matrix decoder. Power output 15 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, four channels driven. Frequency response 30-30k Hz (±1.5 dB), power bandwidth 1 0-33k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.2 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB with 0.6 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 50 dB, capture ratio 2 dB. Signal-strength meter, defeatable interstation muting. High and low-frequency filters, one stereo and two 4-channel tape monitor circuits, defeat-able loudness circuit, selectable FM de-emphasis (50 or 75 usee), 4-channel remote control balance/volume jack, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Matrix circuitry contains front-rear logic and decodes Regular Matrix or SQ material. Size 7x203/4x13% in. Wt. 41 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  17. Sansui QRX-4500 - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in matrix decoder. Power output 23 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, four channels driven. Frequency response 30-30k Hz (±1.5 dB), power bandwidth 20-30k Hz, hum and noise -60 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.0 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 50 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Signal-strength meter, defeatable interstation muting. One stereo and two 4-channel tape monitor circuits, defeatable loudness circuit, high and low-frequency filters, selectable FM de-emphasis (50 and 75 usee), front-panel stereo recorder and 4-channel headphone jacks, outputs for two sets of 4-channel speakers. Speaker selector switches. Matrix circuitry contains front-rear logic and decodes Regular Matrix or SQ material. Size 63/4x203/lx1 2/ in. Wt. 41 lbs. 1 1 0/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  18. Sansui QRX-5500 - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in matrix decoder. Power output 22 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.3 per cent, harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, four channels driven. Frequency response 30-30k Hz (±1, -1.5 dB), power bandwidth 10-30k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.3 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.9 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 37 dB with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 60 dB, capture ratio 2.0 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting. Four VU meters, high and low-frequency filters, one stereo and two 4-channel tape monitor circuits, defeatable loudness circuit, microphone mixer, outputs for two sets of 4-channel speakers, jack for 4-channel remote balance control unit, front-panel microphone and 4-channel headphone jacks. Either/both/none speaker selector. Matrix circuitry contains front-rear logic and decodes Regular Matrix and SQ material. Size 23/2x8x14/2 in. Wt. 48 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  19. Sansui QRX-6500 - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in matrix decoder. Power outputs 33 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, four channels driven. Frequency response 30-30k Hz (±1.5 dB), power bandwidth 20-30k Hz, hum and noise -60 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.8 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 70 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, selectable FM de-emphasis (50 and 75 usee), defeatable interstation muting. Outputs for three sets of front-speakers and two sets of rear speakers, defeatable loudness circuit, two stereo and one 4-channel tape monitor circuits, front-panel stereo recorder and 4-channel headphone jacks. Speaker selector switches. Matrix circuitry contains front-rear logic to decode Regular Matrix and SQ material. Size 21x7/4x14/4 in. Wt. 49 lbs. 1 10/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Sanyo DCX-2300K - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power 30 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 20-50k Hz (aux input), IHF power bandwidth 20-50k Hz. Hum and noise -60 dB (phono input). IM distortion 0.8 per cent. FM sensitivity 2.1 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 60 dB. Stereo separation 30 dB at 1k Hz with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Alternate channel selectivity 40 dB, IHF capture ratio 2.5 dB. Defeatable interstation muting and loudness circuit. High frequency filter. Front panel microphone jack and mixer. Remote speaker output. Front panel headphone jack. 4-channel control circuit. Phones/main/both/remote speaker switch. Size 17/x5x123/4 in. Wt. 1 5 lbs.
  2. Sanyo DCX-3000 K - AM-FM stereos-channel tuner-amplifier with four amplifier channels. RMS power output 10 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 20-40k Hz, IHF power bandwidth 20-34k Hz, hum and noise -60 dB (phono input), IM distortion 1.0 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 3 uV (IHF), capture ratio 2.5 dB. Tuning meter and stereo indicator. Defeatable loudness circuit, microphone input, built-in SQ and regular matrix decoders. Front-panel headphone jacks. Size 183/4x13/x4/i in. Wt. 17 lbs. 1 1 0-220 volts.
  3. Sanyo DCX-3300 K - AM-FM stereos-channel tuner-amplifier with four amplifier channels. RMS power output 20 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 20-40k Hz, power bandwidth 20-34k Hz, hum and noise -60 dB (phono input), IM distortion 1.0 per cent. FM sensitivity 3 uV (IHF), capture ratio 2.5 dB. Tuning meter and stereo indicator. Defeatable loudness circuit, four output level meters, microphone inputs, built-in SQ and regular 4-channel decoders. Front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Size 203/4x14/>x 6/4 in. Wt. 26 lbs. 1 10-220 volts.
  4. Sanyo DCX-6000K - Stereo tuner am plifier. Power output 35 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 20-50k Hz, power bandwidth 20-30k Hz. AM/ FM-stereo tuner with 2.5 uV FM sensitivity. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeat-able interstation muting. Two tape monitor circuits, low-frequency filter defeatable loudness circuit, speaker muting control, outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, front-panel microphone and headphone jacks. Either/both/none speaker selector. Size 18x131/4x5% in. Wt. 26 lbs. 1 10/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  5. Sanyo DCX-8000K - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 50 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 20-50k Hz, power bandwidth 20-30k Hz. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.0 uV FM sensitivity. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting. Two tape monitor circuits, high and low-frequency filters, defeatable loudness circuit, speaker muting control, outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, front-panel microphone and headphone jacks. Either/both/none speaker selector. Size 18x13/4x5/4 in. Wt.27 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Sherwood S-7050 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power output 6 watts per channel (20-20k Hz) into 8 ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 30-20k Hz ±1 dB, power bandwidth 1 5-50k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distortion 1.0 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 3.5 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 60 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB at 1kHz with 0.6 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 40 dB, capture ratio 4.0 dB. Tuning meter and stereo indicator. Tape monitor circuit and remote speaker output. Front-panel headphone jack. Main/remote speaker switch. Size 5/x16x12 in. Wt. 24 lbs.
  2. Sherwood S-7100A - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power output 14 watts per channel into 8 ohms (20-20k Hz) with 0.9 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-20k Hz ±1 dB, power bandwidth 1 5-50k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distortion 1.0 per cent. FM sensitivity 1.0 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB at 1 kHz with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 50 dB, capture ratio 2.8 dB. Tuning meter, stereo indicator and defeatable interstation muting. Tape monitor circuit, defeatable loudness circuit and remote speaker output. Front-panel recorder and headphone jacks. Either/ all/none speaker switch. Size 53/4x1 7)4x1 3/2 in. Wt. 30 lbs.
  3. Sherwood S-7200 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power output 32 watts per channel (20-20k Hz) into 8 ohms with 0.7 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven Frequency response 20-20k Hz ±0.5 dB, power bandwidth 12-35k Hz, hum and noise -60 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.7 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 1.8 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 66 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB at 1 kHz with 0.25 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 60 dB, capture ratio 1.9 dB. Tuning meter, stereo indicator and defeatable interstation muting. Tape monitor circuit, provision for 4-channel decoder, high-frequency filter, defeatable loudness circuit and remote speaker output. Front-panel recorder and headphone jacks. Either/all/none speaker switch. Size 53/4x1 7/2x14 in. Wt. 32 lbs.
  4. Sherwood S-7900A - AM-FM stereo/4 -channel tuner-amplifier with post-amplifier 4-channel matrix decoder. RMS power output 60 watts per channel (20-20k Hz) into 8 ohms with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-20k Hz ±1 dB, power bandwidth 7-60k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.3 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 1.7 uV (IHF), S/N ratio -70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB at 1kHz with 0.15 per cent harmonic distortion (mono). Selectivity 65 dB, capture ratio 1.9 dB. Tuning meter, stereo indicator and defeatable interstation muting. Tape monitor circuit, provision for additional 4-channel matrix decoder, high-frequency filter, defeatable loudness circuit, remote speaker output and built-in high-level Dynaquad 4-channel matrix decoder to produce 4-channel sound when coupled to four speakers. Frontpanel headphone and recorder jacks. Size 161/4x51/4x14 in. Wt. 30 lbs.
  5. Sherwood S-8900A - Same as Sherwood S-7900A except has no AM tuner section.




  1. Sony SQR-6650 - AM-FM stereos-channel tuner-amplifier with four amplifier channels. RMS power output 8 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion, all channels driven. Frequency response 20-50k Hz, power bandwidth 10-40k Hz, hum and noise -60 dB (phono input), IM distortion 1.0 per cent. FM sensitivity 2.2 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 68 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB at 400 Hz with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 70 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Tuning meter and stereo indicator. Four VU meters, stereo tape monitor circuit, defeatable loudness circuit, high frequency filter, meter sensitivity switch, built-in regular and SQ 4-channel matrix decoders, front-panel stereo headphone jack. Size 17x53/4x13/2 in. Wt. 21 lbs. 110/220 volts.
  2. Sony STR-6036 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 12 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion, 40-12.5k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 30-40k Hz (-3 dB), hum and noise -60 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.8 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 3 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 55 dB, capture ratio 1.6 dB. Signal-strength meter. Defeatable loudness circuit, outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, tape monitor circuit, front-panel microphone and headphone jacks. Speaker selector switch. Size 17x53/4x13y2 in. Wt. 19 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  3. Sony STR-6046 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power output 22 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 30-40k Hz -3 dB, hum and noise -60 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.8 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 1.8 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 68 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB at 400 Hz with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 70 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Tuning meter, stereo indicator and defeatable inter-station muting. Tape monitor circuit, defeatable loudness circuit, microphone inputs and remote speaker output. Front-panel headphone jack. Either/all/none speaker switch. Size 1 7x5%x1 3/2 in. Wt. 20 lbs. 1 10-220 volts.
  4. Sony STR-6055 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Output 30 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.2 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 10-60k Hz (-3 dB), power bandwidth 15-50k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.2 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.8 uv FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 38 dB with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 80 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Tuning meter, defeatable interstation muting. High-frequency filter, tape monitor circuit, defeatable loudness circuit, output for two sets of stereo speakers, front-panel auxiliary inputand headphonejacks. Either/both/none speaker selector. Size 17/4x13/4x5% in. Wt. 26 lbs. 1 10/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  5. Sony STR-6065 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power output 50 watts per channel (all frequencies) into 8 ohms with 0.2 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels operating. Frequency response 1 2-70k Hz -3 dB, power bandwidth 1 5-30k Hz, IM distortion 0.2 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 1.8 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 38 dB at 400 Hz with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 80 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Tuning meter, stereo indicator and defeatable interstation muting. Tape monitor circuit, high frequency filter, defeatable loudness circuit and remote speaker output. Front-panel headphone and aux. input jacks. Either/all/none speaker switch. Size 17/4x5%x14 in. Wt. 30 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  6. Sony STR-6200F - FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power 60 watts per channel into 8 ohms (both channels driven) 20-20k Hz with 0.2 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 10-100k Hz -3 dB (aux input), IHF power bandwidth 10-40k Hz. Hum and noise -70 dB (phono input). IM distortion 0.2 per cent. FM sensitivity 1.8 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB at 400 Hz with 0.35 per cent harmonic distortion. Alternate channel selectivity 100 dB, IHF capture ratio 1.0 dB. Defeatable interstation muting, multiplex blend, and loudness circuit. High and low frequency filters. Outputs for remote speakers and center channel. Front panel jacks for headphones and tape recorder. Phones/main/both remote speaker switch. Size 19x53/4x16 in. Wt. 40 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  7. Sony STR-7055 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 35 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.2 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 10-60k Hz (-3 dB), power bandwidth 15-35k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB, IM distortion 0.2 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.0 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 38 dB with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 70 dB, capture ratio 1.0 dB. Tuning meter, defeatable interstation muting. Two tape monitor circuits, defeatable loudness circuit, high and low-frequency filters, outputs for three sets of stereo speakers, exterior preamp/ power-amp junction, front-panel auxiliary input and headphone jacks. Speaker selector switch. Size 18/4x6/4x143/4 in. Wt. 29 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Superscope R-230 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power output 5 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 30-20k Hz, power bandwidth 30-50k Hz, hum and noise -70 (aux input). FM tuner sensitivity 5 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 60 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB at 1 kHz with 1.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Capture ratio 6 dB. Tuning meter and stereo indicator. Front-panel headphone jack. Size 163/4x4/2x103/4 in. Wt. 10 lbs.
  2. Superscope R-250 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power output 10 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 10-63k Hz, power bandwidth 15-60k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (aux input). FM tuner sensitivity 2.5 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 60 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB at 1kHz with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Capture ratio 2 dB. Tuning meter, stereo indicator and defeatable interstation muting. Tape monitor circuit, defeatable loudness circuit, high frequency filter and remote speaker output. Front-panel headphone jack. Either/both/none speaker switch. Size 16/2x5/2x1 1 % in. Wt. 14 lbs.




  1. Teac AG-6500 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power output 50 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 20-20k Hz ±1 dB, power bandwidth 10-40k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), FM tuner sensitivity 2.5 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 37 dB at 1kHz with 0.7 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 60 dB, capture ratio 2.0 dB. Tuning meter, stereo indicator, hi-blend circuit and defeatable interstation muting. High and low frequency filters, defeatable loundness circuit, two tape monitor circuits, independent tape dubbing circuit, dual power supplies, external preamp/ power-amp junction and two remote speaker outputs. Front-panel headphone jack. Either/ all/none speaker switch. Size 6/4x18 4x1 5% in. Wt. 31 lbs. 1 1 0-220 volts.




  1. Telefunken Allegretto TS 2020 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier
  2. Telefunken Concertino Hifi 3030 - Stereo tuner-amplifier.
  3. Telefunken Concerto Hifi 4040 - Stereo tuner-amplifier.
  4. Telefunken Hymnus Hifi 5050 - Stereo tuner-amplifier.
  5. Telefunken Opus Hifi 6060 - Stereo tuner-amplifier.




  1. Toshiba SA-304 - AM-FM stereos-channel tuner-amplifier with four amplifier channels. RMS power output 10 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 20-40k Hz ±2 dB, power bandwidth 20-30k Hz, hum and noise -60 dB (phono input). FM tuner sensitivity 2.5 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 62 dB. Stereo separation 30 dB at 1 kHz. Capture ratio 2.5 dB. Tuning meter, stereo indicator and defeatable interstation muting. Tape monitor circuit, built-in matrix decoder and remote stereo speaker output. Front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Size 1 5%x5x1 1J4 in. Wt. 18 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  2. Toshiba SA-400 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power 30 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 20-40k Hz (aux input). Hum and noise -65 dB (phono input). FM sensitivity 2.5 uV (IHF). Stereo separation 35 dB at 1 k Hz. Defeatable loudness circuit. Selectable frequencies for bass and treble tone controls. Remote speaker output. Front panel headphone jack. Exterior preamp-power amp junction. Connection for 4-channel decoder. Control circuit for 4-channel. Main/remote speaker switch. 110-220 volts.
  3. Toshiba SA-500 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power output 35 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 20-40k Hz ±1 dB, power bandwidth 8-80k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), FM tuner sensitivity 1.8 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 66 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB at 1 kHz with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 80 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Tuning meter, stereo indicator, defeatable interstation muting and AFC circuits. Tape monitor circuit, defeatable loudness circuit, variable four-frequency tone equalization circuit, provision for 4-channel adapter and remote speaker output. Front-panel headphone jack. Either/all/none speaker switch. Size 173/4x5x14 in. Wt. 21 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  4. Toshiba SA-504 - AM-FM stereo/4-channel tuner-amplifier with four amplifier channels. RMS power output 30 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 20-40k Hz ±1 dB, power bandwidth 1 0-18k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input). FM tuner sensitivity 1.8 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 66 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB at 1kHz with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 80 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Tuning meter, stereo indicator, defeatable interstation muting and AFC circuits. Tape monitor circuit, speaker muting circuit, defeatable loudness, low and high frequency filters, built-in decoders for regular and SQ 4-channel matrix material, external preamp/power-amp junction, remote 4-channel speaker output. Front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Either/all/none speaker switch. Size 20x5x14 in. Wt. 33 lbs. 110-220 volts.




  1. Wharfedale WE 40 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power 14 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 15-50k Hz -1.5 dB (aux input), IHF power bandwidth 25-30k Hz. Hum and noise -60 dB (phono input). IM distortion 0.4 per cent. FM sensitivity 2.5 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 60 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB at 1k Hz with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Alternate channel selectivity 45 dB, IHF capture ratio 3 dB. Defeatable loudness circuit. Exterior preamp -power amp junction. Illuminated function indicators. Remote speaker output. Front panel headphone jack. Phones/main/both/ remote speaker switches. Size 17/2x5x12/2 in. Wt. 16 lbs. 110-220 volts.




  1. Yamaha CR-500 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power 22 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 30-30k Hz -3 dB (aux input), IHF power band-width 18-46k Hz. IM distortion 0.1 percent. FM sensitivity 2.0 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB at 1k Hz with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Alternate channel selectivity 70 dB, IHF capture ratio 1.5 dB. Defeatable interstation muting and loudness circuit. Front panel microphone and headphone jacks. Automatic AFC. High and low frequency filters. Remote speaker output. Microphone mixer. Exterior preamp-power amp junction. Phones/main/both/remote speaker switches. Size 1 6^x5/2x1 1 % in. Wt. 20 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  2. Yamaha CR-700 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 40 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms. Harmonic distortion (at 35 watts) 0.05 per cent, frequency response 20-30k Hz (+1, -3 dB), power bandwidth 10-56k Hz, IM distortion 0.1 per cent. AM/ FM-stereo tuner with 1.7 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB, Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 70 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Tuning meter, defeatable interstation muting. High and low-frequency filters, defeatable loudness circuit, tape monitor circuit, microphone mixer, outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, AFC automatically disengages during tuning, exterior preamp/power-amp junction, front-panel headphone and microphone jacks. Speaker selector switches. Size 16/2x11%x51/a in. Wt. 20 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.




Eine 1973er Tuner Kurz-Liste

Dual CT-17 - AM-FM stereo tuner.
Dynaco FM-5 -FM stereo tuner.
Dynaco AF-6 - AM/FM-stereo tuner.
Harman-Kardon Citation 14 - FM stereo tuner.
Harman-Kardon Citation 15 - Same as Harman-Kardon
Heathkit AJ-14 - FM-stereo tuner.
Heathkit AJ-15 - FM stereo tuner.
Heathkit AJ 29 - AM/FM-stereo tuner.
Heathkit AJ 1214 - AM/FM-stereo tuner.
Heathkit AJ 1510 - Digital FM stereo tuner.
JVC-Nivico VT-500 - AM-FM stereo tuner.
JVC-Nivico VT-700 - AM/FM-stereo tuner.
Kenwood KT-2001A - AM/FM-stereo tuner.
Kenwood KT-4005 - AM-FM stereo tuner.
Kenwood KT-6005 - AM FM stereo tuner.
Kenwood KT 8005 - AM/FM-stereo tuner.
Marantz 105 - AM-FM stereo tuner.
Marantz 115 - AM-FM stereo tuner.
National Panasonic
National Panasonic ST-3400 - AM-FM stereo tuner.
National Panasonic ST-3600 - AM-FM stereo tuner.
Onkyo 433 - AM-FM stereo tuner.
Onkyo T-4055 - AM/FM-stereo tuner.
Pioneer TX-6200 - AM/FM-stereo tuner.
Pioneer TX-7100 -AM/FM-stereo tuner.
Pioneer TX-8100 - AM/FM-stereo tuner.
Pioneer TX-9100 - AM/FM-stereo tuner.
Quad FM3 - FM stereo tuner.
Revox A76 - stereo tuner.
SAE Mark Six - FM stereo tuner.
Sansui TU-505 - AM/FM-stereo tuner.
Sansui TU999 - stereo tuner.
Sansui TU-7500 - AM/FM-stereo tuner.
Sansui TU-9500 - AM/FM-stereo tuner.
Sherwood SEL 300 - FM stereo tuner.
Sherwood S-2400 - AM/FM-stereo tuner.
Sony ST-5055L - AM/FM-stereo tuner.
Sony ST-5130 - AM-FM stereo tuner.
Sony ST-5140 - AM-FM stereo tuner.
Sony STC-7000 - AM/FM-stereo tuner
Superscope T-208 - AM-FM stereo tuner.
Teac AT-100 - FM stereo tuner.
Toshiba ST-500 - AM-FM stereo tuner.
Yamaha CT-700 - AM-FM stereo tuner.





  1. Dokorder 8060 - Solid state stereo amplifier. RMS power 40 watts per channel at 4 ohms with 0.5 per cent distortion at rated output. Frequency response 10-100,000 Hz ±3 dB, IHF power bandwidth 1 5-50,000 Hz, IHF signal-to-noise ratio 65 dB at phono input. Two ICs. Defeatable loudness contour. Speaker switch. Slide-type controls. Headphone jack. Main/remote/both speaker switch. DIN tape jack. Dual voltage. Wooden side panels.




  1. Dual CV 30 - Stereo amplifier. RMS power output 1 0 watts per channel into 4 ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 25-30k Hz ±1.5 dB, power bandwidth 30-30k Hz, hum and noise -50 dB (phono input), IM distortion 2.5 per cent. Defeatable loudness circuit, front-panel headphone jack. Size 1 6/2x4/4x1 3/* in. Wt. 1 1 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  2. Dual CV 60 - Stereo amplifier. RMS power output 20 watts per channel into 4 ohms with 0.2 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 1 5-60k Hz ±1.5 dB, power bandwidth 8-60k Hz, hum and noise -62 dB (phono input). Tape monitor circuit, defeatable loudness circuit, microphone input, on/off speaker switch, front-panel headphone jack. DIN input and output jacks. Size 16/2x4/4x 13/4 in. Wt. 14 lbs.
  3. Dual CV 120 - stereo amplifier. RMS power output 40 watts per channel into 4 ohms with 0.2 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 15-60k Hz ±1.5 dB, power bandwidth 8-60k Hz, hum and noise -62 dB (phono input). Slide-type level controls, defeatable loudness circuit, microphone input, tape monitor, rumble and noise filters, remote speaker output, overload indicators, presence control, front-panel headphone jack. DIN input and output jacks. Size 161/2x4^x 1 3/4 in. Wt. 18 lbs. 110-220 volts.




  1. Dynaco SCA-80Q - Stereo amplifier with built-in post-amplifier 4-channel matrix decoder. RMS power output 40 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion at all frequencies, both channels driven. Power bandwidth 8-50k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. Tape monitor circuit, defeatable loudness circuit, rumble and narrow band filters, built-in high-level 4-channel matrix decoder produces 4-channelsound when four speakers are connected. Front-panel headphone jack. Size 13/2x4/4x10 in. Wt. 18 lbs. In kit form; available assembled. 110-220 volts.




  1. Galactron Mark 10B - Stereo amplifier. RMS power output 70 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 20-20k Hz -2 dB, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input). Tape monitor circuit, defeatable loudness control, speaker muting control, selectable line output circuits, low and high frequency filters, five channel mixer with interchangeable channel preamps and equalizer boards, two VU meters, remote speaker output, external preamp/power-amp junction, pan control for cross mixing two inputs, front-panel headphone jack. Size 18/4x 53/4x121/4 in. Wt. 33 lbs.




  1. Heathkit AA-14 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 10 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz. Frequency response 12-60k Hz (±1 dB), power bandwidth 7-90k Hz, hum and noise -60 dB (phono input), IM distortion 1.0 per cent. Input selector, speaker on-off switch, front-panel headphone jack. Size 3x12x10/4 in.Wt. 11 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  2. Heathkit AA-15 - stereo amplifier. RMS output power 50 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 8-40k Hz ±1 dB, power bandwidth 6-30k Hz, hum and noise -60 dB (phono input), llVkdistortion 0.5 per cent. Tape monitor circuit, defeatable loudness circuit, tone defeat conrol, remote speaker output, two front-panel headphone jacks, Main/ remote/both/none speaker switches. Size 43/4x17x12/2 in. Wt. 37 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  3. Heathkit AA-29 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 35 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.25 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz. Frequency response (1 watt) 7-60k Hz (-1 dB), power bandwidth 5-30k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.2 per cent. Outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, tape monitor circuit, monaural mode, defeatable loudness and tone control circuits, front-panel headphone jack. Speaker selector switches. Size 5x16%x 14/2 in. Wt. 27 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/ 60 Hz.
  4. Heathkit AA-1214 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 1 5 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 percentharmonicdistortion, 20-20k Hz. Frequency response (1 watt) 7-100k (±1 dB), power bandwidth 5-30k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. Tape monitor circuit, monaural mode, headphone jack. Size4x123/4x12in. Wt. 13 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  5. Heathkit AA-2010 - 4-channel amplifier with built-in matrix decoder. Power output 35 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.25 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz. Frequency response (1 watt) 7-50k Hz (-1 dB), power bandwidth 5-45k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.2 per cent. Separate front and rear controls for high-frequency filter, loudness defeat, tape monitor and input selection. Outputs for two sets of 4-channel speakers. Four VU meters and front-panel headphone jacks. Universal-type 4-channel matrix decoder. Size 6/2x18/2x133/4 in. Wt. 36 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Hitachi IA-600 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 32 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 10-100k Hz (-1 dB), hum and noise -68 dB (phono input). Outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, defeatable loudness circuit, high-frequency filter, tape monitor circuit, front-panel headphone and microphone jacks, speaker selector switches. Size 16/4x43/4x12/2 in. Wt. 20 lbs. 1 10/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  2. Hitachi IA 1000 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 55 watts rms per channel into 8ohmswith 0.1 per cent harmonicdistortion. Two VU meters, defeatable loudness circuit, outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, microphone mixer, high and low-frequency filters, speaker muting control, front-panel headphone and microphone jacks. 11 0/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.




  1. JVC-Nivico 4VN-550 - 4-channel amplifier. RMS power output 1 2.5 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, all channels driven. Frequency response 20-40k Hz ±1 dB, power bandwidth 20-30k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input). Defeatable loudness circuit, 4-channel tape monitor circuit, built-in 4-channe! simulation circuit for use with stereo material, high frequency filter, strappable output for stereo use, 4-channel remote control jack, external preamp/power-amp junctions front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Size 5/2x1 5/x1 2 in. Wt. 19 lbs. 1 10-220 volts.
  2. JVC-Nivico 4VN-880 - 4-channel amplifier. RMS power output 25 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, all channels driven. Frequency response 10-50k Hz ±1 dB, power bandwidth 10-30k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distohtion 0.8 per cent. Defeatable loudness circuit, high and low frequency filtes, four VU meters, meter sensitivity control, 4-channel tape monitor, built-in 4-channel simulation circuit for use with stereo material, strappable output for stereo use, 4-channel remote control jack, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Size 5/2x16/2X 14/ in. Wt. 30 lbs. 1 1 0-220 volts.




  1. Kenwood KA-2002A - Stereo amplifier. Power output 1 3 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-30k Hz (±2 dB), power bandwidth 20-30k Hz, hum and noise -60 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.8 per cent. Defeatable loudness circuit, tape monitor circuit, front-panel headphone jack. Size 14x4%x9/2 in. Wt. 12 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  2. Kenwood KA-4002 - Solid state, stereo amplifier. RMS power with both channels driven 18 watts per channel at 8 ohms. IM distortion 0.5 percentat rated output, 0.2 per cent at rated output -3 dB. Frequency response 1 5-50,000 Hz 1.5 dB (power amp), 20-40,000 Hz 1.5 dB (high level auxiliary input). IHF power bandwidth 18-30,000 Hz. Stepped tone controls. Two phono inputs. Defeatable loudness control. Main/remote/ both speaker switch. Front-panel tape dubbing jack. Headphone jack. DIN tape jack. Size 3x45/8x9l/2 in, weight 12'/2 lbs.
  3. Kenwood KA-4004 - Stereo amplifier. RMS power output 1 8 watts per channel into 8 ohms at all frequencies with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, all channels driven. Frequency response 20-40k Hz -1.5 dB, power bandwidth 1 0-50k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. High and low frequency filters, tone defeat control, defeatable loudness circuit, speaker muting control, two tape monitor circuits, indepen-denttape dubbing circuit, remote speakerout-put, front-panel headphone jack, either/both/ none speaker switch. Size 17x6x1 1% in. Wt. 21 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  4. Kenwood KA-6004 - Stereo amplifier. RMS power output 40 watts per channel into 8 ohms at all frequencies with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-40k Hz -1 dB, power bandwidth 1 0-50k Hz, hum and noise -68 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.3 per cent. Two low frequency filters, high frequency filter, defeatable loudness circuit, speaker muting control, two tape monitor circuits, independent tape dubbing circuit, remote speaker output, either/both/none speaker switches, microphone input, front-panel headphone jack. Size 1 7x6x1 13/4 in. Wt. 26 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  5. Kenwood KA-8004 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 55 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.4percentharmonicdistortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-50k Hz (-2 dB), power bandwidth 10-50k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.4 per cent. Defeatable loudness circuit, two tape monitor circuits, speaker muting control, outputs for three sets of stereo speakers, two low-frequency filters (20 Hz and 40 Hz), high-frequency filter, selectable-frequency bass and treble controls, exterior preamp/power-amp junction, front-panel headphone and microphone jacks. Speaker selector switches. Size 17x6x113/4 in. Wt. 29 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Lux SQ-202 - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS power 80 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 20-60 kHz -1 dB (aux input). Hum and noise -66 dB (phono input). Front panel jacks for tape recorder, microphone, and headphones. High and low frequency filters. Defeatable loudness circuit. Gain limiting control. Exterior preamp-power amp junction. Illuminated function indicators. Remote speaker output. Phones/main/both/remote speaker switches. Size 19x6V?x11. Wt. 28 lbs.
  2. Lux SQ-505X - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS power 30 watts per channel into 8 ohms (both channels driven) with 0.05 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 10-50kHz -1 dB (aux input), IHF power bandwidth 5-50kHz. Hum and noise -63 dB (phono input), -80 dB (aux input). IM distortion 0.04 per cent. Selectable frequencies for bass and treble tone controls. High and low frequency filters. Front panel tape recorder (DIN) and headphone jacks. Exterior preamp-power amp junction. Remote speaker output. Phones/ main/both/remote speaker switches. Size MVix6l/^0]A. Wt. 22 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  3. Lux SQ-507 - Stereo amplifier. RMS power output 60 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.2 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 20-50k Hz -1 dB, hum and noise -60 dB (phono input). Tape monitor, high and low frequency filters, remote speaker output, selectable frequency treble and bass controls, external preamp/power-amp junction, front-panel headphone jack, either/both/none speaker switches. Size 614x1 7%x1 O/2 in. Wt. 24 lbs. 1 10-220 volts.




  1. Marantz 1030 - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS power 1 5 watts per channel into 8 ohms (both channels driven) with 0.5 percent harmonic distortion at any frequency 40-20kHz. Overall frequency response at 1 watt, 20-40kHz 2 dB, IHF power bandwidth 15-40kHz. IM distortion 0.5 percent. Step-type bass and treble tone controls. Defeatable loudness circuit. Front panel microphone and headphone jacks. High frequency filter. Exterior preamp-power amp junction. Remote speaker output. Phones/main/remote speaker switches. Size 14'/4x43/4x12. Wt. 17 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  2. Marantz 1060 - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state RMS power 30 watts per channel into 8 ohms (both channels driven) with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion at any frequency 30-20kHz. Overall frequency response at 1 watt, 15-40kHz 2 dB, IHF power bandwidth 15-40kHz. IM distortion 0.5 per cent. Step-type bass, mid, and treble tone controls. Defeatable loudness circuit. Front panel microphone and headphone jacks. High and lowfrequencyfilters. Exterior preamp-power amp junction. Remote speaker output. Phones/main/remote speaker switch. Size 14'/4x4V4x1 2. Wt. 12 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  3. Marantz 1120 - Stereo amplifier. RMS power output 60 watts per channel into 8 ohms at all frequencies with 0.15 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 5-50k Hz +0.5, -3 dB, power bandwidth 10-40 Hz, IM distortion 0.1 5 per cent. Two tape monitor circuits, tape dubbing circuit, microphone input, high and low frequency filters, remote speaker output, defeatable loudness circuit, speaker muting control, external preamp/power-amp junction scope output jacks, either/both/none speaker switches. Size 15/2x5%x14 in. 110-220 volts.
  4. Marantz 1200 -Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS power 100 watts per channel into 8 ohms (both channels driven) with 0.15 per cent harmonic distortion at any frequency 20-20kHz. Overall frequency response at 1 watt, 20-20kHz 0.1 dB, IHF power bandwidth 10 to 40kHz. Remote speaker output. Front panel jacks for tape recorder and headphones. Slide-type tone controls. Defeatable loudness circuit. Selectable high frequency (5kHz or 9kHz) and low frequency (50 Hz or 100 Hz) filters. Center channel output. Gain reduction switch. Exterior preamp-power amp junction. Phones/ main/both/remote speaker switch. Size 153/8x53/4x14. Wt. 37 lbs.
  5. Marantz 4060 - 4-channel amplifier. RMS power output 60 watts per channel into 8 ohms at all frequencies with 0.9 per cent harmonic distortion, all channels driven. Frequency response 20-80k Hz ±2 dB, IM distortion 0.9 per cent. Remote 4-channel speaker output, 4-channel remote control jack, 4-channel tape monitor circuit, built-in regular 4-channel matrix and jacks for optional SQ decoder, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Size 14%x4%x12 in.
  6. Marantz 4100 - 4-channel amplifier. RMS power output 25 watts per channel into 8 ohms at all frequencies with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion, all channels driven, Frequency response 1 5-80k Hz ±2 dB, IM distortion 0.3 per cent. Defeatable loudness circuit, four VU meters, 4-channel remote control jack, high frequency filter, two 4-channel tape monitor circuits, remote 4-channel speaker output, strappable output for stereo operation (2 x 60 watts), either/both/none speaker switches, built-in 4-channel regular matrix decoder with variable control, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Size 1 5/2x53/4x14J4 in.


National Panasonic


  1. National Panasonic SU-3400 - Stereo amplifier. RMS power output 35 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.2 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 5-60k Hz -3 dB, power bandwidth 5-50k Hz, hum and noise -73 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.2 per cent. Two tape monitor circuits, defeatable loudness circuit, selectable frequencies for treble and bass controls, remote speaker output, either/both/none speaker switches, front-panel headphone jacks. Size 16x5/2x113/4 in. Wt. 22 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  2. National Panasonic SU-3600 - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS power 50 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.2 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 5-100kHz -3 dB (aux input), IHF power bandwidth 7-50kHz. Hum and noise -73 dB (phono input). IM distortion 0.2 per cent. Defeatable loudness circuit. High and lowfrequencyfilters. Remote speaker output. Front panel headphone jack. Speaker muting switch. Phones/main/ both/remote speaker switch. 110-220 volts.




  1. Onkyo 725 - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS output 22 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 50-1 5 kHz 0.5 dB (phono input), IHF power bandwidth 10-100kHz. Hum and noise -75 dB (phono input), -90 dB (aux input). IM distortion 0.05 per cent (at 10 watts). High and low frequency filters. Speaker muting switch. Defeatable loudness circuit. Front headphone jack. Main/remote speaker switch. Size 1 2,/4x5IAx14,/4. Wt. 17/2 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  2. Onkyo 732 - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS power 56 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 30-15 kHz 0.5 dB (phono input), IHF power bandwidth 10-100kHz. Hum and noise -75 dB (phono input), -90 dB (aux input). IM distortion 0.05 per cent (at 10 watts). High and lowfrequencyfilters. Speaker muting switch. Defeatable loudness circuit. Selectable tone control frequencies. Front headphone jack. Phones/main/both/remote speaker switch. Size 1 7x5'/3x1 33/4. Wt. 27V2 lbs. 110-220volts.
  3. Onkyo 733 - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS output 34 watts per channel
  4. into 8 ohms with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 30-1 5 kHz 0.5 dB (phono input), IHF power bandwidth 10-100kHz. Hum and noise -75 dB (phono input), -90 dB (aux input). IM distortion 0.05 per cent (at 10 watts). High and low frequency filters. Speaker muting switch. Defeatable loudness circuit. Front headphone jack. Phones/main/both/remote speaker switch. Size 17x5'Ax13V4. Wt. 25 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  5. Onkyo A-7022 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 52 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Power bandwidth 10-100k Hz, hum and noise -75 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.05 per cent. High and low-frequency filters, defeatable loudness circuit, speaker muting control, two tape monitor circuits, outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, selectable-frequency bass and treble controls, exterior preamp/power-amp junction, front-panel headphone and microphone jacks. Speaker selector switch. Size 16%x 5/2x143/4 in. Wt. 23 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  6. Onkyo A-7055 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 26 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 10-70k Hz (-1 dB), power bandwidth 10-100k Hz, hum and noise -75 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.05 per cent. High and low-frequency filters, defeatable loudness circuit, speaker muting control, two tape monitor circuits, outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, selectable-frequency bass and treble controls, front-panel headphone jack, exterior preamp/power-amp junction. Speaker selector switch. Size 16%x5/2x14 in. Wt. 21 lbs. 1 10/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  7. Onkyo A-7066 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 1 6 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Power bandwidth 10-100k Hz, hum and noise -75 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.05 per cent. Speaker muting control, defeatable loudness circuit, low-frequency filter, tape monitor circuit, outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, front-panel headphone jack. Speaker selector switch. Size 163/4x5/2x133/4 in. Wt. 16 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Pioneer SA-6200 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 1 5 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 percent harmonicdistortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 15-80k Hz (-1 dB), power bandwidth 10-70k Hz, hum and noise -75 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. Speaker muting control, mono and stereo modes, defeatable loudness circuit, two tape monitor circuits, high-frequency filters, outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, exterior preamp/power-amp junction, front-panel headphone and microphone jacks. Speaker selector switches. Size 1 6/2x5/4x1 2% in. Wt. 1 8 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  2. Pioneer SA-7100 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 20 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 percent harmonicdistortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels. Frequency re-spnse 7-80k Hz (-1 dB), power bandwidth 5-70k Hz, hum and noise -80 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. Two tape monitor circuits, speaker muting control, tone-control defeat, defeatable loudness circuit, selectable-frequency bass and treble tone controls, outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, exterior preamp/power-amp junction, electronic overload protection circuit with front-panel indicator, front-panel headphone jack. Speaker selector switch. Size 17x5/2x13/2 in. Wt. 23 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  3. Pioneer SA-8100 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 40 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 7-80k Hz (-1 dB), power bandwidth 5-40k Hz, hum and noise -80 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.3 per cent. Two tape monitor circuits, speaker muting control, high and low-frequency filters, tone defeat, defeatable loudness circuit, two treble (10k and 20k Hz) and two bass (50 Hz and 100 Hz) controls, exterior preamp/power-amp junction, front-panel headphone jack, electronic overload protection circuit with front-panel indicator. Speaker selector switch. Size 1 7x 5/2x13/2 in. Wt. 26 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  4. Pioneer SA-9100 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 60 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 percent harmonicdistortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 7-80k Hz (-1 dB), power bandwidth 5-40k Hz, hum and noise -80 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.1 per cent. Two tape monitor circuits, defeatable loudness circuit, high and low-frequency filters, tone defeat, two treble (10k and 20k Hz) and two bass (50 Hz and 1 00 Hz) controls, speaker muting control, electronic overload protection circuit with front-panel indicator, outputs for three sets of stereo speakers, exterior preamp/ power-amp junction, defeatable subsonic (8 Hz) filters, microphone input jacks, front-panel headphone jack. Speaker selector switch. Size 17x5/2x13/2 in. Wt. 30 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Revox A78 - Solid state stereo control amplifier. RMS power 40 watts per channel power at 8 ohms with harmonic distortion 0.1 per cent at rated output. IM distortion 0.3 per cent. Frequency response 20-20,000 Hz 1 dB, power bandwidth 10-40,000 Hz. Signal-to-noise ratio at phono input 65 dB. Front panel tape and headphone jacks. Tape monitor. Defeatable loudness compensation. Loudspeaker switch. DIN-type connectors. Dual voltage.




  1. Rotel RA-1 210 - Stereo amplifier. Poweroutput 60 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 3-50k Hz (-3 dB), power bandwidth 5-50k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.1 per cent. Speaker-muting control, defeat-able loudness circuit, high and low-frequency filters, selectable-frequency bass and treble controls, two tape monitor circuits, outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, exterior preamp/power-amp junction, front-panel headphone jack. Speaker selector switch. Size 16/2x12x5/2 in. Wt. 30 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Sansui AU-101 - Stereo amplifier. RMS power output 15 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 20-60k Hz ±2 dB, power bandwidth 25-40k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), Defeatable loudness circuit, tape monitor circuit and speaker on/off switch. Front-panel microphone, headphone and DIN-type recorder jack. Size 4/2x16x1 1 in. Wt. 13 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  2. Sansui AU-505 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 12 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-60k Hz (±2 dB), power bandwidth 25-40k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. High and low-frequency filters, outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, defeatable loudness circuit, tape monitor circuit, front-panel headphone and microphone jacks. Speaker selector switch. Size 4/2x16x11 in. Wt. 18 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  3. Sansui AU-6500 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 28 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 percentharmonicdistortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 10-30k Hz (±1 dB), power bandwidth 5-40k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.1 per cent. Exterior preamp/power-amp junction, outputs for two sets of stereo speaker muting control, 4-channel adapter control circuit, tape monitor circuit, high and low-frequency filters, defeatable loudness circuit, electronic overload protection circuit. Speaker selector switch. Size 17/2x5/2x123/4 in. Wt. 26 lbs. 1 1 0/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  4. Sansui AU-7500 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 32 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 percentharmonicdistortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Speaker-muting control, defeatable loudness circuit, 4-channel adapter control circuitry, two tape monitor and dubbing circuits, midrange tone control, high and low-frequency filters, outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, electronic overload protection circuit, microphone input jacks, front-panel headphone jack. Speaker selector switch. Size 5/2x1 7/x 123/4 in. Wt. 28 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/ 60 Hz.
  5. Sansui AU-9500 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 75 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 percent harmonicdistortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 1 5-40k Hz (-1 dB), power bandwidth 5-40k Hz, hum and noise -75 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.1 per cent. Two tape monitor and dubbing circuits, noise-reduction adapter control circuitry, 4-channel adapter control circuitry, outputs for three sets of stereo speakers, high and low filters, selectable-frequency bass (150, 300 and 600 Hz), midrange (750, 1.5k and 3k Hz) and treble (2k, 3.5k and 6k Hz) tone controls, defeatable loudness circuit, speaker muting circuit, exterior preamp/power-amp junction, front-panel headphone jack. Speaker selector switch. Size 5/2x193/4x133/4 in. Wt. 52 lbs. 1 10/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  6. Sansui QA-7000 - 4-channel/stereo amplifier with built-in 4-channel matrix decoder. Power output 12 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, four channels driven. Outputs may be strapped into stereo mode to provide power output of 40 watts rms per channel. Frequency response 20-40k Hz ( ±1, -2 dB), hum and noise 70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.15 per cent. Exterior preamp/power-amp junction, stereo tape monitor circuit and two 4-channel tape monitor circuits, defeatable loudness circuit, four VU meters, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks, electronic overload protection circuit. Matrix circuitry contains front-rear logic and decodes Regular Matrix and SQ material. Size 1 7/2x5/2x123/4 in. Wt. 31 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Sherwood S-9400 - Stereo amplifier with built-in high-level 4-channel matrix decoder. RMS power output 40 watts per channel into 8 ohms at all frequencies with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-20k Hz ±0.5 dB, power bandwidth 5-45k Hz, hum and noise -60 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.6 per cent. Tape monitor circuit, high and low frequency filters, remote speaker output (stereo), defeatable loudness circuit, 4-channel broadcast decoder jack, external preamp/ power-amp junction, microphone inputs, center-channel" output, built-in high-level 4-channel matrix decoder produces 4-channel sound when used with four speakers, front-panel recorder and headphone jacks. Size 5/2x1 7/2x1 4 in. Wt. 29 lbs.




  1. Sony TA-88 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 10 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion, 40-12.5k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 15-50k Hz (+1, -3 dB), IM distortion 1.0 per cent. Defeatable loudness circuit, high-frequency filter, front-panel headphone jack. Size 5x9x6/ in. Wt. 7 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  2. Sony TA-1010 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 1 5 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 1.0 per cent. Outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, defeatable loudness circuit, high-frequency filter, tape monitor circuit, front-panel headphone and auxiliary input jacks. Speaker selector switch. Size 16/2x5x93/4 in. Wt. 10 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  3. Sony TA-1055 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 20 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 10-60k Hz (±3 dB), power bandwidth 10-40k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. Outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, two tape monitor circuits, defeatable loudness circuit, high and low-frequency filters, selectable-frequency treble (2.5k and 5k Hz) and bass (250 and 500 Hz) tone controls, front-panel headphone and auxiliary inputs jacks. Speaker selector switches. Size 16/x 43/4x11 in. Wt. 14 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  4. Sony TA-1130 - Stereo amplifier. RMS power output 50 watts per channel into 8 ohms at any frequency with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 10-100k Hz ±2 dB, power bandwidth 7-30k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.1 per cent. High and low frequency filters, defeatable loudness circuit, tape monitor circuit, front-panel headphone and auxiliary jacks. Size 6x1 53/4x1 3 in. Wt. 29 lbs. 11 0-220 volts.
  5. Sony TA-1140 — Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS power 40 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 15-80kHz 2 dB (aux input), IHF power bandwidth 6-35kHz. Hum and noise -70 dB (phono input). IM distortion 0.1 per cent. Defeatable loudness circuit. High and low frequency filters. Exterior preamp-power amp junction. Selectable frequencies for step-type bass and treble tone controls. Center channel output. Remote speaker output. Front panel headphone jack. Tape dubbing circuit. Phones/main / both/remote speaker switch. Size 153/4x53/4x12xh. Wt. 22 lbs. 110-220 volts.




  1. Superscope A-225 - Stereo amplifier. RMS power output 5 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 30-40k Hz, power bandwidth 30-50k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (aux. input). Front-panel headphone jack. Size 14/2x4/2x7/2 in. Wt. 7 lbs.
  2. Superscope A-240 - Stereo amplifier. RMS power output 10 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 10-36k Hz, power bandwidth 13-23k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (aux. input). Defeatable loudness circuit, tape monitor circuit, remote speaker output, front-panel headphone jack, remote/ main speaker switch. Size 14/2x4/2x7/2 in. Wt. 8 lbs.
  3. Superscope QA-420 - 4-channel amplifier with built-in matrix decoder. RMS power output 6 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 30-25k Hz, power bandwidth 40-25k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (aux input). Defeatable loudness circuit, tape monitor circuit, built-in 4-channel SQ and regular matrix decoder, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Size 163/4x4/2x10 in. Wt. 16 lbs.




  1. Teac AS-100 - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS power 30 watts per channel into 8 ohms (both channels driven) with 0.2 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 5-200kHz -2 dB (aux input), IHF power bandwidth 10-40kHz. Hum and noise -70 dB (phono input). IM distortion 0.2 percent. Defeatable loudnesscircuit. High and low frequency filters. Remote speaker output. Front panel headphone and tape recorder jacks. Exterior preamp-power amp junction. Phones/main/both/remote speaker switches. Size 16l/8x5l/2x1 3. Wt. 22 lbs. 110-220 volts.




  1.  Toshiba SB-404 - 4-channel amplifier with matrix decoder. RMS power output 1 5 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 10-55k Hz -3 dB, power bandwidth 10-30k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.8 per cent. Four VU meters, 4-channel tape monitor circuit, built-in 4-channel matrix decoder and ambiance control, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks, speaker on/off switch. Size 15/4x5x12 in. Wt. 16 lbs. 11 0-220 volts.




  1. Yamaha CA-500 - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS power 22 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 20-30kHz -3 dB (aux input), IHF power bandwidth 18-46kHz. IM distortion 0.1 per cent. High and low frequency filters. Remote speaker output. Defeatable loudness circuit. Front panel headphone output. Exterior preamp-power amp junction. Phones/main/ both/remote speaker switches. Size 15%x 5/x113/4. Wt. 18 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  2. Yamaha CA-700 - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. Same as Yamaha CA-500 except: 60 watts per channel, speaker switch, and connections for two tape recorders.



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