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Die "Tape Machines" auf dem US-Markt mit US-Ladenpreisen

Section / Kapitel 9 - Eine Anmerkung zu den Quadro-Tape Geräten habe ich noch.

Denn eigentlich passen die hier ja gar nicht rein, die gehören wie die normalen Stereo-Bandgeräte auch ins Tonbandmuseum.

Dort ist ein Duplikat angelegt. Ich wollte den Bereich QUADRO komplett halten.

Diesen 1975er
Haupt-Katalog finden Sie hier.


In diesem Anzeigen-Magazin wurde in jedem Erscheinungs-Jahr eine "open reel" Marktübersicht mit Gerätedaten und vor allem - mit sogenannten "military Preisen" abgedruckt. Der Vergleich mit den offiziellen US-amerikanischen Ladenpreisen war ebenso verblüffend wie mit den extrem hohen deutschen Ladenpreisen.

eine weitere Anmerkung:

Wichtig : Auch in dieser Section 9 ist bei weitem nicht alles an Quadro Bandgeräten aufgeführt, das mal auf dem Markt war.

Wir dürfen nicht außer Acht lassen, daß viele Rundfunk- und Plattenstudios bereits seit längerem mit solchen analogen (aber viel größeren) Vierkanal Maschinen ihre Masterbänder aufgenommen hatten, so zum Beispiel auch die Beatles in den Abbey Road Studios. Diese legendäre 1" Studer steht angeblich heute noch da - sagt die Legende. Weiterhin gab es bereits analoge 8 Kanal Maschinen auf 2" und später 1" Bandtechnik. Ganz viel später gab es 8-Kanal Bandgeräte auf 1/2" Band.


AKAI - GX-400DSS 4-Channel Tape Deck

Designed for 4-channel record/playback. Will handle up to 10 1/2" reels. Has four GX glass and crystal heads; closed-loop dual-capstan drive system; ADRS; quadra-sync for synchronizing one track onto another; automatic and manual reverse in playback and record; three motors; separate input controls for front and rear channels for mike/line mixing; separate output controls for front and rear channels; standard or low-noise tape selector switch; four-digit tape counter; tape/source monitor switch; separate illuminated pause control with lock. Has three speeds (15, 7 1/2 & 3 3/4 ips); four illuminated VU meters; front/rear mike inputs on front panel; front/rear headphone inputs on front panel; remote-control input socket on back panel. Oiled walnut cabinet

AKAI - 1730D-SS 4-Channel Tape Deck

Features surround stereo. Four-track, 4 & 2 channel play and record with two erase heads (2-channel & full track) for compatibility with 2-channel stereo. Features automatic shutoff, pause control, universal voltage selector, and two speeds (7V2, 33/U ips). Response 30-22,000 Hz ±3 dB, wow and flutter 0.12% rms.dist. 1.5%, all at 7 1/2 ips. Has mike (0.4 mV) and line (40 mV) inputs plus line (1.23 V) output. I6V2" x 18" x 9V2

AKAI - CR-80D-SS 4-Ch. 8-Track Deck

(8-track - Das gehört hier eigentlich nicht rein, es war kein Hifi.)
Features 2- or 4-channel play/record. Response 30-16,000 Hz ±3 dB. Wow & flutter 0.25% rms; (S + N)/N 47 dB. Has four mike (0.5 mV) & line (50 mV) inputs; four record-level meters; universal power supply
............... $329.95

bsr Mcdonald - TD-8QW 8-Track Stereo/4-Ch Deck

(8-track - Das gehört hier eigentlich nicht rein, es war kein Hifi.)
Deck automatically selects stereo or discrete 4-channel tapes. Includes 0.40 V stereo/4-ch preamp. Comes with wood grain cabinet and connecting cables

CHANNEL MASTER - 6690 4-Ch 8-Track/Receiver

(8-track - Das gehört hier eigentlich nicht rein, es war kein Hifi.)
5 W rms/ch; 4-ch discrete 8-track and SQ 4-channel FM reception; features push-button control of channel selection, loudness, FM muting, a.f.c, "on/off;" remote-control panel with 14-ft cord; automatic and manual track changing. Control center Air-suspension speakers (2 pairs)

CONCORD - CD-8-4 4-Channel, 8-Track Tape Deck

(8-track - Das gehört hier eigentlich nicht rein, es war kein Hifi.)
Designed as either 2- or 4-channel cartridge tape player. Wow & flutter 0.15%. Response 100-9000 Hz; (S+N)/N 44 dB; 1.5% THD at 1000 Hz. Output adjust 500mV. Walnut cabinet


Three-speed (15, 7 1/2, 3 3/4 ips), 4-channel, 4-track, 3-motor design. Will handle up to 10 1/2" reels. Has 3 heads. Response 20-25,000 Hz ±2dB. Wow & flutter 0.09% at 7V2 ips. Features braking, pause control, four VU meters, remote record, and automatic photocell shutoff
........................... $2995.00


Two-speed (7 1/2 & 3 3/4 ips), 4-track, 4-channel, 3-motor design. Will handle up to 10 1/2" reels. Has 3 heads. Response 20-25,000 Hz ±2dB. Wow & flutter 0.09% at 7 1/2 ips. Features braking, pause control, four VU meters, and automatic shut-off
.......................... $1995.00

DOKORDER - 7140 2/4 Ch Stereo Tape Deck

Provides complete 4-channel record & playback facilities. Has three motors (synchronous capstan and eddy-current induction reel), mechanical speed change; solenoid operation. Tape speeds 7 1/2 & 3 3/4 ips; wow & flutter ±0.08% max. at 7 1/2 ips. Will handle 5" & 7" reels; operates horizontally or vertically. Has three separate heads; full tape/source monitoring; NAB equalization. Response 30-22,000 (±3 dB 40-20,000 Hz) at 7Va ips; (S + N)/N 55 dB at 7 ips; crosstalk 55 dB at 1000 Hz; stereo channel separation 45 dB at 1000 Hz. Includes Multi-Sync function which permits recording separate tracks individually and re-recording of any individual track in perfect sync with other three tracks. Built-in sound-on-sound, sound-with-sound, and echo circuitry. Includes four VU meters, quick-change heads, turntable height adjustments, automatic end-of-reel shut-off, and easy-threading operation.

DOKORDER - 1140-H Four-Channel Tape Deck

A miniature recording studio with complete 2-and 4-channel recording and playback facilities, Multi-Sync function and full logic control, tape transport, and 15 & 7 1/2 ips speeds. Features separate playback controls to balance 4-channel output for listening or mix-down dubbing; four illuminated VU meters; separate tape/source monitoring switches for each channel; 4-channel mike and line mixing. Multi-Sync feature permits recording of separate tracks and instruments individually and re-recording any individual track at any time in perfect sync with the other three tracks. Electronic echo, sound-on-sound, and sound-with-sound are switch selected. Response 25-26,000 Hz (30-23,000 Hz ±3dB) at 15 ips; 25-24,000 Hz (30-20,000 Hz ±3dB) at 7 1/2 ips; S/N 60dB; crosstalk 58dB; wow & flutter 0.04% at 15 ips, 0.06% at 7.Va ips.
................. $1199.95

GENERAL ELECTRIC - TA400 2- /4-Ch Player Deck

Was sollte das denn sein ??
Automatic start when cartridge is inserted; auto or manual program selection; indicator lights; mixing switch for playing 4-ch tapes through stereo system; output jacks for connection to stereo or 4-ch system; patchcords

GENERAL ELECTRIC - TA-640 2- /4-Ch Deck

Provides 2-ch record and 2- /4-channel playback; automatic mode selection; pause control for editing or cueing; manual or auto eject; dual lighted VU meters; record-level controls; tape timer; fast-forward; front-panel mike jacks; comes with mikes and patchcords

HITACHI - TRQ-154 4-Ch Play/2-Ch Record

(8-track - Das gehört hier eigentlich nicht rein, es war kein Hifi.)
HITACHI - TRQ-154 4-Ch Play/2-Ch Record
8-track four-channel playback with two-channel recording facilities; features automatic stop; fast-forward; 3-digit tape timer; pause switch; two VU meters; response 40-12,000 Hz; wow & flutter 0.2%; S/N 55 d.B; two mike & two aux. inputs; line & headphone outputs.

HITACHI - SP-2980 4-Ch Receiver/8-Track

(8-track - Das gehört hier eigentlich nicht rein, es war kein Hifi.)
AM-FM stereo receiver combined with 8-track cartridge player and four speakers (rear speakers wireless); has four amps for discrete 4-ch tape reproduction; built-in SQ/regular matrix decoder; normal/reverse switch (front-rear programs); rear function switch for stereo (using 4 speakers), SQ and regular matrix, Aux., and tape and Tuner

JVC - 4RD-1406 4-Channel Tape Deck

Will play/record 2- and 4-channel reel-to-reel tape. Two speeds (3 3/4 & 7 1/2 ips). Response 30-18,000 Hz ±3 dB at 7 ips with low-noise tape. (S + N)/N -52 dB; wow & flutter 0.1% at 7V2 ips. 57 kHz bias & erase. Has two heads (record/play & erase), mike (0.5 mV) & line (80 mV) inputs, and line output (0-1.2 V). Features low-noise or standard tape switch.

JVC - 4ED-1205 4-Channel 8-Track Deck

(8-track - Das gehört hier eigentlich nicht rein, es war kein Hifi.)
Will play back 2- and 4-channel and record 2-channel cartridge tapes. Response 40-12,000 Hz ±3dB. (S + N)/N-50 dB from peak level; wow & flutter 0.2% rms. Has line output (0-1 V) and mike (0.8 mV) & aux. (80 mV) inputs. Features fast-forward, four input-level controls* tape counter, automatic repeat and stop

LAFAYETTE - RK-94 2/4 Channel Tape Deck

(8-track - Das gehört hier eigentlich nicht rein, es war kein Hifi.)
Plays all pre-recorded 8-track cartridges: stereo, SQ and discrete Q8 4-channel; has program indicator lights; manual program selector; quadraphonic 4-channel indicator; hinged cartridge door. Walnut finish case with black & silver front panel. 8" x 4V/ x 8V2"

PIONEER - RT-1020 Stereo Tape Deck (4ch playback)

Three-motor, 3-head stereo tape deck with 4-channel reproduction capability. Has 4/8 pole two-speed hysteresis synchronous motor (capstan drive) and 6-pole inner-rotor induction motor (reel drive). Operates at 7 1/2 & 3 3/4 ips. Wow & flutter less than 0.08% (W rms) at 7 ips. (S + N)/N 55 dB; dist. less than 1%. Response 40-20,000 Hz ±3dB at 7 ips. Crosstalk 60 dB, stereo channel separation 50 dB both at 1000 Hz. Inputs: mike .0.25 to 80 mV; line 50 mV to 25 V; DIN 15 mV. Outputs:line 316 mV; DIN 316 mV; headphone 40 mV (4 to 16 ohms). Features 3-position bias selector, 2-position equalizer selector, lockable pause lever, 4-digit tape counter, independent left/right tape monitor switches, 4-ch./2-ch. playback mode selector, independent right/left recording mode selectors, 4-ch front, rear monitor mode selector, independent mike & line recording level controls, output level controls. Will accept up to 10 1/2" reels. 17" W x 17" H x 8" D


Same as RT-1020L except 15 & 7 1/2" ips; response 30-22,000 Hz ±3dB at 15 ips; wow & flutter 0.04% W rms at 15 ips. 120V, 60Hz operation

RADIO SHACK - Q-800 4-Channel Tape 8-Track Deck

(8-track - Das gehört hier eigentlich nicht rein, es war kein Hifi.)
Will play 2- or4-channel programs. Has "Auto-Stop." Tape head automatically senses and adjusts to either 2- or 4-channel tapes. Walnut-grain wood cabinet with aluminum front panel

RADIO SHACK - 494 4-Channel Deck

Three-speed (7 1/2, 3 3/4 & l 7/8 ips), four-track, three-head design. Has four discrete channels, four VU meters, and level controls. Response 50-18,000 Hz; wow & flutter 0.13% rms at 7V2 ips. Records discrete 4-channel and standard 2-channel stereo. Walnut wood cabinet with brushed aluminum front panel.

SANSUI - QD-5500 2/4 Ch Record/Play Deck

Two-speed (7 1/2 & 3 3/4 ips) deck. Will record and play back 4-track stereo or 4-channel. Wow & flutter 0.07%. Response 15-25,000 Hz at 7V2 ips. (S + N)/N 60 dB. Has three heads, three motors, three-way mixing. Features four mike & four line inputs. Standby position for easy editing. ..................................$799.95

SANYO - RD-8200 8-Track 2/4 Ch Player Deck

(8-track - Das gehört hier eigentlich nicht rein, es war kein Hifi.)
Will play 2- or 4-channel 8-track cartridges. Features fast-forward, automatic sensing system for 2- & 4-channel cartridges. Response 50-12,000 Hz. (S + N)/N 45 dB. Wow & flutter 0.2%.

SANYO - RD-8010 8-Track 2/4 Ch Player Deck

(8-track - Das gehört hier eigentlich nicht rein, es war kein Hifi.)
Will play both 2- and 4-ch 8-track cartridges. Features include automatic selection of correct playback circuits; channel indicator lights; program selector switch. Response 50-12,000 Hz; (S + N)/N 42 dB; wow & flutter 0.2%.
................... $69.95

SONY from SUPERSCOPE - TC-277-4 Quadradial Tape Deck

Reel-to-reel, 3-speed (7V2, 33/4, V/e ips), 4-channel, in-line design. Response 50-16,000 Hz ±3dB at 7 1/2 ips; S/N 52 dB; wow & flutter 0.12% at 7 1/2 ips. Has two heads (4-channel erase & record/play), four inputs, and four line outputs (1/ch). Input sensitivity 0.06 V

SONY from SUPERSCOPE - TC-854-4S 4-Channel Tape Deck

Three-motor, 3-speed (3 3/4, 7 1/2 & 15 ips) design with 10 1/2" reel capacity. Will record/play 2 or 4 channel. Features vari-speed pitch control and Sony's "Synchro-Trak" for precise synchronization of each track. Response 30-18,000 Hz ±2 dB at 7V2 ips (S + N)/N 56 dB with standard tape (59 dB with SLH-180 tape). Wow & flutter 0.04% at 7V2 ips. Has four VU meters, sound-on-sound capabilities, record equalization switch for standard or low-noise, high-output tape. 17" W x 22" H x 10" D.
..................... $1795.00

SONY from SUPERSCOPE - TC-258 Quadradial 8-Track Deck

(8-track - Das gehört hier eigentlich nicht rein, es war kein Hifi.)
Playback of 4/2 channel 8-track cartridges. Features program select button; repeat button for same program; fast-forward; program indicating lamps; 4 ch/2 ch indicating lamp; automatic 2 ch/4 ch switching. Response 40-12,000 Hz; wow & flutter 0.25%.

SONY from SUPERSCOPE - TC-388-4 Quadradial Tape Deck

Open reel, 2-speed (7 1/2 & 3 3/4 ips) 2- and 4-channel recorder. Response 20-25,000 Hz (standard tape) and 20-25,000 Hz ±3 dB (SLH-180 tape) at 7V2 ips. (S + N)/N 52 dB standard tape; 55 dB SLH-180 tape. Has four auxiliary inputs; impedance 100,000 ohms; four mike inputs; sensitivity -72 dB. Three heads (erase, record, playback); four VU meters. Wow & flutter 0.09% at 7V2 ips (rms (NAB) weighted). Features pan pot on-off switch; mike attenuator (—20 dB); built-in reel locks; line output level control. 16" W x 19 h x 8" D

SYLVANIA - EQ3755 4-Ch 8-Track Deck

(8-track - Das gehört hier eigentlich nicht rein, es war kein Hifi.)
Plays discrete 4-channel or stereo tapes; automatic start/stop; 2- and 4-channel indicator lights; continuous play feature; frequency response 30-10,000 Hz; wow & flutter 0.3% rms; S/N 40 dB; channel separation 45 dB; push-button program selector. Walnut-grained vinyl cabinet.

TEAC - 3340S 4-Channel Tape Deck

Four-channel, three-motor, three-head stereo tape deck with 15 & 7 V2 ips speeds. Features "Simul-Sync" which allows recording four discrete but fully synchronized channels on each track of a 4-track tape; permits synchronized overdubbing, professional mix-down and special effect tapes. Up to eight inputs (four mike, four line) can be recorded simultaneously. Push-button transport control with logic circuitry. Has 4/8 pole dual-speed hysteresis synchronous motor and two eddy-current induction reel motors. Hyperbolic-shape Permaflux heads, shielded for max. channel separation and protection from leakage flux fields. Unit includes separate bias level and EQ switches; total remote capability; four expanded-scale VU meters; 2-ch/4-ch play switch; front & rear stereo headphone jacks; pause control with indicator light; Quik-Lok reel holders. Response 25-24,000 Hz at 15 ips; 25-22,000 Hz at V2 ips; wow & flutter 0.04% at 15 ips, 0.06% at 7V2 ips. (S+N)/N 55 dB

TEAC - 2340R 4-Channel Tape Deck

Four-channel, three-motor, three-head deck which includes 2-ch play with automatic reverse. Has front-panel bias switch; 8 source mixing ability (4 line, 4 mike); four separate VU meters; tape/source monitor switches; mike inputs; mike/line level controls; output level controls. Records 7 1/2 or 3 3A ips; will accept up to 7" reels; wow & flutter 0.08% at 7V2 ips; response 30-22,000 Hz at 7V2 ips. (S + N)/N 55 dB

TECHNICS BY PANASONIC -RS-858US 4-Channel 8-Track Deck

(8-track - Das gehört hier eigentlich nicht rein, es war kein Hifi.)
Will record/play all 2- or 4-channel cartridge programs. Has four separate input level controls, four VU meters, mike & line inputs plus pause control and noise-suppressor switch. Response 30-12,000 Hz; wow & flutter 0.2%

TELEX - 2 + 2 Tape Deck

Four- or two-channel reel-to-reel design. Can provide discrete 4-channel playback only. Has 3 motors, 3 speeds (7 1/2, 3 3/4, 1 7/8 ips), automatic shutoff/tape-break switch. Response 40-18,000 Hz ±3dB,(S+N)/N 48dB, wow & flutter 0.2% at 7V2 ips.

TOSHIBA - PT-884 2- and 4-Channel Tape Deck

Reel-to-reel type; 4 ch. record/playback. Three speeds (l 7/8, 3 3/a & 7 ips), 3 heads. Response 30-20,000 Hz ±3 dB with low-noise tape. (S+IM)/N 50 dB. Wow & flutter 0.09% at 7V2 ips. Has regular & low-noise tape switch.

WOLLENSAK - 8054 4-Channel Player

(8-track - Das gehört hier eigentlich nicht rein, es war kein Hifi.)
Plays 8-track, 2- and 4-channel quadrasonic cartridges. Has a channel-selector key, automatic programming facilities for 2- or 4-channel, fast-forward. Response 30-15,000 Hz, wow & flutter 0.25%, (S + N)/N 52 dB

WOLLENSAK - 8060 8-Track, 4-Channel Tape Deck

(8-track - Das gehört hier eigentlich nicht rein, es war kein Hifi.)
Record-play deck. Can record and play stereo and matrixed four-channel but play-only discrete four-channel material. Has digital counter for accurately timing recordings, cueing, automatic eject, pause lock, fast-forward, and stereo headphone jack

WOLLENSAK - 8080 4-Ch Player/2-Ch Recorder

(8-track -?? - das riecht doch nach der CC Kassette von Philips.)
Will record & play stereo and play 4-channel tapes; features Dolby noise-reduction circuit which operates on both play & record and FM broadcasts; tape selector switch for standard or company's Classic cartridge tapes; digital minute & second counter for timing recordings; fast-forward; end-of-tape shut-off; response 30-15,000 Hz (Classic tape), 30-12,000 Hz (standard); S/N 60 dB (Dolby in), 50 dB (Dolby out); wow & flutter 0.1% rms (weighted).. 193// L x 10V/ W x 5" D

ZENITH - D762 2/4 Ch. 8-Track Player

(8-track - Das gehört hier eigentlich nicht rein, es war kein Hifi.)
Activated when cartridge is inserted, turns off when cartridge is removed; automatic switching for 2-ch to 4-ch mode; push-button program selector. Grained walnut veneer cabinet. 43/s" H x 9Ve" W x 95/s" D

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