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"off duty" 1970 - 1997 - eine Freizeit-Zeitung für's US-Militär

Die in diesem amerikanischen (Freizeit-) Shopping-Magazin angepriesenen Hifi- und Video-Produkte waren auschließlich amerikanischen und kanadischen Militärangehörigen zugänglich - also zu kaufen - und vor allem zu ganz ungewöhnlich (verblüffend) niedrigen US $ Military-Preisen. Zu der einführenden "off duty" Seite geht es hier lang. -  Um 1970 begann der weltweite Hifi-Boom bis zum 1. Crash 1978 und dann wieder zum 2.Crash um 1990. Über die 20 Jahre nach 2001 lesen Sie mehr in den Kolumnen auf diesen japanischen Seiten.


Das 1972 Jahres-Inhaltsverzeichnis aus der Ausgabe Jan. 1973


Inhalt Teil 1


  1. Car stereos, Apr. p. 87
  2. Cartridges and cassette tape recorders, June p. 101
  3. Integrated amplifiers, Nov. p. 131
  4. Loudspeakers, Nov. p. 139
  5. Microphones, Mar. p. 89
  6. Open-reel tape recorders, Sept. p. 104
  7. Receivers, tuners, amplifiers, Oct. p. 104
  8. Special audio components, Jan. p. 79
  9. Stereo headphones, Feb. p. 65
  10. Transistor radios, May p. 89
  11. Turntables, phono cartridges, component systems, Dec. p. 139
  12. TV sets, stereo consoles, TV-stereo combinations, July p. 89



  1. Beer steins, Mar. p. 52
  2. Clocks, Apr. p. 64
  3. Coffee, tea, mocca sets, Apr. p. 73
  4. Crystal, Feb. p. 49
  5. Cutlery, Jan. p. 31
  6. Fondue sets, Jan. p. 33
  7. Teak, Apr. p. 70 .
  8. Wine glasses and dispensers, Apr. p. 61



  1. An autumn centerpiece, Nov. p. 26
  2. Candle magic at Christmas, Dec. p. 34
  3. European Christmas customs you can adopt, Dec. p. 37
  4. Finding a job in Europe, Dec. p. 75
  5. Fun with felt, Jan. p. 44
  6. Hot drinks for cold nights, Jan. p. 47
  7. How to become an expatriate, Nov. p. 87
  8. Mail-order musical instruments, Dec. p. 28
  9. Offbeat investing, June p. 54
  10. Painting on porcelain, Feb. p. 76
  11. Off Duty I Europe I January 7
  12. Scotch whisky, Apr. p. 55 Taking care of teak, Mar. p. 64



  1. Chicago Consumer Electronics Show, Aug. p. 61, Sept. p. 88
  2. Open-reel tape recorders, June p. 83
  3. Toshiba's 4-channel components, May p. 86



  1. Matrix vs. discrete, July p. 76
  2. Software for 4-channel hardware, Jan. p. 69
  3. 4-channel dilemma, Oct. p. 107
  4. 4-channel race, Aug. p. 85
  5. 4-channel records, June p. 81


Inhalt Teil 2


  1. American cars for 1973, Sept. p. 83, Oct. p. 53
  2. Automechanika 72, Sept. p. 80
  3. Datsun moves into the European market,
  4. Dec. p. 86
  5. Demise of the American convertible,
  6. Dec. p. 88
  7. Earl's Court auto show
  8. (preview), Sept. p. 75
  9. New look in trucks, Nov. p. 69
  10. Racing in your own car, Apr. p. 32
  11. Salon de I'Auto, Paris, Dec. p. 81.
  12. Vintage cars, Nov. p. 65


  1. Austrian gold: You can drink it, Apr. p. F6
  2. Holiday cheer, Dec. p. F2


  1. A First-timer's Paris, Oct. p. F5
  2. An anthology of fashion, Mar. p. F3
  3. Beauty on the beach, June p. F4
  4. Chic in the snow, Dec. p. F4
  5. Cool cottons, Aug. p. F4
  6. Make your own jewelry, Aug. p. F8
  7. New ideas from Paris, Oct. p. F4
  8. Romance with leather, Sept. p. F4
  9. The sailor look, May p. F3
  10. Sewing up the Chinese look, Feb. p. F2
  11. Shoes like Marilyn wore, Nov. p. F4
  12. Some sly fashion tricks, Oct. p. F8
  13. Spill the beans artistically, May p. F8
  14. Suited to Ski, Jan. p. F2
  15. Throwaway chic, Oct. p. F8


  1. Barbecue recipes, July p. F4
  2. Buying a steak, July p. F7
  3. Chinese recipes, Feb. p. F7
  4. Fondue is Swiss for fun, Jan. p. F6
  5. Grilling Greek style, Aug. p. F6
  6. Nostalgia burgers, July p. F6
  7. In praise of garlic, Sept. p. F6
  8. Rice adds spice to mealtime, Mar. p. F7
  9. Salzburg's fantastic dessert, Apr. p. F4
  10. Summertime is cherry time, June p. F2
  11. The Wiener schnitzel and other treats, Apr. p. F2

Other Features

  1. Pictures you can touch, Sept. p. F2
  2. The essence of France, Dec. p. F6
  3. What women are saying about women, Jan. p. F3
  4. Women drivers and their cars, Mar. p. F2


  1. Barbecue equipment, July p. F2 Sewing machines, May p. F5


  1. Buying by the label, Aug. p. F3
  2. Chinese is in, Feb. p. F4
  3. Choosing your carpet, Jan. p. F2
  4. Collectors' items for Mother's Day, May p. F2
  5. It's Leerdam for glass, Oct. p. F6
  6. Shopping help, Nov. p. F2, Dec. p. F8
  7. Thrift shops, London, June p. F7
  8. The Wedgwood tradition, Mar. p. F4


  1. Honda CB500, Feb. p. 54
  2. Moto Guzzi V-750 Special, Aug. p. 83
  3. Motorcycle dealers in Germany, Sept. p. 124, Oct. p. 89
  4. Norton's Interpol, Roadster, Interstate, Oct. p. 87
  5. Take the bike on vacation, Nov. p. 102


  1. Agfa's flash grab bag, Mar. p. 75
  2. Buying film, Oct. p. 95
  3. Electronic shutters, Nov. p. 126
  4. Home study courses in photography, Aug. p. 45
  5. Honeywell-Pentax Auto Strobonar 772 and 882, Apr. p. 39
  6. Kodak's Pocket Instamatic, June p. 89
  7. Kodak's silent slide tray, Feb. p. 40
  8. Miranda EE automatic SLR, May p. 60
  9. New from Polaroid, Dec. p. 114
  10. Photokina: Brand-by-brand report, Dec. p. 120
  11. Photokina: Preview, Nov. p. 121

Photography Tips

  1. Avoiding distortion in building shots, Nov. p. 129
  2. Capturing street scenes, Oct. p. 92
  3. Cut out the bloopers, Feb. p. 38
  4. Don't let meters confuse you, May p. 58
  5. Flea market photography, Mar. p. 68
  6. Help her get good pictures, Jan. p. 22
  7. How to photograph buildings, Aug. p. 48
  8. Loading and winding fiim, Sept. p. 60
  9. Make your own museum pictures, July p. 54
  10. Photo fun at the circus, Apr. p. 58
  11. Shooting with a telephoto, Dec. p. 105
  12. Simple technique for indoor lighting, June p. 77


  1. Camping equipment, June p. 43
  2. Motorcycles, May p. 74


  1. Darkroom procedures and equipment, Jan. p. 72
  2. Electronic flash units, Feb. p. 56
  3. Large format and subminiature cameras, Sept. p. 96
  4. Slide projectors, Mar. p. 79
  5. Snapshot cameras, May p. 98
  6. Super 8 movie cameras, Aug. p. 50
  7. 8mm movie projectors, Apr. p. 96
  8. 35mm SLR cameras, June p. 91
  9. 35mm viewfinder cameras, July p. 81
  10. Scandinavian furniture, Mar. p. 56

Die restlichen Themen von Urlaubsreisenin Europa bis Damenunterwäsche und Kochrezepe habe ich weggelassen.

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