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"off duty" 1970 - 1997 - eine Freizeit-Zeitung für's US-Militär

Die in diesem amerikanischen (Freizeit-) Shopping-Magazin angepriesenen Hifi- und Video-Produkte waren auschließlich amerikanischen und kanadischen Militärangehörigen zugänglich - also zu kaufen - und vor allem zu ganz ungewöhnlich (verblüffend) niedrigen US $ Military-Preisen. Zu der einführenden "off duty" Seite geht es hier lang. -  Um 1970 begann der weltweite Hifi-Boom bis zum 1. Crash 1978 und dann wieder zum 2.Crash um 1990. Über die 20 Jahre nach 2001 lesen Sie mehr in den Kolumnen auf diesen japanischen Seiten.


Unter dem Titel "Cartridges and Cassettes" finden wir fast alles ...... jedenfalls wurde es so angepriesen ... aus dem

Comsumer- und Nicht Hifi-Angebot bis zu echten Hifi-Geräten, jedenfalls wenn die Inserenten auch bezahlt hatten. Jeder Eintrag war "kostenpflichtig", mußte also gekauft werden, genauso wie die großen halb- oder ganzseitigen Anzeigen. Das war übrigens bei unserer Hifi-Stereophonie und den anderen deutschen Magazinen genauso. Alle diese "shopper survey's" waren in keinem Falle eine komplette (und wertneutale) Marktübersicht, als diese sie immer hingestellt werden wollten. Es waren gekaufte Einträge.

Diese Seiten müssten eigentlich ins Magentbandmuseum und dort ist der Unterschied zwischen "Cartridges" and "Cassetten" erläutert. Also Cartridges haben nur eine Spule im Gehäuse, Kassetten haben immer 2 Spulen.


"shopper survey"


Cartridges and Cassettes: In the Limelight

Who put those eight great tracks on that itty-bitty tape ? - This Month's Shopper - Off Duty / Europe / June 1972 - By THOM PRINGLE

About cartridges or cassettes

NEXT TO 4-CHANNEL, probably the most exciting thing on the audio scene today is the progress being made in tape recording - specifically, encased or unitized tapes. Unitized tapes, in the form of either cartridges or cassettes, have long been a source of fascination - the idea being to have a compact unit which could simply be dropped into a machine with no fuss or bother and high quality sound would be the result.

Actually, unitized tapes have been around a longtime. Remember the early RCA two-reel units that didn't make it? There have been several others, too, but our main concern now is with two types, the Philips-type cassette and the 8-track cartridge.

Der weltweite Vorteil der Philips CC Kassette

Although the Philips-type cassette has its shortcomings, one of the greatest advantages is the universal design of the cassette and the cassette players due to the perseverance and marketing pressure of the immense Philips company.

As a result, all cassettes today will fit all cassette machines - a fortunate situation considering the many designs which might have been developed with the multitude of different companies which manufacture cassette equipment.

Another advantage of the cassette is that it has two reels inside thereby allowing the user to reverse the tape direction to facilitate locating selections. Of course, at the end of the tape, the direction of tape movement must be reversed or else the cassette must be turned over.

Das Kassetten-Tape ist extrem schmal

In order to make the cassette small a narrow-width tape was designed which was much narrower than the standard quarter-inch magnetic tape.

To put four tracks on this tape for stereo use (two programs) the individual track width was reduced to 1/40". That's pretty small when you compare it to the 1/4" tracks used with "full track recorders" (wir nennen das Vollspur-Geräte) - about 10 times smaller.

And the problems which accompanied this exceptionally narrow track width included poor signal-to-noise ratio, alignment problems, and increased crosstalk - in other words, a real challenge for the audio engineers.

They were up to it, though, and came up with the now famous chromium dioxide tape, better tape heads, better tape handling mechanisms and, certainly not least, the Dolby System.

But just as they were patting each other on the back, the public started craving 4-channel and they were back at the drawing boards.

Die kompatible 4-channel Kassette

To design a compatible 4-channel cassette system involves the same problems as were previously mentioned in connection with putting two separate stereo programs on narrow cassette tape.

Only this time, the individual track width has been reduced to 1/100". Imagine trying to keep a moving tape in alignment so that it doesn't vary its vertical position more than 1/200"!

They've done it, though. The system has already been designed and tested, but there are some nagging problems which are preventing the systemfrom reaching the market.

With 4-channel growing in popularity, however, the problems connected with discrete 4-channel cassettes will be overcome or matrix encoding will be used, but in some manner you can expect 4-channel cassettes in the future.

Die 8-track Cartridge

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the 8-track cartridge is happily spinning out 4-channel material without a hitch. Because the 8-track cartridge uses regular quarter-inch tape, its individual tracks can have a width of about 1/50" while still providing two separate 4-channel programs. Although it's not truly compatible, it's expected that people who buy a 4-channel cartridge will not expect to play it on a regular stereo machine.

In fact 4-channel may be credited with breathing new life into the cartridge since the cassette had been gradually taking over the unitized tape field.

With the advent of 4-channel, however, manufacturers started bringing out new cartridge units both for the home and for the car. So, you'll find several new cartridge units listed in our SHOPPER this month which have extensive features and are a direct result of the new interest in cartridges generated by the 4-channel boom. Not to mention that a bundle of prerecorded 4-channel cartridges have been produced and will be available to you as soon as the supply catches up with the demand.

Cartridges were losing favor because of their inherent drawbacks, mainly the inability to rewind, their larger size and the absence of a selection of playing times.

The cartridges with their single reel use a continuous loop principle where the tape is pulled from the center of the reel and rewound on the outside of the reel after playing. This necessitates a strong tape since the tape must not only withstand unusual twisting, but also must be used to pull the entire reel. Therefore, ultra-thin tapes are not used.

  • Anmerkung : Viele 8-Track Bänder waren auf der Rückseite extrem glatt, teilweise sogar "geölt" und das merkte man. Die 8-Track Kassetten haben durch die Bank weg gejault, was aber im amerikanischen Auto nie auffiel.


Die Zusammenfassung beider Konzepte

To summarize, before we get to the hardware, we can say that there are two types of unitized tape still very much in the picture; the cartridge and the cassette. The cartridge is a continuous, non-reversible, loop operating at 3 3/4 inches per second, for which there is equipment currently available to record and play back discrete 4-channel material.

The cassette is a two-reel unit operating at 1 7/8 inches per second with a terminated strip of tape which must be stopped or reversed at the end of the tape. Cassette equipment is not yet available for discrete 4-channel recording or playback.

Types of equipment.

Our SHOPPER lists two general types of equipment, portable and home-type (automobile units were covered in our April issue). Those units designated home-type will generally have a heavy case and will operate only from line power. The portable types will operate from batteries and have built-in carrying cases. As a rule, portable units are complete with amplifiers and speakers.

Sound modes.

Three sound modes are represented in our SHOPPER, monaural, stereo and 4-channel. Most portable machines are monaural with only a few stereo portables and no 4-channel portables as yet.

The home-type machines in this SHOPPER are mostly stereo units with a few 4-channel cartridge models represented.


Generally, the machines in our SHOPPER can record and play back since people usually want to have both capabilities. Some models are playback-only models, but they are few in number. Models with and without built-in amplifiers are represented in our SHOPPER and we have identified them by calling the units with amplifiers (and usually speakers) "recorders" while the units without power amplifiers
are called "decks".

If you are looking for a portable machine, you will have little choice since almost all models have built-in power amplifiers and speakers. When selecting a home-type model, however, you will have to consider whether you wish to include the machine as an integral part of your hi-fi system or whether you want the unit to be able to perform by itself. Remember that even if a model has built-in power amplifiers it can still be connected into your hi-fi system thereby allowing you to use it in either manner.

Power output.

If you select a recorder rather than a deck you will find that the power amplifiers used are low-power units on the order of ten watts RMS per channel intended to drive high efficiency speakers. Therefore, if you want to drive an elaborate or low-efficiency speaker system, plan on feeding the line output of your recorder into an external amplifier to get the power you need. If you select a deck, of course, you're obligated to have an external amplifier and speakers.

Frequency response.

This is one area where great progress has been made in the field of unitized tapes. For a long time, the best frequency response with cassettes was from 50 Hz to about 12kHz. Recently, however, with improved heads and tape, the frequency response of high quality cassette machines has been pushed up to 16kHz - a very respectable figure in light of the obstacles which had to be overcome. This increased frequency response is one of the main factors for the sales which cassette recorders have stolen from open-reel recorders.

Signal-to-noise ratio.

Noise is that hissing sound you hear when you are playing a tape in your machine and the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N ratio) reflects how little of this noise exists.

This year, the entire S/N ratio situation can be summed up in one word, fantastic! In our open-reel recorder SHOPPER last September 1971, some of the most respected and expensive machines claimed a S/N ratio of 58 dB (the higher the S/N ratio, the better).

Now, however, as you look through this SHOPPER you will find some cassette units which, with noise reduction circuitry and chromium dioxide tape, claim a minimum S/N ratio of 56 dB which means that noise is no longer a real problem for the cassette. Unfortunately, similar progress has not been made with 8-track cartridges but chances are that improvements will be forthcoming.

Flutter and wow.

The flutter and wow figure is a good indication of the mechanical quality of a recorder. Flutter is the high frequency variance and wow is the low frequency variance introduced into the tape movement by a tape handling mechanism. The two are combined together and expressed as an average percentage which should be as low as possible - usually around 20 per cent.

Again, manufacturers have really pushed to improve the flutter and wow characteristics of cassette machines and many machines now boast flutter and wow figures less than 20%. Here also, cartridge equipment has not received as much attention as cassette equipment and, in general, the cassette units will have flutter and wow ratings which are a shade better than the cartridge units, but still not as good as the big open-reel machines.

Noise reduction circuitry.

Although there are still a couple of different noise reduction methods around, almost everyone agrees that the name of the game is Dolby. With only a few holdouts, every manufacturer has agreed to use the Dolby System and now prerecorded Dolbyized tapes are being produced, too.

Basically, a noise reduction circuit electronically processes the signal going to or coming from the tape in such a manner that the apparent noise level is reduced. Even though a cassette unit with noise reduction circuitry will cost more, it is recommended if you take your recording seriously. As yet, noise reduction circuitry has not been incorporated into cartridge equipment.


One of the most important factors in the improvement of cassette recorders has been the development of high performance tapes such as low noise-high output tapes and chromium dioxide tapes.

To use these tapes to their full advantage, however, the recording bias and equalization in a machine should be altered. Therefore, on many of the latest models of cassette machines you will find adjustments which allow them to be used with these new special tapes.

Some machines offer adjustment of the equalization or bias only, but it is preferable to adjust both. In addition, some machines offer adjustments for two types of tape, while others may be adjusted for three types of tape (regular, low-noise and chromium dioxide). Special tapes are not yet used in cartridges.

Head configuration.

Because of the limited space available for head entry in unitized tapes, only two heads can be used. Thus far, manufacturers have not produced models with multiple-function heads so that you can monitor the tape during recording but, rumor has it, these models are on the way.

  • Anmerkung : Später kamen echte Dreikopf-Kassettengeräte auf den Markt, es dauerte aber noch. Nakamichi machte den Anfang.


Special features.

Different manufacturers offer different features, some of which are very useful. Automatic shut-off is an especially helpful feature, allowing you to leave your cassette recorder unattended with the knowledge that it will release the drive mechanism at the end of the tape thereby reducing the possibility of damage to the tape or mechanism. Some mechanisms also have the capability of automatically reversing the tape direction at the end of the tape and playing the alternate tracks, while a few other machines are changers with the capability of handling several cassettes, changing them in sequence as each finishes playing.

The cartridge models all have automatic program channel sequencing which switches from one program channel to the next as the tape finishes one complete revolution. Some models also have an automatic shut-off feature which shuts off the machine after all tracks on the tape have been played.

Features somewhat standard include a selection of input and output connections, digital counters, program channel indicators and VU meters. Several cartridge models now have fast forward modes - very handy when you're hunting a particular selection on a cartridge.

Like so many other developments, unitized tapes started out as something of a toy. Cute little things that were fun to play with and no one took them seriously. Look at the specifications, features and many models in the following SHOPPER and you'll see that it's a different situation today.

Off Duty/Europe/June 72

OFF DUTY SHOPPERS are a service to our readers and are prepared by the editorial department based on information supplied by representatives of the manufacturer. They are not intended as advertising nor as an endorsement of any particular products. Prices given in the SHOPPERS should be used only as a guide. They are not binding on any retailer and may vary somewhat depending on the retailer, location or international monetary situation.



Advent 201 - Home-type stereo 4-track cassette deck with built-in Dolby circuit and bias/equalization switch for chromium dioxide tape. With chromium dioxide tape, frequency response 35 to 14.5kHz ! 2 dB, S/N ratio 54 dB (with Dolby). Flutter and wow 0.15 per cent. Auto-stop mechanism, pause control and digital counter. Peak-reading VU meter with high frequency emphasis. Line inputs and outputs, optional external preamplifier necessary for microphones. Size 5x13/4x9'/. in.


Aiwa TP-743 - Portable monaural 2-track cassette recorder. Power output 500 mW, frequency response 50 to 10kHz, 2-in. speaker. S/N ratio 40 dB. Push-button controls. Built-in condenser microphone. Battery-condition meter. Automatic recording level control. Jacks for microphone, remote start/stop control, earphone and dc power source. Requires four size AA batteries. With earphone, batteries and wrist strap. Size 6x3/ x1 '/> in. Wt. 23 oz.

Aiwa TPR 101H - Portable monaural 2-track cassette recorder/radio. Power output 1.2 watts, frequency response 100 to 10kHz, 3x5-in. speaker. Push-button controls and automatic recording level control. Radio section tunes standard AM, FM and SW (6 to 16 MHz). Built-in carrying handle, ac converter and telescoping antenna. Jacks for microphone, auxiliary, line output and DIN plug. Requires four size D batteries. With microphone and batteries. Size 11/4x9x3/4 in. Wt. 6 lbs. 110-220 volts.


Akai GXC-40D - Home-type stereo 4-track cassette deck. Tape bias select for regular or chromium dioxide tape. Frequency response 30 to 18kHz I 3 dB (with chromium dioxide tape). Flutter and wow 0.2 per cent. S/N ratio 45 dB. Glass/crystal ferrite heads. Defeatable peak limiter. Push-button controls, pause mode and digital counter. Two VU meters. Jacks for headphones, microphones, line input and output, and DIN plug. Size 16/2 x5x9 in. Wt. m lbs. 110-220 volts.
Akai GXC-40 - Same as Akai GXC-40D except has built-in stereo amplifier. Output power 5 watts RMS per channel into 8 ohms.

Akai CR-80D - Home-type stereo 8-track cartridge deck. Frequency response 50 to 16kHz ! 3 dB. Flutter and wow 0.25 per cent. S/N ratio 47 dB. Push-button controls, fast forward mode, program channel selector and auto-stop mechanism. Two VU meters. Jacks for headphones, microphones, line input and DIN plug. Size 13'/x10x5/2 in. Wt. 20 lbs. 110-220 volts.

Akai CR-80 - Same as Akai CR-80D except has built-in stereo amplifier. Power output 8 watts RMS per channel into 8 ohms.

Akai CS-55D - Home-type stereo 4-track cassette deck with automatic reverse. Frequency response 30 to 16kHz I 3 dB. Flutter and wow 0.2 per cent. S/N ratio 45 dB. Push-button controls, auto-stop mechanism, pause mode and digital counter. Two VU meters. Jacks for microphone, line input and output headphones and DIN plug. Size 14^x7/4x11/4 in.Wt. 18 lbs. 110-220 volts.

Bell and Howell

Bell and Howell Boom Box - Convertible home/portable monaural 2-track cassette recorder. Frequency response 60 to 12kHz. Push-button controls, automatic recording level control and jacks for microphone, earphone and external power. Unit consists of home-type cabinet with built-in 5-in. speaker and removable portable recorder. Built-in ac converter and carrying handle. Requires nine size C batteries. With microphone and earphone. Size 8x8x16 in. 110-220 volts.

Crown (ds ist aber nicht CROWN of America aus Utah - also Amcron)

Crown CTR-350W - Portable monaural 2-track cassette recorder. Power output 1 watt into 3-in. speaker. Frequency response 100 to 8.5kHz. Push-button controls, automatic recording level control and jacks for microphone, remote start/stop control, auxiliary input and dc power source. Built-in carrying handle and ac converter. Requires four size C batteries. With earphone and microphone. Size 2 , x9x8 in. Wt. 5 lbs. 110-220 volts.

Crown CRC-455FW - Portable monaural 2-track cassette recorder/radio. Power output 1.3 watts, frequency response 100 to 10kHz, 4-in. speaker. With push-button controls, automatic recording level control, level meter and remote start/stop. Built-in telescoping antenna, condenser microphone, carrying handle and ac converter. Radio section tunes standard AM and FM bands, plus SW (6 to 18 MHz). Jacks for microphone and earphone. Requires four size C batteries. With earphone and batteries. Size 8x12x3'/ in.Wt. 8 lbs. 110-220 volts.

Crown CRC-505FW - Portable stereo 4-track cassette recorder/radio. Power output 1.5 watts per channel into two detachable 4-in. speakers. Frequency response 100 to 10kHz. With push-button controls, digital counter and two VU meters. Radio section tunes standard AM and FM bands. AFC and slide-rule tuning dial. Built-in telescoping antenna and ac converter. Front-panel jacks for headphones, microphones and remote start/stop. Requires six size D batteries. With microphones and ac cord. Size 22') x11x4 in. Wt. 14 lbs. 110-220 volts.

Crown SHC-49F - Home-type stereo 4-track cassette recorder/radio. Power output 6 watts per channel, frequency response 100 to 10kHz. External speakers required (optional). Push-button controls and auto-stop mechanism. Digital counter and two VU meters. Radio section tunes standard AM and FM bands plus FM stereo. AFC and slide-rule tuning dial. Front-panel jacks for microphones, remote start/stop and headphone. With microphones and patch cord. SizeirAx9V4x4in. Wt. 5 lbs. 110-220 volts.

Crown SHC-47F - Home-type stereo 4-track cassette recorder/radio. Power output 2.5 watts per channel into two 5-in. speakers in separate cabinets. Frequency response 100 to 10kHz. Push-button controls and two VU meters. Digital counter. Radio section tunes standard AM and FM bands plus FM stereo. Unit consists of two cabinets, each with a down-firing omni-directional speaker system. With microphones. Size (each unit) 9x9x21 in. Total wt. 16 lbs. 110-220 volts.


Denon TRC-798ED - Home-type stereo 4-track cassette changer deck. Automatically changes up to 12 cassettes. Frequency response 100 to 10kHz. Flutter and wow 0.3 per cent. S/N ratio 43 dB. Push-button controls, manual reject and auto-stop mechanism. Two VU meters. Jacks for microphones, line input and output, and DIN plug. Size 13 4x9x6', in.Wt. 13'/- lbs. 110-220 volts.


Dokorder 8080 - Home-type stereo 8-track cartridge playback deck. Frequency response 40 to 8.5kHz. Program channel indicator lights. Single-channel repeat mode. Jacks for line output and DIN plug. Size 14'/2x7'/)x8 in. Wt. 12 lbs. 110-220 volts.


Fisher CP-100 - Home-type 4-channel/ stereo 8-track cartridge player deck. Frequency response 50 to 12kHz. Unit automatically changes to 4-channel or stereo mode depending on type of cartridge used. Program-channel repeat mode and program channel indicator lights. Size 4/4XIO/4 x10 in.Wt. 10 lbs.

Fisher TX-420 - Home-type 4-channel/ stereo 8-track cartridge player deck and rear-channel amplifier. Power output (rear-channel amp.) 15 watts RMS per channel into 8 ohms (two channels). Deck frequency response 50 to 12kHz. Unit automatically changes to 4-channel or stereo depending on type of cartridge used. Program-channel repeat mode and program channel indicator lights. Auxiliary inputs and built-in decoder to create 4-channel effect with stereo material. Size 16/4x4!4x11/4 in. Wt. 17/ lbs.

Fisher RC-80B - Home-type stereo 4-track cassette deck with Dolby System and chromium dioxide tape adjustment. Frequency response (with chromium dioxide tape) 30 to 14kHz. S/N ratio (with Dolby) 50 dB. Flutter and wow 0.2 per cent. Pushbutton controls, auto-stop mechanism, digital counter and two VU meters. Microphone and line inputs. Size 3' • x7x11 in.

General Electric

General Electric M-8430 - Portable monaural 2-track cassette recorder. Built-in 3-in. speaker and ac converter. Auto-stop mechanism. Single-knob mechanism control. With carrying handle and microphone. Requires four size C batteries. Size 6x10x2'/2 in. 110 volts.

General Electric M8450 - Portable monaural 2-track cassette recorder. Built-in 3-in. speaker and ac converter. Auto-stop mechanism, push-button controls. Requires five size C batteries. With carrying handle, case, microphone and line cord. Size 6V2 x 2V4X10/4 in. 110 volts.


Grundig C410 - Portable monaural 2-track cassette recorder. Power output 0.8 watts, frequency response 80 to 10kHz. Push-button controls, automatic recording level control, auto-stop mechanism. Battery-condition/level meter. Built-in microphone and ac converter. Jacks for microphone, auxiliary input and earphone. With external remote-control microphone. Size 7x10x2/, in. Wt. 5 lbs. 110-220 volts.

Grundig C 250 FM - Portable monaural 2-track cassette recorder/radio. Power output 0.8 watt, frequency response 80 to 10 kHz. Single-knob mechanism control, auto-stop mechanism. Automatic recording level control. Radio section tunes standard FM band. AFC. Built-in telescoping antenna, ac converter and carrying handle. Jacks for microphone, auxiliary input and earphone. Requires five size C batteries. Size 1 1 lA x63/< x23/, in. Wt. 6 lbs. 1 10-220 volts.

Grundig C 200 SL - Portable monaural 2-track cassette recorder. Same as Grundig C 250 FM except has no FM tuner.

Grundig C 3000 E - Portable monaural 2-track cassette recorder/radio. Power output 1.2 watts, frequency response 80 to 10kHz. Single-knob mechanism control, auto-stop mechanism. Automatic recording level control. Radio section tunes standard AM, FM and LW bands plus SW (6 to 16 MHz). AFC. Built-in telescoping antenna, ac converter and carrying handle. Jacks for microphone, auxiliary input and earphone. Requires five size C batteries. Size 13x7x3 in. Wt. 7 lbs. 110-220 volts.

Grundig C 4000 E - Portable monaural 2-track cassette recorder/radio. Power output 2 watts, frequency response 80 to 10kHz. Single-knob mechanism control, auto-stop mechanism. Automatic recording level control. Radio section tunes standard AM, FM, and LW plus SW (6 to 16 MHz). AFC. Built-in telescoping antenna, ac converter and carrying handle. Jacks for microphone, auxiliary input and earphone. Requires six size D batteries. Size 1 3 , x8x4 in. Wt. 8V2 lbs. 110-220 volts.


Harman-Kardon CAD5 - Home-type stereo 4-track cassette deck with Dolby System and equalization/bias switch for chromium dioxide tape. Frequency response 30 to 12.5kHz i 2 dB. S/N ratio (with Dolby) 55 dB. Flutter and wow 0.1 5 per cent. Pushbutton controls, auto-stop mechanism and pause mode. Two VU meters and overmodu-lation indicator light. Digital counter. Jacks for microphone and line connections. Size W'hy&*Z% in. Wt. 10 lbs.


JVC-Nivico 1260U - Home-type stereo 8-track cartridge deck. Frequency response 30 to 15kHz. S/N ratio 50 dB. Flutter and wow 0.18 per cent. Pause and fast forward modes, program-channel repeat and auto-stop modes. Two VU meters. Front-panel jacks for microphones and headphone. Line inputs and outputs plus jack for DIN plug. Size 1 5/2 x9/4 x4 in. Wt. 1 3 lbs. 110-220 volts.


Kenwood KX-7010A - Home-type stereo 4-track cassette deck with equalization switch for low-noise and chromium dioxide tapes. Frequency response (with chromium dioxide tape) 40 to 13kHz. S/N ratio 48 dB (with chromium dioxide tape). Flutter and wow 0.2 per cent. Push-button controls, pause mode and digital counter. Two VU meters. Front-panel jacks for microphones and headphone. Line inputs and outputs plus DIN connector. Size 10/ x9x4 in. Wt. 7 lbs. 110-220 volts.

Kenwood KX-700 - Home-type stereo 4-track cassette deck with Dolby System and equalization switch for low noise and chromium dioxidetapes. Frequency response (with chromium dioxide tape) 25 to 13kHz. S/N ratio (with Dolby) 58 dB. Flutter and wow 0.13 per cent. Push-button controls, pause mode and digital counter. Two VU meters, front-panel jacks for microphones and headphone. Line inputs and outputs plus DIN connector. Size 15%x4%x11V2 in. Wt. 14 lbs. 110-220 volts.


Lafayette RK 48A - Home-type 4-channel/stereo 8-track cartridge deck. Frequency response 30 to 10kHz I 2 dB. S/N ratio 49 dB. Flutter and wow 0.2 per cent. Unit automatically switches to 4-channel or stereo mode depending on type cartridge used. Single-program repeat mode. Illuminated program channel indicator. Size 91/-x 10'/2x4'/2 in. 110 volts.

Lafayette RK-D40 - Home-type stereo 4-track cassette deck with Dolby System and bias switch for chromium dioxide tape. Frequency response 40 to 1 3kHz. S/N ratio 49 dB. Flutter and wow 0.25 per cent. Pushbutton controls auto-stop mechanism, digital counter and pause mode. Two VU meters. Jacks for microphones and line. Size 11 V4x 4-/,x1 VA in. 110 volts.


Philips N2204 - Portable monaural 2-track cassette recorder. Power output 0.6 watts, frequency response 60 to 10kHz. S/N ratio 45 dB. Flutter and wow 0.4 per cent. Single-knob mechanism control, 3-in. speaker. Automatic recording level control, level/battery-condition meter. Built-in ac converter. Requires six size C batteries. Jacks for microphone, line and loudspeaker. Size 8l/2x6/4x2l/2 in. Wt. 4 lbs. 110-220 volts.

Philips N2205 - Portable monaural 2-track cassette recorder. Power output 1 watt, frequency response 80 to 10kHz. S/N ratio 45 dB. Flutter and wow 0.4 per cent. Pushbutton controls, 4-in. speaker and battery-condition/level meter. Built-in ac converter and carrying handle. Jacks for microphone, remott, start/stop, line and speaker. Requires six size C batteries. Size 10x7/2x2/2 in. Wt. 6 lbs. 110-220 volts.

Philips 22 RR 392 - Portable monaural 2-track cassette recorder/radio. Power output 0.5 watts, 4-in. speaker, frequency response 80 to 10kHz i 3 dB. S/N ratio 45 dB. Flutter and wow 0.4 per cent. Automatic recording level control. Single-knob mechanism control. Radio section tunes standard AM and FM bands. AFC. Slide-rule tuning dial. Built-in telescoping antenna, ac converter, carrying handle and recording interference reduction circuit. Jacks for microphone and line inputs. Requires six size D batteries. With microphone. Size 1 3x8x3/> in. Wt. 6 lbs. 110-220 volts.

Philips N 2400 - Home-type stereo 4-track cassette recorder (no speakers). Power output 5 watts RMS per channel into 4 ohms. Frequency response 60 to 10kHz I 3 dB. S/N ratio 45 dB. Flutter and wow 0.3 per cent. Push-button controls, auto-stop mechanism and digital counter. Level meter. Jacks for microphone, line input and output, speakers. Size 14x8VS x3 in. Wt. 7 lbs. 110-220 volts.

Philips N 2401 - Home-type stereo 4-track cassette changer (without speakers). Same features and basic specifications as Philips N 2400 except holds and sequentu-ally changes up to six cassettes. Size 1 5'/4 x 9/4 x5'/2 in.

Philips 22 RR 800 - Portable stereo 4-track cassette recorder/radio with two detachable loudspeaker enclosures. Power output 6 watts RMS per channel into 8 ohms. Frequency response 60 to 10kHz. S/N ratio 45 dB. Flutter and wow 0.35 per cent. Pushbutton controls and digital counter. Automatic recording level control and radio interference filter. Radio section tunes standard AM, FM and LW bands plus FM stereo and SW (6 to 18 MHz). Illuminated slide-rule tuning dial and tuning meter. AFC. Built-in telescoping antenna, carrying handle and ac converter. Requires eight size D batteries. Jacks for microphones, line inputs and line outputs. Size 1 9x10'/ x8 in. Wt. 28 lbs. 110-220 volts.


Pioneer T-3300 - Home-type stereo 4-track cassette deck. Frequency response 40 to 12kHz. S/N ratio 45 dB. Flutter and wow 0.2 per cent. Push-button controls, pause mode, digital counter and auto-stop mechanism. Two VU meters, front-panel microphone and headphone jacks. Line input and output jacks plus DIN connector. Size 1 3x 4m x8' . in. Wt. 10 lbs. 110-220 volts.

Pioneer H-R82 - Home-type stereo 8-track cartridge deck. Frequency response 50 to 10kHz. S/N ratio 38 dB. Flutter and wow 0.25 per cent. Automatic recordino level control and level meter. Program-channel repeat mode. Channel indicator lights. Jacks for microphones, line inputs and outputs, and DIN plug. Size 4x9'. x1 3 in. Wt. 16 lbs. 110-220 volts.

Pioneer T-3500 - Home-type stereo 4-track cassette deck with bias switch for regular, low noise and chromium dioxide tapes. Frequency response 40 to 15kHz (with chromium dioxide tape). S/N ratio 45 dB. Flutter and wow 0.14 per cent. Push-button controls, pause mode, digital counter and auto-stop mechanism. Two VU meters, front-panel jacks for microphones and headphones. Line inputs and outputs plus DIN connector. Size 14Vix43/4x9 in. Wt. 13 lbs. 110-220 volts.

Pioneer QT-2100 - Home-type 4-chan-nel/ stereo 8-track cartridge playback deck. Frequency response 30 to 12kHz. S/N ratio 48 dB. Flutter and wow 0.2 per cent. Unit switches automatically to 4-channel or stereo depending on cartridge used. Program-channel repeat mode. Front-panel headphone jacks and volume control. Illuminated mode and program-channel indicators. Size 17x 53/4 x13 in. Wt. 23 lbs. 110-220 volts.


Sansui SC-700 - Home-type stereo 4-track cassette deck. Built-in Dolby system and tape bias adjust. Record/playback frequency response (with Dolby system and chromium dioxide tape) 40 to 16kHz. Flutter and wow 0.12 percent. S/N ratio (with Dolby system) 56 dB. Push-button controls, auto-stop mechanism, pause switch and digital counter. Bias switch for regular or chromium dioxide tape. Input jack and separate mixer for center channel microphone. Two illuminated VU meters. Jacks for headphones, line in/out and three microphones. Recording and output level controls. Size 1 5'U x10x4 in. Wt. 13 lbs. 110-220 volts.


Sanyo M48M - Portable monaural 2-track cassette recorder. Power output 0.5 watts, frequency response 100 to 10kHz, 3-in. speaker. Single-knob mechanism control. Requires five size C batteries. With remote start/stop microphone. Earphone jack. Carrying strap. Size 5x8'/? x2'/> in.

Sanyo MR-410IM - Portable monaural 2-track cassette recorder. Output power 1.5 watts, 4-in. speaker, frequency response 50 to 10kHz. S/N ratio 40 dB. Flutter and wow 0.3 per cent. Push-button controls, auto-


Teac A-120 - Home-type stereo 4-track cassette deck. Frequency response 30 to 12.5 kHz, S/N ratio 50 dB, flutter and wow 0.15 per cent. Push-button controls, pause mode, tape motion indicator and digital counter. Auto-stop mechanism. Two VU meters. Input and output level controls. Front-panel microphone and headphone jacks. Line inputs and outputs. Size 4x16x9% in. Wt. 10 lbs. 110-220 volts.

Teac A-110 - Home-type stereo 4-track cassette deck. Same specifications and general appearance as Teac A-120 except does not have auto-stop mechanism nor output level controls.

Teac A-22 - Home-type stereo 4-track cassette recorder with two separate speaker enclosures. Power output 10 watts per channel, frequency response 40 to 12kHz, S/N ratio 45 dB, flutter and wow 0.2 per cent. Pushbutton controls, pause mode, auto-stop mechanism and digital counter. Two VU meters. Front-panel microphone and headphone jacks. With stereo microphone. Size (main unit) 133/ix93/4xA-Va in., (speaker unit) 10x7/2 x 14/4 in. Total wt. 30 lbs. 110-220 volts.

Teac A-350 - Home-type stereo 4-track cassette deck with Dolby System and equalization/bias switch for chromium dioxide tape. Frequency response (with chromium dioxide tape) 30 to 1 6 kHz, S/N ratio (with Dolby) 58 dB, flutter and wow 0.1 3 per cent. Push-button controls, pause mode, auto-stop mechanism, digital counter, tape motion indicator. Two VU meters and peak flash indicator. Front-panel microphone and headphone jacks. Line inputs and outputs. Size 4'/>x17x10 in. Wt. 12 lbs. 110-220 volts.


Telefunken Magnetophon CC Nova/FM - Portable mono cassette tape recorder with FM tuner, powered by four 1.5 volt C batteries or AC (with optional adapter). Wow and flutter less than 10.4 per cent, signal-to-noise ratio better than 40 dB. Power output 400 milliwatts. Automatic recording level control. Size 9x5-/4 x2V4 inches, weight 2.5 pounds.

Telefunken Magnetophon Party-sound - Portable monaural 2-track cassette recorder. Frequency response 80 to 10kHz, S/N ratio 45 dB. Push-button controls, pause mode, digital counter and VU meter. Jacks for microphone, line input and output, loudspeaker and dc power source. Built-in carrying handle. Requires five size C batteries. Size 1 V/i x8x2'/2 in.


Toshiba KT-210 - Portable monaural 2-track cassette recorder. Power output 1 watt, 4-in. speaker, frequency response 80 to 9kHz. Single-knob mechanism control. Built-in carrying handle and ac converter. Automatic recording level control. Jacks for microphone, remote start/stop, line in and earphone. Requires four size D batteries. Size 12l/2x23/4x63/4 in. Wt. 5 lbs. 110-220 volts.

Toshiba KT-403D - Home-type stereo 4-track cassette deck. Frequency response 50 to 10kHz, S/N ratio 40 dB, flutter and wow 0.3 percent. Single-knob mechanism control, digital counter and two VU meters. Jacks for microphone, headphone, line in, line out and DIN plug. Size 12x4/4x8 in. Wt. 6 lbs. 110-220 volts.

Toshiba RT-294F - Portable monaural 2-track cassette recorder/radio. Power output 1 watt, 4-in. speaker, frequency response 100 to 10kHz. S/N ratio S5 dB, flutter and wow 0.4 per cent. Push-button controls, pause mode and built-in microphon. Jacks for microphone, remote start/stop, line in, earphone. Radio section tunes standard AM and FM bands. Built-in telescoping antenna and ac converter. Requires four size C batteries. Size 11x6x2/4 in. Wt. 5 lbs. 110-220 volts.

Toshiba KT-805 - Home-type stereo 8-track cartridge deck. Frequency response 50 to 12kHz, S/N ratio 40 dB, flutter and wow 0.3 per cent. Fast forward mode, program channel repeat mode and two VU meters. Jacks for microphone, line in, line out, headphone and DIN plug. Size 15x4/4x8/4 in. Wt. 12 lbs. 110-220 volts.

Toshiba PT-470 - Home-type stereo 4-track cassette deck with Dolby System and tape selector switch. Frequency response 30 to 15kHz, S/N ratio 60 dB (with Dolby), flutter and wow 0.1 per cent. Push-button controls, pause mode and digital counter. Two VU meters. Front-panel jacks for microphones and headphone. Line out, line in and DIN connector. Size 17x5/2x11/2 in. Wt. 18 lbs. 110-220 volts.

Toshiba PT-490 - Home-type stereo 4-track cassette deck with Dolby System and tape selector switch. Same as Toshiba PT-470 except has automatic reverse system to play both sides of tape sequentially.



Triumph 853 - Portable monaural 2-track cassette recorder. Power output 0.9 watts, 4-in. speaker. Push-button controls, level meter and carrying handle. Jacks for microphone, remote start/stop, auxiliary input and earphone. Requires four size C batteries. Size 10'/2x6V4x3 in. Wt. 5 lbs.

Triumph 854 -Portable monaural 2-track cassette recorder. Power output 0.7 watts, 4-in. speaker. Push-button controls, level meter and carrying handle. Jacks for microphone, remote start/stop, auxiliary input and earphone. Requires four size C batteries. Size 6x10'/2 x2V4 in. Wt. 4 lbs.

Triumph 900 - Home-type stereo 8-track cartridge player with two separate speakers. Automatic program-channel sequencing and indicator lights. Two 7V2 -in. speakers. Volume and tone controls. Size (main unit) 10/4 x4'/2 x9'/4 in., (speaker) 7Vi x8'/4 x5 in. Wt. 12 lbs.


Uher Report stereo 124 - Portable stereo 4-track cassette recorder with automatic reverse. Power output 1 watt RMS per channel, frequency response 30 to 12.5kHz, S/N ratio 48 dB, flutter and wow 0.12 per cent. Single-knob control, built-in condenser microphone, auto-reverse mechanism, digital counter and automatic recording level control. VU meter. Tape motion indicator. Jacks for microphones, line inputs, line outputs and dc power source. Built-in speaker. Requires six size C batteries. Size 7,/4x2'/4x7 in. Wt. 4V2 lbs.


Wharfedale Dolby DC9 - Home-type stereo 4-track cassette deck with Dolby system. Frequency response 50 to 12kHz. S/N ratio 50 dB (with Dolby), flutter and wowO.1 8 per cent. Push-button controls, pause mode, auto-stop mechanism and digital counter. Two VU meters. Front panel microphone jacks. Size 10x1 3V2 x3'/2 in. 240 volts.

Wir sind erst in 1972 und die Entwicklung schreitet voran.

Die meisten dieser CC-Geräte haben mit Hifi nichts zu tun, die ganzen 8-Track Geräte wegen des Jaulens schon gar nicht. Bei uns wurden die fast nur in Diskotheken als Jingle-Machines eingesetzt. Da spielte Jaulen überhaupt keine Rolle, laut und noch lauter war und vor allem "immer wieder aufs neue" angesagt. Die 8-Track Kassette konnte die Bänder endlos abspielen.


Und jetzt kommen die Preise.

Es beginnt bei sage und schreibe 18,33 Dollar, das billigste Teil, das es jemals gab. Und bei 247 Dollar hörte die damalige Luxusklasse bereits auf.

Price List

General Electric M-8430 EES $18.33  
Sanyo M-48M Clubs $24.00  
General Electric M-8450 EES $29.34  
Toshiba KT-210 Clubs, about $30.30  
SonyTC-85 Clubs $35.00  
Triumph 853 . EES Special Order $36.00  
Sanyo MR-410 Clubs $39.00  
Triumph 854 EES Special Order $39.50  
Sanyo M-488D Clubs $42.00  
Telefunken CC Nova FM EES Sp. Ord. $42.50  
Philips N 2204 Clubs $42.90  
Crown CTR-350W Clubs $49.00  
Triumph 900 . EES Special Order $51.00  
Philips N 2205 Clubs $53.90  
Dokorder 8080 EES $54.00  
Telefunken Party Sound EES $54.50  
Aiwa 743 E EES Mail Order $57.50  
Sanyo MR-411F Clubs, about $58.00  
Toshiba KT-403D EES $61.00  
Aiwa TPR-101 H EES Mail Order $62.00  
Sony TC-122 EES Mail Order $63.50  
GrundigC410 . EES Special Order $64.00  
Toshiba RT-294 Clubs $64.00  
Philips RR 392 Clubs $67.00  
Sony TC-90 Clubs $68.50  
Sanyo MR-4141W Clubs $70.00  
Sanyo MR-422N Clubs $70.00  
Crown CRC-455 Clubs $75.00  
Sony TC-110A Clubs $77.50  
Grundig C 250 FM . EES Special Order $80.00  
Crown CRC-440 Clubs $82.00  
Philips N2400 Clubs $84.70  
Sanyo MR-408 Clubs $85.00  
Lafayette RK 48 A Direct mail $89.95  
JVC1260U EES $92.00  
Toshiba KT-805 EES $95.00  
DenonTRC-798 EES $99.00  
Bell & Howell Boom Box . Clubs $99.50  
Kenwood KX-7010A Clubs, about $102.00  
Pioneer T-3300 Clubs, about $102.00  
Grundig C-3000 EES Special Order $105.00  
Pioneer H-R82 Clubs $105.00  
Akai CR 80-D Clubs $111.00  
Sony TC-127 Clubs, about $113.00  
Philips N 2401 Clubs $115.50  
Sanyo MR-416 Clubs $11 6.00  
Pioneer T-3500 Clubs $126.00  
Fisher CP-100 Clubs $1 27.00  
Grundig C-4000 EES Special Order $1 28.00  
AkaiGXC40D Clubs $130.00  
Teac A-120 Clubs $130.00  
Akai GXC 40 Clubs $135.00  
Akai CR-80 Clubs $135.00  
Sony TC-124 CS Clubs $135.00  
Crown CRC-505 Clubs $137.00  
Crown SHC 49 F Clubs $140.00  
Sanyo RP-8800 Clubs $142.00  
Teac A-110 Clubs $142.00  
Sony TC-160 Clubs, about $144.00  
Akai CS 55-D Clubs $150.00  
Fisher RC-80B Clubs $1 53.80  
Sanyo MR-414 Clubs $1 54.00  
Wharfedale Clubs $154.00  
Harman Kardon Clubs, about $160.00  
Kenwood KX-700 Clubs, about $161.00  
Sanyo MR-60 Clubs $165.00  
Sony CF-500 Clubs $170.00  
Teac A-350 Clubs $170.00  
Lafayette RK-D40A Direct mail $179.95  
Pioneer QT-2100 Clubs $1 80.00  
TeacA-22 EES $183.00  
Crown SHC 47 Clubs $185.00  
Sansui SC-700 Clubs $206.40  
Uher Report Stereo 124 EES Special Order $221.00  
Fisher TX-420 Clubs $228.00  
Philips RR 800 Clubs $231.00  
Sony CF-620 Clubs $247.00  

und wie gesagt, nur ein ganz kleiner Teil davon kann Hifi-Qualität. Doch das änderte sich von Quartal zu Quartal.

- Werbung Dezent -
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