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"off duty" 1970 - 1997 - eine Freizeit-Zeitung für's US-Militär

Die in diesem amerikanischen (Freizeit-) Shopping-Magazin angepriesenen Hifi- und Video-Produkte waren auschließlich amerikanischen und kanadischen Militärangehörigen zugänglich - also zu kaufen - und vor allem zu ganz ungewöhnlich (verblüffend) niedrigen US $ Military-Preisen. Zu der einführenden "off duty" Seite geht es hier lang. -  Um 1970 begann der weltweite Hifi-Boom bis zum 1. Crash 1978 und dann wieder zum 2.Crash um 1990. Über die 20 Jahre nach 2001 lesen Sie mehr in den Kolumnen auf diesen japanischen Seiten.


Die gesamten 1973er Editorials - also die "Back Pages" - kommen alle 12 hier auf dieser Seite ...

In 1972 hatte ich die Back-Page Inhalte aller 12 Ausgaben inzwischen auch hintereinander auf einer Seite untergebracht. Das mit den einzelnen Back-Page Seiten war nicht hilfreich. Viele der Informationen sind absolut unwichtig und füllen nur den Platz und versperren den Blick.


January 1973 - Das Editorial von Walter Rios

'The Back Page' is a monthly OFF DUTY editorial feature

Dear Reader:


  1. If you're in the market for a refrigerator, make sure you get one with an enormous freezer compartment. Or buy a deep freeze.  The food industry is claiming that within the next two years there will be three times as many new frozen foods on the market as there are now.
  2. Commissaries and PXs in Europe undoubtedly will be going along with the new trend to more frozen products. Already there is a more pronounced accent on frozen items.
  3. It is anticipated that by 1975 Americans will be spending upwards of $7 billion for frozen foods - a figure that does not include ice cream and bulk meat and fish items repacked by the store.  It also does not include the storeys own repacked fruits and vegetables or even such in-store items that a large market might buy in frozen form for its own bakery and restaurant operations.
  4. Some Stateside stores are already getting with the deepfreeze trend, opening breakfast boutiques within the frozen section to show Mrs. Housewife how she can feed her family with all the health nutrients and still stay well within her budget.  She can serve frozen orange juice (it can even be supplied with aspirin if someone wakes up with a hangover), frozen pancakes, frozen fruit with cereal, frozen omelettes and, of course, frozen coffee concentrates.
  5. If you are looking for a different kind of dish to tempt a tired appetite, it's much easier to try frozen ethnic dishes -- Italian, Swedish, Japanese, Chinese, Mexican or Kosher - than it is to worry about whether or not you have all the odd spices and ingredients.
  6. One really with-it new supermarket in California has opened its latest store with a series of frozen food boutiques, such as old-fashioned ice cream parlors, bake stores, frozen hot-snack shack.  And smack in the midst of the frozen juice department, the store has planted a homey touch — a real live non-frozen citrus grove!  (Close your eyes and imagine something like this in your commissary.)
  7. Coming next month:  OFF DUTY's first annual master guide to buying hi-fi equipment in Europe -- at military discount prices.  The OFF DUTY HI-FI ANNUAL will be on sale for $1.50 at Stars and Stripes newsstands.
  8. A special reader's service exclusively for readers who are their own sponsors to OFF DUTY magazine



Have you ever wished for ONE publication with EVERYTHING you wanted to know about hifi? Well, it's on the way.

THE OFF DUTY HIFI ANNUAL contains the latest scoop on all hifi components available to the military in Europe. Through exchanges or audio clubs.
With Shoppers on car stereo, headphones, tape decks, receivers, tuners, amplifiers, speakers, compact systems and special components.

Plus listings of components by price category. And articles on 4 channel and how to get started in hifi.

THE OFF DUTY HIFI ANNUAL will be available soon at your nearest Stars & Stripes newsstand. Or from OFF DUTY in Frankfurt by mail order. For $ 1.50 per copy.


February 1973 - Das Editorial von Walter Rios

'The Back Page' is a monthly OFF DUTY editorial feature


  1. Memorex has introduced new 45-minute cassette tapes in audio clubs. Available in both low-noise/high-output and chromium-dioxide formulas, these tapes are intended for use as mailers and conform to the 22 minutes-per-side length of 12-in. LP discs. The C45 will sell for about $1.25 and the CD45 for about $1.65. Memorex has also announced plans to open a local technical services department this month.
  2. Luv and kisses to AR. They've lowered the price on AR-5 loudspeakers to audio clubs.
  3. Speaking of speakers - people are raving about the loudspeaker listening room at the Kitzingen Hi-Fi Club. Some have Michelinesquely rated it as "worth a special trip!"
  4. The W. D. Warren Co. was very happy with the turnout for itTs special 10-day product demonstration in Buchschlag and plans to repeat the show later. Winner of the Sony color TV door prize was Sp. 5 Edward Hufnagle. Two Sony 4-channel hi-fi systems were also given away.
  5. Frankfurt Audio Club is now in the photo business. The camera shop there opened in January with an introductory sale.
  6. Numerous skyjackings have caused authorities to rely once again on x-ray equipment for screening parcels and luggage. There is a definite possibility that this x-ray inspection will fog undeveloped film, according to tests made by Kodak. Experts suggest you carry your undeveloped film with as hand luggage. Undeveloped films sent through international mail should be marked to show that the contents are x-ray sensitive.
  7. KeystoneTs new 60-Second Everflash is one of the reasons why Polaroid worked so hard to develop something new. The Everflash is a smooth little number that has several interesting new features -- including a built-in electronic flash. It uses regular Polaroid film and will probably be in the PXs before long.
  8. We the road next month. Our hi-fi shopper will feature car tape units, both stereo and 4-channel. Also, weTll have a complete review of the slide projectors available to military shoppers.


March 1973 - Das Editorial von Walter Rios

'The Back Page' is a monthly OFF DUTY editorial feature


  1. Spring fever victims: check out our latest review of car tape units which starts on page 79. And, to project the pictures you take during your spring outings, look over the selection of slide projectors starting on page 88.
  2. Fisher's new "04" 4-channel receivers should be available to military audiophiles in the very near future - maybe even this month. The big 504 model will probably sell for about $350 ... the other models will offer similar savings over Stateside prices.
  3. The Ramstein Audio Electronics Center has scheduled March 31. as its day to close for inventory this month. Note, too, that the Ramstein AEC has a new phone number.
  4. The Wiesbaden Audio Club has new hours ... it's now open an hour longer each day ... check our club list for the exact times.
  5. Minolta will soon be bringing well-known photographer David Hamilton on a tour of the photo clubs. Watch for a schedule of appearances.
  6. Prerecorded open-reel tapes hard to find? Weep no more. Put a one-dollar bill and your address into an envelope and mail to: Barclay-Crocker, 11 Stone Street, New York, N.Y. 10004. By return mail you will get what has to be the world's most complete prerecorded open-reel tape catalog (over 3000 titles) plus a subscription to "Reel News11 to keep you up to date on current releases.
  7. Teac, according to late news, will soon introduce its super-spec cassette deck to European military audiophiles. Pictures and details next month in OFF DUTY.


April 1973 - Das Editorial von Walter Rios

'The Back Page' is a monthly OFF DUTY editorial feature


  1. Recreational vehicles are big business and military personnel in Europe can get in on the action, too. See our special "RV" coverage which starts on page 79.
  2. Who's waiting for June CES? New products are arriving in droves:
    The Bose super-power amplifier (400 watts RMS per channel) is on the scene.
  3. Garrard has a new turntable, model QZ-100S, with all the 4-channel circuits built-in, including a CD-4 decoder and a universal matrix decoder. Just add amplifiers and you're ready for any kind of 4-channel or stereo. Should be in the clubs soon.
  4. Marantz is introducing new loudspeaker models 4G, 5G and 6G - similar to previous models but they have foam grills.
  5. Sansui starts selling a new line of 4-channel receivers this month. Models QRX-3000, QRX-3500, QRX-4500 and QRX-6500 feature regular and SQ matrix decoders with logic circuitry and a selection of output powers.
  6. Shure has a new phono pickup cartridge, the Shure V-15 Type III. It has 30 per cent better trackability and offers an ultra-linear (+1dB) 20-20k Hz frequency response.
  7. Sony magnetic recording tapes are being sold in the audio clubs once again. All the Sony standard cassettes now contain low-noise tape. Sony's special HF cassettes are also available.
  8. Teac's new A-450 cassette deck may not be generally available in clubs until September because of the large demand.
  9. Clubs: The Ramstein Audio Electronics Center has produced a handy pocket calendar which lists all U.S. holidays and club inventory days for 1973. Pick one up at the club.
  10. The Bad Aibling Audio/Photo Shop has new hours - see our club List.
  11. Iraklion Electronics Hobby Shop is the new name for the Iraklion Amateur Sound Club. Robert Veenstra is the manager. See our club list for details.
  12. The Heidelberg Audio Club hopes to be open by May 15 at the latest.
  13. There are no more EES Mail Order Catalogs available. The new 1973-74 catalog will be out August 1.
  14. Thorens-Franz AG, maker of famous Thorens turntables, celebrates 90 years of operation this month.
  15. International Postage Stamp Exhibition - Munich - May 11-21. Tremendous display of stamps.


A Letter from the Publisher

Have Europe's audio/photo clubs finally come of age, or are they headed for a fall? The recent centralization of the clubs' management at Usareur and Usafe level causes both friends and foes of the clubs to raise the question.

Who, you may ask, could possibly be a foe of the audio clubs?
They are loved almost universally - by military personnel who choose from an incredible variety of electronics and photographic gear at amazingly low prices; by manufacturers and their representatives, who sell a much broader range of merchandise than could ever be stocked by exchanges; by military commanders, who see audio and photo as a wholesome leisure-time activity for the troops.

  • Anmerkung : Vielleicht hatte Walter Rios es gar nicht mitbekommen, daß es in den Audio-Club hinter den Kulissen sehr wohl dicke Probleme gab, die bereinigt werden sollten oder mußten. Die angeblich Hersteller- neutralen "representatives" (oder Berater, Vertreter bzw. Verkäufer) wurden von den Importeuren kräftig(st) geschmiert oder bestochen, um bestimmte Produkte bevorzugt (provisioniert) an den Mann zu bringen. Von seriöser und vor allem fachlich neutraler Beratung war da wenig zu melden.

A foe of the clubs, on the other hand, is anyone who believes the business of selling hi-fi equipment and fancy cameras should be the exclusive province of the exchange system. But even PX officials admit privately that they could never begin to match the clubs' technical product expertise, service and repair capability, broadness of stock assortment and above all their procurement and stocking flexibility.

Furthermore, the exchange is in no position to promote and develop sales in a specialized product area, for its job is simply to service an existing demand, not build demand. It is the clubs, with a hard core of fans at the helm, who generate the excitement and interest that build sales.

Thus, while the boom in audio over the last ten years was developed by clubs and their promoters, exchanges too have shared in the sales boom. Similarly, the advent of photo clubs over the past four years has vastly stimulated sales of photographic equipment, not only in clubs but in PXs as well.

  • Anmerkung : Hier steht also, daß es die ersten US-Military Audio-Clubs bereits vor 10 Jahren (1963) gegeben haben soll.

One purpose of the centralization is to make a more equitable distribution of profits. The thriving audio/photo clubs can generate funds that are badly needed to support AYA, special services activities and open messes, virtually all of them badly in need of cash to refurbish and maintain their facilities.

Another avowed purpose is to help smaller clubs, especially those in the boondocks, get the same low prices from suppliers as the large and prosperous clubs in central Germany. It can be done by negotiating with vendors at command level to establish 'approved1 prices before individual clubs place their orders.

Centralizing the management function, officials say, will also encourage large clubs to share their expertise and experience with their smaller cousins, helping them operate more efficiently. Finally, by centralizing control the command believes it is following the wishes of congressional and DoD watchdogs who, in the wake of the Vietnam club scandals, admonish them to keep their houses in order.

  • Anmerkung : In Vietnam muß (so steht es zwischen den Zeilen) ein größerer Bestechungs- oder Korruptions-Skandal aufgeflogen sein, der die Militär-Administration aufschrecken ließ. Auch hier in Deutschland hat sich so mancher Club-Manager (er war dann ja nicht mehr im Militärdienst sondern jetzt ein "Civilian") eine goldene Nase verdient, die nie seinem dem militärischen Rang entsprechenden "income" zuzurechnen sein konnte.

At its worst, the result of centralized control is a narrowing of the stock assortment, slowness to reorder needed merchandise, empty shelves, disgruntled customers, declining sales. So the success or failure of the Usareur and Usafe effort lies in the interpretation and implementation of its mandate.

If centralization results in bureaucratization of audio/photo club operations, it will indeed signal the clubs' eventual decline and fall. Responsibility is now squarely in the hands of the newly formed Usareur Audio/Photo Agency, and its Air Force counterpart, the Usafe Audio/Photo Center Management Branch.

If their objectives can be achieved without robbing the clubs of their all-important flexibility, then audio/photo clubs in Europe have indeed come of age.

Walter B. Rios

May 1973 - Das Editorial von Walter Rios

'The Back Page' is a monthly OFF DUTY editorial feature


Advertiser's Newsletter


We do this every month for both, the European and Pacific, editions. We believe it is the most comprehensive distribution report of any military market publication. Your nearest OFF DUTY rep can give you more facts behind these figures. Call us soon, won't you?

Der Report

________   * Single Copy Public Outlet  
  Distribution Zones Anzahl Anzahl  
Zone 1 - Germany: Frankfurt, Wiesbaden, Mainz and Bad Kreuznach areas 4,700 2,300 (25_Outlets)
Zone 2 - Germany: Rhein-Main AB, Darmstadt, Hanau, Aschaffenburg and Northern Hessen areas 5,500 2,500 (37 Outlets)
Zone 3 - Germany: Heidelberg, Mannheim, Worms 4,900 100 ( 2 Outlets)
Zone 4 - Germany: Kaiserslautern, Pirmasens, Zweibruecken, Ramstein AB, Sembach AB and Baumholder areas 5,600 2,800 (34 Outlets)
Zone 5 - Germany: Bitburg, Spangdahlem and Hahn Air Bases 2,700 2,300 (22 Outlets)
Zone 6 - Germany: Stuttgart, Ludwigsburg, Karlsruhe, Heilbronn and Northern Baden-Wuerttemberg areas 6,000 2,000 (31 Outlets)
Zone 7 - Germany: Northern & Southern Bavaria 6,400 1,700 (10 Outlets)
Zone 8 - Germany: West Berlin 2,200 800 ( 9 Outlets)
Zone 9 - United Kingdom (England & Scotland)   4,300 (42 Outlets)
Zone 10 - Mediterranean, Near East and North Africa areas   5,730 (64 Outlets)
Zone 11 - Belgium, Holland and France   1,230 (12 Outlets)
Zone 12 - Conglomerate (Special-request shipments of OFF DUTY to military or ganizations and commercial outlets   8,604 (206_Outlets)
  Anzahl   Anzahl Outlets
Paid Subscriptions 2,266    
Free Subscriptions (incl. complimentary copies to unit commanders, staff officers, NCOICs, PIOs, unit newspapers, libraries, EES officials and other VIPs throughout the European Command 1,535    
Advertisers' Copies 850    
Totals 42,651 34,364 (494_Outlets)
Total Copies Single-Copy Distribution 42,651
Total Copies Public Outlet Distribution 34,364
Total Circulation February 1973 Issue OFF DUTY/Europe 77,015

All 42,651 copies of the Single-Copy Distribution of the February 1973 Issue of OFF DUTY/Europe carried the bound-in Women's Supplement "OFF DUTY for her", including those distributed in military dependent housing areas to families in Zones 1 through 8 in Germany.

Geographical breakdown of February 1973 Issue OFF DUTY/Europe distribution:

W. Germany 60,494    
United Kingdom 4,300    
Italy 2,030    
Turkey 1,200    
Spain 950    
Greece 400    
Crete 250    
Cyprus 100    
Iran 330    
Sicily 150    
Ethiopia 100    
Morocco 250    
Belgium 350    
Holland 730    
France 150    
Iceland 180    
Greenland 300    
Azores 100    
Paid Subscriptions (allareas) 2,266    
Free Subscriptions (allareas) 1,535    
Advertisers' Copies (all areas) 850    
Total 77,015    

Das war ein 1973er Report über die Verbreitung des Magazins

Walter B. Rios Publisher - Carl E. Gall Circulation Manager

June 1973 - Das Editorial von Walter Rios

'The Back Page' is a monthly OFF DUTY editorial feature

  1. Sports-oriented OFF DUTY readers are in for a treat this month - we have shoppers on both tennis and golf equipment in this issue. Spectators can further their interests by browsing in our TV shopper (page 112).
  2. CES month is here. The gigantic Consumer Electronics Show (summer version), which takes place in Chicago, is the world's most important display of new home electronics equipment. Look for more 4-channel battles and some really exotic new gear. OFF DUTY will soon present a firsthand, in-depth report so you can share in the excitement.
  3. Ralph Terry, chief of the Resale Activities Management Branch of Headquarters USAFE (in other words, the head man for Air Force audio-photo clubs, rod and gun clubs, golf pro shops, and sports centers), recently gave a frank summary of his plans and objectives to a meeting of sales reps. He is especially interested in receiving feedback from everybody - including customers. Let him know if you have suggestions or criticisms.
  4. Reel recession? Several of the biggest names in audio have simply discontinued club sales of their open-reel machines. Has something to do with cassettes.
  5. Many clubs have announced changes in hours - be sure to check your audio-club listings before making your next visit.
  6. Infinity's new Monitor speaker is now in production but is reportedly sold-out for some time to come. Infinity says the new speaker is second only to the Servo-Statik I in quality.
  7. Tape cassettes are an important factor in sound quality and next month OFF DUTY will present an evaluation of cassette mechanics along with a review of magnetic recording tapes in general. Our ever-popular review of single-lens reflex cameras will also appear in July.


July 1973 - Das Editorial von Walter Rios

'The Back Page' is a monthly OFF DUTY editorial feature
This month OFF DUTY has another exciting review of famous European sportscars - this time, 2+2s (page 70).

Please remember that when a car is described as "limited production" you probably won't receive an answer to your request for further information about it. Lamborghini, for example, is not really hot to talk with you about the Espada 400 GT unless you happen to show up with $24,000 in your hand.

Also see our single-lens reflex camera shopper (page 55) and our coverage of magnetic recording tape (page 88).

If you have wheels and are about ready to embark on Europe's highways, the latest editions of two books can make your travels a lot easier. The famous Varta Führer (1973/74), Germany's answer to the Michelin Guide, lists and rates restaurants and hotels throughout West Germany - even in tiny villages.

Der Grosse Shell Atlas (1973/74) contains the most comprehensive collection of the latest updated European road maps. Available in most German bookshops.

Pioneer has two new products in clubs. The new Pioneer TX-8100 AM/FM-stereo tuner, with an IHF sensitivity of 1.8 uV., has a built-in headphone amplifier, separate AM and FM output level controls and dual tuning meters (audio clubs, about $165).

The Pioneer KP-333 car-stereo cassette player is miniature in size, puts out 3-5 watts per channel and features automatic reverse (audio clubs, about $64).

Clubs; The Audio/Photo Center at Camp New Amsterdam has new operating hours. See our club list for details.

The dbx 117 compressor/expander for stereo systems is currently available through audio clubs for about $136. The unit can expand program material up to 20 dB to counteract broadcast or recording compression.

Navy personnel with the Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean and at many Navy installations around Europe are eligible to buy through the EES Mail-Order Program. See page 28 for information about the new catalog.

Unsatisfactory merchandise, by the way, may now be returned to any (AAFES, Navy or Marine) exchange regardless of which exchange sold it (if you can't take it back to the original exchange).

Next month in OFF DUTY, we'll have shoppers covering super-b movie cameras and open-reel tape recorders.

August 1973 - Das Editorial von Walter Rios

'The Back Page' is a monthly OFF DUTY editorial feature
Keystone has just announced three new 110 (pocket) Ever-flash cameras. Similar to the Everflash cameras in David Miller's column on page 46 this month, the new Model 120, 130 and 140 will be available this fall.

Richard III is the "star" of a just-opened exhibition of royal portraits and memorabilia at the National Portrait Gallery, London. Running !til October 7, it's highly recommended.

The second "International Radio and TV Exhibition", Berlin, opens at the Radio Tower exhibition grounds August 31. and continues til Sept. 9, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily. The mammoth show (over 200 exhibits) celebrates the 50th anniversary of German radio and will highlight virtually everything new in entertainment electronics. Below is a map of the exhibition.

Dear Reader:

Who says that American servicemen are not thrifty? Since the commissaries moved into the health and beauty field, selling cosmetics and health products, EES has suffered about a 12.5 per cent loss, with the patrons buying the larger and more economical sizes in the comstores. And EES's business is down a reported 20 per cent for cigarettes and tobacco, as the comstores have taken away a slice of this business, too.

If you're going broke saving money - like the rest of us - take a tip from your friendly local PX. Stock up on that offshore (i.e., foreign) merchandise now, before the prices go up again. Some of the items are going to become so costly - it's that troublesome dollar devaluation again - that the PX probably will drop some of its foreign buying and turn to U.S. manufacturers whenever possible.

At present, giftwares - both off-the-shelf and mail-order items - represent the largest proportion of off-shore buying, with souvenirs like German beer mugs and cuckoo clocks, English porcelain, Danish silver, and of course, the excellent buys in audio and hifi equipment.

EES emphasizes that it won't cut down on the foreign products in the giftware sections. Otherwise EES customers might go to stores on the economy to buy these foreign favorites.

Some of the popular, previously inexpensive, items such as suedes from Israel, shoes from Italy, leather from England, bicycles and skis from Germany, will be dropped and American brand items substituted.

Army comstore patrons now stand an even better chance of getting their favorite peanut butter or detergent. A new ruling lets each commissary manager choose 15 per cent of the items completely on his own, instead of the very narrow 5 per cent he had been allowed to select formerly.

September 1973 - Das Editorial von Walter Rios

'The Back Page' is a monthly OFF DUTY editorial feature
New Stateside cars for 1974 are on the way and in this issue (page 63) Robert Irvin reports direct from Detroit on the new crop. Next month, we'll have further coverage.

Es gab immer noch kanadische Soldaten in Westdeutschland.


  1. For hi-fi fans, more on the new goodies shown at CES (page 77) and a cassette and cartridge tape recorder shopper (page 82).

    New in the audio clubs:

  2. Hear Muffs, the interestingly-shaped headphone-cushion introduced at CES, will be handled by Eurotex-Mike Shen.
  3. Micro/Acoustics>new phono cartridge, the QDC-1, with its unusual design and exceptionally good specs, is expected soon.
  4. ESS speakers (primarily electrostatics) will be represented to the clubs by Mike Finn. The new ESS "Heil" speaker will arrive in a few months.
  5. A new major line of magnetic recording tape is coming to the clubs.
  6. Metrosound record-care accessories are now in many clubs.
  7. ADC speakers are now available. They carry 5-year guarantees and can be drop-shipped in U.S.!
  8. Minolta's new model SRT-102 single-lens reflex camera, introduced in the States and described in our July issue, is available here in clubs as the Minolta SRT-303. Same camera - different number.
  9. The "fur fashion show" being staged by the Canadian Forces Exchange in Lahr, September 27, 28 and 29, promises to be one of the biggest you'll ever have the chance to see. Over 350 fur garments will be shown (they're all for sale - $200 to $3.000) in twice-daily shows during the three days. The garments have been selected from leading Canadian manufacturers and have been government inspected for quality. No endangered-species furs will be shown.
  10. AFN-FM in Frankfurt is now broadcasting a major part of its programs in stereo, as are a few other AFN stations.
  • Anmerkung : Auch der AFN Frankfurt mußte modernisieren und mit der Zeit gehen, denn dem liefen die jungen Hörer weg. In Deutschland West bekamen wir UKW Stereo bereits ab 1964 (Herbst 1963).


October 1973 - Das Editorial von Walter Rios


  1. Shotguns are featured this month in OFF DUTY - see page 58 for our review of the latest models and trends.
  2. Our cameras this month are for pockets and pros - the subminiature and large-format types - see page 77.  On page 111 you'll find our loudspeaker shopper; it's always popular with hi-fi fans.
  3. Kodak keeps springing industry-shaking surprises that keep even the Far-East innovators hopping.  Read about Kodak's new sound-on movie cameras on page 90 of this issue. No availability date has been announced yet for EES customers.
  4. Dual's new 701 direct-drive, electronically-controlled automatic single-play turntable is available in audio clubs. The unit has outstanding specifications and features a new intricate, resonance-canceling counterbalance.
  5. Sennheiser's highly-rated headphones are (finally!) available in audio clubs.
  6. Have your club contact Allied Export GmbH if they're not already in stock.
  7. Is it true that Pioneer's engineers have a new experimental receiver hidden away with all functions remote controlled?
  8. Oops! ESS's speakers being introduced in audio clubs are not electrostatics as we announced last month. Their famous Trans Static 1 isn't available yet.
  9. LDL stands for Linear Design Labs. The new LDL-749 reflecting speaker system is now available in some audio clubs for about $140 ($280 per pair). The units feature eight rear-facing speaker elements and one front-facing unit mounted in a five-sided cabinet. Karl A. Marzik is the rep.
  10. Ready to go to London? Your American Express office has 5-day bus tours starting from Germany ($117-$131).
  11. Columbus, Veterans' Day and Thanksgiving plane trips from Frankfurt ($69 or $119 with hotel). Roundtrip Thanksgiving Nünberg-London flight costs $79.
  12. The large German agency, DER (I.G. Farben Bldg. in Frankfurt - Community Center in Wiesbaden) wings you to London for Columbus or Vets Day for $83 ($116 with hotel).  See page 36 to whet your appetite.
  13. Next month our review of receivers, tuners and amplifiers appears -- don't miss it.


November 1973 - Das Editorial von Walter Rios


  1. If skiing turns you on, read the articles in this issue (starting on page 38) then contact the Frankfurt International Ski Club, Raimundstr. 157, 6 Frankfurt/Main. The club plans 20 trips to Europe's most exciting ski areas.
  2. Sansui's new belt-driven, semi-automatic turntable, the FR-4060 is available in audio clubs for about $ 183. Also new is Sansui's SH-15 hear-through headphones - about $25.
  3. Colton turntable accessories have arrived in many clubs including Colton's professional-quality MC-101 tone arm. With cables, cartridge shell and mounting board it costs about $45. Colton also has an ingenious magnetic tone-arm lifter that turns your manual into a semi-automatic. About $8 in clubs.
  4. The new KLH Model Thirty-One loudspeaker with sculptured foam grill is now in the clubs. About $60 a pair.

  • Anmerkung : Diese Billig-Modelle sind explizit für diese Kundengruppe entwickelt und zusammengeschustert. Es stimmt, es sind nur 60 Dollar für beide. Lesen Sie dazu diese Seite.
  1. Capitol-2 f s Ultra-High Output/Low-Noise recording tape, new in the clubs, is available in both open-reel and cassette formats, and can be used with any recorder - no adjustments required. The cassettes are also available in the special "chest of drawers" package.
  • Anmerkung : Das ist natürlich Unsinn. Die Vormagnetisierung muß schon mit dem jeweiligen Bandmaterial harmonieren.
  1. Disc-Washer has introduced a kit in clubs that is supposed to scrub up your platters till they're better than new. About $8. Larry DePriest is the rep.
  2. The new Bolex 350 Macro Compact movie camera with 5x power-zoom lens and existing-1ight capability will sell for about $175 in photo clubs. Also in the clubs will be the Bolex 18-3 DUO compatible super/regular 8mm projector and the Bolex SP-80 super-8 sound projector with recording circuitry and LED control display. (About $250) Celtone Ltd. distributes.
  3. The ADC-XT 10, introduced at the CES Show in Chicago, is available now through audio clubs for about $80. Stateside drop shipment is available.
  4. Since we have no Cockney on our staff, our "Cockney Made Simple" (p. 46, October) was supplied by Finch's Pubs in London who cordially invite you to stop in at any one of their 36 la di das for a quick top joint of daily mail.
  5. This month is a 44-page "special", actually a seperate magazine distributed exclusively in housing areas in Germany. Among the special offers - Get a free Eisenhower Dollar.
  6. Help feed hungry kids by saving the picture of Blue Bonnet Sue that smiles at you from margarine packages. Also save front panels from Royal Dessert. For every 'proof of purchase' you send, Standard Brands will contribute one cent to UNICEF's fund for underprivileged children. And those pennies add up. Mail before Dec . 1 1973 !!! to: TREAT OF LIFE, U.S. Committee for UNICEF, Box 4319, Clinton, IOWA 52734.



OFF DUTY Magazine, now in its fourth year of publication is further broadening its coverage of the U.S. military market in 1974. Here are the details.

European Edition
Effective January 1974, minimum circulation in Europe will be 85,000 copies monthly, an increase of 10,000 over the previous base figure. Most of the additional circulation will go to ships of the U.S. Sixth Fleet and shore-based Navy and Air Force personnel throughout the Mediterranean.

Pacific Edition
Anticipating a slight decline in troop strength in 1974, circulation base of the Pacific Edition will be reduced to 95,000 copies monthly, down 5,OOO copies from the 1972-73 base of 100,000. This adjustment makes it possible to avoid a substantial rate increase in the face of rising costs.

Worldwide Advertising
OFF DUTY'S worldwide circulation is now more than 180,000 copies monthly, exclusively to U.S. Forces stationed outside the Continental U.S.A. Our new 1974 rate card (which you should have by now) shows rates for all editions, as well as seperate rates of OFF DUTY/Europe and OFF DUTY/Pacific.

Circulation Audit
Early in 1973, OFF DUTY Magazine applied for membership in the SMA Division of BPA. European and Pacific Editions are being audited seperately, in Frankfurt and Hong Kong respectively. OFF DUTY is the only military publication distributed overseas whose circulation records are audited overseas, by one of the established American audit bureaus.

1974: A good year to advertise, and advertise in OFF DUTY. Isn't it time to let the world have a better look at your products?
Off Duty / Europe / November 73-A


- Werbung Dezent -
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