"off duty" 1970 - 1997 - eine Freizeit-Zeitung für's US-Militär
Die in diesem amerikanischen (Freizeit-) Shopping-Magazin angepriesenen Hifi- und Video-Produkte waren auschließlich amerikanischen und kanadischen Militärangehörigen zugänglich - also zu kaufen - und vor allem zu ganz ungewöhnlich (verblüffend) niedrigen US $ Military-Preisen. Zu der einführenden "off duty" Seite geht es hier lang. - Um 1970 begann der weltweite Hifi-Boom bis zum 1. Crash 1978 und dann wieder zum 2.Crash um 1990. Über die 20 Jahre nach 2001 lesen Sie mehr in den Kolumnen auf diesen japanischen Seiten.
Getting Stranger Every Day
Cassette and cartridge machines have come into their own - By LARRY MYERS - Off Duty / Europe / May 1975
CASSETTE AND CARTRIDGE tape equipment has been cast for years in the role of David, doing battle with the open-reel Goliath. And, like David, the little cassettes and cartridges have proven themselves a fair match for their larger competitor.
Today's cassette and, to a lesser degree, cartridge units offer performance and features that make even confirmed open-reel tape fans take notice.
Noise reduction circuits, automatic reverse, solenoid controls and peak reading meters are among the quality features that you can now find on small as well as large tape machines. And there are others, such as memory rewind and automatic bias and equalization switching for chromium dioxide tape, that are available only in the smaller format.
8-Track ist wieder auf dem Vormarsch
The picture is also changing in the competition between cassette and cartridge. While cartridge units have long been the poor cousins, lagging behind cassettes in hi-fi technology, they are now receiving a fair share of attention from manufacturers. Several new cartridge machines boast noise reduction circuitry and other features offered previously only on better grade cassette units.
Blank tape makers, too, are eyeing the cartridge recording market, and low-noise blank cartridges are now appearing. So there are more options than ever to consider before you make a decision as to which type to buy.
First, let's look at what is sealed inside those little plastic cases. A cassette contains two small winding spools and a length of tape 5/32 inch wide, moving at 1 7/8 inches per second. A pair of stereo tracks can be recorded in each direction for a total playing time of 30, 60, 90 or 120 minutes, depending on the tape length.
Because it contains two reels, a cassette can be rewound. It may be used for mono or stereo recording, but not, as yet, for discrete 4-channel. Cartridges contain a continuous loop of tape on a single wind/rewind spool.
The tape is 1/4 inch wide (the same width as on open reel recorders) and moves at 3 3/4 inches per second. It will accommodate four pairs of stereo tracks for a total of eight tracks - but all in one direction as the loop cannot be reversed. Playing times are usually about 40, 60 or 80 minutes. Cartridges may be used for stereo or discrete 4-channel recording.
Next, before you select a cassette or cartridge unit, consider how you plan to use it. Decks are meant strictly for connection to a stereo system, just as you might connect a turntable. Recorders usually contain their own amplifiers and speakers.
Despite the differences in nomenclature, both decks and recorders can record and play tapes. If you want a self-contained unit for playing tapes then a recorder is the way to go. Should you decide later to buy a stereo component system you can still use your recorder as a deck, simply bypassing its built-in amplifier and speakers, to record or play tapes through the system. On the other hand, if you already have a stereo rig you probably need only a deck.
Where you plan to use your tape unit is also a factor. Home-type decks and recorders require ac current, while battery-powered portables work anywhere but generally don't match the performance or features of the best home units. Also, nearly all portable units are recorders, while the home-type category offers an ample selection of both decks and recorders.
Nuts and Bolts.
Mechanically, both cassette and cartridge machines are designed to move the tape past magnetic tape heads. Cassette units employ one, two or three motors; a cartridge machine needs only one because it drives a continuous loop of tape, on a single spool, in one direction.
Cassettes are essentially miniature reel-to-reel devices. In a single-motor cassette design, mechanical linkages drive the capstan and the take-up and rewind spools. Two-motor units use separate motors to drive the capstan and turn the spools.
In three-motor machines, each spool has its own motor, as does the capstan. The more motors, the better the performance. Some of the more costly multi-motor units employ a slow-speed, direct-drive capstan motor to minimize fluctuation in capstan speed (wow and flutter) and further improve performance.
Tape motion controls.
Most cassette and cartridge units have record, play, fast forward, pause and stop controls. Cartridge units may also have continuous play and repeat controls, while cassette units have a reverse or rewind function. Automatic end-of-tape shutoff is also common on both formats.
Cassette machines may have two additional features that aren't possible with cartridge units, memory rewind and automatic reverse. Memory rewind lets you program the cassette machine to automatically rewind the tape to a point you've selected - for example, the beginning of a favorite song.
Automatic reverse changes the direction of the tape at the end and plays the other set of tracks. Machines of either format may have solenoid-operated controls. The real advantage of these is not so much their light touch and ease of handling, but the associated "logic" circuits included in the latest designs. They prevent tape damage even if you press the wrong button by mistake.
While the considerations of weight and size (and their high cost) put limits on what a designer can do to the mechanical innards of a tape machine, electronic circuitry is another story. It isstill improving dramatically,and at a relatively low cost, thanks to increased miniaturization.
Noise reduction.
There are several noise reduction systems available, but the Dolby "B" circuit is now nearly universal for home recording. Its function is to supress high frequency noise or hiss. Dolby noise reduction circuitry is built into most top quality cassette equipment and is now being added to many cartridge machines. Some Dolby-equipped cassette units now have a special switch to allow direct recording of Dolbyized FM broadcasts with the proper de-emphasis, while also decoding the signal that you hear during recording.
Recording level.
As a visual aid to monitoring the recording level, just about every cartridge or cassette machine employes VU meters, but even the best of them fail to respond fast enough to warn of distortion-producing recording level peaks. Now some units are incorporating fast-acting light emitting diodes (LEDs) to warn of such situations.
In addition, many machines have level-controlling circuits that reduce gain if excessive levels are approached. On some models the automatic recording level control is on continuously, while on others the user decides if it is needed or not.
Tape selection.
Many of the new tapes require bias and equalization settings that differ from those used for conventional iron oxide formulations. Some cassette machines include front-panel switches to adjust the circuitry for regular, chromium dioxide or other tapes. A few cassette models switch automatically between regular ferridoxide and chromium dioxide formulas, as the lattertype is keyed by means of a slot in the cassette itself.
Deck or recorder, cassette or cartridge, home-type or portable, in every case it is the specifications explained below that are your index to performance.
Flutter and wow.
This figure tells you how much the speed of the tape varies from the norm. It is usually expressed in hundredths of one percent. The lower the figure, the more accurate the reproduction, otherthings being equal. Aflutter and wow figure of 0.2 per cent or less is generally acceptable.
Signal to noise ratio.
This is a measure of the level of recorded signal as opposed to the background noise level and is expressed in decibels (dB). The relative noise level may be given as a minus figure (-25 dB, for example) or without the minus sign (25 dB) as we do in our listings. Both mean the same thing. Look for a 40 (or -40) dB or higher S/N ratio. If the unit is equipped with noise reduction circuitry, figures of 50 to 60 dB are possible.
Frequency response.
Some advanced cassette models boast frequency responses as high as 20k Hz, thanks to new high-energy tape formulas and special equalization to compensate for the natural decrease of treble response at the cassette's tape speed of 1 7/8 inches per second. Even on the average home-type cassette machines you can expect a 30-15k Hz response or better.
With cartridge units the range is somewhat less, but they are beginning to catch up.
Power output.
This figure is of concern only if you are interested in a recorder. Most recorder amplifiers produce 3 to 5 watts per channel, which is sufficient for their built-in loudspeakers. Since units claiming a power output of two or more watts per channel must conform to the Federal Trade Commission's new rating procedures, you can expect to soon see recorder output ratings changed to conform to the rules.
Other features.
Front loading is found on more and more home-type cassette machines. While it doesn't affect performance, some people find it more convenient than top loading.
Many home units also include tape motion indicators that tell you the tape is moving. Output level controls are another feature found on home-type machines in both formats, as are microphone and line inputs and mixing.
Portable units may have a microphone built in and possibly a radio tuner as well. And, because the machines depend on dry cells for their power,the VU meters of some portables also double as a battery condition indicator.
Wir überspringen hier die Liste der Hersteller und gehen zur Military Preisliste :
Nocheinmal zum Verständnis, das sind nur die kaufbaren Cassettengeräte von 1974/75, die in den amerikanischen Military Shops angeboten werden - und das sind bei weitem nicht alle. Der eigentliche Boom kommt ja erst noch, wenn sich - in ein paar Jahren - alle Japaner auf diese Lücke gestürzt haben. Zum Ende der Cassettenzeit waren es mehr als 10.000 verschiedene Modelle, die aus dem fernen Osten auf den Weltmarkt strömten.
Die (Military)- Price List - May 1975
General Electric M-8616 | AAFES, Europe | $ 53.00 |
Herton 461 | Clubs, about | $ 98.00 |
General Electric TA-600 | AAFES, Europe | $ 98.00 |
Akai CR-81D | Clubs, about | $ 101.00 |
Pioneer HR99 | AAFES, Europe | $ 103.00 |
Dokorder MC-60 | AAFES, Europe | $ 121.00 |
Weltron 2001 | AAFES, Europe | $ 126.00 |
Panasonic RS-806US | AAFES, Europe | $ 137.00 |
JVC-Nivico 1260U | AAFES, Europe | $ 144.00 |
JVC-Nivico ED-1240U | Clubs, about | $ 149.50 |
Dokorder MC-70A | AAFES, Europe | $ 150.00 |
Skandia IC SK-308 | Clubs, about | $ 164.00 |
Akai GXR-82D | Clubs, about | $ 179.20 |
Panasonic RE-8420 | AAFES, Europe | $ 195.00 |
Panasonic RS-818 | AAFES, Europe | $ 214.00 |
Panasonic RS-855US. | AAFES, Europe | $ 214.00 |
Akai CR-80DSS | Clubs, about | $ 218.40 |
Technics RS-858DUS | Clubs, about | $ 236.00 |
Aiwa TPR-4001H | Clubs, about | $ 279.40 |
Die (Military)- Price List - May 1975
General Electric M8433 | AAFES, Europe | $ 23.50 |
General Electric M-8445 | AAFES, Europe | $ 34.00 |
Sony TC-85 | Clubs, about | $ 34.75 |
Sanyo M-2211 | Clubs, about | $ 35.00 |
Sony TC-61 | AAFES, Europe | $ 39.50 |
Philips EL-3302 | AAFES, Europe | $ 39.50 |
Toshiba KT-21 3 | AAFES, Europe | $ 41.25 |
Panasonic RQ-416S | AAFES, Europe | $ 43.50 |
Panasonic RQ-209MS | AAFES, Europe | $ 49.50 |
General Electric M-8525 | AAFES, Europe | $ 51.00 |
Panasonic RQ-413 | Clubs, about | $ 56.00 |
Toshiba KT-21 5D | AAFES, Europe | $ 59.00 |
Panasonic RQ-316 | Clubs, about | $ 60.00 |
Superscope C-103 | Clubs, about | $ 62.00 |
Panasonic RQ-212 | AAFES, Europe | $ 64.50 |
Panasonic RQ-432S | PACEX | $ 67.00 |
Sony TC-67 | Clubs, about | $ 68.35 |
Crown CRC-435FW | Clubs, about | $ 69.00 |
Superscope CR-1000 | AAFES, Europe | $ 69.50 |
Toshiba RT-294F | AAFES, Europe | $ 71.50 |
Sanyo M-241 1 F | Clubs, about | $ 72.50 |
Superscope CR-1300 | Clubs, about | $ 75.00 |
Sanyo M-4420 | Clubs, about | $ 76.00 |
Sanyo M-2420 | Clubs, about | $ 76.00 |
JVC-Nivico 931OE | PACEX | $ 77.00 |
Toshiba KT-21 6 | AAFES, Europe | $ 79.50 |
Toshiba KT-403D | AAFES, Europe | $ 79.50 |
Aiwa TPR-1 01 H | AAFES, Europe | $ 79.50 |
JVC-Nivico 1610U | AAFES, Europe | $ 79.50 |
Sanyo M-241 9N/L | Clubs, about | $ 80.00 |
Sanyo M-2505 | Clubs, about | $ 81.00 |
Sanyo TRC-1 100 | Clubs, about | $ 82.00 |
Aiwa TP-747 | Clubs, about | $ 83.60 |
General Electric TA-700 | AAFES, Europe | $ 84.50 |
Crown CRC-475FW | Clubs, about | $ 85.00 |
Superscope CD-301 | Clubs, about | $ 85.00 |
JVC-Nivico 9425E | PACEX | $ 85.50 |
Aiwa TPR-601EE | AAFES, Europe | $ 85.50 |
Aiwa TP-770 | Clubs, about | $ 86.35 |
Sanyo M-2519 | Clubs, about | $ 88.50 |
Panasonic RS-260US | AAFES, Europe | $ 90.00 |
Panasonic RF-7100 | PACEX | $ 94.50 |
Sony TC-42 | AAFES, Europe | $ 94.50 |
SonyTC-146A | Clubs, about | $ 97.45 |
Toshiba RT-313F | AAFES, Europe | $ 99.00 |
Sony CF-320 | AAFES, Europe | $ 99.00 |
JVC-Nivico 9310LS/LF | Clubs, about | $ 100.00 |
JVC-Nivico 9315LS/LF | Clubs, about | $ 100.00 |
Sanyo M-2440LZ | Clubs, about | $ 100.00 |
Sanyo RD-4530 | Clubs, about | $ 102.00 |
JVC-Nivico 9403LS/LF | Clubs, about | $ 103.50 |
Aiwa TM-405 | Clubs, about | $ 103.70 |
JVC-Nivico 9425LS | Clubs, about | $ 104.70 |
Superscope CS-200 | Clubs, about | $ 108.00 |
Aiwa TPR-202H | AAFES, Europe | $ 108.00 |
Panasonic RQ-454 | Clubs, about | $ 1 10.00 |
Pioneer CT-31 31A | Clubs, about | $ 110.00 |
JVC-Nivico 9407LS/LF | Clubs, about | $ 110.90 |
Sanyo M-2450 | Clubs, about | $ 111.00 |
AiwaTPR-210EE | AAFES, Europe | $ 112.00 |
Aiwa TPR-203EE | Clubs, about | $ 1 16.00 |
SonyTC-92 | Clubs, about | $ 116.50 |
Sony CF-310L | Clubs, about | $ 119.35 |
Superscope CD-302A | Clubs, about | $ 125.00 |
Sony TC-55 | AAFES, Europe | $ 126.00 |
JVC-Nivico 9408LS/LF | Clubs, about | $ 127.00 |
Aiwa TPR-220H | Clubs, about | $ 127.00 |
Panasonic RS-450 | Clubs, about | $ 128.00 |
JVC-Nivico CD-1655U | Clubs, about | $ 130.75 |
Akai CS-33D | AAFES, Europe | $ 131.00 |
Panasonic RQ-448S | AAFES, Europe | $ 131.00 |
JVC-Nivico ED-261U/1261F | Clubs, about | $ 134.00 |
Aiwa TPR-220EE | Clubs, about | $ 135.00 |
Sony CF-420L | Clubs, about | $ 1 36.65 |
Teac A-140 | Clubs, about | $ 143.70 |
Sony TC-337 | Clubs, about | $ 148.50 |
Sony TC-1 29 | Clubs, about | $ 1 53.45 |
Sanyo M-2480K | Clubs, about | $ 154.50 |
Akai GXC-41D | AAFES, Europe | $ 156.00 |
Philips N-2509 | AAFES, Europe | $ 156.00 |
'Pioneer CT-4141A | Clubs, about | $ 159.00 |
Aiwa AD-1200 | Clubs, about | $ 160.60 |
Panasonic RS-451 | Clubs, about | $ 162.40 |
Technics RS-610 | Clubs, about | $ 162.50 |
Pioneer CT-51 51 | AAFES, Europe | $ 163.00 |
Technics RS-263US | AAFES, Europe | $ 163.00 |
Akai GXC-38D | Clubs, about | $ 166.90 |
Sony TC-1 24CS | Clubs, about | $ 166.90 |
JVC-Nivico 1667U | Clubs, about | $ 167.00 |
Sanyo RD-4300 | Clubs, about | $ 171.00 |
Sony TC-1 33CS | Clubs, about | $ 171.75 |
Sony TC-1 34SD | AAFES, Europe | $ 176.00 |
Sony TC-1 31SD | AAFES, Europe | $ 182.00 |
Sony TC-1 26CS | Clubs, about | $ 188.00 |
Technics RS-271US | AAFES, Europe | $ 188.00 |
JVC-Nivico 1668U | AAFES, Europe | $ 188.00 |
Sony TC-1 65 | Clubs, about | $ 189.30 |
Kenwood KX-700 | Clubs, about | $ 192.00 |
Teac A-160. | AAFES, Europe | $ 195.00 |
Pioneer CT-F6161 | Clubs, about | $ 195.00 |
Sansui SC-636 | Clubs, about | $ 195.90 |
Akai GXC-46D | Clubs, about | $ 200.50 |
Kenwood KX-710 | Clubs, about | $ 202.00 |
Technics RS-277 | Clubs, about | $ 202.50 |
Pioneer CT-F7171 | AAFES, Europe | $ 204.00 |
Aiwa AD-1300 | Clubs, about | $ 206.00 |
Sony TC-1 52SD | Clubs, about | $ 207.00 |
Aiwa TPR-930EE | Clubs, about | $ 212.30 |
Toshiba PT-470 | AAFES, Europe | $ 214.00 |
Yamaha TB-700 | Clubs, about | $ 216.00 |
Sony CF-550A | Clubs, about | $ 218.00 |
Aiwa TPR-3010H | Clubs, about | $ 218.90 |
Sony TC-1 37SD | AAFES, Europe | $ 233.00 |
JVC-Nivico MC-1820L | Clubs, about | $ 243.50 |
Harman/Kardon HK-1000 | Clubs, about | $ 246.40 |
Aiwa AD-1500 | Clubs, about | $ 247.50 |
Sony TC-1 36SD | Clubs, about | $ 248.65 |
Sony TC-332 | Clubs, about | $ 255.50 |
Teac A-360 | AAFES, Europe | $ 261.00 |
SonyTC-161SD | Clubs, about | $ 262.00 |
JVC-Nivico 9470LS | AAFES, Europe | $ 271.00 |
Sony TC-203SD | Clubs, about | $ 272.00 |
Technics RS-276US | Clubs, about | $ 274.00 |
Akai GXC-75D | Clubs, about | $ 290.10 |
Technics RS-296US | AAFES, Europe | $ 291.00 |
Akai GX-510D. | AAFES, Europe | $ 291.00 |
Teac A-450 | AAFES, Europe | $ 295.00 |
Sony TC-1 53SD | Clubs, about | $ 295.70 |
Advent 201 | Clubs, about | $ 300.00 |
Nakamichi 500 | Clubs, about | $ 310.50 |
Technics RS-676 | Clubs, about | $ 319.20 |
Sanyo RD-4600 | Clubs, about | $ 325.00 |
Tandberg TCD-310 | Clubs, about | $ 330.00 |
Sony TC-331 | Clubs, about | $ 362.00 |
Technics RS-279US | Clubs, about | $ 365.00 |
Sony TC-209SD | Clubs, about | $ 403.00 |
JVC-Nivico CD-1669U | Clubs, about | $ 407.00 |
Sony TC-1 77SD | Clubs, about | $ 622.75 |
Nakamichi 700 | Clubs, about | $ 665.00 |
Nakamichi 1000 | Clubs, about | $ 989.00 |
Nochmal nur zum Zählen aufgelistet
- General Electric M8433
- General Electric M-8445
- Sony TC-85
- Sanyo M-2211
- Sony TC-61
- Philips EL-3302
- Toshiba KT-21 3
- Panasonic RQ-416S
- Panasonic RQ-209MS
- General Electric M-8525
- Panasonic RQ-413
- Toshiba KT-21 5D
- Panasonic RQ-316
- Superscope C-103
- Panasonic RQ-212
- Panasonic RQ-432S
- Sony TC-67
- Crown CRC-435FW
- Superscope CR-1000
- Toshiba RT-294F
- Sanyo M-241 1 F
- Superscope CR-1300
- Sanyo M-4420
- Sanyo M-2420
- JVC-Nivico 931OE
- Toshiba KT-21 6
- Toshiba KT-403D
- Aiwa TPR-1 01 H
- JVC-Nivico 1610U
- Sanyo M-241 9N/L
- Sanyo M-2505
- Sanyo TRC-1 100
- Aiwa TP-747
- General Electric TA-700
- Crown CRC-475FW
- Superscope CD-301
- JVC-Nivico 9425E
- Aiwa TPR-601EE
- Aiwa TP-770
- Sanyo M-2519
- Panasonic RS-260US
- Panasonic RF-7100
- Sony TC-42
- SonyTC-146A
- Toshiba RT-313F
- Sony CF-320
- JVC-Nivico 9310LS/LF
- JVC-Nivico 9315LS/LF
- Sanyo M-2440LZ
- Sanyo RD-4530
- JVC-Nivico 9403LS/LF
- Aiwa TM-405
- JVC-Nivico 9425LS
- Superscope CS-200
- Aiwa TPR-202H
- Panasonic RQ-454
- Pioneer CT-31 31A
- JVC-Nivico 9407LS/LF
- Sanyo M-2450
- AiwaTPR-210EE
- Aiwa TPR-203EE
- SonyTC-92
- Sony CF-310L
- Superscope CD-302A
- Sony TC-55
- JVC-Nivico 9408LS/LF
- Aiwa TPR-220H
- Panasonic RS-450
- JVC-Nivico CD-1655U
- Akai CS-33D
- Panasonic RQ-448S
- JVC-Nivico ED-261U/1261F
- Aiwa TPR-220EE
- Sony CF-420L
- Teac A-140
- Sony TC-337
- Sony TC-1 29
- Sanyo M-2480K
- Akai GXC-41D
- Philips N-2509
- 'Pioneer CT-4141A
- Aiwa AD-1200
- Panasonic RS-451
- Technics RS-610
- Pioneer CT-51 51
- Technics RS-263US
- Akai GXC-38D
- Sony TC-1 24CS
- JVC-Nivico 1667U
- Sanyo RD-4300
- Sony TC-1 33CS
- Sony TC-1 34SD
- Sony TC-1 31SD
- Sony TC-1 26CS
- Technics RS-271US
- JVC-Nivico 1668U
- Sony TC-1 65
- Kenwood KX-700
- Teac A-160.
- Pioneer CT-F6161
- Sansui SC-636
- Akai GXC-46D
- Kenwood KX-710
- Technics RS-277
- Pioneer CT-F7171
- Aiwa AD-1300
- Sony TC-1 52SD
- Aiwa TPR-930EE
- Toshiba PT-470
- Yamaha TB-700
- Sony CF-550A
- Aiwa TPR-3010H
- Sony TC-1 37SD
- JVC-Nivico MC-1820L
- Harman/Kardon HK-1000
- Aiwa AD-1500
- Sony TC-1 36SD
- Sony TC-332
- Teac A-360
- SonyTC-161SD
- JVC-Nivico 9470LS
- Sony TC-203SD
- Technics RS-276US
- Akai GXC-75D
- Technics RS-296US
- Akai GX-510D.
- Teac A-450
- Sony TC-1 53SD
- Advent 201
- Nakamichi 500
- Technics RS-676
- Sanyo RD-4600
- Tandberg TCD-310
- Sony TC-331
- Technics RS-279US
- Sony TC-209SD
- JVC-Nivico CD-1669U
- Sony TC-1 77SD
- Nakamichi 700
- Nakamichi 1000
- General Electric M-8616
- Herton 461
- General Electric TA-600
- Akai CR-81D
- Pioneer HR99
- Dokorder MC-60
- Weltron 2001
- Panasonic RS-806US
- JVC-Nivico 1260U
- JVC-Nivico ED-1240U
- Dokorder MC-70A
- Skandia IC SK-308
- Akai GXR-82D
- Panasonic RE-8420
- Panasonic RS-818
- Panasonic RS-855US.
- Akai CR-80DSS
- Technics RS-858DUS
- Aiwa TPR-4001H