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"off duty" 1970 - 1997 - eine Freizeit-Zeitung für's US-Militär

Die in diesem amerikanischen (Freizeit-) Shopping-Magazin angepriesenen Hifi- und Video-Produkte waren auschließlich amerikanischen und kanadischen Militärangehörigen zugänglich - also zu kaufen - und vor allem zu ganz ungewöhnlich (verblüffend) niedrigen US $ Military-Preisen. Zu der einführenden "off duty" Seite geht es hier lang. -  Um 1970 begann der weltweite Hifi-Boom bis zum 1. Crash 1978 und dann wieder zum 2.Crash um 1990. Über die 20 Jahre nach 2001 lesen Sie mehr in den Kolumnen auf diesen japanischen Seiten.


Dieser fachfremde Artikel ist hier, weil es um den Ton geht

Die Super 8 Tonfilmkamera hatte nochmal einen Lichtblick in diese Technologie gebracht, der aber recht schnell verglüht war. Die Videotechnik kam unaufhaltsam und wer nicht frühzeitig auf diesen Zug aufgesprungen war und die Magnetband-Grundlagen erlernt hatte, der war weg vom Fenster. Es gab Firmen wie Sanyo und Eumig und Bolex, die noch lange für die Kameras geworben hatten, als sie schon keiner mehr gekauft hatte. Bolex hatte sogar das Plattenspielergeschäft von Thorens verkauft, weil sie darin keine Zukunft mehr sahen. Dann war Bolex kurz danach Pleite. Auch BRAUN mußte noch NIZZO kaufen, hatte die Abteilung dann aber mit Glück an die BOSCH BAUER Gruppe verkauft, die dann damit den Bach runter gegangen waren.

Wenn sie ganz unten auf die Preise schaun, die Preisspanne von $ 100 bis $ 800 war schon recht üppig, mußten das schon sehr engagierte Filmfreunde gewesen sein. Filme mußten nämlich immer nachbearbeitet werden.


Super 8 Movie Cameras

They let you film your own family flicks - By DA VID L MILLER - Off Duty / Europe / September 1975

Ein Bild sagt mehr als tausend Worte

CONTRARY TO WHAT the telephone companies keep saying, calling long distance is not the next best thing to being there - movies are. If one picture is worth a thousand words, just think how many syllables you can get on a reel of 8mm (millimeter) movie film!

Bislang respektlos als Kinderspielzeug verschrien

Until recently 8mm movie equipment was given the same respect as tinker toys. Cameras and projectors were primitive when compared to 16mm, itself a pale copy of the 35mm format used by Hollywood studios. Then along came super 8 (followed immediately by single 8) which narrowed the amateur/professional equipment gap considerably, so much so that the major camera producers stopped making regular 8 models.

However, regular 8 film and projection equipment will be available as long as people need it. Actually, there's no problem as many projectors can show both super 8 and regular 8. Single 8, while requiring a different camera, is projected on super 8 machines, a flip of a switch converting the projector from one format to the other.

Einige Umbrüche in den letzen paar Jahren .....

Getting back to the camera, several breakthroughs in the past few years have transformed 8mm into a self-respecting movie-making medium. First was the introduction of super 8 with its 50 per cent larger image than regular 8.

The reflex finder (as in the SLR) was the next breakthrough. This viewfinder allows the photographer to see the subject through the lens but also diverts some of the light away from the film.

Die "existing light" Cameras

To solve this light problem, the XL-type camera was created. The letters stand for "existing light", and that means you can film most subjects without artificial lighting. Many XL-type cameras rely on a separate view-finder that allows full light from the lens to reach the film. A redesigned shutter with a wider opening is also instrumental in increasing the amount of light hitting the film. Finally, the introduction of several "faster" or more light-sensitive films, coupled with the XLs' other features, further boosted low-light filming capabilities.

Der letzte Durchbruch war .... der Ton

The latest breakthrough is one our parents and grandparents thrilled to many years ago on the silver screen - talkies. Yes, sound has been added to the super 8 camera. Though not yet common, it is definitely the wave of the future. In the meantime there are many other features to recommend buying a super 8 camera now.


Die einzelnen Eigenschaften ..



This is the area in which the 8mm camera really shines, not only in the convenience of cartridge loading, but also in the choice of emulsions. The simplicity of drop-in cartridge loading is well-known. This, plus the fact that you can get film in speeds from ASA 25 to 500, puts a broad range of possibilities at your fingertips.

Kodak's super 8 format and Fuji's single 8

Closely related to the Kodak-inspired super 8 format is Fuji's single 8 system. Film emulsions from ASA 25-200 in black and white and 50-200 in color are offered. The single 8 cartridge itself is also thinner than the super 8 model. Thus, single 8 cameras can be made slimmer. In both formats the cartridges contain 50 feet of film, the same length as on a regular 8 double reel.


Modern movie cameras' zoom lenses, shutters, film drives, exposure systems and so forth are all in motion. In most cases electrical power, supplied by batteries, is required to create this motion. The old faithful penlight or AA cell is used by most cameras. From two to eight cells are tucked into a special compartment, sometimes in a pistol-grip handle if six or more cells are needed. Usually these cells supply all the power but some cameras with more sophisticated exposure control systems may rely on a separate power source to run the light meter circuitry.

Lenses. - Das Vario-Objektiv von 1947

After the 1947 World Series, movie-goers were knocked out of their seats by newsreels of the game in which the camera "zoomed" in on the players in a rapid, continuous motion.

Now there's practically no such thing as a super 8 camera without a zoom lens. Zoom lenses are classified by the ratio of their shortest to longest focal lengths. A 3 to 1 (3:1) zoom range, for example, might have 10mm to 30mm coverage.

More sophisticated and expensive cameras have zoom ratios of 8:1 or higher. The lastest is the macro zoom, which also has a built-in close-up capability. You can put these lenses into the macro mode and then focus on a postage stamp or pressed butterfly located just in front of the lens.

Exposure control.

Most new 8mm cameras have a built-in exposure meter which provides automatic exposure control. In other words, you aim, focus and shoot while the meter takes care of exposure. Many meters will accommodate films with ASAs as high as 400 and many will go higher, even though films in such speed ranges are not regularly available - yet.

Many models have an aperture indicator in the viewfinder along with an over/under-exposure indicator. Another extra goody is a backlight compensation setting so you get correct exposure when photographing a dark subject in very bright surroundings.

Filming speeds.

The commonly-accepted shooting rate is 18 frames per second (fps). However there are times when you may want to use other speeds. Slow motion, at 54 fps, is the most common. At the other end is 6 fps for speeding up the action. Many models also have a 24 fps setting, another "normal" speed that produces a smoother flow of action and a more pleasing series of images. Finally, there's the single frame setting to let you shoot only one picture at a time for time-lapse or animation.

Viewfinders and focusing.

As mentioned before, the nonreflex XL-type finders present a brighter image whereas reflex finders give you an exact view of the subject, albeit slightly darker, as it will appear on the film.

In either case it's helpful to have pertinent information, in addition to the exposure control, visible in the view-finder, such as film in-motion and film-end signals.

Focusing is confined to the central portion of the finder of most focusable models. The most common type are the split-image rangefinder and the circular microprism. Except for basic models, all have focusable lenses with a distance scale and/or zone focusing symbols engraved around the rim.




Kodak took the first big step in this direction about two years ago (also etwa 1973) with the introduction of the Ektasound system - a group of cameras and compatible projectors that put the "talkies" into the hands of amateur film makers.

These sound cameras require Kodak super 8 sound cartridges in which the film has a magnetic sound stripe along its edge. Microphones, often built into the camera, pick up the dialog, music, or whatever.

The only problem with sound film occurs when editing. The sound for a particular frame is not located alongside that frame but 18 frames later. It is possible to edit super 8 sound film however and, with a bit of practice, anyone can master the technique.

Special features.

The above basics you should look for on any camera, but there are others that can transform the movies you make from casual "snaps" to a serious method of recording events for informative or entertaining purposes.

The techniques you've seen on theater screens can be yours if your camera has the right extras. If you can rewind the film back into the cartridge you can make lap dissolves. And, some cameras are equipped with fade-in and fade-out controls.

Remote control, via cable release or radio-control, may be useful particularly if you're interested in wildlife footage. A threaded cable release socket for single-frame work, and, a tripod socket may also come in handy.

Today's 8 mm movie cameras may not make you another D.W. Griffith or Orson Welles, but they'll get you closer than ever to that goal.


Eine erstaunlich große Zahl von 8mm Kamera Modellen




  1. Agfa Microflex 200 Sensor - Pocket size Super 8 movie camera with 9-30mm f2 manual zoom lens, 3.5:1 ratio. Fully automatic CdS exposure control. Light-touch "Sensor" shutter release, electric remote control release. Film speed 18 fps. Reflex viewfinder with low-light and end-of-film warning signals. Backlight correction. Adjustable eyepiece, ±5 diop. Optional accessories include Cinefix electrical self-timer with 12 sec. delay and close-up lens for portraits or titling.
  2. Agfa Microflex 300 Sensor - Super 8 movie camera similar to Agfa Microflex 200 Sensor except has 8-32mm f 1.9 power zoom lens, automatic fade-in/fade-out control, and viewfinder with rangefinder and low battery warning light.
  3. Agfa Movexoom 3000 - Super 8 movie camera with Variostar 7-42mm zoom lens, powered zoom with 6:1 ratio, manual override. Through-the-lens CdS exposure control, backlight compensation control. Fade-in/ fade-out control and automatic lap dissolve. Four filming speeds (9, 18, 24 and 50 fps) plus single frame. Reflex 1:1 viewfinder with microprism rangefinder focusing grid. Aperture, speed and filter indicators, battery check. Integral remote control release. Adjustable eyepiece ±4 diop. With lamp holder and 1 roll of film.
  4. Agfa Movexoom 4000 Sound - Super 8 movie camera similar to Agfa Movexoom 3000 except has Variostar 6-60mm f2.5 power zoom lens, two "trick sets" with flash connection, manual fade-in/fade-out control, automatic tone control for sound and synch impulse generator.
  5. Argus 153B - Super 8 movie camera with 8:1 ratio power zoom lens. Automatic through-the-lens CdS exposure control system with manual override. Filming speeds 18, 24 and 32 fps, plus singleframe. Through-the-lens reflex viewfind-er with exposure and film-end indicators. Electric motor drive. Built-in folding pistol grip. Black finish.




  1. Bauer Royal 6 E makro- Super 8 movie camera with 8-48mm f 1.8 macro-focusing, two-speed power zoom lens. Automatic through-the-lens exposure control with manual override, through-the-lens viewfinder with film-run and exposure indicators. Electric motor drive, battery checker. Filming speeds 12, 18, 24 and 54 fps, plus single frame. Variable shutter for manual or automatic fade-in/outs, lap dissolve provisions. Built-in pistol grip,flash and remote control sockets.
  2. Bauer Royal 8 E makro - Similar to Bauer Royal 6 E makro except has 7.5-60mm f 1.8 lens.
  3. Bauer Royal 10 E makro - Similar to Bauer Royal 6 E makro except has 7-70mm f 1.8 lens.




  1. BHMC 674 XL - Super 8 movie camera with power zoom lens. Automatic through-the-lens exposure control system with backlight compensation control. Through-the-lens reflex viewfinder with special focusing system, exposure indicator. Electric motor drive, battery checker. Built-in pistol grip, footage counter.
  2. BHMC 1206 - Super 8 movie camera with 12.5-25mm f2.8 power zoom lens with manual override. Automatic exposure control with CdS cell mounted on front of camera. Film-speed range ASA40-160. Built-in defeatable type A filter. Filming speed 18 fps. Footage-scale focusing and distance estimation aid. Reflex view-finder with improper-exposure warning and optically adjustable eyepiece. Built-in pistol grip with trigger shutter release. Requires four AAA batteries.
  3. BHMC 1216 - Super 8 movie camera with 8.5-51 mm f 1.9 power zoom lens (two-speed, manual override) and sound synchronization circuit. Automatic through-the-lens exposure control with background contrast compensation control. Film-speed range ASA 40-160. Built-in defeatable type A filter. Filming speed 18 and 36 fps. Split-image focusing aid and automatic focusing with triangulation device. Reflex viewfinder with optically adjustable eyepiece shows aperture setting, improper-exposure and end-of-film warnings. Battery check. Jacks for sync-sound recorder. Built-in pistol grip with trigger shutter release. Requires four size AAA batteries.
  4. BHMC 1218 - Super 8 movie camera with 7.5-60mm f 1.8 macro-focusing, two-speed power zoom lens. Automatic through-the-lens exposure control, background contrast compensation control. Film speed range ASA 40-160. Filming speeds 9, 12, 18, 24 and 45 fps. Split-image focusing via reflex viewfinder with exposure and film-end indicators. Electric motor drive, battery checker. Built-in pistol grip. Requires four size AAA cells.
  5. BHMC 1230XL- Super 8 sound movie camera with 8.5-24mm f 1.3 zoom lens. Automatic through-the-lens CdS exposure control, reflex viewfinder with auto focus, low light warning, end-of-film warning. Electric motor drive, battery checker. Filming speed 18 fps. Film speed range ASA 25-160. Sound level selector for magnetic stripe recording. Built-in neutral density filter. With microphone. Requires 6 AA cells.




  1. Bolex 233 Compacts-Super 8 movie camera with 9-30mm f1.9 manual zoom lens. Automatic exposure control with + 1-stop manual override. Film speed range ASA 40-160. Filming speed 18 fps, plus single frame. Electric motor drive. Through-the-lens viewfinder with over-/under-exposure, film-run and film-end indicators. Adjustable eyepiece, footage counter. Built-in pistol grip. Requires two AA cells.
  2. Bolex 350 Macro Compact - Super 8 movie camera with 8-40mm f 1.9 lens (manual override) with extreme close-up capability. Automatic through-the-lens exposure control with background compensation control. Film-speed range ASA 40-160. Built-in defeatable type A filter. Filming speeds 9, 18 and 24 fps plus single frame. Reflex viewfinder with optically adjustable eyepiece shows aperture setting, improper-exposure warning, battery check and end-of-film signal. Requires two size AA batteries.
  3. Bolex 430 - Super 8 movie camera with 9-27mm f 1.9 two-speed power zoom lens. Automatic through-the-lens CdS exposure control with ±1-stop manual override, normal/slow diaphragm reaction speeds. ASA range 25-160. Filming speeds 18, 24 and 40 fps, plus single frame. Fade-in/out provisions. Through-the-lens viewfinder with aperture, film-run, film-end and no-film indicators. Electric motor drive, battery checker, flash and remote control contacts.
  4. Bolex 450 - Similar to Bolex 430 except has 8-40mm f 1.8 zoom lens, split-image range-finder.
  5. Bolex 480 Macrozoom - Similar to Bolex 430 except has 7-56mm f 1.8 macro-focusing lens, split-image rangefinder.
  6. Bolex 525XL - Super 8 movie camera with 9-22.5mmf1.1 manual or powerzoom lens. Automatic CdS exposure control with +1-stop manual override. Film speed range ASA25-160. Filming speeds 9 and 18 fps. Through-the-lens viewfinder with over/under-exposure, film-run and film-end indicators. Electric motor drive, battery checker. Adjustable eyepiece, footage counter.
  7. Bolex 550XL Sound - Similar to Bolex 580 sound except has 8-40mm f 1.2 single-speed zoom lens, no manual override exposure controls, and CdS light meter that reads from scene.
  8. Bolex 580 Sound - Super 8 sound movie camera with 7.5-60mm f 1.7 manual or variable speed power zoom lens. Automatic exposure control with backlight compensation and manual override. Film speed range ASA 25-160. Filming speed 18 fps, plus single-frame. Through-the-lens viewfinder with aperture, film-run, film-end, film-jammed, recording check and over/under-exposure indicators. Fade-in/out provisions. Electric motor drive, battery checker. Automatic recording limiter circuit, high/low gain switch, omnidirectional microphone. Adjustable eyepiece, footage counter, remote control jack, earphone jack, pistol grip.




  1. Braun Nizo Professional - Super 8 movie camera with 7-80mm f 1.8 macro-focusing manual or two-speed power zoom lens. Au-tomaticthrough-the-lens exposure system with contrast compensation control, manual override. Filming speeds 18, 25 and 54 fps, plus single frame. Split-image rangefinder. Electric motor drive, battery checker. Lap dissolve provisions, pilot tone system.
  2. Braun Nizo S 136XL- Super 8 movie camera with 9-36mm f1.8 manual or power zoom lens.Automatic through-the-lens exposure control with +1-stop contrast compensation, manual override. Filming speeds 9, 18, 36 fps, plus single frame. Coincidental image focusing. Remote control provisions.
  3. Braun Nizo S 156XL- Similar to Braun Nizo S 136XL except has 7-56mm f 1.8 manual or power zoom lens.
  4. Braun Nizo S 481 - Similar to Braun Nizo S 801 except has 8-48mm f 1.8 zoom lens.
  5. Braun Nizo S 561 - Similar to Braun Nizo S 801 except has 7-56mm f 1.8 zoom lens.
  6. Braun Nizo S801 - Similarto Braun Nizo Professional except has 7-80mm f 1.8 manual or power zoom lens, filming speeds 18, 25 and 54 fps, plus single frame, no pilot tone system.




  1. Canon Auto Zoom 318M - Super 8 movie camera with 10-30mm (3X) fl.8 power zoom lens. Macro setting for 9-in. focusing range. Reflex viewfinder with low-light indicator. Automatic thru-the-lens CdS exposure control. Zone-focus. Accepts ASA 25-160 films. Speed 18 fps and single frame. Built-in typeAfilter. Folding pistol grip. Requiresthree size AA batteries.
  2. Canon Auto Zoom 512XL Electronic- Super 8 movie camera with 9.5-47.5mm f 1.2 macro-focusing zoom lens. Through-the-lens CdS exposure control, under/over exposure warning. Electric motor drive, battery checker. Filming speeds 9, 18, 36 fps plus single frame. Film speed range ASA 16-250. Remote control provisions. Requires 4 AA cells.
  3. Canon Auto Zoom 814 Electronic - Super 8 movie camera with 7.5-60mm f1.4 power zoom lens with manual override, 8:1 ratio. Through-the-lens CdS exposure meter, ASA range 25-250, automatic and manual exposure control. Two filming speeds (18 and 24 fps) plus single frame and slow motion (40 fps). Reflex viewfinder with microprism rangefinder, exposure indicator, f/stop scale, over/under warning and end-of-film signals visible in finder. Fade in/fade out possible. Battery check. Folding pistol grip-Canon Auto Zoom 1014 Electronic -Super 8 movie camera with 7-70mm f 1.4 power zoom lens with manual override, 10:1 ratio. Through-the-lens CdS exposure meter, ASA range 16-400, automatic and manual exposure control. Two filming speeds (18 and 24 fps) plus single-frame and instant slow-motion (54 fps). Reflex viewfinder with split-image rangefinder, exposure indicator, f/stop scale, over/under warning and end-of-film signals visible in finder. Fade in/fade out and lap dissolve possible. Battery check, remote control socket, and folding pistol grip.




  1. Elmo Super 103T - Super 8 movie camera with 9.5-30mm f 1.8 manual zoom lens, 3:1 ratio. Fully automatic CdS exposure control, ASA range 25-250, back-light adjustment (about 1 f/stop). Filming speed 18 fps. Reflex viewfinder with low-light warning signal, end-of-film indicator, adjustable eyepiece. Built-in scope lens for split-field and macro filming, superimposing and titling. With titler and case.
  2. Elmo Super 106 - Super 8 movie camera with 8-50mm, f/1.8 zoom lens, power zoom with manual override, 6.25:1 zoom ratio. Through-the-lens CdS meter, automatic and manual exposure control. Two filming speeds (18 and 24 fps.) plus single frame. Reflex viewfinder with micro split-image focusing, f/stop indicator, end-of-film signal, battery check. Adjustable eyepiece. Provision for remote control.
  3. Elmo Super 108 - Super 8 movie camera same as Elmo Super 106 except has 7-56mm, f1.8 power zoom lens, 8:1 ratio, slow motion (54 fps) filming speed, and remote control shooting. With accessory kit.
  4. Elmo 110 - Super 8 movie camera with 7-70mm (10X) f/1.8 power zoom lens. Reflex viewfinder split image rangefinder and indicator for aperture setting, poor exposure warning, battery test and end-of-film. Automatic thru-the-lens CdS exposure system accepts films ASA 25 to 250. Speeds 18, 24, 54 fps plus single frame mode. Built-in type A filter. Re-quiresfoursize AA batteries. With accessory kit.




  1. Eumig Mini 3 - Super 8 movie camera with 9-28mm f 1.9 manual zoom lens. Automatic exposure control with measuring cell on front of camera. Backlight control. Filmspeed range ASA40. Built-in defeatabletype Afilter. Filming speed 18 fps plus single frame. Reflex view-finder with optically adjustable eyepiece. Requires two size AA batteries. With accessory kit.
  2. Eumig Mini 5 - Super 8 movie camera with 8-40mm f 1.9 power zoom lens (manual override) and extreme close-up capability. Automatic through-the-lens exposure control with backlight control. Film-speed range ASA 40-160. Built-in defeatable type Afilter. Filming speeds 9, 18 and 24 fps plus singleframe. Reflex viewfinder with optically adjustable eyepiece shows improper-exposure warning, aperture setting, battery check, film-run and film-end. Connections for cable release and single frame release. Built-in pistol grip. Requires two size AA batteries. With accessory kit.




  • GAF ST-602 (153D) - Super 8 movie camera with 8-48mm f 1.7 power zoom lens. Automatic through-the-lens exposure control system with backlight compensation control. Automatic fade-in/out provisions. Filming speeds 18, 24 and 48 fps. Through-the-lens viewfinder with aperture, over/under-exposure, film-run and film-end indicators. Electric motor drive, battery checker. With lens shade, battery re-charger.




  1. Kodak Ektasound D 140 R - Super 8 sound movie camera with 9-21 mm f 1.2 manual zoom lens. Automatic exposure control. Film speed rangeASA40-160. Built-in defeatabletype Afil ter. Filming speed 18 fps. Direct type viewfinder with optically adjustable eyepiece shovvs improper-exposure indicator, sound-recording indicator and end-of-film signal. Sound recorded magnetically on film when super-8-sound cartridges used. Picture-sound separation 18 frames. Built-in AGC amplifier, external microphone. Requires six size AA and one 9-volt battery. With accessory kit.
  2. Kodak Ektasound 130 (152A)-Super 8 sound movie camera with fixed-focus 9mm f 1.2 lens. Automatic CdS exposure control system. Direct-type viewfinder with low-light and recording indicators. Recording system has automatic limiter circuit. With pistol grip, microphone.
  3. Kodak Instamatic M24 (153A) - Super 8 movie camera with 14mm f2.7 fixed-focus lens. Automatic direct-reading CdS exposure system. Built-in pistol grip. Requires two AA cells and one PX-13 cell.
  4. Kodak XC350 (153C) - Super 8 movie camera with 9-21 mm f 1.2 power zoom lens. Automatic exposure control system, film supply indicator, battery checker.
  5. Kodak XL10C - Super 8 movie camera with 9mm f 1.2 fixed-focus lens. Automatic exposure control with front-mounted photocell. Film speed range ASA 40-160. Filming speed 18 fps. Direct viewfinder with adjustable eyepiece, improper exposure indicator. Battery checker. Requires four AA cells. With accessory kit.
  6. Kodak XL55 - Super 8 movie camera with 9-21 mm f1.2 power zoom lens. Automatic CdS exposure control. Viewfinder with rangefinder and low-light signal. Filming speeds 9 and 18 fps. Requires four AA cells.




  1. Leica Leicina Special - Super 8 movie camera with Leica bayonet mount. Reflex viewfinder with three focusing screens, exposure indicator, film advance indicator. Electronic speed control, battery checker. Filming speeds 9, 18, 25, 54 fps plus single frame. Remote control provisions.
  2. Leica Leicinamatic - Similar to Leicina Special but with 6-66mm f 1.8 macro-focusing power zoom lens with automatic diaphragm control. Variable zoom speeds.




  1. Minolta Autopak 8 D12 - Super 8 movie camera with 6.5-78mm f 1.8 inde pendent power zoom lens (five speeds, manual override) and extreme close-up capability. Automatic through-the-lens ex posure control with manual background compensation. Film-speed range ASA 16 640. Built-in defeatable type A filter. Filming speeds 8, 12, 18, 24, 32 and 54 fps plus single frame. Electromagnetic shutter release. Split-image focusing. Reflex viewfinder with optically adjustable eyepiece shows aperture setting, improper-exposure indicator, film-run indicator, shutter status, and end-of-film signal. Built-in fade and lap-dissolve mechanism. Jacks for electronic flash and electrical remote shutter release. Battery check. Pistol grip with trigger shutter release. Requires five size AA batteries.
  2. Minolta Autopak-8 D12 Outfit - As above, plus accessory kit.
  3. Minolta XL-250 - Super 8 movie camera with 10.5-26mm f1.2 power zoom (manual override) lens. Automatic exposure control with through-the-lens cell. Film-speed range ASA 40-160. Built-in defeatable type A filter. Filming speed 1 8 fps. Reflex viewfinder with optically adjustable eyepiece shows improper-exposure indicator and film-run indicator. Fade action possible. Requires two size AA batteries.
  4. Minolta XL-400 - Super 8 movie camera with 8.5-34mm f 1.2 power zoom lens (manual override) and extreme close-up capability. Automatic through-the-lens exposure control with compensation adjustment. Film-speed range ASA 40-1 60. Built-in defeatable type A filter. Filming speed 18 fps plus single frame. Split-image focusing. Reflex viewfinder with optically adjustable eyepiece shows improper-exposure indicator and film-run indicator. Electromagnetic shutter release mechanism; built-in time-lapse timer (0.5-60 sec). Jacks for electronic flash and remote electrical shutter release. Detachable pistol grip. Requires two size AA batteries.




  1. Nikon R8 - Super 8 movie camera with 7.5mm-60mm f 1.8 power zoom lens (two speeds, manual override) with extreme close-up capability. Automatic through-the-lens exposure control with manual compensation adjustment. Film-speed range ASA 16-640. Built-in defeatable type A filter. Filming speeds 18, 24 and 54 fps plus single frame. Split-image focusing. Reflex viewfinder with optically adjustable eyepiece shows aperture, improper-exposure indicator, shutter status and end-of-film signal. Electromagnetic shutter release mechanism with jack for remote control. Built-in fade and lap-dissolve mechanism and sound-pulse sync circuit. Jack for electronic flash. Battery check. Requires six size AAand two 1.3-volt mercury batteries.
  2. Nikon R10 - Super 8 movie camera with 7-70mm f 1.4 power zoom lens (two speeds, manual override) and extreme close-up capability. Automatic through-the-lens exposure control with manual compensation adjustment. Film-speed range ASA 16-640. Built-in defeatable type A filter. Filming speeds 18, 24, 54 fps plus single frame. Split-image focusing. Reflex viewfinder with optically adjustable eyepiece shows aperture, improper-exposure indicator, shutter status and end-of-film signal. Electromagnetic shutter release mechanism with jack for remote control. Built-in fade and lap-dissolve mechanism and pulse sound-sync circuit. Jack for electronic flash. Battery check. Requires six size AA batteries.




  1. Rollei RM Movie 4 - Super 8 movie camera with 8-32mm f 1.8 manual or power zoom lens. Automatic through-the-lens CdS exposure control with + 1-stop exposure compensation control, manual override. Filming speeds 18 and 36 fps. Reflex viewfinder with adjustable eyepiece. Battery checker.
  2. Rollei RM Movie 6 - Super 8 movie camera with 8-48mm f1.7 macro-focusing power zoom lens. Automaticthrough-the-lens CdS exposure system with +1-stop contrast compensation control, manual override. Filming speeds 18, 24 and 48 fps. Reflex viewfinder with adjustable eyepiece. Battery checker.
  3. Rollei RM Movie 8 - Similar to Rollei RM Movie 6 except has 5-60mm f 1.7 manual or power zoom lens.
  4. Rollei SL82 - Super 8 movie camera with 9-36mm f 1.8 manual or power zoom lens. Automatic through-the-lens CdS exposure system. Film speeds ASA 40-160. Filming speeds 18 and 24 fps, plus single frame. Reflex view-finder with aperture, incorrect exposure and film-run indicators. Pistol grip, adjustable eyepiece, footage counter.




  1. Sankyo Super CM-300 - Super 8 movie camera with 9-30mm f 1.8 power zoom lens (manual override). Automatic through-the-lens exposure control. Film-speed range ASA 40-160. Built-in defeatable type A filter. Filming speed 18 fps plus single frame. Reflex viewfinder shows improper-exposure indicator and film-run signal. Battery check. Folding pistol grip with trigger shutter release. Requires four size AA batteries.
  2. Sankyo Super CM 600 - Super 8 movie camera with 8-48mm, f/1.8 zoom lens, power zoom with manual override, 6:1 zoom ratio. Through-the-lens CdS meter, ASA range 25-160, fully automatic and manual exposure control. Two filming speeds (18 and 36 fps) plus single frame. Remote control socket. Reflex viewfinder with microprism focusing, low-light indicator. Battery check. Folding pistol grip, retractable lens hood.
  3. Sankyo CME-444 - Super 8 movie camera with 8.5-35mm f 1.8 manual or power zoom lens. Automaticthrough-the-lens exposure system with manual override. Fade-in/out provisions. Filming speeds 18 and 24 fps. Through-the-lens viewfinder with coincidental image focusing, aperture, film-run and film-end indicators. Electric motor drive, battery checker Remote control and flash contacts, built-in pistol grip.
  4. Sankyo CME-666 - Super 8 movie camera with 8-48mm f 1.8 power zoom (manual override) lens. Through-the-lens automatic exposure control. Film-speed range ASA 40-400. Built-in defeatable type A filter. Filming speeds 1, 18, 24 and 36 fps. plus single frame. Reflex viewfinder with double-image focusing aid and optically adjustable eyepiece shows improper-exposure indicator, film-run indicatorand film-end signal. Battery
  5. Sankyo CME-1100 Macro-Similar to Sankyo CME-444 except with 6.5-60mm macro-focusing, two-speed power zoom lens, filming speeds 18, 24, 36 and 54 fps, fade-in/out provisions.
  6. Sankyo ES-33 - Super 8 movie camera with 11-33mm f 1.8 manual or power zoom lens. Automaticthrough-the-lens exposure system with manual override. Filming speed 18 fps. Through-the-lens viewfinder with film-run, film-end and over/under-exposure indicator. Adjustable eyepiece. Electric motor drive, battery checker. Built-in pistol grip, footage counter. Connections for synchronized sound, remote control and flash.
  7. Sankyo ES-44 - Similar to Sankyo ES-33 except has8.5-35mmf1.8zoom lens, 18and36fps filming speeds.
  8. Sankyo LXL-125- Super 8 movie camera with 10.5-26.25mmf1.2 manual or powerzoom lens. Automatic through-the-lens CdS exposure system with manual override. Filming speed 18 fps. Viewfinder with exposure and film-run indicator, adjustable eyepiece. Built-in pistol grip, footage counter.
  9. Sankyo Super MF-404 - Super 8 movie camera with 8.5-35mm f 1.8 power zoom (manual override) lens with extreme close-up capability. Through-the-lens automatic exposure control. Film-speed range ASA 40-160. Built-in defeatable type A filter. Filming speed 18 fps plus single frame. Reflex viewfinder with optically adjustable eyepiece shows improper-exposure indicator and filmrun indicator. Battery check. Connections for mechanical and electrical shutter release. Folding pistol grip.
  10. Sankyo Super MF 606 - Super 8 movie camera with macro (6X) 8-40mm f 1.8 power zoom lens. Automatic through-the-lens CdS exposure control, ASA range 25-160 with manual override. Reflex viewfinder with microprism rangefinder, f/stop indicator, over/under exposure warning signal, end-of-film indicator. Filming speed 18 fps plus instant slow motion (36 fps) and single frame. Remote-control socket, built-in battery check, folding pistol grip. Kit with titling and special effects set.




  1. Yashica Electro 8 LD-4 - Super 8 movie camera with 9-36mm f 1.8 power zoom (manual override) lens. Through-the-lens automatic exposure control with manual compensation control. Film-speed range ASA 40-400. Built-in defeatable type A filter. Filming speed 18 fps plus single frame. Reflex viewfinder with optically adjustable eyepiece shows improper-exposure indicator, film-run indicator. Battery check. Lap-dissolve mechanism. Connection for electrical remote control. Pistol grip. Requires four size AA batteries.
  2. Yashica YXL Zoom 25 - Super 8 movie camera with 10.5-26mm f 1.2 zoom lens. Through-the-lens CdS exposure control, over/under exposure warning. Electric motor drive, battery checker. Filming speed 18 fps plus single frame. Film speed range ASA 40-160. Remote control provisions. Requires 2 AA cells.


Die (Military)- Price List - September 1975
Super 8 Movie Cameras

Kodak Instamatic M24 (153A) Am. Showcase $ 40.95
Kodak XL10C AAFES, Europe $ 53.00
Bolex 233 Compact S Clubs, about $ 77.30
BHMC 1206 Clubs, about $ 86.00
Elmo Super 103T Clubs, about $ 86.00
Canon Auto Zoom 3 18M AAFES, Europe $ 90.00
Yashica YXL-Zoom 25 AAFES, Europe $ 105.00
Sankyo Super CM-300 Clubs, about $ 110.00
Argus 153B Am. Showcase $ 113.50
Eumig Mini 3 AAFES, Europe $ 114.00
Yashica Electro 8 LD-4 AAFES, Europe $ 122.50
Sankyo LXL 125 AAFES, Europe $ 125.00
Sankyo ES 44 AAFES, Europe $ 127.50
Sankyo ES 33 Clubs, about $ 130.00
BHMC 674/XL AAFES, Europe $ 140.00
Rollei RM Movie 4 Clubs, about $ 140.00
Bolex 525 XL Clubs, about $ 144.50
Sankyo Super MF 404 Clubs, about $ 145.00
GAF ST-602 (153D) Am. Showcase $ 146.75
Elmo Super 106 Clubs, about $ 150.00
Kodak Ektasound 130 (152A) Am. Showcase $ 152.95
Kodak XL55 AAFES, Europe $ 153.00
Sankyo Super CM 600 Clubs, about $ 153.00
Rollei SL 82 Clubs, about $ 154.00
Kodak XC 350 (153C) Am. Showcase $ 158.50
Bolex 350 Macro Compact Clubs, about $ 159.00
Minolta XL-250 Clubs, about $ 159.00
Sankyo Super MF 606 AAFES, Europe $ 160.00
Bolex 430 Clubs, about $ 164.00
Agfa Microflex 200 Sensor Clubs, about $ 170.00
BHMC 1216 Clubs, about $ 177.00
Sankyo CME 444 Clubs, about $ 180.00
Rollei RM Movie 6 Clubs, about $ 192.00
Minolta XL-400 Clubs, about $ 196.00
Eumig Mini 5 Clubs, about $ 197.75
Bolex 450 Clubs, about $ 199.40
BHMC 1218 Clubs, about $ 200.00
Agfa Microflex 300 Sensor Clubs, about $ 205.00
Agfa Movexoom 3000 Clubs, about $ 225.00
Sankyo CME 666 Clubs, about $ 226.00
BHMC 1230 XL AAFES, Europe $ 230.00
Elmo Super 108 Clubs, about $ 232.00
Kodak Ektasound D 140R AAFES, Europe $ 238.00
Canon Auto Zoom 5 12XL Electronic AAFES, Europe $ 245.00
Rollei RM Movie 8 Clubs, about $ 245.00
Bolex 480 Macrozoom Clubs, about $ 268.80
Braun Nizo S 136 XL AAFES, Europe $ 285.00
Canon Auto Zoom 8 14 Electronic AAFES, Europe $ 285.00
Bolex 550 XL sound Clubs, about $ 289.00
Elmo Super 110 AAFES, Europe $ 295.00
Bolex 580 sound Clubs, about $ 299.10
Agfa Movexoom 4000 sound Clubs, about $ 360.00
Braun Nizo S 156 XL Clubs, about $ 380.00
Sankyo CME 1 100 Macro Clubs, about $ 386.00
Braun Nizo S 48 1 Clubs, about $ 400.00
Nikon R8 Clubs, about $ 433.00
Canon Auto Zoom 1014 Electronic AAFES, Europe $ 460.00
Nikon R10 Clubs, about $ 550.00
Braun Nizo S 56 1 Clubs, about $ 566.00
Leica Leicinamatic Clubs, about $ 615.00
Minolta Autopak-8 D12 Clubs, about $ 694.50
Braun Nizo S 801 Clubs, about $ 695.00
Minolta Autopak D 12 (Outfit) Clubs, about $ 724.50
Braun Nizo Professional Clubs, about $ 840.00
Leica Leicina Special Clubs, about $ 845.00


OFF DUTY SHOPPERS are a service to our readers and are prepared by the editorial department based on information supplied by representatives of the manufacturer. They are not intended as advertising nor as an endorsement of any particular products. Prices given in the SHOPPERS should be used only as a guide. They are not binding on any retailer and may vary somewhat depending on the retailer, location or general monetary situation.

- Werbung Dezent -
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