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"off duty" 1970 - 1997 - eine Freizeit-Zeitung für's US-Militär

Die in diesem amerikanischen (Freizeit-) Shopping-Magazin angepriesenen Hifi- und Video-Produkte waren auschließlich amerikanischen und kanadischen Militärangehörigen zugänglich - also zu kaufen - und vor allem zu ganz ungewöhnlich (verblüffend) niedrigen US $ Military-Preisen. Zu der einführenden "off duty" Seite geht es hier lang. -  Um 1970 begann der weltweite Hifi-Boom bis zum 1. Crash 1978 und dann wieder zum 2.Crash um 1990. Über die 20 Jahre nach 2001 lesen Sie mehr in den Kolumnen auf diesen japanischen Seiten.


Ein paar Hintergrundinformationen zu der Liste :

Einige der billigen oder kleinen Lautsprecher wurden nur paarweise verkauft. Ob also hier der Einzelpreis steht oder der Paar-Preis, ist nicht ersichtlich.

Wichtig zur Chronologie, das war nur der Anfang der (billigen Power-) Boxen-Schwemme aus Fernost.
Es kamen immer mehr "Player" zum Vorschein, teilweise in Japan und Taiwan schon bekannt, jetzt wegen des Markteinbruchs in den USA zwangsweise auf Expansionskurs, dabei selten erfolgreich und auch bald wieder verschwunden. Die deutschen Boxen hatten in diesem military Markt nur geringe Chancen, denn die machten ja überwiegend richtiges Hifi (DUAL, BRAUN, HECO, Canton) und nicht gewaltiges Wumm Bumm wie Pioneer, SANSUI, Kenwood und natürlich die Amerikaner von JBL und ALTEC und Electro-Voice. Letztere Firma fehlt hier in der 1975er Liste (noch).

Die Lautsprecher-Marktübersicht von 1974 beginnt hier und die von 1973 beginnt hier , die von 1972 beginnt hier und natürlich auch mit den jeweiligen Preisen.


Die (Military)- Price List - October 1975

Coral BX-201 AAFES, Europe $ 35.50
EPI MicroTower MT 1 AAFES, Europe $ 37.00
Harman/Kardon H K-20 Clubs, about $ 38.00
Yamaha NS 4 10 Clubs, about $ 42.00
Avid 60 AAFES, Europe $ 44.00
Sansui SP-25A Clubs, about $ 44.00
Technics SB-30 (pair) Clubs, about $ 48.00
Teae LS-30 Clubs, about $ 48.50
Dual CL-122 Clubs, about $ 49.00
Kenwood KL-333A AAFES, Europe $ 49.50
Pioneer CS-511 AAFES, Europe $ 52.00
Hibiki B-1 (pair) Clubs, about $ 54.00
Sanyo SX-807 (pair) Clubs, about $ 54.00
EPI Model 90 AAFES, Europe $ 55.00
Fisher XP-56S Clubs, about $ 55.00
AR-7 AAFES, Europe $ 55.50
Celestion Ditton 10 Mk II Clubs, about $ 56.00
Pioneer CS-66A NEX/M.O $ 56.00
Kenwood KL-3030 Clubs, about $ 57.00
Fisher ST-425 Clubs, about $ 57.50
JVC SK-8 Clubs, about $ 58.00
Kenwood KL-44 Clubs, about $ 58.00
Sony SS-5 100 Clubs, about $ 58.00
Avid 100 AAFES, Europe $ 60.00
KLH Model Seventeen Clubs, about $ 60.00
Pioneer CS-520 Clubs, about $ 60.00
Sansui SP-35A Clubs, about $ 62.00
Dual CL-142 Clubs, about $ 64.00
B.I.C. Venturi Formula 1 Clubs, about $ 65.00
Dynaeo A25XL Clubs, about $ 66.00
Fairfax FX-100 B AFES, Europe $ 66.00
Coral BX-1005 AAFES, Europe $ 67.00
Somes AS-206 Clubs, about $ 67.20
Celestion Ditton 15 Clubs, about $ 68.00
AR-6 Clubs, about $ 69.00
Panasonic RP-9876 R AAFES, Europe $ 69.50
KLH Research X Column Bookshelf Clubs, about $ 70.00
Marantz Imperial 5 G Clubs, about $ 70.00
Pioneer CS-711 AAFES, Europe $ 70.00
Altec 887 A Capri AAFES, Europe $ 72.00
Dynaeo A 10 VW (pair) Clubs, about $ 72.00
Dynaeo A35 Clubs, about $ 72.00
EPI Model 110 AFES, Europe $ 72.00
Fisher ST-445 Clubs, about $ 72.00
Kenwood KL-55 Clubs, about $ 72.00
Studiocraft 330 (pair) AFES, Europe $ 72.00
KLH Model Thirty-One (pair) Clubs, about $ 73.00
Yamaha NS 230 Clubs, about $ 73.00
Wharfedale Denton 2XP (pair) Clubs, about $ 73.50
EPI Micro Tower MT 2 AAFES, Europe $ 74.00
Kenwood KL-4040 Clubs, about $ 74.00
Micro/Acoustics Microstatic (MS-1) Clubs, about $ 74.00
Sansui LM-110 Clubs, about $ 74.00
Sonics AS-305 AAFES, Europe $ 74.00
Sony SS-5200 Clubs, about $ 74.00
JVC JS-6 Clubs, about $ 75.00
Retilinear XIa Clubs, about $ 75.00
Audioanalyst A-76x Clubs, about $ 76.00
Bozak B201 AAFES, Europe $ 76.00
Technics SB 202 Clubs, about $ 76.00
EPI Model 100 Clubs, about $ 77.00
Fisher XP-655 Clubs, about $ 77.00
Interaudio 3000 Clubs, about $ 77.00
KLH Model Thirty-Three Clubs, about $ 77.00
Sonics AS-205 (pair) AFES, Europe $ 78.00
Yamaha NS-625 Clubs, about $ 78.00
Fairfax FX-300 AAFES, Europe $ 80.00
KLH Model Twenty-Three Clubs, about $ 80.00
Kenwood KL-2020 (pair) Clubs, about $ 81.00
Rectilinear Mini III Clubs, about $ 82.00
Kenwood LS-202 (pair) Clubs, about $ 83.00
Technics SB 40 (pair) Clubs, about $ 83.00
Wharfedale Super Sixty Mk II Clubs, about $ 83.25
Kenwood LS-204 Clubs, about $ 84.00
Avid 102 AAFES, Europe $ 84.50
Sansui LM-220 Clubs, about $ 84.50
Janszen Z-210A Clubs, about $ 85.00
Superscope S-18 (pair) Clubs, about $ 85.00
Kenwood KL-555A AAFES, Europe $ 85.50
KLH Model Thirty-Two (pair) Clubs, about $ 86.00
Sony SS-5300 Clubs, about $ 86.00
Superscope S-2 12 Clubs, about $ 86.00
Sony SS-5088 (pair) Clubs, about $ 87.00
B.I.C. Venturi Formula 2 AAFES, Europe $ 87.50
Sansui LM-330 AAFES, Europe $ 87.50
Fisher XP-7S Clubs, about $ 88.00
Sonics AS-266 Clubs, about $ 88.50
Jensen 208D Am. Showcase $ 89.25
JVC SK-15 NEX/M.O $ 90.00
Sansui AS-300 Clubs, about $ 9 1.00
Infinity Pos II Clubs, about $ 92.00
Kenwood KL-77 Clubs, about $ 92.00
Interaudio 1000 Clubs, about $ 93.00
Studiocraft 1 10 (pair) AAFES, Europe $ 93.00
Utah MK-18 (208C) Am. Showcase $ 93.25
Kenwood KL-5050 Clubs, about $ 94.00
Yamaha NS-645 Clubs, about $ 95.00
Marantz Imperial 6 G AAFES, Europe $ 95.00
AR-8 AAFES, Europe $ 97.00
Sansui SP-2500X AAFES, Europe $ 97.50
Audioanalyst A-100X Clubs, about $ 99.00
Pioneer CS-720 Clubs, about $ 99.00
Superscope S-310 Clubs, about $ 99.00
Yamaha NS 250E Clubs, about $ 99.00
Sonics AS-366 Clubs, about $ 99.70
JVC 5323 AAFES, Europe $ 100.00
KLH Model Six Clubs, about $ 102.00
Sansui SP-1200A Clubs, about $ 103.00
Janszen Z-210ah Clubs, about $ 105.00
Marantz Imperial 4G (pair) Clubs, about $ 105.00
Sony SS-5177 (pair) Clubs, about $ 105.00
Stuidocraft 440 AAFES, Europe $ 105.00
Micro/Acoustics FRM-2 Clubs, about $ 107.00
Sonics AS-377 Clubs, about $ 107.30
Wharfedale Kingsdale 3 Clubs, about $ 107.70
Wharfedale Linton 3XP (pair) Clubs, about $ 107.75
Kenwood KL-777A AAFES, Europe $ 108.00
Avid 103 AAFES, Europe $ 109.00
Interaudio 4000 Clubs, about $ 109.00
Dynaco A25 (pair) Clubs, about $ 109.00
Technics SB-2200 AAFES, Europe $ 109.50
Dual CL-174 Clubs, about $ 110.00
EPI Model 50 (pair) Clubs, about $ 110.00
Superscope S-28 (pair) Clubs, about $ 110.00
Marantz Imperial 7 G Clubs, about $ 111.00
Sansui SP-5500X AAFES, Europe $ 112.50
AR-2xa Clubs, about $ 114.00
B.I.C. Venturi Formula 4 AAFES, Europe $ 115.00
Pioneer CS-06A AAFES, Europe $ 115.00
Pioneer CS-811 AAFES, Europe $ 115.00
Kenwood LS-203 (pair) Clubs, about $ 116.00
Kenwood LS-205 Clubs, about $ 116.00
Sonics AS-405 Clubs, about $ 116.50
Janszen Z-412HP Clubs, about $ 117.00
Interaudio 2000 Clubs, about $ 118.00
JBL L26 AAFES, Europe, Clubs, about $ 118,00
Studiocraft 220 (pair) AAFES, Europe $ 118.00
Akai SW-156 Clubs, about $ 119.00
EPI Model 150 Clubs, about $ 119.00
Kenwood KL-6060 Clubs, about $ 119.00
Pioneer CS-820 Clubs, about $ 119.00
Rectilinear XII Clubs, about $ 119.00
Altec 891A AAFES, Europe $ 120.00
Bozak B301A AAFES, Europe $ 120.00
AR-4xa Clubs, about $ 121.00
Dynaco A50 Clubs, about $ 121.00
Onkyo 15C EUCOM, about $ 121.00
Technics SB 402 Clubs, about $ 121.00
Technics SB 440 Clubs, about $ 121.00
AR 2ax AAFES, Europe $ 124.00
Fisher ST-465 Clubs, about $ 124.00
Fairfax FX-350 AAFES, Europe $ 125.00
Sansui SP-7500X AAFES, Europe $ 125.00
Tangent TM3 (pair) Clubs, about $ 128.50
Infinity 1001A Clubs, about $ 129.00
Kenwood KL-7070 Clubs, about $ 129.00
Revox AX3-3 Clubs, about $ 129.00
Empire 6500 II Clubs, about $ 130.00
Sansui SP-3000A Clubs, about $ 133.00
Sonics AS-466 Clubs, about $ 134.40
Janszen Z-410 Clubs, about $ 135.00
ESS AMT-5 AAFES, Europe $ 137.00
Micro/Acoustics FRM-1 Clubs about $ 137.00
Wharfedale Glendale 3XP (pair) Clubs, about $ 138.10
KLH Model Five Clubs, about $ 138.60
Pioneer CS-07 Clubs, about $ 139.00
Pioneer CS-911 AAFES, Europe $ 140.00
Empire 6000M III Clubs, about $ 141.00
Polk Audio Model Nine Clubs, about $ 142.00
Sansui SF-2 Clubs, about $ 142.00
Pioneer CS-920 Clubs, about $ 144.00
Sonics AS-477 Clubs, about $ 144.50
Tempest Lab 2 Clubs, about $ 144.75
Onkyo SC40 (pair) EUCOM, about $ 146.00
JBL L36 AAFES, Europe, Clubs, about $ 147.00
AR-5 Clubs, about $ 148.00
Yamaha NS 18 Clubs, about $ 148.00
Onkyo 20C EUCOM, about $ 150.00
Technics SB 660 Clubs, about $ 151.00
Yamaha NS 670 Clubs, about $ 151.00
Dahlquist DQ-6 Clubs, about $ 155.00
Bose Model 301 (pair) Clubs, about $ 162.00
EPI Model 201 Clubs, about $ 162.00
Sansui SP-3500A Clubs, about $ 162.00
ESS AMT-Elite Clubs, about $ 163.00
Revox AX4-3 Clubs, about $ 164.00
Hibiki D-6 (pair) Clubs, about $ 167.00
Tempest Lab 1 Clubs, about $ 169.50
JBL Aquarius 4 Clubs, about $ 170.00
SAE Mark X Clubs, about $ 171.00
EPI Model 202 Clubs, about $ 173.00
Audioanalyst A-200X Clubs, about $ 179.00
Onkyo 25C EUCOM, about $ 179.00
EPI Epicure 20 Clubs, about $ 185.00
Fairfax FX-400 AFES, Europe $ 185.00
Yamaha NS 690 Clubs, about $ 185.00
Janszen Z-412A Clubs, about $ 190.00
Philips RH 532 Clubs, about $ 193.00
Tangent TM1 (pair) Clubs, about $ 195.00
Sony SS-7300 A Clubs, about $ 196.00
Bozak B401 AAFES, Europe $ 205.00
ESS AMT-4 AAFES, Europe $ 205.00
Infinity Wave Transmission Line Column Clubs, about $ 207.00
AR MST Clubs, about $ 208.00
Rectilinear Ilia Clubs, about $ 208.00
B.I.C. Venturi Formula 6 AAFES, Europe $ 210.00
JVC SX-5 Clubs, about $ 210.00
Empire 7500M II Clubs, about $ 211.00
AR-3a (208E) Am. Showcase $ 212.00
Marantz Imperial 8 G AAFES, Europe $ 220.00
KLH Model Twenty-Eight Clubs, about $ 221.00
Rectilinear 5 Clubs, about $ 223.00
Dual CL-190 Clubs, about $ 225.00
JBL L100 AAFES, Europe, Clubs, about $ 225.00
Tempest Lab 3 (pair) Clubs, about $ 225.00
Leak 2075 Clubs, about $ 231.00
AR-11 AAFES, Europe $ 235.00
JBL 4311WX Clubs, about $ 235.00
Klipsch Heresy Clubs, about $ 235.00
SAE Mark XI Clubs, about $ 245.00
Mcintosh ML- 10C Clubs, about $ 249.00
Fairfax Wall of Sound AAFES, Europe $ 260.00
Bose 501 Series II (pair) Clubs, about $ 266.00
Dahlquist DQ-10 Clubs, about $ 270.00
ESS Evaluator Clubs, about $ 275.00
Infinity 2000 II Clubs, about $ 278.00
ESS AMT-1 Clubs, about $ 280.00
JBL L166 Horizon Clubs, about $ 280.00
Soundcraftsmen SC-12ES Clubs, about $ 290.00
AR 10 Pi Clubs, about $ 298.00
Rectilinear 7 Clubs, about $ 298.00
Quad Electrostatic Clubs, about $ 302.00
JVC SX-7 Clubs, about $ 304.00
Tangent TM2 (pair) Clubs, about $ 306.00
Marantz Imperial 9 G AAFES, Europe $ 310.00
Mcintosh ML-1C Clubs, about $ 312.00
Technics SB 7000 Clubs, about $ 318.00
EPI Model 400 Clubs, about $ 320.00
JBL L65 Jubal Clubs, about $ 325.00
ESS AMT-1 Tower Clubs, about $ 340.00
AR LST/2 Clubs, about $ 360.00
Altec 846 B Valencia AAFES, Europe $ 370.00
CM 15 Clubs, about $ 380.00
Infinity Monitor II Clubs, about $ 386.00
ESS AMT-3 Rock Monitor Clubs, about $ 394.00
Bose 901 Series II/std. (system) Clubs, about $ 416.00
SSAE Mark XII Clubs, about $ 420.00
AR LST Clubs, about $ 450.00
Klipsch Cornwall II Clubs, about $ 459.00
JBL Aquarius Q L120 Clubs, about $ 475.00
Janszen Z-824 Clubs, about $ 475.00
Bose 901/ebony (system) Clubs, about $ 488.00
Klipschorn La Scala Clubs, about $ 502.00
Bose 901/walnut (system) Clubs, about $ 514.00
JBL L200B Studio Master Clubs, about $ 515.00
Bose 901/Continental (system) AAFES, Europe $ 518.00
JBL 4315WX Studio Monitor Clubs, about $ 550.00
Bose 800 (pair) Clubs, about $ 553.00
Amcron ES-212 Clubs, about $ 600.00
Mcintosh ML-2C Clubs, about $ 624.00
Leslie DVX 580 Clubs, about $ 640.00
Leslie Plus 2 Model 430 Clubs, about $ 650.00
Sony SS-8150 EUCOM, about $ 669.00
JBL L300 Summit Clubs, about $ 675.00
Leslie DVX 570 Clubs, about $ 685.00
Leslie Plus 2 Model 450 Clubs, about $ 700.00
Klipschorn La Belle Clubs, about $ 702.00
EPI Model 1000 Clubs, about $ 719.00
SAE Mark XIV Clubs, about $ 733.00
Leslie Plus 2 Model 470 Clubs, about $ 780.00
Klipsch Klipschorn B Clubs, about $ 874.00
SAE Mark XlV/rosewood Clubs, about $ 884.00
JBL 4341WX Studio Monitor Clubs, about $ 890.00
Mcintosh ML-4C Clubs, about $ 1012.00
Inifinity Servo Statik 1A Clubs, about $ 3000.00

* Available by mail order from the American Showcase catalog **Available through special order from audio|Clubs|EUCOM is the audio-photo club at Patch Barracks, Stuttgart. +Available through Navy Exchange (NEX) mail order catalog.


THE PRICES shown in Off Duty Shoppers for audio and photographic equipment have always been subject to change due to market conditions, but rarely as much as in today's lively marketplace. Not only are prices changing rapidly (happily, many prices are coming down), but there are many instances of products switching suddenly from club to exchange, or vice-versa. Cause of the relative turmoil in audio photo circles is the burgeoning competition between AAFES, Europe and the clubs.

It pits the Exchange Service's enormous buying power and publicity clout against a fast-moving, highly flexible local club operation that has dominated the audio photo scene in Europe for several years. By direct purchase in Japan, AAFES has lowered prices on many popular items. If the club's price for the item is higher, the management may withdraw it from sale. Or, the local importer who supplies the club may reduce his price in order to protect his livelihood. Sometimes the same item, with slightly altered faceplate and model designation, will appear in both exchanges and clubs at comparable prices.

In a few instances, notably in the case of U.S.-made components and accessories, the identical product is available in both exchanges and clubs. If there is a difference in price it is usually temporary because both outlets are anxious to have your business and don't want to be undersold.

So, if our Shopper price list information changes faster than usual these days, it's all to the good. Thanks to competition, the customer is getting a better deal than ever.

Hier nochmal in der gleichen Reihenfolge zum automatischen Durchnummerieren


  1. Coral BX-201
  2. EPI MicroTower MT 1
  3. Harman/Kardon H K-20
  4. Yamaha NS 4 10
  5. Avid 60
  6. Sansui SP-25A
  7. Technics SB-30 (pair)
  8. Teae LS-30
  9. Dual CL-122
  10. Kenwood KL-333A
  11. Pioneer CS-511
  12. Hibiki B-1 (pair)
  13. Sanyo SX-807 (pair)
  14. EPI Model 90
  15. Fisher XP-56S
  16. AR-7
  17. Celestion Ditton 10 Mk II
  18. Pioneer CS-66A
  19. Kenwood KL-3030
  20. Fisher ST-425
  21. JVC SK-8
  22. Kenwood KL-44
  23. Sony SS-5 100
  24. Avid 100
  25. KLH Model Seventeen
  26. Pioneer CS-520
  27. Sansui SP-35A
  28. Dual CL-142
  29. B.I.C. Venturi Formula 1
  30. Dynaeo A25XL
  31. Fairfax FX-100 B
  32. Coral BX-1005
  33. Somes AS-206
  34. Celestion Ditton 15
  35. AR-6
  36. Panasonic RP-9876 R
  37. KLH Research X Column Bookshelf
  38. Marantz Imperial 5 G
  39. Pioneer CS-711
  40. Altec 887 A Capri
  41. Dynaeo A 10 VW (pair)
  42. Dynaeo A35
  43. EPI Model 110
  44. Fisher ST-445
  45. Kenwood KL-55
  46. Studiocraft 330 (pair)
  47. KLH Model Thirty-One (pair)
  48. Yamaha NS 230
  49. Wharfedale Denton 2XP (pair)
  50. EPI Micro Tower MT 2
  51. Kenwood KL-4040
  52. Micro/Acoustics Microstatic (MS-1)
  53. Sansui LM-110
  54. Sonics AS-305
  55. Sony SS-5200
  56. JVC JS-6
  57. Retilinear XIa
  58. Audioanalyst A-76x
  59. Bozak B201
  60. Technics SB 202
  61. EPI Model 100
  62. Fisher XP-655
  63. Interaudio 3000
  64. KLH Model Thirty-Three
  65. Sonics AS-205 (pair)
  66. Yamaha NS-625
  67. Fairfax FX-300
  68. KLH Model Twenty-Three
  69. Kenwood KL-2020 (pair)
  70. Rectilinear Mini III
  71. Kenwood LS-202 (pair)
  72. Technics SB 40 (pair)
  73. Wharfedale Super Sixty Mk II
  74. Kenwood LS-204
  75. Avid 102
  76. Sansui LM-220
  77. Janszen Z-210A
  78. Superscope S-18 (pair)
  79. Kenwood KL-555A
  80. KLH Model Thirty-Two (pair)
  81. Sony SS-5300
  82. Superscope S-2 12
  83. Sony SS-5088 (pair)
  84. B.I.C. Venturi Formula 2
  85. Sansui LM-330
  86. Fisher XP-7S
  87. Sonics AS-266
  88. Jensen 208D
  89. JVC SK-15
  90. Sansui AS-300
  91. Infinity Pos II
  92. Kenwood KL-77
  93. Interaudio 1000
  94. Studiocraft 1 10 (pair)
  95. Utah MK-18 (208C)
  96. Kenwood KL-5050
  97. Yamaha NS-645
  98. Marantz Imperial 6 G
  99. AR-8
  100. Sansui SP-2500X
  101. Audioanalyst A-100X
  102. Pioneer CS-720
  103. Superscope S-310
  104. Yamaha NS 250E
  105. Sonics AS-366
  106. JVC 5323
  107. KLH Model Six
  108. Sansui SP-1200A
  109. Janszen Z-210ah
  110. Marantz Imperial 4G (pair)
  111. Sony SS-5177 (pair)
  112. Stuidocraft 440
  113. Micro/Acoustics FRM-2
  114. Sonics AS-377
  115. Wharfedale Kingsdale 3
  116. Wharfedale Linton 3XP (pair)
  117. Kenwood KL-777A
  118. Avid 103
  119. Interaudio 4000
  120. Dynaco A25 (pair)
  121. Technics SB-2200
  122. Dual CL-174
  123. EPI Model 50 (pair)
  124. Superscope S-28 (pair)
  125. Marantz Imperial 7 G
  126. Sansui SP-5500X
  127. AR-2xa
  128. B.I.C. Venturi Formula 4
  129. Pioneer CS-06A
  130. Pioneer CS-811
  131. Kenwood LS-203 (pair)
  132. Kenwood LS-205
  133. Sonics AS-405
  134. Janszen Z-412HP
  135. Interaudio 2000
  136. JBL L26
  137. Studiocraft 220 (pair)
  138. Akai SW-156
  139. EPI Model 150
  140. Kenwood KL-6060
  141. Pioneer CS-820
  142. Rectilinear XII
  143. Altec 891A
  144. Bozak B301A
  145. AR-4xa
  146. Dynaco A50
  147. Onkyo 15C
  148. Technics SB 402
  149. Technics SB 440
  150. AR 2ax
  151. Fisher ST-465
  152. Fairfax FX-350
  153. Sansui SP-7500X
  154. Tangent TM3 (pair)
  155. Infinity 1001A
  156. Kenwood KL-7070
  157. Revox AX3-3
  158. Empire 6500 II
  159. Sansui SP-3000A
  160. Sonics AS-466
  161. Janszen Z-410
  162. ESS AMT-5
  163. Micro/Acoustics FRM-1
  164. Wharfedale Glendale 3XP (pair)
  165. KLH Model Five
  166. Pioneer CS-07
  167. Pioneer CS-911
  168. Empire 6000M III
  169. Polk Audio Model Nine
  170. Sansui SF-2
  171. Pioneer CS-920
  172. Sonics AS-477
  173. Tempest Lab 2
  174. Onkyo SC40 (pair)
  175. JBL L36
  176. AR-5
  177. Yamaha NS 18
  178. Onkyo 20C
  179. Technics SB 660
  180. Yamaha NS 670
  181. Dahlquist DQ-6
  182. Bose Model 301 (pair)
  183. EPI Model 201
  184. Sansui SP-3500A
  185. ESS AMT-Elite
  186. Revox AX4-3
  187. Hibiki D-6 (pair)
  188. Tempest Lab 1
  189. JBL Aquarius 4
  190. SAE Mark X
  191. EPI Model 202
  192. Audioanalyst A-200X
  193. Onkyo 25C
  194. EPI Epicure 20
  195. Fairfax FX-400
  196. Yamaha NS 690
  197. Janszen Z-412A
  198. Philips RH 532
  199. Tangent TM1 (pair)
  200. Sony SS-7300 A
  201. Bozak B401
  202. ESS AMT-4
  203. Infinity Wave Transmission Line Column
  204. AR MST
  205. Rectilinear Ilia
  206. B.I.C. Venturi Formula 6
  207. JVC SX-5
  208. Empire 7500M II
  209. AR-3a (208E)
  210. Marantz Imperial 8 G
  211. KLH Model Twenty-Eight
  212. Rectilinear 5
  213. Dual CL-190
  214. JBL L100
  215. Tempest Lab 3 (pair)
  216. Leak 2075
  217. AR-11
  218. JBL 4311WX
  219. Klipsch Heresy
  220. SAE Mark XI
  221. Mcintosh ML- 10C
  222. Fairfax Wall of Sound
  223. Bose 501 Series II (pair)
  224. Dahlquist DQ-10
  225. ESS Evaluator
  226. Infinity 2000 II
  227. ESS AMT-1
  228. JBL L166 Horizon
  229. Soundcraftsmen SC-12ES
  230. AR 10 Pi
  231. Rectilinear 7
  232. Quad Electrostatic
  233. JVC SX-7
  234. Tangent TM2 (pair)
  235. Marantz Imperial 9 G
  236. Mcintosh ML-1C
  237. Technics SB 7000
  238. EPI Model 400
  239. JBL L65 Jubal
  240. ESS AMT-1 Tower
  241. AR LST/2
  242. Altec 846 B Valencia
  243. CM 15
  244. Infinity Monitor II
  245. ESS AMT-3 Rock Monitor
  246. Bose 901 Series II/std. (system)
  247. SSAE Mark XII
  248. AR LST
  249. Klipsch Cornwall II
  250. JBL Aquarius Q L120
  251. Janszen Z-824
  252. Bose 901/ebony (system)
  253. Klipschorn La Scala
  254. Bose 901/walnut (system)
  255. JBL L200B Studio Master
  256. Bose 901/Continental (system)
  257. JBL 4315WX Studio Monitor
  258. Bose 800 (pair)
  259. Amcron ES-212
  260. Mcintosh ML-2C
  261. Leslie DVX 580
  262. Leslie Plus 2 Model 430
  263. Sony SS-8150
  264. JBL L300 Summit
  265. Leslie DVX 570
  266. Leslie Plus 2 Model 450
  267. Klipschorn La Belle
  268. EPI Model 1000
  269. SAE Mark XIV
  270. Leslie Plus 2 Model 470
  271. Klipsch Klipschorn B
  272. SAE Mark XlV/rosewood
  273. JBL 4341WX Studio Monitor
  274. Mcintosh ML-4C
  275. Inifinity Servo Statik 1A


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